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� . 7 Adams St. L No� v ? City of Salem Ward !7_ r , VP,s.. ^xasex. APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO BUILD ADDITION, MAKE ALTERATIONS OR NEW CONSTRUCTION IMPORTANT-Applicant to complete all items in sections:1, It, 11t, IV, and IX- I. AT(LOCATION) DISM LOCATION (Ro.I 15TREEr) OF BETWEEN AND BUILDING (CROSS STREET) (CROSS`OTE1) SUBDIVISION LOT,BLOCK SIZE 11. TYPE AND COST OF BUILDING -All applicants complete Parts A -D A. TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT D. PROPOSED USE-FOR"DEMOLITION"USE MOST RECENT USE I Q New building Reside UM Nonrosidentat 2 O Addition fit residential,enter number Of new 12 One family 18 o Amusement,re0raatioral housing units added,it any.m pan D.13) 19 Q Chruch,other mligioua 13 ❑ Two or mom family-Enter number 20 ❑ Industrial �Aiteratdn{See?aboral of u+nls...___........__.-.._._.. ._____., 21 C:] Parking garage 4 F1Repairreplacement14 ❑ Transient hotel,motel,Or dormitory- 22 O Service station.repair garage Enter number or units ..............._._..._..� , 5 Wrecking(If muttAamily residential,sitar number _ 23 © Hospital,institutional of units in building in Part D. 13) 15 L ! ?.asage 24 ❑ Office,bank.professional 6 O Moving iihocahoru 16 ❑ Carpon 25 ❑ Public utility . . 7 Foundation only 26 ❑ School,library.other educational 17 ❑ Other-Specify 27 0 Stores-mercantile E.OWNERSHIP 28 0 Tanks,towers 8 9Prhrate tindivduai.corporation.nonpront [3 Other-Specifyinstitution,etc.) 29 9 ❑ Pubiic(Federal,Sate,or 1=1 government C.COST (Omit cents) Nonresidehtial-Describe in detail proposed use of buildings,e.g.,food processing pant machine shop-laundry building at hospital,elementary school,secondary school,Calk", 10. Cost of improvement .................... parochial school,parking garage for department store,rental office building,office building ........_........_ ................. $ at industrial plant.If use of existing building is being Changed,enter proposed use. To be installed but not included in the above cast a. Electrical...................................._._................_.........._.., b. Plumbing............................_........................................ .... c. Heating.ah conditioning.._...._..__...._...._......._........ d OtherclevainCetc.)_......_._._._.__...._._............ it. TOTAL COST OF IMPROVEMENT III. SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS OF BUILDING -For new buildings and additions, complete Parts E-L;demolition, complete on Pans J&M,alt others skip to IV E. PRINCIPAL TYPE OF FRAME F. PRINCIPAL TYPE OF HEATING FUEL G. TYPE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL L TYPE OF MECHANICAL 30 ❑]M"+asonry(wall bearing) 35 Q Gas 40 Public or private Company Will there be cental air 31 ,S{ Wood hams 36 til 41 ❑ Private miotic tank,etc.t conditioning? 32 rL-�J SlrucNml steal 37 Q Electricity 44 Q Yes 45"g'No 33 Q Reinforced concrete 38 Q Coal H. TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY Will there by an elevator?�����,..rJ�/�� 34 Q Other-Specify 39 Q Other-Specify 42 Public or private company 46 Q Yes 4'w*� No 43 ❑ Private(wail,ouster) J.DIMENSIONS M. DEMOLITION OF STRUCTURES: 48.Nurtiber of smries_._........_..._......._........._.__..._..._ 49. Total square feet of floor area r as tbom based on eatenw Has Approval from Historical Commission been received - dimensions .._................__......................_................... for any structure over fifty(50)years? Yes_ No- 50. Tow land area so.ft........_._._....................._.._.....,.. Dig Safe Number K.NUMBER OF OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES Past Control: 51. Enclosed.............._....._.............._._.........._....._..._.. _ DISCONNECTED? 