207 HIGHLAND AVE - BUILDING INSPECTION (5) _._ ' � « 1 C� � 3c� 5 � .
� The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
O Department of Public Safety
Massachusetts State Building Code(780 CMR)
� � Building Permit Application for any Building other than a One-or Two-Family Dwelling
( (This Section For Official Use Only)
-9 Building Permit Number. Date Applied: Building Official:
1 SECTION 1:LOCATION(Please indicate Block#and Lot#for locations for which a stxeet address is not available)
� �. 0� NI6FI�.RN,� t�vE SALE�`1 OI9�16 � i/�T� p�a-�vS�S
� [Vo.and Street City/Town Zip Code Name of Building(if applicable)
Edition of MA State Code used if New Construction check here�or check all that apply in the two rows below
Existing Building Repair❑ Alteration ❑ Addition C� DemoGtion ❑ (Please fill out and submit Appendix 1)
Change of Use ❑ Change of Oceupancy ❑ Other ❑ Specify:
Are building plans and/or construction documents being supplied as pazt of this permit application? Yes No ❑
Is an Independent Structural Enginee Peer Review required? Yes ❑ No ❑G
BriefDescriprionofProposed Work: ��/� r �/1�STkl l NEV✓ F�/ZE /{L��M SyS�Ten� / ��
7�N��i� FTT - nvr�n�Ew sySTFM CH/a-Lc *NTc-2FAcF- �i-�rH� ���sT=tih-
5 Y 5 T�M
Check here if an Existing Building Investigation and Evaluation is endosed(See 780 CMR 34) ❑
Existing Use Group(s): - � : Proposed Use Group(s):
Existing Proposed
No.of Floors/Stories(include basement levels)&Area Per Floor(sq.ft.) � �
Total Area (sq.ft.)and Total Height(ft.) /U y$a /D �/�
SECTION 5:USE GROUP(Check as applicable)
A: Assembly A-1 ❑ A-2❑ Nightclub ❑ A-3 ❑ A-4❑ A-5❑ B: Business ❑ E: Educational ❑
F: Facto F-1 ❑ F2❑ H: Hi h Hazazd H-1 ❑ • H-2❑ H-3 ❑ H-4❑ H-5❑
I: Institutional I-1 ❑ I-2❑ I-3❑ I-4❑ M: Mercantile❑ 2: Residential R-1❑ R-2❑ R-3❑ R-4❑
S: Storage S-1 ❑ S-2❑ U: Utility❑ Special Use O and please describe below:
Special Use:
SECTION 6:CONSTRUCTION T'YPE(Check as applicable)
IA ❑ IB ❑ IIA ❑ IIB ❑ IIIA ❑ IIIB ❑ N ❑ VA ❑ VB ❑
SECTION 7:SITE INFORMATION(refer to 7S0 CMR 1ll.0 for details on each item)
Water Supply: Flood Zone Information: Sewage Disposal:
Trench Permit: Debris 2emoval:
Public❑ Check if outside Flood Zone❑ Indicate municipal❑
A trench will not be Licensed Disposal Site❑
Private❑ or indentify Zone: or on site system ❑ required O or trench or specify:
permit is enclosed❑
Railroad right-of-way: Hazazds to Air NavigaHon: MA Historic Commission Review Process:
Not Applicable❑ Is Structure within airport approach area? Is their review completed?
� or Consent to Build enclosed❑ Yes ❑ or No❑ Yes❑ No ❑ �
Edition of Cod'e: Use Group(s): Type of Construcrion: Occupant Load per Floor:
Does the building contain an Sprinkler System?: Special SHpulations:
�I�.V�, P1,_./�. N 3
� �Z� C'��L-L-L-U V��I��Z.{=' (-���C I�,V'
Name and Address of Property Owner I�
��v�-T�- �k��S� S 207 H�GN��tioAv� S��E,� OIa�O
Name(Print) . No.and Street City/Town Zip �
Property Owner Contact Informafion:
Title Telephone No. (business) Telephone No. (cell) e-mail address I
If applicable,the property owner hereby authorizes �
Name Street Address City/Town State Zip ���
to act on the ro er owner's behalf,in all matters relarive to work authorized b this buildin ermit a lication. i
SECTION 10:CONSTRUCTION CONTROL(Please fill out Appendix 2)
(If buildin is less than 35,000 cu.ft.of endosed s ace and/or not under Construction Control then check here 0 and ski Section 10.1 '�,
101 Re 'stered Professional Res onsible for Construction Contro] I
Name(Registrant) Telephone No. e-mail address Registration Number ,
Street Address City/Town State Zip Discipline Expiration Date '.
10.2 General Contractor '�..
FL��-6�/GE E�ECT(�FC l-�C �
Company Name �
E�� �c�V-���cC- AI �SOa
Name of Person Responsible for Construc6on License No. and Type if Applicable
��NC ST�EET (�J}���.r/ � d2�/Z!
Street Address City/Town S(ta�t�e Zip
`al -J.�L-�— - - /�ln.(D/�ll��G�MJYIOGCI, C61�
' Tele hone No. business Tele hone No. cell e-mail address
A Workers'Compensation Insurance Affidavit from the MA Department of Industrial Accidents must be completed and
submitted with this applicaHon. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the ij�uance of the building permit.
Is a si ed Affidavit submitted with this a licaHon? Yes C�I' No ❑
Item Estimated Costr: (Labor
and Materials) Total Construction Cost(from Item 6)_$� bOC7
1.Building $ VI 5��
Building Permit Fee=Total Construction Cost� (Insert here
2.Electrical�,l��.df.E/{L/}'(CM� $ �1�6(�� appropriate municipal factor)_$�_.
3.Plumbing $
4.Mechanical (FNAC) $ Note: Minimum fee=$ (contact municipality)
5.Nlechanical Other) $ Enclose check payable to �'.i � 6� Sq�l,(�-M�1
6.7otal Cost $ '�,Q� O (contact municipality)and write check number here
By entering my name below,I hereby attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that all of the information contained in this
application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and understanding.
EU G�2e7-lcC M ArlA6e-2 �l -�- i i o �--�a�co
Please print and sign name � Title Telephone No. Date
�'nllJ �I l�r�e S� (�Ar/TD/'' � �7_,26�-�
Street Address City/Town State Zip
Municipal Inspector to fill out this section upon application approval:
Name Date
Appendix 2
Construction Documents are required for structures that must comply with 780 CMR 107. The
checklist below is a compilation of the documents that may be required for this. The applicant
shall fill out the checklist and provide the contact information of the registered professionals
responsible for the documents. This appendix is to be submitted with the building permit
Checklist for Construction Documents*
Mark"x"where a licable
No. Item SubmiHed Incom lete Not Re uired
1 Architectural
2 Foundarion
3 Structural
4 Fire Su ression
5 Fire Alarm ma re uire re eaters
7 Electrical
8 Plumbin include local connections
9 Gas Natural,Pro ane,Medical or other)
10 Surve ed Site Plan Utilifies,Wetland,etc.
11 S ecifications
l2 Structural Peer Review
13 Structural Tests&Ins ections Pro ram
14 Fire ProtecHon Narrative Re ort
15 Existin Buildin Surve /Investi ation
16 Ener Conservation Re ort
77 Architectural Access Review(521 CMR
18 Workers Com ensation Insurance
19 Hazardous Material Miti ation Documentation
20 Other S ecif
21 Other S ecif
22 Other S ecif
*Areas of Design or Construction for which plans are not complete at the fime of application submittal must be identified herein. 4Vork
so identified must not be commenced until this applicafion has been amended and the proposed construction document amendment
has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction.Work stazted prior to approval may be subjected to triple the originnl permit
Registered Professional Contact Information
Name(Registrant) Telephone No. e-mail address Regisfration Number
Street Address City/Town State Zip Discipline Expiration Date
Name(Registrant) Telephone No. e-mail address Regisfration Number
Street Address Ci /Town State Zi Discipline Expiration Date
Name(2egish'ant) Telephone IVo. e-mail address 2egistration Number
Street Address Ci /Town State Zi Discipline Expirafion Date
Appendix 1
For the demolition of structures the building permit applicant shall attest that utility and other
service connections are properly addressed to ensure for public safety.
Please fill in the information below and submit this appendix with the building permit
application. The building permit applicant attests under the pains and penalties of perjury that
the following is true and accurate.
Property Location (Please indicate Block # and Lot # for locations for which a street address is not
No. and Street City /Town Zip Name of Building (if applicable)
For the above described property the following action was taken:
Water Shut Off? Yes ❑ No ❑ Provider notified and Release obtained? Yes ❑ No ❑
Gas Shut Off? Yes ❑ No ❑ Provider notified and Release obtained? Yes ❑ No ❑
Electricity Shut Off? Yes ❑ No ❑ Provider notified and Release obtained? Yes ❑ No ❑
Yes ❑ No ❑ Provider notified and Release obtained? Yes ❑ No ❑
Other (if applicable)
Yes ❑ No ❑ Provider notified and Release obtained? Yes ❑ No ❑
Other (if applicable)
FLORENCE ELECTRIC, LLC / � .' �"� 030'356
V�t�DbR#-99999 NAME—CITY OF SALEM� DATE-07/12%16 .��030356 , " � '
6FCO21 — PERMIT 07/12/16 187.00 .00 CITY OF SALEM 187 .00
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Engineering Design Services, Inc.
,.� P.O. Box 986
eNGIN�C'�rNG' '�ES G�RVICES 141 Industrial Highway
1 N C O R�.y O �i A T E Slatersville, RI 02876
t�,r�CL- Te1: 401-765-7659
Fax: 401-765-2984
Send to: NEMD Architects From: Timberline Construction
Attention: Joanne O'Connell Submitted: 6/24/2016
Pro'ect Name: DaVita Dial sis Salem, MA EDS Pro'. No.: 15121 HS
Submittal No.: 164596.001 Item: Fire Alarm S stem
❑ Approved
✓ Approved with Comments
❑ Does not Conform
❑ Resubmit For Final Review
❑ Reviewed
1. On A/C failure set a delay of 60 seconds prior to reporting trouble signal to central station
to avoid nuisance reports during generator transfer.
2. Initiate HVAC unit shutdown on general fire alarm activqtion. Include smokes and pulls
on sequence of operations matrix.
3. No exceptions taken to equipment or manufacturer.
BLR, EDS 6/27/2016
Note: Final acceptance is contingent upon approval of the Owner and Architect.
All comments must be addressed in writing by the Contractor.
� Refer fo General Requiremenh for ihe subsfifufions of equipment ontl submiital of shop drawings.If apparofus or materials are subsfitufed
�� for ihose specified,antl such substifufion necessifafes changes in,or additional connedions, piping,supports,or conshucfion,ii shall be
provided.Contractor to assume cost and entire responsibility fhereof.The approval of ihe equipment does nof relieve}he confracfor of
responsibility of shop drawing errors relofed to details,sizes,quantities,winng diagram artangemenh antl tlimensions which deviate From
ihe Specifcafions,and/orjob condifions as they exist.If is the conirocfors responsibility fo submit only fhase items ihaf ineet fhese codes.
Should any non-conformance cotle items be insiplled, ihey shall be replaced by fhe confractor ai no addifional cost to ihe owner.
, Please note that ihe consfrucfion means and methods used in ihe projecf shall be reviewed and approvetl fhrough the building
tlepaRment or a depufy inspector to insure compliance wifh fhe curcent codes,projeci specifications and general building practices.
� � �t
_ `�=-
290 Pine Street
�I���El�1C�:E ' ' caotoo,Mn ozozi
�L��'+'���� Tel(781)769-7110
� � � .. ..- www.teamFloco.com
PROJECT: DaVita Dialysis
Salem, MA
GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Timberline Construction
300 Pine Street
Canton,MA 02021
VENDOR: RB Allen Co.,Inc.
131 Lafayette Road
No. Hampton, lVH 03862
;. f
' 'il - - --
- _- __ --- - - - -
i0500 Fire Alarm System
Davita Dialysis Center
Salem, Massachusetts
Prepared For:
Florence Electric
290 Pine St
Canton, MA
Attn:Laura Caron �
Click Here to View Prepared By:
Alan Li
Bill of Material/Index R.B.Allen Co., ���.
131 Lafayette Road
North Hampton, NH 02862
_ i Reviewed By:
__ � uY. " " � 5� rv.i e�.aw ..
Tom DuBois
� � ��; R.B.Allen Co., Inc.
� ��� �� ' '�_� � '��' ' ' � "' �� � 131 Lafayette Road
—._� �: .a ��.�.� w.._: _ _
— North Hampton, NH 02862
t ,�
DaviW Dialysis Center
Salem, Massachusetts
Click on a Description to View Data Sheet
1 Fire Alarm Control Panel
1 i0500R FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL Includes: 85005-0130
Surface Mount Enclosure
Red Door
Main Power Suppiy
� Addressable Loop
(2) Notification Appliance Circuits
SA-DACT Dialer
SA-232 Serial Communications Interface
2 12V 17A 18 AH Batteries 85010-0127
2 Initiatina Devices
6 SIGA-278 Addressable Manual Station-Double Action 85001-0279
25 SIGA2-PS Addressable Photoelectric Smoke Detector 85001-0619
25 SIGA-SB Standard Detector Base 85001-0619
5 SIGA-LED Remote Alarm Indicator 85001-0619
6 SIGA-SD Addressable Duct Smoke Detector 85001-0584
6 SD-TRK Remote Test Station 85001-0584
6 SD-�oc Sampling Tube (cut to Length) 85001-0584
8 SIGA-CT1 Addressable Monitor Module (ATS, CO, Existing FACP) 85001-0241
I SIGA-CT2 Addressable Dual Input Module(generator) 85001-0241
, 7 SIGA-CR Addressable Control Reiay(HVAC, Existing FACP) 85001-0239
4 SIGA-IM Isolation Module 85001-0271
4 C01224T Carbon Monoxide Detector SYSTEMSENSOR
' 3 Indicatinq/Miscellaneous Devices •
18 G1 RF-HDVM Horn/Strobe Unit Ad ustable Candela-Wall Mount Red 85001-0573
� 1 )
9 G1 RF-VM Strobe Unit(Adjustable Candela-Wall Mount Red) ' 85001-0573
8 GCF-HDVM Hom/Strobe Unit (Adjustable Candela-Ceiling Mount White) 85001-0559
1 757-4A-T Horn/Strobe Uhit(75cd-Weatherproo� 85001-0341
1 757A-WB Weatherproof Back Box 85001-0341
1 BPS6A Remote Booster Panel 85005-0125
2 12V6A5 7ah Standby Batteries
1 120SRD Ditek Surge Suppressor DITEK
1 3200 Knox Key Box-Hinged KNOX
Click on a Document 4o View Content
Supporkinq Documentation
System Descriptive Narrative
System Sequence of Operation Matrix
System Warranty
Fire Alarm Control Panel Battery Calculations
Appliance Circuit Voltage Drop/Max Length Calculations
Fire Alarm System Riser Diagram
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s� ►
Bill of Material/Inclex
EST i0500 Addressable Fire Alarm System
Davita Dialysis Center
Salem, MA
Svstem Narrative
In the event of an alarm from an actuated device, the followinq shall
OCCUI': (Devices reporting as alarm:Manual Station,Smoke Detector)
1) Notify the Salem Fire Department via Central Monitoring Company;
Notify Central Station monitoring company via MODCOM (DACT).
2) Activate all hom strobe circuits
4) Annunciate audibly, visually, and in plain English the active initiating device at the Fire Alarm Control Panel.
In the event of a supervisory condition from an actuated device. the
fO��OW1119 S�la�� OCCUC (Devices reporting as supervisory:CO Detector&Duct Smoke)
1) Notify Central Station monitoring company via the Digital Communicator(DACT).
2)Activate HVAC relay for unit shutdown.
2) Annunciate audibly, visually, and in plain English the active initiating device at the Fire Alarm Control Panel
In the event of a system trouble renort, the followinq shall occur:
1) Notify Central Station monitoring company via the Digital Communicator(DACT).
2) Annunciate audibly, visually, and in plain English the active initiating device at the Fire Alarm Control Panel
{ �� Click Here to Return to
Bill of Material/Index
EST Addressable Fire Alarm System
Davita Dialysis Center
Salem, MA
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S stem In uts a s c D E F S stem In uts
Manual Pull Stations x x x Manual Puil Stations
Area Smoke Detector x x x Area Smoke Detector
Duct Smoke Detector x x x Elec Heat Detector
Area Carbon Area Carbon
Monoxide Detector x X Monoxide Detector
Fire Alarm -AC Fire Alarm -AC
Failure X X Failure
Fire Alarm- Low Fire Alarm - Low
Batte X X Batte
Signal Line Open Signal Line Open
Circuit X X Circuit
Signal Line Ground Signal Line Ground
Fault X X Fault
Strobe Circuit Open x x Strobe Circuit Open
Strobe Circuit Ground x x Strobe Circuit Ground
System Ground Fault x x System Ground Fault
Ciick Here to Return �o }
Bili of Material/Index
NE 1-800-258-7264 .. . . . . .. . . . . . . ��
FAX(603)964-8885 p:O.�Baz770
� �131 Lafayette Rd.
. No.Hampton,Nli 63862
� � -(663)�9848140 '
Service and WarranN
R.B. Allen Co., Inc. is a UL Certified ISO 9001 registered Fire Alarm Distributor
since 1966 with offices located in North Hampton, NH and throughout New
England. The service policies of R.B. Allen Company are no charge to the
customer for warranty work including parts and labor for one (1) year from the
time of final acceptance.
R.B. Allen Company warranty applies only to the equipment it provides and does
not cover defective wiring or equipment provided by the Electrical Contractor.
Service calls resulting from acts of nature, acts of vandalism, or acts which are
beyond the control of the equipment manufacturer are excluded under the
guarantee and shall be considered a billable call.
R.B. Allen Company factory trained and certified technician will provide job site
supervision during installation of the system and perForm final connections,
testing and adjusting of the Fire Alarm System. They also will instruct the
owner's personnel on the operation and maintenance of the fire alarm system.
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Bill of Material/Index "
i0500 Fire Alarm System
Davita Dialysis Center '
Salem, MA
Quiescent Alarm Total Total
QTY Model# Description Current Current Quiescent Alarm
1 i0500RD Base Panel` 0.172000 ' 0.267000 ` 0.172000 0.267000 Amp
1 SA-232 Serial Communications Card 0.013000 0.020000 0.013000 0.020000 Amp
1 SA-DACT Digital Dialer 0.041000 0.041000 0.041000 0.041000 Amp
7 G1RF-HDVM Horn Strobe(75cd) 0.000000 0.153000 0.000000 1.071000 Amp
5 G1RF-VM Horn Strobe(75cd) 0.000000 0.196000 0.000000 0.980000 Amp
4 C01224-T Carbon Monoxide Detector 0.020000 0.040000 0.080000 0.160000 Amp
Total 0.306000 2.539000 Amp
' Includes Fully Loaded (250 Devices)SLC Loop Total Quiescent x Time Required (24 Hours): 7.344 Ah
Total Alarm x Time Required (15 Minutes): 0.63475 Ah
Total Battery Required: 7.97875 Ah
Total Battery Required (+)20%Spare Capacity: 9.5745 Ah
Battery Supplied: 18 Ah
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Davita Dialysis Center Bill of Material/Index
Salem, MA
Booster Panel(NAC Extender)Standby Battery Calculations
Strobe Baoster Panel 1 (BPS6A) (Candela Ratings are Indoor per UL 1971 UON)
G1RF-HDVM (Horn/Strobe) GCF-HDVM 757-4A-T G1RF-VM(Strobe Only) RLCD-CR Remaining
15cd 75cd 110cd 75cd 95cd 75cd 15cd 75cd 110cd Quies Alarm a/p Circuit
81 161 203 159 212 180 59 152 191 99/115 �Amp) (Amp) Capacity
� Y`^ �t�*'p}5,�� �,+" £��Y ,. � �f i _'3' 1� Y !L:xw& l ��d, 1N� �::�.�k �3�.. .t4.:a�.:+ti'i '� �1 . �
Pane� �`�":•�`t-",a...�� f.:��.; .:�..�,a� ..,r �,.a"��..x���� a�x��`.���Z ?�Q,"'�%.:.,.. s��"'n�'..�`�,_ �w .�� �.u��k* � O.OZ00?, &02Z00
Circuit 1-2 9 3 0.0000 1.9050 36.50
Circuit 13 2 8 1 1 0.0000 1.9260 35.80
0.0000 0.0000 100.00
0.0700 4.1010 31.65
All currents are expressed as mA. � Total Total Remaining%
Max current per ckt=3 Amps.Max current per panel=6 Amps. . Quiescent Alarm BPS Capicity�
Total Quiescent Amp x Time Required (24 Hours) 1.680 AmpHr
Total Alarm Amp x Time Required(15 Minutes) 1.025 AmpHr
Total Battery Required (Quiescent+Alarm AmpHr) 2.705 AmpHr
Total Battery Required +25% 3.382 AmpHr
NAC Circuit Voltage DroplMaximum Length Calculations Battery Supplied 7 AmpHr
Formulas Used:
� Ri=(D)x(Rw)11000' R�=Total Circu(t Resistance
Vd=(RQ x Qt) D=Total ClrcWt Length(Feet) - .
Substitute for(RQ and solve for D Rw=Wire Resistance(n)per 1000'Pair(Ohms) �
D=((4.0)x(1000))/((Rw)x(It)) � Vo=Circuit Voltage Drop(Max allowed is 4.OVdc)
1 NACCircuitterminalvoltage24Vdc.
2 A maximum allowable voltage drop of 4Vdc will provide a minimum of 20 Vdc per circuit.
3 Current values listed per device are based on 20Vdc. '
G1F-HDVM (Horn/Strobe) GCF-HDVM 757-SA-T G1RF-VM (Strobe Only) RLCD-CR Total
15cd 75cd 110cd 75cd 95cd 110cd 15cd 75cd 110cd Circuit �Per 1000'Pair
81 161 203 185 212 180 59 152 191 99/115 Current 14AWG (5.2) ,
Circuit 1-2 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1.9050 403.80 Ft
Circuit 1-3 0 2 0 8 0 1 0 1 0 0 1.9260 399.39 Ft
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0000 #DIV/0! Ft
Davita Dialysis Center '�
Salem, MA
NAC Circuit Voltage DroplMaximum Length Calculations .
Formulas Used: �
Rt=(D)x(Rw)/1000' Rt=Total Circuit Resistance
. Vd=(RQ x(le) D=Total Circuit Length(Feet)
Su6stitute for(Rt)and solve for D Rw=Wire Resistance(n)per 1000'Pair(Ohms)
D=((4.0)x(1000�)/((Rw)x(It)) � Vo=Clrcuit Voltage Drop(Max allowed is 4.OVde)
1 NAC Circuit terminal voltage 24Vdc.
� 2 A maximum allowable voltage drop ot 4Vdc will provide a minimum of 20 Vdc per clrcuH.
3 Current values Iisted per device are 6ased on 20Vdc.
G1 F-HDVM(Horn/Strobe) GCF-HDVM 757-8A-T G1 RF-VM(Strobe Only) RLCD-CR Total
15cd 75cd 110cd 75cd 95cd 110cd 15cd 75cd 110cd Circuit �Per1000'Pair
81 161 203 185 212 180 59 152 191 99/115 Current 14AWG (5.2)
Circuit 1-1 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 1.8870 407.65 Ft
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0000 #DIV/0! Ft
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0000 #DIV/0! Ft
EST Cat2log£>Small Bullding Fire Alarm Solu�ns 4
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- [ife Safety & Communications Bill of MateriaUlndex
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Overview Features
The EST i0500 intelligent life safety system offers the power of • Comes standard with one loop(expandatile to two)that
high-end intelligent processing in a configuration that delivers an supports up to 250(expandable to 500)intelligent devices:
uncomplicated solution for small to mid-sized applications.With eacfi i0500 loop supports up to 125 detectors and up to 125
intelligeht detection,electronic addressing,automatic device map- modules. -
ping,optional Ethernet��connectivity,and a full line of easiry-con- . Supports Signature Series intelligent modules and detectors
figured option cards and modules,this flebble system offers offers � �. - �
versatility that benefits building owners and contractors alike. • Combines the Signature intelligent releasing module wfth
� Signature multisensor detectors for reliable suppression
The i0500 provides one Class A or Class B analog device loop . Four Class 8 NACs or two Class A NACs.
ihat supports up to 250 device addresses.A second 250-point -
loop may be added to tfie i0500 to ezpand total system capacity • Form C cohtacts for alarm and trouble, Form A for supervisory
to up to 500 device addresses.The panel includes four NACs that � , p�tronic addressing with automatic device mapping
may be wired for efther Class A or Class B operation. . �
� • Optional Ethemet port for diagnostics, programming and a
The i0500 supports a wide range of accessories and related � variety of system reports
equipment, including: • Two programmable switches with LEDs and custom labeling
• Signature Series intelligent modules, detectors,and bases Supports Genesis horn silence over two wires and UL
• R-Series remote annunciators . • 1971-compliant strobe synchroniza4ion
• option cards that expand system capacity and ex[end system . Supports up to eight serial annunciators,(LCD, LED-only, and
capabilities graphic interface).
� • Listed for releasing applications using SIGA-REL . 1,000 event panel history log
• Fully integrated CO detection using Signature Series 2 detec- • Can use existing wiring for most retroft applications
tors with or w/o audible signaling . Upload/download remotely or locally �
• Two-level maintenance alert reporting
• Pre-alarm and alarm verification by point
• Adjustable detector sensitivity
� • 4 z 20 character backlit LCD display
• Optional earthquake hardening:OSHPD seismic pre-approval
for component Importance Factor 1.5
Page 7 of�0 o a�a s N e E r 85005-09 30
�dot to be usetl fer instsllation purposes. Issue7.1
� Application Operation
The i0500 I'rfe safely system is a powertul intelligent solution for The front panel provides �
small to mid-sized buildings.Advanced analog technology delivers an easy-to-use operator's
the benef�ts of flexible system installation,while a clean and easy- interface,as well as all �
to-operatate user interface makes panel operation and system the necessary controls for � _ �
maintenance quick and intuitive. front panel programming. �
A large fiack-lit 80-char- ���
The smart choice acter LCD displays ���
Signature Series electronic addressing eliminates the tedium of sysiem status, event i0 �O" �O" �
setting dipswitches, and automatic device mapping ensures that details,and programming OOO OO
each device resides on the system at its correct location.Mean- prompts. Large tactile �O' a0"OO ���
while,innovative prograrnming allows the designer to customize control buttons are easy ODO� �
the system to precisely suit the needs of the building owner. to see in low light condi-
tions, and brighf muki-color LEDs offer at-a-glance status indica-
Flexibility built right in tion. � �
Two fully-prograrnmable front panel swftch/LED combinations pro-
vide an added measure of flexibility.Their slide-in labels take the
mystery out of custom applications,and present a clean finished Control buttons ,
appearance. � - - . .
� Button .:� �-'Description
Parfect for retrofits Reset Inaiates a system reset.�
The i0500 is particularly well-suited to�etroft applications.All ACK/Panel Silences the panel and remote annunciators during
Silence an active trouble,supervisory,or alarm event and
connections are made over standard winng-no shielded cable acknowledges new event ac6vations. �
required.This means that in most situations e7tisting wiring can Signal Silence aarm mode:Silences ac[ive noUfication appliances.
be used to upgrade a legacy control panel to i0500 technology � pressi�g Signal Silence a second time tums NAcs back
without the expense or disruption of rewiring the-entire building. on.
Drill Initiates a drill confirmation.Pressing dnll a second time
Signals with a difference turns off the drill tunction.
i0500 NAds are configurable to fully support the advanced signal- Remote Dialer. Disables or enables dialer.
ing technology of Edwards Genesis and Enhanced Integrity notifi- Disconnect Dialerset to modem only.•Disables or enables the
cation appliances.These devices offer precision synchronization of �mmon alarm relay.
strobes to UL 1971 standards. For 6enesis devices,enabling this Left arrow Dispraymode:Moves the cursor to the left.
feature allows connected horns to be silenced while strobes on Menu mode:Toggles between prograrnming
� selections.
the same two-wire circuit continue to flash until the panel is reset. Right arrow Displaymode:Moves the cursor to the right. -
Menu mode:Retneves a prograrnming option's sub
Clear-cut remote annunciation menu and toggles between a programming option's
Remote annunciation is a strong suit of the i0500. Up to eight an- selections..
nunciators can be installed on a single system.Cqmpatible annun- Up arrow Displaymode:Advances to the preNous event.
ciators include a range of LED and LCD models that provide zone Menu mode:Moves the cursor up.
or point annunciation,as well as common control capabilities. Down arrow Displaymode:Advznces to the next event.
� Menu mode:Moves the cursor down.
The i0500 also supports graphic annunciation wRh opTional Enter Display mode:Displays selected event detals.
graphic annunciator interface modules. Each interface provides- Menu mode:Retrieves a programming option's sub
common control,indicators, and LED drivers. Consutt the Order- menu orjumps to the Save function in the menu.
ing Information section for details. Entrymode:Enters the selected data into the system.
Cancel Displaymode:Exits the detaled information display.
A complete line of accessories Menu mode:F�its the current menu level.
Entry mode:Clears the curtent entry.
The i0500 life safety system is supported by a complete line of Menu Dispiay mode:Enters the menu mode �
intelligent detectors, modules and related equipment.Consuk the Menu mode:Fxits menu mode �
Ordering Information section for details. Space Enters a space,such as a space between words.
Alphanumenc Fntry mode:P2ssing a button once enters the number
keypad on the button.Pressing the button twice enters the
secondary value.
Prograrnmable These buttons can be programmed to control outputs,
buttons disable devices or unlatch system outputs.The buttons
can be Iabeled with a slip-in insert.
Page 2 of 10 D A T a S N E E T 85005-0130
Not to b= usetl for installation purpose5. IsSue 7A
System LEDs Panel Operation Options '� - �
1ED � . Description . � � Language English or French �
Alarm � �Red LED.On steady when there is an active Marketplace U.S.or Canada �
alarm. AC fail delay OfF.Off-premise notification of an AC power failure
Trouble Yellow LED. Flashes when there is a fault on a is immediate.
monitoreil circuit or system component,or when a 1 to 15 hours:Delays the off-premise notification of
cirCUit is disabled. an AC powei failure by the time penod selected.
Sup Yellow L.ED.On steady when there is an active Zone res6und On:NAGs resound each time a device in the zone
SU ENiso eV2nt. goes into alarm even if they were silencetl
p ry Off:Inhibits Ne NACs from tuming on again(after
AC Power Green LED.On when the panel has AC powe.r. they were silencecq when a second device in the
Disable Yellow LED.Double-flashes when there is a dis- . zone goes into alarm.
abled CirCuit,alarm felay,or remote annunCiator. Reset inhibtt after Off.�Panel reset is operational immediately.
Ground Yeilow LED.On steady during an active ground fault. NACs tum on 1 minute:Panel re5et is inhibited for one minUte.
FaUlt Auto signal Off.�Allows immediate silencing of signals from an
Test Yellow LED. Rashes when pertorming an audible silence off-normal condition using the Signal Silence button
waik test. Steady indicates a silent test. 5 to 30 mintites:Delays the silencing of signals
from an off-normal condttion by disabling the Signal
Monitor YellOw LED.On Steady when there is an aCtive Silence button for the time period selected.
monitor event. �Day start Start time for day[ime sensitivity � �
� Service Yellow LED.Indicates tfiat detector needs servicing. Night start Start time fo�nighttime sensitivity
� DeteCtor � � Date US.:MM/DD/YYYY,Canada:DD/MM/YYYY
Signal Yellow LED.On steady indicates that NAC circuits Sounder Base Six configuration settings
SilenCe are tumed off but the panel is Still in alarm. Mapping Disabled:Device mapping is not aJailable �
Remote Yellow LED.On steady indicates that the dialer � - Enabled�Device mapping is available
Disconnect is dieabled Or that th2 alarrn�Blay is enablP,d Or LCD banner Banner text for line one and line two.Each line is
disabled when the dialer is set to modem only. . capable of up to 2o characters.
Drill Yellow LED.Indicates that the panel is in drilL� � Event notification Zone:When a device is a member of a zone,onry�
Reset Yellow LED.Indicates that the panel is resetting. the zone information is sent to the LCD display,� .
LEDs,printer,and dialec .
Panel Yellow LED.Indicates that the panel has been - Zona/device:Zone informaGon is sent to the LCD
Silence silenced during an active trouble,supervisory,or display and LE0.s.Device infortnation is sent to the
alarm ev6nt and indicate5 that neW event aCtiva- printer and dialer.
tions have been acknowledged. Device:Onry device infom,ation is reported.
User Keys Yellow LED.Programmable. � .
Programming Dimensions
i0500 life safety systems are simple to set up,yet also offer ad- Surface mounting holes
vanced prograrnming features that put these small building panels . la-D2-►I �--D3—►
into a class of their own.The auto programming feature quickly
gets the panel operational using factory defautt settings. Basic �°. �� � ° �
zone and point settings can be programmed easily th�ough the I� • • Q =
front panel interface,so the system is up and running iri no time. � y
For more advanced system configuration and correlation groups s
programming, i0500 systems interface to a PC running compat- Q � �
ible i0-CU software.This option offers full system configuration � � '�
in the farniliar Windows�operating environment.Connection is o 0
typically made to a laptop through the panel's optional RS-232 D1 . � � D4 L
communications port,which can also be used to connect a sys- • • � �
tem printer. � e � —
Among the many innovative features of i0500 control panels is the � �
optional network card.This module provides a standard 10/100 �
Base T Ethernet�network connection that permits access to the � Surface mounting holes o
control panel from any remote location with the correct commu- ,
nications protocols.The connection can be usecl to download
to the panel from the i0-CU,or upload and view system reports D6 �
using the i0-CU. �—DS
Available sysiem reports include:
• Correlation groups • Device details Panel dimensiqns,in(cm) �" � � �- -
• Device maintenance • History � Model Dt` D2 D3 D4 DS• D6
• Internal status • System configuration 28.0 3.85 9.0 22.0 �5.75 1025
• System status • Walk test �0500 n� 1) (y 8) �22.g) (55.8) (40.0) (26.0)
• Dialer • CO nlntime "Add 1-1/2 in. (3.87 cm)fo D7 and DS dimensions fo�tnm kit.
Page3of10 DATA SHEET 85005-0130
Pbt tn be used for installation purFoses. Issue7.1
� y
Wiring & Configuration
NOYrfication appliance circuits(T62) Signature Device loop
i0500 control panels come equipped with four nbtification ap- The system provides one device loop circuit with a total capacity
pliance circuits. Each circuit can be individually configured for of 125 detectors and 125 module addresses.The loop circuit is
continuous,temporal, synchronized,latohing, and coded output. supervisetl for opens,shorts,and g�ounds. -
Circuit specifications- � - � � � - � � The Signature Loop Controller uses broadcast polling and ad-
Circuit Type a Class B or 2 Class A,2.5 arnps each vanced communic2tions foriTlats to regul211y check the entire
Voltage � � 24 VFWR � device circuR for anomalies. If a change of state is detected at the
Current 6.o a total,2.5 A max.per circuit at�20/230 vnC 6o Hz circuit level,the Loop Controller then uses a direct address search
5.0 A total at 230VAC 50 Hz,2.5 A max.per circuR to fnd the reporting device.This two-staged technique ensures
Impedance 26 fZ total,0.35 YF inax that only new information is Vansmitted,thus allowing for a ra-
EOLR �5 K n,Yz W duced baud rate while still achieving neady instant device reporting.
.Circuitspecifications � � .-�: - �� .�
Device ioops 1 loop,expandable to 2,Class A or B,each loop
Class 8 winng � supporting up to 250 device addresses
� rvnci- + + Communication � Maximum 20 V peak-to-peak
� Nnci+ _ line voHage �
NAC2- EOLR Circuit current 0.5 A mac��
� + + Circuit - 66II total,0.5 pF,max
- � NAC2+ impedance
rez . Isblators � 64 maximum
� NAC3- .f + �
� NAC3+ _ _ Class B W ring Class A Wiring
� NA�_ + + EOLR Mafking indicates Loop 1 SEC � Data Line
NAC4+ o�p�signal polarily '�
� _ _ when ihe circuit is ac- -� + + + +
7g6 tiVE.P012f�ty 2VEf5PS Loop 1 PRI +� " _ ' "
when the circult is not ��P �pP Lwp Laop
active.Wire notification �oop cara tlevire tleNce pata Line tleNce tlevica
Gass A wiring appliances accordingy.
��� Notification appfance -
� + + polariry shown in ac-
� NACi+ ��a�. Annunciator loop(TB4)
� NAC2- + + The control panel•provides a connection for up to eight serially
� Nncz� . driven and supervised remote annunciators. .
TB2 Circuit specifications
� - Device loops Class B(Style l�or Class A(Style�
� + Circuit voltage 2.55 V
� _ . Circuit cuvent 30 mA man
+ Circuit Up to 8 annunciators or 4000 feet
� impedance �
Class B Class A
Channelf C�annel2 Channell Channel2
'F — i- — 'fi — + —
Auxiliary 8 Smoke power outputs(T83) � e � � Tea � � � � Tea
The control panel provides two auxiliary power ou[puts which can ^""°"°'a'°' """°"°a`°`
be used for powering ancillary equipment such as remote an- cH��->iN CHt(i)IN
nunciators and iwo wire smoke detectors. Aux 2 can be software CHi(-)M CHt(-)IN
selected to operate continuous.The circuit is supervised for shorts �CH2(+)IN CH2(+)IN
and grounds. �cHz�-�w CH2(-)IN
Note: For a complete list of devices that can be connected to this
circuit, refer to the i0 Series compatibility list(p/n 3101064). p�arm,trouble,and supervisory relay(TB3)
.6ircuit specitications � � � - The trouble relay is normally-open, held closed,and opens on any
' Circuit vonage range 21:9 to 28.3 V trouble event or when the panel is de-energized.The supervisory
Resettable circuit 24 VDC nominal at 500 mA relay is normally-open, and closes on any supervisory event.The
(Aux power 2) � alarm relay changes over on any alarm event.
Continuous circuR 24 VDC nominal at 500 mA.Use this circuR for
(Aux power 1) powering iwo-wire smoke detectors. Relay specifications
Note:My current above 0.5 amp connectetl to boih Aux 7 and 2 will reduce Ne total � I � -��A�arro ,. I� .Trouble I -Superyisory_ �
available NAC power by that amount. Type Form C Form A
Vottage 24 VDC at 7 A 2sistive 24 VDC at 1 A resistive
� Relay circuits can only be connected to powervlimited sources.
Pa9e4oP70 DF.TA SHEET 85005-0130
- Not to be usetl fer installation purposes Issue7.1
� .
Option Cards
i0500 panels are supported by a complete line of modules and SMK Smoke Power Converter
related equipment tliat enhance performanoe and extend system The SMK Smoke Power Convert-
capabili[ies.Option cards plug directly into the control panel main er Module provides a regulated =��� .
circuit board or are connected to it with a nbbon cable.After in- power source for rivo-wire smoke c���=�b�-
stallation,terminals remtin accessible.The cabinet provides arnple circufts connected to a Signature
room for wire routing, keeping�wiring neat at all times. data bircuit.The SMK moni- ��❑ � �
_ - tors the operating power from sMk a'a
SA-ETH Ethernet interface Card
4he power supply.When power P,„va�
SA-ETH wiring The SA-EII-i card provides a begins to degrade,the SMK ° P;,
To netwark standard 10/100 Base T Ethernet Provides the nebessary operating a 0 �'� c
Necxo�fc cable voltage to the two-wire smoke ,wo.w,,,,meue
. network connection for connect- . .
ing to an intranet,a local net- detection circuRs. ^e�==�^« �
i work, orthe Internet.TFie card „��„� �, -
can be used to download �o+ "
�� configuration programming from a�a� a `o,;
� o the i0-CU to the panel over the ,����
[� networ4c. a,,,� ;
The Ethemet card is installed on T�-�^�••ma�e
� the plastic assembly and con- '�"'� �
ENemet rartl nects to the main circuit board �e�„� �g
via a ribbon cable. �P+1z' .��
.5A-ETH specifications e,a: � R�, or VM�
Ethernet � 10/100 Base T � � ��e� �
Operatingenvironment � �� - �'��
Temperature 32 to 120°F(0 to 49°C)
Humidity 0 to 93%RH,noncondensing at 90'F SMK specifioa4ions ��'. �• � , . -��� -. �.
_ ._ _ .._._ . . -.,.-.. . .:.-.< . . .��..
(32��� Input vottage 21.9 to 28.3 VDC(not resettable)
. . �. � � - Output vottage 24 VDC rrom.a[200 mA,maz.,special
XAL250 Loop F�cpander Card . Ground-fault 10 k ohm � � � - �
The XAL250 Loop Expantler Card provides an additional Signature impedance
Series device loop on the control panel.The card expands the oPerating environment - � �
control panel's device capacity to 500 total device addresses, 250 Temperature 32 to 120°F(0 to 49°C) � .
per loop.The card is compatible with Class B or Class A wiring. It Humidiiy o to 93%RH,noncondensing at 90^F(32°�
is compatible with i0500 oontrol panels only. Storage temperature -4 to�4o^F(-2o to 6o°C)
Compatible electncal North Amencan 4 inch square x 2-1/2 in.
The loop expander card connects to connector J7 on the main bozes (64.mm)deep 2 gang box or Stanilard 4 in.
Cirouit board. square box 1-1/2 in.(38 mm)deep
Class B Wiring Class A Wiring W��e size � �4,�6,or 18 AWG wire(1.5,1�.Qbr OJS.sq.
mm)(Sizes 16 and�8 AWG are preferced)
Loop 1 SEC � oam�ma
-� + + + +
Loop 1 Pftl
*� - - - - SA-232 RS-232 interface
��P �o� Loop Loop The SA-232 card provides an RS-232 SA432 wiring
LoopcaN device deWce DataLlne tlevice tlevice . GNO(blackvnre)
� interface with i0500 panels. It can be �o�wm�wo-e�
. used for connecting a pnnter to the wco(reavnre)
xaL250 specifications , ���� �� ;,:�-. ' �-'-. control panel to print system events.The ,,,,,
Device adtlresses on loop 125 detectors and�25 modules Card also Can be used for COnneCting a ��
W inng � � Class B(Style`Q or Class A(Style� ❑
computer to download a configuration � �
operating voltage 2o V peak-to-peak � program from the i0-CU to the control
Operating current- - 0.5 A total panel.
Circuit impedance 66 fl,0.5 uF,max
Terminal rating - 12 to 18 AWG(0.75 to 2.5 sq mm) The RS-232 C2rd is installed on the plastic assembly and con-
. operating environment � � - nects to the main circuit board via a ribbon cable.
� Temperature 32 to 120°F(0 to 49°C) . . . . , . ,
Humidiry 0 to 93%RH,noncondensing at 90°F .SA-232_specifications
(32°C) Operating voltage Standard EIA-232
Tertninal tating � 12 to18 AWG(0.75 to 2.5 sq mm)
Operating environment �
Temperature 32 to 120°F(0 to 49°C)
, Humidity 0 to 93%RH,noncondensing at 90°F(32°C)
Pa9e 5 ot 70 D AT A S H E E T 85005-0130
Not to b2 useC fer installation purposes. Issue 7.7
. ,
SA-DACT Dialer SIGA-REL Releasing Module
The SA-DACT provides communications between the control The SIGA-REL is an analog addressable module that communi-
panel and the central station over a telephone line system. It cates directly with the fre alarm-panel Signature loop controller.The
transmits system status changes(events)to a compatible digital SIGA-REL controls sprinWer, pre-adion and deluge systems,and
alarm communicator receiver over the public switched telephone may slso be used to release extinguishing agents such as CO„
nerivork.The dialer is capable of single,dual,or split�reporting Halon,orfoam.The module is easily configured in the field and of-
of events to two different account and telephone numbers.The fers a wide range of options that ensure dependable service,while
modem feature of the SA-DACT can also be used for uploading preventing the unnecessary release of extinguishing agent.
and downloading panel configuration, history,and current status .
to a PC running the i0-CU. S�GA-ReL specifications . � � -
SA-DACT Pno�e ime z � Input voltage 24 Vdc(power limitecq �
wiring Towall
� Phone line 1 phonejack Power riser Supervisory current 25 mA,max.
Riser input current 4 arnps mawmum
Phone cables Alarm 170 mA min.;4 A ma�.
(supplie0) R137jacks Outputrating 2Q�24V(�C(j�ICIfp1IU
_J VaNes per circuit 4 valves,max.
Release MaY.supervisory current 0.4 mA(short circuft)
The dialer phone lines connect circuits Ncminal s�ervi5ory cuirent 0.18 mA
� � o:o����� � Supervisory voltage 26 Vdc,mac.(open circuii)
to connectors on the dialer's End ot line device 47k Ohm EOL
°`°0�� mtin circuit board.Phone line 1
� ° � � � 2A�24Vdc(foreach
C� connects to connector J4 and Output rating
��P� phone line 2 connects to Max.supervisory current circxrit)
Pre-,release 0.4 mA(short circuit)
��'��; connectorJl. Nominals�q�errviscryc}ment
°D�oo� -_.: •o��� alarmcircuits B 0.18mA
o � Supervisory vottage �
0 26 Vdc,max.(open circuit)
' °�° End of line device
��o�� o . . 47kOhmreSiStOt
�a��goe p° Max.supennsorycurrent 0.4mA(shortcircuR)
v v Manual N°m�a�supervsorY a"2M 0.18 mA
release input Supervisory voitage 26 Vdc,max.(open circuit)
The SA-DACT queues messages and transmits them based on End of line device a7k Ohm resistor
priority(alarm,supervisory,trouble,and monitor).Activations are � Circua rype Class B N.o.latching
transmitted before restorations. Circutt capacitance o.i ufi ma�c
Max.supervisory current 0.4 mA(short circuh)
The SA-DACT is installed on the plastic assembly and connects to Nom'vial supervisoiycurrerrt 0.18 mA
the main circuit board via a nbbon cable. Abort circuit Supervisory vokage 26 Vdc,max.(open circuit)
� End of line device 47k Ohm resistor
�SA-DACT specifications. � � �� . :. ���:-�- � � CircuR lype qass B N.O.non-latching
Phone line type � � �One or iwo loop-start lines on a public, CircuR capacRance Q1 pF,max
switched nehvork First alarm 3 A�24 Vdc
Phone line connector RJ-3 V38X(C31/38� � � output relay - �ntact rating (0.6 power factor)Porm C
Communication formats Coniact ID(SIA DC-05) Signature �Perating vottage 52 to�9.95 Vdc
Operating environment � Supervisory current 1000 µ4
Temperature 32 to 120°F(0 to 49°C) Data line q�arm current 1000 µ4
HUmidity Oto93%RH,noncondensingat90°F Note:Outputcircuitsarepower-limitedwhentherisercircuitispower-limited.
:.CompatibieDACRs � �; �. .. � �osoaco�wiaa�ei � � s,��.�,,,�,,,,,,,,,,,�,,,,,,,,
Receiver Motlels � Pormats � I ��P�"w��� ❑M sre�������
Ademco 685 ContactlD � `---- � x�man
FBII � CP220 ContactlD � �eBe��
Osborne-Hoffman OH 2O00 � Contact ID M
sn sam�.o��.asmuo�
Radionics D6600 Contact ID.
OA ManuelPLOM1$hYon
SilentKnight 9800 ContactlD Ma M,M„��,�aKsmue�
Sur-Gard SG-MLAI,MLFt2 CoMactlD 2 AA, �,,,,�,,,o�m��ar
FiraAlarm Control Panel � 1'I
Auxiliary Releasing MOCuIe SD RELA-EOL Release Circuitl
PowerSappN (SIGA-REL) SD RELA{pL ReleaseCirculp
For detaled specification and ordering informa6'on on the SIGA-REL,refer
to Data Sheet 85001-0531 --Releasing Module.
Page6oft0 DATA SHEET 85005-0130
Not io 6e u�2tl for instailatten purposes. Issue7A
Specifications r '
Device loops � loop,expandable to 2,Class A or B,each loop Battery placement i0500 cabinets accommodate up to 18 A/H
supporting up to 250 device addresses battenes.Use a extemal cabinet for larger battery
NAC circuits � 4 Class B or 2 Class A,2.5 arnps each � sizes. �
Power supply 6.0 A total,2.5 A max per circuit at 120/230 UAC Batteries Battenes must be sealed lead acid type onty.
60 Hz Matimum charging capaciry=26 Ah.
� 5.0 A total at 230VAC 50 Hz,2.5 A mar.per Loop circuit. � Maximum loop resistancei 66 fl.Madmum loop •
circuit � capacitance:0.5 NF.Style 4,6,and 7 winng.64
0.5 arnps aux power isolators maximum.
NAC Operating 24 VDC.NAC minimum vottage: 19.5 VDC�20.4 SIGA-UM/SIGA- 1.5 mA(see the UL antl UlC compatibilityiist for
vottage V battery voltage MAB for the maximum quantity of detectors per circuit)
Loop circuit 20 V peak-to-peak Compatibility ID 100
operating voltage Alarm contact Form C 24 VDC�1 A(resistive load)
SLC Pnmary power 120 VAC,60 Hz,230 VAC 50-60 Hz �Trouble contact Form C 24 VDC�1 A(resistive load)
� Aux Power 1 � 24 VDC nomirial at 500 mA.A SMK module is Supervisory contact Form A 24 VDC�1 A(resistive load) �
(Contlnuous circuit) required when using the SIGA-UM module to Environmental Temperature:0 to 49°C(32 to 120°F�.
. - suppart two-wire smoke detectors. Humidiry:0 to 93%RH,noncondensing
� Aux Power 2 24 VDC nominal at 500 mA Terminal rating NI tercninals rated for 12 to 18 AWG(075 to 2.5 mmTj
(Resettable circuR) Serial � Vottage:2.55 V.Current:30 mA max
Aiixiliary output � �9 to 25J WC communications
. Base panel Stantlby:172 mA Remote annunoiator 8 drops man,RS-485 CIaSs A or 8 �
current draw Alarm:267 mA Inpu[zones 32 max. �
Panel History Log 1,000 events Agency Listing UL864,UC2017;CSFM,ULC and�NYFD#6020,
FM approved
Ordering Information
Pari " :�S)escription � .: .- .. ` � . .- : - . . .
i05001ntelligent Multi-Loop Analog Systems � �
i0.500G � 1 Loop sysfem,500 point capacity,4 NACs,gray door,surtace mount enclosure,'I 15 Va0.En9lish. �
iO500G-2 1 Loop system,500 pbint capaciry,4 NACs,gray door,surface mount enclosure,230 Vac,English.� � � �
i0500GC Canada oNy:1 Loop system,500 point capaciry,4 NACs,�6-zone LED display,grey door,surface mount,115 Vac;English.
i0500G-F Canada only:1 Loop system,500 point capacity,4.NACs;16-zone LED display,grey door,surtace mount,115VAG French �
i0500GD 1 Loop system,500 point capacity,hvo-line dialet,4 NACs,Gray door,surtace mount�enclosure,115VAC transfortner,English.
i0500R 1 Loop system,500 point capacity,4 NACs;red Door,surtace mount endosure, 115VAC transfortner,English. � �
i0500R-2 1 Loop system,500 point capacity,4 NACs,red door,surtace mount enclosure,230VAC transformer,English. � -
__ _'-,.,.. _
�3[b�tD �.Loop_sysCem.�.500,00irrt,caoacitv�two-line•:�ialer4N.4Gs'-RedDoor._surfacemor�rtt�'"cosui�=re����l_75V_A�'i�-.- - ortnerEr.iqli's- -
iO500G-SP � Loop system,500 point capacity,4 NACs,gray door,surtace mount enclosuie, 175vac,Spanish.
iO500G-2-SP 1 Loop system,500 poin(capacity,4 NACs,gray door,surtace mount enclosuie,230Yac,Spanish. � �
i0500G-PG 1 Loop system;�500 point capac'ity;4 NACs,gray door,surface mount enclosure, 115vac,Portuguese. � - -
i0500G-2-PG t Loop system,500 point capacity,4 NACs,giay door,surface mount eiicbsure„230vac,Portuguese: � �
SA-TRIM2 Flush mount tnm,black � � � � � �
Replacement Electronics,
500e1ec-i0 Replacement electronics kit,complete motherboard and user interface,�English� - �
SOOeleci0-SP Replacement electronics kit,complete motherboard and user interface,Spanish �
SOOelec-iO-PG Replacement electronics kit,complete motherboard and user intertace;Portugueae �
SOOelec-iO-FR Replacement electronics kit,-complete motherboard and user intertace,Canadian French� � � - � � �
OptionCards `�',� '�" � � -�' ` . - - �
SA�D �G; �,ual���LlneDialed,Mode su� orts+Contac ID�f, ou .in�sabi� ton,�as��� ae�, ��� �
'.,=23� Senal-`Po .S-232 for corn -tion to •nn't��"�com-uters mounts in ca6ine to tiase-"-la e � �
SA-ETH Ethernet Port,Slave,mounts in cabinet on base plate. � � �
XAL250 Signature Loop Expansion Moclule.Adds second loop to i0500 systems,250 point capacity.Mounts in cabinet on main 6oard.
D16L-i0-2 LED�Mnunciator module,16 X 2-LED zones(4 programmable for sup). Mounts in cabinet to right of LCD display for zones 1732.
D16L-i0-� LED Mnunciator module,16 X 2-LED zones(4 programmable for sup). Mounts in cabinet td left of LCD display for zones 1-16.
D8RY-i0-2 Canada onty:LED Mnunciator motlule,two LEDs per zone,16 zones(4 alarm only,8 supervisory only,4 alarm or supervisory).
Mounts in cabinet to riqht of LCD display for zones�7-32. �
DSRY-i0-1 Canada oNy:LED Mnunciator module,two LEDs per zone,�6 iones(4 alarm only,8 supenrisory ony,4 alaim or supenrisor�.
Mounts in csbinet to left of LCD dis la �for zones 1-16.
Page 7 of 10 n aT a s n E e r 85005-0130
Mcr �o be used for installetion purFos2s. Issue 7A
. S
Remote Annunciators(refer to Data Sheet 85005-0128) � � � . - .� . . �. . . . � . � . � � �. . �
LCD Remote Annunciators(mount to standard 4"square electrical box)
RLCD Remote Annunciator,4X20 LCD 8 Common Indicators for displaying system status.Gray housing.
RLCD-R Remote Mnunciator,4X20 LCD&Common Indicators for displaying system status.Red housing. -
RLCD-C' Remote Mnunciator,4X20 LCD.Common controls and status intlicators.Gray housing.
RLCD-CR Remote Mnunciator,4X20 LCD.Common controls and status indicators.Red housing.
ALCD-SP Remote Mnunciator,4X20 LCD.Common system status indicators.White housing.Spanish.
RLCD-PG Remote Mnunciator,4X20 LW.Common system status intlicators.White housing.Portuguese.
RlCO-GSP Remote Annunciator,4X20 LCD.Common.corrtrols and status indicators.White housing.Spanish.
RLCD-C-PG Femote Annunciator,4X20 LCD.Common controls and status indicators.WhRe housing.Portuguese.
RLED-GSP � Remote Mnunciator,common controls antl�status intlicators. 16 groups w/2 LEDs each for zone display.White housing.Spanish.
RLED-C-PG Remote Mnunciator,common controls and status indicators. 16 groups w/2 LEDs each for zone display.Wh@e housing.Portuguese.
GCI Graphic Mnunciator Dnver Master for R-Series annunciators.Outputs for 32 LEDs,connection to common control switches and LEDs.
GCIX Graphic Mnunciator Driver 6cpander for use with GCI Masters.Outputs for 48 LEDs,24 switch inputs for R-Series annunciators.
For French common conGol,add sWfix F to model number. '
LED Remote Annunciators&Expander(mount to standard 4"square electrical box)
RLED-C Remote Annunciator.Common conirols and status indicators wfth 16 X 2-LED groups for zone tlisplay.Gray housing.
RLED-CF Remote Mnunciatoc Common controls and status indicators with 16 X 2-LED groups for zone display.Gray housing,French.
RLED-CR Remote Mnunciator.Common controls and status indicators with�6 X 2-LED groups for zone display.Red housing.
FLED24 Remote Mnunciator Zone expandec 24 X 2-LED groups with custom la6el areas for display of a�arm and trouble.Gray housing. �
RLED24R Remote Mnunciator Zone expander.24 X 2-LED groups with custom label areas for display of alarm and trouble.Red housing.
Remote Annunciator Cabinets&Accessories � - - �
R4-ENC1 Remote Annunciator Enclosure,key locked wRh plexiglass window for one RLCD(C)or RLED(C).
R4-ENC2 Remote Mnunciator Enclosure,key locked with plewglass window with space for 2 of either FLCDx,RLEDx or FLED24.
RA-ENC3 Remote Mnunciator Enclosure,key locked with plewglass window with space fo�3 of etther RLCDx,RLEDx or RLED25.
RKEY Keyswitch,single gang,provides key operated enable or disable of common controls on RLCD or RLED units.
