0051 LAFAYETTE ST 71 - BUILDING INSPECTION 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 270-2004 GIs#: 1362 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map 34 ''kl— CITY OF SALEM Block » Lot: 0485 Category: DEMO Permit 270=2004 BUILDING PERMIT Project# IJS-2004-0412 Est.Cost: $7,500.00 Fee: $30.00 ,Const. Class: J PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: UseGroup:' Contractor: License: Lot Size(sq. ft.): 20752 James J. Welch&Co. Inc. General Contractor-CS 067486 Zoning: B5 Owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Gained: Applicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Lost " AT: 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 Dig Safe#: ISSUED ON: 19-Sep-2003 AMENDED ON. EXPIRES ON: II-Mar-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 270-2004 DEMOLITION WORK ONLY FOR DERBY LOFTS. TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas Plumbin¢ Building Underground: Underground: Underground: Excavation: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: Rough: Foundation: Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Fireplace/Chimney: D.P.W. Fire Health Insulation: Meter: Oe: Final: House# Smoke: Treasury: Water: Alarm: - Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Signature: Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING RFC-2004-000427 16-Sep-03 016590 $30.00 GeoTMS@ 2003 Des Landers Municipal Solutions,Inc. JAMES J.WELCH i'CO.,INC. 0, VENDOR#-09409 -City, of Salem NAME DATE-09/11/03 165 0 YOUR _fNV6"iCE; NO INV I DATE AMOUNT -DIS/RTN6" REI�ERFNCE NEP�;§iT 4010/DEMO PERMT ;,09/11/03 30 . 00 00 4010 30 . 00 5 '-M TOTALS 30 00 DO30 . 00 'A� co OF SALEM. MASSACHUSETTS 3� PUBLIC PROPERTY DEPARTMENT 120 WASHINGTON STREET, 3RDFLOOR gp SALEM, MAO 1970 �s TEL. (978)745-9595 EXT. 380 pmru FAX (978) 740-91346 . STANLEY J. USOVICZ, JR. MAYOR DISPOSAL OF DEBRIS AFFIDAVIT In accordance with the provisions of MGL c 40,S34,I acknowledge that as a condition of Building Permit# all debris resulting from the construction activity governed by this Building Permit shall be disposed of in a properly licensed solid-waste disposal facility,as defined by MGL c III, S150A. _ w The debris will be disposed of at: CHA(2 forge j�2uc��q Location of Facility Signa of Permit Applicant Date FULLY complete the following information. (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Name of Permit Applicant /a9-mE5, J. tr/Et-cH if CO. rNC. Firm Name,if any 27 CONG2ESS ST 5/f( eM M6 I o1,0170 Address, City & State The above statute requires that debris from the demolition,renovation, rehab or other alteration of building or structure be disposed in a properly-licensed solid-waste disposal facility as defined by MGL cM, S 150A, and the building permits Or licenses are to indicate the location of the facility. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts - ere Department of Industrial Accidents office of/ovesvffa//oos 600 Washington Street Boston, Mass. 01111 Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit MEMOOn —..t %'—plesse-piff nun., ltb:lli0n� city nhon M 0 1 am a homeowner performing all work myself. 0 I am a sole proprietor and have no one working in any capacity I am an employer providing workers' compensation for my emoloyea working on this job. coriinanv name: James J. 6J _ ch & Co. Inc. address: 27 (nnaress Street tit.. Salem MA 01970 phone ro: 978 744-9300 x 129 insurance cp American International Companies narierft WC 00725313200 (2003) (] I am a sole propnetor,general contractor,or homeowner(urcie one) and have hired the contractors listed blow who have the following workers' compensation polices: comoanv name; 1d d ress: CI~' - ohone p- irtsunnce[o eolievM company name: Address, cirv; nhon u insurance co Doli ft .>.mc a dl000■ z E �aesss:aa w Failure to secure coverage u required underSection 25A of MGL 152 can Ind to the imposition of enmmal Iinaities of a fine up to 51.500.00 and/or one ycan'imprisonment u well as civil penitin in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of 5100.00 a day against me, I understand that a copy of this statement may o arded to the Once of Investigations of the DIA for coverage verification. I do hereby Certify er he aint and Penalties of pc7ury that the information provided above is true im-d CO22 Signature ` D Date Pnntname EMILY H. TURTELTAUB, Controller Phones 978 744-9300 x 129 oRicial use only do not write in this area to be completed by city or town official c,ry or town: permitAieeue M nBuilding Department [31 - Board 3 O check ir,mmedute response is required �Sdcctmen"OR ce 0HnIth Dcpsrtmcnt contact person: phone a; rIOther r.J 1m-")m)FIA) -- 30 -PLIAOST-eE ffLf�-APPPROVED 8Y T44E WS.P,I:CTDR ,PFWfl TDA PERMIT.B,EW G GRANTED CITY OF SALEM No. 7 p-ZOO I "� Date q" \. Is Property Located In Location of the Historic District? Yes No Building 5r-71 c,4FAY6-77E sr �r9G,r=0� OLi.4 Is Property Located in the Conservation Area? Yes No v BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Permit to: (Circle whichever apply) Roof, Reroof, Install Siding, Construct Deck, Shed, Pool, Repair/Replace, Other: PLEASE FILL OUT LEGIBLY &COMPLETELY TO AVOID DELAYS IN PROCESSING TO THE INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS: The undersigned hereby applies for a permit to build according to the following specifications: Owner's Name D E(L$y LoEYS Address & Phone f*3 M>9 SS 405. CAMdRIbIrE ( 6l7) # 9( - f 3 f 5 /,I#. oz/ 9 Architect's Name WjIVTc'A STgEET AgCki7f0lr /AIC, . Address & Phone Sr. 5,¢6EM M,& 744 - O/ ? Mechanics Name Address & Phone L ) What is the purpose of building? fZ E 5 i Dc`NT 119 G j R—E 7`.4(L Material of building? CONC: ./8jZ1 C k/,S7'N5LIf a dwelling,for how many families? Sof Will building conform to law? Yc-f Asbestos? Estimated cost 5-0 j City License # N A State License # 4 aJ�oo K �1bS4� Borne Improvement v �/ _: _ �� ,A1 vSignature of Applicant SIGNED UNDER THE PENALTY OF PERJURY DESCRIPTION OF WORK TO BE DONE, / ^ an MAIL PERMIT TO: .r y � No. _ry APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO LOCATION s � yz° PERMIT GRANTED - 11673 10 APP OVFD INSPECTOPI OF BUILDINGS