414 LORING AVE - BUILDING INSPECTION IL dIHST-BE fiL-E8-AN{3 APPROVED BY T+IE WSPEXTD-R .PWR T-O.A.PERMT BEING GRANTED CITY OF SALEM a; No. 5� Zl'�o q y�." '� �\ Date Is Property Located In Location of // the Historic District? Yes_No_ Building L /p ! Is Property Located in the Conservation Area? Yes No BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Permit to: (Circle whichever apply) Roof, Reroof, Install Siding, Construct Deck, Shed, Pool, Repair/Replace, Other: PLEASE FILL OUT LEGIBLY & COMPLETELY TO AVOID DELAYS IN PROCESSING TO THE INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS: The undersigned hereby applies for a permit to build according to the following specifications: Owner's Name MAVkrAA1WP y71tY3�b S Address & Phone X o{2 i'N,� A u�Z 7 y5 - ?I Rl Architect's Name ln2 1W 67-A o X/ Address & Phone 2 -00107D A/E IM 4 Z 5 T el Mechanics Name Address & Phone ( ) What is the purpose of building? Material of building? If a dwelling, for how many families? Will building conform to law? Asbestos? Estimated cost /o 8a6 OU City License# W/o' JSINED cense # a%3 `� �'9 7 6 6 Home Improvement v L I3c. i '/ Z� tur o pplicant qs - `I CAC Lj l y3 UNDER THE PENALTY ERJURY DESCRIPTION OF WORK TO BE DONE Srn / 14 /?d0 /L Ti+ c-L 3,01,'eliK Ce-/-L/-2--� Xo F MAIL PERMIT TO: No. 6 '2d o `4 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO LOCATION PERMIT GRANTED �ls)tS�o 2.0 APPROVED INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS �om-monLVsJh 0 m66acku6clL -.7c i" n/ 600 �ywyymla:.y"31 ..I f>o James J.Camooes alon, ///daaa L.ib 02111 Canmrsssona Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit with.a principal place of business at: cGrYrsxreraaa) do hereby certify under the pans and penalties of perjury, that: O 1 am an employer providing workers' compensation coverage for my employtts working on this job. C/Z4,kJTi— 0'7A% five T 9- Insurance Company Policy Number I am a sole proprietor and have no one working for me in any capacity. Q 1 am a sole proprietor, general contractor or homeowner (circle one) and have hired the contractors listed below who have the following workers' compensation policies: Contractor Insurame Company/Policy Number Contractor insurance Company/Policy Number L Contractor Insurance Company/Policy Number () I am a homeowner performing all the work myself. 1 understand tot a f lhit tcaeemen["a be ion+aroed to the Office of Inwdtauow of the D1A for coeerate Yerikadon and 03t Mute to secure co.•erate as r<ourr un er Section 2 SA of HGL 1 52 tan lead to the inoowon of cr6ninas ornastks corsadnt of a fine of eo etrd I.SOOCO mWor one rears'in. " t as as dui oenaid corm of a STOP WORK ORDER,anon,Me of S 100.00 a d' Against me. Signed this day of �G0 . '1 Licensee itcte Building Departraeent licensing Board Seietzmens Office Health Department TO VERIFY COVERAGE INFORMATION CALL: 617-727-4900 X4031 404, 405, 409, 375 o OF SALEM. MASSACHUSETTS PUBLIC PROPERTY DEPARTMENT 120 WASHINGTON STREET, 3RD FLOOR Sgp SALEM,MA 01970 'L TEL. (978)745-9595 EXT. 380 �G FAX (978) 740-9B46 STANLEY J. USOVICZ, JR. MAYOR DISPOSAL OF DEBRIS AFFIDAVIT In accordance with the provisions of MGL c 40,SA I acknowledge that as a condition of Building Permit# all debris resulting from the construction activity governed by this Building Permit shall be disposed of in a properly licensed solid-waste disposal facility,as defined by MGL c III,S11�50A. e d is will be disposed of at: rI r Location of f acility o igna of Permit Applicant D Y complete the following information: LEASE PRINT CLEARLY) /T) �^ t- gAm)g sh Ir- S Name of Permit Applicant ,4Vn TIV 57-A-U- A' A/ inn Name,if any � J ui, / � C19 I� /n /L� Address, City & State The above statute requires that debris from the demolition,renovation,rehab or other alteration of building or structure be disposed in a properly-licensed solid-waste disposal facility as defined b MGL c]II, S 150A, and the building permits or licenses are to indicate the location of the facility.