LSR4-SB Surface Mount Box-for R Senes single unRs. - � �
ProgrammingTools:.. .: . - � � :.�.. � �� � � � .::-�` -.�. _:.... . l.::.: �.
i0-CU EST Series configuration and diagnostics utility. �
260097 RS232 cable,4 conductor,DB9 PC inteAace � �
Intelligent Analog Addressabie Devices & Accessories
-.Part#. �.� -. DescriPtion .- . � . . . . . �. Shipwt�. •
,Intelligent Detectors&Bases '�� � � � � ' � � - � � � - -� ��- � � �
SIGA2-PHCOS Intelligent Multisensor Photoelectric/Heat Detector with carbon monoxide sensor �
SIGA2-PHS Intelligent Muttisensor Photoelectnc/Heat Detector
SIGA2-PHSB Intelligent 4D Muttisensor Detector(Black)-UWLC Listed
� SIGA2-PCAS � Intelligent Photoelectric Detector with carbon monoxide sensor
SIGA2-PS Intelligent Photcelechic Detector 0.4(0.16)
SIGA2-HRS IntelligenT combination fixed.temperature/rate-of-rise heat detectoF '
SIGA2-HFS Intelligent faed temperature heat detector �
SIGA2-HCOS Intelligent fixed temperature heat detector with CO sensor
SIGA2-COS Intelligent Carbon Monoxide Detector
SIGA-HFS Intelligent Faed Tempereture Heat Detector �
SIGA-HRS Intelligent Fuced Temperature/Rate-of-Rise Heat Detector
SIGA-IPHS Intelligent 4D Multisensor Detector - �
SIGA-IPHSB Intelligent 4D MuRisensor Detector(Black) 0.5(0,23)
SIGA-PHS � Intelligent 3D Muttisensor Detector
SIGA-PS Intelligent Photcelectric Detector
� SIGA-SD � IntelligenfDuctDetector �
SIGA-SB Detector Mounting Base
SIGA-S84 4-inch Detec[or Mounting Base c/w SIGA-TS him Skirt
SIGA-RB Detector Mounting Base w/Relay
SIGA-RB4 4-inch Detector Mounting Base /w Relay cMi SIGA-TS Tnm Skirt 02(0.09)
SIGA-IB Detector Mounting Base w/Fautt Isolator
SIGA-IB4 4-inch Detector Mounting Base w/Fault Isolator c/w SIGA-TS Tnm Skirt
SIGA-LED Remote Alarm LED � �
SIGA-AB4G Audible(Sounder)Base 0.3(0.15)
Page 8 of 70 D A T A S H E E T 85005-0130
P1o1 to b< us=d for installation purposes. Issue 7.7
SIGA-TS4 � Tnm SWrt(supplled with 4-inch bases) � 0.1 (.04) �
SIGA-AB4GT �Audible(Sountler)Base for CO and Fire Detectors � 0,3(0.1�
SIGA-TCDR Temporal Pattem Generator � 0.3(0.15)
Modules . �.. � : . �. . . . . . � . .
. . .. _ . . . . .. . _ . . . . . , . .. : . .. , . . . . .
SIGA-CCt Single Input Signal Module(St2ndard Mount) � 0.5(023)
SIGA-MCC� Single Input Signal Module NIO Mouni) � � 0.18(0.08)
SIGA-CC�S Synbhronization Output Module(Stantlard Mount) 0.5(023)
SIGA-MCC1 S Synchronization Output Module(UIO Mount) � �0.18(0.08)
SIGA-CC2 Dual InpuCSignal Module(Standard Mount) 0.5(023)
SIGA-MCC2 Dual Input Signal Module(UIO Mount) 0.18(0.08) �
� SIGA-CR Control Relay Module(Standard Mount) � � � 0.4(0.15)
SIGA-MCR Control Relay Module(UIO Mount) 0.18(0.08)
SIGA-CRR � Polarity Reversal Relay Module(Standard Mount) � 0.4(Od 5) ,
SIGA-MCRR Polariry Reversal Relay Module NIO Mount) 0.'I S(0.08)
SIGA-RN11 Riser Monitor Module(Stantlard Mount) � 0.5(023) �
SIGA-MRM7 Riser Monitor Module(Plug-in) 0.'I S(0.08)
� SIGA-10 InpuVOiitput Module(Standard Mount) 0.34(0.15)
SIGA-MIO InpuVOirtput Module(Plug-in) � � 022(0.�0) ,
SIGA-MAB - Universal Class AB Module(Plug-in) � 0.1 S(0.08)
SIGA-CT1 Single Input Module � 0.4(0.15)
SIGA-CT2 Dual Input Motlule � � � OA(0.15)
SIGA-MCT2 -Dual Input Plug-in(UIO)Module - 0.1 (0.0�
SIGA-IM Fauft Isolator Module � 0.5(023) �
SIGA-MM1 � MonitorModule 0.4.(.75)
SIGA-WiM WaterflowlTarnper Module � 0.4(.15)
SMK Smoke Power Converter Module� � � � - � OA(0.15) -
SIGA-U102R Universal Motlule Board�w/Riser Inputs-Two Module Positions . 0.32(0.15)
SIGA-U106R Universal Module Board w/Riser Inputs-Siz Module Positions 0.62(0.28)
SIGA-U106 Universal Module Board-Six Module Positions 0.56(0.25)
SIGA-REL� � Analog addressable releasing motlule � � � 0.5(023)
276A-REL Manual ieleasing station(single-aolion):English markings,black tezt on yellow polycarbonate body. 1 A(0.45) ��
278A-REL Manu21 releasing station(double-action).English markings,black text on yellow poycaibonate hody. 1.0(0.45)
RELA-ABT Manual Abort Station.English markings,black te�ct on yellow polycarbonate body. �.0(0.45)
�Service Disconnect Swhch.One Nc contact and one No cont2ct.English markings,white text on blue
RELA-SRV-� polycerbonate body.� � � � 7.0(0.4� �
RELA-EO� Polarized end-of-line relay.English markings on stainless steel covec � � 02(0.1)
Acces'sories -- - '`.� � �. . � ... ..� � . � �`
,. _. . . .: ..: ,. .. .r>_. _.,.. �. - .. .. . ., ._ • ..:.
GCI Graphic Annunciator Driver,provides outputs For oommon intlicators and 32 alartn/supv zones as well as �
inputs for common switches.Provided with a snap track for mounting in custom graphic enclosures.
CTM City Tie Module.Provitles connection to a local energy fire alarmbox. ' � 0.6(0.3) �
RPM Reveise Polanty Motlule 3.0(1.36).
BC-t Battery Cabinet. 14.0"x 1825°z 725°.Holds 2 12V24A batteries. � 50.0(227)
BC-1 R Battery Cabinef-Red.14.0"x 1825°x725°.Holds 2 12V24A battenes. 50A(227)
BC-1 EQ �Seismic hardening Kit for i0 series panels. Includes battery hardening for BC-1 enclosure and components �
to harden panel internal components. See note below. -
MFC-A � Muft'rfunction Fire Cabinet,8"x�4"x 3.5°-RED. 20.6(9.4)
PT-1 S System Printer-Desktop style. � � 36.6(16.6)
For ear[hquake anchorage,including detailed mounting weights and center of graJity detail, Please refer to Seismic Application Guide 3101676-EN.
, Approval of panel anchorage to site structure may require local AHJ,siructural,or civil engineer review.
Standby batteries must be mounted extemally from fre panel in separately mounted BC-1 enclosure.Order BC-1 and BGt EQ separately.
Page9of10 . pATA SHEET 85005-Oi30
- Plot to i�e used for instailation purpc3es. Issue7.7
, ,
Email: edwards.fire�fs.utacom .
Web: www.est-fira.com
E5T is an EOWAROS brentl. �
1016 Corporate Park Drive
Mebane,NC 27302
In Canada�ontact Chubb Edwards...
Email: inquiries�chubbedwartls.cam
Web: www.chu66edwards.com
�2013 UTC Fre 8 Security Americaz �
Corporation,Inc.All ri9hts�reserved.
Specifications subjec[to changa
wHhout notice.Edwards is part of UTC
Climate,Controls&Securiry,a unk of
Uni[etl Technologies Corporetion.
Paget0of10 DATA SHEET 85005-0130 p
Plot io be usstl for ins�allation purposes. Issoe7.1
EST Caizlo� � Power Supplies and Accessones �
� Click Here to Return to
[ife Salety & Communicatlons BIII Of MaterlaVlC�dEX
�eaEed Lead �Acid
�Gl,���I ��� _ - _ = �� �x����„-�r ���,�,.
��� -
y ��� ���i�"�
;� �'
� � �
Overview Application
Rechargeable sealed lead-acid batteries are ideal for use as a When multiple power supplies are provided, each power supplys �
secondary(standby) power source as defined tiy NFPA 72.Their battery requirements should be calculated individually.ConsuR
low maintenance and high energy densfty make them ideal for fire the specific system manual to determine battery capacity require-
alarcn signaling applications. � ments �
Standard Features Sa,eTy'"`°"°a"°" � .' '
Due fo a battery's low internal 2sistance antl high power tlensM1y hi9h levels of sfiort
• Rechargeable aroud cuirerit can iievelop across batiery terminals.Put on protectrie,eye covenng
and remove all�ewelry befo2 worlang on;battenes.Dq not res[tools dr eables on the.
• NOn-Spillabl0 battery�aridonryuseinsulatedtools Followallmariufaccu2rsmstallatwninswctions'�
entl diagr'arns when installing or manttining batteries.,�'
• Non-hazardous �� � � �
• Low maintenance
• High energy density �
� Page 7 bf 2 D A T A s H e e r 85010>0127
Not to b� usstl for instgilation purposes. Issue3 -
. s
� Specifications
\ C��/V/�!"6�� Case Matenal ABS Thermoplastic �
�� Regulatory Information DOT Class 60,Batteries,non-hazardous,non-spillable
Operating Environment 32°F to 120°F(0°C to 49'C) 0 to 93qo FH,Non-condensing
Contact us...
Email: etlwaMs.fire�fs.utc.com
wen: w_vnvesaerecom Ordering Information
EST is an EOWAR09 brand.
1076 Corporate Park Dme .Catalog.Number��i.Description� �� . ,�.� .. . � �.���. � �. Shipping Weight,Ib,(kg) �,
Mebane,NC 27302 12W A2 � 12 Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery-�2 Vdc 125(0.57)
In Canada,coMact Chu6b Edwards... 12V4A 4.5 Ah Sealed Leatl Acid Battery-.12 Vdc 5(2.27)
Email: inquides�chubbedwards.com �2�' � .2�AhL edLea�:Aci Batte"-'>1E-'dG 6(2.72)
We6: www.chubbedwardacom 6V8A - � � 8 M Sealed Lead Acid Battery-6 Vdc � 4(1.81)
�2ot3 UTC Fre&Security Americas 6V10A � 12 Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery-6 Vdc 5(227)
Corporetian,Inc.All rights reserved. 12V10A 11 Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery-12 Vdc � 10(4.45)
SpecificationssubjeMtochange 2 Y. g+ '.�:Seal ��-ea.�:'.ci �-a�� -'�2:.�tl- 13(5.90)
without notice.Edwards is part ot UTC 72V24A 26 Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery-12 Vdc 20(9.0�
Climate,Controls 8 Securiry,a unit of �pV40A 40 Ah Sealed Leatl Acid Battery-�2 Vdc � 32(14.5'I)
United Technologies Corporetion.
12VSOA 50 Ah Sealed Leatl Acid Battery-�12 Vdc 40(18.14)
12V65A 65 Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery-12 Vdc � 49(2223)
Page2of2 DATA SHEET 85010-0127 �
Nut !o Ue used for instaliation purpo�es. Issue3
, .
EST Catalog S Intelligent Initiating
� Click Here to Return to
�;fe Salety & CommunicaJlons Bill of Material ex
�_�,:_.. ....,. .. �'
anual Pul � � ' ' . # �
o � �� �
����I��� � * �
SIGA-270, SIGA-270P, � �• , ��� �� �
,. � � �
� t�A�278 s� � 5 �. �
z - ;, � _
, �
-.SIGA-270SERIES, 2:
� E
'-Patented -- � U�
,. .. _ SIGA-278 ,.-. r �
MEA F� �ieo-issi: LC
0129 S2318
Overview � Break glass operation
The SIGA-270 and SIGA-278 series Manual Pull Stations are �up-front visible glass rod on the SIGA-270 discourages
part of EST's Signature Series system.The SIGA-270 Rre Alarm ?�pering.
Manual Pull Stations feature our very familiar teardrop shape.They ° Intelligent device with integral microprocessor
are made from die-cast zinc and finished with red epoxy powder- All decisions are made at the station allowing lower com-
coat paint complemented by aluminum colored stripes and mark- municaUon speed while substantially improving control panel
ings. With positive pull-lever operation,one pull on the station response time. Less sensitive to line noise and loop wiring
handle breaks the glass rod and turns in a positive alarm, ensuring properties;twisted or shielded wire is not required.
protection plus fool-prbof operation. Presignsl models(SIGA-270P) , qDA Compiiant
are equipped with a general alartn(GA)keyswitch for applications Meets ADA requirements for manual pull stations.
where two stage operation is required.The up-front highly visible - - -
glass rod discourages tampering, but is not required for proper ° Electronic Addressing with Non-volatile memory �
operation. - - Permanently stores programmable address,serial number,
type of dedice, and job number.�Automatically updates historic
EST's double action single stage SIGA-278 station is a contempo- information including hours of operation, last mtintenance
rary style manual station�made from durable red colored lexan. To date, number of alarms and troubles,and time and date of last
initiate an alarm,first lift the upper�door marked"LIFT THEN PULL y�a�. . � �
HANDLE",then pull the alarm handle.
• Automatic device mapping
Each station transmits wiring information to the loop control-
Standard Featu res ler regarding Rs location with respect to other devices on the
Nofe:Some features descri6ed here may not be supported by a!I control sys- CirCuit.
tems.Checkyourcontrolpanel'slnstallationandOpelationGuidefordetails. • Stand-aloneopePatiOn
� Traditional familiar appearance The station inputs an alarm even if the loop controller's polling
SIGA-270 models feature our familiar teardrop design with interrogation stops.
simple positive pull action and sturdy die-cast metal body. • Diagnostic LEDs �
� One stage(GA),tuvo stage(pre-signal),and double action $tatus LEDs; flashing GREEN shows normal polling; flashing
models RED shows alarm state.
SIGA-270 models are available for one or two stage alarm • Desiyned for high ambient temperature opera4ion
� systems.The single stage double action SIGA-278 features a Install in ambient temperatures up to 120°F(49°C).
rugged Lexan housing with keyed reset mechanism.
Page'1 of 4 o ti r n s y e e-r 85001-0279 .
Not to de used fcr instaliation �urposes. Issue 8.1
� R
Application Typical Wiring
The operating characteristics of the fre alarm stations are deter- The fire alarm station's terminal block accepts#18 AWG(0.75mm�)
mined by their sub-type code or"Personality Code". NORMALLY- to#12 AWG(2.5mm�wire sizes.See Signature Loop Controller
OPEN ALARM-LATCHING(Pesonai'Ay Code 1)is assigned by the catalog sheet for detailed winng requirement specifications. ,
factory;no user configuration is required.The device is confgured
for Class B IDC operation.An ALARM signal is sent to the loop Wiring Notes
controller when the station's pull lever is operated.The alarm con-
� dttion is latched at the station. �Refer to Signature Loop Controller manual for maximum
wire distance.
2. All wiring is power limited and supervised.
Compatibility R�a"'E'" _
of 278
Signature Senes manual stations are compatible only with EST's - ,
Signature Loop Controller. O o
Warnings & Cautions e A
This device will not operete without electrical powec As fires fre- - �
quently cause power interruption,we suggest you discuss further �,,,etl,��°„e� `����-o ;�; ., w�
safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. . o �� �' " .,
Testing & Maintenance
To test(or reset)the station simply open the station and operate (DNFIN(�) onuoura>
the ezposed switch.The SIGA-270 series are opened with a tool; l o�,A�H c-> � oAuour<a�
the SIGA-278 requires the key which is supplied with that station. �,a,,,�,�n„a c,m.a�=, ioNeNDeNce
«n�no�o�n�e � �
The station's automatic self-diagnosis identifies when it is defec- �
tive and causes a trou6le message.The user-friendly maintenance Figure 4. Single Stage Systems
program shows the current state of each Signature series device
and other pertinent messages.Single devices may be deactivated ,
temporarily,from the control panel.Availability of maintenance
features is dependent on the fire alarm system used. R�"o�� .- .���-
Scheduled maintenance(Regular or Selected)for proper system Z�OP,270PB � � � oo�,.
operation should be planned to meet the requirements of the a.
Authority Having Juriscliction(AHJ). Refer to current NFPA 72 and �O ° '�
ULC CFlN/ULC 536 standards. � �` �.^��
B ) 0 5:.,
RetlLED .0 .:9 creentED
Wrnm/acNve) a 's 2.,..= PaRnaD
ret S _'
Q Oa
,: .e:
o Y z. f
o p _ aq :
i; � i
:...:-n.. .: t i;�.:....£�;.
+(DATA W(�) OA*AOUI(�)�
l pATA IN(-) OAtAOUf(-)
kamSlgnaNraCnnfraAer ToNeM�eWce
orRallousDeWce �
Figure 5. Two Stage Systems
Page 2 of 4 D P.T A 5 H E E T 85001-0279 .
Mol [o be used for instaf�atian purpoee=_. I5sue8A
Installation � �
Single-stage Signature Series fire alarm manual pull stations mount to North American 2Yz inch(64 mm)deep 1-gang boxes.
Two stage presignal(270P)models require 1 Yz inch(38 mm)deep 4-inch square boxes with 1-gang, Yz-inch raised covers. Openings
, must be angular.Rounded openings are not acceptab/e. Recommended box:Steel Ciry Model 52-C-13;in Canada, use Iberville Model CI-
52-C-49-1/2. � , -
All models include terminals are suited for#12 to#18 AWG(2.5 mm�to 0.75 mm�wire size. Edwards recommends that these fre alarm
stations be installed according to latest recognized edition of national and local fire alarm codes.
Electronic Addressing: The loop controller electronically addresses each manual station,saving valuable time during system com-
missioriing.Setting complicated switches or dials is not required. Each station has its own unique serial number stored in its on-board
memory.The loop controller idenfifies each device on the loop and assigns a"soft"address to each,serial number. If desired,ihe stations �
can be addresseii usi�g the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool.
KeyLolch Compatlble Elechicol Box
Compoflble ElxMcal Bm� Cover Release �"F �
{ � ''�., � $#� *� . � Cover ��
.� y '�y - � ��'� Release '� �
�i �' "v � - �•I �C,k."��}� �r�' Screw a t a���
� � ss rF
�� a ��. �� .'. � ✓� � o �F ' .✓'�
� ��� o �° �A r�� � � �� � � � � �
� '�+"�l % �� 9atlt '.�rYi;M Y. �S Q �. .��;�3ai
�nv= '� s; Back �.:w""'
O � PWIe O ` Plate ,-�R'
To98� Toggle � 'i�.
� , swnm � . � svncn
e Q o°"'u� � ��
fi :, m � , a �.
� .
� siaa rsoa ; -�;�;���' '�
.'•'� GI¢ssRotl
� '� y". Gl���y.. ReleaseLsver .
_ k�Tr�� , 'OPEN �". �>`� N•�1� .
� � � �� J� ,�
a._�._ � �
Figure 1. SIGA-278 installation Figure 2. SIGA-270,SIGC-270F SIGC-2708 installation
5 w
{ �Z .,F �x
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� �� 1
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e,C � 3 ��
•; �4
Gluss Rad
Reievsa Lever
Oa no[uze i.� � ' �*
boxeswith � , >:
roundeC "` �»�
oPenin9s. � "
gy., h
Figure 3. SIGA-270P,SIGC-270P8 instal3ation �
Page3of4 DATA SHEET 8500i-0279
, Not:o be usetl for inst211ation purpos=s. issue 8.1
�''� Specifications
������� � �_ �. : � . �SIGA-270,SIGC-. . :SIGA-270P, �. -. �. .
Catalog Number . 270FSIGC-2706. �� �� SIGG270P6 �- SIGA-278 :
Descnption Single Action Single Action-Two Double Ac[ion
Contact us... -One Stage Stage(Presigna� -One Stage
Emai1: edwards.fire�fs.utacom Adtlressing Uses 1 Module Uses 2 Module Uses 1 Module
Web: wwwest-fire.com Requirements Adtlress Addresses Address
ES7 is an EOWAR05 brantl. Operating Curzent Standby=250µ4 Standby=396µ4 Standby=250NA
1016 Corporate Park Drrve Activated=400µ4 Activated=680pA Activated=400µ4
Mebana,NC 273o2 Construction&Fnish Diecast Zinc-Red Epony Lexan-Red with
with aluminum markings white markings
in Canada,contact Chu6b Edwards...
Email: inquiries�chubbedwards.com Type Code FaC[ory Set
Weti: wwwchubbadwaids.com Operating Voftage � 15.2 to 19.95 Vdc(�9 Vdc nominal)
0 2m3 UTC Flre e Security Amedcas Storage and Operating �Perating Temperature:32°F to 420°F(0'C to 49°C) -
Corporation,Inc.N�righ[s reserved. Environment Storage Temperature:-4°F to 140°F(-20°C to 60°C)Humidity:0 to 93%
SpecficaUons subjeet to change RH
withoirt notice.Edwams is part oi u7C - On-board Green LED-Flashes when polled �
qimate,Controls&SecuriTy,a unit ot LED Operation � On-board Red LED-Flashes W hen in alarm
unitetl Technologies Corporetion. Both LEDs-Glow steady when in alarm(stand-alone)
Cqmpatibility � � Use With:Signature Loop Controller
Agency Liffiings ,UL,ULC(note 1),MEA,CSFM,�FM �
Note:SIGC-DOF,SIGC-270B antl SIGC-270P8 are ULC fis[ed only Sulfix'P indicates F2nch maikings.
Su(fir B'indicates Englsh/Fiench biling ual markhgs.
Ordering Information
` . ., . ,. . . .. . - �.Ship. �.
�,Catalog .-... . . .�". ' ..�� - ,.. . ��.. ' :-_..' Wt;�lbs� �.
�Number :��,Description � (kg) .
SIGA-270 One Stage Fire Alarm Station, English Markings-UWLC Listetl -
SIGC-270F One Stage Fire Alarm Station, French Maridngs-ULC Listed
SIGG270B One Stage Fre FUarm Station,French/Fnglish Markings-ULC Lis[etl
SIGA-270P Two Stage(PresignaQ FreAlartn Station,-English Markings-UWLC
Listed 1 (���
SIGC- Two Stage(PresignaQ Fre Alartn Station,French/English Markings
270P6 -ULC Listed � - - �
Dou le' c ion O��e�5ta-e Fre�' ,.-Sta ion ���lis�� � -��""-
� �� ULG LiSt � � � � �
32997 GA Key wliag for pre-signal station(CANADA ONLI�
276-K2 GA Key-for pre-signal station (USA ONLI�
276-K1 Station Reset Key, Supplied with all Key Reset$tations �� ��
27�65 �2 Glass Rods-fot SIGA-270 series(CANADA ONL`n
270-GLR 20 Glass Rods-for SIGA-270 series (USA ONLI�
276-GLR 20 Glass Rods-for SIGA-278 series
. 2766-RSB Surtace Mount Box,Red-for SIGA pull stations � 1 (0.6)
Page4of4 �ATA SHEET 85001-0279 p
Ploi to hs usetl for installation purposes. Issue 8.1
ESi Ca:alo� , IntelligeM Initiating�evices .
Click Here to Return to
� �;,e Safety & Communications Bill of Material/Index
hk£P `�.il {�-.,{� ._ �. .
�y� w+r' �
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Ir�tel9igent Sr�oke � � ����� � � `'��,
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Optional ����.� ��-� 5� � , �:,�� � ���
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CO S�nsor � `� �` 3
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3 y } Y N�
"{i. � �y,G �`y� 1`=
�fi���i+ �#'R�'..3 e5.^}'i'y�4
S�[G 2 'PS SIGA2-PCOS ��� ���� u�
: OO 5278d69: LC
0300 5853
Overview Standard Features
Signature Series SIGA2-P(CO)S photoelectric detectors bring ad- • Optical smoke sensing technology with optional carbon mon-
vanced sensing technology to a practical design that increases ef- oxide sensor -
ficiency,saves installaGon time, cuts costs,and extends life safety . Field-replacable smoke chamber
and property protection capabilities.Continuous self-diagnostics -
ensure reliability over the long-haul,while innovative field-replaca- • Field-replacable carbon mono�de sensor/daughterboard
ble smoke chambers make detector maintenance literally a snap. module
With its modular CO sensor,this detector pulls double-duty— . Uses existing wiring .
continually monitoring the environment for signs of smoke, as well .
as hs invisible yet deadly companion,carbon monoxide. • Automatic device mapping
Like all Signature Series detectors,the SIGA2-P(CO)S is an intel- � • Grouncl fault detection by module
ligent device that gathers analog information from its smoke and . Up to 250 devices per loop
CO sensor(if present),conveiting this data into digital signals.To
make�an alarm decision,the detector5 on-board microprocessor ' Two levels of environmental wmpensation
measures and analyzes sensor readings and compares this infor- . Two levels of dirty detector warning
mation to historical data. Digital flters remove signal patterns that �
are not typical of fires,thus virtually eliminating unwanted alarms. ' Twenty pre-alarm settings
The SIGA2-PCOS includes an advanced carbon monowde sensor ' Five sensitivity settings
and daughterboard.When the electrochemical cell reaches its end • Non-volatile memory
of life after approximately six years,the detector signals a trouble . Electronic addressing
condition to the control panel.The sensor/daughterboard module
is field-replaceable. • Environmenial compensation
• Identification of dirty or defective detectors
• Automatic day/night sensitivity adjustment
• Bicolor(green/red)status LED
• Standard, relay,fault isolator,and audible mounting bases
Page7df4 oaTa sr+eer 85001-0619
� Not to bt useJ ;cr installaticn purposes. Issue2.t
Application Sensing and reporting technology
Smoke detection The microprocessor in each detector provides four additional ben-
The SIGA2-PS detects extremely small particles of combustion �ts-Self-diagnostics and History Log,Au[omatic Device Map-
and triggers an alarm at the frst sign of smoke.Thanks to its high- ping, Stand-alone Operation and Fast,Stable Communication.
pertormance forward scattering reflective response technology, Self-diagnostics and History Log-Each Signature Series
the photoelectric smoke sensor responds quicky and reliably to detector constantly runs self-checks to provide important mainte-
a wide range of fire types,especially slow burning fres fuelled by nance information.The results of the self-check are automatically
combustibles typically found in modern multi-use buildings. updated and permanently stored in the detector's non-volatile
Carbon monoxide detection
CO detection has rapidly become a standard part of life safety Automatic Device Mapping -The loop controller learns where
strategies everywhere.Monitored CO detection is becoming each device's serial number address is installed relative to other
mandated with increasing frequency in all types of commercial devices on the circuit.The mapping feature provides supervision
applications, but particularly in occupancies such as hotels, room- of each device's installed location to prevent a detector from being
ing houses,dormitories, day care facilities,schools, hospitals, ieinstalled(after cleaning etc.)in a different locaTion from where it
assisted living facilities,and nursing homes. In fact, more than half was originally.
of the U.S. population already lives in states requiring the instal- Stand-atone Operation-A decentralized alarm decision by the
lation of CO detectors in some commercial occupancies.This deteotor is guaranteed. On-board intelligence permits the detector
is because carbon monoxide is the leading cause of accidental to operate in stand-alone mode. If loop controller CPU communi-
poisoning deaths in America.Known as the"Silent Killer,"CO is cations faI for more than four seconds, all devices on that circuit
odorless,tasteless, and colorless. It claims nearly 500 lives,and 90 into stand-alone mode.The circuit acts like a conventional
resuRs in more than 15,000 hospital visits annually. alyrm receiving circuft.
Fast Stable Communication-On-board intelligence means less
Installation information needs to be sent between the detector and the Ioop
- controller.Other than regular supervisory polling response,the
Signature Series detectors mount to North American 1-gang detector only needs to communicate with the loop controller when
boxes,3-1/2 inch or 4 inch octagon boxes,and to 4 inch square �has something new to report.
electrical boxes 1-1/2 inches(38 mm)deep.They mount to Euro-
pean BESA and 1-gang boxes with 60.3 mm fixing centers.See
mourrting base installation and wiring for more information. /�CCBSSOf18S
Detector mounting bases have wiring terminals that are acces-
sible from the"room-side"after mounting the-base to the electrical
Testing & Maintenance boz:The bases mount to North American 1-gang boxes and to
Each detector automatically identifes when it is diriy or defective 3'k inch or 4 inch octagon boxes, Y'/z inches(3S mm)deep.They
and causes a"dirty detector"message.The detector's sens'itiv- also mourii to European BESA and 1-gang boxes with 60.3 mm
ity measurement can also be transmitted to the loop controller.A fwng centers.The SIGA-$84,SIGA-RB4,and SICA-IB4 mount to
sensitivity report can be printed to satisfy NFPA sensitivi mea- North American 4 inch sq.electrical bozes in addRion to the above
tY boxes.They include the SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt which is used to .
surements which must be conducted at the end of the firsi year cover the"mounting ears"on the base.The SIGA-AB4G mounts
and every two years thereafter. to a 4"square box bnly.
The user-fiendly maiMenance program shows the cunent siate � -� .
of each detector and other pertinent messages.Single detectors ���; � �� � �
may be tumed off temporarily from the control panel.Availability / '� 1\; ` ' �,�.
of maintenance features is dependent on the fire alarm system �i;�,�a Y ��� �+�� y f �,,k._ u ��'��`;.
used. WFien the CO sensor's electrochemical cell reaches Rs end � _.�
of life,the detecior si nals a trouble condition to the control anel. sicn-aeacrr SIGASB sicn-�s s�cn-ae s�w-�o
9 P AUQible 6aae SiandarE Base Isola[or Base Pelay Basa Ramote LED
The sensoddaughterboard module is field-replaceable.Scheduled
maintenance(Regular or Selected)for proper detector operation Remote LED SIGA-LED-The remote LED conhects to the
� should be planned to meet the requirements of the;4uthority Hav- SIGA-SB or SIGA-S64 Standard Base only. It features a North
ing Jurisdiction(AHJ). Refer to current NFPA 72, NFPA 720,and �erican size 1-gang plastic faceplate with a white fnish and red .
ULC CAN/ULC 536 standards. alarm LED.
SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt-Supplied with 4 inch bases, it can also
be ordered separately to use whh the other bases to help hide
This detector will NOT sense fires that start in areas where smoke surface imperfections not covered by the smaller bases.
cannot reach the detector.Smoke from fres in walls,roofs,or on � SIGA-A64G and SIGA-A64GT-These sounder bases are de-
the opposite side of closed doors may not reach the detector to signed for use where localized or group alarm signaling is required.
ala��• The SIGA-AB4G is compatible with Signature Series smoke and
heat detectors.The SIGA-A64GT sounder base,when used with
ihe SIGA-TCDR Temporal Pattern Generator module,adds an
audible output function to any Signature Series tletector, including
fire and CO detectors.
Page2of4 DATA SHE[T 85001-0619
Nol to be usetl for installatlon purposee. Issue2.1
T�/rJICaI Wlflllg Audible oetector Base for Co •
The detector mounting bases accept#18 AWG(0.75mm�,#16 and Fire Detectors,SIGA-A64GT
(1.Omm�, #14 AWG(1.5mm�,and#12 AWG(2.5mm�wire sizes. ma Signature Series A64GT sounder base,when used with the
Note:Sizes#16 AWG(1.Omm�)and#18 AWG(0.75mm�are SIGA-TCDR Temporal Pattern Generator,adds an audible output
preferred for ease of installation. See Signature Loop Controller �nction to any Signature Series detector. For more information on
catalog sheet for detailed wiring requirement specifications. this device, refer to Data Sheet 85001-0623--Sounder Base for
CO and Fire Detectors.
Standard Detector Base,SIGA-SB,SIGA-S84 -- - � 3
i -QO- --i _
This is the basic mounting base Remote LED . � �� i 0 �o� 0
for Edwards Signature Senes de- Ma•�e����=e �____ __�
tectors.The SIGA-LED Remote °"`""� -
LED is supported by the Stan- - ' ,a onm� � o
dard Base. o =_ '
Tertn Deacriptlan F F Q+
t Not Used � � ¢ a a
2 OATAIWOUTI+) 8 N � � � 5
3 Not Osed
6 pATA IN(-)
5 RemateLED(t) TcoaPlana icoAwzri+
] DATAOII�(-) FromSignotureConVolle� TONeMOevi[e SLC� � �SLCi
. o�P�eNausDevice � _._SLC_.-__--..__--_ _.__ .___._.__.___ ...... ___. .
Isolator Detector Base,SIGA-IB,SIGA-184 � 6
This base includes a built-in line fault isolator for use on Class A 1. Volinne setting.DefauR is high volume.For bw volume,cut Vace per item 4.
circuits.A detector must be installed for if to operate.The isolator 2. Reserved forfuMe use.Do not cu[.
base does not support the SIGA-LED Remote LED. a: Reservea tor r�rt��e�sa.oo noc c�n.
1110 IS018YOf OPBfBSPS 2S 10110WS: . 4. To configure output wlume,cut Vace as shown.
-a short on Yhe line causes all iso- s " . 5. To ne#SIGA-A64GT sountler base or EOL relay.
lators to open within 23 msec o��r�� 6. SLC_OUi to nent irRelligent addressa6le tleNce.
- 8t 10 R1SEC If1Y0N81S, � o�� 7. SLQIN finm intelligent atldressable controller or previous device.
beginning on one side 8. From SIGA-TCDR Temporal Pattem Generator ar previous SIGA-AB4GT
of the Class A� onrn iry c-> � t e pqTq p��_� �o��der base. �
circUit nearest the loop .
contioller,the isolators �
closetoprovidethe DA7AIN(+) DATAOIfr(a)
From Signature Confroller To Neai DeWce
next isolator down the or PreNoiu DeNca -
line with power re�.�, o���oo� Eludible Detector Base,S1GA-A64G
-when the isolator next to z oa n wour�,� This base is designed for use where localized or group Alarm sig-
the short closes,reopens v�ithin 10 msec. a MTA IN(-) naling is required.When the detector senses an alarm condition,
4 No[Usetl - - � �
The process�epeats beginning on the 5 N«us�a the audible base emits a local alarm signal.The optional SIGA-CRR
s onrno�rrc-i polarity Reversal Relay can be used for sounding to other audible
other side of the loop controllec � noros�a � bases on the same 24 Vdc circuit.
0 0 0 �
Relay Detector Base,S1GA-RB,SlGA-R84 va�me.�m�g 7o„e,,,�„g
rmm�ar ramww-
Cqmmon qeee� Opg� 08fdV1t-Hlg�vplUme Oefaul�=T pa2lpe�Rm
This base includes a relay. Nor- c�m,mw�wme � � �,,,Po.s,�,�„o�a .
mally open or closed operation
is selected during installation.
The dry contact is rated for 1 arnp a r���ma
fP'�loT d� @ 30 Vdc.Th8 rel S o^"� � ��^•.a��`•�n^^"^
�v) �/`' akr�.� o.nw.,.
position is superviaed to avoid ac- � �s-'`""
cidenfalyjarnngitoutofposition. F�m�uvpryo�: -:aya�a�n
The SIGA-RB can be operated as o"'^'"`-, r �` o"'"O1f�-� o�aviousoase 'ToneztoaseorEOLrelay
a control relay if programmed to - o,,,�,
do so at the control panel(EST3 onuwt.t - - � DAiAO01<'� rroms�y�am�aconwne.o. - oaao�e
kom9�wlureConhdler 1eMaM0aNce .ToneMSignaWretleNce
V.2 only).The relay base does not m��.o��s - � °�BN0U5ae"Ce� � � . .
support the SIGA-LED Remote � Te"" o�`"°°°"
, r,o��yoPe� Relay and Audible Bases operate as follows:
LED. corrrncrrunNc z onrniwour�+� _at system power-up or reset,the relay is de-energized
t0 Pmp�30 V�C 3 Common
�aao�o�mn a onrn�N�-� -when a detector is installed in the base with the power
� 5 No[Usetl - � -
� e NartnallNClosetl on,the relay energizes for four seconds,then de-energizes
. � onrnour- _When a detector is removed from a base with the power on,
the relay is de-energized
-when the detector enters the alarm state,the relay is energized.
Page3of4 DATA SHEET 85001-0619
M1let to G2 usetl for in<_tzli�tion purposas. Issue 2.'I
...���-�-�-�------ Compatibi.lity
������� SIGA2-P(CO)S detectors are compatible only wtth the Signature Loop Controller.
��^��t�s... Warnings & Cautions
ema�i: edwa.ds.r�a�r�.�m.00m This detector will not operate without electrical ower.As fres frequentl cause power
Web: www.est-�re.cam P Y
interruption,we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your fire protection specialist.
EST is an EOWAROS brand. �
1016 Corporate Park Drive This detector will NOT sense f res that start in areas where smoke cannot reach the detec-
Mebane,NC 27302 tor.Smoke frbm fires in walls, roofs,or on the opposite side of closed doors may not reach
i�ca�ada�ooeac�cn�nb edwa.d�... the detector to alarm it.
Email: inquiries�chubbedwards.com
Web: wwwchubbedwards.com
�2014 UTC Fire&Security Americas
Corporation,lnc.NI rights reserved. .SpeC,IfIC','cltlOflS
Speciflcations subjeet to change .
without notice.Edwards is part of UTC .: � '���� i� . .. . �; � � � .:.� .SIGA2-PS �� - �� SIGA2-PCOS. .
Climate,Corrtrols 8 Security,a unit of Normal Operating CurreM 45 µ4 70 µ4
Uni[ed Technologies Corporation. q�arm wRent 45 pA - 70 µ4
SYandalorie alarm current 18 mA 18 mA �
Operating voltage �520 to�9.95 VDC
Air velociry � 0 to 4,000 ft./min(0 to 20 m/s).
Construction High impact engineering polymer
Wall mounting - � Maximum 12 in(305 mm)from ceiling
Mounting - Plug-in
Shipping weight � � 0.441b.(164 g) �
Compatible bases See Ordering Information
Operating environment 32 to�20°F(0 to 49°C),0 to 939'o RH,noncondensing
� Storege temperature �� —4 to�40"F(-20 to 60°C)
Environmental compensation � � Automatic
UL Listed Spacing � 30 ft(9.1 m) .
Ordering Information
batalog. � � ���� � � � � 8hip Wt���
-Number..;�. Ibs-�kg) .
�SIGA2 PS � nte i��e--t P ofoelectric�etecCor O.d(0.16)�
SIGA2-PCOS �Intelligent Photoelecfic Detector wRh carbon monoicide sensor 0.4(0.16)
SIGA2-PCOS-CA Intelligent Photoelectric Detector with carbon monobde sensor OA(0.16)
(for use in Canadian markets ony).
S Se�.�� . e ..or ounv --� se- ���ar
�, SIGA-SB4 4-inch Detector Mounting Base c/w Tnm SWrt
SIGA-RB Detector Mounting Base w/Relay
SIGA-R84 �4-inch Detector Mounting Base w/Relay, c/w Trim Skirt 02(.09)
SIGA-IB Detector Mounting Base�w/Fault Isolator
SIGA-164 4-inch Detector Mounting_Base w/Fautt Isolator,c/w Trim Skirt
-.� -D �emote arm-� ��-D�not for EN54 applications)
SIGA-AB4G Audible(Sounde�Base for Fire Detec[ors 0.3(0.15)
SIGA-AB4GT Audible(Sounder)Base for CO and Flre Detectors 0.3(0.15)
SIGA-TCDR Temporal Pattern Generator 0.3(0.15)
. SIGA-TS4 Tnm Skirt(supplied wtth 4-inch bases) 0.'I (.04)
2-SPRC1 Replacement Smoke Charnber(tor SIGA2-PS tletectors) � 0.�-(.04)
2-SPRC2 Replacement Smoke Chamber(for SIGA2-PCOS detectors) 0.� (.04)
2-CORPL Replacement CO Sensor 0.1 (.04)
Page4of4 DFTA SHeET 85001-06i9 >
Not to 6e usstl tor instaliation purposes. issue 2.1
EST Cztalog� Intelligent Initiating �
'� Ciick Here to Return to
[ife SaJety B Communications Bill of MateriaUlndex
�, j �� E '
�.:�I r� �
� G'l��s � lg��lt �l�C� x� �
'r � �_� �
_F� +d�u.� "�=�
�5 �
- f o-
Sr�oke Detec�or � ; . �:�: � �� �
F�, _ .,�.,��F
��I�P, S'D` :� . :
�, �
� �.,�-1
� �,��.� z �;
Pkte s'
� �� �
�< ' _ . ' � " � .
F�^-' �C
MEA 3z<zZ3�' �
Overview Standard Features
The Edwards SuperDuct Signature Series smoke detector is the • Less than 2"deep for easy installation and applications whe2
most advanced and most reliable device in fts class. Designed for space is tight � -
easy installation and superb reliability,SuperDuct represents the � , _q=F to 158°F(-20°C to 70°C) operating range wfth 100 ft/min. �
perfect balance of practical design and advanced technology. to 4,000 fUmin air velocity rating assures reliability under harsh
SuperDuct detectors feature a unique design that speeds instal- environmental conditions �
lation and simplifies maintenance. Removable dust flters, confor- . �}ytus LEDs remain visible through clear assembly cover
mally coated circuit boards,and optional water-resistant gaskets - '
keep contaminants away from components,ensunng years of • Cover monitor switch for added security
trouble-free service.When cleaning is required�,the assemblies . Standard 5ampling tube spacing for easy drop-in migration
come apart easily and snap back together in seconds. from other detectors �
A Signature Series photoelectric sensor is incorporated into . Sampling tube can be installed with or without the cover in
the design of each SIGA-SD duct smoke detector.This sensor place and can be rotated in 45-degree inc�ements to ensure
inherits the power and benefts of this exceptional line of intelligent proper alignment with duct airflow
• 152 to 19:95 Vdc operation
Signature Series sensors gather analog information from their �
smoke sensing elements and convert it into digital signals.The • Magnet-activated test switch
sensor measures and analyses these signals and compares the • Orie Form C auxiliary alarm relay for controlling ancillary equip-
information to historical readings and time patterns to make an ment(e.g., HVAC controls)
alarm decision. Digital flters remove signal patterns that are not No special tools required for easy access to field connections
typical of fires,which virtually eliminates unwanied alarms. �
' • Signature Series intelligence
WARNMG Duct detectors have specific fmRa4ons.`Duc[detec[ois are not'a • Environmental compensation with differential sensing for reli-
suhstRute for an open area smoke'tletector Duct detectors are not a subs4tu[e: 8b10,stable,and drift-free sensitivity
for early warning detec[lon or a replacement for a building's regularfire detectioo '
systemSmokedetectors`arenotdesignedtodetecttoiacgaseswhiehcan6uildup� • Wide079%to2.46%obscuration/ft.smokesensitivity �
to hazaMous levels in shme ires.Tfiese devices will not operete wtthout electriczl .. �
power.AsfresfrequenttycausepowerintarrupGons,EdwardssuggestsyouGiscuss • IdeMificationofdirtyordefectivedeteciors
further safeguards witli your loczl fire protechon specialist. , _
Page 7 oi 4 . D A T A s H e E T 85001-0584
Not te ba us=d tor instellation purposos. Issue 6
Application The sampling tube may be installed from either the duct side of
SuperDuct detectors are ideally suRed to duct smoke detection the assembly or trom inside the sensor compartment,as prefemed
by the installer. (The exhaust tutie must be installed from the duct
applications where early indication of combustion is required within side.)Sampling tuties may be rotated in 45-degree increments so
the confned spabe of ventilation ductwork. Its primary purpose that air-lioles can be aligned to ellow the unit to be mounted at
is to provide early warning of an impending fre and to prevent �rtually any angle relative to the air flow. �
smoke from circulating throughout the building.It is typically used
to detect smoke in the suppy side of the HVAC sysiem but can In installations where the duct smoke detector's controls and indica-
provide supervision of the return side as well. tors are hidden from view,a remote test station or an LED indicator
-------------------------------- can be connected to the detector to provide these functions.
�Pratected premises �
i Remota i Remote Test Stations
j Alarm relay �e�� i Labor-savin Remote TesVReset stations� rovide
� outPut staUon i ' 9 P
i i _ alarm testing from the convenience of a remote
_ i i � ��� �� location.Tests can be pertormed quickly and safely
_ � o��e smo� � Ren,m i ' —without having to olimb to the roof. Magnetically-
_ � Cetector air � � � -
�A� � .. �- �, operated and key-operated orie-gang models are
,,,,;� i available.Signature SuperDuct detectors are also
= i Ducl smoke �Supply i compatible with SIGA-LED remote alarm LED.
— � detector air � �
i � i Air velocity in the duct as low as 100 ft/min. maintains adequate
i uar,�reiay i air flow into the sensor smoke chamber through air holes in the air
� o�m �e5t i sampling tube and discharges through the exhaust tube.Su-
1 FACP smuo� � perDuct air sampling tubes must be installed with the inlet holes
� i facing the airstream.Sampling tubes may be rotated in 45-degree
�________ , increments so that air-holes can be aligned to allow the unit to be
SuperDuct detectors continually sample air flow in the HVAC duct mounted in virtually any angle relative to the airflow.
and initiate an alarm condition whenever smoke is detected. M SuperDucf sensors are engineered to operate optimally under the
alarm is activated when the quantity(percent obscuration)of harsh environmental conditions frequently found in HVAC duc-
combustion products in that ar sample exceeds the detector's twork. Nonetheless, before installing the detector,test the duct
. sensitivity setting. air velocity,temperature, and humidity to verify that it is within the
operating range of the SuperDuct detector.Consult the SuperDuct
Signature Series Intelligence installation sheet for detals. .
Like all$ignature detectors,the SIGA-SD features electronic - �
addressing and issues a dirty sensor warning when it reaches Rs Dimensions
preset limit.The dirty sensor warning indicates the sensor is qp-
erati�g within Rs specfied limits but is in need of servicing.When °.ro'^�,°^'
the detector's ability to compensate for enJironmental changes �.�a�����i � .
has reached its limit,the duct smoke detector signals a trouble ���m n���i � i'.s�,�
The SIGA-SD also uses differential sensing to prevent gradual �
environmental changes from triggering unwanted alarms.A rapid �
change in environmental conditions,such as smoke from a fire,
causes the detector to signal an alarm state, but dust and debris -
accumulated over time does not change alarm sensitiviiy. I . .
Each Signature Series SuperDuct detector contains a microproc-
P¢Cor that pertorms Comprehensive self-diagnostics and stores
the results in nonvolatile memory.Stored results include details ��
such as hours of operation,last maintenance date,and number � ��.����
of alarms and troubles.This information can be retrieved and
reviewed when desired. - ------------------------------------- -
Detector Configuration � s.�a
The detector assembly coyer provides easy access to the smoke ; ""°'"�
sensor, its wiring connections,sample and exhaust tubes,and the I
smoke chamber itself. � o 0 0 0
Air enters the detector's sensing chamber through a sampling � '
tube(ordered separately)that extends into the duct and is directed ;
back into the ventilation system through an exhaust tube(in- � � c;;�',;,�
ctude�.�The difference in air pressure between the two tubes pulls
the sampled air through the sensing chamber.VJhen a suffcient
. amount of smoke is detected in the sensing chamber,the detector '
� initiates an alarm. - �
� „ ,.3e� x.ui�
I nson�' Uan )
Page2of4 DATA SHEET 85001-0584
Not to be used for installation ourposea. Issue 6
Assembly High-humidity environments
Sampling Wbe Detector
socket I Use the SD-PH Protective Housing when installing SuperDuct
Exhaust tuhe . 0 f detectors in high-humidity ernironments.The SD-PH is a weather-
socket ized housing�that prevents condensation on the device by insulat-
ing the detectors and providing circulated air from the monitored
� HVAC duct.The SD-PH also adds a layer of protection against
� physical damage to the unit.
Exhaust tuba �'`J '
� Thin i
gasket t
Thick �
� SD-PH � Duct Detedor �
� Sampling Wbe Protective \'�a
(ordered separately) Housing �'� o
�R \
-Q, e
`Plug ``:a� � �
� Rear Vew �° �
� HVAC duQ
� /�1 Q Hinged
U�� `� Detector CoVef � �-
. �
0.O � �\ + � Housing
`.` � . airtube
\` a �
� � �. ,.... Housing Detector
� � airtube conduitholes
Samplin8 � I � '
Wbe . \�, i �
- I�`
�� i ,- � The SD-PH is easy to install and service.The hinged and transpar-
- ^� . eni cover provides'ready access to the detector,while keeping fts
} status indicators visible at all times.
n�o sheet mei�i screw(2x� Note: The SD-PH Protective Housing is weathenzed against out-
door air, but it is not intended for direct outdoor exposure.
Auxiliary � � �
equipment �
_ Alartn �
��� [1] No more than one remote test sta[ion � � .
or LED indicator can be connected to � °f
ihe detector a[the same tlme.Wiring � I
17 i6 15 is unsupervised.Mauimum wire �a� �
I I I resistance is 10 ohms per wire. Z so-7�zK
�Yf��l N T�t or
S� � � �'
l� l IIl � � � � I.� � <
� � e �
G�� Data Out(-)
7 /.%-�� � I . Dafa Out(+)
' � �j� ��/ �, Oata In(+) �
\,�� � � ( Data In(-)
�rm � I . �������
��� —e o o e �� 14 13 72 i� 70 9 8 7
�Power indicator
Alarm indicator
Pa9e 3 of 4 D A T A S H E E T 85001-05$4
Nut to F,�e us=d for inatallation purposes. Issue6
Specifications, detector Specifications, test stations
������� 870 x 5.45 x 1.90 inCheS � Remote TesVReset Stations protitle alarm test,trouble
Dimensions intlication,and reset capabiliry from a remote loca-
(221 x 138 x 48 mm) tion.They include a one-gan9 plate.momentary SPST
W ife SiZe 14 t0 22 AWG swttch,red alarm LED,antl tertninal block.Mapneticaity-
Contacc us... DeteCtiOn Photoelect�ic operated models(fF7M)or key-ope2tetl rtrodels(iRIQ
Email: edwards.fire�fs.utacom method Qight scattering principle) Com atible North Amencan�-gang box
Web: wwwest-fire.com Air velociry 100 to 4,000 Wmin and elect�al Standard 4-in square boz,
rating meets the required minimum boxes 1-1/2 inches deep,with
EST is an EOWAROS brand. air pressure differential 7-gang cover
1016 Corporzte ratc Drive Air pressure 0.005 to 1.00 inches of LED indicators Alarm(rec�
Mehane,NC 27302 differential water LED type Clear lens
In Canada,contact Chubb Edwards... Sensitivity 0.79 to 2.46 Mo/ft Wire size 14 to 22 AWG
Email: inquiries�chu66edvrards.com obscuration ReSistance per -
Web: Www.chubbedwards.com qlafm tes[ �0 Ohms,maX.
� � responsetime 5seconds µ'�� . �
�2b13 UTC Fre&Securily Americas Cur2nt �
Corporation,Inc.AII ri9hts reserved. LED indicators Alarm(red),Power(green) �quirements See controller specifications
Specifications subjec[to change - - Unsupervised 2nd powery
without noti<e.Etlwartls is part oi UTC limited LED Circuit Voltage:3 Vdc,max.
Climate,Corrtmis a Securiry,a unit oi Common �uantity:1 ratings Curient:30 mA,max.
Uni[etl 7ecAnolagies Carporation. SwitCh ratings Vokage:125 Vdc,max.
alartn relay Type:Form C (SD-TRtQ Current:4 A,max.
Ratings:2.0 A at 30 Vdc �
(resistive) Switch ratings VoRage:200 Vdc,max.
. Opereting (SD-TRfvn . Curient:0.5 A,max.
15.2 to 19.95 Vdc SuperDuct convenUonal
voltage Compatible
Standby:45 NA Alarm:45 detectors �o-wire and Signature duct
Operating Vq Inrush:1 mA S[andalone smoke detectors
current -4°F to 158°F(-20°C to
� ��:�8� Operating 70�C)Humidiry:93°�RH,
Temperature NL):-4 to 158 environment -
"F(-29 to 70°C) noncondensing
Operating Temperatu2 NLC):-4 to ���9e -4 to�40°F(-20 to 60"C)
environment 120�F(-29 to 49°C) temperature
Relative humidity:10 to Agency listings UL,ULC,MEA,CSFM
Ordering Information
rCa{alog Number Description ���.�- .:-.. �.�� Ship Wt.,Ib.jkg) ,
-GA-S,� ntei Su. .::u Det �.0 2A(1.�) .
.Accessaries - - `- - � �
SD-T8 8-inch sampling tube 0.5(02) �
SD-T�8 18-inch sampling t�be �.5(0.�
SD-T24 24-inch sampling tube 2.7(1.2)
SD-T36 36-inch sampling tube � - - 3A(1.4)
SD='� � 2-'n �:� � �1i- � iu�e � 3.5(1.6)
SD-T60 60-inch sampling tube 5.8(2.6) �
SD-l78 78-inch sampling tube. � 7.5(3.4)
SD-T120 �20-inch sarnpling tube 11�.5(5.2)
SD-PH Protective housing for high humidity environments 5.5(2.5)
SIGA-LED Femote alarm LED � 1.0(0.5)
SD-7RM Remote test station,magnetic �.0(0.5) .�
�D-����� � -emote'est s aho���-� e�ed .1.0(0.5)
SD-ViK Air vebciry test kit(stoppers only,etc) � �.0(0.5)
SD-GSK Cover gasket kit 0.5(0.2)
SD-MAG Test magnet Itit 0.5(02)
SIGA-SDPCB Replacement PCB/Signature sensor Itit 1.0(0.5)
Page 4 of 4 o a.T a s H e e r 85001-0584 �,
Not to be usad fer instailation purposas. Issue6
ESi Cetalog 9 Intelligent InpuVOutput •
� � Click Here to Return to
�;,e Se,e,,, & �omm��,�ar,a�s Bill of Material/Index
� .����...
�O�l�rO� �I�j/ . , � � ,
�� �� ,
� � �M1'
OdUI�S � �� �� � £ , :
� � x � fi . :
'� ,� ;_ � N
SIGfi�C� SIGA-MCR, SIGA- , � "�w�� � �� rG' �
CRR, SIGA-MCRR �,' � �:� ��:�� `� ����: �� � _
t�i ; -� �. .� ::t . ', , .
� �� �� ' c ��.+n` v
i ��� �.
4�t �
. 9��t 9 �y n"� � ' '. ,....�..SIGA-CH ..
, � ���,,
. � ���� �� uL
SIGA-MCR .... F�m M� 7300-1657: Lf'
0121 �424
Overview Standard Features
The Control Relay Module and the Polarity Reversal Relay Module • Providas one noMc contact(SiGA-CR/MCR)
are part of the Signature Series system.They are intelligent analog Form"C"dry relay contact can be used to control external ap-
addressable devices available in either plug-in(UIO)versions,or pliances such as iioor closers,fans,dampers etc.
standarcl 1-gang mount versions. o plfows group operation of sounder bases
The SlGA-CR/MCR Control Relay Module provides a Form"C' The SIGA-CRR/MCRR reverses the polarity of its 24 Vdc out-
dry relay contact to control external appliances such as door clos- put,thus activating all Sounder Bases on the data loop.
ers,fans,dampers etc.This device does not provide supervision • Plug-in(Ul0)or standard 1-gang mount
.of the state of the relay contact. Instead,the on-board micro- UIO versions allow quick installation where muhiple modules
processor ensures that the relay is in the proper OWOFF state. are required.The 1-gang mount version is ideal for iemote
Upon command from the loop controller,the SIGA=CR/MCR relay locations that require a single module.
activates the normally open or normally-closed contact. . putomatic device mapping
The SIGA-CRR/MCRR Polarity Reversal Relay Module provides Signature modules transmit information to the loop controller
a Form "C"dry relay contact to power and activate a series of regarding their circuR locations with respect to other Signature
SIGA-A84G Audible Sounder Bases. Upon command from the devices on the wire loop.
Signature loop controller,the SIGA-CRR reyerses the polarity of its . Electronic addressing
24 Vdc output,thus activating all Sounder Bases on the data loop. programmable addresses are downloaded from the loop con-
Standard-mount versions(SlGA-CR and SIGA-CRR)aie troller,a PC,or the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool;
installed to standard North American 1-gang electrical boxes, there are no switches or dials to set .
making them ideal for locations where only one module is re- < InYelligent device with microprocessor
quired.Separate I/O and data loop conneotions are made to each All decisions are made at the module to allow lower com-
module. munication speed with substantially improved control panel
Plug-in UIO versions(SIGA-MCR and SIGA-MCRR)are part response time and less sensitivity to line noise and loop wiring
of the UIO family of plug-in Signature Series modules.They func- properties;twisted or shielded wire is not required.
tion identically to the standard mount versioris, but take advantage ^ Ground fault deYection by address
of the modular flexibility and easy installation that characterizes Detects ground faults right down to the device level.
