395 JEFFERSON AVE - BUILDING INSPECTION (2) JdSA 9PWAIDAPERbItrA04GRANTED CITY OF_SALEM No./0/6-lf' ou. -ob, mow weir Y.�No Y 35 r r wor.r„too.ge to � rr CarMrrO�Aw.1 Y.�_No� WALOMIG PERWT APPNCA7M FOR- Pam*t0: (Carob WWhow apply) Roof. RwA kWW $Wft CorWruct Pool. Rr+paidRaplaa. Otlrr: easy/Rrycvs�nc� k�rr,cv/h,�,.n. PLMW tall Wr L m"LV&COMPLETELY TO AVOW DELAYS W PROCESWAQ TO THE q PECMR OF&RUNG& huaby &pow for a permit to build a000rdirp to Ito lo"WQ OmWs Nvna Addrsrs& Phone 3.95 ✓b+FFxsw1 Amhk@ 's NLnw HOlYr Addrw l Phom Mato= Nanw ✓are,i Addracs B Phorm73 ✓E7� sc�/ ArP ( 1 79s- 73� ' 1A.I�r r b papon d .l�vl .E CNorsTi�i/.5', 1WMU or tnlWlap? 3 1M0 4r10rE oWon�q YrR E5. � /yo i:.r.wo ao�t�o--�._crr uo.no.. N a` s�.q uouw• a4oiGA /9 ��� — o?appii�art $4WD LfN M THE PENALTY of�P�,wRY DESCR vM* OF WORK TO U DONE M&P"ff TQ ��.,�i�.aR/f1,Co .193 ✓4.mE�►t,/prE S•rl�y�� r S I. -Af'I CITY OF SALEM ' ! PUBLIC PROPERTY ' DEPARTMENT KIMBERLEY DRISCOLL MAYOR 720 WASHINGTON$IRIi'1P:f 0 SALEM,MASSACHUSFTI'S 01970 TEL:978-745-9595 FAx:978-740-9846 T '"t June 15, 2006 John Picariello 395 Jefferson Avenue Salem, MA 01970 Dear Mr. Picariello; ' -- - --- - - - -- — This letter is to inform you that the enclosed application for a Building Permit is being returned to you, and that this application has been denied. The reason for this denial is that a Permit cannot be issued to a property that is in Violation, unless said application is to correct the outstanding violation. As you are aware the 3 sheds on this property are two too many, and are not sufficiently setback from the property line, or each other, there are also 2 tent structures that are not permitted, and there are two commercial trailers stored on this site. It appears that you are still operating a construction yard on this property, in direct violation of the Zoning Ordinance. This matter was before the Magistrate at Salem District Court in 2003, at which time you agreed to remedy this situation, such compliance has still not happened. Therefore, it is now Ordered that you Cease and Desist from the illegal use of this property, and begin within 2 days to eliminate this use. Failure to do so will result in the filing of further actions,with District Court at Salem. Once this illegal use has stopped, you are welcome to re-apply for this permit. Until such time as this Permit is issued you are Ordered to "Stop Work" on this on-going and un-permitted project. Failure to stop work will result in further Criminal Complaints being brought against you at District Court, and action via BBRS against your Builder's License. The Penalty for non- compliance with a Stop Work Order is $1000 per day with each day coanting as a separate offense. If you have questions regarding this matter, you may call this office at (978) 745- 9595, ext. 386. Si cerely, As h E.g breau, r. ists ant Building Inspector CC: file, Mayor's Office, Police, Fire Prevention, Councilor O'Keefe, Health Dept. no Contatoatta &M ojMstsodhtsexb Depmriteeatf of lndt�iif Aaidarta D:0 " 6"waskiitstow Sbod Bostoar MA #MII tetefttsadtssrsft/d� Worken'Compensadon Insaranee A®davtb Burden/Contradon/EledsidsnslPlumben Aoo M Tiadlir &V9 Please Pfiat I.es:ibhr Name J P a C ' r t e I ) Aatiress: 1�. a ,3vx /S�� . fitymdwzp -6 ���� P6me Are in Geer tWi gre riate Dees' _ h'P�dDad� k � ow, r: d. I mass smeral eoassetor and i 1.lJ ,::at eras s t 6 ❑N 000renc r employees(*a=&apws dme).* Lsveld w as wDZaalese-M 2.0 1 Main", er patmer6 fisted a dw attm"chest t 7. 1t�todrNng S*and 1MV no employees Thm swh a traaos Dsys d. ❑ De dW= wodkbaAwmai sawcom* '00MP,cespp�6iMmUM 9. g11mIftaddidoa (M wades•camp. 3. ❑ We atts a ti3��asd ittt. to Q pAecYini myna or additia� I,, . offioos liiys a tic 3.0 Imaiommwm daft 4wodt Tw M131& 11.0PlemDiigmaitsoraddidons vtokew.0mv as 12.QRaoftepaks ioasraaas sawke."t: CNo, 13n Odkr •AnyOPP AAAsa.aM a.eoan i=0dW9ewi4e�101b" s•irwf raomw!.tla.ydkymamrb tHannam r=%*64ft*ideaftAultMddbaAwetandam fMIhwtaw@made bdowthm Mwk SCarwCdedodedAbbaa'M"rteddoaMfisswddeerdo+deadte OtA SWWOM iuesmWASiwabs'emoponesSArrnetloa /...