32. Outdoors..............._...._...._..........................._.............. HAVE THE FOLLOWING UTILITIES BEEN Yes No - L RESIDENnAL BUILDINGS ONLY Water: - 53. Enclosed........_.... __----_..__-._._.._,_..__.._...__ Electric: Gas: Full__....._......__....m......_ .Sewer` 54. Number of Dam ooms BEFORE DOCUMENTATION PE MIT CAN BE ISSUED MUST BE ATTACHED Paris . i......._.................._..._ IV. COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: Historic District? Yes_ No_ (If yes,please enclose documentation from Hist Com.) Conservation Area? Yes_ No— (If yes,please enclose Order of Conditions) Has Fre Prevention approved and stamped plans or applications? Yes_ No_ Is property bated in the S.R.A.district? Yes— No Comply with Zoning? Yes..._ No_ (If no,enclose Board of Appeal decision) - Is lot grandfathered? Yes_ No_ (If yes,submit documentationlf no,submit Board of Appeal decision) If new construction,has the proper Routing Slip been enclosed? Yes_ No— Is Architectural Access Board approval required? Yes_ No_ (If yes,submit documentation) Massachusetts State Contractor License# Salem License# Home Improvement Contractor# Homeowners Exempt form(if applicable) Yes_. No— CONSTRUCTION TO BE COMMENCED WITHIN SIX(6)MONTHS OF ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMIT B an extension Is necessary,please submit CONSTRUCTION IS TO BE COMPLETED BY: in writing to the Inspector of Buildings. V. IDENTIFICATION - To be completed by all applicants Narre Mailing address-Number,sheet city.and state 21P Code Tel.No. 1 SOS Owner or /{ Losse- Lr OI.Y�, Q.�a iii l,/•-5 z, M Contractor Bene Licensse NN o. Arehiledor Eroleer 44a' I - --[:—A/T I I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and that I have been authorized by the owner to make this application as his authorized m an we a ree to conform to all applicable laws of this jurisdiction. Signature of applicant Address /I pi tion e �/FT, DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE =w vALIDATION BUllding �� FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY TRerrnit number Use Group - 'Building y g Permit ISSUed Fire Grading""�� Building Live(N LNeLoading Permit Fee $ . .Vr m Occupancy Load Certificate of Occupancy $ Approved by: ,Drain Tile $ Plan Review Fee $ p T %NOTES AND Data•(For department use) q t v Cl PERMIT TO BE MAILED TO: DATE MAILED: Construction to be started by: Completed by: VI ZONING PLAN EXAMINERS NOTES DISTRICT USE FRONT YARD SIDE YARD SIDE YARD REAR YARD -- NOTES SITE OR PLOT PLAN -For Applicant Use _ oN . APPOINTMENT FOR FINAL 5a ,� F.i�ce Department L,S1'E^TIO�JP,7USTBE F--te P-mevent.,on BwceaL M'ii,E AT LEAST ONE WEEK 48 La4ayette Street AFr'O!NTMENT FOR FINAL AHE;;D-------........................... Salem, Ma 01 970 IN'S1'ECT IOi�J MUST BE (508) 745-7777 M+DE AT LEAST ONE WEEK AHEAD FIRE DEPARTMENT CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FOR BUILDING PERMIT In accordance with the prov-i.6-ion6 o6 the Mad4achu sett6 State Buitd.Lng Code and the Satem F4,te Code, appt.i.cat.i.on i.6 hereby made 4o,% approvat o4 plans and the -1.6-6uance o4 a cent.i.4i.cate o4 approval bon. a buZeding pen_m-(t by the Salem FZlLe Depantmervt. (Re4. Section 113. 3, Mafia. State Bldg. Code) Job Location: c /gppo�na L 3 Owner./Oceu ant: r /� q� �o I�tiT p s S D h l_.of toJ �/e, .4 �y4n qT M, 'PQ_o EZee.t, cat Contractor: SRT TB���q +CVS /"l C l�eTinaLT oy�F < FZi Le Suppne.6zZon Contractor: 7.lFPr S. Appatun.e v4 Ap plicant: �J_'J[/ (/� // Phone Add,%"" o4 //►� � n Ci ty on Applicant: ,>/7a19YYlS 7, Town: / Approval date: Cent,L4,Lcate o4 apprvvaC Zz hereby granted, on approved plan. or .6ubm-itta.k 04 project detai.Z6, by the Salem FZ&e Department. Alt pian-6 are approved eotety 4or .i.denti4Zcat.Zon o4 type and location o4 44Le