� all UIO modules.Two-and six-module UIO mo4herboards are �
available.All wiring conneotions are made to terminal blocks on
the motherboard. UIO assemblies may be mounted in Edwards
Page 1 of 6 D A T A S H E E T 85001-0239
Fdot to be usetl foi'installztion pivpos=s. Issue7.5
Installation Application
SIGA-CR and SIGA-CRR:modules mount to North American The operation of Signature Series control relays is determined by
2Yz inch(64 mm)deep 1-gang boxes and 1'h inch(38 mm)deep their sub-type code or"Personality Code."
4 inch square boxes wRh 1-gang covers and SIGA-MP mounting
plates.The terminals are suRed for#12 to#18 AWG(2.5 mm�to Personality Code S:CONTROL RELAY(SIGA-CR/MCR)-Dry
0.75 mm�)wire size. Contact Output.This setting confgures the module to provide
one Form"C' DRY RELAY CONTACT to contFol Door Closers,
Fans, Dampers,etc. Contact rating is 2.0 amp�24 Vdc;0.5
CompatiEla elecincal box amp� 120 Vac(or 0.25A C�220 Vac for non-UL applications).
� Personality Code 8 is assigned at the factory. No user configura-
tion is required.
� (SIGA-CRR/MCRR).This setting configures the module to re-
w�i pia�a,wn�� verse the polarity of its 24 Vdc output. Contact rating is 2.0 amp C�3
(��a�9� 24 Vdc(pilot duty). Personality Code 8 is assigned ai the factory.
° I No user confguration is required.
,P j
� Compatibility
"°""�� These modules are part of EST's Signature Series intelligent
s�ms�os �,'• processing and control platform.They are compatible with EST3,
� EST3X and i0 Series control panels.
LEO viewin9 ports • � � � .
Q `.
b � Warnings & Cautions
This module will not operate without electrical power.As fires fre-
SIGA-MCR and SiGA-MCRR:mount the UIO motherboard quently cause power interruption,we suggest you discuss further
inside a suitable Edwards enclosure with screws and wash- safeguards with your local fire protection specialist.
ers provided. Plug the module into any available position on the - �
motherboard and secure the module to the motherboard with the '
captive screws.wiring connections are made to tne terminals on Testing & Maintenance
the motherboard(see wiring diagram).UIO motherboard terminals .
are suited for#12 to#18 AWG(2.5 mm'to 0.75 mm�)wire size. The module's automatic setf-diagnosis identfies when it is defec-
tive and causes a trouble message.The user-friendly mantenance
uioenaiemo�.a program shows the current state of eaoh module and other per-
6,2 tinent messages.Single modules may be turned off(deaotivated)
� Seli-tapping tem oraril from the control anel.Availabili of maintenance
u,� � P Y, P tY
- features is dependent on the fire alarm system used. Scheduled
'`;, -{�--+� main#enance(Regular or Selecte�for proper system operation
Plug-in(UIO)_ Captive should be planned to meet the requirements of the Authorily Hav-
��' ��:MO`�°�e '� � �"�"'� ing Jurisdiction(AHJ). Referto current NFPA 72 and ULC CAN/
�� ; fl � ULC 536 standards.
...e. k8 Fkt washers
�--Cabinetoreleclrlcal endosure
Electronic Addressing-The loop controller electronically ad-
� dresses each module, saving valuable time during system com- �
' missioning.Setting complicated switches or dials is not required. �
Each module has its own unique serial number stored in its on-
board memory.The loop controller identifies each device on the
� loop and assigns a"soft"address to each serial number. If desired,
the modules can be addressed using the SIGA-PRO Signature
Program/Service Tool.
Edwards recommends that this module be installed according to
latest recognized edition of national and local fire alarm codes.
Page 2 of 6 D A T A S H E E T 85001-0239
Not to 6= us=d for instailation purposzs. Issue7.5
Typical Wiring
Modules will accept#18 AWG(0.75mm�,#16(Y.Omm�, #14 AWG(1.50mm�and#12 AWG(2.5mm�wire sizes.
Note: Sizes#16 AWG(1.Omm�)and#18 AWG(0.75mm�are preferred for ease of installation.See Signature Loop Controller catalog
sheet for detailed wiring requirement spec�cations.
Normally- Normally-
Open Common Closed
TB2 ��� � �.. .
B J 6
'.e. � o.C;.
Red LED ��� Green LED
(Alarm/Active) 4 ��r �� (Normaq i,
Tgi (����'dp Notes
� Refer to Signature Loop Controller Installation I
Sheet for wiring specifications. '�
} �NFPA 72 requires that the SIGA-CR/SIGA-MCR
DATA IN(-) - DATA OUT(-) ) be installed in the same�oom as the devioe R is �'.
Fwm Signoture Conholler To Next Device �oMrolling.This requirement may not apply in all '.
or Prevlous Device rriarkets.Check with youP local AHJ for details .
� e The SIGA-U106R and the SIGA-U102R do not �
come with T614. '
SIGA-CR CoMrol Relay �
� �The SIGA-U106 does not come wRh TBS through
NartnallyOpen Common NormallyClosed e SUpervised and pOwer-limited.
� If the source is nonpower-limited,maintain a
- space of 1/4 inch from power-limited wiring or use
FFL,FPLP,FPLR,or an equivaleM in accordance
with the National ElecVical Code.
� 2Q 7) Ma�cimum#12 AWG(2.5mm�wire.
Q � Z 3 4 Min.#18(0.75mm�.
Da�a In+
— x" � �
a o
3 � ;'_
2 I y - 2-
1 1,
.I T87 . T814?. �
�, No connections required for
Data Out MCftAther modules may
require connections.
�� 3i � '°�; .
� `��� 3.
Green LED Wormal� 1.' .
Red LED�Ac[ivel _ o o'�: TB35<�
=':,3234 '
� > �
No connections required far
MCR.Other modules may
require connections.
SIGA-MCR Control Relay
Page3of6 � DATFl sHeeT 85001-0239
No: !o be useC fer instailation purpo5=s. Issue7.5
Typical Wiring
Modules will 8ccept#18 AWG(0.75mm�),#16(1.Omm�),#14 AWG(1.50mm�and#12 AWG(2.50mm�)wire sizes.
Note:Sizes#16 AWG(1.Omm�)and#18 AWG(0.75mm�are preferred for ease of installation.See Signature Loop Gontroller catalog
sFieet for detailed wiring requirement specifications.
� A84G A846 A64G
Audible ease Audible Base Audible Base
��`� � - 0 `'. `°' 6254A-003
i � ' EOLReIay
Listed 24 vOC + Q �� � � -11
Nominal Power 1 . e o Q
SupplY rs".� _?ra t.. �.��G_s'� � _ I '
� � � � i � ��' 0
�� � = 0 � ,�_,'
�CR � � CRR .•' � e�l a
o..o :.; o oi'
SIGA-CRR o ,o :,
i�.,� r�""`� =; Q �'�_.. .
Signature �+
Controller o�_ OptionalCR
. for disabling/distonneding
sounder base SIGA-MCRR
SIGA-CRR Schematic � SIGA-MCRR Schematic e o 0 0
NnaFi Po4sOu1 WMnOCINaIeC Po.cerinPw.erON Pdvi�Ymxrses f, 5p •o..:
- - - } ���a��y. � �. fOLRelay
I RWible o � - I repuiretlfar
- easss = _ = supevision
I-6 r � < f¢, a �
t� u '
0 0 0 � .
0 1 1 3 Y l
�. :. LD ' __ �a:,.
Si9nvWre � � B � �
Oatu Oo[a0u[ .
• • •
Farnortnolo eranon CT1
�� �Refer to the Signature controller installation sheet for - , a
� winng. Q � var�ene.airre � �
aa�m ov.�oro�
e One Pairof Wres(24 Vdc powe�j. uw�cuttd + - < 3 z
:uvd�o�er �
�One Ptir of Wires(Signature Dat�. ooN °
�4 Single Wre(24 Vdc powe�. _' i z�er ��i z n o
e The SIGA-UIO6R and the SIGA-UI02R do not come . no<a
withiBl4. � v ' uiqwzeriumomenoab
e The SICaN-UIO6 does not come with iB8lhrough ��^a�± .��
�TB13. i Noconnectionsrequiredfor
signowre � rayp:� � MCRR.Othermodulesmay
A. SUpeNised antl poWer-limited. oam i requireconnectians.
L� ara�� i
8 If the source is nonpower-limtted,mantan a space ra� g - -
of 1/4 inch from power-Ilmited winng or use FPL, •
FPLP,FPLR,or an equivalant in accortlance with Ne °o`°�"- £ � £ �a � � ereen�eo�rvom,on
Natlonal�ecMcalCoda. fi FI a��oy�;,,v
9 Mvdmum#12 AWG(2.5 mm��vnre;Minimum #78 - .TB15i' No connections required for
AWG(0.75 mm�). �reen�eo INormoO MCR0.Offier modules moy
10 Entlof-Line Relay must monitor antl 2port power aea�oucuvd e � � require connecUans.
suppytroubletoconVolpanel. � � �
11 Class B Data winng may 6e"T-tapped.° opuo�oi ncxa . .
omcrt/or NoconnectioqsrequiredforMCHR.Other
ana�aiblebose madule5m0yrequireconnec[ions.
Page4of6 DATA SHEET 85001-0239
Not to 6e us=d tor installaticn purposes Issue 7.5
, ,CatalogNumber . - � ., . -SIGA-CR . �-, . � . ,.�SIGA-MCR � � � .� SIGA-CRR � . SIGA-MCRR
'� Descnption Control Relay � Polanry Reversal Relay
Type Code Personality Code 8(Factory Set) Personality Code 8(Factory Set)
Address Requirements � Uses'I Module Add�ess �
Operating Qurrent � Standby=75 µ4 Activated=75{.W �
Operating VoRage � � � �5.2 to 19.95 Vdc(19 Vdc nominal) '
Relay Type and Rating Form C,2 Amps�24 Vdc(pilot dury),0.5 Amps @ 120 Vac and 0.25 Amps�220 Vac(220 Uac is non-UL)
� Not rated for capacitive loatls.
Mounting � North Amencan 2�h inch Plugs into U102R,U106R or North American 2Yz inch Plugs into U102R,U106R or �
(64 mm)deep 1-gang boxes UIO6 Motherboards (64 mm)deep 1-gang boxes U106 Motherboards
and 1�/�inch(38 mm)deep antl 1 Yz inch(38.mm)deep
4 inch square boxes with 4 inch square 6ozes with
1-gang covers and SIGA- 1-gang covers and SIGA-
MP mounting plates MP mounting plates
Construction&Fnish High Impact Engineering Polymer .
Storage and Operating Operating Temperature:32°F to 120°F(0°C to 49°C)
Environment Storage Temperature:-4'F to'140"F(-20"C to 60"C)Humidity:0 to 93'Yo RH
LED Operation On-board Green LED-Flashes when polled On-board Red LED-Flashes when in alarm/active
Compatibility � Use With:Signature Loop Controller �
Agency Listings � � UL,ULC,CSFM,ME4 �
Ordering Information
CatalogNumber� Description � ShipWeight-Ibs'
..,;.. � ; . _ :...< ; ,`.. z _,.�. '- :. , � � � �. �,.: � '� � .. ��� . :.`�Ik9) � .�;
6/a=C= ControfReia Modufe Standard�MWn� � 0.4(0.15)
SIGA-MCR Conirol Relay Module(UIO Mount) 0.18(0.08}
SIGA-CRR Polarity Reversal Relay Module(Standard Mount) � 0.4(0:15)
SIGA-MCRR Polariry Reversal Relay Module(UIO Mount) 0.18(0.08)
-Related Equipment :': . . .,�✓.: , .�._', ' �- .` �- ' ' .. . � .��.
27793-71 Surtace Mount Box-Red, 1-gang � 1 (0.6) �
27793-76 SurfaceMountBox-White, t-gang 1 (0.6)
SIGA-U102R Universal Input-Output Module Board w/Riser Inputs-Two Module Positions 0.32(0.15)
SIGA-U106R Universal Input-Output Module Board w/Riser Inputs-Sa Module Positions 0.62(0.28)
SIGA-U106 Universal Input-Ouiput Module Board-Sa Moclule Positions 0.56(02�
SIGA-A64G Audible(Sounde�Detector Base - � � 0.3(0.15)
Accessories � '�.. . . �.� - � "� � :�_. -� �
MFC-A Mutti(unction Fre Cabinet-Red,supports Signature Module�Mounting Plates � 7.0(3.1)
SIGA-MB4 hansponder Mounting Bracket(allows for mounting two 1-gang modules in a 2-gang box) 0.4(0.��
SIGA-MPi Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1 footpnnt � � 1.5(0.70)
SIGA-MP2 �Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1/2 footprint 0.5(023)
SIGA-MP2L Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1/2 eMended footpnnt 1.02(0.46)
Pa9e 5 oi 6 �A7 A s H e e r 85001-0239
- Not to be usetl for in�tailation puvpos�s. Issue7.5
���--------- Signature Series Overview
` ������� The Signature Series intelligent analog-addressable system from Edwards is an entire
` family of muki-sensor detectors and mounting bases, muftiple-function input and output
modules,nehvork and non-network control panels,and user-friendly maintenance and
con�ac�us... service tools.Malog information from equipment conn@cted to Signature devices is
Email: edwards.fire�fs.utc.com gathered and converted into digital signals.M onboard microprooessor in each Signature
Web: www.est-fire.com device measures and analyzes the signal and decides whether or not to input an alarm.
EST is an EDWARD3 brand. � Th0 miCfOpfOCBSSOf in BaCh Sign2tufe deViCB pfOVIdOS fOUI"8dditiOn21 b2hBfltS—SEIf-di-
agnostics and History Log,Automatic Device Mapping, Stand-alone Operation and Fast,
ims cor�orete rax o��e Stable Communication.
Mebane,NC 27302 '
i�ca�aa�,�o�ca�c cn�nb edwaros... Self-diagnostics and History Log-Each Signature Series device constantry runs self-
Emtil: inquiries�chub6edvrards.com checks to provide important�maintenance information.The results of the self-check are
Web: Www.chubbeoWards.com au[omatically updated and permanently stored in fts non-volatile memory.This information
0 2oia iirc Fre s securicy nmericas is accessible for review any time at the control panel, PC,or using the SIGA-PRO Signa-
corporano�,i�o.nn�9n�reservea. ture Program/Service Tool.The information stored in device memory indudes:
Speemcations subjec[to change
wrtno„t nosce.edwards is par�of urc • Device serial number,address, and type
Climate,Controls 8 Security,a unit of .Time and date of last alartn
United Technologies Corporation.
� •Most recent trouble code logged by the detector— 32 possible trouble codes may be
used to diagnose fauks.
Automatic Device Mapping The Signature Data Controller(SDC)Iearns where each
device's serial number address is installed relative to other devices on the circuit.The
SDC keeps a map of all Signature Series devices connected to it.The Signature Series
Data Entry Program also uses the mapping feature.With interactive menus and graphic
� support,the wired circuits between each device can be examined. Layout or"as-builY'
' drawing information showing branch wiring�(f-taps), device types and their address are
� stored on disk for printing hard copy.This takes the mystery out of the installation.The
� preparation of as-built drawings is fast and efficient.
�� Device mapping allows the Signature Data Controller to discover:
• Unexpected additional device addresses .
• Missing device addresses
•Changes to the wiring in the circuit.
Most Signature modules use a personality code selected by the installer to determine iheir
actual function. Personality codes are downloaded from the SDC during system configu-
ration and are indicated during device mapping. '
Standafone Operation-A decentralized alarm decision by the device is guaranteed.
Onboard intelligence permits the device to operate in s[andalone(degrade)mode. If Sig-
nature loop controller CPU communications fail for more than four seconds,all devices on
� that circuit go into standalone mode.The circuit acts like a conventional alarm receiving
circuit. Each Signature device on the circuit continues to collect and analyze inforrriation
from its slave devices.When conneoted to a panel utilizing standalone operation, modules �
with their"personality"set as alarm devices(IDC)will alarm should their slave alarm-initiat-
ing device activate.
Page6of6 DATA SHEET 85001-0239 p
Plot to be used for in=_tzlla.ion purposes. Issue 7.5
�S I Gatalou A Intelligent Input-Output
Click Here to Return to
Llle Sa/ely & Communlcatlans Bill of Material/Index
Y ..;
Ir� l,�t OdUIeS ; � `
� s
:I'GA�CT�1', SIGA—CT1 HT, � ' ;
SIG-'� r ���2' SIGA—MCT2 ,�, : � �� �' �
, „ � ;
+ u�� i �t :
,� v �-- _ .
` � � �. �,�,�
���° ;, -�o �
�8 � �.
q�, : ... � -.
SIGA-CT7/2 "�
���...�fi� -` - " O
� Fa MEA �E �� �sao-issr LC
n�e� �aizi suza
Overview Standard Features
The SIGA-CT1 Single Input Module,SIGA-CT1 HT High Tem- • Multipie appiications �
perature Single Input Module and SIGA-CT2/SIGA-MCT2 Dual Including Alarm,Alarm wdh delayed latching(retazd)for water- �
Input Modules are intelligent analog addressable devices used to flow applications,Supervisory,and Monitoc The installer selects
_ connect one or two Class B normally-open Alarm,Supervisory,or one of four"personaliry codes"to be downloaded to the mod-
Monitor type dry crontact Inttiating Device Circuits QDC). ule through the loop controller.
The actual function of these modules is deterrnined by the"personal- ° SIGA-CT1 HT rated for high temperature environments
ity code"selected by the installer.This code is downloaded to the Suitable for attic insiallation and monftoring high temperature
module from the Signature bop controller dunng system configura- heat detectors.
tion. • Plug-in(U30)or standard t-gang mount
The input modules gather analog information from the initiating UIO versions allow quick installation where multiple modules are
devices connected to them and convert it into digital signals. required.The 1-gang mount version is ideal for remote loca-
The module's on-board microprocessor analyzes the signal and tions thai require a single module.
decides whether or not to input an alarm. � • Automatic device mapping
� Signature modules transmit informafion to the loop controller
The S1GA-CTY,SlGA-CTi HT and SIGA-CT2 mount to standard regarding their circuit locations with respect to other Signature
North American 1-gang electrical boxes, making them ideal for lo- devices on the wire loop. '
cations where only one module is requiied. Separate I/O and data , Electronic addressing
loop connections are made to each module. Programmable addresses are downloaded from the loop con-
The SIGA-CTt HT module operates at an expanded temperature troller, a PC,or the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool.
range of 32°F to 158°F(0°C to 70°C)for those applications There are no swiiches or dials to set.
requiring more eMreme environmental temperature variation. . Stand-alone operation
The SIGA-MCT2 is part of the UIO family of plug-in Signature The module makes decisions and inputs an alarm from initiat-
Series modules. It fiinctions identically to the SIGA-CT2, but �ng devices connected to it even if the loop controller's polling
takes advantage of the modular flexibility and easy installation that interrogation stops.(Function availability dependent upon control
characterizes all UIO modules.Two-and six-module UIO�mother- p�e�'�
boards are available.All wiring connections are made to terminal ° Ground fault detection by addres5
bloclis on tFie motherboard.UIO assemblies may be mounted in Detects ground faults right down to the device level.
Edwards enclosures.
Page 7 oF 4 �a-r n S H E E T 85001-0241
�lot to be usgrJ for In=_tallaUon purposes. IssueB
Signature Series Overview ��oM�l�erbaartl
The Si nature Series intelli ent analo addressable s stem from �lr �
9 9 9- Y ;.:� Selt-tapping
Edwards Securiiy is an entire family of multi-sensor detectors and � 40f�s
mounting bases, multiple-function input and output modules, ' � � �� ��
network and non-network control panels,and user-fnendly main- t fl � �- �
[� ; Plu9-In(UIO) Capuve
tenance and service tools.Malog information from equipment :� � Mdauie���� �Ga�
connected to Signature devices is gattiered and comerted into _ "�'_�� �__ap �
digital signals.M onboard microprocessor in each Signature de- '�„ '
vice measures and anal es the si nal and decides whether or not �'�'`
� 9 =�� pfi Fle[was�ers
to inpu[an alarm.The microprocessor in each Signature device -
provides four additional benefts-Setf-diagnostics and History ���^e���e�e�^��e^���s��
Log,Automatic Device Mapping, Stand-alone Operation and Fast,
Stable Communication. .
Self-diagnostics and History Log—Eabh Signature Series Electronic Addressing-The loop controller electronically ad-
dresses each module,saving valuable time during system com-
device constantly runs self-checks to provide important mainte- missioning.Setting complicated switches or dials is not required.
nance information.The resutts of the seN-check are automatically Eych module has its own unique serial number stored in its
updated and permanently stored in its non-volatile memory.This on-board memory.The loop controller identifies each device on
information is accessible for review any time at the control panel, the loop and assigns a"soft"addrPss to each serial number. If
PC,or using the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool. desired,the modules can be addressed using the SIGA-PRO
Automatic Device Mapping—The Signature Data Control- Signature Program/Service Tool.
ler(SDC)learns where each device5 serial number address is Edwards recommends that this module be installed according to
installed relative to other devices on the circuit.The SDC keeps a latest recognized edition of national and local fire alarm codes.
map of alI$ignature Series devices connected to it.The Signature
Series Data Entry Program also uses the mapping feature.With
iriteractive menus and graphic support,Uie wired circuits be-
tween�each devibe can be examined.Layout or"as-built"�drawing Application
information showing branch�wiring(f-taps), device types and their The duty performed by the SIGA-CTi and SIGA-CT2/MCT2 is de-
address are stored on disk for printing hard copy. tertnined by their sub-type code or"Personaliry Code".The code
� � is selected by the installer depending upon the desired application
Installation and is downloaded from the loop controller.
SIGA-CTi,SIGA-CT1 HT and SIGA-CT2:modules mount to One personality code can be assigned to the SIGA-CT1.Two per-
North American 2Yz inch(64 mm)deep 1-gang boxes and 1 Yz inch sonaliry codes can be assigned to the SIGA-QT2/MCT2. Codes
(38 mm)deep 4 inch square boxes with 1-gang covers and SIGA- ��2,3 and 4 can be mixed on SIGA-CT2/MCT2 modules only. For
MP mounting plates.The terminals are suited for#12 to#18 AWG example, personality code 1 can be assigned to the first address
(2.5 mm�to 0.75 mm�wire size. (circuit A)and code 4 can be assigned to the second address
(circuit 8).
� CO1"��b1e Q1eL�"`��n°` _Assign to one or both circufts. Confgures edher circuit A or B or
both for Class B normally open dry contact inftiating devices such
as Pull Stations, Heat Detectors,etc.M ALARM signal is sent to
the loop controller when the input contact is closed.The alarm
cond'Rion is Iatched at the module.
(igang) (
, � ality Code 2)-Assign to one or both cirouits. Configures either
circuit A or B or both for Class B normally-open dry contact initiat-
e�a ing devices such as Waterflow Alarm Switches.M ALARM signal
mm� ' is sent to the loop controller when the input contact is closed for
o approximately 16 seconds.The alarm condition is latched at the
r,V.•. module. �
� Code 3)-Assign to one or both circuits. Configures either circuit
LED viewing poRs • � A or B or both for Class B normally-open dry contact monitoring
4 input such as from Fans, Dampers, Doors,etc.M ACTNE signal
� � is sent to the loop controller when the input contact is closed.The
� � active condition is not latched at the module.
SIGA-MGT2:mount the UIO motherboard inside a suRable NORMALLY-OPEN ACTNE-LATCHING(Personality Code
� Edwards enclosure with screws and washers provided. Plug the 4)_Assign to one or both circuits. Configures either circuii A or
SIGA-MCT2 into any available position on the motherboard and g or both for Class B normally open dry contact monitoring input
secure the module to the motherboard with the capfive screws. such as from Supervisory and Tamper Switches.An ACTIVE signal
Wiring connections are made to the terminals on the motherboard is sent to the loop controller when the input contact is closed.The
(see wiring diagram).UIO motherboard terminals are suRed for#12 active condition is latched at the module.
to#18 AWG(2.5 mm�to 0.75 mm�)wire size.
Vage2of4 DATA sHeEr 85001-0241
Not to Ge us=d for installation purposes. Issue 8
Typical Wiring
Modules will accept#18 AWG(0.75mm�,#16(1.Omm�,and#14AWG(1.50mm�), and#12 AWG(2.50mm')wire sizes.
Note: Sizes#16 AWG(1.Omm�)8nd#18 AWG(0.75mm�)are pr.eferred for ease of installation.See Signature Loop Controller catalog
sheet for detailed wiring requirement spec�cations. � �
Initiating(Slave),Device Circuit Wire.Spec'rfications� . .. . . -.-. � _ �.�.. � � � -
Mzximum Allowable Wire Resistance - 50 ohms(25 ohms per wire)per CircuR
Maximum Allowzble Wire CapacRarice 0.1 NF per Circuit � �
For Design Feterence: Wire Size Maximum Distance to EOLR
#18 AWG(075 mm� �
� #16 AWG(1.00 mrt� 4,000 ft(1,279 m)
#74 AWG(1.50 mm�
#12 AWG(1.50 mm�
ryamai N.o.i�mon��e�n�e Twmm rv.o.i�man�e o�oa
�1 �2 �4 Sryle B(Closs B) � � . �
iB2 ��s';e �
� 1�
'@ � VU�LC IMetl SMe B(Gass Bj
=: 0 e e . q]I(flEOL VU�LClhted �8I66 p4pLCtlsfBtl
4]KS3 EOL ��2 � � 4]K{3 EOL
Retl LED r Green lED
(Alartn/ActNe) � A � (ryo�mop 2��D ' � � .,��� GraenlE�
:d 3.21 Warm/ACHva) d.a.z._�""_ (NortnaD
i81 �Q��l� � I81
1 DAtAIN(+) DAWOUi(a)1 t/DATAIN(+) . DAV+OUt(.)
r `DATA IN(-) . DATA OU!(-)�
`DATA IN(-) DATA OlR(-)/
To Ne#DeNce Fmm SignaMe ConhoOar To Ne#DeNca
From Slgnalure Confroller Q or PreNous DeNca Q
o�Previous DeNce 3 3
. �M�WnOWtluW9M.iu �
NOTES ^�--� �--�^
u�w�oi � m n imK� �.i�em�
QMaximum 25 Ohm resistanca per wire. #_��
Q Ma�dmum#12 AWG(2.5 mm�)wi2;Minimum#18 AWG(075 mm2). �0
QReter to Signature controiler installation sheet for winng specifications.
4Q Ma�dmum 10 Vdc 8 350 pA �
Q The SIGA-U106R antl the SIGA-U102R do not come with 1B14. Q "" . ���4^�^w��e�^
6 All winng is supervised and power-IimRed. o� +
7 These motlules will not support 2-wire smoke tletectors. : 0
oaw. %�ny'� ��..a�,�.wo.aem
��R� aw,�aw..,�aaw.
Warnings & Cautions ��- 3= � m� '
This module will not operate without electrical powec As fires fre- aa��
quently cause power interruption,we suggest you discuss further �� " '����� ��'�ss��
, safeguards wfth your local fire protection specialist. :qS��;,„�a,"""`•`•""�
Compatibility SIGA-MCT2
These modules are part of EST's Signature Series intelligent
processing and control platform.They are compatible with EST3,
EST3X and i0 Series control panels. . �
Page3of4 � OATA sr+eEr 85001-0241
Nol tu he useci fvr lnstallation pusposes. IssueB
�'� Specifications
\ �,������ CatalogNumber. �..SIGA-CT1HT. . SIGA-CT7 . SIGA-CT2 . SIGA-MCT2
�' Descnption Single Input Module Dual Input Module
- Type Code � 48(factory set)Four sub-types 49(factory set)Four sub-types
Contact us... (personaliry codes)are available �(personaliiy codes)are available
Email: edwards.fire�(s.utc.com Address Requirements Uses One Module Address Uses Two Module Addresses
Web: ww�uest-fire.com Operating Current -Standby=250pA; � Standby=396uA;
EST is an EOWARDS hrand. Activated=400NA Activated=680µ4
1o166orporete Panc orive Operating Vottage 752 to 19.95 Vdc(�9 Vdc nominaQ
Mebane,NC 27302 Construction High Impact Engineering Polymer
In Canada,contact Chubb Edwards... Mounting North American 2'h inch(64 mm)deep one-gang box- U102R/6R/6
Email: inquiries�chub6edwards.com es and 1�h inch (38 mm)tleep 4-inch square 6oxes Motherboard
Web: wwwchubbedwards.com with one-gang covers and SIGA-MP mounting plates '
�2073 UTC Fire&Securityfvneriws Operating Environment 32°F to 158°F 32°F to 120°F(0"C io 49°C)
Corporation,Inc.All rights reserved. � (0'C to 70"C)
Speciflcatians subjectto change Storage Environment -4°F to 140"F(-20°C to 60°C);Humidity:0 to 939'o RH
wkhoat noti<e.Etlwards is part oi UTC �D Operation- On-board Green LED-Flashes when polled;On-board Red LED-
Climate,Cantrols&Securiry,a uni[oi
unitetl Technologies corporation. Flashes wh.en in 212Rfi/active.
- Both LEDs-Glow steady when in alarm(stand-alone)
Compatibility Use wtth Sigoature Loop-Controller - �
Agency Listings � � UL,ULQ MEA,CSFM
Ordering Information
-Catalog . � -��� �� � � - � Ship:Wt..
Number � � Description - � �.Ibs(kg) .
- .3 � io n-�e�. o .e ..� . ..>. .. � . , .�_ � OA(0.15) ..
SIGA-CT1HT .Single Input Module HigR Temperature Operation UWLC Listed OA(0.15)
IGA•G��� - =fi � NtoUu e--� -' LE-L� t � - OA(0.15)
SIGA-MCT2 Dual Input Plug-in(UIO)Module —UL,ULC Listed 0.� (0.05)
Related Equipment
27193-11 Surtace Mount Box-Red, 1-gang � 1.0(0.6)
27193-16 Surtace Mount Box-White, 1-gang ��.0(0.6)
SIGA-U102R Univarsal Input-Output Module Boartl w/Riser Inpirts 0.32(0.�5)
—Two Module Positions
SIGA-U106R Universal InpubOutput Module Board w/Riser Inputs . 0.62(028)
� —Six Module Positlons
• SIGA-U106 Universal Input-0utpu[Module Board —S�c Module Positions � 0.56(025)
MFC-A Muttifunction Flre Cabinet-Red,supports Signature Module 7,0(3.1)
Mounting Plates -
Transponder Mounting BrackeY(allows for mounting
SIGA-M64 t,,�o 1-gang modules in a 2-gang box) �'4(�'�5)
SIGA-MP1 Signature Module Mounting Plate,'I footpnnt 1.5(0.70)
SIGA-MP2 Signature Moiiule Mounting Plate,1/2 footpnnt 0.5(0.23)
SIGA-MP2L Signatu�e Module Mounting Plate,1/2 e�ended footpnnt 7.02(0.46)
Page4of4 DATA SHEET 85001-0241 a
Mot to Ue used for installation purposas. IssueB
EST C,talog�intelligent Input-Output
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Llle Sa/ety 8 Communicallons BIII Of MateCIaI/ICIdeX
w,�..�.-.,' --
� s
Isolator Module a �`
S�I�GA°�lM� � � �24
� � - �—�;
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•••� ti",••"• I 0121
iu....ae�.a - -....vu ' 1 iM
• s i '"--
`°_ � �� CE��
Patented - -
- . � . __ .•ry PAWi�atlanNo�ea
�VGYVI2W � Automatic Device Mapping-The Signature loop controller
The SIGA-IM Isolator Module is part of EST's Signature Series sys- leams keeps a map where each device's serial number address is
installed relative to oiher devices on the data circuit.
tem.This intelligent device enables part of the Signature data loop
to continue operating should a short circuit occur. The module Fast Stable Communication-Built-in intelligence means less
can be wired into a Class A data loop at any point. information needs to be sent between the module and the loop
controller.Other than regular supervisory polling response,the
If a fault occurs,the isolator cuts power to all devices beyond the module only needs to communicate with the loop controller when
isolator on the loop as follows: R has something�new to report. �
• a short on the line causes all isolators to open within 23 msec.
• at YO msec intervals, beginning on one side of the Class A cir- StaflClaYC�I F2atUY8S
cuit nearest the loop controller,the isolators close to provide the
next isolator down the line with power. - • Automatic device mapping
• when the isolator next to the short closes,it reopens within 10 Each module transmits wiring information to the loop control-
msec. ler regarding its Iocation with respect to other devices on the
Once activated,the line fauR isolato�eontinuously checks the
faufted side of the loop to determine if the short still exists. When ° Elecfronic addressing
the fault is removed,the module automatically restores the entire Addresses are downloaded and permanently stored from a PC,
data loop to the normal condition. � or the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool.There are
no switches or dials to set.
The microprocessor in every Signature module provides at least . Ground fault detection by address
three important benefits — Self-diagnostics and History Log,Auto- Detects grourid faults right down to the device level.
matic Device Mapping,and Fast,Stable Communication.
Self-diagnosfics and History Log-Each Signature Series mod- ° Self-restoring
ule constantly runs self-checks to,provide important maintenance ° 2-gang mounting
information. This information is automatically updated and perma- , Designed to ISO 9001 standariis
nently stored in the module's non-volatile memory and is acces-
sible for review any time using the SIGA-PRO Signature Prograrn/
, Service TooL
Pa9elora oarn sr+eer 85001-0271
Plo:to be useC for insiziiatfor pu!pesas. Issue42
Testing & Maintenance Typical Wiring
The module's automatic self-diagnosis ideMifies when it is defec- iM iM ;
tive and causes a trouble message.The user-hiendy maintenance � ��
program shows the current state of each module and other pertinent � sHoar ��
messages.Single modules may be tumed off(deactivatecn tempo- : aacu�r :
rarily,from the control panel.Availabiliry of maintenance features is This part is removed �
dependent on the fire alarm system used. Scheduled maintenance �rom drc�rt
(Regular or Selected)for proper system operafion should 6e planned � �> �
to meet the requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AH.n. 00 00 Typical Class A Gonfiguration
Refer to current NFPA 72 and ULC CFlN/ULC 536 standards.
OataOut DOWReturn
Wam,ings&Cau,tions . - � � � Signoture Loop Controller .
�This module will not operaie wRhou[elec[rical power.As fires frequently cause
- . """""""" """"""" :
power in[errupiion,we suggest you diswss further safeguardwith your fire . �M C iM
protection specialist � - � ' _ � . - . �. : :
. . _ . . . . � � �
' 'P"" """'""'"
This art is removed�
Typical Wiring and Installation fromthecircuit ;
The SIGA-IM module mounts to North American 2-1/2 inch(64 mm) � :......-'
deep 2-gang boxes and 1-1/2 inch(38 mm)deep 4 inch square
boxes with 2 gang covers and SIGA-MP mounting plates.The �
module will accept#18 AWG(0.75mm�,#16(1.Omm�),#14 AWG 00 00
Typical Class A Configuration
(1.50mm�,and#12 AWG(2.50mm�wire sizes. Note:Sizes#16 oaca oue Data Retum with Class B T-Taps
AWG(7.Omrr�J and tk18 AWG(0.75mm�)are preferred for ease Signature Loap Controller
of installation. See Signature Loop Controller catalog sheet for -
detailed wiring requirement specifications.
Edwards recommends that this module be installed according to �
latest recognized edition of national and local fire alarm codes. ��a�
a �
Application �. o
This module should only be used on Ciass A circuits.The O, `.
operation of the SIGA-IM is determined by its hardware type code �� ,
and is assigned at the factory. No user configuration is required. �O
� � `��
Compatibility D�
These modules are part of EST's Signature Series intelligent .:-.� � _ `�
processing and control plattorm.They are compatible with EST3, � '�,
EST3X and i0 Series control panels. �,ee„�Eo
., � a °..�::: :� � Inormal-flashingl
Fram Signature Loop To NeM Device or EOL
ControllerorPreviou's ftesisforsuppliedwith
Device - UUULCListedContmlPanel
� � 8
Q Formazimumwireresis[ance,refertotheapprapriote
manufacturer's documentotian.
i � Max#12AWG12.Smm'Iwi�e.
� RefertoSignatureLoopControllerinstallaUonSheetfor
� wiringspecifications.
� �This module should be used onty with[lass a wiring.
� Mazimumcircuitresiztancebe[weenisolotarsis6ohms.
�PII wirin9 is power-limited and su0e�'ised.
Page 2 of 4 D A T A 5 H E E T 85001-0271
Moi lo b= used for in=_tall.=.tion purpose=_. Issue 42
Specifications Ordering Information
Descnption Isolator Module-Nactory set hardware type Catalog �Description . . � Ship Wt.
� . code Number �. � 16(kgj�� �-
Address Requirements Uses One Detector Address - SI�� "9 M au�"� �lato '�_�u �- �L/ %G=st � .5(23) -
Circuit Resistance Soc ohms manimum beiween isolators
Operating Cuvent Standby=45NA;Activated=45pA Accessories . :� � _:; �,. � ., . .:_, ._:
Operating Vokage 15.2 to 19.95 Vdc(19 Vdc nominaQ 27193-2� Surface Mount Box-2-gang RED 1 (.4)
Construction&Fihish High Impact Engineering Polymer 2-gang 2719346 Surtace Mount Box.-2-gang WHITE � -
� front plate-White Flnish - Muttifunction Flre Cabinet-Red,supports
Storage Environment � Temperature:-4°F to 140°F(-20�C to 60°C) MFPA Signature Module Mounting Plates �'�(3'�� �
Operating Environment Temperature:32°F to 120°F(0°C to 49°C); SIGA-MP1 Signatu2 Module Mounting Plate,�1 footprint 1.5(070) , �
Humidity:0 to 93%RH SIGA-MP2 Signature Module Mounting PI9te„1/2 footprint 0.5�(023) ��,
� LED Operation On-board Green LED-Flashes when polled SIGA- Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1/2 ex- 1.02 '.
(normaQ MP2l tended footpnnt (0.46) ��..
Compatibility Use wfth:Signature Loop Controller �
Agency Listings UL,ULQ CSFM,MEA,FM � �
Page3of4 DATA SHEET 85001-0271
Not to ba used icr installation purposes. Issue4.2
Email: edwards.fireBfs.utacom .
Web: wwiuest-fire.com
EST is an EDWARGS brantl.
1016 Corporete Park Drive
Mebane,NQ 27302 '
In Canada,contact Chuhb Edwards...
Email: inquiries�chubbedwards.com
We6: wwwchubbedwards.com
�2013 UTC Fre&Security Americas
Corporetion,Inc.NI rights reserved. �
Specifications subject to ehange
withoirt notice.Edwartls Is part of UTC
'Climate,Controls&SecuriTy,a uni[01
Unicetl Technologies Corporetion.
Page4of4 oara sr+Eer 85001-0271 p
Not to be used ior instailation purposes. Issue 4.2
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�--� ��� Bill of Material/Index
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�07 22'4T and C01224TR s � � s••� . ,`� �-` -
� �. � �� � ` .„ .v
�:� £
Carbon Monoxide � �� � - � _. :_:��
�� � � �� � ,
Detectors � � �° ����� ���
� � �,� `�� � � ��
with RealTest�Technology 4 ��� �� ` '� y ` � �=m t`
�s� �: � ,
k ��. ' � = x�
� � �
�T ;
The System SensorC01224T and C012Z4TR(round) m���. �� � .; � �
� �.�:
Carbon Monoxide(CO)Detectors use a high/y accurate '� � ,`. ��'���
and reliab/e electrochemical sensing cell to provide
early warning of dangerous�O levels.
Features wth RealTest•technology,the CO gas sensing cell used in the
•RealTest•enables a functional tesc�using canned CO C01224T and C01224TR CO deteciors can be tested using a CO gas
� agent,fully meeting the requiremenu of NFPA 720:2009.Simply put
•Full compliance with UL 2075 the detector into RealTest mode,spray a small amount of CO inTo
-A code-required trouble relay the detector per the ins[allation instructions,and within seconds the
•Wiring supervision with SEMS terminals � �detector will alarm,indicating successful gas entry.(See the reverse .
page or the user manual for complete instructions.)
•A six-year end-of-life timer
•12/24 VDC When dangerous amounts of CO are derected,the C01224T and
-A low current draw of 20 mA in standby and 40 mA in alarm C01224TR�deteccors alert residents by sounding and Flashing a
temp 4 signal alarm,With 24/7 tentral staiion monitoring,residents
•Versatile mounting forwall and ceiling are guaranteed protection whetherthey are awayfrom home,
•Accurateandreliableelectrochemicalsensingtechnology sleeping,oralreadysufferingfromtheeffectsofCO.
•Optional CO-PLATE CO Derector Replacement Plate to upgrade
previously installed wmpetitor detectors to the C01224T rne COt 224T and C01224TR are designed for system operation.
These detectors are fully listed to UL 2075 and offer a code-required
trouble relay to serid a sensor failure or end-of-life signal io the
control panel and the cenfral station.The C01224T and C01224TR
also use SEMS-type terminal Philips head screws for quicker
. and more positive wiring connections and mde-required wiring
supervision.With a low current draw,these detectors enable more
devices to be connected to the panel,limiting the need to purchase
eMra power supplies or more expensive panels.As 12/24 VDC
� detec[ors,the C01224Tand C07224TRwill opera[e on most industry
security and fire ala�m control panels.
A�ency Listings
C01224T and G07224TR Carbon Monoxide Deteclor Specifications
Carbonmonoxidetle[eRorshallbeaSystemSensormodelnumberC01224TorC012241R1is[edtoUnderwr¢ersLaboratoriesUL2075forGasandVapor �
Detectors and Sensors.The detector shail be equipped with a sounder and a trouble relay.The detettor's base shall be able to mount to a single-gang elettrical
box or dirett(surface)mount ro the wall or ceiling.Wiring connections shall be made by means of SEMS screwz.The detector shall provide dual mbr LED
indication that blinks to indicate normal rtandby,alarm,or end-of-life.When the sensor superyision is in a trouble condition,the derettor shall send a trouble
signal to the panel.When the detecYor gives a trouble or endbf-life signal,the deteaor shall be replaced.The detettor shall provide a meanz(o test CO gas
entry into the CO sensing ceII.The detector shall provide this wirh a test mode that accep6 CO gas from a test agent and alarms immediately upon sensing CO entry.
�. . - �, � :,, . .. ,. . . . .,. . � � a,� �H
OperatingVolWge . 12/24VDC
Audible Signal � 85 d6 in alarm � �
StandbyCurre�t 20mA
Alarm Current - 40 mA p5 mAtes[)
AlarmContactRatings O.SA@30VDC
Tr6ubleContadRatings - O.SA@30VDC - � � -
� .�. .. . . . - :. .. . � . . .
Size:C07224T Length:5.1 in,Width: 33 in,Height 7.3 in
C01224TR Diameter.6 in,Heighc 13 in
Approximate Weight� � � C07224T:7 oz;C01224TR 11 oi -
OperatingTempeatuFeRange � 32°Fro704°F(0"Cto40°Q �
Operating Humidity Range 22 to 904fi RH -
InputTerminals • 74m22AWG� � - � �
Mounting � Singlegangbackbo�mrfacemounttowallor[eiling
Operetion Modes
.,- . . ... � .:. . : . v': e,
Nortnal(s[andby) Blinkiperminute — —
Alarm Blinkintemp4pattem Soundintemp4pattem
ReaResfFeature: TheSystem5ensorC01224TandC01224TRCarbonMonoxideDeteaorswithReaffes[enableeyaluationofthefunctionaliryofthe -
� W sensing cell using a canned CO testagent .
'�3 ��:J. �;,`�:,- t c9: � r�,,. :a>'fi�3a '� �.�! �'�.:.r�� �,".:' ,�,E�'Wa=
j r� �a ��'� �� k'° �`� � � .
�,:..� ' g -?� _.�.
' a�F i ,��. �� _ �m �.v -^�t-�....^'�`-` :
� , �� �� ., a , ;� .,
�' ke�t�' _'o..��'q� � � # i,,�``��a���' \} a� �.. � ..
' b B�."i. � � � F' $� . � " �� �— � [
+ t'-9'�',€ � z' :����...�: n�.
x,�%...�� p �-n � . - ' a �
�- ' . _ �-,��-_y-.- i: E � ���,``� ���i 1 ' .� � '
PushandholdLheTesVHushbuttonforf SpraycannedCOagentinrothedetectoc Veri(yCOsensingat[hemntrolpanel.The
two se[onds to enter Reafl"est mode.The detector will automatically exi[Rezfiest
green LED will Flash once every second to alarm mode aRer about 20-60 seconds.
indicate ReaRest mode has started. �
NOTE:Check with local codes and the AHJ to determine ifa functional gas test is desired for an installation. �
Hush Fea[ure: Pushing theTesVHush button will silence the sounder for 5 minuies(except in ReafTest mode). §,
houble Feature: N+hen the detettor is in a trouble condition,it wiil send a trouble signal to the panel. � ��-� � � �
End-of-LifeTimer. Afrer the detec[or's internal sensor has reached the end of its life,a trouble signal will be sent to che 0, � �'
panel to indicate it is time to replace the detectoc An electrochemical CO detec[or lifespan is about �� d `
six years.The detector must be replaced bythe date marked on the inside ofthe product. {
CO-PL4TE: System Sensor atso offers the CO-PL4TE CO Detec[or Replacement PIaTe to cover the footprint(when �' � '-�'*
necessary)of pieviously installed competitive carbon monoxide deteccors tFiat require replacement � ` � *; �
_,_ .. _ . __.._. ..,
Ordering Information co-viAre
�O� 7� �4vol -,4-wir � s[em-. o:ioredca �on�- o o id ,det or "th- es[!�� � .ol�.�.
C012241Fi 72/24vo144-wirerys[em-monitoredroundcarbonmonoxidederettorwithReafiesPTechnology
CO-PLATE COdetectorrepiacementplatetocoverthefootprintofpreviouslyinztailedcompetitivedetec[orsasnecessary
�/��'�� ozoit symm xr,wr.
�� �C����W 38250hioAvenue•SLCharles,IL60174 a�m�a:a��.�mKa�muye.�mw�w��.va�,�nm��.�r
��1� Phone:S00-SENSOR2•Fax:630.377fi495 "uintpiodu"�°�te""`1udvgNe°""isqnof0i°'�"�"`
��i 6 wsoa3vaoz.wn.�xssv
� ES7 JarzJo� 9�Strobes,Homs,Bells,Chimes II
Click Here to Return to
�;,e sa,e�y & �am,»��,�af;,�s Bill of Material/Index
�-��� ��
, _ �,2�,��: �c
� 0284
' � 5218,
Field Config � rable . :. . �E �9��
=�• � MEA
Horns and � ��
� ��� ��
Strobes � ,, � ��,� � , p,�-����
�� � - � ��
Genesis Series ECS/MNSappliancesavala6le s\ ����=. ��Ql�,
. wrth Gear or arnber lenses ���. ^°"` " " �.
. ��S � ;. .�"'..�*s .�
_ � — �� ,s� r..a°�^"'
�E � E ��
� ALERT�iT T T .-+"•"`n
... _ .. - s �.�-n:�
Overview Standard Features
The Genesis line of fire alarm and mass not�cation/emergency ^ Unique low-profile design
communications(ECS/MNS)signals are among the smallest, - The most compact UL-1971NLC-S5261isted strobe available
most compact audible-visible life safety signaling device5 in the - Uttra-slim-protrudes less than one inch
world.About the size of a deck of playing cards,these devices are - Attractive appearance
designed to blend�nrith any decor. - No visible mounting screws
Thanks to patented breakthrough technology, Edwards Gen- ^ Four fiefd-configurable options in one device
esis strobes do not require bul4cy specular reflectors and lenses. - Select 15,30,75,or 110 cd strobe output
Instead,an exclusive cavity design conditions light to produce - Select high(cJefault)or low dB horn output
a highly controlled distribution pattern.Significant development - Select temporal(default)or steady hom output �
efforts employing this new technology have given rise to a new - Select public mode flash rate(default)or private mode
benchmark in strobe performance-FuIlLight technology. temporal flash
FuIlLight strobe technology produces a smooth light distribution • Fixed 15/75 cd model available
pattern without the spikes and voids characteristic of specular re- . ECSIMNS models available
flectors.This ensures the entire coverage area receives c6nsistent
illumination from the strobe flash.As a resuR, Genesis strobes with " Easy to install
FuIlLighf technology go well beyond the UL-1971 and ULC-S526 - Fts standard 1-gang electrical boxes -no trim plate needed
light distritiution requirements. - Optional trim plate accommodates oversized openings
- Pre-assembled with captive hardware
Genesis strobes and horn-strobes offer selectable candela output � - #12 AWG terminals-ideal for long runs or existing wiring
by means of a conveniently-located switch on the side of the -
device. Models are also available that offer fixed 15/75 cd output: ° Unparalleled performance
The candela output setting remains clearly visible even after final - Industry's most even light distribution
installation,yet it stays locked in place to p�event unauthdrized - Meets tough synchronizing standards for strobes
� tampering. - Single microprocessor controls both horn and strobe
- Independent horn control over a single pair of wires
Genesis ECS/MNS appliances offer emergency signaling with - Highly regulated in-rush current
clear or amber lenses and with optional ALERT housing labels. - Multiple frequency tone improves sound penetration
They'are ideal for applications that require differentiation between - Field-programmable temporal strotie output option
fire alarm and mass notification alerts.
Page 1 of 6 o a r n 5 H E E T 85001-0573
Not to be usetl torin=_tallation purposss. Issue 1tA
Application Installation
Genesis strobes are UL 1971-listed for use indoors as wall-mount- Genesis horns and strobes mount to any standard one-gang sur-
ed public-mode notifcation appliances for the hearing impaired. face or flush electrical box. Matching optional trim plates are used
Prevailing codes require strobes to be used where ambient noise to cover oversized openings and can accommodate orie-gang,
conditions exceed 105 dBA(87dBA in Canada),Where occupants two-gang,four-inch square, or octagonal boxes,and European
use hearing protection,and in areas of public accommodation 100 mm square.
as defned in the Americans with Disabilities Act(see application All Genesis signals come pre-assembled
notes-USAJ. �
" � with captive mounting screws for easy in-
Combination horn-strobe signals must be installed in accordance �� �"'�" � � stallation.Two tabs at the top of the signal
with guidelines established for strobe devices.Consult with your � =�_�c�.;� unlock the cover to reveal the mounting
'.c�Y� �n.n ..
Authority Having Jurisdiction for details '4= hardware.The shallow depth of Genesis
All Genesis strobes exceed UL synchronization requirements fix 5�'.,�'�„���� e devices leaves ample room behind the
(wRhin 10 milliseconds over a two-hour period)when used with a �-���� ^ .„�. -� signal for eMra wiring. Once installed wlth
synchronization source. Synchronization is important in order to ���-b:_- - -- �: _ the cover in place, no mounting screws
avoid epileptic sensitivity. - -�� are visible.
WARNING;These deJices will not operate without electrical power.As _+._ „ � -� , r`:
fires frequenUy cause power interruptions, further�safeguards such as Genesis HoMStrobe Fleld COOf19Uf8tlOr1
backup power supplies may be required. . - � � wRh optional trim plate Temporal horn and horn-strobe models
� - � � � - �. � � are factory set to sound in a three-pulse
temporal pattern. Units may be con-
- figured for use with coded systems by cuttirig a jumper on the
Horns circuR board.This results in a steady output that can be turned
Genesis horn output reaches as high as 99 dB and features a on and off(coded)as the system applies and removes power to
unique multiple frequency tone that resutts in excellent sound the signal circuit.A Genesis Signal Master is required when hom-
penetration and an unmistakable warning of danger.Homs may be . strobe models are configured for coded systems. Non-temporal,
configured for either coded or non-coded signal circuits.�They can hom-ony models sound a steady tone.
also be set for low dB output with ajumper cut that reduces hom Genesis clear strobes and horn-strobes are shipped from the fac-
output by about 5 d6. Hom-only models may be ceiling-mounted tory ready for use as UL 1971 compliant signals for public mode
or wall-mounted. operation.Tliese signals may be configured for temporal flash by
The suggested sound pressure level far each signaling zone used with cutting a jumper on the circuit board.This battery-saving feature is
alam signals is at leas[15 dB above the average arnbient sound level, �ntended for private mode signaling only.
or 5 dB above the ma�dmum sound level having a duration of at least Genesis clear strobes and horn-strobes may be set for 15,30,75,
60 seconds,whichever is greater,measured 5 feet(1.5 m)above the or 110 candela output.The output setting is changed by simply
floor.The average ambieni sound level is,A-weighted sound pressure opening the device and sliding the switch to the desired setting.
measured over a 24hour period. The device does not have to be removed to change the output
Doubling the distance from the signal to the ear wiil theoreticalry resutt setting.The setting remains visible through a small window on the
in a 6 dB reduction of The received sound pressure level.The actual side of the device after the cover is closed. �
effect depends on the acoustic propertles of materials in the space. Horns and horn-strobes are factory set for high dB output.
A 3 dBA difference represents a barey noticeable change in volume. Low d6 output rriay be selected by cutting a jumper on the
circuit board.This reduces the output by about 5 dB.
ECS/M NS Applications
Genesis ECS/MNS strobe appliances bring the same high-
performance fire alarm features and unobtrvsive design to mass .
notification applications.Available with amber lenses and optional Wiring
ALERT housing labels,they aze ideal for applications that require Field wiring terminals accommodate#18 to#12 AWG(0.75 mm�
differentiation between fire alarm and mass notification alerts. to 2.5 mm�)wiring. Horns,strobes,and combination horn-strobes
are interconnected with a single pair of wires as shown below.
+ + To nexl
' applianca,
Polanty shown in e�drof-line
alarm wndition H H or reNm to
. equipment
ONole:Strabes must have eontinuous volhage.
7age 2 of 6 o n r a S H E E T 85001-0573
Not to ba usetl for installation purposes. Issue itA
Current Draw
Strobes,Horn-Strobes Horns
Mulii-cd Wall Strobes(G1-VM) Wall or Ceiiing Mounted
UL��`.��� � �. 75 cd' . 30 cd* . .� 75/75 cd". �,' 75 cd' .�. 11A cd*. -:� Temporal Homs(G1-HD)
Rating � �, �RMS ` � � � RMS..- � � _�RMS � ' �- RMS .� �'RMS � UC", �� Highd6 �Lowtl6`
16Vdc 103 �41 - �52 � � � 255 - � 317 Rating .(RMS) (RMS)...�.
�6Viwr �125 179 224 346 �392 � 16Vdc 26� 79
'G1-VM mutti-cd;"G1F-W 575 faed 15/75 cd - � 24 Vdc 36 27
33 Vdc 41 33
TypicaL � ��:15 cd . .30 cd � . �15/75 �r .` 75 cd�� . 7YOpd`< 16 Vfwr � 51 37
Current '�RMS '. RMS �-�.�RMS .�� RMS -��� � -� RMS '. . � 24Vfwr 69 52 �
16 Vdc � 85 127 �50 245 285 33 Vfwr 76 70
20 Vdc 71 98 123 188 240
24Vdc 59 82 104 152 � 191 ,�Typicai �� _High�tl8' LOW dB �
33 Vdc 46 64 84 1�2 �37 CurFent -�RMS -'.RMS ..�
16Vtwr 179 169 223 332 376 16Vtic 22 �7�
20 Viwr 103 143 189 253 �331 20 Vdc 24 19
24 Viwr 94 � 129 � 169 � �218 � 262� 24 Vdc 2� � 22 � .
33 Viwr 87 :�12 148 179 205 33 Vdc � 32 26
� � � 16 Viwr �34 -30
Wal1 Temporal Horn-strobes—High dB Setting � 20 Viwr 40 34
- 75 < `30 15/75 75 1.10��� *Gt-HDVM mulG-cd 24 Vhvr 45 38
UL � - �d`,�:� �.cd', cd":�. :cd* cd*.,�.. �G1 F-HDV1575 fixed 15/75 cd 33 Vfwr 52 47
Ratin9 . RMS- -RMS -HMS�, .RMS RMS� �
�16 Vdc 129 167 ��772 �2S1 337 � Wall or Ceiling Mounted Horns(G1-P)
16 Viwr 176 230 269 -397 443 ' '�� �� �' � � � Maz.Current, ''
. � UL Designation Voltage Range ;'RNIS
•Typical ]5 cd ;-30.cd , :-15f75 -� 75 cd ` � 710 ctl -�:� Regulatetl 24 � �6-33 Vdc � 13 mA �
Current ��R141S �' �>'RMS " :�RMS .': RMS �RMS '� Vdc �
16 Vdc 102 135 160 246 309 � 24 fwr 16-33 Vtwr �1 mA �
20 Vdc 88 �09 137 193 248.. �
24 Vdc St 94 122 ��6� 203 �Sypical Current'� �. RMS '
33 Vdc 74 72 � 106 124 �54 24 Vdc 10
�6 Vhvr 144 182 - 247 � 352 393 24 Vdc - - 11 �
20Vfwr �47 162 220 274 - 362 3� Vdc � � :12
24 Vtwr 136 �52 203 � 235 282 20 Viwr 9
33 Viwr 125 144 � 196 � 201 232 24 Vtwr � 10 �
Wali Temporal Horn-strobes—Low d6 Setting � cu❑er,t�ues are showr�io ma �
UL' ��' �5 � ;30 �5/75�. 75 -f)0�':
Rating cd` �cd*,, cd*'���� ,cd*' cC* ��.