►�Db•di•tbonrfdwr+wi4oa'e«you*aBitsdtnv�a?arJOirgdyfj4�i► atw.btAr�igourJolsia ial/.n..ww I Inswz=cosymyNamx Polley x or sell=fos do fr 5q 3 Daox `-I a� Job Siee Addttast 396 ✓gff 75ca/ *see- (sty -1.st.«'J?-W'-w- 47 Adseh a copy of the wariere eompsaadoa poky deelaradoa pap bhowft tie poky number and cwhaden date} Fadaw t0 wore oavis*as iaiaited aader Seedoa 23A ofMGL e. 152 can Ind a the ingooffin ofaimmai peoaMes of a dae ap b Sl.SWft0 md/or one-year bvdmomag s wcl s dvi pmiim fa dw linm of a STOP WOR=ORDER and s 9oe ofup 14 S230A0 a day apmst die violalot Be advised dot a copy oftbis swenu t mW be fxw ded to din Office of bsvedpdoss of the DIA fat bsuraoea coverage vaiIIadon. /dTe lYory�atirldstAtaabat dal psasfrla aJPs/ary aFer tAw b/«atalowOrovut/.boar b a►..ad e«sn�cs , . Simasota ��� Dasz e0l Phosem- �3 0 OffleW err.ae4�t Di cat a+rdri lw rbb a ty a Ev eaalpferrl y e1d aibww a,DIe6L Clty or Town PermlMetase• Isssisg Audiortly(drde ose)s 1.Board of Halo 2.Building Department 3.Clty/rows Clerk L luebleai Inspector I plumbing Inspector 0."Jaw Costal Persow phone fin Information and Instructions dasac ,calyd Lou Chopaa 152 mgdss aH Cu*k tMP��{0W���nndmt SW ao°Itadof�e4 to die soma% an s'�'t is de5md s -.eveq Deno mwrea ar iOP64 asal or wrMm!* eaft at my two or nwe modatioo.eotpaadea air other lesal as An awp&dgw is as � `bwhw s s*s kv,r Oda deceased emPbY�°r As reodva or aortae dam isdivi"Patna**modww or other Iw1 a �P1oYsK e�PbY� Ift owaet da&„ditb,wae havlL eat mote irs tlsaa spwlWw s ad wb reside theii%a al m dot e awdit bmaa of aooWr who m4ftri l >,do meioaenaect.eom b wV or b dreamed a be as ssploya.' of co the g�orbas7dms apPatle�tbaab slot sotbeatst o(sael aapfoymast , . 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MW affidavit AMU A,aadCW me ooa>jrmatiao of imarso a���ppacadon Ex as paink or Heart is berm tegarated.sot the Dep KMCMt of be to tM city or ot�d yeah a gW 4�� to obMa a woslte:s' ma btw a ayo.ae teq�a¢ caner mdr Tadmsna(Aoctleasr.- of W tsmabtt 1j�dbabw SdFiosortd' Compass" H m WD tatat Hst; CW at Tnwa tJlHdor it km and p�le&ly. 'IU DePartmeat>m i d a apaet at the botoom ,least be ate that y of gm o ' aosoP of the af8davh Say yea is 6II oof in the avert the OPdoa of lm�dtiiptiom has n contact you mPdls the aP➢*mt nad only sub,kart be son m fM is the pami *mw nomba whirl wiD be a:ed a rctaeoee>®bet ID addttio%an aPplicaot that sabmit msldPle Pit—Hradota a my SIM year, mit o"ae afi fdavit indiwtiss ctareat mSmmataa(tf necasaeY) OC ad nailer"Job Stae AdOrr dtea'the appHcasr slioald cards, all 1DCad0A•3 (eigr poft,A Dopy that bar boa odWft staged lX by&e CW or tows maybe provided to the MW 'Orb s proof that a valid dthmif O m fll for i6aat 1>� =refated.lo= busioetaaOW veamre ar Where a home owner a dtissss i obtaieiss a Hoeaaa O mg� �P Y to bore lava eao.)said pesos b lea this afHd" (i.a a dos Hoene ar DaaOt Tbt ofl3et of lavadiatiom world yMe to abaft yea In adv=w fat your coops do and sbould Yoe bave any Via. plewc do lot hesioas b givC of a rAY. and!a amI r 1be DePartmenCs address.tekpl!oae • , The Commonwealth of Maasachnsetts Departmtmt of&&final Accidents Offia of laveatiptlew 600 Washington street Boston.MA 02111 TeL #617-727-4900 ext 406 cc 1-977-MASSAFE Fax#617-727-7749 Rcvisod 3-26►O5 www.mass.gov/dia CITY or SALs349 MASSACHUSM"S PUDUGPRQPXW" OtrAATMKkT 120%ift"Imem" ftemm, an* nAes l/KtY. M,W�ACIg1lR7ie 0ta70 TS"P" Ol 97►71e-aess Ur. 30O PAW a7a-7410"" Debels Dfaeeael >rees Ia aooaedanee with the p mVillaes of MM Co's % a con&dm of yawl HaiWlas Fe wall L that the debcL �de � f b wadt d"be dLpm" Of Is a peOpedy liceaaed SON WNW MIPoa al fmdft as defined by MM Chapter iII.9110 A. Mw debda will be dLpoaed of bu NoRMSiAF C'A971.1G (I madam atpap]ity S h�o SyPatm of Appikau Z-is-o�6 Date