31 COLUMBUS AVE - BUILDING PERMIT APP DATE: �itp of a ��ETTi, aaLU�Ett • R Q� PLANS MUST BE FILED AND APPROVED BY THE INSPECTOR PRIOR TO A PERMIT BEING GRANTED Location of Building ,/I� 401611?�bus rrU�7IU�_ Building Permit Application For: '(Circle whichever applies) Roof, Reroof, Instal ' ' g, o ct Dec , Shed Pool Addition, Alteration, Repa lace, o on Only, Wrecking Other: - I PLEASE FILL OUT LEGIBLY & COMPLETELY TO AVOID DELAYS IN PROCESSING To the Inspector of Buildings: The undersigned hereby applies for a permit to build according to the following specifications: Owners Name: �(U/tG (�jlr �� S fiP,Y Contractor: C h r; s t n gh P r z n r e Street q �I1_wPy S+ City`Re)JPAU Street 119 North StrPPtCity sal Pro StatelVlPr Phone (t7 State MA Phone (97.8) 741-0424 Architect: City of Salem Lic# 1405 Street City State Lic#0 5 7 7 3 3 HIP# 101609 State Phone ( ) _ Homeowners Exempt Form es�no Structure: (please circle Single Fam➢I • Multi Family# Other Estimated Cost of job$_ Will building confirm to law? I�yes no Asbestos?_yes "no Description of work to be done: Yl LP 10,-2_ 0 i i C'I-{ 4-P(n !i)l n P Lo I/SIng A, 7 mrw, A/)- V2rinl- 1-3S Px tS1 {ram SERVICES Drawing u mitted:_yes no Mail Permit to: 2-Y6 NORTH STREET X IIAI-Ebg At 9=$7A X Signa re of Applicatio ,SIGNED UNDER THE PENALTY OF PERJURY - - CONSTRUCTION TO BE COMPLETED WITHIN SIX(6)MONTHS OF PERMIT ISSUED DATE Department use only: Permit# -1�y- Zoning Map/Lot i Y - Permit fee$ COMMENTS: i < p m -a Z a -n - cn _.._..._.���1�,�.41r�.�✓.fi.Q{.f 111 X j 6.r.� . '�41`It r. �... . a I.�iI . r.�.:. at•.I i.f � ` .. :f I.5.i , ry 4' - 4`Fabtl3DtfA" '; cr1�'Gr.•-t°t.i311' ,) is�? �Y'P 11'it r Y: �,'.;JT ' ...A � • .tai.�ll�1 i3Fi'i4✓,'u°1!G,9:�:;::- f^ F.1 is ., .. - n Tti.'t/TRI";rI tli ,?� {%r • „L<� (;6 f-Ui`1'...'.i!l i.l�'; .'�I rig.. � �. 'ti�t�;lp7fl .T ➢71571 i i; -;f,•11 k.'1L: s ka4 :7 e�. .J /i ` yrs`