16 Vdc 122 160 146 � 274 330 'G1-HDVM muRi-cd
16 Viwr �62 216 237 383 429� "G1 F-HDV7 575 ficed 15/75 cd �
Typical, �-�15ci1 �30cd ;-15/75 ��-�. 75cd ��.� -: 170ctl ��.
Current RMS -RMS � ��:�RMS �` RMS � ' � � RMS- >�-
16 Vdc ��96 130 158 � 243 � �302
20 Vdc 79 -104 133 189 �241 �
24 Vdc 68 88 ��9 156 197
33 Vdc 56 77 '100 119 �46
�6Vfivr 128 180 241 344 389
- 20 Viwr 118 157 213 266 343
24 Viwr ��3 144 195 230 279
33 Viwr �12 �37 {82 197 226
Page 3 of 6 D A T A S H E E T 85001-0573
Not tc be u=_ed for in=t211a[ien purppses. Issue 11.1
dBA output Average Sound Output (dBA)
Temporal Horns,Horn-strobes.(G7-HD,G1-HDVM series) (High dB setting,anechoiq 24V,measured at 10ft)
High�� � - -�UL464 � � - Average �_ Peak ' . .
dg .Temporal Steatly��. Temporal/ - �Temporal/ '0 F,� .� r,��.��y��� �--�,�3��i�,� y, i�;_`"
Setting. . Steady Steady ^+���������y;i���}r{i� ,� „���
16Vdc 8�.4 85.5 91.4 94.2 , £ #�5,� rz�..��4� � �*,�d " ' Y ,� ,s�
�^ } �� � .:
24 Vdc � 84.4 88.6 94.5 97.6 t��= ,a' ����'�� r{���`��� � �
33 Vdc 88.3 90.4 98.9 99.5 ��� ��;. ��f�f�.-��-"��-.- �rt��y�� �w.
;�r a'� F s� �.. ( Z'� � q � ,Sr,. �
>> I 1 t> > :
� UL464 � Average Peak.;,� ,g `�4 Y i a � � F �` � ^
Lowd6 � �� TemporaV � Teinporal/ L- -k � '�r'`� u.
Setting. � Temporal Steady , . �. 1�Z , q � '^l y„, ,�'
�Steady �: Steady -
16 Vdc 76.0 80.1 86.3 892 "s� a ..� t°,
24 Vdc 79.4 83.5 89.8 92.5
save� az.i as.e sze ss.s �ight output - (effective cd)
Steady Tone Horns(G1-P series) Percent of Ul rating versus angle
� -.�UL464 . � Average` ' �Peak - '
16 Vdc � 77 dBA,min 85 dBA 91 tlBA �m . o
16 Viwr � 77 dBA,min &5 dBA 91 dBA -� £ *,� ¢"� y'����fi �"��l1� �!�.��d'`�Po.
. . �����i�.�y�.�e`f_r�F��-��Y�?�r,p''�yr'T y::
Notes ���� � � � �-a5�'r�f (�'� � 9��� .s
1. FUI values Shown are tlBA measuretl at 10 fee[(3.07 m). a ��` �,h,� "�`�F ��6�"r's'R�����
+r�- a� E Cx x k Y,�.?
2. UL464 values measured in reverberant foom. �"� xk'p 'r�:ry }.�, r � 'd -,,�
3. Average and Peak values ere measured in anechoic chamber. ��� ,��,`,�C� r�r + . �-���;��
}� � "�..
��'� i � ���� ,.`cR�...
�° :5 f- r �':�'"�is '°
Housing Red or whRe tPxtured UV stabilized,color impregnated engineered plastic.Fxceeds 94V-0 UL flammability rating.
Lens Optical grade polycarbonate(clear)
� Strobes antl hom-sVobes are for wall-mount installation only.Hom-only models may be ceiling-or wall-mourrted.
Mounting Flush mount:2�/z inch(64 mm)deep one-gang box -
(ndoor onty) Surtace mount:Model 27193 surtace mount box,wiremold box,or equivalent surtace-mount box
With optional Vim plate:One-gang,two-gang,four-inch square,octagonal,or European single-gang box
wre connections Screw terminals:single input for both hom and sVobe.#18 to#12 AWG(0.75 mm�to 2.5 mm�wire s¢e
Operating environment Indoor only:32-120°F(0-49"C)arnbient temperature.93�relative humidity
Agency listings/approvals UL 1971 (S218),UL�638(S21S),UL464(S218),ULC S525,ULC S526,CSFM,CE,FCC,MEA.
(All models comply with P.DA Code of Federal Regulation Chapter 28 Part 36 Fnal Rule.)
Dimensions(HxWxD) Signal:4-t/2'x 2-3/4"x 13/16"(�13 mm x 68 mm x 21 mm)
Trimplate: 5"(127 mm);Height-5-7/8'(149 mm);Depth-Ys'(13 mm)
G7-HD senes temporal-tone homs:non-coded,filtered 16-33 Vdc or unfiltered 16-33 Vdc FWR(or coded when horn
set to steady tone)
Operating vottage Gt-HDVM series temporal-tone horn-strobes:non-coded,fittered 16-33 Vdc or unfltered 16-33 Vdc FWR (or coded
. (audible NAC only)when used with optional G�M Genesis Signal Master)
G1-VM senes sVo6es:non-coded,filtered 16-33 Vdc or unfiltered 16-33 Vdc FWR
G1-P senes steady-tone horns:coded or non-coded,fiRered 2031 Vtic or unfiltered 20-27 Viwr
UL 1971,UL 1638,ULC S526:selectable 75 ctl,30 cd,75 cd,or 110 cd output
Strobe output rating UL 1971:15 cd(fuced 15/75 cd models)
UL�638,ULCS526:75 cd(fixed 75l75 cd models)
G1-VM strobes and Gt-HDVM senes temporal-tone horn-strobes:one flash per second synchronized with optional
Strobe flash rate G1 M Genesis Signzl Master indefinitely within�0 milliseconds.Temporal setting(private mode only):synchronized to
temporal output of horns on same circuit
Synchronization Sources BPS6A,BPS10A,APS6A,APS�OA,i064,i0500,Fireshield Plus 3,5 and�0 zone.
Add G1 M tor Gt-CVN1&G1-HDVM devices only.
Hom pulse.rate Gt-HD temporal-tone horns and G1-HDVM series temporal-tone hom-strobes:temporal rate synchronized wRh optional
G7 M Genesis Signal Master indefinitey vrithin 10 milliseconds.G1-P steady-tone homs:continuous,steady tone only
Temporal audible pattern Yz sec ON,Yz sec OFF,Yz sec ON,Yz sec OFF,�/z sec ON, t Yz sec OFF,then repeat cycle
Page4of6 DATA SHEET 85001-0573
No! to be used For instaliation p�.irposes. Issue 17A
Candela Output Freappliancesavailablewhhwhtteorredhousings � �
Switch Switch . Switch - �`� -� F '�� j `
Lens� �� Switch � �� � �
Rating�. Position Position � Position. -. �q � R
Color . Poskion A B. . . C .:. D � � � ��= �`'`�" FIRE e��e .
Amber UL1638 1�Ocd 75cd 30cd� � �5cd � � �� �� �
Amber UL 1971` 88 cd 60 cd 24 cd � 12 cd �'���-�-�-�--k
' Cleaf UL 7 971 1�0 Cd - 75 Cd 30 cd 15 Cd ECS/MNS appliances available with clear or amber lenses.
'Fquivclwt Rming �� `A A �.
E E �
Ordering information -° ��,�__„a:� ��
�Model � � � �.Housing �� Marking�.� , Lens ,'<� Strobe ._�. , : � Horn ,.� ' ��.�:ShipWt:lbs(kg)'
Fire Alarm Appliances(c/w running man icon screen printed on housing) �
G1-VM White None Clear Selectable 15,30,75�,or�10 cd �.Strobe onty� 025 (0.11)
G1F-HD � WhRe FIRE Clear Hornony . � Selectablehigh/Iowd6 0.25 (0.11)�
G1F-HDV1575 WhRe FIRE Clear 15l75 cd� � � Temporal hi/lo dB-24V 025 (0.11)
G1 F-HDVM White FlRE Clear Selectable 15,30,75,or 110 cd Selectable higtvlow d6 0.25 (0.17)
GiF-P WhRe FlRE Clear SteadyHom(notcompatiblewithGenesis.SignalMaster) � � -025 (0.71)_
G1F-V1575 White FlRE Clear �5/75cd' Strobeonly � 025.(0.71)
Gt F-VM White � FlRE Gear Selectable 15,30,75,or 110 cd � Strobe only 025 (0.11) -
Gt-HD White None . Clear Homonly � Selectablehigh/Iowd6 0.25 (0.11)
GbHDVM � White � None Clear Selectable 15,30,75,or 110 cd � Selecta6le high/low d6 � � �025 (0.11) �
G1-P WFiite -None Clear Steady Hom(not compaUble with Genesis Signal Master) 025 (0.11)
G1RF-HD Red FIRE Clear Hom only , Selectable highAow dB � - 025 (0.17)
G1RF-HDV1575 Red FlFE Clear 15l75 cd� � Temporal hVlo d6-24V � 0.25 (0.17)
hRF=HDVM� :etl -R =1 . •Ie-75�3Q 5�ar-�410. -� --�ect � hi M7bmed� �::25�� O:A_�.
Gt RF-P Red FlRE Clear Steady Hom(not compatible with Genesis Signal�Master) 025 (0.11)
G1RF-V�575 Red FIRE Gear 15l75cd� � Strobeonly � 025 (0.]1)
G3: ,�..,M R -, � � FlEi- Gi.. . . ectat�e:�:5' 5�oF 1-,.0��tl -. :be�o�l . � 025 (0.11)
G1q-HD Red � None qear Hom�only � � - - � SelectablehigFvlowdB � - 025 (0.11) �
G1 R-HDVM Red � None � Clear Selectable 15,30,75,or 110 cd� Selectable highAow dB 025 (0.11)
G1.R-P - Retl None Clear Steady Hom(not compatible wi[h Genesis Signal Maste� 025 (0.11)
G1R-VM Red None Clear Seleotable 15,30,75,or 110 cd Strobepnly � 025 (0.11)
ECS/MNS Appliances(no running man icon on housing)
Gt WA-HDVMA White ALERT �Amber Selectable A,B,C or D � � HoMStrobe Unit 025 (0.71)
G1 WA-VMC White ALERT Clear Selectable 15,30,75,or 1�0 cd Svobe only 025 (0.11)
G1 WN-VMA White None Amber Selectable A,B,C or D � Strobe only 025 (0.11)
G1 WN-VMC White None Clear � Selectable 15,30,75,or 110 cd Strobe oNy 025 (0.11)
Trim Plates
G�T� White None Genesis Trim Plate(for two-gang or 4"square boxes) 0.75(0.�
- G1 RT Red None Genesis Trim Plate(for hvo-gang or 4"square boxes) 0.15(0.�
G1T-FIRE WFiite FIRE � Genesis him Plate(foi two-gang or 4"square boxes) � 0.15(O.Z)
G1 RT-FIRE� Red FlRE Genesis Trim Plate(for iwo-gang or 4"square bozes) . - 0.15(0.7)
G1 WiALERT � WhRe ALERT Genesis Trim Plate(for two-gang or 4"square boxes) � 0.15(0.7)
Surtace Boxes
. 27793-76 WhRe WA One-gang surtace mount box � � 1 (0.4)
. 27193-11 Red WA One-gan9 surface mount box 1 (0.4)
�These 15/75 cd models provide fixed output and are not mufti-candela tlevices.The 15 cd output component complies with UL1971,while the 75 cd
output companent corriplies with UL 1638. � � � �
Page5of6 D4TA SHEET 85001-0573
Not to be usetl for instalizYion purposes. Issue 11.7
Contac[us... �
Email: edwartls.fire�fs.utc.com .
Web: wwwest-firecom .
E5T is an EOWAROS brantl.
1016 Corporate Park Drive
Mebane,NC 27302
In Canada,contact Chubb Edwards...
Emaii: inquiries�chubbedwartls.com
Web: Www.chu6bedwards.crom
�2013 UTC Fire 8 Security Ameri�=<
Corporation,Inc.All rights reserved.
SpeiKtatians subjeM to change
without notice.Etlwards is part ot UTC
Climate,Controls 8 Security,a uni[of
United Technologies Corporation. -
Page 6 of 6 D A T F S N E E T 85001-0573 �
No1 tc 6= us=_d ior installatim^. pvrposes. Issue 17.1
EST Cetalog �Strobes,Homs,Bells,Chimes •
Click Here to Return to
- �;,e Safety & Cammunicatlans Bill of Material/Index
�I �I� ����� !� p � ���I� , � One ar mare patents pendn9.
8 �:� R%0 ��61\ � ."""�
Oi� N��' f.�
Cellcr�g Horr� Y � �. „
Y� � �.
{ ���
y r «.4
0�trobes � �
� �
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� � � � ��. � r ��.�
Genesis Series ��, 4��� .. � �..' , , ,���
'N��^;>n, -�3:�L .
w�' y e~��..�'4 r .:se¢�.,,...m_
,. . -..�.... U�
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' MEA �E73oiai5' sz�ie
Overview Standard Features
Genesis ceiling hom-strobes are small,compact,and attractive � Field configurable-no need to remove the device!
audible-visible emergency signaling devices. Protruding no more - 15/30lIS/95 cd and 95/175/150/177 cd models available -
than 1.6"(41 mm), Genesis horn-strobes blend with any decor. - Switch settings remain visible even after the unit is installed
Thanks to patented breakthrough technology, Edwards Gen- - Low/high d6 settings
esis shobes do not require bulky specular reflectors and lenses. • Unique low-profile design .
Instead,an exclusive cavity desig�conditions light to produce - 30 per cent slimmer profile than comparable signals �
a highly controlled distribution pettern.Sign�cant development - No visible mounting screws �
efforts employing this�new technology have given nse to a new - Available with white or red housings
benchmark in strobe pertormance�-FuIlLight technology. . Easy to instali
FuIlLight strobe technology produces a smooth light distribution - Fts all standard 4"square electrical boxes with plenty of
pattern without the spikes and voids characteristic of specular room behind the signal for extra wire-no extension ring or
reflectors.This ensures the entire coverage area receives consis- trim plate needed
tent illumination from the strobe flash.As a result, Genesis strobes - Pre-assembled with captive hardware-no loose pieces
with FuIlLight technology go well beyond the minimum UL-required - #18 to#12 AWG terminals-ideal for long runs or ezisting wir-
"cross"pattern. ing
Depending on the model, Genesis hom-strobes feature 15 to 95, • Unparalleled performance �
or 95 to 177 candela output(see ordering infdrmation),which is - �clusive FuIlLight strobe technology produces the industry5
selectable with a conveniently-located switch on the front of the most even light distribution
device.The candela output setting is clearly.visible even after fnal - Single high-efficiency microprocessor controls
installation,yet ft remains locked in place to prevent unauthorized both horn and strobe
movement after installation. . - Low current dr8w minimizes system overhead
- Independent horn control provided over a single
Genesis hom-strobes feature textured housings in architecturally neu- pair of wires
tral white or eye-catching fire alarm red.An ingenious iconographic - Highly regulated in-rush current allows the maximum
. symtiol indicates the purpose of the tlevice.This universal symbol number of strobes on a circuit
� is code-compliant and is easily recognized by all building occu- - 100 d6 peak-multiple frequency tone improves
pants regardless of what language they speak.Models with''FIRE" wall penetration
markings are also available.
Page 1 oi 4 � D A T A s H E e r 85001-0559
� Dlot to be used fer installation purpos=s. Issue92
Application Installation and Mounting
Genesis strobes are UL 1971-listed for use indoors as ceiling-or All models are intended for indoor wall or ceiling applications
wall-mounted public-mode notification appliances for the hearing only. Hom-strobes mount to any flush North-American 4"square
impaired. Prevailing codes require strobes to be used where ambi- electrical box.
ent noise conditions exceed 105 dBA(87dBA in Canada),where o
occupants use hearing protection,and in areas of public accom- o o.
modation as defined in the Americans with DisabiliUes Act(see �
application notes-USAJ. � p °�O' d
�, o. '-.
Combination horn-strobe signals must be installed in accordance Q '
with guidelines established for strobe devices. �
Strobes '
Genesis strobes are UL 1971-listed for use indoors as ceiling-or o� .
wall-mounted public-mode notifcation appliances for the hearing �
impaired.Prevailing codes require strobes to be used where arnbi- � .
ent noise conditions exceed specified levels,where occupants
use hearing protection,and in areas of public accommodation. Genesis ceiling horn-strobes simply unlatch and twist to open,
Consult with your Authority Having Jurisdiction for details. This gains access to mounting screws and the selectable candela
switch.The shallow depth of Genesis devices leaves ample room
All Genesis strobes exceed UL synchronization requirements behind the signal for exira wiring.Once installed with the cover in
(wfthin 10 milliseconds other over a two-hour period)when used plaoe, no mounting screws are visible.
with a synchronization source. Synchronizatiori is important in
oriier to avoid epileptic sensitivity. � Edwards recommends that these fire alarm horn-strobes always
be installed in accordance with the latest recognized edition of
NO7E:'the flash intensiry of�some visible signals may not 6e-adequate national and local fire alartn codes.
to alert or waken occupants in the protected area.�Research�indcates� � �
�that Jhe intensRy of strobe needed to awaken 903'0 of sleeping persons� Field Configuration
� is appioximately 100 cd.Edwards recorilmends thaf�strobes in sleeping.� Depending on the model,Genesis hom-strobes may be set for 15
rooms be rated a4 a[leas[i�0 cd. �� - � � to 95, or 95 to 177 candeia output(see ordering information).The
WARNING:These devices will not operate without�electrical power.P.s output setting is changed by simply opening the device and sliding
�fires frequenty�cause power interruptions, furthei safeguarcJs such as the switch to the desired setting.The hom-strobe does not have
�backup power supplies mzy 6e required. �� �� ��- � . ���. � - �, t0 be remOved to Change the Output setting.The Setting remainS
� �� - � � � �� � � - � � visible through a small window on the front of the device after the
cover is closed. -
Horns The horn-strobe comes factory set for high dB output. Low dB
Genesis hom output reaches as high as 99 d6(peak)and output may be selected by cutting a jumper on the circuit board.
features a unique multiple frequency tone that results in excel- This reduces the output by about 5 dB. �
lent wall penetration antl an unmistakable waming of danger.All .
models may be configured for either coded or non-coded signal
circuits.They can also be set for low d6 output with a jumper cut
that reduces hom output by about 5 dB. WIYII"lg
The suggested sound pressure level for each signaling zone used Field wiring terminals accommodate#18 to#12 AWG(0.75 mm�
with alert or alarm signals is�at leas[15 dB above the average ambient to 2.5 mm�wiring. Hom/strobes are interconnected with a single
sound level,or 5 dB above the maximum sound level having a duration Pair of wires as shown�below.
of at least 60 seconds,whichever is greater,measured 5 feet(1.5 m)
above ihe floor.The aver�qe ambient sound level is,A-weighted sound Q �
pressure measured over a 24-hour period. + +
To neut
Doubling the distance frdm the signal to the ear will theoretically appliance,
Polanry shown in endof-line
result in a 6 d6 reduction of the received sound pressure IeveL ar ramm m .
The actual effect depends on the acoustic properties of matenals e�a""CO"amo� H H �„o-oi
in the space. A 3 dBA difference represents a barely noticeable _ _ eQ�"me�t
change in volume. O
Note:Strobes must hava continuous wltage.
(173 mm)
� .t, _ . �� �"�r �'kJ�25 mm)
4�' _
. 0.60"(15 mm)
va ezora oara sr+eEr 85001-0559
Not l0 62 used for installaticn purposes. Issue 92
Current Draw �
GC-HDVM Temporal Horn-strobe:High d6 Setting - GC-HDVMH High cd Temporal Horn-strobe:High dB
UC �. � '15 cd � � � 30 cd � � ��. 75 cd 95 ctl �� - � 95 cd � -� � 775 cd � "150 cd -� . 177 cd .
Rating . RMS �- - RMS � � AMS � RMS . RMS� -�� � � RMS �- RMS : � ��� RMS �.
16 Vdc �47 � 190 316 � 372 347 � 399 506 � 570 -
16 Vfwr 189 253 .417 451 �487 578 670 717
GC-HDVM Temporal Hom-strobe:High d6 Setting � GC-HDVMH High cd Temporal Horn-strobe:High dB
Typical - -�75cd � ��30cd . � 75cd � .� -95ctl - �- ��95cd . � -�715cd . -- 150cd - ��777cd��
Current RMS .Mean RM$ Mean RMS Mean RMS Mean ' �.RMS -Meen RMS,,:Mean .� RMS. Mean RMS.��Mean �
16 Vdc 1�1 95 �152 ]43 �281 . 276 333 328 324 322 377 374 477 474 554 � 551
20 Vdc 91 � 80 124 ��7 �219 214 257. 251 258 256 299 296 369 366 417 474
24 Vdc 80 71 108 101 � 185 - 180 212 207� �220 217 252 249 304 301 341� 338
33 Vdc 69 62 89 84 144 140 160 156 �72 169 188 185 223 220 244� 241
16 Vfwr 153 81 218 123 388 240 � 420 268 463 265 535 312 665 400 718 442
20 Vfwr 741 70 790 100 325 �88 378 219 392 2�1 439 . 240 517 28� 587 334
24 V(wr 135 64 176 90 280 154 370 180 � 346 179 � 382 2�2 � 458 246 498 277
33 V(wr 139 6� 167 80 24� 122 254 �733 296 142 323� 152 358 178 387 194
GC-liDVM Temporal Horn-strobe:Low d8 Setting GC-HDVMH High cd Temporal Horn-strobe:Low dB
Typical '� ��Scd , � _ : 30cd -�,� � ;'75cd �' 95cd� �� ' 95ed �� . �-�1i5.cd �:950cd ,-�-` .j77cd ��
.Cunent RPdS.'�.Mean, ,RMS Mean ;:Ri41S Mean� RMS �:Mean � °.RMS�. �Mean RMS`-Mean ��RMS Mean�� .RMS ..Mean �
�6 Vdc 108 9� 149 139 275 269 327 322 .317 � 315 378 376 � 480 477 544 � 542
20Vdc 87 75 120 113 2�4 209 250 245 252 250 � 292 290 364 362 474 41�
24 Vdc 76 66 103 97 �80 �75 205 201 212 211 245 243 297 � 295 334 332
33 Vdc 64 57 85 80 �38 135 153 750 159 157 � 181 179 215 273 �234 232
-16Vfwr 141 76 204 118 �384 239 478 265 461 - 265 521 305 656 396 705 432
20 Vfwr 127 65 176 95 312 181 371 2�4 � 381 208 � 437- . 242 508 285 576. . 326.
24 Vhvi 118 60 162 82 262 � 149 301 171 335 172 370 - 195 440 235 485 264
33 Vfwr� 127 56 155 73 229 �18 249 129 285 134 308 149 - 349 169 373 186
Notes and Comments � �
1. Current values are shown in mA
- 2. UL Narneplate Rating can vary finm Typical Current due to measurement methods and insWments used.
3. Etlwards recommentls using the Typical Curterrt for system tlesign including NAC and Power Suppy loatling antl voltage drop calculaVons.
4. Use the Vdc RMS current ratings Por filteretl power suppy and battery AH calculations.Use the Vfwr RMS curren[ratings for unfitteretl power suppy calculations.
5. Fuses,circuR breakers antl other overcurrent protecfion deNces are typically ratetl for wrrent in RMS values.Most of these devices operate based upon the heating efrec[
of the current flowin9 Mmugh Me device.The RMS curtent(not the mean curtent)tletertnines the heating affec[and therefo2,Ne trip and holtl thresholtl for those devices.
6. Our indusVy has used'meari currents over the years. However,UL will direct the industry to use the 2004 RMS values in the futu2.
dBA output Light output - (effective cd)
Hi hii6 �� UL464>; �:Average ` ' Peak
9 -�� - � Percent of UL rating versus angle
Setting Temporal Steady TemporaV. ,Temporal/ ��
--� -�- �.'Steady �- � ,Steady - � ^`d"�"""°
16 Vdc 79.8 � �832 90.6 93.6 .��. .y� ��t"���* �, r �a� b��,�,,��.
24Vtic 83.3 -85.4 93.6 96.6 �e-,�-C "����,,ppt�" ��% P,� /I��l'+y` � �y�' a��`�.�Iz
33 Vdc 85 87.8 95.7 98.7 �s z"��'� � F� a'� �:�� � ��� � �:
���:a` �'`� ��, }� 4� ������'�.,����' ,s
Low�dB . :. UL464.;� ".Average � ;. Peak -.. ��£�� '� �'� X�� � �"�L� ���"�' "ti�'�4�.
� � � ��* �,g� �
Setting Temporal Steady TemporaV �TemporaV. � - '��.�� 4 k`7� ��k �(�a,�ti;r��`4�+. so•
. . �;SteadY SteadY:� ��x��Y�,y� F r �' :� � r b.�r��
16 Vdc �75 ..79.3 86.3 88.7 ' ��` ����'`(""r ( � i^�X� ��-��as• .
24 Vdc 78 83 . 88.8 � 92.4 3 f`� ! �i��C � $,,.�` "�.
33Vdc 80,9 -85.9 91.8 95.1 _�s ..�':. -:,.;�. �s.
t.All vatues shown are tlBA measu2d at 10 feet(3.01 m);2.UL464 values measured
in reverberation room;3.Average antl Peak values are measuretl in anechoic cham-
Page3of4 oara. sHeeT 85001-0559
. Plot to be used tor ir,s!all2lion pu�posas. Issue 92
�� _tl�^�� Housing Texhired W stabii¢ed,cobr impregnated engineeretl plastic.Fxceeds 94V-
0 U�flammabiGry rating.Red and white moiiels available.
Lens Optical grade polycarbonate(clear)
Contac[us... Mounting North-Amencan 4"square box,2 1/8"(54 mm)deep(indoor wall or
ceiling applications only).
Emal: eawards.fire�fs.utc.com Screw terminals:single input for both horn and strobe.#18 to#�2
Web: wwwesf-(recam WifeCOnneCtions
ANlG(0.75 mm�to 2.5 mm�wire size
EST is an EOWARos brand. Operating environment Indoor.32-120°F(0-49"C)ambient temperature.93%relative humidity
7016 Corporate Park Drive Meets or exceeds ULC-5525&ULGS526,year 2004 UL
Mebane,NC 273oz �requirements for standards UL1638 and UL7971,and complies
Agency listings/approvals H,ith UL1480.All hom-sVobes com 1 with ADA Code of Federal
In Canada,conWct Chubb Edwards... PY
Emaii: inquiries�actiub6edwards.com Regulati0n Chapter 28 Part 36 Final Rule.CSFM,MEA,FM.
we6: wwwchubbedwards.com GGHDVM series temporal-tone hom-strobesi,non-coded,fiRered
�2013 UTC Fre&Security Americas Operating voftage 1633 Vdc or unfittered 16-33 Vdc FWR (or coded(audible NAC ony)
corpomtian,Inc.All dghts reservea. � when used with optional G1 M Genesis Signal Master)
Specifications subject to chan9e � UL 1971,UL�638,ULC 5526:selectable 15/30A5/95 Cd(GG-
without notice.Etlwards is part ot UTC SVobe output rating HDVM)and 95/115/150/177 Cd(GC-HDVMI-�
Ctimate,Controis 8 Securiry,a unit oi GGHDVNI senes temporal-tone Nom-strobes:one flash per second
united 7echnologies Corporation. synchron¢ed with optional G1 M Genesis Signal Mas[er indefinitety
Strobe flash rate ��n 10 milliseconds(or self-synchronized within 200 milliseconds
overthirty minutes on a common circuit without G�M Genesis Signal
Maste�j Temporal setting(private mocle only):synchron¢ed to temporal
output of homs on same circuit
GC-HDVM series temporal-tone hom-sVobes:temporal rate
� synchronized with optional G1 M Genesis Signal Master indefini[ely ,
Hom pulse rate � wrthin 10 milliseconds(or self-synchronized within 200 milliseconds
over thirty minutes on a common circuR wfthout G7 M Genesis Signal
� Temporel audible pattem '�sec ON,�h sec OFF,'k sec ON,�h sec OFF,Yz sec ON;1�k sec
� OFF,then repeat cycle
Ordering Information
Catalog�. Housing -� �-� '� _ -� -Ship �.
Number - - Coloi .:�Marking �.DesCripfiqn . . �� �Wt.lbs
� � _,_ (k�9) .
_.,. . . - . . . _ � . �� .�. . . .:-..
GC-HDVM White None
GG==DVIv1� �:lu[e - FIFi�- enesisCeilina I orn;:Stro
'rth_selectatile 15 '30,_7_5—_oF 95 cd_ou1D� p,gp
GCFl9-HDVM Red 'FIFE" � (� 8�
GC-HDVMH WhRe None Genesis CeilincyWall Hom-Strobe
GCF-HDVMH White "FIRE" with selectable 95,1�5, 150,or 177 cd output
,Accessdries` � � � � �
G1M-RM �GenesisSignalMaster—�RemoteMount (�-gang) �'2
' SIGA�-CC1 S Intelligent Synchronization Outpui Module (2-gang) 0.5
SIGA-MCC1S Intelligent Synchronization Output Module (Plug-in UIO) �'�$
! ^=
Whi[e Feid Confgurabie Ceiling Hom-Stro6es may 6e
ortleretl with orwithou[optional'FlRE'making.Red
Hom-Stro6es come with'FlRE'marking.
Page4ot4 oara SHEET 85001-0559 „
Not to be used for ins[aliation purposes. issue 92
ESl Caialog P� Strobes,Homs,Beils,Chimes
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�;fe Se,ery � Cnmmunlcat/ans Bill of Material/Index
��rr� �o�al Horns - -,
a� d � ornmstrobes �� � $� = �:
� � .
�, C �
757 SeriEs � �� �� �" � j� # � �`
� �r..:
_ �� � R , ��
� . �, �� �:
�, ;
; � . >���:
, � ;
. _
Patented p�
. . . � � O 7125-7651:
`,� MEA sz,a maa
Overview Standard Features
Integrity temporal horns and temporal horn-strobes are specially • UL 1971-listed synchronizing strobe
designed for use with compatible I'rfe safety communication and Integriry stiobes.synchronize to the latest UL Y971 require-
control equipment to alert occupants of a I'rfe safety event. The ments when used with a synchronization source.
horn emits a piercing low frequency sound that is easiiy heard e pdjustable Audible Output
above moderate arnbient noise levels.The flash from its strobe Select temporal or continuous tones,and High setting for 98
can be noticed from almost any posftion in the room,corndor,oe dBA output or Low�setting for 94 dBA sound output. �
large open space.
• Genesis-compatible
Integritys rugged plastic housing is made from durable and fire All Genesis and In4egrity strobes on the same circuit meet UL
retardant, high impaot plastic with a slightly textured surface. Its 1971 synch�onization requirements when used with an external
ingenious mounting plate frmly holds the device in place with a control module.
single screw.A separate trim plate is not required.Terminals ac- -
cept up to#Y 2 AWG(2.5mm�wire for polarized connections. ^ Approved for public and private mode applications
Strobes are shipped with standard wall mount style"FIRE"lens UL 1971-listed as signaling devices for the hearing impaired
and UL 16$8-listed as protective visual signaling appliances.
markings. Where ceiling orientation,other languages,or different �
lens markings are required, Edwards offers optional LKW and LKC " Durable red or white Noryl front plate
series Lens Marking Kits.These optional lens markings simply Ideal for outdoor,-industrial or harsh environments.
snap on to the strobe.Consutt Edwards for availability of special m Field changeable field markings
lens markings. Lens language or standard"FIRE"marking is easily changed
Integrity horns and horn-strobes are designed for 16 to 33 Vdc W�h optional LKW and LKC series lens kits.
operation ancl musi be connected to signal circuits that output a • Easy Instaliation
constant(not pulsed)voltage.A�diode is used to allow full signal Flush mount to standard Norih American 4"square or two-
circuit supervision. � gang box. Integritys universal mounting plate allows it to be
wired arid theh left hanging free for easy inspection and testing
before it is fastened to the electrical box.
. Pa9e 7 of 6 �A 7 A s H e e T 85001-0341
Net to be used for installation purpo>es. Issue6.i
� !
NOTE:The installation of visible and audible signalsare subject to national and local standzrds,codes,and ordinAnce§. � � - . - ,�
� Consultyour Aiithoriry Hawng Jurisdiction for device installation requirements,applic9tion standards;and_minimum-performarice spec'rfications., .
Horns Strobes
Dunng installation,the horn is configured for steady or temporal Edwards strobes are UL 1971-listed for use indoors as wall-mounted
tone signal and either low(94 dBA)or high(9S dBF�outpu[.When public-mode not�cation appliances for the hearing impaired.Prevail-
temporal ou[put is selected all horns on a common two-wire ing codes require sirobes to be used where ambient noise conditions
circuit are self-synchronized(see specifcations). 6cternal control exceed specifed levels,where occupants use hearing protection,
modules are not required for audible synchronization. and in areas of public accommodation.Consult with your Authority
Suggested sound pressure level for each signaling zone used wRh Having Jurisdiction for details.
alert or alarm signals is at least 15d6 above the average ambi- As part of the Enhanced Integrity line of products, 757 Series
ent sound level,or 5d6 above the maximum sound level having a strobes exceed UL synchronization requirements(whhin 10 mil-
duration of at least 60 seconds,whichever is greater, measured liseconds other over a two-hour perio�when used with a syn-
5'(1.5m)above the floor.The average ambient sound level is the chronization source. Synchronization is importani in order to avoid
RMS,A-weighted sound pressure measured over a 24-hour period. epileptic sensitivity.
Doubling the distance from ihe signal to the ear will U�eoretically resuR Integrity strobes are fully compatible wfth Edwards Genesis sig-
in a 6 dB reduction of the received sound pressure level.The actual nals.
effect depends on ihe acoustic propetties of materials in the space.A 3 _
dB.4 drfference represents a barely noticeable change in volume. �
:�NOTEs The flasti iptensity of some visible signals may not be adequate �.
Ut ut Af19I0 - De9ree � to alert or waken occuparits m the pro[ected area. Fesearch indicafes�
. � p S �that the intensity of strobe needed to awaken 90%of sleeping persons �.
_� � 7 5 � is approwmatey 100 cd.Edwartls recommends that strobes in 9leeping _
30 30 �.�iooms be rated at at least 110 cd.���. � � :
-45 5 VIIpRNINCa:These devices will not operate without el@ctrical power.�As
-60 Q fires frequenty cause power interruptidns, further safeguards such as�-
. .� . , backup power suPPlies may be required. .,� � . . .
_�g -. 75 . . . .
_qp � 90
105 95 85 75 �d&4 75 85 95 7 05
—Temporal Horn (dBA)
� Typical Sound Output Distribution
� dBA measured at 10 R in aneehoic chamber
757 Series Temporal Horn('HIGH'output)
Installation and O NonhAmerican2-gang
electric boz,23/a"(69mm)minimum
Mountin � (Altemative:4"squarebox
g O � 0 24/a"(54mm)tleeP)
All models fit to a standard flush
Mounting PIAte(provided) O .
mounted, North-American two- ,
gang electrical box,2'/a inch(69 O �
mm)minimum.Optional flush �
trims are not required. For sur- �
face rriount, use EST's custom
indoor and outdoor surtace boxes
. painted in color-matched red or ,
� white epoxy.Edwards recom-
mends ihat fre alarm horn/strobes � ��ps-32 screws @y omers)
always be installed in accordance Sunace eoz-5-s/a"(i4amm)sq.x
� with the latest recognized edi- Housing 3-sne°(s�mm)aeep
tion of national and local fire alarm / 5-1/2"(140mm)x 5-7/2"(140mm)x 5/8"(16mm)
cotles. ��
Single Mounting Screw(provided)
Pa9e2of6 DATA SHEET 85001-0341
No: to be used for instzllation purposes. Issue 6d
Typical Wiring Strobe Operating Current (RMS) ' � '
The strobe musi be connected to signal circuhs which output u�
a constant(not pulsed)voltage.The horn can be connected to .aating, 15 cd isns cd 3o cd � �5 cd ��.� ito cd�
continuous voltage circuits. � �6 Vdc 109 150 � 130 � 263 ' 329�
�6 Viwr 150 �--�210... � 189 � 333 � �420
ON SAME CIRCUIT xaMstro6a Hom/5trobe TyplGal . '� ' � ' � ' '
Current �5 cd 15/75 cd 30 cd , 75 cd � 710 cd '
TaUWLCLIs1eE �'.� '., . �.- .
Flnaarmcono-o� + 24 Vdc 69 90�. .�. 89 159 � -�180
Pdne151AnalCrcuH �- x-
st zavrwr ioa � iza J isa � zss � 2so
ro Nea oevlce .
o�EOL Fesisb�
� � - �+ Vtic:Votts direc[curient,regulated and fiitered
HOfiN and STAOBE � - .
ON SEPARAiE CIflCUIT Vfwr:Votts full wava rectified
TaOWLCIisIeG i � TONcitOerim
FueNarmControl_ - Nom/51mba Ham/SIroEe arEOLFuisN� Curtent Drew Notes and Comments
PMB�$iglldl CIRUR 1. Current values are stiown in mA.
w w 2. UL Narneplate Rating can vary from Typical Current tlue to measurement meth-
Ta UWic us�ea + s, s ods and instruments used �
Fre Nartn CaMW" To Nekl5tro0e�eNca . .
Panel Signal Cimud � o�EOL Rssisfor 3. Edwartls recommentls using Ne Typical Current for system 0esign induding NAC
� and Power Suppy loading and vottage drop calculations.
4. Use the 16 Vdc RMS current ratings for(tteretl_power suppty and battery AH
calculations.Use ihe 16 Vfwr RMS curtent ratings for unfilieretl power supply
5. Fuses,dreui[breakers and other overcurrent pro[ecGon tlevices are typicaly
' rated for curtent in RMS values.Most of these devices operate based upon
the heating affect of the current Flowing through the device.The RMS currerR
dBA Output •
.Horrrstrobes �.�.... : . _'' . - . � .�.��. � . �:. � , : -� . .. , .
UL464�� � Average-anechoic � Peak-anechoic �
Temporal � Steady - Temgoral Steady � � Temporal Steady
High dB Output 79.0 85.0 97.0 � 97.0 102A � 102A �
Low dB Output . 75A � � � 79.0 93.0 93.0 � 98.0 98.0
� � ' detertnines Ne heating afrect Antl Nerefore,the lnp and hold thresholtl for thwe
HomS ,:. : :�.. �, -, � ,.: , �. _,_ . ,.� . ,.
UL464 � � Avera e-anechoio Pzak-'anechoic�
Temporaf� Steady Temporal Steady Temporal Steady
High dB Output 82.0 85.0 98.0 � 98.0 �04.0 - - 104.0
Low d6 Output 75.0 82.0 94.0 94.0 99.0 99A �
dBA Ou�ut Notes anA Camments �
• All values shown are dBA measuretl at 10 feet(3.01 m). -
• UL7480 values measured in revafoeration room.
• Average values are measured in anechoic charn6er.
Pa9e3of6 DAT.A SHEET 85001-0341
Dlot to be osed ?or ins:allation nurpos25. issue 6.1
' Light Output Patterns
15 cd I-SN Series Strobes � � 15/75 cd 1-7AI Series Strobes � 30 cd 1-3A)Series Strobes 75 cd 1-4AI Series Strobes 110 cd 1-8AI Series Strobes
. _ . .. . . . . . . . . _. . . . .. . _ . . . . . . . .
. HorizontelOu[put- , , � Horizontol0utput � ' Horizontnl0ufpul- - �Ho�izontal0utpu[ : '- � HbnzonmlOutput �,
- 'degrens ' .��degrees . � � � � � de9rees � � � � degrees � - . �de9rees � � ' �
-30-15 '� 5.30 . ,..30"15 � �5 30 - - 30 15��O �� 5 30. 30-15 �.� 5 30� - � 30-15 � 5..30 � . .
-05 45 -45' ��5 -45 _ 5 65 ,��y; 5 � � -45' 45...
60 „ 60� -60�. 60 60� ;. b0 60 *� ,; 60 60 " 60
]5 �` :. j5 JS . � 75 7 '� IS 75 '_ J ]5 ]5 � ' ]5. �
90 '4 90 90 90 90 - 90 -90 -'- 90 90 � 90
30 20 10 cC 10 20`30- 100 - :50 cd - '���50� 100 � 60 40 20-ctl�20'40 60 - 140 100 60 ctl-fi0 100140 200. 300 'cd .�100� 200 ,
. . . .. . .. . .. -. . .':: .�. �.
Vertiwl0utput ' ' . Vertical0u[put�. . " VerUcalOutP� ��� Verti<al0utput �. . . Veitical0u[vut-'.
. 30:90_)5.60 . . . . 100'90)5 fi0 . � � 90 JS..� � . ' . ' 90_]5-�. � . . . ' ;90�5 . .
-45_ . '-45 . �60 -60 i5 � . . 1� -6045- - 150� -60Q5 . .
'ZO 30 � 30 ' -' 40� -30 ' � 100 30 300 30� '
1� .. 1$ 6�. . . 5� _ 1rJ 6 2� i :. 1$ 6 6� 15,q. $��'. . : 1$ 6.- .
cd �_�7 0 " d,. �4 � �o . ..fd ' . o �a � . <d _ . L o �° cd o '� _
. 30 15 N. - 15 � ' Zp 15 � � 60 - 15.F 50 15��ry
0 � 50�� � - � . 0 - 30 . '' 30 . . .
20.. 45 . . 45 . _40 . 45 � � � . 100. 45.� . . . . 100 45 . .
30.90 5 60 ' 100�90 g 60 - - .. 60 90 J5_60:,. . . 140.90]5'60 � 150 90 5 � �.' . �
�Avem9e. ULmnQ �qvem9e ULminQ QAvefage ULmmQ . �Avem9e ULrtunQ. �Avero9e ULmnQ '
. . . . . . . � Vertical
Specifications so.
Rated Strobe Output_-cantlela � � � - 75� 1A-T�,-� 757-SA-T �-��757-7A-T- 757-3A-T . ".-� 757-4A-T� � 757-SA-T.- �
UL 1638 15��°Or � 75 cd 30 cd � 75 cd 110 cd � �
UL 1971 ' N/A (hom only) 15 cd �15 cd wall 30 cd wall 75 cd wall 110 cd wall
(w211 mount ony) 15 cd ceiling �5 cd ceiling 60 cd ceiling 60 cd ceiling
ULC S526 � 15 cd 75 cd 30 cd 75 cif 120 cd
Standalone Synchronization � Strobe fiash at 1 per second within 200 milliseconds on common circuit Horn pulses at temporal rate
Characteristics(note 2) within 200 milliseconds on common circuit
Operating Vofts .� � SVobe:16-33 Vdc or VTwr CoMinuous
� � Hom:1633 Vdc or Vhvr Continuous
Mechoic:High Setting-�04 dBA(peaV�/98 dBA(avg);1ow Seffing-99 dBA(peakp94 dBA(avg) �
Horn Ou[put(note t) Reverberent:High Setting-85 dBA(continuous)/82 dBA(temporaQ;
Low Setting-82 dBA(continuous)/75 dBA(tempora�
Horn Current High Output:40 mA @ 24 Vdc;55mA�24 Vrms FWR
� Low Output:20 mA @ 24 Vdc; 28 mA�24 Vrms FWR
Strobe Flash Synchronized at one flash per second. External control module necessary to meet UL 1971 synchronization
Synchronization requirements of 10 milliseconds over a two-hour penod.
Synchronization Souroes � G1M-RM,SIGA-CC1S,SIGA-MCC1S,BPS6A,BPS10A
Strobe Marking Supplied with LKW-1 "FIRE"red letters,vertical botFi sides(Wall Mount) -see LKW and LKC senes for ceiling
� sryle and optional markings.
Flash Tube Enclosure Clear LIXAN witFi white marking sleeve
Housing Textured,color impregnatetl engineered plastics-exceetls 94V-0 UL flarnmabilijy rating
Wire Connections Terminals-separate,polarized inputs for Hom&Strobe,#12 AWG(2.5mm�ma�timum
INDOOR Operating Environment 32-120��F(0-49"C)ambient temperature.93%relative humidity�40�C
98%relative humidity�40°C;-31-150'F(-35-66°C)arnbient temperature
OUTDOORAperating Environment (757-4A:rated at 48 cd�-35°C per UVQ-40`C per ULC)
(must use weatherproof box) (757-7A:rated at 17.7 cd�-35"C per U V�-40°C per ULC)
(757.8A:reted at 70.7 cd�-35°C per UV�-40`C per ULC)
Mounting-IIJDOOR Flush;North-Amencan 2-gang 6ox,3"high x 4"wide x 2�"(69 mm)minimum
Surtace:757A-SB Back box Bi-directional:757A-BDF Mounting Frame
Mounting-OUTDOOR Surtace:75�A-WB Weatherproof Box
� Agency Listings UL�97�,UL 1638,UL464,ULC S526,ULC S525,MEA,CSFM,FM
(All models comply with ADA Code of Federal Regulation Chapter 28 Part 36 Fnal Rule)
Note 7-Measured at 10 ft(3m)�24 Vdc.Subtracl 3 dBA for models with strobes.Note 2•Temporal autli6la pattern is tlefined as:Y4 sec ON,�h sec OFF'h sec ON,Yz sec
OFF,Y5 sec ON,1%z sec OFF then repeat cycle.Integrity audible will not 6e affectetl by Genesis signal silence operation when on the sarne two wire circuit with Genesis hom
Page4of6 oaTa snEer 85001-0341
Pbt to be used fvr installation purposes. Issue 6.'I
Ordering Information ' ' '
Catalog �De§cription � � Ship�Wt., LKW-Y "FIRE",Wall Orientation(supplie�
Nuiritier - - - ��lb:(kg) ; LKN/-1 R "FlRE",Wali Onentation,RED �
� LKW_2 „FEU",.WallOrientation
Temporal Homs � � . � � � � - LKW-3 "FIRFJFEU",Wall Odentation
757-1A-T' Temporal Horn,Red � 1.7(0.8)� -LKW-4 "SMOKE°,Wall�Orientation 0.1 (.OS)
LKW-5 � � "HALON",�WallOrientation
Semporal Hom-Strobes� 'LKW-6 °CO2",Wall OrieMation
757-7A-T" Temporal Horn-Strobe,15AScd,Red .LKW-7 "EMERGENCY",Wall Orientation
757-5A-T' Temporal Horn-Strobe, 15cd,Red LKW-8 "ALARM",Wall Orientation
757-3A-T` Temporal Hom-Strobe,30cd,Red 2.0(0.9) �LKW-g "FUEGO",Wall Orientation
_— _--'�...,__._._ . ._— _______.
57=A:. �e'm��'� aI'HomcSV'ob �Sc&'R ��� AddS�i/fix'W'focatalogno.farWHITE(e.g.757-7A-7YVJ
757-8A-T' TemporalHOrn-Strobe, 1.10Cd,Red .Change'W'to"C"forCEluNGmount(e.g.L/CC-7)
.Synchronization Sources -.
Gt M-RM Genesis Signal MaSter Remote Mount(1- Q 2�(p.�� .�
SIGA-- Synchronization Output Module(Standard 0.5 (023)
CCiS Mount)-UWLCListed
SIGA- Synchronization Ou[put Module(UIO Mount) 0.18 (0.08)
MCCi S -UL Listed �
BPS6A . 6.5 Amp Booster Power Suppty 13(5.9) .
BPS10A 7 0 Amp Booster Power Supply 13(5.9)
Mounting Accessofies
757A-SB" Surface Box,Red,Indoor � �.5(0.��
57�. W€3` -::eath�fBoz�:Fie SL'giace
757A-BDF` Bi-directional Frarne,Red � 4(1.8)
•Add-WlorWldtehousrngs. � �
Lens Marking Kits.(see note 7)� , -�. , �'�.
Page5of6 DATA� SH'cET 85001-0341
��ot to b= used for in52a0ation purposss. Issae 6.1
. � .
Email: edwards.fire�fs.utc.com
Web: wwu<est-fire.com
EST is an EDWAROS brantl.
1016 Corporete Park Dme
Mebane,NC 27302 '
In Canada,contact Chubb Edwards... '
Email: inquiries�chubbedwards.com
Web: wwwchubbedwart/scnm � .
�2013 UTC Flre&Security AmeNcas
Corpomtion,Inc.All rights reserved.
Specificatlons su6ject to change
without notica.Etlwards is part of UTC
Climate,Conbois&SewriTy,a un@ of '
Uni[etl Technologies Corporetion.
Page 6 oF 6 o n r a s r+e e r 85001-0341 „
Nel to be us=tl for insiallation purposes. Issue6.1
�ST Catalo��� Power Supplies and Accessdlies" •
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- Llle Satety & Communicat/ons of Material/Index
.{ i i! � "":� . ; � �� .. ;
1',{��ti C � f
��i!�(���� r1�������1���1�� �.: �° � ��a��
Ft � � r 't� " ry
Rerr�ote �ooster ��'�� �h ����� ������� � .
� � 4� F��l����f►1���lllfl���� ��'f���' � ,
, � ti �� r ��f/����� � �1��
Power S � pplies , �`���� � ¢� } � � �r����
;�r�,yrss�� �S,�r ��t � �,�z°��r�.. �...m.m
� PS,6A BPS10A w ��i��������;������� � f�;��#, �' ' MEA
� ��� > #�.�,
1���i';��i{4�t� �'�?"C`���t^��� � S ,y °Vo1.13E
�.���11�}il!}i�j`',���l�� 1 �.�``: y�
#�y��ftiiitlll�/lfEf/I� ;` ��
; ����#�$�}�t ��
Overview Standard Features
The Booster Power Supply(BPS)is a UL 864,9th Edition listed • Allows for reliable fikered and regulated power to be installed
power supply. It is a 24 Vdc filfereii-regulated,and supervised where needed
unit that can easily be configured to provide additional notification . �st effective system expansion
appliance circufts(NACs)or auxiliary power for Mass Notification/ provides for Genesis and Enhanced Integrity notification ap-
Emergency Communication(MNEC),as well as I'rfe safety,securtty, �
and access control applications. pliance synchronization
• Supports coded output operation
The BPS contains the circuitry to monitor and charge internal Self-restoring overcunent protection
or external batteries. Its steel enclosure has room for up to two �
10 ampere-hour batteries.For access control-only applications, • Multiple signal rates
the BPS can support batteries totaling up to 65 arnpere-hours in . Can be cascaded or controlled independenty �
an external enclosure.The BPS has four Class B(convertible to . Easy field configuration
two Class A)NACs.These can be ac4ivated in one or lwo groups -
from the BPS's unique dual input circufts. , • On-board diagnostic LEDs identify wiring or internal faults
• Standard Edwards keyed lockable steel cabinet with remov-
� The BPS is available in 6.5 or 10 arnpere models. Each output able door
circuit has a capacity of three amperes;total current draw cannot
exceed the uniYs rating. • 110 and 230 Vac models available
The BPS meets current UL requirements and is listed under the
• Accommodates 18 to 12 AWG wire sizes
following standards: • Optional tamper switch
Standard(CCN) - Deseription ' - • Dual battery charging rates
u�asa su,ea.�no� >oqF�aaarm sys�ems� O tional earth uake hardenin OSHPD seismic re-a roval
UL636(W ET,UEKK7) - Holtlup Alarm Units antl Systems � p Q g� p PP
UL609(AOiX,AOTX7) �i e��yi�aarm u�rt�a,a syscems � for component Importance Factor 1.5
UL294(ALW,UEFI,YI) Access CanWl Systems
, UL3fi5(APqW,APAW» Police Station Connected Burglar Plarm Units antl Systems
UL1 W6(APOU,APOU7) Pmpnetary Burglar Alarm SyStem Units
UL1610(AMC� Central Statlon Alartn UnR �
ULC-5527(UOXXC) CorNol Units,Fire Alartn(Canatla)
ULGS303(AOiX� � -Local Burgler FJartn Units and Systems(Canatla) �
C22.2 No.205 Signaling Equipment(Canatl�
Page 7 of 4 o ar n s H e e T 85005-0125
Not [o b=ussd for instailation parpos=e, Issue6
` Application Dimensions
The BP$provides additional power and circuits for notification ap-
pliances and other 24 Vdc loads. It is listed for indoor dry locations
and can easily be installed where needed. j 0 Top ViewO O
.Fault condttions are indicated on the on-board diagnostic LEDs, �
opening the BPS input sense circuit and the trouble relay(if D2-►I . D3—�
prograrnmed).While this provides indication to the host system,
the BPS can still be activated upon command.A separate AC
Fail contact is available on the BPS circuit board,which can be Of— D4—►0
programmed for trouble or AC Fail.There are seven on-board � ° . �
diagnostic LEDs: one for each NAC fault,one for battery fault,one � Front View O
for ground fault, and one for AC power. >
d •
The unique dual-input activation circuits of the BPS can be acti- �°
vated by any voltage from 6 to 45 VDC(filtered-regulated)or 11 D1 � . O D6
to 33 Vdc(full-wave rectified, unfttere�.The frst input circuit can O , �
be configured to activate 1-4 of the four possible outputs.The
second input circuit can be configured to control circuits 3 and 4. All knockouts �
When outpirts are configured for auwliary operation,these circuits for 3/4 in conduit � G
1.9 cm fD
can be configured to stay on or automatically deactivate 30 sec- � � ) � �
onds after AC power is lost.This feature makes these circuhs ideal �
for door holder applications.The BPS also has a separate 200
mA 24 Vdc output that can be used to power internal aotivation
. . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ . .
BPS NACs can be configured for a 3-3-3 temporal or continuous .��' D1 � -�-�D2�. ��. D3 �.�. Da � D5 :Ds . �- �
output.Cal'rfornia temporal rate outputs are also available on cer- 1�.o in 3.5 in 13.0 in 6.5 in 3.375 in 12.0 in
tain models.This makes the BPS ideal for applications requiring (��2 cm) (8.9 cm) (33.0 cm) (�6.5 cm) (a.6 crrm) (30.4 cm)
signaling rates that are not available from the main system.
In addition to the internally generated signal rates,the BPS can
also be configured to follow the coded signal rate of the main W ire routi ng Power-limited
system NACs.This allows for the seamless expansion of existing � wiring area
The BPS enclosure has mounting brackets for up to three Signa- �'��:�.�'`�� ,,�.ty ��
ture modules to the right of the circuit board. �""� � �'` �-�.�:;0, z � �_,
o r;,�
Engineering Specification � �` '
Supply,where needed,Edwards BPS Series Booster Power Sup- � � o��
plies(BPS)that are interconnected to and supervised by the main ❑ ,
system.The BPS shall function as a stand-alone auxiliary power g �^� ,�,.�:
supply with its own fully-supervised battery compliment.The BPS �3���"�"�� °
batte com liment shall be sized to match the re uirements of �
�Y P Q RouteACsuppty ���os��
the main system.The BPS shall be capable of supervising and through these � � '�
charging batteries having the capacity of 24 arnpere-hours for knockouts oniy =
' Mass Notification/Emergency Communication(MNEC),I'rfe safety (Nonpower-limited � � T
and security applications,and the capacity of 65 arnpere-hours for and supervised) Battery wiring (nonpower-
access control applications. o limited and supervised) o
«The BPS shall be capable of installation for a seismic com- Battery Battery
ponent Importance Factor of 1.5.»The BPS shall provide a
minimum of four independent,fully supervised Class B circuRs
that can be feld configurable for notfication appliance circuits or
auxiliary 24 Vdc power circuits. BPS NACs shall be convertible to
a minimum of two Class A NACs.Each BPS output circuit shall Noces
be rated at 3 amperes at 24 Vdc. Each ouiput circuit shall be 1. Maintain 1/4-Ineh(6 mm)spacing between power-fmtted and nonpower-Iimttetl
provided with automatically restoring overcurrent protection.The ��ng or use type FPL,FPLR,or FPLP cable per NEC.
BPS 5h211 b2 O erable from the main s stem NAC and/or Edwards �2� Powerlimitetl and supeMsetl when not configuretl as aittlliary power.Non-
P Y supervised when confgured as a�ixiliary power.
Signature Series control modules. BPS NACs shall be configurable �s] Source must be power-limitad.Sourca determines supervision.
for continuous, 3-33 temporal or optionally,California rate. Fault 4. When using larger battenes,make sure to position tha batteryterminals towarUs
conditions on the BPS shall not impede operation of main sys- me aooc �
tem NAC.The BPS shall be provided with ground fault detection
circuitry and a separate AC fail relay. .