protection device, and equipment. AtZ plana are aubject to approvaC v4 any othet auth.onity ha.vZng jun i.6d.i,etl.on. Upon eomptet-i,on, the appt.Zeant o2 to 6taZZet(A) zhatt nequeat an tn.6peetion and/or teat o4 the 4.ia.e protection devtcea and equipment. ( ** FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS, SEE REVERSE SIDE ** ) New eon6truetlon. Property Zocation hates no compliance wdth the pn.ov.ia.i.on 6 o4 Chapter 148, Seeti.on 26 C/E, M. G. L. , relative to the tn.ataCation o4 approved 4.Zce ata�m dev.ice6. The owner o4 th i.6 property .i.6 ,Lequ.i Led to obta n compliance " a condi tion o4 obta Lni.ng a Bu-LZd i.ng Penm.i t. 0 Property Zocati.on .i.6 .in compliance wi th the provt-,btona o6 Chapter 148, Section 26 C/E, M. G. L. Expt4.a-ti.on date: Cj S4..-qo F 9.i.cc4LaZ Fee due: under 7 , 500 Sq. Ft. - $10. 00 7 , 500 Sq. Ft. or Zoiger - $25 . 00 Foam #81 (Rev. ' 01/90 ) FIRE DEPARTMENT CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FOR BUILDING PERMIT In compliance with the provision of Section 113.5 of the Massachusetts State Building Code, and under guidelines agreed upon by the Salem Bldg. Inspector and the Salem Fire Chief, the applicant for a building permit shall obtain the Certificate of Approval (see reverse side) and stamped plan approval from the Salem Fire Prevention Bureau. Said application and approval is required before a building permit may be issued. The Massachusetts State Building Code requires compliance approval of the Salem Fire Department, with reference to provisions of Articles 4 and 12 of the Building Code, the Salem Fire Code, Massachusetts General Laws, and 527 Code of Massachusetts Regulations. z w LL m tJ The applicant shall submit this application with three (3) sets of plans, M f_ o drawn in sufficient clarity, to obtain stamped approval of the Salem Fire o O �- Department. This applies for all new construction, substantialto z � Q 3 alterations, change of use and/or occupancy, and any other approvals w z u required by the Massachusetts General Laws, and the Salem Fire Code. 3 U Q Olu "� Q Exception: Plans will not be required for structural work when the a e _L., proposed work to be performed under the building permit will a not, in the opinion of the Building Inspector, require a plan to show the nature and character of the work to be performed. Notice: Plans are normally required for fire suppression systems, fire alarm systems, tank installations, and Fire Code requirements. Under the provisions of Article 22 of the Massachusetts State Building Code, certain proposed projects may not require submission of plans or complete compliance with new construction requirements. In these cases, provisions of Article 22, Appendix T, and Tables applicable shall apply. This section shall not, however, supersede the provisions outlined in the Salem Fire Prevention Regulations, Chapter 1489 MGL, or 527 Code of Massachusetts Regulations. All permits for fire code use and/or occupancy shall apply for the entire structure; fire alarm and/or smoke detector installation shall apply to the entire structure based upon current requirements as per Laws and/or Y Codes, but the existing structure may comply with regulations ¢ w applicable for existing structures. z w 3 u M w Z Notice: Sub-contractors may also be required to file individualp o applications for a Fire Department Certificate of Approval " :3 � for the area of their work. Such sub-contractors shall file z w LU an Application to Install with the Fire prevention Bureau o prior to commencing any work for those areas applicable. ¢ i O ^,� LI IL Form 81X (10/90) r -.._.� - -- - 014104 NT2 CL OSE Ali 3a,r Al -. i Ki Bch e n A , � ; V-0 Vz !