Page2of4 DATA SHEET 85005-0125
Not to tr� used for ins[ailation purposes. Issue 5
Typical Wiring ' '' '
SIII le or cascaded booster �CCircuit � Tonextsignaling
g NAC Circutt device,boosler,or
anywhere on a notification appliance circuit EOL resistor
� Existing NAC end-of-line resistors are not required to be Fire Aiarm > ; NAC output#7
„ NAC output#2
installed at the booster's terminals.This allows multiple Control Panel m N Nac outputu3 �
boasters to be driven from a single NAC circuit without the g — NAC outpul#4
need for special configurations. . � -- �
Booster Power �
Configuring the Booster for Multiple CC1(S) modules using the
AC Power Fail delay operation' BPS's sense inputs
TB� Notification appliance circuit(NAC) Tg� Notification appliance circuit.(NAC)
NAC1/+ ULlisted NAC1/ + ULlis[ed
AUX1 - a EOL 15 kf2 AUX1 - a a EOL'I5 KW
NAC2/+ Notfiption appliance circuil(NAC) NAC2! + Notification appliance circud(NAC)
AUX2 - AUX2 -
NAC3/+ � UL listed NAC3/ + � � UL listed
AUX3 - II II EOL 15 kfl AUJf3 - � a a EOL 15 KW
NAC4/+ . . NAC4l + .
AUX4 - AUX4 -
200 mAAUX N + . 200 mAAUX,�
ConGnuous m - Contlnuous m
IN + IN +
Sense 1 COM - . Sense 1 COM EOL 47 K
Sense 2 COM EOL47 kil � t09 Sense 2 COM EOL 47 K � �
NO CQt(S)module[1][3] OUT
0 o NO - + - +
Trouble COM a� � 5 a 3 2� Trouble COM � � �
NC NC �os � 7os �
TBo �� TBo CCi(S)module CC1(S)module
�•��T�• Data in Rom Data out to � ° a°s z t - s�s 5 � a s z i
mo ul [q] Previous device � ne�ct device �
� �S or Signature - +' _ �' '
Daha in from previous "The Booster supports AC Power fal delay I31 �
, device or Signature Data out lo of three Fours Na Rs trouble crontact when �
controller � nex[device dip swi[ch SW2-6 is on.A71 other troubles � .
are reportad to supervising madule or panel
wRhou[tlelay Na Sense inpu4s.
. --- � . _—'___'_____'_'__'_'—
Security and access
T61 24 V 12 V �
NnC�/+ � Security Security � EOL
AUX1 - 24���2 device device monitoring
NAC2/+ . . device
AUX2 -
NAC3/ +
AUX3 -
AUX4 -
Control panei gpS[1]
Card�eatler Card reader Card reader
controller controiler controller
�- — -�- _ -�- _ i- — + —
To ne�R
[7] DisabletheBPS'sgrountlfaultjumpar(JP3) orend
Pa9e 3 of 4 o a r� s ri e e r 85005-0125
No.to be used for installzti,n purposes, Issue 5
. �
�qq���------ Specifications
������� Model �.�� � - � � . �-� 6.5 amp Booster . � -�. � . �70 amp Booster����:- . .
AC Line Vottage 120VAC or 220-240VAC 50/60Hz 120VAC or 220-240VAC 50/60Hz-
390 watts 580 watts
contact us... Notfication Appliance . 3.OA ma�c.per circuit�24Vdc 3.OA max.per circuit�24Vdc
Circuit Ratings nominal 6.5A mae total all NACs nominal t0A mac total all NACs
Email: edwartls.fire�fs.u[c.com
Web: wvnrcist-fre.com houble Relay 2 Amps�30Vdc
EST is an EOWARos brend. Auxiliary Outputs Four configurable outputs replace NACs�,2,3 or 4. as auxiliary �
outputs and 200 mA dedicated auxliary.(See note 2.)
t016 Corporate Park Dma Input CuRent 3mA�12VdC,6mA�24Vdc
Mebane,NC 27302 .
(from.an existing NAC)
In Canada,cotrtact Chubb Edwards... gooster Internal 70mA+35 mA for each circuit set to AUX
Email: inquiriesBchubbedwartls.com Sup2rviSOryCUROnt �
Web: www.chubbedwards.com .
- Booster Internal Alarm 270mA
m 20�3 UTC Fire 8 Security Americas Cunent
Corporation,Inc.All ri9hts reserved.� � � � �
Speefications subject fo change Signature Mounting Accomodates three rivo-gang motlules.
without notice.Edwards is part ot UTC SpaCe
qimate,Controis 8 Security,a unit of Mazimum Battery Size �0 Amp Hours(2 of 12V10A)in catiinet up to 24 Amp hours with ex-
United Technologies Corporation. � ternal battery cabinet for fire and securiry applications;up to 65 Amp
hours for access control applications in extemal battery box.
Terminal Wire Gauge - 18-12 AWG �
Relative Humidiry 0 to 93%non condensing�32"C �
Temperature Rating 32'to�20°F(0°to 49�C)
NAC Wiring$tyles Class A or Class B
Output Signal Rates Continuous,Cal'rfornia rete,3-3-3 temporal, ��
or follow installed panel's NAC.(See note 1.) �
Ground Fautt Detection Enable or Disable via jumper '
Agency Listings UL,ULC,CSFM �
t Model BPS`CAA provides selec[lon for California rate,in piace of temporal.
2. Maaimiun of 8 Amps can be used for auxlliary output.
Ordering Information
'�Catalog ,.�-Description �� � � . - Shipping �
.�Number �� Wtlb.(kg)
� -PS . Pm•�Baaster.ov+ieF Su�� - �3(5.9)
BPS6AC � 6.5 Amp Booster Power Suppry(ULC) 13(5.9)
BPS6P✓230 6.5 Amp Booster Power Suppy(220� 13(5.9)
BPS6CAA 6.5 Amp Booster Power Suppy wdh Califomia rete 13(5.9)
� BPS10A �0 Amp Booster Power Suppy 13(5.9)
BPS�OAC �0 Amp Booster Power Suppty NLC) 13(5.9) �
�BPS10PJ230 10 Amp Booster Power Supply(220� � � 13(5.9)
. BPSWCAA 10 Amp Booster Power Supply wRh Cal'rfomia rate 13(5.9)
1. Requires installation of sepa- � �
retebatterycabinet. �RelatedEquipment � � ' �� � �� � �� .�.-
2. BPS supports battenes greater 12V6A5 72 Amp Hour BaKery,lwo required � 3.4(�.6)
than 24 Amp hours for access �pV10A 10 Amp Hour Battery,two required � 9.5(4.3) '
controi applications only. .
3. Forearthquakeanchorage, 3-TAMP Tamperswitch
inclutling tlettiled mounting BC-1 EQ SeismiC Kit for 8C-�. Order BC-1 separately.See note 3.
weights antl cenier of graviry gpSE� Seismic kit foi BPS6A or BPS70 Booster Power Supplies.See �
detail,refer to Seismic Applica- note 3
tlon Guide 3101676. Approval BG1 Battery Cabinet(up to 2-40 Amp Hour Battenes) 58(26.4)
of panel anchoraqe to site �
� structure may raquire local BG2 Battery Cabinet(up to 2-17 Amp Hour Battenes) 19(8.6)
AHJ,structural or civil engineer 1pV17A �8 Amp Hour BaBery,hvo reqUired(See note 1) � 13(5.9)
review. 12V24A 24 Amp Hour Battery,two required(see note 1) 20(9.07) '
12V40A 40 Amp Hour Battery,two required(see notes 1,2) 32(74.5)
12VSOA 50 Amp Hour Battery,two required(see notes 1,2) 40(18.14)
12V65A 65 Amp Hour Battery,two required(see notes 1,2) 49(22.2)
Page 4 oF 4 D A T A S H E E T 85005-0125 w
Not to be used for inst�llation purposas. IssueS
� �, ;� - �
�.,� �� � [� K�1��0������ R���� . ,
� ��'�. 54kA Se�ies Connected Surge P�otector with Ory Contacts
� 'DITEK� Genera/P�oduct Speci�cations
_,, �• � � - �
���' ��
_ � ~ Ldu� ��.;
' �^4
r �; �'
��.`sti �����.
� • �.rc-:
• _�,..,53 _ ' .
DITEK's DTK-120SRD protects 120V power on electrical circuits and control panels and has
� Dry Contacts for remote notification of surge protection status. The hybrid series design
provides maximum critical load protection, with EMI/RFI filtering. The 120SRD is ideal for use
in UL Listed control panels where a UL Recognized Component is required. Use DITEK's
DTK-TSS4D when a UL Listed series surge protectorwith Dry Contacts is required.
Product Features Specifications
• Series design for fast response and Agency Approvals: UL1449 3�d Edition, cUL, UL1283
best protection Protector Type: Type 2 Component Assembly for use in
• Compact design fits in a variety of Type 2 Applications
control panels Nominal Discharge Current Rating (In): 3kA
• Suitable for use on circuit breakers SCCR: 10kA
rated at 10kA AIC Operating Voltage: 120VAC
• Multi-stage hybrid circuit design MCOV: 150VAC
• UL 1283 EMURFI filtering Peak Surge Current: 54,000 Amps
• LED indicates protection status Maximum Continuous Current: 20A
• Form C Dry Contact circuit EMI/RFI Attenuation: Up to 35dB, 100kHz-100MHz
• Ten Year Limited Warranty Protection Modes: All modes (L-N, L-G, N-G)
Voltage Protection Rating: 600V
Temperature Range: 32°F— 104°F (0°C - 40°C) :
Dimensions: 6.87" x 3.50" x 2.50"
(174.50 mm x 88.90 mm x 63.50 mm)
Weight: 12.16 oz.
Housing: ABS Click Here fo Return to
�ill of Material/Index
' � C�US
One DITEK Center 1-800-753-2345 Directl-727-812-5000 Document: SPS-100007-005 Rev 1 03/13
1720 Starkey Road Technical Support: 1-888-472-6100 002013 DITEK Corp.
Largo, FL 33771 w�wd.ditekcom.com Specification Subject to Change
Click Here to Return to Bill of Material/Index
r [� KNOX� 1{r'ox��o�c� 3200 S�ri�s
Semn9FirstResPonAerstinal9]5 F�INGED �001� W90�EL
ec, ou High Security IndustriaVGovernmant Key Box
-.'-'ce ,zn'"� -
'""° Front Yew
Surtace Mount (E 5"
� �
:� ,' .�... ������M� Hearyt/8"Thick .; Stainless
� m� .,w;� Stainlees Steel Steel
� �f,.,, " lock wver - Door Hinge
a , � 4��
� Hole for
�._"�,� � tampereeal o-- -
� .v
� 1/2"solid platc '
eteeldoor f —
with aeket L—�`��
9 1/4"�Solid steel houein
_ _ � ' 9
i used for most
The number one hi h securi KNOX BOX s
9 tY
commercial applications induding businesses, schools, 3200 SurFace Mount
government and public buildings,community associations and
apartment complexes. The 3200 Series KNOX-BOX holds keys,
access cards and other small items necessary for emergency Frans view side view
access. �7"WIDE--�{ �3"DEEP—
The hinged-door 3200 Series KNOX-BOX is more convenient
than the lift-off door version because it allows single-handed v4��st"i`as`,
operation and opened or closed, iYs all one unit.
Features and Benefits T� - �
• Holds up to 10 keys and access cards in interior Hi�H
compartment �--
• Ensures high security. Box and lock are UL�Listed
• IncludesaKnox-Coat�proprietaryfinishingprocess F�a�9e a�xa'flange
(recessed receeeed
that protects Knox products up to four times better model only) �
than standard powder coat model only)
• Resists moist conditions with a weather resistant door 3200Recessed Mount
I gasket
• Hinged door allows single handed operation
• Colors: Black, Dark Bronze or Aluminum itications
Ordering Spec
Weight: Surfacemount-81bs. Toinsureprncu�ementanddeliveryn/fhe3200SeriesKNOX-BOX,itissuggested
Recessed mount-9 Ibs. that the/ollowing specification paragraph be used:
� KNOX-BOX surface/recessed moun[with hinged door,withnvithout UL Listed tamper switches.
1/4"plate steel housing,l/2"thick steel door with interior gasket seal and stainless steel door
Opt10175 hinge. Box and lock UL Listed. Lock has 1/8"thick s[ainless steel dust cover with tamper
• Alarm tamper switches (UL Listed) seal mounting capability.
Exlerior Dimensions: Surface mount hody-4°H x 5°W x 3-3/4°D
• Recessed Mounting Kit(RMK)for recessed models only Recessed mount flange-7°H x 7"W
Lock: UL Listed. Double-action rotating tumblers and hardened steel
• Inside switch for use on electrical doors, gates and other pinsaccessedbyabiasedcutkey.
electricalequipment Finish: Knox-Coat�proprietaryfinishingprocess
Colors: Black,Dark Bronze or Aluminum
P/N: 3200 Series KNOX-BOX(mfr's cat.ID)
KNOX COMPANY•7601 W.Deer Valley Roatl,Phoenix,AZ 85027 • (800)552-5669 • (623)687-2300 • Farz(623)687-2299 • Weh:www.knoxbox.com • E-mail:info�knoxbox.com
[� KNOX� y� p,p Ke�opq�pqc-p�p �x� 3pq2e .0p� 0p�^S�wr�ei�p�pq • �
ServingFirstFespontlers5inre/9>5 e--p'9VIy�o o�yp{ ey����� • Opy�iAp�y�89M�.i ��I'9�.i�pyp0
. Recessed Mounting Kit
Suggested minimum mounting height The 3200 Recessed Mounting Kit(RMK) is used
6 feet a6ove ground for recessed models orily. It contains a shell
���, �aree X housing and mounting hardware to be cast-in-
Opuonal �����5�'� �, Thick ��' ^ �- �
Rear Tamper�" �� ,� `� Steel �'"�-"�;, , � ', plaee in new eoncrete or masonry wnstruetion.
swixon ���' �sa� wasne� # After construction is completed, th0 KNOX-BOX
I ��;�..�,
���„� '� J mounts inside the RMK. The RMK may only be
�� ���� � �
����� � �����
� �� „�.- used in new concrete or masonry construction.
�'� " �'� � Installation In Cast Concrete
Door— To bmlding alarm 5ystem 1�
Hin e Optional �� building The optional Recessed Mounting Kit is for use
9 OoorTamper !� ���`i'� � arlarm
Switch iiiii� � �"-� � iii�' s,,su„, - in new concrete or masonry construction only.
000�— �� '"��';' �€, The kit includes a shell housing and mounting
3/8"Gr de5or �:��`�, r���`�� �"�� �� hardware to be cast-in-place. The KNOX-BOX is
Grade 8 Fastener �-� .: '�,s: ' p
:, .„ , —5ora mountedintotheshellhousingafterconstruction
Solid conerete wall `� � �� Flange r�,,,� ' �ncreTe
� �,a �� ��,� � �;: wa„ is completed.
3200 Series Hinged Door 3200 Series Hinged Door �IIIlCI1S1011S
surface Mouns Reeess Mount Rough-in Dimensions:6-112"H x 6-1/2"W x 5"D
Inside View IMPORTANT: Careshould6eiakenioinsurethat
— ��s�� s-va° �ie� — thefrontoHheRMKshellhousing,includingihe
� 3/4"� � 9/4"�
R�a�remPe� coaer plate and screw heads, is flush with the
SwitchHole X� KcqHookHolez X� ; ��8" finishwall.The�RMKmustbeplumbedtoinsure
verlical alignment of the vault.
� p . '� 2-5/16„
^ � o %� .:,. _ 4��
,_„e�� Recessed Maunting Using RMK shell ie
z� o � � Recessed Mauntin Kit (RMK]
� x x , . 9 . mounted in wall
during new
� � � KNOX-BOXm conetruction
� All mounting Alarm Wire Holee marked"X"are mounts inside
holes are 7/76" Exit Opening used for mounting with RMK shell after Knockouts
diameter.For Rear iam er at Ieast 3/8"Grade 5 or eompletion of for alarm
mountinguee Swrcch GradeBfastenere con5tructlon wireconAuit
at least 3/8" Mounting Holes
Grade 5 or 6rade 8 Trim rebar
fastenere '•� for tie-In
--� /to wall if
_ x '�
I � t1GGG55aYy
Attention:KNOX-BOX�is a very strong device that MUST be mounted praperly to �
ensure maximum securiry and resist physical atlack. ` ,, � �
_ � ao..
Kno�Hapid Entry System
TheKnoxCompanymanufacturesacompletelineofhighsecurityproductsincluding � �
Knox-Boxkey6oxes,keyvaults,ca6inets,keyswitches,padlocks,lockingFUCcaps, Flanyc
plugsandelectronicmasierkeysecuritysystems. Formoreinformatianortechnical Mountingetude
assistance,please call Customer Service at 1-800-552-5669. provided inside RMK ehen Concrece or
. . toaccommodate masonrywail
KNOX-BOX� con5truction
RNOX COMPANY•7601 W.DeeNalley Road,Phoen«,AZ 85027 • (600)552-5669 • (623)687-2300 • Fa�e(623)be7-2299 •Weh:www_knmcboxcom • E-mail:info�knox6ox.tom
BCopynght2012. KnoxComDany Click Here to Return to �ill of MateriaUlndex M�-�P�,��
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¶y a B SGLE: N15 JOB WJAE: R.B. Alllil l OWG Name:
a m 3 d Davita Dialysis Center Co., Inc. Davita Dialysis Center
�53 � o ' .o..
n � ,�P,«�,�,m,.,
^�� �' Salem, Massachusetts Salem, Massachusetts
� N
A m o o,igmm i.a�a fi/ifi KMa .eo FIRE ALARM RISER DIAGRAM �� Fire Alarm Riser Diagram
A �AiE DflWN:RMb: no�m� �WC Na: 9W82_RSR
Engineering Design Services, Inc.
� P.O. Box 986
eNGIN£'��G/UES G�RVICES 141 Industrial Highway
1 N C O R ip p R q� Slatersville, RI 02876
�,iS. Tel: 401-765-7659
Fax: 401-765-2984
Send to: NEMD Architects From: Timberline Construction
Attention: Joanne O'Connell SubmitFed: 6/24/2016
Pro'ect Name: DaVita Dial sis Salem, MA EDS Pro'. No.: 15121 HS
Submittal No.: 164596.001 Item: Fire Alarm S stem
❑ Approved
✓ Approved with Comments
I ❑ Does not Conform
❑ Resubmit For Final Review
❑ Reviewed
1. On A/C failure set a delay of 60 seconds prior to reporting trouble signal to central station
to avoid nuisance reporfs during generator transfer.
2. Initiate HVAC unit shutdown on general fire alarm activation. Include smokes and pulls
on sequence of operations matrix.
3. No exceptions taken to equipment or manufacturer.
BLR, EDS 6/27/2016
Note: Final acceptance is contingent upon approval of ihe Owner and Architect.
All comments must be addressed in writing by the Contractor.
Refer to General RequiremeNs for ihe subsfitutions of equipmeni and submitfal of shop drawings.If appa�afus or maferials are subsfitutetl
for ihose specifed,and such substi}ution necessitates chonges in, or additionol connecfions, piping, supports, or consfrucfion, i}shall be
provided.Con}mctor fo assume cost and entiie responsibility iheieoL The approval of the equipmenf does not relieve fhe con}racior of
responsibility of shop drowing emors relafed to details,sizes,quanfifies,winng diogram artangements and dimensions which deviate from
ihe Speciflcations,and/or job conditions as ihey exisf.It is fhe coniracfofs responsibiliN io submit only those ifems fhot meet ihese cotles.
Should any non-conformance code items be insfolled, ihey shall be replaced by ihe conirotlor at no addifionol cost fo ihe owner. �
Please note ihaf ihe consiruction means antl methods used in ihe projeci sholl be reviewed and approved fhrough ihe building
departmeni ora depufy inspector fo insure compliance with ihe current codes,project specifications and general building practices.
. • . _�y�
, � f��'+, 290 Pine Street
�LORENCE ' ' Canton,MA 02021
ELECTRICuc rei(�si��69ai�o
Fax(981) 769-7716
. .. www.teamtloco.com
PROJECT: DaVita Dialysis
Salem, MA
GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Timberline Construction
300 Pine Street
Canton, MA 02021
VENDOR: RB Allen Co., Inc.
l31 Lafayette Road
No. Hampton,NH 03862
---- ---__
i0500 Fire Alarm System
Davita Dialysis Center
Salem, Massachusetts
Prepared For:
Florence Electric
290 Pine St
Canton, MA
Attn: Laura Caron �
Prepared By:
Click Here to View Alan Li
Bill of Material/Index R.B.Allen Co., ���.
131 Lafayette Road
North Hampton, NH 02862
� lll 1ll�,y��3�;_ 1 ��16 i � Reviewed By:
L� �"�J ,de�--�]Y�6TL�i
Tom DuBois
� R.B. Allen Co., Inc.
f'� '= ' a ° = ' � ' � 131 Lafayette Road
North Hampton, NH 02862
Davita Dialysis Center
Salem, Massachusetts
Click on a Description to View Data Sheet
1 Fire Alarm Control Panel
1 iO500R FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL Includes: 85005-0130
Surface Mount Enclosure
Red Door
Main Power Supply
� Addressable Loop
(2) Notification Appliance Circuits
SA-DACT Dialer
SA-232 Serial Communications Interface
2 12V17A 18 AH Batteries 85010-0127
2 Initiatinq Devices
6 SIGA-278 Addressable Manual Station-Double Action 85001-0279
25 SIGA2-PS Addressable Photoelectric Smoke Detector 85001-0619
25 SIGA-SB Standard Detector Base 85001-0619
5 SIGA-LED Remote Alarm Indicator 85001-0619
6 SIGA-SD Addressable Duct Smoke Detector 85001-0584
6 SD-TRK Remote Test Station 85001-0584
6 SD-xx Sampling Tube (cut to Length) 55001-0584
8 SIGA-CT1 Addressable Monitor Module (ATS, CO, Existing FACP) 85001-0241
1 SIGA-CT2 Addressable Dual Input Module (generator) 85001-0241
7 SIGA-CR Addressable Control Relay(HVAC, Existing FACP) 85001-0239
� 4 SIGA-IM Isolation Module 85001-0271
4 C01224T Carbon Monoxide Detector SYSTEMSENSOR
3 Indicatinq /Miscellaneous Devices
18 G1RF-HDVM Horn/Strobe Unit (Adjustable Candela-Wall Mount Red) 85001-0573
9 G1RF-VM Strobe Unit(Adjustable Candela-Wall Mount Red) 85001-0573
8 GCF-HDVM Horn/Strobe Unit (Adjustable Candela-Ceiling Mount White) 85001-0559
1 757-4A-T Hom/Strobe Unit(75cd-Weatherproo� 85001-0341
1 757A-WB Weatherproof Back Box 85001-0341
1 BPS6A Remote Booster Panel 85005-0125
2 12V6A5 7ah Standby Batteries 85010-0127
1 120SRD Ditek Surge Suppressor DITEK
1 3200 Knox Key Box-Hinged KNOX
Click on a Document to View Content
Suoportinq Documentation
System Descriptive Narrative �
System Sequence of Operation Matrix
System Warranty
Fire Alarm Control Panel Battery Calculations
Appliance Circuit Voltage Drop/Max Length Calculations
Fire Alarm System Riser Diagram
. , , , Click Here to Return to
, � , � Bill of Material/Index
EST i0500 Addressable Fire Alarm System
Davita Dialysis Center
Salem, MA
Svstem Narrative
In the event of an alarm from an actuated device, the followinq shall
OCCU�: (Devices reporting as alarm:Manual Station,Smoke Detector)
1) Notify the Salem Fire Department via Central Monitoring Company;
Notify Central Station monitoring company via MODCOM (DACT).
2) Activate all horn strobe circuits
4) Annunciate audibly, visually, and in plain English the active initiating device at the Fire Alarm Control Panel.
In the event of a supervisory condition from an actuated device, the
fO��OWIfIQ 5�78�� OCCUf: (Devices reporting as supervisory:CO Detector&Duct Smoke)
1) Notify Central Station monitoring company via the Digital Communicator(DACT).
2)Activate HVAC relay for unit shutdown.
2) Annunciate audibly, visually, and in plain English the active initiating device at the Fire Alarm Control Panel
In the event of a system trouble report, the followinq shall occur:
1) Notify Central Station monitoring company via the Digital Communicator(DACT). �
2) Annunciate audibly, visually, and in plain English the active initiating device at the Fire Alarm Control Panel
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' � ' ' Click Here to Return to
' . � ' �� Bill of Material/Index
--� ��
NE'I-800-256-7264 �y�
FNC(603)964-8685 P.O.Box770
�131 Lafayette Rd.
. No.Hampton,NH 03662
Service and Warrantv
R.B. Allen Co., Inc. is a UL Certified ISO 9001 registered Fire Alarm Distributor
since 1966 with offices located in North Hampton, NH and throughout New
England. The service policies of R.B. Allen Company are no charge to the
customer for warranty work including parts and labor for one (1) year from the
time of final acceptance.
R.B. Allen Company warranty applies only to the equipment it provides and does
not cover defective wiring or equipment provided by the Electrical Contractor.
Service calls resulting from acts of nature, acts of vandalism, or acts which are
beyond the control of the equipment manufacturer are excluded under the
guarantee and shall be considered a billable call.
R.B. Allen Company factory trained and certified technician will provide job site
supervision during installation of the system and perForm final connections,
testing and adjusting of the Fire Alarm System. They also will instruct the
owner's personnel on the operation and maintenance of the fire alarm system.
Click Here to Return to - .
Bill of Material/Index �-
i0500 Fire Alarm System
Davita Dialysis Center
Salem, MA I
Quiescent Alarm Total Total
QTY Model# Description Current Current Quiescenl Alarm
1 i0500RD Base Panel` 0.172000 * 0.267000 * 0.172000 0.267000 Amp
1 SA-232 Serial Communications Card 0.013000 0.020000 0.013000 0.020000 Amp
1 SA-DACT Digital Dialer 0.041000 0.041000 0.041000 0.041000 Amp
7 G1RF-HDVM Horn Strobe (75cd) 0.000000 0.153000 0.000000 1.071000 Amp
5 G1RF-VM Horn Strobe (75cd) 0.000000 0.196000 0.000000 0.980000 Amp
4 C01224-T Carbon Monoxide Detector 0.020000 0.040000 0.080000 0.160000 Amp
Total 0.306000 2.539000 Amp
* Includes Fully Loaded (250 Devices)SLC Loop Total Quiescent x Time Required (24 Hours): 7.344 Ah
Total Alarm x Time Required (15 Minutes): 0.63475 Ah
Total Battery Required: 7.97875 Ah
Total Battery Required (+) 20%Spare Capacity: 9.5745 Ah
Battery Supplied: 18 Ah
Click Here to Return to - _ �
DavitaDialysisCenter Bill of Material/Index �_
Salem, MA -
Booster Panel (NAC Extender) Standby Battery Calculations
Strobe Booster Panel 7 (BPS6A) (Candela Ratings are Indoor per UL 1971 UON)
G1RF-HDVM (Horn/Strobe) GCF-HDVM 757-4A-T G1RF-VM(Strobe Only) RLCD-CR Remaining
15cd 75cd 110cd 75cd 95cd 75cd 15cd 75cd 110cd Quies Alarm % Circuit
81 161 203 159 212 180 59 152 191 99/115 �Amp) (Amp) Capacity
._ ... _ — ____ ....-..��..-.»-<x n- q �
Panel ... . . � .. � �. �2�'�.as�.. 4 �
� Circuit 1-2 9 3 0.0000 1.9050 36.50
Circuit 13 2 8 1 1 0.0000 1.9260 35.80
0.0000 0.0000 100.00
0.0700 4.1010 31.65
All currents are expressed as mA. Total Total Remaining%
Maz current per ckt=3 Amps.Max current per panel=6 Amps. Quiescent Alarm BPS Capicity�
Total Quiescent Amp x Time Required (24 Hours) 1.680 AmpHr
Total Alarm Amp x Time Required (15 Minutes) 1.025 AmpHr
Total Battery Required (Quiescent+Alarm AmpHr) 2.705 AmpHr
Total Battery Required+25% 3.382 AmpHr
NAC Circuit Voltage DroplMaximum Length Calculations Battery Supplied 7 AmpHr
Formulas Used:
R�=(D)x(Rw)11000' Re=Total Circuit Resistance
Vd=(RQ x(It) D=Total Circuit Length(Feet) -
Substitute for(R�)and solve for D Rw=Wire Resistance(n)per 1000'Pair(Ohms)
D=((4.0)x(1000))1((Rw)x Q�)) Vo=Circuit Voltage Drop(Max allowed is 4.OVdc)
1 NAC Circuit terminal voltage 24Vdc.
2 A maximum allowable voltage drop of 4Vdc will provide a minimum of 20 Vdc per circuit.
3 Current values listed per device are based on 20Vdc.
G1F-HDVM (Horn/Strobe) GCF-HDVM 757-SA-T G1RF-VM (Strobe Only) RLCD-CR Tolal
f�per 1000'Pair
15cd 75cd 110cd 75cd 95cd 110cd 15cd 75cd 110cd Circuit
81 161 203 185 212 180 59 152 191 99/115 Current 14AWG(5.2) �
Circuit 1-2 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1.9050 403.80 Ft
Circuit 13 0 2 0 8 0 1 0 1 0 0 1.9260 399.39 Ft
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0000 #DIV/0! Ft
Davita Dialysis Center ' -_
Salem, MA
NAC Circuit Voltage DroplMaximum Length Calculations
Formulas Used:
R[=(D)x(Rw)I 1000' Ri=Total Circuit Resistance
. Vd=(R�)x QQ D=Total Circuit Length(Feet)
Substitute tor(R�)and solve for D Rw=Wire Resistance(n)per 1000'Pair(Ohms)
D=((4A)x(1000�)I((Rw)z(I�)) Vo=Circuit Voltage Drop(Max allowed is 4.OVdo)
1 NAC qrcuit terminal voltage 24Vdc.
2 A maximum allowable voltage drop of 4Vdc will provide a minimum ot 20 Vdc per circuit.
3 Current values listed per devica are based on 20Vdc.
G1F-HDVM (Hom/Strobe) GCF-HDVM 757-SA-T G1RF-VM(Strobe Only) RLCD-CR Total
15cd 75cd 110cd 75cd 95cd 110cd 15cd 75cd 110cd Circuit �Per100o'Pair
81 161 203 185 212 180 59 152 191 99/115 Current 14AWG (5.2)
Circuit 1-1 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 1.8870 407.65 Ft
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0000 #DIV/0! Ft
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0000 #DIV/0! Ft
• EST Catalog► Small Building Fire Alarm Solutions
' � • � � �� � Click Here to Return to
�;�e SaJefy & Communications Bill of Material/Index
�. �
i0500 I ntel I i ent �� `
g .�� o� � � �
� o00 oeo
m000 °
Life Safet S stem . FM
v v .. �
COA 6020
�77111\� ��
Overview Features
The EST i0500 intelligent life safety system offers the power of • Comes standard with one loop(expandable to two)that
high-end inielligent processing in a configuration that delivers an supports up to 250(expandable to 500)intelligent devices:
uncomplicated solution for small to mid-sized applications.With each i0500 loop supports up to 125 detectors and up to 125
intelligent detection,electronic addressing,automatic device map- modules.
ping,optional Ethernet�connectivity,and a full line of easily-con- . Supports Signature Series intelligent modules and detectors
' figured option cards and modules,this flexible system offers offers
versatility that benefts building owners and contractors alike. • Combines the Signature intelligent releasing module with
Signature multisensor detectors for reliable suppression
�� The i0500 provides one Class A or Class B analog device loop . Four Class B NACs or two Class A NACs.
that supports up to 250 device addresses.A second 250-point
' loop may be added to the i0500 to expand total system capacity • Form C contacts for alarm and trouble, Form A for supervisory
. to up to 500 device addresses.The panel includes four NACs that . Electronic addressing with automatic device mapping
may be wired for either Class A or Class B operation.
• Optional Ethernet port for diagnostics, programming and a
The i0500 supports a wide range of accessories and related variety of system reports
equipment, including: • Two programmable switches with LEDs and custom labeling
• Signature Series intelligent modules,detectors,and bases Supports Genesis horn silence over two wires and UL
• R-Series remote annunciators • 1g71-compliant strobe synchronization
• option cards that expand system capacity and extend system . Supports up to eight serial annunciators, (LCD, LED-only, and
capabilities graphic interface).
• Listed for releasing applications using SIGA-REL • 1,000 event panel history log
• Fully integrated CO detection using Signature Series 2 detec- • Can use existing wiring for most retrofit applications
tors with or w/o audible signaling . Upload/download remotely or locally
• Two-level maintenance alert reporting
• Pre-alarm and alarm verifcation by point
• Adjustable detector sensitivity
• 4 x 20 character backlit LCD display
• Optional earthquake hardening: OSHPD seismic pre-approval
for component Importance Factor 1.5
Page1oi10 DATA sHEET 85005-0130
Not to 6e used for installation purposes. Issue 7.1
. Application Operation
` The i050G life safety system is a powerful intelligent solution for The front panel provides �
small to mid-sized buildings.Advanced analog technology delivers an easy-to-use operator's
the benefds of flexible system installation,while a clean and easy- interface, as well as all �
� to-operatate user interface makes panel operation and system the necessary controls for � ��
maintenance quick and intuitive. front panel programming. �
A large back-lit 80-char- ���
The smart choice acter LCD displays ���
Signature Series electronic addressing eliminates the tedium of system status, event �O �O` z0" �
setting dipswitches, and automatic device mapping ensures that details, and programming <O' s0" O ���
each device resides on the system at its correct location. Mean- prompts. Large tactile �O'OOO
while, innovative programming allows the designer to customize control buttons are easy ���� �
the system to precisely suit the needs of the building owner. to see in low light condi-
tions,and bright multi-color LEDs offer at-a-glance status indica-
Flexibility built right in tion.
Two fully-programmable front panel switch/LED combinations pro-
vide an added measure of flexibility.Their slide-in labels take the
mystery out of custom applications,and present a clean f nished Control buttons
appearance. �
Button Description
Perfect for retrofits Reset Inaiates a system reset.
The i0500 is particularly well-suited to retroft applications.All ACK/Panel Silences the panel and remote annunciators dunn9
Silence an ac[ive trouble,supervisory,or alarm event and
connections are made over standard wiring—no shielded cable acknowledges new event activations.
required.This means that in most situations existing wiring can Signal Silence Alarm mode:Silences active notification appliances.
be used to upgrade a legacy control panel to i0500 technology Pressing Signai Silence a second time tums NACs back
without the expense or disruption of rewiring the entire building. on.
� Dnll Initiates a tlnll confrtnation.Pressing drill a second time
Signals with a difference turns off the drill function.
' i0500 NACs are confgurable to fully support the advanced signal- Remote Dia�er. Disables or enables dialer.
ing technology of Edwards Genesis and Enhanced Integrity notifi- Disconnect Dialer set to modem onty:Disables or ena6les the
cation appliances.These devices offer precision synchronization of common alarm relay.
strobes to UL 1971 standards. For Genesis devices,enabling this Left arrow Dispiaymode:Moves the cursor to the ieft.
feature allows connected horns to be silenced while strobes on Menu mode:Toggles between prograrnming
the same hvo-wire circuit continue to flash until the panel is reset. ftight arrow Displaymode:Moves the cursor to the right.
Menu mode:Retneves a prograrnming option's sub
Clear-cut remote annunciation menu and toggles between a prograrnming option's
Remote annunciation is a strong suit of the i0500. Up to eight an- selections.
nunciators can be installed on a single system.Compatible annun- Up arrow Display mode:Advances to the previous event.
ciators include a range of LED and LCD models that provide zone n4enu mode:Moves the cursor up.
or point annunciation,as well as Common Control Capabilities. Down arrow Display mode:Advances to the neM event.
Menu mode:Moves the cursor down.
The i0500 also Supports graphic annunCiation with optional Enter Display mode:Displays selected event details.
graphic annunciator interface modules.Each interface provides Menu mode:Retneves a programming option's sub
common control,indicators, and LED drivers. Consutt the Order- menu orjumps to the Save function in the menu.
ing Information SeCtion for details. Entry mode:Enters the selected data into the system.
Cancel Displaymode:F�its the detailed infortnation display.
Menu mode:6cits the current menu level.
A cOmplete line of acce5sories Entry mode:Clears the current entry.
The i0500 life safety system is supported by a complete line of Menu Display motle: Enters the menu mode
intelligent detectors, modules and related equipment.Consult the Menu mode:6cits menu mode
Ordering Information section for details. Space Enters a space,such as a space between words.
i Alphanumenc Entry mode:Pressing a button once enters the number
� keypad on the button.Pressing the button twice enters the
secondary value.
Programmable These buttons can be programmed to control outputs,
buttons disable devices or unlatch system outputs.The buttons
can be labeled with a slip-in insert.
aasezono DATA sHeer 85005-0130
Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 7.1
, System LEDs Panel Operation Options
� . � LEC Description Language English or French
Alarm Red LED. On steady when there is an active Marketplace U.S.or Canada
alarm. AC fail delay Off.�Off-premise notifcation ot an AC power failure
Trouble Yellow LED. Flashes when there is a fault on a is immediate.
monitored circuit or system component, or when a 7 to 15 hours:Delays ihe off-premise notifcation of
circuit is disabled. an AC power failure by the time period selected.
Sup Yellow LED.On steady when there is an active Zone resound On:NACs resound each time a device in the zone
goes into alarm even if they were silenced
sUpervisory event. Off:Inhibits the NACs from turning on again(after
AC Power Green LED. On when the panel has AC power. they were silenced)when a second device in tne
Disable Yellow LED. Double-flashes when there is a dis- zone goes into alarm.
abled circuit, alarm relay,or remote annunciatoc Reset inhiba after O/f.�Panel reset is operational immediately.
Ground Yellow LED.On steady during an aCtive ground fault. NACs turn on 1 minute:Panel reset is inhibited for one minute.
Fauft Auto signal Olf.�Allows immediate silencing of signals from an
Test Yellow LED. Flashes when performing an audible silence off-normal condition using the Signal Silence button
walk te5t.Steady indiCates a Silent test. 5 to 30 minu[es:Delays the silencing of signals
from an off-normal cond'Rion by disabling the Signal
Monitor Yellow LED.On steady when there is an active Silence button tor the time penod selected.
monitor event. Day start Start time for day[ime sensitivity
� Service Yellow LED. Indicates that detector needs servicing. Night start Start time for nighttime sensitivity
DeteCtor Date U.S.:MM/DD/YYYY,Canada:DD/MM/YYW
Signal Yellow LED.On steady indicates that NAC circuits Sounder Base Six configuration settings
Silence are turned off but the panel is still in alarm. Mapping Disabled:Device mapping is not available
Remote Yellow LED.On steady indicates that the dialer Enabled:Device mapping is available
DisCOnneCt is disabled or that the alarm relay is enabled or LCD banner Banner te�ct for line one and line hvo.Each line is
disabled when the dialer is set to modem only. capable of up to 2o characters.
Drill Yellow LED. Indicates that the panel is in drill. Event notifcation Zone:When a device is a member of a zone,ony
Reset Yellow LED. Indicates thai the panel is resetting. the zone information is sent to the LCD display,- _
LEDs,pnnter,and dialer.
Panel Yellow LED. Indicates that the panel has been Zone/device:Zone information is sent to the LCD �
Silence 5ilenCed during an aCtive trOuble,supervisory, or display and LEDs.Device information is sent to the
alarm event and indicates that new event activa- pnnter and dialer.
tions have been acknowledged. Device:ony device information is reported.
User Keys Yellow LED. Programmable.
Programming Dimensions
i0500 life safety systems are simple to set up,yet also offer ad- Surface mounting holes
vanced programming features that put these small building panels �D2� F—D3—�
into a class of their own.The auto programming feature quickly
gets the panel operational using factory default settings. Basic �°. � � � °�
zone and point settings can be programmed easily through the '� , ' ' � _
front panel interface,so the system is up and running in no time. � y
For more advanced system confguration and correlation groups t
programming, i0500 systems interface to a PC running compat- � � m
ible i0-CU software.This option offers tull system confguration - � ��
in the familiar Windows�operating environment.Connection is o 0
typically made to a laptop through the panel's optional RS-232 D1 � D4 �
communications port,which can also be used to connect a sys- • • � Q �
tem printer. p e O =
Among the many innovative features of i0500 control panels is the � O �
optional network card.This module provides a standard 10/100
. Base T Ethernet�network connection that permits access to the = Surface mounting holes o
� control panel hom any remote location with the correct commu- ,
nications protocols.The connection can be used to download
to the panel from the i0-CU,or upload and view system reports D6
using the i0-CU. �D5
Available system reports include:
• Correlation groups • Device details Panel dimensions,in(cm) �
• Device maintenance • History � Model D1• D2 D3 D4 DS* D6
• Internal status • System configuration 28.0 3.85 9.0 22.0 15.75 10.25
• System status • Walk test i0500 (�� �) (y 8� (22.g) (55.8) (a0.0) (26.0)
• Dialer • CO runtime 'Add 7-7/2 in. (3.87 cm)to D7 and D5 dimensions forVim kit.
Page3of10 DATA SHEET 85005-0130
Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue�.1
, Wiring .& Configuration
� •Notificataon appliance circuits(T62) Signature Device loop
i0500 control panels come equipped with four notification ap- The system provides one device loop circuit with a total capacity
pliance circuRs. Each circuit can be individually configured for of 125 detectors and 125 module addresses.The loop circuit is
continuous,temporal,synchronized, latching,and coded output. supervised for opens, shorts, and grounds.
Circuit specitications The Signature Loop Controller uses broadcast polling and ad-
Circuit Type a Class B or 2 Class A,2.5 amps each vanced communications formats to regularly check the entire
Voltage 2a VFWR device circuit for anomalies. If a change of state is detected at the
Current 6.o n total,2.5 A max.per circuit at�20/23o VAC 6o Hz circuit level,the Loop Controller then uses a direct address search
5.0 A total at 230VAC 50 Hz,2.5 A man.per circuit to fnd the reporting device.This two-staged technique ensures
Impedance 26II total,0.35 uF inax that only new information is transmitted,thus allowing for a re-
EOLR 15 K f),Yz W duced baud rate while still achieving nearly instant device reporting.
Circuit specifications
Device loops 1 loop,expandable to 2,Class A or 6,each loop
Class B wiring supporting up to 250 device addresses
� NACi- + + Communication Maximum 20 V peak-to-peak
� NACt+ _ _ IIf1E VOftd90
NAC2- EOLR CIfCUIi CURCfIt 0.5 A fll�(
� + + Circuit 66f�total,0.5 NF,max
� NAC2+ impedance
TB2 �50�2IOf5 64 maximum
� NAL3- + i,
� NAC3+ _ _ Cl2SS B Winng Class A Wiring
� NA�_ + + EOLR Mdrking indicateS Loop 1 SEC � pa�a Line
NAC4* outpu[signal polanry '�
� _ _ when the circuit is ac- -� + + + +
TB6 tive.Pol2rity reVers&5 Loop 1 PRI }� _ " _ _
when Me circuit is not Loop Laop Loop Loop
active.Wre not�cation Loop<artl tlevica tleWce pa�Line device tlevice
Class A wiring appliances accortlingly.
NAci- Notificafion appliance
� + + polariry shown in ac-
� rvnci+ _ cNe scate. Annunciator loop(T84)
� NAC2- + + The control panel provides a connection for up to eight serially
� NAC2+ driven and supervised remote annunciators. .
TBZ Circuit specifications
� ' Device loops Class B(Style 1�or Class A(Style�
� + Circuit voRage 2.55 V �
� _ Circuit current 30 mA max
+ Circuit Up to 8 annunciators or 4000 feet
� impedance
Class B Class A
CM1annelt Channel2 Cbannelt Channel2
+ — + — + — + —
Auxiliary&Smoke power outputs(TB3) � � � � � � � �
The control panel provides two auxiliary power outputs which can ^""°""a`°' """°""a'°`
be used for powenng ancillary equipment such as remote an- cH,����N cH��.�iN
nunciators and two wire smoke detectors. Aux 2 can be software CHt(-)IN cHi�-�iN
selected to operate continuous.The circuit is supervised for shorts �CH2(i)IN cNz����N
and grounds. �cHz�-�iN CH2(-)IN
Note: For a complete list of devices that can be connected to this
circuit, refer to the i0 Series compatibility list(p/n 3101064). q�arm,trouble,and supervisory relay(fB3)
Circuit specitications The trouble relay is normally-open, held closed,and opens on any
Circuit voltage range 21.9 to 2a.3 V trouble event or when the panel is de-energized.The supervisory
Resettable circuit 24 VDC nominal at 500 mA relay is normally-open,and closes on any supervisory event.The
(Aux power 2) alarm relay changes over on any alarm event.
Continuous circuit 24 VDC nominal ai 500 mA.Use this circuit for
(Aux power 1) powering two-wire smoke detectors. Relay specificatio�s
� Note:My current above 0.5 amp connectetl to both Ainc 1 and 2 will retluce the total N�arm . Trouble Supervisory
� � �
evailabte NAC power by that amount Type Foml C Form A
. Voltage 24 VDC at� A resistive 24 VDC at 1 A resistive
Relay circuits can ony be connected to power-limRed sources.
Page4of70 �ATA SHEET 85005-0130
Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue7.1
, � Qption Cards
� • 'i0500 panels are supported by a complete line of modules and SMK Smoke Power Converter
related equipment that enhance performance and extend system The SMK Smoke Power Convert-
capabilities. Option cards plug directly into the control panel main er Module provides a regulated ao�wry =
circuit board or are connected to it with a ribbon cable.After in- power source for two-wire smoke c�o����e�a�-
stallation,terminals remain accessible.The cabinet provides ample circuits connected to a Signature
room for wire routing, keeping wiring neat at all times. data circuit.The SMK moni- ���� � �
tors the operating power from sM� __`..
SA-ETH Ethernetlnterface Card
the power supply.When power Pe�o��
SA-ETH wiring The SA-ETH card provides a begins to degrade,the SMK o a;;;
�o�e�o� standard 10/100 Base T Ethernet provides the necessary operating �0 ��'� c
Network caEle� voltage to the two-wire smoke ,wo.w;,PSm.owe
network connection for connect-
ing to an intranet,a local net- detection circuits. de���^��
1 �m���� � 1
work,or the Internei.The card ,s,.,�=;;
can be used to download �P+
�0 confguration programming from 5 0 0,;
� � the i0-CU to the panel over the � e��� �
[� network. oa„�� -
The Ethernet card is installed on *w�-W1fe�m��e
the plastic assembly and con- tl,��rs �
Ethernetcard e m��� �
nects to the main circuit board ,s„�.� „�::,�o a
via a ribbon cable. �_+ -' ���a�
� 033- VM
SA-ETH specitications
Ethernet 10/100 Base T ����� �
Da�a om
Operating environment
Temperature 32 to 120°F(0 to 49°C)
Humidity 0 to 93%FiH,noncondensing at 90°F SMK specifications
�32��� Input voltage 21.9 to 28.3 VDC(not resettable)
� Output voltage 24 VDC nom.a[200 mA,mau.,�al
XAL250 Loop Expander Card Ground fault 10 k ohm
The XAL250 Loop Expander Card provides an additional Signature impedance
Series device loop on the control panel.The card expands the Operating environment
control panel's device capacity to 500 total device addresses, 250 Temperature 32 to�2o°F(o to 49°C)
per loop.The card is compatible with Class 8 or Class A wiring. It Humidity 0 to 93�o RH,noncondensing at 90°F(32"C)
is compatible with i0500 control panels only. Storage temperature �to 140°F(-20 to 60°C)
Compatible electncal North Amencan 4 inch square x 2-1/2 in.
The loop expander card connects to connector J7 on the main boxes (64 mm)deep 2 gang box or Standard 4 in.
CirCUit board. square box 1-1/2 in.(38 mm)tleep
Class B Wiring qass A Winng Wire size 14, 16,or 18 AWG wire(1.5, 1.0,or 075 sq.
mm)(Sizes 16 and 18 AWG are preferred)
Loop 1 SEC � DaG Line
_� + + + +
LooP 1 PRI +� _ _ - _
SA-232 RS-232 interface
LaaP Loop LooP Loop SA-232 winng
Loopcartl tlevice tleNce DalaLine tlavice ae.ice The SA-232 card provides an RS-232 Grv0(blackwire)
intertace with i0500 panels. It can be .xo i.nue w��e�
used for connecting a pNnter to the wco�.aa�a�
�,�25o specifications control panel to print system events.The
Device addresses on loop 125 detectors and 125 modules card also can be used for connecting a ��
W inng Class B(Style l�or qass A(Sryle� ❑
computer to download a confguration � �
Operating voltage 20 V peak-to-peak program from the i0-CU to the control
� Operating current 0.5 A total panel.
Circuit impedance 66 f�,0.5 uF,max
Terminal rating 72 to �e AWG(0.75 to 2.5 sq mm) The RS-232 card is installed on the plastic assembly and con-
Operating environment nects to the main circuit board via a ribbon cable.
Temperature 32 to 120°F(0 to 49°C)
Humidity 0 to 93%RH,noncondensing at 90°F SA-232 specifications .
(32=�� Operating vottage Stantlard EIA-232 �
Terminal rating 12 to18 AWG(0.75 to 2.5 sq mm)
Operating environment
Temperature 32 to 120°F(0 to 49°C)
Humidity 0 to 93�o RH,noncondensing at 90°F(32"C)
Page 5 ai�0 D A T A S H E E T 85005-0130
Not to be usetl for installation purposes. Issue 7.7
$A-DACT Dialer SIGA-REL Releasing Module
. ` The SR-DACT provides communications behveen the control The SIGA-REL is an analog addressable module that communi-
panel and the central station over a telephone line system. It cates directly with the fire alarm panel Signature loop controller.The
transmits system status changes(events)to a compatible digital SIGA-REL controls sprinWer, pre-action and deluge systems,and
alarm communicator receiver over the public switched telephone may also be used to release extinguishing agents such as CO,,
network.The dialer is capable of single,dual, or split reporting Halon,or foam.The module is easily confgured in the field and of-
of events to iwo different account and telephone numbers.The fers a wide range of options that ensure dependable service,while
modem feature of the SA-DACT can also be used for uploading preventing the unnecessary release of extinguishing agent.
and downloading panel confguration, history,and current status
to a PC running the i0-CU. SIGA-REL specifications
Sn-onCr Phone line 2 Input voltage 24 Vdc(power limi[ed)� �
w�rin9 ro wan Supervisory current 25 mA,max.
� Ghone line 1 phonejack Power riser Riser input current 4 amps mauimum
Phone cables Alarm 170 mA min.;4 A max.
(supplietl) RI31 jacks Output rating 2 A�24 Vdc(pp'araii�
� Valves per circuit 4 vaNes,mar.
Release Ma�c.supervisory current 0.4 mA(short circuit)
The dialer phone lines connect circuits Ncminalsiq�eMsoryamc�nt 0.18 mA
- � _ " Supervisory voltage 26 Vdc,mac.(open circuit)
to connectors on the dialer's
v°`O�= main circuit board.Phone line 1 End of line device 47k Ohm EOL
�p ' 2 A�24 Vdc(for each
C❑ connects to connector J4 and Output rating
��':� phone line 2 connects to Ma�c.supervisory current ciicuk)
Pre-release 0.4 mA(short circuit)
�❑:�; connectorJl. Ncminals�ervi�ryc�mznt
^��000 e�. . � alarmcircuits 0.18mA
Supervisory voltage
�o �j I 26 Vdc,mar.(open circuit)
oo���L== °�e End of line tleviCe
�p Qoe�O o 47kOhmresistor
—loe�effoe ❑° Mac.supervisorycuvent 0.4mA(shortcircuit)
oee Manual Nom°�alsup�n�rYa�rtent �'�BmA
release input Supervisory votta9e 26 Vdc,ma�c.(open circuit)
The SA-DACT queues messages and transmits them based on End of line device a7k Ohm resistor
riori alarm,su erviso trouble, and monitor Activations are circuit Circuit
p ty( p ry, ), type Class B N.O.latching
transmitted before restorations. Circutt capacRance 0.1 uF,mar
Max.supervisory current 0.4 mA(short circuit)
The SA-DACT is installed on the plastic assembly and connects to Nom�al�rycurrent O.i e mA
the main circuit board via a ribbon cable. pl�ort eircuit Supervisory votta9e 26 Vdc,max.(open circuit)
End of line device 47k Ohm resistor
SA-DACT specifications Circuft type Class B N.O.non-latching
Phone line rype One or hvo loop-start lines on a public, Circuit capacitance 0.1 uF,ma�c
switched nehvork First alarm 3 A�24 Vdc
Phone line connector RJ31/38X(C31/38T� output relay Contact rating (0.6 power factor)Form C
Communication formats Contact ID(SIA DC-05) Signature Operating vottage 52 to 19.95 Vdc
Operating environment pe��1ne Supervisory current 1000 µ4
Temperature 32 to 120°F(0 to 49°C) Alartn current 7000 uA
Humidity 0 to 93%RH,nonCondensing at 90°F Note:Output circuits are powervlimited when the nser circutt is poweHimited.
CompatiblEDACRS r i0500ConirolPanal Q sg�ewns.na..m=x.a.i.m�
Receiver Motlels Formats i LOopControilm � � s�9�m��se�..�a�a.
Ademco 685 Contact ID �-------i----' � n�o���
FBII CP220 ContactlD � ����_�
Osborne-Hoffman OH 2O00 Contact ID ^+
so arnwouco��wsevo�
Radionics D6600 ContactlD � M,,,�,i��,sm,;o�
Si10ntKnight 9800 ContactlD � Mrs w�,eiae�esmuo�
SUFGafd SG-MLRI,MLR2 ContaCtlD FirenlamiConwlPar�el � I�ItI F��^li^^o�m�nR.ier
Auvliary Releasing MOCuIe SD REIA{p� Raleaee Ci�cui�1
PawerSupply (SIGA-REL) SD REIA{p� R¢IeaSeCircul�2
For detailed specifica[ion and ordenng informa[ion on the SIGA-REL,refer
to Data Shee[85001-0537 --Releasing Module.
Page6of70 DATA SHEET 85005-0130
Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 7.7
� Specifications
� Device loops 1 loop,expandable to 2,Class A or B,each loop 6attery placement i0500 cabinets accommodate up to 18 NFI
supporting up to 250 device addresses batteries.Use a eMernal cabine[for larger battery
NAC circuits 4 Class B or 2 Class A,2.5 arnps each 5���
Power suppy 6.0 A total,2.5 A max.per circud at 120/230 VAC Batteries Batteries must be sealed lead acid rype only.
60 Hz Maximum charging capaciry=26 Ah.
5.0 A total at 230VAC 50 Hz,2.5 A maz.per Loop circuit Ma�cimum loop resistance:66 f1.Maximum loop
circuit capacitance:0.5 pF.Style 4,6,and 7 wiring.64
0.5 amps aux power isolators ma�cimum.
NAC Opereting 24 VDC.NAC minimum vottage:19.5 VDC�20.4 SIGA-UM/SIGA- 1.5 mA(see the UL and ULC compatibility list for
voltage V battery vottage MAB for the maximum quantiry of detectors per circuit)
Loop circuit 20 V peak-to-peak Compatibility ID 100
operating voltage Alarm contac[ Fortn C 24 VDC�1 A(resistive load)
SLC Pnmary power 120 VAC,60 Hz,230 VAC 50-60 Hz Trouble contact Form C 24 VDC�1 A(resistive load)
Aux Power 1 24 VDC nominal at 500 mA.A SMK module is Supervisory contact Form A 24 VDC�1 A(resistive load)
(Continuous circuit) required when using the SIGA-UM module to Environmental Temperature:0 to 49°C(32 to 120°F�.
support two-wire smoke detectors. Humidiry:0 to 93%FH,noncondensing
Aux Power 2 24 VDC nominal at 500 mA Terminal rating All tertninals rated for 12 to 18 AWG(075 to 2.5 mrt�
(Resettable circuit) Serial Vokage:2.55 V.Current:30 mA max
Auxiliary output 19 to 25.7 VDC communications
Base panel Standby: 172 mA Remote annunciator 8 drops max,RS-485 Class A or B
current draw Alarm:267 mA Inpu[zones 32 ma>c.
Panel History Log 1,000 events Agency Listing UL864,UL2017,CSFM,ULC antl NYFD#6020,
FM approved
Ordering Information
Part Description �
i0500 Intelligent Multi-Loop Analog Systems
i0500G 1 Loop system,500 point capacity,4 NACs,gray door,surface mount enclosure, 115 Vac,English.
i0500G-2 1 Loop system,500 point capacity,4 NACs,gray door,surtace mount enclosure,230 Vac,English.
i0500GC Cenada onty:i Loop system,500 point capaciry,4 NACs, 16-zone LED display,grey door,surface mount,115 Vac,English.
i0500G-F Canada onty:1 Loop system,500 point capacity,4 NACs, 16-zone LED display,grey tloor,surtace mount, 715VAC,French.
i0500GD 1 Loop system,500 point capacity,two-line dialer,4 NACs,Gray door,surtace mount enclosure, 115VAC transformer,English.
i0500R 1 Loop system,500 point capacity,4 NACs,red Door,surtace mount enGosure, 115VAC transformer,English.
iO500R-2 1 Loop system,500 point capacity,4 NACs,red door,surtace mount enclosure,230VAC transfortner,English. �
o a c -i c a s . n
i0500G-SP 1 Loop system,500 point capacity,4 NACs,gray door,suAace mount enclosure, 115va0.Spanish.
i0500G-2-SP 1 Loop system,500 point capacity,4 NACs,gray tloor,suAace mount enclosure,230vac,Spanish.
iO500G-PG 1 Loop system,500 point capacity,4 NACs,gray door,surface mount enclosure, 115vac,Portuguese.
i0500G-2-PG t Loop system,500 point capacity,4 NACs,gray door,surtace mount enGosure„23Wac,Portuguese.
SA-TRIM2 Flush mount tnm,black
Replacement Electronics
500e1ec-i0 Replacement electronics kit,complete motherboartl and user intertace,English
500e1ec-i0-SP Replacement electronics kit,complete motherboard and user interface,Spanish
500e1ec-i0-PG Replacement electronics kit,complete motherboard and user interface,Portuguese
SOOelec-iO-FR Replacement elecironics kit,complete motherboard and user intertace,Canadian French
Option Cards
� _ _
o i e
SA-ETH Ethernet Port,Slave,mounts in cabinet on base plate.
XAL250 Signature Loop Fxpansion Module.Adds second loop to i0500 systems,250 point capacity.Mounts in cabinet on main board.
D16L-i0-2 LED�Mnunciator module, 16 X 2-LED zones(4 programmable for sup). Mounts in cabinet to right of LCD display for zones 17-32.
D16L-i0-1 LED Mnunciator module, 16 X 2-LED zones(4 programmable for sup). Mounts in cabinet to left of LCD display for zones 1-76.
DBRY-i0-2 Canada only:LED Mnunciator module,two LEDs per zone, 16 zones(4 alartn ony,8 supervisory only,4 alartn or supervisory).
Mounts in cabinet to riqht of LCD display for zones 17-32.
DSRY-i0-1 Canada onty:LED Mnunciator motlule,two LEDs per zone, 16 zones(4 alarm ony,8 supervisory only,4 alarm or supervisory).
Mounts in cabinet to left of LCD display for zones 1-16.
Page7of10 �ATA sr+eET 85005-0130
Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue7.t
�Remote Annunciators(refer to Data Sheet&5005-0128) �
' LCb Remote Annunciators(mount to standard 4"square electrical box)
RLCD Remote Mnunciator,4X20 LCD&Common Indicators for displaying system status.Gray housing.
RLCD-R Remote Mnunciator,4X20 LCD&Common Indicators for tlisplaying system status.Red housing.
RLCD-C Remote Mnunciator,4X20 LCD.Common controls and status indicators.Gray housing.
RLCD-CR Remote Mnunciator,4X20 LCD.Common controls and status indicators.Red housing.
RLCD-SP Remote Mnunciator,4X20�CD.Common system status indicators.White housing.Spanish.
RLCD-PG Remote Mnunciator,4X20�CD.Common system status indicators.White housing.Portuguese.
RLCD-GSP Remote Mnunciator,4X20 LCD.Common controls and status indicators.White housing.Spanish.
RLCD-C-PG Remote Mnunciator,4X20 LCD.Common controls and status indicators.White housing.Portuguese.
RLED-C-SP Remote Mnunciator,common controls and status indicators. 16 groups w/2 LEDs each for zone display.White housing.Spanish.
RLED-C-PG Remote Mnunciator,common controls and status indicators. 16 groups w/2 LEDs each for zone display.White housing.Portuguese.
GCI Graphic Mnunciator Dnver Master for R-Senes annunciators.Outputs for 32 LEDs,connection to common control switches and LEDs.
GCIX Graphic Mnunciator Driver F�cpander for use with GCI Masters.Outputs for 48 LEDs,24 switch inputs for R-Series annunciators.
For Fench common crontrol,add sWfix F to model number.
�ED Remote Annunciators&Expander(mount to standard 4"square electrical box)
RLED-C Remote Mnunciator.Common controls and status indicators with 16 X 2-LED groups for zone display.Gray housing.
RLED-CF Remote Mnunciator.Common controls and status indicators with�6 X 2-LED groups for zone display.Gray housing, French.
RLED-CR Remote Mnunciator.Common controls and status indicators wtth 16 X 2-LED groups for zone display.Red housing.
RLED24 Remote Mnunciator Zone expander.24 X 2-LED groups with custom label a2as for display of alarm and trouble.Gray housing.
RLED24R Remote Mnunciator Zone expander.24 X 2-LED groups with custom label areas for display of alarm and trouble.Red housing.
Remote Annunciator Cabinets&Accessories
R4-ENC1 Remote Mnunciator Endosure,key locked with plexiglass window for one RLCD(C)or RLED(C).
RA-ENC2 Remote Mnunciator Enclosure,key locked with plexglass window with space for 2 of eRher RLCDx,FiLEDx or RLED24.
RA-ENC3 Remote Mnunciator Enclosure,key locked with plexiglass window with space for 3 of either RLCDx,RLEDx or RLED25.
RKEY Keyswitch,single gang,provides key operated enable or disable of common controls on RLCD or RLED units.
LSRA-SB Surface Mount Box-for R Series single units.
Programming Tools
i0-CU EST Series configuration and diagnostics utiliry.
260097 RS232 rable,4 conductor,D69 PC interface
Intelligent Analog Addressable Devices & Accessories
�Part# Description Ship wt.
Intelligent Detectors&Bases
SIGA2-PHCOS Intelligent Multisensor Photoelectric/Fleat Detector with carbon monoxide sensor
SIGA2-PHS Intelligent MNtisensor PhotoelectriGHeat Detector �
SIGA2-PHSB Intelligent 4D Multisensor Detector(Black)-UWLC listed
SIGA2-PCOS Intelligent Photoelectric Detector with carbon monoxide sensor
SIGA2-PS Intelligent Photoelectric Detector 0.4(0.16)
SIGA2-HRS Intelligent combination fixed temperature/rate-of-nse heat detector �
SIGA2-HFS Intelligent f�ed temperature heat detector
SIGA2-HCOS Intelligent fized tempereture heat tletector with CO sensor
SIGA2-COS Intelligent Carbon Monoxide Detector
SIGA-HFS Intelligent Fixed Temperature Heat Detector
. SIGA-HRS Intelligent Fized Temperature/Rate-of-Rise Heat Detector
SIGA-IPHS Intelligent 4D Multisensor Detector
SIGA-IPHSB Intelligent 4D Muftisensor Detector(Black) 0.5(0.23)
SIGA-PHS Intelligent 3D Mukisensor Detector
SIGA-PS Intelligent Photoelectnc Detector
SIGA-SD Intelligent Duct Detector
SIGA-SB Detector Mounting Base
SIGA-SB4 4-inch Detector Mounting Base c/w SIGA-TS Tnm Skirt
SIGA-FB Detector Mounting Base w/Relay
SIGA-RB4 4-inch Detector Mounting Base /w Relay Gw SIGA-TS Trim Skirt 0.2(0.09)
SIGA-IB Detector Mounting Base w/Fault Isolator
SIGA-164 4-inch Detector Mounting Base w/Fault Isolator c/w SIGA-TS Trim Skirt
SIGA-LED Remote Alarm LED
SIGA-A84G Audible(Sounder)Base 0.3(0.15)
Page 8 of 10 D A T A 5 H E E T 85005-0130
Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 7.7
• SIGA-T54 � Tnm Sltirt(supplied with 4-inch bases) 0.1 (.04)
' , 'SIGR-AB4GT Audible(Sounder)Base for CO and Flre Detectors 0.3(0.15)
SIGA-TCDR Temporal Pattern Generator 0.3(0.15)
SIGA-CCt Single Input Signal Module(Standard Mount) 0.5(023)
SIGA-MCC1 Single Input Signal Module(UIO Mount) 0.18(0.08)
SIGA-CC1 S Synchronization Output Module(Standard Mount) 0.5(0.23)
SIGA-MCC1 S Synchronization Output Module(UIO Mount) 0.18(0.08)
SIGA-CC2 Du21 Input Signal Module(Stantlard Mount) 0.5(023)
SIGA-MCC2 Dual Input Signal Module(UIO Mount) 0.18(0.08)
SIGA-CR Control Relay Module(Standard Mount) 0.4(0.15)
SIGA-MCR Control Relay Module(UIO Mount) 0.18(0.08)
SIGA-CRR Polariry Reversal Relay Module(Standard Mount) 0.4(0.15)
SIGA-MCRR Polanty Aeversal Relay Module(UIO Mount) 0.18(0.08)
SIGA-FM1 Riser Monitoi Module(StandarU Mount) 0.5(0.23)
SIGA-MFMi Riser Monitor Module(Plug-in) 0.�8(0.08)
SIGA-10 InpuVOu[put Module(Standard Mount) 0.34(0.15)
SIGA-MIO InpuUOutput Module(Plug-in) 0.22(0.10) �
SIGA-MAB Universal Class FVB Module(Plug-in) 0.18(0.08)
SIGA-CT1 Single Input Module 0.4(0.15)
SIGA-0T2 Dual Input Motlule OA(0.15)
SIGA-MCT2 Dual Input Plug-in(UIO)Module 0.1 (0.05)
SIGA-IM Fault Isolator Module 0.5(0.23)
SIGA-MM1 MonttorMotlule 0.4(.15)
SIGA-WTM Waterfiow/Tarnper Module 0.4(.15)
SMK Smoke Power Converter Module 0,4(0.15)
SIGA-U102R Universal Module Boardw/Riser Inputs-Two Module Positions 0.32(0.15)
SIGA-U106R Universal Module Board w/Riser Inputs-Six Module Positions 0.62(0.28)
SIGA-U106 Universal Module Board-Six Module Posttions 0.56(025)
SIGA-REL Analog addressable releasing module 0.5(0.23)
276A-REL Manual releasing station(single-action).English markings,black te�ct on yellow potycarbonate body. 1.0(0.45)
278A-REL Manual releasing stetion(double-action).English markings,black tex[on yellow polycarbonate body. 1.0(OA5)
RELA-ABT Manual Abort Station.English markings,black teM on yellow polycarbonate body. 1.0(0.45)
RELA-SRV-1 Service Dixonnect Switch.One n/c contact and one No contact.English marltings,white text on blue 1.0(0.45)
polycarbonate body.
RELA-EOL Polanzed end-of-line relay. English markings on stainless steel cover. 0.2(0.1)
GCI Graphic Mnunciator Driver,provides outputs tor common indicators and 32 alarm/supv zones as well as
inputs for common switches.Provided with a snap track for mounting in custom graphic enclosures.
CTM Ciry Tie Module.Provitles connection to a local energy fire alarm box. 0.6(0.3)
RPM Reverse Polariry Module 3.0(1.36)
BG1 Battery Cabinet. 14.0"x 18.25°x 725".Holds 2 12V24A battenes. 50.0(22.7)
BC-1 R Battery Cabinet-Red.14.0"x 18.25"x 725°.Holds 2 72V24A battenes. 50.0(22.7)
BG1 EQ Seismic hardening Ki[for i0 series panels. Includes battery hardening for BC-1 enclosure and components
to harden panel internal components. See note below.
MFC-A � Muftifunction Fre Cabinet,8°x 14"x 3.5°-FED. 20.6(9.4)
PT-1 S System Printer-Desktop siyle. 36.6(16.6)
For earthquake anchorage,including detailed mounting weights and center of gravity detail,please refer to Seismic Application Guide 3101676-EN.
Approval of panel anchorage to site structure may require local AHJ,structural,or civil engineer review.
Standby battenes must be mounted enternally from fire panel in separately mounted BC-1 enclosure.Ortler BC-t and BC-1 EQ separatey.
Page9ot70 DATA SHEET 85005-0130
Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 7.1
, _
Contact us...
Email: edwartls.fre�fs.utc.com
Web: wwwesPlire.com
EST is an EOWAR�S brantl.
1016 Corporate Park Dnve
Mebane,NC 27302
In Canada,co�tact Chubb Edwards...
Email: inquiries�chubbedwards.com
Web: wwwchub6edwards.com
�2013 UTC Fire&Securiry AmeAcas
Corporation,Inc.NI rights reserved.
Specifications subject to thange
without notice.Edwarcls is part ot UTC
Climate,Controis&Security,a unit oi
United Technologies Corporation.
Page70of70 DATA SHEET 85005-0130 a
Not to be usetl for installation purposes. Issue 7.1
. GST Cataloa ► Power Suppiies antl Accessories
` � � � �� � Click Here to Return to
�;,e Safety & Communicat/ons Bill of Material/Index
Sealed Lead -Acid
Batteries - - - r--- - -� �
� ' ' �
Overview Application
Rechargeable sealed lead-acid batteries are ideal for use as a When muttiple power supplies are provided, each power supply's
secondary(standby)power source as defined by NFPA 72.Their battery requirements should be calculated individually.Consutt
low maintenance and high energy density make them ideal for fire the specific system manual to determine battery capacity require-
alarm signaling applications. ments.
Safety Information �
Standard Features Due to a battery's low intemal resistance antl high power tlensiry,high levels of short
• Rechargeable circuit curtent can develop ecross battery termina�s.Put on protective eye covenng
and remove all jewelry before worldng on batteries.Do not rest tools or cables on the
• NOIt-Spilldbl0 battery,and ony use insulatetl tools.Follow all manufacturers installation instructions
entl tliagrams when installing or mainttining battenas.
• Non-hazardous �
• Low maintenance
• High energy density
Pa9e t of 2 D A T A S H E E T 85010-0127
' Noi to be used tor installation purposes. Issue 3
��'''— Specifications
\ C O W�.+�R�S Case Material ABS Thermoplastic
`- Regulatory Information DOT Class 60,Batteries,non-hazardous,non-spillable
Operating Environment 32°F to 120°F(0°C to 49°C) 0 to 93°h RH,Non-condensing
Contact us...
Email: edwartls.fire�ts.utc.com
Web: wwwesbfire.com Ordering Information
EST is an EOWAROS brantl.
1016 Corporate Park Drive Catalog Number Description .. Shipping Weight,Ib(kg)
Mebane,NC 2�302 12W A2 1.2 Ah Sealetl Lead Acid Battery-12 Vdc 1.25(0.57)
In Canada,conuct Chub6 Edwards... 12V4A 4.5 Ah Sealed Leatl ACid Battery-12 Vdc 5(227)
Email: inquiries�chubbedwards.com a - 6(2.72)
Web: wwwchubbedwards.com 6V8A 8 Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery-6 Vdc 4(1.81)
�2013 UTC Fire&Security Americas 6V10A 12 Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery-6 Vdc 5(2.27)
Corporation,Inc.All rights reservetl. 12V10A 11 Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery- 12 Vdc 10(4.45)
Specifications subjetk to change e - 13(5.90)
without notice.EdwaMs is part oi UTC 7 2V24A 26 Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery-12 Vdc 20(9.0�
Climate,Controls 8 Securiry,a unit of
United 7echnologies Corporation. 72V40A 40 M Sealed Lead Acid Battery-12 VdC 32(14.51)
12V50A 50 Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery-12 Vdc 40(18.14)
7 2V65A 65 Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery-12 Vdc 49(2223)
Page2of2 DATA SHEE7 85010-0127 �
Not to be usetl for installation purposes. Issue 3
, , � EST Catalog► intelligent initiating
� • �� � Click Here to Return to
[i!e Salety B Communicat/ons Bill of Material I e'X
Manual Pull • , �
Stations '' �
SIGA-270, SIGA-270P, �• ' �
SIGA-278 � �
g` ."`'"SIGA-2705ERIE5='''k��
,� .. �� Patented �I�
�=.4,'�r�SIGA-278`^" 8
M� rm 7150-1657: LL
0129 52318
Overview • Break glass operation
The SIGA-270 and SIGA-278 series Manual Pull Stations are An up-front visible glass rod on the SIGA-270 discourages
part of EST's Signature Series system.The SIGA-270 Flre Alarm
Manual Pull Stations feature our very familiar teardrop shape.They • Intelligent device with integral microprocessor
are made from die-cast zinc and tinished with red epoxy powder- All decisions are made at the station allowing lower com-
coat paint complemented by aluminum colored stripes and mark- munication speed while substantialry improving control panel
ings. With positive pull-lever operation, one pull on the station response time. Less sensitive to line noise and loop wiring
handle breaks the glass rod and turns in a positive alarm,ensuring properties;twisted or shielded wire is not required.
protection plus fool-proof operation.Presignal models(SIGA-270P) . pDA Compliant
are equipped with a general alarm(GA)keyswitch for applications Meets ADA requirements for manual pull stations.
where two stage operation is required.The up-front highly visible �
glass rod discourages tampering, but is not required for proper • Electronic Addressing with Non-volatile memory
operation. � Permanently stores programmable address,serial number,
type of device, and job number.Automaticaly updates historic
EST's double action single stage SIGA-278 station is a contempo- information including hours of operation, last maintenance
rary style manual station made from durable red colored lexan. To date,number of alarrns and troubles,and time and date of last
initiate an alarm,f rst lift the upper door marked"LIFT THEN PULL alarm. �
HANDLE",then pull the alarm handle.
• Automatic device mapping
Each station transmits wiring information to the loop control-
Standard Featu res ler regarding its location with respect to other devices on the
Note:Some leatures descnbed here may not be supported by al1 control sys- CifCUit.
tems.Checkyourcontro/pane/'slnstallationandOperationGuidefordetals. • Stand-aloneoperatio0
• Traditional familiar appearance The station inputs an alarm even if the loop controller's polling
SIGA-270 models feature our familiar teardrop design with interrogation stops.
simple positive pull action and sturdy die-cast metal body. • Diagnostic LEDs
• One stage(GA),two stage(pre-signaq,and double action Status LEDs;flashing GREEN shows normal polling;flashing
� models RED shows alarm state.
SIGA-270 models are available for one or two stage alarm • Designed for high ambient temperature operation
systems.The single stage double action SIGA-278 features a Install in ambient temperatures up to 120°F(49°C).
rugged Lexan housing with keyed reset mechanism.
Pagelof4 DATA SHEET 85001-0279
Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue8.1
, . ,.
�pplic�tion Typical Wiring
� The operating characteristics of the fre alarm stations are deter- The fre alarm station's terminal block accepts#18 AWG(0.75mm�
mined by their sub-type code or"Personality Code". NORMALLY- to#12 AWG(2.5mm�wire sizes.See Signature Loop Controller
OPEN ALARM-LATCHING(Pesonality Code 1)is assigned by the catalog sheet for detailed winng requirement specifications.
factory; no user configuration is required.The device is confgured
for Class B IDC operation.An ALARM signal is sent to the loop Wiring Notes
controller when the station's pull lever is operated.The alarm con- Q Refer to Signature Loop Controller manual for maximum
' dition is latched at the station.
wire distance.
2. All wiring is power limited and supervised.
Compatibility REARVIEW _
Signature Series manual stations are compatible only with EST's
Signature Loop Controller. O o
Warnings & Cautions a,� , ,
This device will not operate without electrical power.As fres fre-
quently cause power interruption, we suggest you discuss further ��`,kF.°,w,� o o Gryo��°
safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. " ' ' '
o re, o
Testing & Maintenance
To test(or reset)the station simply open the station and operate DAW IN(r) oA,nour c.>l
the exposed switch.The SIGA-270 series are opened with a tool; �oA,A�h<-, oArAoorc->f
the SIGA-27S requires the key which is supplied with that station. r�m��wa�e�o-a�a, ���=Mo�^=a
erPeeviout�eNce �
The station's automatic self-diagnosis identifies when it is defec-
tive and causes a trouble message.The user-friendly maintenance Figure 4. Single Stage Systems
program shows the current state of each Signature series device
and other pertinent messages.Single devices may be deactivated
temporarily,from the control panel.Availability of maintenance
features is dependent on the fire alarm system used. RE°'a��EW
Scheduled maintenance(Regular or Selected)for proper system 2�OP,270PB � o
operation should be planned to meet the requirements of the o
Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ). Refer to current NFPA 72 and o
ULC CAN/ULC 536 standards. - '�
a � as
RedIED GreenlED
Wmm/ACINB) a O � Rdorttw0
� O
0 O
`ONAM61' DAAOUI(-)'�
kom9gnoNreCantroller TONa#Device
o�RallouSDevl<e �
� Figure 5. Two Stage Systems
Vage 2 of 4 D A T A S H E E T 85001-0279 .
Not lo be usetl for installation purposes. IssueSA
. Inst�llation
. Single-stage Signature Series fire alarm manual pull stations mount to North American 2'h inch (64 mm)deep 1-gang boxes.
Two stage presignal(270P)models require 1 Yz inch(38 mm)deep 4-inch square boxes with 1-gang, Ys-inch raised covers.Openings
must be angular.Rounded openings are not acceptable. Recommended box:Steel City Model 52-C-13;in Canada, use Iberville Model CI-
All modeis include terminals are suited for#12 to#18 AWG(2.5 mm'to 0.75 mm�wire size. Edwards recommends that these fre alarm
stations be installed according to latest recognized edition of national and local fre alarm codes.
Electronic Addressing: The loop controller electronically addresses each manual station, saving valuable time during system com-
missioning. Setting complicated switches or dials is not required. Each station has its own unique serial number stored in its on-board
memory.The loop controller identifes each device on the loop and assigns a"soft"address to each.serial number. If desired,the stations
can be addressed using the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool.
KeY-Lmcn � comPailble Electrical Boz
� CompatlWe ElacMcal Box Cover Release �
� Cover I
'y _�f 'y Release
Serew �
m �� �,. � � � �
a �3
O�� Bock �'°3 Back i��^"
Plate O �, e Pble I ;
iogale Toggle �
� � Svttch � Svifch `
, O Pa�� �,�^'
.,� Q
Gloss Rotl �
,�. .-""__ � GlossRotl
Release Leve�
� ' OPEN
' ��� �D� ::,
Figure 1. SIGA-278 instaliation Figure 2. SIGA-270,SIGC-270F,SIGC-270B installation
Str w
� O � HCamPorible � .
wiN K-incM1 -
j Q �aiSMcwefs �
� �� '
j` `g � m�
4 �
��`, e maee i
� ioqgle I
Swicch �
// NOPNµ
� � O
�� �o � Glvzs0.ad
� P¢Itp5t4vtl
poxe wiN
openingx �•�
Figure 3. SIGA-270P,SIGC-270PB installation
Page3oi4 DA7A SHEET 85001-0279
Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 8.1
�'ow�►r�o s SIGA-270,SIGG SIGA-270P,
Catalog Number 270F,SIGC-270B SIGC-270P6 SIGA-278
Description Single Action Single Action-Two � Double Action
Contact us... -One Stage Stage(Presignal) -One Stage
Email: edwartls.fire�fs.utc.com Addressing Uses 1 Module Uses 2 Module Uses 1 Module
Web: wwwest-r�re.com Requirements Address Addresses Address
EST is an EOWAROS Drentl. OpOreting Cuffent Standby=250µ4 StBndby=396NA St2ndby=250µ4
Activated=400µ4 Activated=680uA Activaled=400µ4
1016 Corporate Park Drive
Mebane,NC 2�ao2 Construction&Fnish Diecast Zinc-Red Epoxy Lexan-Red with
with aluminum markings white markings
In Canada,contact Chu66 Edwards._ TypO COdO FaCtory Set
Email: inquiries�chubbedwards.com
web: wwwchubbedwards com Operating Vokage 15.2 to 19.95 Vdc(19 Vdc nomina�
�2a13 uTC Fire&Security Amertcas Storage and Operating Operating Temperature:32°F to 120°F(0°C to 49°C) o
Corporation,Inc.all rights reservetl. Environment Storage Temperature:-4°F to 140°F(-20°C to 60°C)Humidity:0 to 93 k
Specifications sublect to change RH
witnout notice.Edwa�tls is part ot uTC On-board Green LED-Flashes when polled
qimate,Concrols&Sewrity,a unit oi LED Operation - On-board Fed LED-Flashes w hen in alarm
united 7echnologies Corporation. BoN LEDs-Glow steady when in alarm(stand-alone)
Compatibility Use With:Signature Loop Controller
Agency Listings ,UL,ULC(note 1),MEA,CSFM,FM
Note:S/GC-270F,SIGC-270B and SIGC-270P8 are ULC listed on�y SWl&'F"indicates French mark"mgs.
SWfir'B"indicates En91isNFranch biling ual maikings.
Ordering Information
Catalog Wt.Ibs
Number DescriptiOn (kg)
SIGA-270 One Stage Fire Alarm S[ation, English MarVtings-UW LC Listed
SIGC-270F One Stage Fire Alarm Station, French Mar4tings-ULC Listed
SIGC-270B One Stage Fire Alarm Station,French/English Markings-ULC Listed
SIGA-270P Two Stage(PresignaQ Fre Alarm Station,English Markings-UWLC
Listed 1 (0.5)
SIGG Two Stage(PresignaQ Fre Alarm Station,French/English Markings
270PB -ULC Listed
� � ou e Ac ion S a e ar Sta n �
, 32997 GA Key w/iag-for pre-signal station(CANADA ONLI�
� 276-K2 GA Key-for pre-signal station (USA ONLI�
276-K1 Station Reset Key, Supplied with all Key Reset Stations p,� (,05)
� 27165 12 Glass Rods-for SIGA-270 senes(CANADA ONLI�
270-GLR 20 Glass Rods-for SIGA-270 senes (USA ONL`n
276-GLR 20 Glass Rods-for SIGA-278 senes
276B-FSB Surtace Mount Box,Retl-for SIGA pull stations 1 (0.6)
Page4of4 DATA SHEET 85001-0279 p
Not to 6e used for installation purposes. Issue8.7
• ����� EST Catalog � Intelligent Initiating Devices
� • �� � Click Here to Return to
Li/e Safety B Communicatlons Bill of Material/Index
l _�
� - �,� „ �
Intelligent Smoke ;�� � � ��,
� �
Detector with ( `� � �1`� � �� � . �
� � ,..�0.w � � ` ��� �
Opt�onal ,,:,�� ,�, '.�
CO Sensor � - �
� Osm 5278-1657: LC
0300 $853
Overview Standard Features
Signature Series SIGA2-P(CO)S photoelectric detectors bring ad- • Optical smoke sensing technology with optional carbon mon-
vanced sensing technology to a practical design that increases ef- oxide sensor
ficiency, saves installation time,cuts costs, and extends life safety . Field-replacable smoke chamber
and property protection capabilities.Continuous self-diagnostics
ensure reliability over the long-haul,while innovative field-replaca- • Field-replacable carbon monoxide sensor/daughterboard
ble smoke chambers make detector maintenance literally a snap. module
With its modular CO sensor,this detector pulls double-duty— . Uses existing wiring
� continually monitoring the environment for signs of smoke, as well
�� as its invisible yet deadly companion, carbon monoxide. • Automatic device mapping
Like all Signature Series detectors,the SIGA2-P(CO)S is an intel- • Ground fault detection by module
ligent device that gathers analog information from its smoke and . Up to 250 devices per loop
CO sensor(if present), converting this data into digital signals.To
make an alarm decision,the detector's on-board microprocessor • Two levels of environmental compensation
measures and analyzes sensor readings and compares this infor- . Two levels of dirty detector warning
mation to historical data. Digital filters remove signal patterns that
are not typical of f res,thus virtually eliminating unwanted alarms. ' Twenty pre-alarm settings
The SIGA2-PCOS includes an advanced carbon monoxide sensor ' Five sensitivity settings
and daughterboard.When the electrochemical cell reaches its end • Non-volatile memory
of life after approximately six years,the detector signals a trouble . Electronic addressing
condition to the control panel.The sensor/daughterboard module
is feld-replaceable. • Environmental compensation
• Identifcation of dirty or defective detectors
• Automatic day/night sensitivity adjustment
• Bicolor(green/red)status LED
• Standard, relay,fault isolator, and audible mounting bases
Pa9e1oi4 DATA SHEET 85001-0619
� Not to be usetl for installation purposes. Issue 2.1
�1p�lication Sensing and reporting technology
� Smoke•detection � The microprocessor in each detector provides four addRional ben-
The SIGA2-PS detects extremely small particles of combustion efits-Self-diagnostics and History Log,Automatic Device Map-
and triggers an alarm at the first sign of smoke.Thanks to its high- P�ng, Stand-alone Operation and Fast, Stable Communication.
performance forward scattering reflective response technology, Self-diagnostics and History Log -Each Signature Series
the photoelectric smoke sensor responds quickly and reliably to detector constantly runs self-checks to provide important mainte-
a wide range of fire types,especially slow burning fres fuelled by nance information.The results of the self-check are automatically
combustibles typically found in modern multi-use buildings. updated and permanently stored in the detector's non-volatile
Carbon monoxide detection
CO detection has rapidly become a standard part of life safety Automatic Device Mapping -The loop controller learns where
strategies everywhere. Monitored CO detection is becoming each device's serial number address is installed relative to other �
mandated with increasing frequency in all types of commercial devices on the circuit.The mapping feature provides supervision
applications, but particularly in occupancies such as hotels, room- of each device's installed location to prevent a detector from being
ing houses,dormitories,day care facilities,schools, hospitals, reinstalled(after cleaning etc.)in a different location from where it
assisted living facilities, and nursing homes. In fact, more than half `�'ias originaly.
of the U.S. population already lives in states requiring the instal- 5tand-alone Operation-A decentralized alarm decision by the
lation of CO detectors in some commercial occupancies.This detector is guaranteed. On-board intelligence permits the detector
is because carbon monoxide is the leading cause of accidental to operate in stand-alone mode. If loop controller CPU communi-
poisoning deaths in America. Known as the"Silent Killer,"CO is cations fail for more than four seconds, all devices on that circuit
odorless,tasteless,and colorless. It claims nearly 500 lives,and 90 into stand-alone mode.The circuit acts like a conventional
results in more than 15,000 hospital visits annually. alartn receiving circuit.
Fast Stable Communication-On-board intelligence means less
installation information needs to be sent beriveen the detector and the loop
controller.Other than regular supervisory polling response,the
� Signature Series detectors mount to North American 1-gang detector ony needs to communicate with the loop controller when
boxes,3-1/2 inch or 4 inch octagon boxes,and to 4 inch square it has something new to report.
electrical boxes 1-1/2 inches(38 mm)deep.They mount to Euro-
pean BESA and 1-gang boxes with 60.3 mm fixing centers.See
mounting base installation and wiring for more information. /�CC2SS01"18S
Detector mounting bases have wiring terminals that are acces-
sible from the"room-side"after mounting the base to the electrical
Testing & Maintenance box:The bases mount to North American 1-gang boxes and to
Each detector automatically identifies when it is dirty or defective 3Yz inch or 4 inch octagon boxes, 1 Yz inches(38 mm)deep.They
and causes a"dirty detecto�'message.The detector's sensitiv- �so mount to European BESA and 1-gang boxes with 60.3 mm
ity measurement can also be transmitted to the loop controller.A fixing centers.The SIGA-SB4,SIGA-R64,and SIGA-IB4 mount to
North American 4 inch sq.electrical boxes in addition to the above
sensitivity report can be printed to satisry NFPA sensitivity mea- boxes.They include the SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt which is used to
surements which must be conducted at the end of the f rst year �ver the"mounting ears"on the base.The SIGA-A84G mounts
and every hvo years thereafter. to a 4"square box only.
The user-friendly maintenance program shows the current state ��
of each detector and other pertinent messages.Single detectors �� ' � %�� y
may be turned off temporanly from the control panel.Availability (( �1� �� � �
of maintenance features is dependent on the fre alarm system � t � �� �`j��
used. When the CO sensor's electrochemical cell reaches its end
of life,the detector signals a trouble condition to the control panel, sicn-aeacrr sian-se sica-is s�oa-Rs SIGA-LED
AudiDla Base SFendard Base Isolator Basa Nalay Baae Remote LED
The sensor/daughterboard module is feld-replaceable.Scheduled
maintenance(Regular or Selected)for proper detector operation Remote LED SIGA-LED-The remote LED connects to the
should be planned to meet the requirements of the Authority Hav- SIGA-SB or SIGA-SB4 Standard Base only. It features a North
ing Jurisdiction(AHJ). Refer to current NFPA 72, NFPA 720,and �erican size 1-gang plastic faceplate with a white finish and red
ULC CANNLC 536 standards. alarm LED.
SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt-Supplied with 4 inch bases, ft can also
be ordered separately to use with the other bases to help hide
This detector will NOT sense fires that start in areas where smoke surface imperfections not covered by the smaller bases.
cannot reach the detector.Smoke from fres in walls,roofs,or on �
the opposite side of closed doors may not reach the detector to SIGA-A64G and SIGA-A64GT-These sounder bases are de-
. alarm it. signed for use where localized or group alarm signaling is required.
The SIGA-A64G is compatible with Signature Series smoke and
� � heat detectors.The SIGA-AB4GT sounder base,when used with
the SIGA-TCDR Temporal Pattern Generator module,adds an
audible output function to any Signature Series detector, including
fire and CO detectors.
Page2oi4 DATA SHEET 85001-0619
Not to 6e used for installation purposes. Issue2.7
. ' T�pICa� W II"Il�lg Audible Detector Base for CO
. The,detector mounting bases accept#18 AWG(0.75mm�),#16 and Fire Detectors,SIGA-AB4GT
(1.Omm�, #14 AWG(1.5mm'),and#12 AWG(2.5mm�wire sizes. The Signature Series A64GT sounder base,when used with the
Note: Sizes#16 AWG(1.Omm�and#1 S AWG(OJSmm�are SIGA-TCDR Temporal Pattem Generator, adds an audible output
prefened for ease of installation. See Signature Loop Controller function to any Signature Series detector. For more information on
this device, refer to Data Sheet 85001-0623--Sounder Base for
catalog sheet for detailed wiring requirement specifcations. CO and Fire Detectors.
StandaW Detector Base,SIGA-SB,SIGA-S64 � 3
i---40----I =
This is the basic mounting base RemotelED i �� i 0 ��� e
for Edwards Signature Series de- Ma+�e������=e �_______�
tectors.The SIGA-LED Remote perwire
� mustnaceaceed
LED is supported by the Stan- ia onms
dard Base. S � 3
o _
Tertn �escnptian � a' F
1 No�UsBtl � � ¢ 6 a
2 DATAIWOUT�+) 8 — " � � � 5
3 NotUsetl
6 DATA IN(-)
6 RemoteLED(-) DBTAINf-1 �° DATHOUTI-1
5 R6mOtBLED(+) TCOFNsw♦ TCORRbw+
8 N�l USBd TCOR Naer- TCOR Pber-
from5ignoNreWntmller TONeeLOrvice SLC. SLC+
. or Previaus Devia �-�-
Isolator Detector Base,SIGA-IB,SIGA-164 � s
This base includes a built-in line fault isolator for use on Class A 1. Volume setUng.DefauR is high volume.Por low volume,cut Irece per item 4.
circuits.A detector must be installed for it to operate.The isolator 2. Reserved for(uture use.Do not cut.
base does not support the SIGA-LED Remote LED. a. aeserved ro�r�n�re�se.oo noc cuc.
The isolator operates 2s follows: a. To conrgure output volume,cut trace as snown.
-a short on the line causes all iso- ° ° 5. To ne�ct SIGA-A84GT sounder hase or EOL relay.
e � 6. SLC_OUT to neM intelligent addressable davice.
lators to open within 23 msec .
-at 10 msec intervals, � e z S�C_IN hom intenigent atldressable contmller or previous device.
beginning on one side � 8. From SIGA-TCDR Temporal Pariern Generator or previous SIGA-AB4GT
of the Class A onTn iN c-> � z� onTn our ca sounder base.
circuit nearest the loop .
controller,the isolators
close to rovide the DAiA IN(t) onrn our c+>
P ro Nexr oevice
next isolator down the From s9�rnure co�nona�
orPfe'^°"'oa`^`a Audible Detector Base,SIGA-A64G
line with power Te� cex�Pvo�
, No�usea
-when the isolator next to z onrn iwour�.� This base is designed for use where localized or group alarm sig-
the short doses,reopens within 10 msec. a o"T"'"i-� naling is required.When the detector senses an alarm condition,
5 N�us� the audible base emits a local alarm signal.The optional SIGA-CRR
The process repeats beginning on the 6 DATAOIJr�-) Polarity Reversal Relay can be used for sounding to other audible
other side of the loop controller. � Noc u�a
bases on the same 24 Vdc circuii.
� ° ° �
Relay Detector Base, SIGA-RB,SIGA-R64 ���ry N�w �owm,s,��e ,o�Baa��s
� This base includes a rela . Nor- `""�°" u"�' oPe� °�a,ir�iow.oi�ma °efe�=�`mP°��Pa�m
y � � cwa�smaarana .
mally open or closed operation
� is selected during installation.
.. The dry contact is rated for 1 amp .,w�,�o„�,�„„
� (pilot dury)�30 Vdc.The relay's o °'�"v�,:,,�"'°°"°
position is supendsed to avoid ac-
cidentallyjarcingitoutofposition. x6°^�'^ - - x.va�o��
The SIGA-RB can be operated as°"'"'"c-, �` °"�AO1fp, `rom�awe»• 'T°"a"°89eOfEo"�"w
a control relay if programmed to oab in
do 50 at thB COntr01 p2n01(EST3 �A�A���+� °"iAO1""� F�ms�gnawre<anwneror - oamom
From9pnaM1rteConhdbr toNe#CeN[e preNausEeWce ' �TonexlSigneNretlevice
V.2 only).The relay base does not aR�o�.o��e T8� o� _Pyo
support the SIGA-LED Remote , No�,a�yooe� Relay and Audible Bases operate as follows:
LED. CAMACTR4TING z onTniwovr�.� _at system power-up or reset,the relay is de-energized
1.OPmp�3�VDC 3 Comrtron
��o,omy, a onraiN i-i -when a detector is installed in the base with the power
5 Not Used
s Nom,aiy-cios�a on,the relay energizes for four seconds,then de-energizes
� onrnour- _�,,�hen a detector is removed from a base with the power on,
the relay is de-energized
-when the detector enters the alarm state,the relay is energized.
Page3of4 DATA SHEET 85001-0619
Not to be used tor installation purposes. Issue2.1
�ow.�+►►r�o s SIGA2-P(CO)S detectors are compatible only with the Signature Loop Controller.
����a��s... Warnings & Cautions
Email: etlwartls.fire�h.utc.com This detector will not operate without electrical power.As fires frequently cause power
Web: www est-(re com interruption,we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your fre protection specialist.
EST is an EOWAROS brantl.
1016 Corporate Park Drive This detector will NOT sense fires that start in areas where smoke cannot reach the detec-
Mebane,NC 27302 tor.Smoke from fires in walls, roofs,or on the opposite side of closed doors may not reach
In Canada,contact Chubb Edwards._ th@ C1BtBCfOf SO d�3f171 It.
Email: inquiries�chubbetlwards.cam
Web: wwwchubbedwa�dscom
�2014 UTC Fire&Security Americas
Corporetion,Inc.Nirightsreserved. SpeClflC.`cltl�l�1S
Specifications subject to ehange
without notice.Edwartls is part of UTC - SIGA2-PS SIGA2-PCOS
Climate,Controis 8 Securiry,a unit oi Normal oparating current 45 µ4 70 µ4
United 7echnologies Corporation. p,�arm current 45 NA 70 NA
Standalone alarm current 18 mA 18 mA
Operating vottage 15.20 to 19.95 VDC
Air velocity � 0 to 4,000 ft./min(0 to 20 m/s).
Construction High impact engineering polymer
Wall mounting Macimum 12 in(305 mm)from ceiling
Mounting Plug-in
Shipping weight 0.44 Ib.(164 g)
Compatible bases See Ordenng Information
Operating environment 32 to 120°F(0 to 49"C),0 to 93%RH,noncondensing
Storage temperature —4 to 140°F(-20 to 60°C)
Environmental compensation Automatic
UL Listed Spacing 30 ft(9.1 m)
Ordering Information
Catalog DeSc�iption Ship Wt.
Number Ibs(k9)
- 0.4(0.16)
SIGA2-PCOS Intelligent Photoelectric Detector wKh carbon monoxide sensor 0.4(0.16)
SIGA2-PCOS-CA Intelligent Photoelectric Detector with carbon monoxide sensor OA(0.16)
(for use in Canadian markets only).
� -
SIGA-SB4 4-inch Detector Mounting Base dw Tnm Skirt
SIGA-RB Detecior Mounting Base w/Relay
SIGA-RB4 4-inch Detector Mounting Base w/Relay, Gw Trim Skirt 0.2(.09)
SIGA-IB Detector Mounting Base w/FauR Isolator
SIGA-1B4 4-inch Detector Mounting Base w/Fautt Isolator,c/w Trim Skirt
- e a � not for EN54 applications)
, SIGA-A64G Audible(Sounder)Base for Fire Detectors 0.3(0.15)
� SIGA-A84GT Audible(Sounder)Base for CO and Fire Detectors 0.3(0.15)
. SIGA-TCDR Temporal Pattern Generator 0.3(0.15)
. SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt(supplied with 4-inch bases) 0.1 (.04)
2-SPRC7 Replacement Smoke Chamber(for SIGA2-PS detectors) 0.1 (.04)
2-SPFC2 Replacement Smoke Chamber(for SIGA2-PCOS detectors) 0.1 (.04)
2-CORPL Replacement CO Sensor 0.1 (.04)
Page4of4 DATA sHEeT 85001-0619 a
Not to be used tor installation purposes. Issue2.1
, ESi Catalog► intelligent Initiating
� • ' � �� � Click Here to Return to
�;,e Safety & Communicafions Bill of Material/Index
' ,t{
{ (! R':..
Intelligent Duct � �` � � =
Smoke Detector �� = -s `;� `
i� U
' �� ;. u���. ""a•�-� .
FM •��
MEA 32ozza5' �
Overview Standard Features
The Edwards SuperDuct Signature Series smoke detector is the • Less than 2"deep for easy installation and applications where
most advanced and mosi reliable device in its class. Designed for space is tight
easy installation and superb reliability,SuperDuct represents the , _q=F to 158°F(-20°C to 70°C) operating range with 100 ft/min.
pertect balance of practical design and advanced technology. to 4,000 Wmin air velocity rating assures reliabiliry under harsh
� SuperDuct detectors feature a unique design that speeds instal- environmental conditions
�, lation and simplifies maintenance. Removable dust fitters,confor- . �atus LEDs remain visible through clear assembly cover ,
mally coated circuit boards,and optional water-resistant gaskets
�� keep contaminants away from components, ensunng years of • Cover monitor switch for added security
�� trouble-free service.When cleaning is required,the assemblies . �andard sampling tube spacing for easy drop-in migration
� come apart easily and snap back together in seconds. from other detectors
A Signature Series photoelectric sensor is incorporated into . Sampling tube can be installed with or without the cover in
the design of each SIGA-SD duct smoke detector.This sensor place and can be rotated in 45-degree increments to ensure
inherits the power and benefits of this exceptional line of intelligent proper alignment with duct airFlow
• 15.2 to 19.95 Vdc operation
Signature Series sensors gather analog information from their Magnet-activated test switch
smoke sensing elements and convert it into digital signals.The �
sensor measures and analyses these signals and compares the • One Form C auxiliary alarm relay for controlling ancillary equip-
information to historical readings and time patterns to make an ment(e.g., HVAC controls)
alarm decision. Digital flters remove signal patterns that are not . No special tools required for easy access to field connections
typical of f res,which virtually eliminates unwanted alarms.
• Signature Series intelligence
WARNING Duct detectors have specifc limitations. Duct tletectors a2 not a • Environmental compensation with differential sensing for reli-
subs[itute for an open area smoke detectoc Duct detectors are not a substiMe able, stable,and drift-free sensitivity
for early warning detection or e replacement for a building's regular fre detection
system.5mokedetectorsarenotdesignedtodetecttowcgaseswhichcanhuildup • WIdE079%to2.46%obscuration/ft. smokesensitivity
to hazardous levels in some fires.These devices will not operate without electrical
powecAsfiresirequentycausepowerimerruptions,Etlwartlssuggestsyoudiscuss • Identifcationofdirtyordefectivedetectors
further safeguartls vnN your local fire protection specialist.
Pagetof4 . DATA SHEET 85001-0584
� Noi to be used for installation purposes. Issue 6
. �1rJ�l.�ICutlOfl The sampling tube may be installed hom either the duct side of
. the assembly or from inside the sensor compartment, as preferred
. SuperDuct detectors are ideally suRed to duct smoke detection by the installer.(The exhaust tube must be installed from the duct
applications where early indication of combustion is required within side.)Sampling tubes may be rotated in 45-degree increments so
the confned space of ventilation ductwork. Its primary purpose that air-holes can be aligned to allow the unit to be mounted at
is to provide early warning of an impending f re and to prevent virtually any angle relative to the air flow. '
smoke from circulating throughout the building. It is typically used
to detect smoke in the supply side of the HVAC system but can In installations where the duct smoke detector's controls and indica-
provide supervision of the return side as well. tors are hidden from view,a remote test station or an LED indicator
--------------------------- can be connected to the detector to provide these functions.
j Protacted premisas j
I Remote i Remote Test Stations
� Alartn relaY last �
' i k . Labor-saving Remote TesUReset stations provide
ioutaut station
, i i � . alarm testing from the convenience of a remote
_ i i �i � location.Tests can be performed quickly and safely
_ i o�tt smoke � Retum i � • ' � —without having to climb to the roof. Magnetically-
_ � tletedor alr — —
Hvac i . operated and key-operated one-gang models are
��a � i � available.Signature SuperDuct detectors are also
= i Duct smoke �Supply i � compatible with SIGA-LED remote alarm LED.
= i Eetecmr si� �
i Air velociry in the duct as low as 100 ff/min. maintains adequate
i i air flow into the sensor smoke chamber through air holes in the air
i °��aY �esc i sampling tube and discharges through the exhaust tube.Su-
i FACP s���o� i perDuct air sampling tubes must be installed with the inlet holes
i i facing the airstream. Sampling tubes may be rotated in 45-degree
�_______________________________; increments so that air-holes can be aligned to allow the unit to be
Supcv�Duct detectors continually sample air flow in the HVAC duct mounted in virtually any angle relative to the airflow.
and initiate an alarm condition whenever smoke is detected. An SuperDuct sensors are engineered to operate optimally under the
alarm is activated when the quantity(percent obscuration)of harsh environmental conditions frequently found in HVAC duc-
combustion products in that air sample exceeds the detector's twork. Nonetheless, before installing the detector,test the duct
sensitivity setting. air velocity,temperature,and humidity to verify that it is within the
operating range of the Supe�Duct detector. Consult the SuperDuct
Signature Series Intelligence installation sheet for details.
Like all Signature detectors,the SIGA-SD features electronic
addressing and issues a dirty sensor warning when it reaches its Dimensions
preset limit.T.he dirty sensor warning indicates the sensor is qp-
erating within its specifed limits but is in need of servicing.When °'°'^�u,�^�
the detector's abiliiy to compensate for environmental changes >:�s��i%��i
has reached its limit,the duct smoke detector signals a trouble ���b n.��� �;,��;,,�
The SIGA-SD also uses differential sensing to prevent gradual
environmental changes from triggering unwanted alarms.A rapid
change in environmental conditions,such as smoke from a fire,
causes the detector to signal an alarm state, but dust and debris
accumulated over time does not change alarm sensitivity.
Each Signature Series SuperDuct detector contains a microproc- I
essor that performs comprehensive self-diagnostics and stores
the results in nonvolatile memory.Stored results include details ��
such as hours of operation, last maintenance date,and number ""��
of alarms and troubles.This information can be retrieved and
reviewed when desired. -------�--------�-�
Detector Co�figuration e.s,.
The detector assembly cover provides easy access to the smoke "'�Ba°"'
sensor, its wiring connections, sample and exhaust tubes, and the
smoke chamber itself. � o 0 0 0
Air enters the detector's sensing chamber through a sampling
tube(ordered separately)that extends into the duct and is directed
back into the ventilation system through an exhaust tube(in- ' '��°'^
cluded).The difference in air pressure between the hvo tubes pulls ,
the sampled air Ihrough the sensing chamber.When a suffcient
amount of smoke is detected in the sensing chamber,the detector '
initiates an alarm.
,� ,.x��� x.o�m
I (]Stanl ' (1].]3< )
Page2ot4 DATA SHEET 85001-0584
Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 8
.. � A.ssembly High-humidity environments
, Sampling Wbe Detector
socket I Use the SD-PH Protective Housing when installing SuperDuct
Exhaust W6e � + detectors in high-humidity environments.The SD-PH is a weather-
socket ized housing that prevents condensation on the device by insulat-
ing the detectors and providing circulated air from the monitored
, HVAC duct.The SD-PH also adds a layer of protection against
(���� �(p physical damage to the unit.
F�[hauslWba '�y
� Thin
gasket / }
Thick �
gaskel \
� Duct Detector
� Sampling tube Protective �'�a
(ordered separacely) HoUsing p /^�
��PIu9 (i%% /I �
� r'
Mounting ����
Rear Vew �
� HVAC duct
� /1 q Hinged
l_X �� Detector Cover o
�� �
0.O\ � `�\ � � Housing
air tube
•`�� � � e
� Housing Detector
�` I�� ' � �� air tube conduit holes
Sampling � I O �
tube �I
I� i�_ "��n" � The SD-PH is easy to install and seroice.The hinged and transpar-
, .- �� � ent cover provides ready access to the detector,while keeping its
f status indicators visible at all times.
, nio sneei ma�ai screw(2x� Note: The SD-PH Proteciive Housing is weatherized against out-
door air, but it is not intended for direct outdoor exposure.
eQuipmenl + f
_ Alarm �
��� [t] No more than one remote test station
or lED indicator can be connected to °�
1 �
the detector at the same Ume.Wiring 1
17 16 15 is unsupervised.Maximum wire q�a�
� � I resistance is 10 ohms per wire. 2 SaTwc
F Test SQTRM[1�
� iilllLiLillllullllll � 4
m m
Dafa Out(-)
` � Da�a Out(+)
�� , O O o oa�i�c.>
� ��� ���
� e o o e � 14 73 12 11 10 9 8 ]
�Power indicator
Alarm indicator
Page3oi4 DATA SHEET 85001-0584
Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue6
Specifications, detector Specifications, test stations
�o w�o.R o s 870 x 5.45 x 1.90 inChes Remote TesUReset Stations provide alarm test,trouble
Dimensions (2p1 x 138 x 48 mm) intlication,antl reset capabiliry hom a remote loca-
W i�e size 14 t0 22 AWG tion.They inclutle a one-gang plate,momentary SPST
switch,2d alarm LED,and tertninal block.Ma9neticaly-
Det2Ction Photoelectnc operatetl models(iA�or key-operatetl motlels(�R4Q
ConWct us...
method (light scattenng pnnciple) a�"� North Amencan 1-gang box
Email: edwarcls.fire�is.utacom 100 to 4,000 ft/min antl Compatible Standard 4-in s uare box,
Web: wwwest-1ire com Air velociry meets the required minimum electncal 1-1/2 inches d ep,with
EST Is an EOWAROS hrand. rating ai�pfessu2 differen[ial boxes 1- an Covef
9 9
1016 Corporate Panc Driva Air pressure 0.005 to 1.00 inches of LED indicators Alarm(re�
Mebane,NC 27302 differential water LED type Clear lens
.. In Canada,contact Chubb Edwards... 079 10 2.46 9'o/R
Sensitivity obscuration Wire size 14 to 22 AWG
Email: inquiries�chubbetlwarUs.com ResistarlCe per
Web: Www.chubbedwards.com Alafm test wir0 10 Ohms,max.
response time 5 seconds
�2013 UTC Fre&Secunty Americas CUffent
Corporation,Inc.All rights reservetl. LED indicators Alarm(red),Power(green) requirements See controller specifications
Speciflcations subject to<hange Unsupervised and power- LED circuit Voltage:3 Vdc,man.
wRhout notice.Etlwards is part ot UTC limited
Ciimate,Controls&Security,a unit of ratings Current:30 mA,maz.
unRed 7echnoio9ies Corporetion. Common Quantiry: 1 Switch ratings Voltage:125 Vdc,max.
alarm relay Type:Form C
Ratings:2.0 A at 30 Vdc (SD-TRfQ Cur2nt:4 A,max.
(resistive) Switch ratings Voltage:200 Vdc,man.
Operating (SD-TRM) Current:0.5 A,max.
15.2 to 19.95 Vdc SuperDuct conventional
voRage Compatible
Standby:45 uA Alarm:45 detectors �o-wire and Signature duct
Operating N,q Inrush: 1 mA Stantlalone smoke detectors
current ��; �8� -4°F to 158°F(-20°C to
Operating 70°C)Humidiry:93�o RH,
Temperature(Uu:-4 to 158 environment
"F(-29 to 70°C) noncondensing
Operating Temperature(ULC):-4 to Storage -4 to 140"F(-20 to 60°C)
environment 120"F(-29 to 49°C) temperature
Relative humidity: 10 to Agency listings �UL,ULC,MEA,CSFM
93%,noncondensing "
Ordering Information
Catalog Number Description Ship Wt.,Ib.(kg)
S 2A(1.1)
_ _. .. . ..... . . ... . .
SD-TB 8-inch sampling tube 0.5(0.2)
SD-T18 18-inch sampling tube 1.5(0.�
SD-T24 24-inch sampling tube 2.7(12)
SD-T36 36-inch sampling tube 3A(1.4)
- - i 3.5(1.6)
SD-T60 60-inch sampling tube 5.8(2.6)
SD-T78 78-inch sampling tube 7.5(3.4)
SD-T720 120-inch sampling tube 11.5(5.2)
SD-PH Protective hausing for high humidity environments 5.5(2.5)
SIGA-LED Remote alarm LED 1.0(0.5)
� SD-TRM Femote test station,magnetic 1 A(0.5)
- e s . 1 A(0.5)
SD-VTK Air velociry test kit(stoppers only,etc) 1 A(0.5)
SD-GSK Cover gasket kit 0.5(02)
SD-MAG Test magnet Wt 0.5(02)
SIGA-SDPCB Replacement PCB/Signature sensor Itit 1 A(0.5)
Page4ot4 DATA SHEET 85001-0584 �
. Not to be usetl tor installation purposes. Issue6
. — EST Catalog► Intelligent InpuVOutput
� � �� �' Click Here to Return to
�;�e SaJety & Communlcat/ons Bill of Materiai/Index
Control Relay � .� : � � ;
Modules � ��� � �► ' �
Y _!\ .y'
SIGA-CR SIGA-MCR, SIGA- , , . _ .,:;w �
CRR, SIGA-MCRR ,' � � �
�.,i� � E �am � � •
� ���xQ 1�1 i�_ R Y
j�3 � 3 "sicn cR . .
SIGA-�� � FM M� 7300-165]: U��
0121 �424
Overview Standard Features
The Control Relay Module and the Polarity Reversal Relay Module • Provides one no/nc contact(SIGA-CR/MCR)
are part of the Signature Series system.They are intelligent analog Form"C"dry relay contact can be used to control external ap-
addressable devices available in either plug-in(UIO)versions,or pliances such as door closers,fans,dampers etc.
standard 1-gang mount versions. • Allows group operation of sounder bases
The SIGA-CR/MCR Control Relay Module provides a Form"C" The SIGA-CRR/MCRR reverses the polarity of its 24 Vdc out-
dry relay contact to control external appliances such as door clos- put,thus activating all Sounder Bases on the data loop.
ers,fans,dampers etc.This device does not provide supervision • Plug-in(UIO)or standard 1-gang mount
of the state of the relay contact. Instead,the on-board micro- UIO versions allow quick installation where muttiple modules
processor ensures that the relay is in the proper ON/OFF state. are required.The 1-gang mount version is ideal for remote
Upon command from the loop controller,the SIGA-CR/MCR relay locations that require a single module.
activates the normally open or normally-closed contact. . Automatic device mapping
The SIGA-CRR/MCRR Polarity Reversal Relay Module provides Signature modules transmit information to the loop controller
a Form"C"dry relay contact to power and activate a series of regarding their circuit locations with respect to other Signature
SIGA-AB4G Audible Sounder Bases. Upon command hom the devices on the wire loop.
Signature loop controller,the SIGA-CRR reverses the polarity of its . Electronic addressing
24 Vdc output,thus activating all Sounder Bases on the data loop. programmable addresses are downloaded from the loop con-
Standard-mount versions(SIGA-CR and SIGA-CRR)are troller,a PC,or Ihe SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool;
installed to standard North American 1-gang electrical boxes, there are no switches or dials to set.
making them ideal for locations where only one module is re- • Intelligent device with microprocessor
quired.Separate I/O and data loop connections are made to each All decisions are made at the module to allow lower com-
module. munication speed with substantially improved control panel
Plug-in UIO versions(SIGA-MCR and SIGA-MCRR)are part response time and less sensitivity to line noise and loop wiring
of the UIO family of plug-in Signature Series modules.They func- Properties;twisted or shielded wire is not required.
tion identically to the standard mount versions, but take advantage • Ground fault detection by address
of the modular flexibility and easy installation that characterizes Detects ground faults right down to the device level.
all UIO modules.Two-and six-module UIO motherboards are
available.All wiring connections are made to terminal blocks on
' the motherboard. UIO assemblies may be mounted in Edwards
Page7of6 DATA SHEET 85001-0239
Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 7.5
. . Ir•ist�llation Application
�SIGA-Cii and SIGA-CHR: modules mount to North American The operation of Signature Series control relays is determined by
2Yz inch(64 mm)deep 1-gang boxes and t Yz inch(38 mm)deep their sub-type code or"Personality Code."