--- ;--? +C -APP'D. �2 r I __ CovNTF2 & _ — -- 7Z ITY sw0_F� S U,JvlBTU T. THESE D' 5%T KEPT KEPT 911 APPROVED 6 4d SUN"et to approval any othe j ty Navin ! i '-as`F^_ g jurisdiction. P Oi y of 9ALEPd, R�;VETd7'ION ' �U I- PLAM AE–APPRXED.,CLh'Y FOR IDENTIFICATION OF ti TYFE AND LOCATION TA _ c! OF FIRE PROTECTION NDEVICES.�.,. G' •� u . -i1 — FINAL TEST P<D 1;1SPECTI014,FOR CON',FLE IL COWP ANCE VWFI T', F!PF CODE, 13T FLoo 7 Aid AM 5 5T i 'Al RR ! n 1- I.0 - 1 {. I � I K-D � � FLOOR x tl lid 1' i c !' y j .,.y",�S- 'i77.`�""`->,1 .3+':raabA�.�.�9'L+''ric �'"•�� 3i✓ 5 - .�"�']� ! G ti CITY Of SALEM HEALTH DEPARTMENT 142 F�! e86 BOARD OF,HEALTH CIT} pr S Lil��k1iS� Salem, Massachusetts 01970 ROBERT E. BLENKHORN 9 NORTH STREET HEAL(H AGENT 4 (617) 741-1800 August 12, 1986 Roger Romanuk 7 Adams Street Salem, Mass. 01970 Dear Sir: Numerous complaints have been received relative to rodents and squirrels at 7 Adams Street. An on site inspection was conducted on August 8, 1986 and August 11 , 1986 and the following were noted: 1 . There is a decayed, rotted wooden shingled shed structure in the back yard. The whole structure is in disrepair with walls and roof having caved in leaving large open areas. 2. There is an overgrowth of grass and weeds around the property and an overgrowth of shrubs on the front sidewalk. 3• There is an unregistered automobile filled with rubbish. All of the above constitute potential health, safety and fire hazards to the neighborhood area, especially to children. You are hereby ORDERED to take the following action within (10) Ten days of receipt of this Order. Contact the Building Inspector with regard to removal or securing of this structure. Cut and clean out all overgrowth of grass , weeds and shrubs around the property and cut back overgrowth of shrubs on sidewalk. Empty vehicle of all rubbish. Remove said motor vehicle. continued @� f, SALEM HEALTH DEPARTMENT 9 North Street Salem, MA 01970 Roger Romanuk Page 2 August 12, 1986 If you are not the owner or peri66 responsible for the maintenance kindly notify this office immediately of this and provide the name of person or persons who are. .If this matter- is in litigation, kindly provide name of legal counsel . As an occupant of this property your responsibilities under Chapter Two of the State Code Minimum Standards for Human Habitation, Section 602 (B) are as follows : The occupant of any dwelling unit shall be responsible for maintaining in a clean and sanitary condition and free of garbage, rubbish, other filth or causes of sickness that part of the dwelling which he exclusively occupies or controls. Failure on your part to comply within the specified time will result in a complaint being sought against you in Salem District Court. Should you be aggrieved by this Order, you have the right to request a hearing before the Board of Health. A request for said hearing must be received in writing in the office of the Board of Health within seven (7) days of receipt of this Order. At said hearing, you will be given an opportunity to be heard and to present witness and documentary evidence as to why this Order should be modified or withdrawn. You may be represented by an attorney. Please also be informed that you have the right to inspect and obtain copies of all relevant inspection or investigation reports, orders and other documentary information in the possession of this Board, and that any adverse party has the right to be present at the hearing. We request that you and/or owner or person responsible for maintenance of this property, contact this office as soon as, possible to expedite this matter. FOR THE BOARD OF HEALTH ROBERT E. BLENKHORN, C.H.O. HEALTH AGENT REB/m 1 ccilding Inspector Fire Department Michael O' Brien, City Solicitor Louis Mroz, Administrative Aide to Mayor Salvo Councillor John Nutting a OtV of ire Departs ent �