4 inch square boxes with 1-gang covers and SIGA-MP mounting personality Code S•CONTROL RELAY(SIGA-CR/MCR)- Dry
plates.The terminals are suited for#12 to#18 AWG(2.5 mm�to Contact Output.This setting configures the module to provide
0.75 mm)wire size. one Form "C" DRY RELAY CONTACT to control Door Closers,
Fans, Dampers,etc. Contact rating is 2.0 amp�24 Vdc;0.5
Competibla elecMcel box amp� 120 Vac(or 0.25A�220 Vac for non-UL applications).
� Personality Code 8 is assigned at the factory. No user configura-
tion is required.
(SIGA-CRR/MCRR).This setting configures the module to re-
WaIl0late,while verse the polarity of its 24 Vdc output. Contact rating is 2.0 amp�
(��a�9) 24 Vdc(pilot duty). Personality Code 8 is assigned at the factory.
INo user configuration is required.
o '
� Compatibility
^`""'�' These modules are part of EST's Signature Senes intelligent
s�an,s�eos �`'•• processing and control platform.They are compatible with EST3,
� EST3X and i0 Series control panels.
�eom��e�� . � �
Q •,
� � Warnings & Cautions
This module will not operate without electrical power.As fires fre-
SIGA-MCR and SIGA-MCRR:mount the UIO motherboard quently cause power interruption, we suggest you discuss further
inside a suitable Edwards enclosure with screws and wash- safeguards with your local f re protection specialist.
ers provided. Plug the module into any available position on the .
motherboard and secure the module to the motherboard with the
captive screws.Wiring connections are made to the terminals on Testing & Maintenanee
the motherboard(see wiring diagrarn). UIO motherboard terminals
are suited for#12 to#18 AWG(2.5 mm'to 0.75 mm')wire size. The module's automatic self-diagnosis identifes when it is defec-
tive and causes a trouble message.The user-friendly maintenance
uio Mo�,maem program shows the current state of each module and other per-
�Z tinent messages.Single modules may be turned off(deactivated)
sau-�uoma temporarily,from the control panel.Availability of maintenance
� -t . features is dependent on the f re alarrn system used. Scheduled
- -- -{�--� maintenance(Regular or Selected)for proper system operation
� Plug-in(UIO) caa�we should be planned to meet the requirements of the Authority Hav-
Modi1e �"a`"' ing Jurisdiction(AHJ). Refer to current NFPA 72 and ULC CAN/
- --� fl--� ULC 536 standards.
#6 Flet wesM1ers
�---Cabine�o�elecirical endosure
Electronic Addressing-The loop controller electronically ad-
dresses each module, saving valuable time during system com- �
missioning.Setting complicated switches or dials is not required. `
Each module has its own unique serial number stored in its on-
� board memory.The loop controller identifes each device on the
� loop and assigns a"soft"address to each serial number.If desired,
the modules can be addressed using the SIGA-PRO Signature
Program/Service Tool.
Edwards recommends that this module be installed according to
latest recognized edition of national and local f re alarm codes.
Page 2 of 6 D A T A S H E E T 85001-0239
Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 7.5
. � Typical Wiring
s Modules will accept#18 AWG(0.75mm�,#16(1.Omm�), #14 AWG(1.50mm�and#12 AWG(2.5mm�)wire sizes.
Note:Sizes#i 6 AWG(1.Omm�and#18 AWG(0.75mm�are preferred for ease of installation.See Signature Loop Controller catalog
sheet for detailed wiring requirement specifications.
Normally- Normally-
Open Common Closed
T62 ��
8 7 6
• • •
Red LED � � Green LED
(Alarm/ActNe) 4 3 2 (Normap
rai ���d�p Notes
�Refer to Signature Loop Controller Installation
Sheet for wiring specifications.
S e NFPA 72 requires that the SIGA-CR/SIGA-MCR
DATA IN<-) DATA OUT(-) � be installed in the same room as the device it is
From Signoture Coniroller To Ne�R Device controlling.This requirement may not apply in all
or Previous Device markets.Check with your local AHJ for details.
0 B The SIGA-UIO6R and the SIGA-U102R do not
SIGA-CR Control Relay come with 767a.
�The SIGA-UIO6 does not come with T88 through
Normally Open Common Normolly Closed 8 Supervised and power-limited.
�If the sou'ce is nonpower-limited,maintain a
space of t/4 inch from power-limited wiring or use
FPL,FPLP,FPLR,or an equivalent in accordance
wkh the National Electrical Code.
� Q2 7) Marzimum#12 AWG(2.5mm�wire.
Q � p 3 q Min.k18(0.75mm�).
Dafa In+
_ Q
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
TB� T814
�, Na cannections required for
Da1a Out MCRAther modules may
— require connections.
sf °
Green LED(Narmall 1 .
fted 1E01Activel �� T815
Na connections required for
MCR.Other modules may
require connectians.
SIGA-MCR Control Relay
Page3oi6 �ATA SHEET 85001-0239
Not to 6e used for installation purposes. Issue 7.5
' , Mod'ule�will accept#18 AWG(0.75mm'), #16(1.Omm�,#14 AWG(1.50mm�)and#12 AWG(2.50mm')wire sizes.
Note: Sizes#16 AWG(1.Omm�)and#18 AWG (075mm�)are preferred for ease of installation. See Signature Loop Controller catalog
sheet for detailed wiring requirement specifications.
A84G A84G A84G
Audible Base Audible Base Audible Base
� EOL Relay
Listed 24 VDC } ; Q
Nominal Power �
Supply _
� � 0 � `°' �
- - - _ —
. . .
•CR • CRR • 0 �1
0 0 0 0
_ . �,. _ ... Qi "-- �—
Signature r+
Controller o_ s OptionalCR
for disabling/distonneding
sounder base SIGA-MCRR
SIGA-CRR Schematic SIGA-MCRR Schematic e o 0 0
Fwre�F PoxerO�� Fcb�iNRevgsef pyi,crinPowe�ON S ��
wM1ennc�,wle0 adanymvem p 615an-003
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nudible o ? ' tl(or
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Not05 oaw oama�� + • • •
ciRui� rorrnm�aiacermion CT1
� Refer to the Signature controller installation sheet tor —
Q PorGenerolFrt
aa�monerono� • �
e Ona Pairof Wires(24 Vdc powe�j. uvu¢unea 'F a 3 z
zevecpower —
Q Ona Pair of Wires(Signature Dat�. :�ppiy o
Q4 Single Wire(24 Vdc powerj. _' i z i< � i z 3 e
e The SIGA-UIO6R and[he SIGA-U102R do not come � � nran
withlBl4. � y uiaGsenesmatnerbaare
�The SIGA-U106 does not come with T88 through o�o�± ��
�T813. � Noconnectionsrequiredfor
5ig�f° e reln � MCRRAthe�mo0ulesmay
7. Supervised and pOwer-limited. �w � repuire mnnecGons.
L� a.wit �
8 if the source is nonpowervlimitetl,mainttin a space re�
of 1/4 inch from power-timited winng or use FPL, * p
FPLP,FPLR,or an equivalent in accorUance with the �O�O�"— _ _
Green LED INortnall
' National ElecMcal Cotle. F E � Red lED Wctivel
9 M�imum N72 AWG(2.5 mm°)wire;Minimum M18 i No conneaians required for
� AWG�O.�SIIlrt1�J. GR¢nLE01No�moll iB�s MCPR.ONermodulesmay
10 Endof-Line Relay must monitor and report power aea ieow��d require<onnec[ions.
suppy trouble to Control panel. Q �
11 Class B Data winng may be'T-tappetl." opuonai mcaa
orncxfar NoconnectionsrequiredforMCRR.Ofher
Eimuling/Cisconnec4ny modulezmayrequiremnneclions.
an u dible bau.
Page 4 of 6 D A T A S H E E T 85001-0239
Not to be used tor installation purposes. Issue 7.5
Descnption Control Relay Polarity Reversal Relay
Type Code Personality Code 8(Factory Set) Personality Code S(Factory Set)
Address Requirements Uses 1 Module Address
Operating Current Standby=75 µ4 Activated=75 pA
Operating Voltage 15.2 to 19.95 Vdc(19 Vdc nominal)
Relay Type and Rating Form C,2 Amps�24 Vdc(pilot duty),0.5 Amps�120 Vac and 0.25 Amps C�1220 Vac(220 Vac is non-UL)
Not rated for capacitive loads.
Mounting North American 2Yz inch Plugs into U102R,UIO6R or North Amencan 2Yz inch Plugs into U102R,UIO6R or
(64 mm)deep 1-gang boxes U106 Motherboards (64 mm)deep 1-gang boxes U106 Motherboards
and 1 Yz inch(38 mm)deep and 1 Yz inch(38 mm)deep
4 inch square boxes with 4 inch square boxes with
1-gang covers and SIGA- 1-gang covers and SIGA-
MP mounting plates MP mounting plates
Construction&Finish High Impact Engineenng Poymer
Storage and Operating Operating Temperature:32°F to 120°F(0°C to 49°C)
Environment Storage Temperatu2:-4"F to 140°F(-20°C to 60°C)Humidity:0 to 93%RH
lED Operation On-board Green LED-Flashes when polled On-board Red LED-Flashes when in alarm/active
Compatibility �Use WRh:Signature Loop ConVoller
Agency listings UL,ULC,CSFM,MEA
Ordering Information
CaWlog Number Description Ship Weight-Ibs
� C a o u a a 0.4(0.15)
SIGA-MCR Control Relay Module(UIO Mount) 0.18(0.08)
SIGA-CRR Polarity Reversal Relay Module(Standard Mount) OA(0.15)
SIGA-MCRR Polariry Reversal Relay Module(UIO Mount) 0.18(0.08)
Related Equipment
27193-11 Surtace Mount Box-Red, t-gang 7 (0.6)
27193-16 Surtace Mount Box-White,1-gang 1 (0.6)
SIGA-U102R Universal Input-Output Module Board w/Riser Inputs-Two Module Positions 0.32(0.15)
SIGA-U106R Universal Input-Output Module Board w/Riser Inputs-Six Module Positions 0.62(028)
SIGA-UIO6 Universal Input-Output Module Board-Six Module Positions 0.56(025)
SIGA-AB4G Audible(Sounder)Detector Base 0.3(0.15)
MFC-A Multifunction Fire Cabinet-Red,supports Signature Module Mounting Plates 7.0(3.7)
SIGA-MB4 hansponder Mounting Bracket(allows for mounting two 1-gang modules in a 2-gang box) 0.4(OJ5)
SIGA-MP1 Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1 footprint 1.5(0.70)
SIGA-MP2 Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1/2 footprint 0.5(0.23)
SIGA-MP2L Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1/2 eMended footpnnt 1.02(0.46)
Page5oi6 DATA SHEET 85001-0239
. Not to be used toi installation purposes. Issue 7.5
Signature Series Overview
� \G ow�o.R o s The Signature Series intelligent analog-addressable system from Edwards is an entire
`. family of multi-sensor detectors and mounting bases, muRiple-function input and output
modules,network and non-network control panels, and user-friendly maintenance and
co��ec��s... service tools.Malog information from equipment connected to Signature devices is
Email: edwards.fire�is.utc.com gathered and converted into digital signals.An onboard microprocessor in each Signature
Web: wwwest-1ire com device measures and analyzes the signal and decides whether or not to input an alarm.
The microprocessor in each Signature device provides four additional benefts-Self-di-
� WAI7O8 brend. .
EST is an EO
� agnostics and History Log,Automatic Device Mapping, Stand-alone Operation and Fast,
1016 Corpomte Park Drive j ti fl.
, Mebane,NC 27302
. Stable Commun ca o
in ca�ada,�o��o�cnubc edwabs... Self-diagnostics and History Log-Each Signature Series device constantly runs self-
. Email: inquiries�chubbetlwartls.com checks to provide impor[ant maintenance information.The results of the self-check are
Web: WWw.chubbedwards.com automatically updated and permanently stored in its non-volatile memory.This information
�2013 UTC Fre&Securily Americas is accessible for review any time ai the control panel, PC,or using the SIGA-PRO Signa-
corporano�,inc.wi riynts reserved. ture Program/Service Tool.The information stored in device memory includes:
Speeifications subject to change
without notice.Etlwards is part of UTC • Device serial number,address, and type
Climate,Controls&Security,a unit ot .Time and date of last alarm
Unked Technologies Corporetion.
, • Most recent trouble code logged by the detector — 32 possible trouble codes may be
. used to diagnose fautts.
Automatic Device Mapping-The Signature Data Controller(SDC)learns where each
device's serial number address is installed relative to other devices on the circuR.The
SDC keeps a map of all Signature Series devices connected to it.The Signature Series
Data Entry Program also uses the mapping feature. With interactive menus and graphic
support,the wired circuits between each device can be examined. Layout or"as-builY'
drawing information showing branch wiring(f-taps), device types and their address are
stored on disk for printing hard copy.This[akes the mystery out of the installation.The
preparation of as-built drawings is fast and efficient.
� Device mapping allows the Signature Data Controller to discover:
• Unexpected additional device addresses
• Missing device addresses
•Changes to the wiring in the circuit.
Most Signature modules use a personality code selected by the installer to determine their
actual function. Personality codes are downloaded from the SDC during system configu-
ration and are indicated during device mapping.
Standalone Operation-A decentralized alarm decision by the device is guaranteed.
Onboard intelligence permits the device to operate in standalone(degrade)mode.If Sig-
nature loop controller CPU communications fail for more than four seconds,all devices on
that circuit go into standalone mode.The circuit acts like a conventional alarm receiving
circuit. Each Signature device on the circuit continues to collect and analyze information
from its slave devices.When connected to a panel utilizing standalone operation, modules
wRh their"personaliry"set as alarm devices pDC)will alarm should their slave alarm-initiat-
ing device activate.
Pa9e6of6 DATA SHEET 85001-0239 0
Not to 6e used for installation purposes. Issue 7.5
, EST Catalog►Intelligent InpuhOutput
� � • ,�� � Click Here to Return to
�;,e Safety & Communicallons Bili of Material/Index
In ut Modules �� �,�
i �
_ �- r., .,� �.
* .
�� a � ; .tl'� �- i
r� � �
..ry�� � � :.�'� SIGA-CT1/2u
� p�
F� Mea CE �� L�
ao�i�ceeanrbces 130atss]:
nvamde 0121 53424
Overview Standard Features
The SIGA-CT1 Single Input Module, SIGA-CT1 HT High Tem- • Multiple applications �
perature Single Input Module and SIGA-CT2/SIGA-MCT2 Dual Including Alarm,Alarm with delayed latching(retard)for water- �
Input Modules are intelligent analog addressable devices used to flow applications,Supervisory, and Monitor.The installer selects
. connect one or two Class B normally-open Alarm,Supervisory, or one of four"personality codes"to be downloaded to the mod-
Monitor type dry contact Initiating Device Circuits(IDC). ule through the loop controller.
The ac[ual function of these modules is deterrnined by the"personal- • SIGA-CT7 HT rated for high temperature environments
ity code"selected by the installec This code is downloaded to the Suitable for attic installation and monitoring high temperature �
module from the Signature loop controller during system configura- heat detectors.
tion. • Plug-in (UIO)or standard �-gang mount
� The input modules gather analog information from the initiating UIO versions allow quick installation where mukiple modules are
required.The 1-gang mount version is ideal for remote loca-
devices connected to them and convert it into digital signals. tions that require a single module.
The module's on-board microprocessor analyzes the signal and
decides whether or not to input an alarm. • Automatic device mapping
Signature modules transmit information to the loop controller
� The SIGA-CT1,SIGA-CT1 HT and SIGA-CT2 mount to standard regarding their circuit locations with respect to other Signature
North American 1-gang electrical boxes, making them ideal for lo- devices on the wire loop.
cations where only one module is required.Separate VO and data , Electronic addressing
loop connections are made to each module. programmable addresses are downloaded from the loop con-
The SIGA-CT1 HT module operates at an expanded temperature troller,a PC,or the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool.
range of 32°F to 158°F(0°C to 70°C)for those applications There are no switches or dials to set.
requiring more extreme environmental temperature vanation. . Stand-alone operation
The SIGA-MCT2 is part of the UIO family of plug-in Signature me module makes decisions and inputs an alarm from initiat-
Series modules. It functions identically to the SIGA-CT2, but ing devices connected to it even if the loop controller's polling
takes advantage of the modular flexibility and easy installation that intemogation stops.(Function availability dependent upon control
characterizes all UIO modules.Two-and six-module UIO mother- panel.)
boards are available.All wiring connections are made to terminal • Ground fault detection by address
blocks on the motherboard. UIO assemblies may be mounted in Detects ground faults right down to the device level.
Edwards enclosures.
Pa9e7oi4 DATA sHeer 85001-0241
Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue B
1110 MatlierEoarE
• Signature Series Overview �
�The Signature Series intelligent analog-addressable system from g t-tapping
Edwards Security is an entire family of multi-sensor detectors and �'a""
mounting bases, multiple-function input and output modules, _ _ �
network and non-network control panels,and user-friendly main- i � � p�u8'�n(UIO) c�mre
tenance and service tools.Analog information from equipment � Motlule �=�ew�
connected to Signature devices is gathered and converted into _ _' �__�p
digital signals.An onboard microprocessor in each Signature de-
vice measures and analyzes the signal and decides whether or not ' i Fie�„„sne,�
to input an alarm.The microprocessor in each Signature device
provides four additional benefits-Self-diagnostics and History ���^a���a�a�^�e^u°s°�a
Log,Automatic Device Mapping, Stand-alone Operation and Fast,
Stable Communication.
Electronic Addressing -The loop controller electronically ad-
Self-diagnostics and History Log-Each Signature Series dresses each module,saving valuable time during system com-
device constantly runs self-checks to provide important mainte- missioning.Setting complicated switches or dials is not required.
nance information.The resutts of the self-check are automatically Each module has its own unique serial number stored in its
updated and permanently stored in its non-volatile memory.This on-board memory.The loop controller ident�es each device on
information is accessible for review any time at the control panel, the loop and assigns a"soft"address to each serial number. If
PC,or using the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool. desired,the modules can be addressed using the SIGA-PRO
Automatic Device Mapping-The Signature Data Control- Signature Program/Service Tool.
ler(SDC)learns where each device's serial number address is Edwards recommends that this module be installed according to
installed relative to other devices on the circuit.The SDC keeps a �atest recognized edition of national and local fire alarm codes.
map of all Signature Series devices connected to it.The Signature
Series Data Entry Program also uses the mapping feature.With
interactive menus and graphic support,the wired circuits be- /�pp�ICatlOfl
tween each device can be examined.Layout or"as-builY'drawing
information showing branch wiring(f-taps),device types and their The dury performed by the SIGA-CT1 and SIGA-CT2/MCT2 is de-
address are stored on disk for printing hard copy. termined by their sub-type code or"Personaliry Code".The code
is selected by the installer depending upon the desired application
Installation and is downloaded from the loop controller.
SIGA-CTi,SIGA-CT1HT and SIGA-CT2:modules mount to One personality code can be assigned to the SIGA-CTt.Two per-
North American 2Yz inch(64 mm)deep 1-gang boxes and 1 Ye inch sonality codes can be assigned to the SIGA-CT2/MCT2. Codes
(38 mm)deep 4 inch square boxes with 1-gang covers and SIGA- �� 2• 3 and 4 can be mixed on SIGA-CT2/MCT2 modules only. For
MP mounting plates.The terminals are suited for#12 to#18 AWG example, personality code 1 can be assigned to the first address
(2.5 mm�to 0.75 mm�wire size. (circuit A)and code 4 can be assigned to the second address
(circuit B).
/ comaaame eie�m�i nox -Assign to one or both circuits. Configures either circuit A or B or
both for Class B normally open dry contact initiating devices such
as Pull Stations, Heat Detectors,etc.An ALARM signal is sent to
the loop controller when the input contact is closed.The alarm
condition is latched at the module.
, I ality Code 2)-Assign to one or both circuits. Confgures either
circuit A or B or both for Class B normally-open dry contaci initiat-
� �a ing devices such as Waterflow Alarm Switches.M ALARM signal
o.�.� ; is sent to the loop controller when the input contact is closed for
� O approximately 16 seconds.The alarm condition is latched at the
. ��, module.
�y, �'� Code 3)-Assign to one or both circuits. Confgures either circuit
LED Nevnng porLa A or B or both for Class B normally-open dry contact monitoring
Q input such as from Fans, Dampers, Doors, etc.M ACTIVE signal
� � is sent to the loop controller when the input contact is closed.The
active condition is not latched at the module.
SIGA-MCT2: mount the UIO motherboard inside a suitable NORMALLY-OPEN ACTIVE- LATCHING(Personality Code
Edwards enclosure with screws and washers provided. Plug the 4)-Assign to one or both circuits. Confgures either circuit A or
SIGA-MCT2 into any available position on the motherboard and g or both for Class B normally open dry contact monitoring input
secure the module to the motherboard with the captive screws. such as from Supervisory and Tamper Switches.An ACTIVE signal
Wiring connections are made to the terminals on the motherboard is sent to the loop controller when the input contact is closed.The
(see wiring diagram). UIO motherboard terminals are suited for#12 active condition is latched at the module.
to#18 AWG(2.5 mm�to 0.75 mm�)wire size.
payepo}q DATA SHEET 85001-0241
Not to be used For instailation purposes. Issue 8
, • Typical Wiring
• Modules will accept#18 AWG(075mm�),#16(1.Omm�),and#14AWG(1.50mm�, and#12 AWG(2.50mm�wire sizes.
Note:Sizes#16 AWG(1.Omm�and#18 AWG(0.75mm�)are preferred for ease of installation. See Signature Loop Controller catalog
sheet for detailed wiring requirement spec�cations.
Initiating(Slave)Device Circuit Wire Specifications
Maximum Allowable Wire Resistance 50 ohms(25 ohms per wire)per Circuit
Maximum Allowable Wire Capacitance 0.1 uF per Circuit
For Design Reference: Wire Size Ma�cimum Distance to EOLR
#18 AWG(0.75 mm�)
#16 AWG(1.00 mm� 4,000 ft(1,219 m)
#14 AWG(1.50 mm�
ri12 AWG(1.50 mm�
Typical N.O.Inlfloling Devlce iypical N.O.Inttla9ng DeNce
,. 1 INWI 1 INGUi2
���Sryle 8(Class B) 1I � �
TB2 IiB2
e ) UUULC Llstetl SMe B(Clms 0) �
- • • • 4]K[IEOL UVULCIkIetl e � ° 5 UUULCOsietl ,
4�Nff EOL Ql ��4 • • • 4]K[1 EOt
Red LED Green LED
(,41artn/Active) � � (NormaD RetlLED � A GreenLED
4 3 2 1 Warm/AciNe) a � z � (Nortnap
i81 .�m TBl � .�m
(( DAiA M Cy DATA OUr(a)lr {DATA IN(-)' DAiAOUI(-)'1
` DAiA IN(-) DATA OUT(-)1
From SlgnaNre Controller To Ne#Device
From 518^ature Conholler io Ne#DeNce or Grevbus Device Q
or heNous Device Q 3
�m�.o�.���e �
NOTES °Vir"irwwi j � ��w�z �� Ipl £�w`i�i°
# 141
QMaximum 25 Ohm resistanca per wire. � SE`� Y�'_�
Q Mazmum k12 AWG(2.5 mm��wire;Minimum#78 AWG(075 mm2). ��
QRefer to Signature cornroller installation sheet for winng specifications.
4Q Maamum 10 Vdc�350 yA
Q The SIGA-UIO6R entl the SIGA-UI02R tlo not come wrth TB14. "'� O10""""'"'otlix°°""
6 All winng is supervisatl and power-limited. �� .
7 These motlules will not support 2-wire smoke detec[ors. + 0
- SqnaNn �8��� mnnn9'wrpubNM
[umti aNNn�Wn nW�Wuv�
Warnings & Cautions � �- 3� �' �; �
This module will not operate without electrical power.As fres fre- :,;Eo"°,K„�°°
quently cause power interruption,we suggest you discuss further
safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. ,��,.rR..
Compatibility SIGA-MCT2
These modules are part of EST's Signature Series intelligent
processing and control plattorm.They are compatible with EST3,
EST3X and i0 Series control panels. .
Page3of4 � DATA SHEET 85001-0241
Noi to be used for installation purposes. IssueB
�eow�►Ros CatalogNumber SIGA-CT1HT SIGA-CT1 SIGA-CT2 SIGA-MC72
. Descnption Single Input Module Dual Input Module
Type Code � 48(factory set)Four sub-types 49(factory set)Four sub-types
ersonali codes are available (personaliry codes)are available
, contact us... (P tY )
Email: etlwaras.fire�is.utc.com Address Requirements Uses One Module Address Uses Two Module Addresses
web: www.est-rre.com Operating Current Standby=250uA; Standby=396uP.;
E5T is an EOWAROS brantl. ' ACtivated=400NA Activated=680NA
1016 Corporate Park Drive Operating Voltage 152 to 19.95 Vdc(19 Vdc nominal) �
Mebane,NC z7aa2 Construction High Impact Engineering Polymer
In Canada,contact Chubb Edwards... MOunting North American 2Yz inch(64 mm)deep one-gang hox- U102R/6R/6
Email: inquirles�chubbedwards.com es and 1�/z inch (38 mm)deep 4 inch square bozes MotherboarU
web: www chubbedwa�ds.com with one-gang covers and SIGA-MP mounting plates
�2a13 uTC Fire&Securiry Americas Operating Environment 32°F to 158°F 32°F to 120°F(0°C to 49°C)
Corporation,Inc.All rights reservetl. (O�C to�0°C)
Specifications sublect to change Storage Environment -4"F to 140°F(40°C to 60"C);Humidity:0 to 93%RH
vrithout notice.Edwa�tls is part ot UTC LED Operetion On-board Green LED-Flashes when polled;On-board Red LED-
Climate,Controls&Security,a unit of
United Technologies Corporation. FIaShOS when In alaml/aCtiVe.
Both LEDs-Glow steady when in alarm(stand-alone)
Compatibility Use with Signature Loop Controller
Agency Listings UL,ULG MEA,CSFM
Ordering Information
Catalog Description Ship Wt.
Number Ibs(kg)
�� G -C — � �OA(0.15)
.. SIGA-CT1 HT Single Input Module High Temperature Operation U VULC Listed OA(0.15)
�. � G - — OA(0.15)
SIGA-MCT2 Dual Input Plug-in(UIO)Module — UL,ULC Listed 0.7 (0.05)
Related Equipment
27193-17 Surtace Mount Box-Red, 7-gang 1.0(0.6) �
27193-16 Surface Mount Box-White, 7-gang 1.0(0.6)
SIGA-U102R Universal Input-Output Module Board w/Riser Inputs 0.32(0.15)
—Two Module Positions
SIGA-U106R Universal Input-Output Module Board w/Riser Inputs 0.62(028) �
—Six Module Positions
SIGA-U106 Universal Input-0utput Module Board —Six Module Positions 0.56(025)
MFC-A Multifunction Fire Cabinet — Red,supports Signature Module 7,0(3.1)
Mounting Plates
SIGA-M64 Transponder Mounting Bracket(allows for mounting 0.4(0.15)
two 1-gang modules in a 2-gang box)
SIGA-MP7 Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1 footpnnt 1.5(0.70)
SIGA-MP2 Signature Module Mounting Plate, t/2 footpnnt 0.5(0.23)
SIGA-MP2L Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1/2 entended footprint 1.02(0.46)
payeqo�q onTa SHEET 85001-0241 0
Not to be used (or installa[ion purposes. IssueB
� f, ...�.,�,� EST Catalog► Inteiligent Input-Output
� • � �� � Click Here to Return to
�;,e Se,e,y & �omm��;�a�,o�s Bill of Material/Index
. ,
Isolator Module • 4i
" ■ �'; :
' •..�-...+. 'JL'J,Y'�.I,W.'�1L'-:.- ]300465]:
••" �� � ' 0121
......wrr.w ..rn u I FM
� Y� � ...��
- - J� MEA
V � � `
Patented , _ ..._._ .."'__` �E ��
-.... , - � <aw�mo rvmas
Overview Automatic Device Mapping -The Signature loop controller
The SIGA-IM Isolator Module is part of EST's Signature Series sys- leams keeps a map where each device's serial number address is
installed relative to other devices on the data circuit.
tem.This intelligent device enables part of the Signature data loop
to continue operating should a short circuit occur. The module Fast Stable Communication- Buitt-in intelligence means less
can be wired into a Class A data loop at any point. information needs to be sent between the module and the loop
controller.Other than regular supervisory polling response, the
If a fault occurs,the isolator cuts power to all devices beyond the module only needs to communicate with the loop controller when
isolator on the loop as follows: it has something new to report.
• a short on the line causes all isolators to open within 23 msec.
• at 10 msec intervals, beginning on one side of the Class A cir- Standard FeatUl"@S
cuit nearest the loop controller,the isolators close to provide the
next isolator down the line with power. • Automatic deviee mapping
• when the isolator next to the short closes,it reopens within 10 �ch module transmits wiring information to the loop control-
msec. ler regarding its location with respect to other devices on the
Once activated,the line fault isolator continuously checks the Electronic addressing
faulted side of the loop to determine if the short still exists. When � Addresses are downloaded and permanently stored from a PC,
the fault is removed,the module automatically restores the entire
data loop to the normal condition. or the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool.There are
no switches or dials to set.
The microprocessor in every Signature module provides at least . Ground fault detection by address
three important benefts —Self-diagnostics and History Log,Auto- Detects ground faults right down to the device level.
matic Device Mapping,and Fast, Stable Communication.
• Self-restoring
Self-diagnostics and History Log- Each Signature Series mod-
ule constantly runs self-checks to provide important maintenance • 2-gang mounting
information. This information is automatically updated and perma- . Designed to ISO 9001 standards
nently stored in the module's non-volatile memory and is acces-
sible for review any time using the SIGA-PRO Signature Prograrn/
� Service Tool.
Page t of 4 D A T A s H e E r 85001-0271
Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue4.2
. Testing .& Maintenance Typical Wiring
, . .........................
•The module's automatic self-diagnasis ident'rfies when it is defec- iM iM
tive and causes a trouble message.The user-friendy maintenance � ��
prograrn shows the curcent state of each module and other pertinent — � sHoar ���
messages.Single modules may be tumed off(deactivated)tempo- : aRcuir :
'--- -------'--------.:
ranly,from the control panel.Availability of mantenance features is rh�s pan�s remooed
from circuit
dependent on the fre alarm system used. Scheduled mantenance
(Regular or Selected)for proper system operation should be plenned �' ��� ��
to meet the requirements of the Authonty Having Jurisdiction(AH,q.
Refer to current NFPA 72 and ULC CAN/ULC 536 standards. 00 00 Typi<ol Class A Configuration
Data 0ut Dato Return
Wamings&Cautions Signature Loop Controller
This motlule will not operate without electrical powec As fires frequently cause G
1 """"_...__.._""""'________.:
power intemuption,we suggest you diswss further safeguartlwith your fire �M � IM
protection specialist. � '
� � �
' """_"
This part is remaved�
Typical Wiring and Installation fromthecircuit ;
.. : �
The SIGA-IM module mounts to North American 2-1/2 inch(64 mm) �-------�
deep 2-gang boxes and 1-1/2 inch(38 mm)deep 4 inch square
boxes with 2 gang covers and SIGA-MP mounting plates.The � .
module will accept#18 AWG(0.75mm�, #16(1.Omm�), #14 AWG 00 00
Typicol Class A Canfgumtion
(1.50mm�,and#12 AWG(2.50mm�wire sizes. Note:Sizes#16 Data Out Data Return w�m ciass e r-raps
AWG(1.Omrr�)and#18AWG(0.75mmT)are prefeved forease Signature LoopConVoller
of installation. See Signature Loop Cont�oller cata/og sheet for
detailed wiring requirement specifications.
Edwards recommends that this module be installed according to �
� latest recognized edition of national and local fre alarm codes. O e
a �
Application � °
�, o
This module should only be used on Class A circuits.The O, `.
operation of the SIGA-IM is determined by its hardware type code a�
� and is assigned at the factory. No user confguration is required. g�o
� ��
Compatibility D�
These modules are part of EST's Signature Series intelligent � �
processing and control plattorm.They are compatible with EST3, ��
EST3X and i0 Series control.panels. �,ee��eo
0 o Inormal-ilashingl
irom5iqnatureLoop TONeMDeviceo�EOL
ConWllerororevious Resistorsuppliedwith
Device UUULC Lis[ed ConVol Panel
DATAINI-I �vl lyl � DATAOUT(-1
ni !!� G`+
Q Formazimumwiteresistonce,refertotheapprop�iate
manufac[urer's documentafion.
� Maz#11AWGI2.Smm�lvnre.
� Referto5ignotureLoopConcrollerinstallation5heetfor
wiring specifcations.
�This module should be used only with Class A wiring.
� Mavimumcircuitresistan<ebetweenisolatorsis6ohms.
Q nll wiring is pawer-limited and supervised.
Page2of4 DATA SHEET �JO��-0271
Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 42
, • �peEifications Ordering Information
Description Isolator Module-factory set hardware rype Catalog Description Ship Wt.
code Number Ib(kg)
Address Requirements Uses One Detector Address - u so u e- te .5(23)
� Circuit Resistance Six ohms maximum behveen isolators
Operating Current Standby=45µ4;Activated=45µ4 Accessories
Operating Voltage 15.2 to 19.95 Vdc(19 Vdc nominaQ 27193-21 Surtace Mount Box-2-gang RED 1 (.4)
Construction&Finish High Impact Engineenng Polymer 2-gang 27193-26 Surtace Mount Box-2-gang WHITE
front plate-White Finish , Multifunction Fire Cabinet-Red,supports
Storage Environment Temperature:-4'F to 140°F(-20°C to 60°C) MFC-A Signature Module Mounting Plates 7•0(3.1)
Operating Environment Temperature:32°F to 120"F(0"C to 49°C); SIGA-MP1 Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1 footpnnt 1.5(070)
Humidity:0 to 93%RH SIGA-MP2 Signature Module Mounting Plate,1/2 footprint 0.5(0.23)
lED Operation On-board Green LED-Flashes when polled SIGA- Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1/2 ex- 1.02
(norma� MP2L tended footpnnt (0.46)
Compatibility Use with:Signature Loop Controller
Agency Listings UL,ULQ CSFM, MEA,FM
Page3oi4 DATA SHEET 85001-0271
Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue42
Contact us...
Email: edwards.fre�fs.utc.com
We6: www.esRfire.com
EST is an ECWAROS brand.
1016 Corpo2te Park Dnve
Mebane,NC 27302 �
In Canada,contact Chuhb Edwards...
Email: inquiries�chubbedwards.com
Web: wwwchubbedwards.com
0 2013 UTC Fire&Securiry Americas
Corporation,Inc.Ail rights reserved.
Spttifications subject to change
without notice.Edwartls is part oi UTC
�Ciimate,Cantrols 8 Secudry,a unR of
UnRed Technologies Corporation.
Page4of4 DATA SHEET 85001-0271 a
Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue4.2
� . ' , Click Here to Return to
� - '�� ������ Bill of Material/Index
�.� ��fi/.��d�� � :�--r�.::�,.,•�._
C07 224 and C01224TR �
, .. ,; _ �...�.
Carbon Monoxide _ _�--�,�.-�.,1 �"�� `�
Detectors � _�
with RealTest°Technology �, ; ,�� ���
=;- - �
� -- ,� �-
TheSystemSensorC01224TandC01224TR(round) � ���'��
. � .. .
Carbon Monoxide(CO)Detectors use a highly accurate ; = '
and reliable elecrrochemical sensing cell to provide
early warning ofdangerous CO levels.
Features �th RealTesT•technology,the CO gas sensing cell used in the
•RealTest°enables a functional test using canned CO C01224T and C07224TR CO detectors can be tested using a CO gas
agent,fully meeting the requirements of NFPA 720:2009.Simply put
•Full compliance with UL 2075 the detector into RealTest mode,spray a small amount of CO into
•A code-required trouble relay the detector per the installation instructions,and within seconds the
•Wiring supervision with SEMS rerminals detector will alarm,indicating successful gas entry.(See the reverse
page orthe user manual for complete instructions.)
•A six-year end-of-life timer
•7 2/24 VDC W hen dangerous amounts of CO are de[ected,the C01224T and
•A low current drew of 20 mA in standby and 40 mA in alarm C01224TR detectors alert residents by sounding and Flashing a
temp 4 signal alarm.With 24/7 central station monitoring,residents
•Versatile mounting forwall and ceiling are guaranteed protection whether they are away from home,
•Accurate and reliable electrochemical sensing technology sleeping,or already suffering from the effects of CO.
•Optional CO-PLATE CO Detecior Replacement Plate to upgrade
previously installed competitor detectors to the COi 224T The C01224T and C01224TR are designed for system operation.
These detectors are fully listed to UL 2075 and offer a code-required
trouble relay ro send a sensor failure or end-of-life signal to[he
control panel and the central station.The C01224T and C01224TR
also use SEMS-type terminal Philips head screws for quicker
and more positive wiring tonnections and code-required wiring
supervision.With a low current draw,these detectors enable more
devices to be connected to the panel,limiting the need ro purchase
extra power supplies or more expensive panels.As 12/24VDC
detectors,the C01224T and C01224TR will operate on most industry
security and fire alarm mntrol panels.
Agency Listings
U`, o
� C01224T and G01224TR Carbon Monoxide Detector Specifications
Carbon monoxide detector shall be a System Sensor model number C01224TorC01224TR lis[ed to Underwriters Laboramries UL 2075 for Gas and Vapor
Detectors and Sensors.The detector shall be equipped with a sounder and a trouble relay.The detec[or's base shall be able to mount to a zingle-gang elecbical
box oidirect(surface)mount ro Ihe wall orceiling.Wiring connections zhall be made by meanz of SEMS screws.The detec[or shall provide dual color LED
indica[ion that blinks to indicare normal standby,alarm,or end-of-life.When the sensor supervision is in a Irouble condition,[he detettor shall send a trouble
signal to the panel.When[he detettor gives a trouble or end-of-life signal,the decector shall be replaced.The de[ettor shall provide a means to test CO gas
entry into the CO sensing cell.The detector shall provide Ihis with a test mode that accep[s CO gas from a tes[agent and alarms immediately upon sensing CO entry.
OperatingVoltage 12/24VDC
Audible Signal � 85 d8 in alarm
StandbyCurrent 20mA
Alarm Current 40 mA p5 mAtest)
AlarmContactRatings O.SA@30VDC
7roubleContactRatingz O.SA@30VDC
Size:C01224T Length:5.1 in,Wdth: 33 in,Height:l3 in
C012247R Diameter.6 in,Height 13 in
ApproximateWeight �01224T:7oz;C01224TR:lloz
OperatingTemperatureRange 32°Fto104°F(0"Cto40°Q
Operating Humidity Range 22 ro 90°,fi RH
InputTerminals 14to22AWG
Mounting Single-gang back boX surface mount to wall or ceiling
Operation Modes
..- � .
Normal(standby) Blinkl perminute — —
Alarm — Blinkintemp4pattem Soundintemp4pattern
ReaRest Fea[ure: TheSystem5ensorC01224TandC01224TRCarbonMonoxideDetectorzwithReafTestenableevaluationofthefunctionaliryofche
CO sensing cell using a canned CO rest agent.
l[1 � � .S'�,+,� � __ i� . . .. _.rcx t � _— � —_ .... .
•• I
i . , ,� :: �' �
i � ; ' � � �
,� .� - ,
� ,�...� �� •�. �,
� ' ' __ _ �_
Push and hold[heTesVHush button for Spray canned CO agent into the detector. Ve�i(y�O zensing at Ihe mntrol�panel.The
two zeconds to enter RealTest mode.The detecmr will aummatically exit ReaRest
green LED will Flash once every second to alarm mode aher about 20-60 seconds.
indicate ReafTest mode has sta�red.
NOTE:Check with local codes and the AHJ to determine if a functional gas test is desired for an installation.
Hush Feature: Pushing theTesVHush button will silence the sounder for 5 minutes(except in ReafTest mode). ��
Trouble Feature: When the detector is in a tmuble condition,it will send a trouble signal to Ihe panel.
End-of-LifeTimer: Aker the detettor's intemal sensor has reached the end of its life,a trouble signal will be zent to the ��
panel to indicate it is time m replace the detectoc An electrochemical CO detector lifespan is about � �.
six years.The detettor must be replaced by[he date marked on the inside of the product. I
CO-PLATE: System Sensor also offers the CO-PL4TE CO Detettor Replacement Plate ro wver the footprinc(when _, S � /�
I m itive carbon monoxide detecmrs that re uire re lacement.
necessar of reviousl insta led to et
Y) P Y P 9 P
Ordering Information CO-PLATE
� � v - - noxi e
C01224TR 1?124volt,4-wiresystem-monitoredroundcarbonmonoxidede[ectorwithReafiesPTechnology
CO-PLATE COdetectorreplacementplatetocoverthefootprintofpreviouslyinstalledcompetitivedetectorsasnxersary
� S►YSTEM o,a„��„emu�,o,.
38250hioAvenue•StCharles,IL60174 a,m���ar.weimmm�e�,maa�o�Ge.���r,<,�„e,wcmmra
�� SENSOR� Phone 800-SENSOR2•Fax:630-377-6495 ����P���amro�nr n�n�aoy�Kia��.�mm:a�nmea
EST Catalog►Strobes,Homs,Bells,Chimes
• !� V �
[ite Safety & Communicat/ans Click Here to Return to
Bill of Material/Index
- - ��
�� ]725-169: L[
�: ozea
. � 5218.
Field Configurable y � �� �� 529�°
:•„�b ,; ....... ,,. C E MEA
+ �sno
Horns and ,
�t�5� .- =,�--��'
Strobes -� � �
� c ��� / � ��"' �1��,.
I Genes'�S' Ser�eJ' ECSiMNSapphancesavalable � `��,�� � ��✓r � �
i � � � �
with clear or amber lenses. \ ��^�
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Overview Standard Features
The Genesis line of fre alarm and mass notification/emergency • Unique low-profile design
communications(ECS/MNS)signals are among the smallest, — The most compact UL-1971 NLC-S526 listed strobe available
most compact audible-visible life safety signaling devices in the — Uttra-slim—protrudes less than one inch
world.About the size of a deck of playing cards,these devices are — Attractive appearance
designed to blend with any decor. — No visible mounting screws
Thanks to patented breakthrough technology, Edwards Gen- • Four field-configurable options in one device
esis strobes do not require bulky specular reflectors and lenses. — Select 15,30, 75, or 110 cd strobe output
Instead,an exclusive cavity design conditions light to produce — Select high(default)or low dB horn output
a highly controlled distribution pattem.Significant development — Select temporal(default)or steady horn output
efforts employing this new technology have given rise to a new — Select public mode Flash rate(default)or private mode
benchmark in strobe performance—FuIlLight technology. temporal flash
FuIlLight strobe technology produces a smooth light distribution • Fixed 15/75 cd model available
pattern without the spikes and voids characteristic of specular re- . ECS/MNS models available
flectors.This ensures the entire coverage area receives consistent
illumination from the strobe flash.As a result, Genesis strobes with ' Easy to install
FuIlLight technology go well beyond the UL-1971 and ULC-S526 — Flts standard 1-gang electrical boxes —no trim plate needed
light distribution requirements. — Optional trim plate accommodates oversized openings
— Pre-assembled with captive hardware
Genesis strobes and horn-strobes offer selectable candela output — #12 AWG terminals—ideal for long runs or existing wiring
by means of a conveniently-located switch on the side of the
device. Models are also available that offer fxed 15/75 cd output. ' Unparalleled performance
The candela output setting remains clearly visible even after final — Industry's most even light distribution
installation,yet it stays locked in place to prevent unauthorized — Meets tough synchronizing standards for strobes
tampering. — Single microprocessor controls both horn and strobe
— Independent horn control over a single pair of wires
Genesis ECS/MNS appliances offer emergency signaling with — Highly regulated in-rush current
clear or amber lenses and with optional ALERT housing labels. — Multiple frequency tone improves sound penetration
They'are ideal for applications that require differentiation between — Field-programmable temporal strobe output option
fire alarm and mass notifcation alerts.
Pa9e7oi6 DATA SHEET 85001-0573
Not to be used Por installation purposes. Issue 77.7
,• �,p�lication Installation
� Genesis�strobes are UL 1971-listed for use indoors as wall-mount- Genesis horns and strobes mount to any standard one-gang sur-
ed public-mode notification appliances for the hearing impaired. face or flush electrical box. Matching optional trim plates are used
Prevailing codes require strobes to be used where ambient noise to cover oversized openings and can accommodate one-gang,
conditions exceed 105 dBA(87dBA in Canada),where occupants two-gang,four-inch square, or octagonal boxes,and European
use hearing protection,and in areas of public accommodation 100 mm square.
as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act(see application All Genesis signals come pre-assembled
notes-USA). ��`�=� ' with captive mounting screws for easy in-
Combination horn-strobe signals must be installed in accordance � l � � stallation.Two tabs at the top of the signal
with guidelines established for strobe devices.Consult with your :,';�.a�,,;�;;;�� unlock the cover to reveal the mounting
Authority Having Jurisdiction for details. � � hardware.The shallow depth of Genesis
All Genesis strobes exceed UL synchronization requirements � devices leaves ample room behind the
(within 10 milliseconds over a lwo-hour period)when used with a �-s�a. �f signal for extra wiring.Once installed with
synchronization source. Synchronization is important in order to .- �� the cover in place, no mounting screws
avoid epileptic sensitivity. �.�,m�, � _ —_ are visible.
WARNING:These devices will not operate without elec[ncal powec As :�*�- �
fres frequently cause power interruptions, further safeguards such as Genesis Horn/Strobe Field Configuration
backup power supplies may be required. with optional vim plate Temporal horn and horn-strobe models
are factory set to sound in a three-pulse
temporal pattern. Units may be con-
figured for use with coded systems by cutting a jumper on the
Horns circuit board.This results in a steady output that can be tumed
Genesis horn output reaches as high as 99 dB and features a on and off(coded)as the system applies and removes power to
unique multiple frequency tone that results in excellent sound the signal circuit.A Genesis Signal Master is required when horn-
penetration and an unmistakable warning of danger.Horns may be strobe models are configured for coded systems. Non-temporal,
confgured for either coded or non-coded signal circuits.They can horn-only models sound a steady tone.
also be set for low d8 output with a jumper cut that reduces hom Genesis clear strobes and horn-strobes are shipped from the fac-
output by about 5 d6. Hom-only models may be ceiling-mounted tory ready for use as UL 1977 compliant signals for public mode
or wall-mounted. operation.These signals may be configured for temporel flash by
The suggested sound pressure level for each signaling zone used with cutting a jumper on the circuit board.This battery-saving feature is
alarm signals is at least 15 dB above the average ambient sound level, intended for private mode signaling only.
or 5 dB above tt�e maximum sound level having a duration of at least Genesis clear strobes and horn-strobes may be set for 15,30,75,
60 seconds,whichever is greater,measured 5 feet(1.5 m)above The or 110 candela output.The output setting is changed by simply
floor.The average ambient sound level is,A-weighted sound pressure opening the device and sliding the switch to the desired setting. '
measured over a 24-hour period. The device does not have to be removed to change the output
Doubling the distance hom the signal to the ear will theoretically resutt setting.The setting remains visible through a small window on the
in a 6 d6 reduction of the received sound pressure level.The actual side of the device after the cover is closed.
effect depends on the acoustic properties of materials in the space. Horns and horn-strobes are factory set for high d6 output.
A 3 d&4 difference represents a barely noticeable change in volume. Low dB output may be selected by cutting a jumper on the�
circuit board.This reduces the output by about 5 d6.
ECS/MNS Applications
Genesis ECS/MNS strobe appliances bring the same high-
performance fre alarm features and unobtrusive design to mass �
notification applications.Available with amber lenses and optional Wiring
ALERT housing labels,they are ideal for applications that require Field wiring terminals accommodate#18 to#12 AWG(0.75 mm�
differentiation between fre alarm and mass notification alerts. to 2.5 mm�wiring. Horns,strobes,and combination horn-strobes
are interconnected with a single pair of wires as shown below.
+ + ro nerzl
Polanty shown In entloNine
alarm wndition H H or retum to
ONote:Slrobes musl have wntinuaus vottage.
Page2of6 DATA SNEET 85001-0573
Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 1t.1
• • Current Draw
� Strobes, Horn-Strobes Horns
Multi-cd Wali Strobes(G1-VM) Wall or Ceiling Mounted
UL 15 cd` 30 cd' 15/75 cd*` 75 cd' 170 cd' Temporal Horns(G7-HD)
Rating RMS RMS � RMS � RMS I RMS �� UL High dB Low d6
16Vdc 103 141 � 152 . _�. .___ 255 � 311 Rating (RMS) (RMS)
16Vfivr 125 179 224 � ��346 � 392 16Vdc 26 19
'G1-VM multi-cd;"Gt F-V1575 fized 15/75 cd� 24 c
33 Vdc 41 33
�Typical 15 cd 30 cd 15/�5 75 cd 110 cd 16 Vfwr 51 37
Current RMS RMS RMS RMS RMS 24 Vfwr 69 52
16 Vdc 85 127 150 245 285 33 Vhvr 76 70
20 Vdc 71 98 123 188 240
24 Vdc 59 82 104 152 191 Typical � �High d8 �ow dB
33 Vdc 46 64 84 712 137 Current RMS RMS
16 Vfwr 119 169 223 332 376 16 Vdc 22 17
20 V(wr 103 143 189 253 337 20 Vdc 24 19
24 Vfwr 94 129 169 218 262 24 Vdc 27 22 - .
33 Vfwr 87 �112 148 179 205 33 Vdc 32 26
16 Viwr 34 30
Wall Temporal Horn-strobes-High d6 Setting 20 Vtwr 40 34
15 30 15/75 75 110 `G1-HDVM muRi-cU 24 V(wr 45 38
UL ctl' cd` cd" ctl` cd' "Gt F-HDW 575 fixed 15/75 cd 33 Vfwr 52 47
16 Vdc 129 167 172 281 337 Wall or Ceiling Mounted Horns(G7-P)
16 Vfwr 176 230 269 397 443 UL Designation Voltage Range Max.Current, �-
�Typical 15 cd 30 cd 15/75 � ���� 75 cd 110 cd Regulated 24 16-33 Vdc 13 mA
16 Vdc 102 135 160 246 309 Z4 fivr 16-33 Viwr 11 mA
20 Vdc 88 109 �37 193 248
24 Vdc 81 94 122 161 203 Typical Current � ����-� � RMS
33 Vdc �4 72 106 124 154 24 Vdc 10
16 Vfwr 144 �82 247 352 393 24 Vdc 11
20 Vfwr 141 162 220 274 362 31 Vdc 12
24 Vfwr 136 152 203 235 282 20 Vtwr 9
33 Vfwr 125 144 196 201 232 24 Vfwr 10
Cument values are shovm in mA.
Wall Temporal Horn-strobes-Low dB Setting
UL �5 30 15/75 75 ��110�-
cd' cd' cd•' cd` cd`
�16 Vdc 122 160 146 274 330 'G1-HDVM multi-cd
16 Vfwr 162 216 231 383 429 "Gt F-HDV1575 Poced 15l75 cd
Typical �5 cd ���30 cd 15/75 75 cd ��170 cd �
�6Vdc 96 130 158 243 302
20 Vdc 79 104 133 189 241
24 Vdc 68 88 119 156 197
33 Vdc 56 71 100 118 146
16 Vfwr 128 7 SO 247 344 389
� 20 Vfwr 118 157 213 266 343
24 Viwr 113 144 195 230 279
� 33 Vfwr 112 137 182 797 226
Page3ot6 DATA SHEET 85001-0573
' Not to be usetl tor installation purposes. Issue t7.7
,• dBA oGtput Average Sound Output (dBA)
Temporal Horns,Horn-strobes(Gi-HD, G1-HDVM series) (High dB setting,anechoic, 24V, measured at 10ft)
High � UL464 Average Peak �
�m,.e,m., nAmwbmm ,a"„ mmem . mnA�m,�e,m
dB Temporal Steady Temporal/ 7emporal/ °0� � � . �-- ,°°�
Setting Steady Steady �
16 Vdc 81.4 85.5 91.4 94.2 �,�•
24 Vdc 84.4 88.6 94.5 97.6
33 Vdc 86.3 90.4 96.9 99.5 �.
Low d6 UL464 �� Average Peak ig
Setting Temporel Steatly Temporal/ Temporal/ � , o��
Steady Steady
16 Vdc 76.0 80.1 86.3 892 �" �' ��
24 Vdc 79.4 83.5 89.8 92.5
33Vdc sz.i ss.e s2s 95.3 �ight output - (effective cd) _
Steady Tone Horns(G1-P series) Percent of UL rating versus angle
UL464 � Average Peak �
16 Vdc 7�dBA,min 85 dBA 91 dBA . '"�"'�"�'°
_. --. . _ _. .. w�
16 Vfwr 77 dBA,min 85 dBA 91 dBA �
1. All values shown are dBA measuretl at W feat(3.01 m).
2 UL464 values measuretl in reverberant room.
3. Avere9e and Peak values are measured in anechoic chamher.
m w.
a �r
Housing Red or whRe tentured UV stabilized,color impregnated engineered plastic.E�cceeds 94V-0 UL flarnmability rating.
Lens Optical grade polyrarbonate(cleaz)
Strobes and horn-strobes are for wall-mount installation only.Horn-only motlels may be ceiling-or wall-mounted.
Mounting Flush mounC 2Yz inch(64 mm)deep one-gang box
Qndoor only) Surface mount:Model 27193 surtace mount box,wiremold box,or equivalent surtace-mount box
With optional trim plate:One-gang,two-gang,four-inch square,octagonal,or European single-gang box
Wire connections Screw tertninals:single inpu[for both horn antl strobe.#18 to#12 AWG(0.75 mrrR to 2.5 mm�wire size
Operating environment Indoor ony:32-120°F(0-49°C)ambient temperature.93%relative humidiry
Agency listings/approvals UL 1971 (S218),UL 1638(5218),UL 464(52�8).ULC S525,ULC 5526,CSFM,CE.FCC,MEA. ,
(All models comply with ADA Code of Federal Regulation Chapter 28 Part 36 Final Rule.)
Dimensions(HxWxD) Signal:4-1/2"z 2-3/4"x 13/16"(113 mm x 68 mm x 21 mm)
Tnmplate: 5"(127 mm);Height-5-7/8"(149 mm);Depth-Yz"(13 mm)
Gt-HD senes temporal-tone homs:norncoded,filiered 16-33 Vdc or unfltered 16-33 Vdc FWR(or coded when hom
set to steady tone)
Operating voltage G1-HDVM senes temporal-tone hom-strobes: non-coded,fltered 16-33 Vtic or unfltered 16-33 Vdc FWR (or coded
(audible NAC ony)when used with optional G1 M Genesis Signal Master)
G1-VM senes strobes:non-coded,fltered 16-33 Vdc or unfRered 16-33 Vdc FWR
G1-P senes steaAy-tone horns:codetl or non-coded,fttered 2031 Vdc or unfiltereU 20-27 Viwr
UL 1971,UL 1638,ULC S526:selectable 15 cd,30 cd,75 cd,or 110 cd output
Strobe output rating UL 1971:15 cd(fxed 15lIS cd models)
UL 1638,ULCS526:75 cd(fixed 15/75 cd models)
Gi-VM strobes and G1-HDVM series temporal-tone horn-strobes:one flash per second synchronizetl with optional
Strobe flash rate G1 M Genesis Signal Master indefnitely within 10 milliseconds.Temporal setting(private mode only):synchronized to
temporal output of horns on same circuit
. Synchronization Sources BPS6A,BPS�OA,APS6A,APS10A,i064,i0500, Fireshield Plus 3,5 and 10 zone.
Add G1 M for G1-CVM&G1-HDVM devices ony.
Horn pulse rate G1-HD temporal-tone horns and G1-HDVM series temporal-tone horn-strobes:temporal rate synchronized with optional
G1 M Genesis Signal Master indefinitely within 10 milliseconds.G1-P steady-tone homs:continuous,steatly tone only
Temporal audible pattem �h sec ON,'h sec OFF,�h sec ON,Yz sec OFF,Yz sec ON, 1 Yz sec OFF,then repeai cycle
Page4of6 DATA SHEET 85001-0573
Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue'11.1
,• � Gandela Output F2appliancesavailablewithwhiteorredhousings.
' Switch Switch Switch �� �� F *� F �
Lens Switch ��,.' � � � ��� p �� p
Rating Position Position Position ,,.- FIRE �e c� ��e
Color Position A B C D � `— .�.�.+�
Amber UL 1638 110 cd 75 cd 30 ctl � 15 cd �� .� ''t
Amber UL 1971' 88 cd 60 cd 24 cd 12 cd � � .�
' Clear UL 1971 110 Cd 75 cd 30 cd 15 Cd ECS/MNS appliances avalable with clear or ember lenses.
•Equivalent Rating
�L L
� �� �E G�'=.E ���
Ordering Information "'"""" `"""� `""�
Model � Housing � Marking I Lens � Strobe � Hom . � Ship Wt.Ibs(kg)
Fire Alarm Appliances(c/w running man icon screen printed on housing)
G1-VM White None Clear Selectable 15,30,75,or�10 cd Strobe only 025 (0.11�
G1 F-HD White RAE Clear Horn only Selectable high/low dB 025 (0.11)
G1 F-HDV7575 White FIRE Clear 15/75 cd� Temporal hJlo dB-24V 0.25 (0.11)
G1 F-HDVM White FIRE Clear Selectable 15,30,75,or�10 cd Selectable high/low dB 025 (0.11)
G1 F-P White FIRE Clear Sieady Hom(not compatible with Genesis Signal Master) 025 (0.11)
G1F-W575 White FIRE Clear 75l75cd' Strobeonly 025 (0.11)
G1 F-VM White FIFE Clear Selectable 15,30,75,or 710 cd Strobe only 025 (0.11) �
G1-HD White None Clear Horn only Selectable high/low d6 0.25 (0.11)
G1-HDVM White None Clear Selectable 15,30,75,or 110 cd Selectable high/low d6 0.25 (0.11)
G1-P White None Clear Steady Hom(not compatible with Genesis Signal Master) 0.25 (0.11)
G1 RFHD Fed FIRE Clear Hom ony Selectable high/low d6 025 (0.11)
G1 RF-HDV1575 Red FIRE Clear 15/75 cd' Temporal hVlo d6-24V 025 (0.11)
ee e e i
G1 RF-P Red FIRE Clear Steady Horn(not compatible with Genesis Signal Master) 0.25 (0.11)
G1FF-V1575 Red FIRE Gear 15/75cd� Strobeonly 0.25 (0.11)
-V e c .c 025 (0.11)
G1 R-HD Red None Clear Horn only Selectable high/low d6 0.25 (0.11)
G1 R-HDVM Red None Clear Selectable 15,30,75,or 110 cd Selectable high/low dB 025 (0.11)
G1 R-P Red None Clear Steady Hom(not compati6le with Genesis Signal Master) 025 (0.11)
G1 R-VM Red None Gear Selectable 15,30,75,or 110 cd Strobe only 0.25 (0.11)
ECS/MNS Appliances(no running man icon on housing)
G1 WA-HDVMA White ALERT Amber Selectable A,B,C or D HomlStrobe Unit 025 (0.11)
G1 WA-VMC White ALERT Clear Selectable 15,30,75,or 110 cd � Strobe only I 0.25 (0.11)
G1 WN-VMA White None-� I Amber � Selectable A,B,C or D � Strobe only � � 025 (0.11)
G1 WN-VMC White None Clear � Selectable 15,30,75,or 110 cd � Strobe only � 025 (0.11)
Trim Plates
GiT White None Genesis Tnm Plate(for two-gang or 4"square boxes) 0.15(0.�
Gt RT Red None Genesis Tnm Plate(for two-gang or 4"square boxes) 0.15(0.7)
G1T-FIRE White FIRE Genesis Tnm Plate(for two-gang or 4°square boxes) 0.15(0.7)
Gt RT-FIRE Red FIRE Genesis Tnm Plate(for two-gang or 4"square boxes) 0.15(0.7)
G1 Wi-ALERT White ALERT Genesis Tnm Plate(for two-gang or 4"square 6oxes) 0.15(0.7)
Surtace Boxes
. 27793-16 Whtte WA One-gang surtace mount box � 1 (0.4)
27793-11 Red WA One-gang surface mount box � 1 (0.4)
. �These 15/75 cd models provide fixed output and are not muRi-candela devices.The�15 cd output component complies wRh UL7971,while the 75 cd
output component complies with UL 1638.
�, Page5ot6 DATA SHEET 85001-0573
Not to be usetl for installation purposes. Issue 11.1
Contact us...
Email: edwarUs.fire�fs.u[c.com
Web: wwwest-(reeam
EST is an EOWAR09 brend.
1016 Corporate Park Drive
Mebane,NC 27302
In Canada,contact Chubb Edwards...
Email: inquiries�chubbeCwards.com
Web: wv✓wchu66edwa�dscom
�2013 UTC Fire 8 Security Americas
Coryoration,Inc.All ri9hts reserved.
Specifications subjeM to change
wKhout notice.Edwards is part of UTC
Climate,Controls 8 Securiry,a unit oi '
UnRed Technologies Corporation.
Page6of6 DATA SHEET 85001-0573 �
Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue'11.1
, • EST Catalog►Strobes,Horns,Bells,Chimes
� � � �� '�' Click Here to Return to
Llfe Sale�y & Communicatlans Bill of Material/Index
Field ConfigurableJ - -_ ��a�mwepd�a��=��d�9
Ceiling Horn ,- �
Genesis Series � ^ �-__=-_ �
��^ __�_-�= 1 �,.
� -------
\�C_ �Y��� T� � .�
``_ - �-�—__- _. _ .... � uL
FM � �L
MEA (E �3oioi�� sz,e
Overview Standard Features
Genesis ceiling horn-strobes are small,compact, and attractive • Field configurable—no need to remove the device!
audible-visible emergency signaling devices. Protruding no more — 15/30/75/95 cd and 95/115/150/177 cd models available
than 1.6"(41 mm), Genesis horn-strobes blend with any decor. — Switch settings remain visible even after the unit is installed
Thanks to patented breakthrough technology, Edwards Gen- — Low/high dB settings
esis strobes do not require bulky specular reflectors and lenses. • Unique low-profile design
Instead,an exclusive cavity design conditions light to produce — 30 per cent slimmer profle than comparable signals
a highly controlled distribution pattern.Signifcant development — No visible mounting screws
efforts employing this new technology have given rise to a new — Available with white or red housings
benchmark in strobe performance—FuIlLight technology. . Easy to install
FuIlLight strobe technology produces a smooth light distribution — Fits all standard 4"square electrical boxes with plenty of
pattern without the spikes and voids characteristic of specular room behind the signal for extra�wire—no extension ring or
reflectors.This ensures the entire coverage area receives consis- trim plate needed
tent illumination from the strobe flash.As a result,Genesis strobes — Pre-assembled with captive hardware—no loose pieces
with FuIlLight technology go well beyond the minimum UL-required — #18 to#12 AWG terminals—ideal for long runs or existing wir-
"cross"pattern. ing
Depending on the model,Genesis horn-strobes feature 15 to 95, • Unparalleled performance
or 95 to 177 candela output(see ordering information),which is — �clusive FUIILight strobe technology produces the industry's
selectable with a conveniently-located switch on the front of the most even light distribution
device.The candela output setting is clearly visible even after fnal — Single high-efficiency microprocessor controls
installation,yet H remains locked in place to prevent unauthorized both horn and strobe
movement after installation. . — Low current draw minimizes system overhead
— Independent horn control provided over a single
Genesis hom-strobes feature textured housings in architecturally neu- pair of wires
tral white or eye-catching fre alarm red.M ingenious iconographic — Highly regulated in-rush current allows the maximum
symbol indicates the purpose of the device.This universal symbol number of strobes on a circuit
is code-compliant and is easily recognized by all building occu- — 100 dB peak—muhiple frequency tone improves
pants regardless of what language they speak. Models with"FIFE" wall penetration
� markings are also available.
Page 1 of 4 D ATA s H e e r 85001-0559
. Not to be usetl for installation purposes. Issue92
.• Aaplication Installation and Mounting
'Genesis Strobes are UL 1971-listed for use indoors as ceiling-or All models are intended for indoor wall or ceiling applications
wall-mounted public-mode notifcation appliances for the hearing only. Horn-strobes mount to any flush North-American 4"square
impaired. Prevailing codes require strobes to be used where ambi- electrical box.
ent noise conditions exceed 105 dBA(87dBA in Canada),where �
occupants use hearing protection, and in areas of public accom- o•
modation as defned in the Americans with Disabilities Act(see � �
application notes—USA). p• _�� `�
Combination horn-strobe signals must be installed in accordance � � O '
with guidelines established for strobe devices. �
Genesis strobes are UL 1971-listed for use indoors as ceiling-or o�
_ wall-mounted public-mode notification appliances for the hearing
impaired.Prevailing codes require strobes to be used where ambi-
ent noise conditions exceed specified levels,where occupants
use hearing protection,and in areas of public accommodation. Genesis ceiling horn-strobes simply unlatch and twist to open.
Consult with your Authority Having Jurisdiction for details. This gains access to mounting screws and the selectable candela
switch.The shallow depth of Genesis devices leaves ample room
All Genesis strobes exceed UL synchronization requirements behind the signal for exira wiring.Once installed with the cover in
(within 10 milliseconds other over a two-hour period)when used place, no mounting screws are visible.
with a synchronization source. Synchronization is important in Edwards recommends that these fire alarm horn-strobes always
order to avoid epileptic sensitivily.
be installed in accordance with the latest recognized edition of
NOTE:The flash intensity of some visible signals may not be adequate national and local fire alarm codes.
to alert or waken occupants in the protected area. Research indicates
that the intensiTy of strobe needed to awaken 905'0 of sleeping persons Field Configuration
is approximately 700 cd.Edwards recommends that strobes in sleeping Depending on the model, Genesis horn-strobes may be set for 15
rooms be rated at at least�70 cd. to 95,or 95 to 177 candela output(see ordering information).The
WAHNING:These devices will not operate without electrical power.As output setting is changed by simply opening the device and sliding
fires frequently cause power intertuptions, further safeguards such as the switch to the desired setting.The hom-strobe does not have
6ackup power supplies may be required. to be removed to change the output setting.The setting remains
visible through a small window on the front of the device after the
cover is closed.
Horns The horn-strobe comes factory set for high dB output. Low dB
Genesis hom output reaches as high as 99 dB(peak)and output may be selected by cutting a jumper on the circuit board.
features a unique multiple frequency tone that results in excel- This reduces the output by about 5 dB.
lent wall penetration and an unmistakable warning of danger.All
models may be configured for either coded or non-coded signal �
circuits.They can also be set for low d8 output with a jumper cut
that reduces horn output by about 5 dB. WlYlflg
The suggesied sound pressure level fw each signaling zone used Field wiring terminals accommodate#18 to#12 AWG(0.75 mm�
wi[h alert or alarm signals is at least 15 dB above the average ambient to 2.5 mm�wiring. Horn/strobes are interconnected with a single
sound level,or 5 dB above the maximum sound level having a duration Pair of wires as shown below.
of at least 60 seconds,whichever is greater,measured 5 feet(1.5 m)
above the floor.The average arnbient sound level is,A-weighted sound Q
pressure measured over a 24-hour period.
+ t TonaM
Doubling the distance from the signal to the ear will theoretically appliance,
Polanty shown in entl-of-line
� result in a 6 dB reduction of the received sound pressure level. H H or rewm to .
alarm conditlam m�Wl
The actual effect depends on the acoustic properties of materials equipment
in the space. A 3 dBA difference represents a barely noticeable - -
change in volume. O
Note:StroDes must have continuous voliage.
6.8'dia. _I
(173 mm)
(25 mm)
�� � 0.60"(i5mm)
Page 2 of 4 D A T A S H E E T 85001-0559
Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue92
• � Curr�nt Draw
GC-HDVM 7emporal Horn-strobe:High d8 Setting GC-HDVMH High cd Temporal Horn-strobe:High d6
UL 15 cd 30 cd 75 cd 95 cd 95 cd 115 cd �50 cd 17�cd
16 Vdc 147 190 316 372 341 399 506 570
16 Vfwr 189 253 417 451 487 578 670 711
' GC-HDVMH High cd 7emporal Horn-strobe:High dB
GC-HDVM Temporal Horn-strobe:High d6 SeHing Setting
Typical 15 cd 30 cd 75 cd 95 cd 95 cd 115 cd 150 cd 177 cd
Current RMS Mean RMS Mean RMS Mean RMS Mean RMS Mean RMS Mean RMS Mean RMS Mean
16 Vdc 111 95 152 143 281 276 333 328 324 � 322 3�7 374 477 474 554 551
20 Vdc 91 80 124 717 219 214 257 251 258 256 299 296 369 366 417 474
24 Vdc 80 71 108 101 185 180 212 207 220 217 252 249 304 301 341 338
33 Vdc 69 62 89 84 144 140 160 156 172 �69 188 185 223 220 244 241
16 Vfwr 153 81 218 123 388 240 420 268 463 265 535 312 665 400 718 442
20 Vfwr 141 70 190 700 325 188 378 219 392 211 439 240 517 287 587 334
24 Viwr 135 64 176 90 280 154 310 180 � 346 179 382 212 458 246 498 271
33 Viwr 139 61 167 80 241 122 254 133 296 142 323 752 358 1�8 387 194
GC-HDVM Temporal Horn-strobe:Low d6 Setting GC-HDVMH High cd Temporal Horn-strobe:Low dB
Typical 15 cd 30 cd 75 cd 95 cd 95 cd 115 cd 150 cd 177 cd
Current RMS Mean RMS Mean RMS Mean RMS Mean RMS Mean RMS Mean RMS Mean RMS Mean
16 Vdc 108 91 149 139 275 269 327 322 317 � 315 378 376 480 477 544 542
20 Vdc 87 75 120 113 214 209 250 245 252 250 292 290 364 362 414 411
24 Vdc 76 66 103 97 180 175 205 201 212 211 245 243 297 295 334 332
33Vdc 64 57 85 80 138 135 153 750 159 157 181 179 215 213 234 232
16 Vfwr 141 76 204 118 384 239 418 265 461 265 521 305 656 396 705 432
20 Vfwr 12� 65 176 95 312 181 371 214 381 208 437 242 508 285 576 326
24 V(wr 118 60 162 82 262 149 301 171 335 172 370 195 440 235 485 264
33 Vfwr 127 56 155 73 229 118 249 129 285 134 308 149 349 769 373 186
Notes and Comments
1. Current values ara shown in mA.
2. UL Nameplate Rating can vary hom Typical Curtent tlue to measurement methods antl ins[ruments used.
3 Edwards recommentls using the Typical Current tor system tlesign including NAC and Power Suppy loading antl voltage drop calculations.
4. Use the Vdc RMS current ratings�or fitteretl power suppy and battery AH calculations.Use the Vfwr RMS wrrent 2tings for unfitteretl power suppry calculations.
5. Fuses,cirouit breakers and other overcunent protection devices are typicalty mtetl For current in RMS values.Most of these Aeuces opera[e 6asetl upon the heating affect
of the curtent 8owing through the device.The RMS cunent(not the mean cuvenU determines tha heating aHect and therefore,the tnp antl hold thresholtl for those tleNces.
6. Our industry has used'mean'curtents over the years. However,UL will direct the industry to use the 2004 RMS values in[he future.
dBA output Light output - (effective cd)
UL464 Average Peak
' High dB Percent of UL rating versus angle
TemporaV Temporal/
� Setting 7emporal Steady >u�,
Steatly Steady
16 Vdc 79.8 832 90.6 93.6 . ., �
� 24 Vdc 83.3 85.4 93.6 96.6
33 Vdc 85 87.8 957 987 -,r �.s
Low d6 UL464 ���Average Peak
TemporaV Temporel/ -0o �•
Setting Temporal Steady Steady Steady
16 Vdc 75 79.3 86.3 88.7 �' �'as•
24 Vdc 78 83 88.8 92.4 � �,�.
33 Vdc 80.9 85.9 91.8 95.1 .�s� � is•
1.All values shown are dBA measuretl at 10 feet(3.01 m);2 UL464 values measuretl
in reverheration mom;3.Average and Peak values are measuretl in anechoic cham-
Page3oi4 DATA SHEET 85001-0559
Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue9.2
�owA r�o s Housing Textured W stabil'¢ed,color impregnated engineered plastia Exceeds 94V-
0 UL flammability ratlng.Retl and whRe models available.
Lens Optical grade polycarbonate(clear)
Contact us... Mounting North-American 4"square 6ox,2 1/8"(54 mm)deep(ndoor wall or
ceiling applications only).
Email: etlwards.fre�is.utc.com Screw terminals:single input for both horn and strobe.#18 to#12
Web: www.esEfire.com Wireconnections
AWG(0.75 mm%to 2.5 mm�wire size
EST is an EOWAR�S hrand. Operating environment Indoor:32-120°F(0-49°C)arnbient temperature.93�relative humidity
1016 Corporate Park onve Meets or exceeds ULGS525 8 ULGS526,year 2004 UL
Mebane,NC 27302 requirements for standards UL1638 and UL1971,and complies
Agency listings/approvals With UL1480.All horn-strobes com I with ADA Caie of Federal
In Canada,contact Chubb Edwards... P Y
Emaii: inquiries�chubbedwards.com Regulation Chapter 28 Part 36 Final Rule.CSFM,MEA,FM.
We6: wwwchubbedwams.com GGHDVM senes temporal-tone hom-strobes:non-coded,fiRered
�2oi3 U7C Rre&Secunty Americas Operating voltage 16-33 Vdc or unfilteretJ 16-33 Vdc FWR (or coded(audible NAC only)
Corporation,Inc.PJI rights reservetl. when usetl with optional G1 M Genesis Signal Master)
Specfications subject ro change Strobe output rating UL 1971,UL 1638, ULC 5526:selectable 15/30/75/95 cd(GC-
without notice.EtlwarUs is part oi U7C HDVM)and 95/115/150/177 cd(GC-HDVMH)
qimate,Cantrals 8 Security,a una of GC-HDVM senes temporal-tone horn-strobes:one flash per second
unitetl Teennoiogies Corporation. synchron¢ed with optional G1 M Genesis Signal Master indefinitey
Strobe flash rate �hin 10 milliseconds(or self-synchronized within 200 milliseconds
over thirty minutes on a common circuR without G1 M Genesis Signal
Master)Temporal setting(pnvate mode ony):synchronized to temporal
output of horns on same circuit
Synchronization Sources G1M-RM,SIGA-CC7S,SIGA-MCC1S,BPS6A,BPS10A
GC-HDVM series temporal-tone hom-strobes:temporal rate
synchronized with optional G1 M Genesis Signal Master intlefinttey _
Hom pulse rate � within 10 milliseconds(or self-synchronized wdhin 200 milliseconds
over thirty minutes on a common circuit without Gt M Genesis Signal
Temporal audible pattern '�sec ON,�/z sec OFF,�fz sec ON,�h sec OFF Yz sec ON,1�/z sec
OFF,then repeat cycle
Ordering Information
Catalog Housing Ship
Number Color Marking Description Wt.lbs
� (k9)
GC-HDVM White None
enesis ei ing a orp-S ro e
_xirh.elactable t 5.30-75 nr 95 r. o ou p,gp
GCFR-HDVM Red "FIRE" - - (� 8)
GC-HDVMH White None Genesis CeilingM/all Hom-Strobe
GCF-HDVMH White "FIRE" with selectable 95, 115, 150,or 177 cd output
. Accessories
G1 M-RM Genesis Signal Master—Remote Mount (1-gang) (���
SIGA-CC1S Intelligent Synchronization Output Module (2-gang) 0.5
SIGA-MCC�S Intelligent Synchronization Output Module (Plug-in UIO) 0.18
rr._' �
� -..�?
White Field Confgurable Ceiling Hom-Strobas may be
orUeretl with or withou[optional'FlRE'marking.Red
Horo-5tro6es crome with'FIRE'marking.
Page 4 of 4 D A T A S H E E T 85001-0559 w
Not to 6e usetl for installation purposes. Issue92
, • [ST Catalog►Strobes,Homs,Belis,Chimes
' � ' � �� � Click Here to Return to
�;�e Safely & Cammunical/ons Bill of Material/Index
Temporal Horns - r-
and Horn -strobes � '�
757 Series ' y ' � � � I
, E�
Patented �L
`"' MEA sz,a "zo-�sr.
Overview Standard Features
Integrity temporal horns and temporal horn-strobes are specially • UL 1977-listed synchronizing strobe
designed for use with compatible I'rfe safety communication and Integrity strobes synchronize to the latest UL 1971 require-
control equipment to alert occupants of a life safety event. The ments when used with a synchronization source.
horn emits a piercing low frequency sound that is easily heard , pdjustable Audible Ouiput
above moderate ambient noise levels.The flash from its strobe Select temporal or continuous tones,and High setting for 98
can be noticed hrom almost any position in the room,corridor,or dBA output or Low setting for 94 dBA sound output.
large open space.
• Genesis-compatibie
Integritys rugged plastic housing is made from durable and fire All Genesis and Integrity strobes on the same circuit meet UL
retardant, high impact plastic with a slightly textured surtace. Its �g71 synchronization requirements when used with an external
ingenious mounting plate f rmly holds the device in place with a control module.
single screw.A separate trim plate is not required.Terminals ac-
cept up to#12 AWG(2.5mm�wire for polanzed connections. • APProved for public and private mode applications
UL 1971-listed as signaling devices for the hearing impaired
Strobes are shipped with standard wall mount style"FIRE"lens and UL 1638-listed as protective visual signaling appliances.
markings. Where ceiling orientation,other languages,or different "
lens markings are required, Edwards offers optional LKW and LKC • Durable red or white Noryl front plate
series Lens Marking Kits.These optional lens markings simply Ideal for outdoor, industrial or harsh environments.
snap on to the strobe.Consult Edwards for availability of special . Field changeable field markings
lens markings. Lens language or standard "FIRE" marking is easily changed
Integrity horns and horn-strobes are designed for 16 to 33 Vdc with optional LKW and LKC series lens kits.
operation and must be connected to signal circuits that output a • Easy Installation
constant(not pulsed)voltage.A diode is used to allow full signal Flush mount to standard North American 4"square or two-
circuit supervision. gang box. Integrity's universal mounting plate allows it to be
wired and then left hanging free for easy inspection and testing
before it is fastened to the electrical box.
Pagelot6 DATA SNEET 85001-0341
- Not to be usetl for installation purposes. Issue6.t
NOTE:The installation of visible and audible signals are subject to national and local standards,codes,and ordinances.
Consult your Authonty Having Jurisdiction for device installation requirements,application standards,and minimum performance spec'rfications.
Horns Strobes
During installation,the horn is confgured for steady or temporal Edwards strobes are UL 1971-listed for use indoors as wall-mounted
tone signal and either low(94 dBA)or high(98 dBA)output.When public-mode not�cation appliances for the hearing impaired. Prevail-
temporal output is selected all horns on a common two-wire ing codes require strobes to be used where ambient noise conditions
circuit are self-synchronized(see specifications). F.xternal control exceed specifed levels,where occupants use hearing protection,
modules are not required for audible synchronization. and in areas of public accommodation.Consult with your Authority
Suggested sound pressure level for each signaling zone used with Having Jurisdiction for details.
alert or alarm signals is at least 15dB above the average ambi- As part of the Enhanced Integrity line of products, 757 Series
ent sound level,or 5dB above the mvcimum sound level having a strobes exceed UL synchronization requirements(within 10 mil-
duration of at least 60 seconds,whichever is greater, measured liseconds other over a iwo-hour period)when used with a syn-
5'(1.5m)above the floor.The average ambient sound level is the chronization source. Synchronization is important in order to avoid
RMS,A-weighted sound pressure measured over a 24-hour period. epileptic sensitivity.
Doubling the distance from the signal to the ear will theoretically resutt Integrity strobes are fully compatible with Edwards Genesis sig-
in a 6 dB reduction of the received sound pressure level.The actual nals.
effect depends on the acoustic properties of mffierials in the space.A 3
dBA difference represents a barely noticeable change in volume. �
NOTE:The flash intensity of some visible signals may not be adequate
�t ut An le - Deg ee to alert or waken occupants in the protected area. Research indicates
Q p go r S [hat the intensity of strobe needed to awaken 90%of sleeping persons
_� �5 is approximateN�00 cd.Edwards recommends that strobes in sleeping
-30 30 rooms be rated at at least 1�0 cd.
-45 5 WpqNING These devices will not operate without electncal powec As
-60 � fires frequently cause power intertuptions, further safeguards such as
backup power supplies may be required.
.75 75
-90 90
7 05 95 85 75 d&4 75 85 95 105
—Temporal Horn (dBA)
lypical Sound Output Distribution
dBA measured at 10 H in anechoic chamber
757 Series Temporal Horn(`HIGH'output)
Installation and Q NorthAmerican2-gang
electric box,2�i"(69mm)minimum
0 (Alternative:4"square box
Mounting O 2-1/e°(54mm)tleep)
All models ft to a standard flush Mounting Plate(provitletl)
mounted, North-American hvo- 0 O
gang electrical box,23/< inch(69 ,
mm)minimum.Optional flush �
trims are not required. For sur- �
face mount, use EST's custom
indoor and outdoor surface boxes
painted in color-matched red or
� white epoxy. Edwards recom-
� mends that fre alarm horn/strobes �ps-az screws(by ocners)
always be installed in accordance Surface Box-5-5/8"(143mm)sq.x
� with the latest recognized edi- tiousing 3-sns°(stmm)deep
. tion of national and local fre alarm / 54/2"(140mm)x 5-1/2"(140mm)x 5/6°(76mm)
� COdPS. �� .
Single Maunting Screw(provided)
Page2of6 DATA SHEET 85001-0341
Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 6.7
. T�pioal Wiring Strobe Operating Current (RMS)
' The Strobe must be connected to signal circuits which output uL
a constant(not pulsed)voltage.The horn can be connected to rtating �5 cd �5n5 cd 3o cd 75 cd i�o ca
cOntinuouS VOltage CircuitS. 16 Vdc 109 150 130 263 329
16 Vfwr 150 210 � I��� � 189� �� � 333 I 420
ON SAME CIRCUIT xorNstraua xom/So-ob. Typical
ro uw�c u:�ea
Current �5 cd 15/75 cd 30 cd 75 cd 110 cd
Flreuarmcontro� �� 24 Vdc 69 90 89 159 180
PanelSiA��Circult �' " -
� 24 Vfivr 108 128 �� �� � 134 � 255 � 260
ro N�a oe.me
or EOl Pasistor
+ Vtic:Volts direct curteM,regulated and filtered
HORN an0 STHOBE - Vfwr:Vohs full wave rectifietl
To IIWLC Lisletl + To N¢M oevice
FlreNarmCaiNol XarNStmEe MarryBtroEe orEOLHesistor CurrentDrewNotesandComments
Panel5ipn21 CirtuR 1. CUROfIt v21uCS 2!0 ShOwn in mA.
x� mµ 2. UL Nameplate Rating can vary from Typical Current due to measurement meth-
io U WLc lisrea + s ods and instruments used.
Flre Nazm COMaI' To Navt StroGe OeNce
aanei sio��ciaun arEO�FeslsNr 3 Etlwartls recommentls using the Typical Cuvent for system tlesign inclutling NAC
antl Power Suppy loading antl voltage tlrop calculations.
4. Use the 16 Vtic RMS curtent ratings for ftteretl power suppy antl battery AH
calculations.Usa the 76 Vfwr RMS current ratings for unfilteretl power supply
5. Fuses,cimutt hreakers and other overourrent protection tlevices are typicaly
rated for current in RMS values.Most of these davices ope2le basetl upon
the heating affect of Ihe current flowing lhrough the device.The RMS wrrent
dBA Output �
UL464 Average-anechoic Peak-anechoic
Temporal Steady Temporal Steady Temporal Steady
High d6 Output 79.0 85.0 97.0 97.0 102.0 702.0
Low d6 Output 75.0 79.0 93.0 93.0 98.0 98.0
detertnines the heating aftect and therefore,the Mp and holtl thresholtl For those
UL464 Average-anechoic Peak-anechoic
Temporal Steady Temporal Steady Temporal Steady
High dB Output 82.0 85.0 98.0 98.0 104.0 104.0
Low dB Output 75.0 82.0 94.0 94.0 99.0 99.0
dBA Oulput Notes anA Comments �
• All velues shown are tlBA measured et 10 feet(3.01 m).
• UL1480 values measuretl in reverberation room.
• Average values are measured in anechoic cham6er.
Page3oi6 DATA SHEET 85001-0341
Not to be usetl for installation purposes. Issue 6.7
. .
, Li�ght Output Patterns
15 cd I-SAI Series Strobes 15/75 cd I-7AI Series Strobes 30 cd 1-3AI Series Strobes 75 cd 1-4AI Series Strobes 110 cd(-8AI Series Strobes
HorizontalOutput NorizontalOutput Horizontal0u[put Horizontal0utput Horizonml0ucput
degrees degrees de9rees de9rees degrees
45 � 5 45 � 5 -15 � 5 d5 � 5 -15 � 5
-30 30 -30 30 30 30 -30 30 30 30
-45 5 -05 45 LS 45 -45 45 -45 OS
-60 60 -60 60 -60 60 -fi0 60 -60 60
-]5 ]5 -]5 ]5 -05 ]5 -75 ]5 -]5 ]5
-90 90 -90 90 -90 9� -90 90 -90 90
30 20 10 cd 10 20 30 100 50 cd 50 100 60 40 20 ctl 20 40 60 140 100 60 cd 60 100140 200 100 cd 100 200
VerticolOutput VerticalOutput Vertlwl0utput VerticalOutput Vertical0utput
-90_]5 '90-�5 -90-]5 -90-15 '90-]5
30 -60 100 -60 60 -60 140 -60 150 -60
-45 -45 -45 -45 -45
20 -30 -30 40 -30 300 30 300 30
10 '15 50 15 20 15 60 -15 50 15
<d 0 " cd 0 � cd 0 �O <d 0 � cd 0 �
30 15 � 15 � 24 15 � 60 15 � 50 15 �
30 50 30 0 300 30 100 30
Z� 45 45 40 45 45 45
30 90 5 60 100 90�5 60 �90 5 60 14 90�g 60 1S0 90 5 fi0
QAveroge llLminO QAverage ULminQ QAvemge ULminQ QHvemge ULminQ Qhvemge UlminQ
Specifications 90•
Rated Strobe Output-candela 75� �A T 757-5A-T 757-7A-T 757-3A-T 757-4A-T 757-8A-T
UL 1638 15 cd�oor 75 cd 30 cd 75 cd � �110 cd
UL 1 W 1 WA (horn only) 15 cd 15 cd wall 30 cd wall 75 cd wall 110 cd wall
(wall mount only) 15 cd ceiling 15 cd ceiling 60 cd ceiling 60 cd ceiling
ULC S526 15 cd 75 cd 30 cd 75 cd 120 cd
Standalone Synchronization Strobe flash at 1 per second within 200 milliseconds on common circuit Horn pulses at temporal rate
Charactenstics(note 2) within 200 milliseconds on common circuit
Operating Votts Strobe: 1633 Vdc or Viwr Continuous
Horn: 16-33 Vdc or Vfwr Continuous
Mechoic:High Setting-104 dBA(peak)/98 dBA(avg);Low Setting-99 d&4(peak)/94 tlBA(avg)
Horn Output(note 1) Reverberent:High Setting-85 dBA(continuous)/82 dBA(temporaQ;
Low Setting-82 d8A(continuous)/75 dBA(temporaQ
Horn Current High Output:40 mA�24 Vdc;55mA�24 Vrms FWR
Low Output:20 mA�24 Vdc; 28 mA�24 Vrms FWR
Strobe Flash Synchronization Synchronized ai one flash per second.Fxternal control module necessary to meet UL 1971 synchronization
requirements of 10 milliseconds over a two-hour penod.
Synchron¢ation Sources G1M-RM,SIGA-CC1S,SIGA-MCC1S,BPS6A,BPS10A
Strobe Marking Supplied with LKW-1 "FIRE"red letters,vertical both sides(Wall Mount) -see LKW and LKC series for ceiling
style and optional markings.
' Flash Tube Enclosure Clear LIXAN with white marking sleeve
Housing Textured,color impregnated engineered plastics-exceeds 94V-0 UL Flammability rating
Wire Connections Terminals-separate,polanzed inputs for Hom&Strobe,#12 AWG(2.Smrr�mazimum
INDOOR Operating Environment 32-120"F(0-49°C)ambient temperature.93�o relative humidiry�40"C
98%relative humidiry�40°C;-31-150°F(-35-66°C)ambient temperature
OUTDOOR Operating Environment (757-4A:rated at 48 cd�-35°C per U V�-40°C per ULC)
(must use weatherproof box) (757-7A:rated at 177 ctl�35°C per U V�-40°C per ULC)
(757-SA:rated at 707 cd�35°C per U V�-40°C per ULC)
Mounting-INDOOR Flush:North-Amencan 2-gang box,3"high x 4"wide x 2�'<"(69 mm)minimum
Surtace:757A-SB Back box Bi-directional:757A-BDF Mounting Freme
Mounting-OUTDOOR Surtace:757A-WB Weatherproof Box
Agency Ustings UL 1971,UL 1638,UL 464,ULC 5526,ULC 5525,MEA,CSFM,FM
(All models comply with ADA Code of Federal Fiegulation Chapter 28 Part 36 Fnal Rule)
Note 1•Measured at 10 R(3m)�24 Vdc.Subiract 3 tlBA for motlels wRh strobes.Note 2-Temporal autlible pattem is deFlnetl as:'@ sec ON,Yz sec OFF,Yz sec ON,%z sec
OFF,Yz sec ON,1 Fz sec OFF,then repeat cycle.Integrtry autlible will nol he affected by Genesis signal silenca operation when on the same lwo wire circuit with Genesis horn
Page 4 of 6 D A 7 A S H E E i 85001-0341
Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 6.1
, ��Ordering Information
Catalog Description Ship Wt., LKVJ-t "FIRE",Wall Onentation(supplied)
Number Ib.(kg) . LKW-1R "FIRE",Wall Onentation,RED
LKW-2 "FEU",Wall Orientation
Temporal Horns LKW-3 "FIRE/FEU",Wall Onentation
757-1A-T' Temporal Horn, Retl � 1.7(0.8) LKW-4 "SMOKE",Wall Onentation 0.1 (A5)
LKW-5 "HALON",Wall Onentation
Temporal Hom-Strobes LKW-6 "CO2",Wall Orientation
757-7A-T' Temporal Horn-Strobe, 15/75ctl,Red LKVJ-7 "EMERGENCY",Wall Onentation
757-5A-T' Temporal Horn-Strobe, 15cd,Red LKW-8 "ALARM",Wall Onentation
757-3A-T' Temporal Horn-Strobe,30cd,Red 2.0(0.9) LKW-9 "FUEGO",Wall Orientation
- - - Add SWflx NV to cata/og no.�orWHITE(e.g. 757-7A-N✓J
757-8A-T' Temporal Hom-Strobe, 110cd, Red Change'W to^C'lorCEILING mounc(e.g.LKCa)
Synchronization Sources �
G1M-RM Genesis Signal Master Remote Mount(1- 0.2 (0.1)
SIGA- Synchronization Output Module(Standard 0.5 (023)
CC1S Mount)-UWLCListed
SIGA- Synchronization Output Module(UIO Mount) 0.18 (0.08)
MCC1 S -UL Listed
BPS6A 6.5 Amp Booster Power Supply 13(5.9)
BPS10A 10 Amp Booster Power Supply 13(5.9)
Mounting Accessories
757A-SB' Surtace Box,Red,Indoor ��,5(0.7)
o e
757A-BDF' Bi-directional Frame,Red 4(1.8)
'Add-W/orWhite housings.
Lens Marking Kits(see note 1)
Page5of6 DATA SHEET 85001-0341
Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue6.1
. .
Contact us...
Email: edwartls.fire�is.utc.com
Web: wwwest-fire.com
EST is an EOWAROS brand.
1016 Corporata Park Drive
Mebane,NC 27302
In Canada,contact Chuhb Edwards... -
Email: inquirles�chubbedwerds.com
Weh: wwwchubbedwards.com
�2013 UTC Fre&Securrty Americas
Corporation,Inc.NI rights reservetl.
Specifiwlions subject to change
wi[hout notice.EtlwaMs is part of UTC
Climate,Cantrols 8 Securiry,a unit oi '
Unitetl Technologies Corporetion.
Page6of6 DATA SHEET 85001-0341 �
Noi to be used for installation purposes. Issue 6.7
. ,
, • .,�� EST Catalog►Power Suppiies antl Accessories
� ` �� � Click Here to Return to
' [ite Se,e�y � �omm��;�e«o�s ' I of Material/Index
,, �
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Remote Booster . � �������� ro� �
Power Su lies � ���� �� � �� � � �'
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PS6 BPS10A �� ` nnea
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Overview Standard Features
The Booster Power Supply(BPS)is a UL 864,9th Edition listed • Allows for reliable filtered and regulated power to be installed
power suppy. It is a 24 Vdc fltered-regulated, and supervised where needed
unit that can easily be configured to provide additional notification . Cost effective system expansion
appliance circuits(NACs)or auxiliary power for Mass Notfication/ provides for Genesis and Enhanced Integrity not�cation ap-
Emergency Communication(MNEC), as well as life safety, security, � Pliance synchronization
and access control applications.
• Supports coded output operation
The BPS contains the circuitry to monitor and charge internal Self-restoring overcurrent protection
or external batteries.Its steel enclosure has room for up to two �
10 ampere-hour batteries.For access control-only applications, • Multiple signal rates
the BPS can support batteries totaling up to 65 ampere-hours in • Can be cascaded or controlled independently
an external enclosure.The BPS has four Class B(convertible to . Easy field configuration
two Class F�NACs.These can be activated in one or two groups
� from the BPS's unique dual input circuits. • On-board diagnostic LEDs identify wiring or internal faults
� The BPS is available in 6.5 or 10 ampere models. Each output ' Standard Edwards keyed lockable steel cabinet with remov-
able door
circuit has a capacily of three amperes;total cument draw cannot
exceed the uniYs rating. • >>0 and 230 Vac models available
� • Accommodates 18 to 12 AWG wire sizes
� The BPS meets current UL requirements and is listed under the
following standards: • Optional tamper switch
. sw�aam�ccM �s�Nm�oo • Dual battery charging rates
UL864 9Ih ed.ition NOXJqFire Alarm Systems . Optional earthquake hardening:OSHPD seismic pre-approval
UL636(ANET,UEKK7) Holtlup Nartn Units antl Systems
UL609 WOTJ(AOTJ(� �e��iar uarm uo�cs aod sY:tems for component Importance Factor 1.5
UL2941(�LW,UEKK7) Access Conirol S/stems
UL365(APAW,APAW7) Police Slation Cqnnectetl Burglar Alartn Units antl Systems
UL1 W6(APOU,APOU7) Pmpnetary Burglar Alartn System Units
UL1 fi70(AMC� Cent21 Station Alartn Unit
ULGS521 NOXXC) Control Units,Fire Plartn(Canatla)
ULG5303 fp,OTX� Loral Burglar Alartn Unrts antl Systems(Canada)
C222 No.205 Signaling Equipment(Cenatl�
Page7of4 DATA SHEET 85005-0125
� Not to 6e used for installation purposes. Issue 5
� App!ication Dimensions
'ihe BPS�provides additional power and circuits for notification ap- �
pliances and other 24 Vdc loads. It is listed for indoor dry locations Q O
and can easily be installed where needed. � � Top View
Fauk conditions are indicated on the on-board diagnostic LEDs, �
opening the BPS input sense circuit and the trouble relay(if D2-►I D3
programmed).While this provides indication to the host system,
the BPS can still be activated upon command.A separate AC
Fail contact is available on the BPS circuit board,which can be �F—D4�0
programmed for trouble or AC Fail.There are seven on-board 3 Front View
diagnostic LEDs:one for each NAC fault,one for battery fault,one � O
for ground fault,and one for AC power. > �
The unique dual-input activation circuits of the BPS can be acti- �
vated by any voltage from 6 to 45 VDC(fltered-regulated)or 11 D1 N . O D6
to 33 Vdc(full-wave rectifed,unfltered).The first input circuit can O ,
be configured to activate 1-4 of the four possible outputs.The n
second input circuit can be configured to control circuits 3 and 4. All knockouts �
When outputs are configured for auxiliary operation,these circuits for 3/4 in conduit <
can be configured to stay on or automatically deactivate 30 sec- , (1.9 cm) , F
onds after AC power is lost.This feature makes these circuits ideal �
for door holder applications.The BPS also has a separate 200
mA 24 Vdc output that can be used to power internal activation
BPS NACs can be configured for a 33-3 temporal or continuous D1 02 D3 Da o5 Ds
output. Calrfornia temporal rate outputs are also available on cer- 17.0 in 3.5 in 13.0 in 6.5 in 3.375 in 72.0 in
tain models.This makes the BPS ideal for applications requiring (43z cm) (s.9 cm) (33.o cm) (�6.5 cm) (s.s cm) (30.4 cm)
signaling rates that are not available from the main system.
In addition to the internally generated signal rates,the BPS can
also be configured to follow the coded signal rate of the main Wire routing power-limited
system NACs.This allows for the seamless expansion of existing wiring area
The BPS enclosure has mounting brackets for up to three Signa- k
ture modules to the right of the circuit board. (}
Engineering Specification �2�
Supply,where needed, Edwards BPS Series Booster Power Sup- � o•
plies(BPS)that are interconnected to and supervised by the main ❑ '
system.The BPS shall function as a stand-alone auxiliary power g
.. supply with its own fully-supervised battery compliment.The BPS o [3]��
battery compliment shall be sized to match the requirements of Route AC supply o°
the main system.The BPS shall be capable of supervising and through these
charging batteries having the capacity of 24 arnpere-hours for knockouts only
Mass Notification/Emergency Communication(MNEC), life safety (Nonpower-limited a s
and security applications,and the capacity of 65 ampere-hours for and supervised) Battery wiring(nonpower-
access control applications. o limited and supervised) o ,
«The BPS shall be capable of installation for a seismic com- Battery Battery
ponent Importance Factor of 1.5.»The BPS shall provide a
minimum of four independent,fully supervised Class B circuits
that can be feld confgurable for notification appliance circuits or
auxiliary 24 Vdc power circuits. BPS NACs shall be convertible to
a minimum of two Class A NACs. Each BPS output circuit shall Noces
be reted at 3 amperes at 24 Vdc. Each output circuit shall be 1. Maintain Va-inch(6 mm)spacing between p�wer-iimited and nonpower-limitetl
provided with automatically restoring overcurrent protection.The �ring or usa type FPL,FPIR,or FPLP cable per NEC.
[2] Power-limited antl supervised when not configuretl as auxiliary power.Nom
BPS shall be operable from the main system NAC and/or Edwards supervised when confguretl as auwliary power.
Signature Senes control modules. BPS NACs shall be confgurable �a] Sourca must be powerlimitetl.Source tletermines supervision.
for continuous, 3-33 temporal or optionally, California rate. Fautt 4. When using larger battenes,make sure to position ihe battery tertninals towarcls
conditions on the BPS shall not impede operation of main sys- cne aoor.
tem NAC.The BPS shall ba provided with ground fault detection
circuitry and a separate AC fail relay.
Page 2 of 4 D A 7 A S H E E T 85005-0125
Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue5
, Typical Wiring
� NAC Circuit To next signaling
Single or cascaded booster NAC Circuil device,booster,or
anywhere on a notification appliance circuit EOL resistor
F�cistin NAC end-of-line resistors are not re uired to be > ; NAC output#1
9 4 FireAlarm NACoutput#2
installed at the booster's terminals.This allows multiple Control Panel `� N NAC output#3
boosters to be driven from a single NAC circuit without the g — NAC output#4
need for special configurations. -- —
Booster Power
Configuring the Booster for Multiple CC1(S) modules using the
AC Power Fail delay operation' BPS's sense inputs
° Notification appliance circuit(NAC) Notification appliance circuit(NAC)
NACt/+ UL lisled NAC1/ + Ul listed
AUX1 - II a EOL 75 kf] AUX1 - a a EOL 15 KW
A��+ Notification appliance circui�(NAC) A�� + Notifica[ion appliance circuit(NAC)
NAC3/ + UL listed NAC3/ + UL listed
AUX3 - II EOL 15 kfl AUX3 - II a EOL 15 KW
NAC4/ + NAC4/ +
AUX4 - AUX4 -
200 mAAUX N + 200 mAAUX�
Continuous m - Continuous m
IN + IN +
Sense 1 COM - Sense 1 COM EOL 47 K �
Sense 2 COM EOL 47 kft �� Sense 2 COM -
OUT CC1(S)module[7][3] OUT EOL47K
NO o o NO - + - +
Trouble COM a 3 2 i Trauble COM O O
NC NC �os ta
Tge � TBo CCt(S)module CC1(S)module
�.�CT,• Daia in hom Data out to � 4 3 2 1 9 s s �4 3 2 t
mo ul [4] P�e�ious device ne�A device
� �S or Signature - -t-
Daha in from previous "ihe Booster supports AC Power fail delay �31
device or SignaNre Data out to of three hours u�a tts tmuble contact when
controller nest device dip switch SW2-6 is oa AI�other troubles �
are reported to supervising module or panel
wilhou[delay via Sense inputs.
Security and access
Tet 24 V 12 V
NACV + Security Securiry EOL
AUXt - Z4���Z device device monitoring
NAC2l + devlCe
AUX2 -
AUX3 -
AUX4 -
Control panel BPS[1]
Card reader Card reader Card reader
controller controller controller
.. + — + — -F — + — + —
To next
[1� Disable the BPS's grountl faultjumper(JP3) or end
Page3oi4 DATA SHEET 85005-0125
Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 5
r � � �
�DWAR�S Model 6.5 amp Booster 10 amp Booster
AC Line Voltage 120VAC or 220-240VAC 50/60Hz 120VAC or 220-240VAC 50/60Hz
390 watts 580 watts
� Contact us... Notifcation Appliance . 3.OA max.per circuit�24Vdc 3.OA max.per circuit�24Vdc
Email: edwards.fire�h.utc.com
Circuit Ratings nominal 6.SA max total all NACs � nominal 10A mac total all NACs
Web: wwwest-�re com Trouble Relay 2 Amps�30Vdc
� E57 is an E�WARCa brentl. Auxiliary Outputs Four confgurable outputs replace NACs 1,2,3 or 4. as auxiliary
outputs and 200 mA dedicatetl auxiliary.(See note 2.)
1016 Corporete Park Drive Input CUffent 3mA�12VdC,6mA�24VdC
Mehane,NC 273a2 (from an existing NAC)
In Canada,contact Chubb Edwards... BOOstef Internal 70mA+35 mA for eaCh Circuit Set to AUX
Email: inquiries�chu6bedwards.com SuperviSOry Curr6nt
Web: WWw chubbedwards com
Booster Intemal Alarm 2���
' �2013 UTC Fire&Sewrity Americas Cuvent
Corporation,Inc.All rights reserved.
Specifwtions subject to change Signature Mounting Accomodates three two-gang modules.
without notice.Etlwards is part of UTC Space
Climate,Controls&Securiry,e unit oi Maximum Battery Size 10 Amp Hours(2 o(12V10A)in cabinet up to 24 Amp hours with ex-
United 7echnologies Corporauon. temal battery cabinet for fire and security applications;up to 65 Amp
hours for access control applications in e�ernal battery box.
Terminal Wire Gauge 18-12 AWG
� Relative Humidity 0 to 93�o non condensing�32"C
Temperature Rating 32'to 120°F(0°to 49"C)
NAC Winng Styles Class A or Class B
Output Signal Rates Continuous,Cal'rfornia rate,3-3-3 temporal,
or follow installed panePs NAC.(See note t J
Ground Fautt Detec[ion Enable or Disable via jumper
Agency Listings UL,ULQ CSFM
1. Motlel BPS'CAA proNdes selection for Califomia rate,In place of temporal.
2. Maximum of 8 Amps can 6e used for auwliary ou[put.
Ordering Information
Catalog Description Shipping
Number Wt.Ib(kg)
e � � 13(5.9)
BPS6AC 6.5 Amp Booster Power Supply(ULC) 13(5.9)
BPS6A/230 6.5 Amp Booster Power Supply(220� 13(5.9)
BPS6CAA 6.5 Amp Booster Power SuppN with California rate 13(5.9)
BPS10A 10 Amp Booster Power Supply 13(5.9)
BPSIOAC 10 Amp Booster Power Supply(ULC) � 13(5.9) '
BPStOA/230 10 Amp Booster Power Supply(220y 13(5.9)
BPSIOCAA 10 Amp Booster Power Supply with Califomia rate 13(5.9)
1. Requires installation of sepa-
rete battery wbinet Related Equipment
2. BPS supports battenes greater 12V6A5 72 Amp Hour Battery,two required 3A(1.6)
than 24 Amp hours for access �pV10A 10 Amp Hour Battery,rivo required 9.5(4.3)
controi applications ony.
3. For earthQuake anchorege, 3-TAMP Tamper switch
including tletaletl mouncing BC-1 E� Seismic Kit for BC-1. Order 8C-1 separately.See note 3.
weignts and center oi gravity gpSE� Seismic kit for BPS6A or BPS70 Booster Power Supplies.See
tlettil,refer to Seismic Applica- note 3
tion Guitle 3107676. Approval BC-1 Battery Cabinet(up to 2-40 Amp Hour Batteries) 58(26.4)
of panel anchorage to site
struc[ure may require local BG2 Battery Cabinet(up to 2-17 Amp Hour Batteries) 19(8.6)
AHJ,structural or civil engineer 7 pV17A 18 Amp Hour Battery,two required(See note 1) 13(5.9)
�"�"� 12V24A 24 Amp Hour Battery,two required(see note 1) 20(9.07) �
12V40A 40 Amp Hour Battery,two required(see notes�,2) 32(14.5)
12VSOA 50 Amp Hour Battery,two required(see notes 1,2) 40(18.14)
12V65A 65 Amp Hour Battery,iwo required(see notes 1,2) 49(222)
Page4of4 DATA SHEET 85005-0125 w
Not to be usetl for installation purposes. Issue 5
� . ,� r� DTK-120SRD
,�'� 54kA Series Connected Su�ge Protector with Ory Contacts
� DITEK • Gene�a/Product Specifications
_ �� . � - .
► � .
. ,
II -.����.
. . ,� ...�.
- a -
�.._.. .� -_
DITEK's DTK-120SRD protects 120V power on electrical circuits and control panels and has
Dry Contacts for remote notification of surge protection status. The hybrid series design
provides maximum critical load protection, with EMI/RFI filtering. The 120SRD is ideal for use
in UL Listed control panels where a UL Recognized Component is required. Use DITEK's
DTK-TSS4D when a UL Listed series surge protectorwith Dry Contacts is required.
Product Features Specifications
• Series design for fast response and Agency Approvals: UL1449 3rtl Edition, cUL, UL1283
best protection Protector Type: Type 2 Component Assembly for use in
• Compact design fits in a variety of Type 2 Applications
control panels Nominal Discharge Current Rating (In): 3kA
• Suitable for use on circuit breakers SCCR: 10kA
rated at 10kA AIC Operating Voltage: 120VAC
• Multi-stage hybrid circuit design MCOV: 150VAC
• UL 1283 EMI/RFI filtering Peak Surge Current: 54,000 Amps
• LED indicates protection status Maximum Continuous Current: 20A
• Form C Dry Contact circuit EMI/RFI Attenuation: Up to 35dB, 100kHz-100MHz
•Ten Year Limited Warranty Protection Modes: All modes (L-N, L-G, N-G)
Voltage Protection Rating: 600V
Tempereture Range: 32°F — 104°F (0°C - 40°C)
Dimensions: 6.87" x 3.50" x 2.50"
Weight: 12.16 oz.
Housing: ABS Click Here to Return to
Bill of Material/Index
' C�US
One DITEK Center 1-800-753-2345 Direct 1-727-812-5000 Document: SPS-100007-005 Rev 1 03/13
1720 Starkey Road 002013 DITEK Corp.
TechnicalSupport: 1-888-472-6100
Largo, FL 33771 wu�w.ditekcorp.com Specification Subject to Change
= . Click Here to Return to Bill of Material/Index
`O ,CNOX� aCnox-Box� 3200 Series
=����9F,rs�a�,P���<rs�,��e19�� HINC�EO �OOR MODEL
e oun HigF� Security IndustriaVGovernment Key Box
t e e
__—— O�
'°�' Front vew
Surface Mount (E �5"
� Heavy t/8"Thick SL8MIL55
Stainlc5e Steel Steel
�;_,.,.��� lockcover — DoorHinge
— e �. .� � q.
'`^� Hole for �
tampereeal o--
1/2"eolid plau '
eteel door —
The number one high-security KNOX-BOX� is used for most with gasket t —1/4"Solid eteel housing
commercial applications including businesses, schools, 3200 Surfaee Maunt
government and public buildings,community associations and
apartment complexes. The 3200 Series KNOX-BOX holds keys,
access cartls and other small items necessary for emergency Frone view side view
access. �-T'WIDE--{ —3"DEEP—
The hinged-door 3200 Series KNOX-BOX is more convenient
than the lift-off door version because it allows single-handed 1/4"euel case,
operation and opened or closed, iYs all one unit.
Features and Benefits T� - �
• Holds up to 10 keys and access cards in interior Hi�H
compartment —
• Ensures high security. Box and lock are UL�Listed
• Includes a Knox-Coat�proprietary finishing process Flangc �
(roceesed T�x T�flange
that protects Knox products up to four times better model only) (receeeed
than standard powder coat model only)
• Resists moist conditions with a weather resistant door 200 ecessed oun
• Hinged door allows single-handed operation
• Colors: Black, Dark Bronze or Aluminum Ordering Specificaiions
Weight: Surtacemount-81bs. Toinsureprocurementanddeliveryo/the3200SeriesKNOX-BOX,itissuggesfed
Recessed mount-9 Ibs. fhaf the/ollnwing specilication paragraph be used:
KNOX-BOX surface/recessed mount with hingetl door,with/without UL Lisied tamper switches.
1/4"plate steel housing,t/2"thick steel door with interior gasket seal and stainless steel door
0(7t10115 hinge. Box and lock UL Lis[ed. Lock has 1/8"thick stainless steel dust cover with tamper
• Alarm tamper switches(UL Listed) seal mounting capabiliry.
Fxterior Dimensions: Surface mount body-4'H x 5'W x 3-3/4'D
• Recessed Mounting Kit(RMK)for recessed models only Recessed mount ilange-7°H x 7"w
Lock: UL Listed. Double-action rotaiing iumblers and hardened steel
• Inside switch for use on electrical doors, gates and other pins accessed by a biased cut key.
electricalequipm0nt Finish: Knox-Coat�proprietaryfinishingprocess
Colors: Black,Dark Bronze or Aluminum
P/N: 3200 Series KNOX-BOX(mfr's cat.ID)
KNOX COMPFNY•1601 W.Deer Valley Road,Phoenix,AZ 85027 • (804)552-5fi69 • (623)687-2300 • Fax(623)687-2299 • Web:www.knox0oz.com • E-mail:info�knaxbox.com
"0'�NOX� Knox-Box� 3200 Series
s�,�,,,,.,,,�Re,po�de,�s;��e�s�s HINGE� �OOR MO�EL • MOUNTING OIAGRAM
Recessed Mounting Kit
Suggested minimum mounting height The 3200 Recessed Mounting Kit(RMK) is used
6 feet above ground for recessed models only. It contains a shell
�ar9e housing and mounting hardware to be cast-in-
Optional ���.i Thick �i
RearTamper j 5teel 'i place in new concrete or masonry construction.
sw�t�h � wa�Ine� � After construction is completed, the KNOX-BOX
J mounts inside the RMK. The RMK may only be
used in new concrete or masonry construction.
10 Installation In Cast Cancrete
Door— 1 To buildinq alarm syzum
opz�ona� b���d�-,e The optional Recessed Mounting Kit is for use
Hinge DoorTair,per arlarm
5witch i�i�i � .i i syetem in new concrete or masonry construction only.
�oo�— The kit includes a shell housing and mounting
s�a°e�aae s o� hardware to be cast-in-place.The KNOX-BOX is
Grade b Fastener mounted into the shell housing after construction
Flange� �5olid
Solid concrete wall — concrete IS COfTI leted.
wall p
3200 Series Hinged Door 3200 Series Hinged Door Dimensions
surface Mount Reeess Mount Rough-in Dimensions: 6-1/2"H x 6-1/2"W x 5"D
Inside View IMPORTANT: Careshouldbetakentoinsurethat
— ��8�_ s-va° ��a� — ihefrontoftheRPAKshellhousing,includingthe
a�a° — — s�a°— cover plaie and screw heads, is fiush with the
Rear Tamper ��8„
' i h wall.The RMK must be lumbed
to insure
s,�uh Ha�� �v Hook Hoi�s im s p
x� x� th vault.
„ verlical alignment oi e
o � 2-5/16
' --� a X� q��
µ ,.,,e Recessed Mounting Using RMK ehell is
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� 9 mounttd in wall
during new
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All mounting Alarm Wire Holee marked"1["are mount5 in5ide \ KnoGkouts
holes are 7/16" Exit Opcning ueed for mounting with RMK 5hell after for alarm
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mountin usc P wire conduit
9 5wiuh 6rade 8 fasunere con5truction
ac least 3/8" Mounoing Mo�es 4im rebar
Grade 5 or Grade 8 " for tie-in
fastenere '
-� to wall if
_. x
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__ � :
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RNOX COMPANY•1601 W.DeerValley Road,Phoenix,AZ 85027 • (800)552-5669 • (623)687-2300 • Fax(623)687-2299 • Weh:www.knoxbox.com • E-mail:in�o�knoxhox.com
�CODY�9��Z012. RnaxCampany Click Here to Return to Bill of Material/Index MIRYBSPEG-0�14D
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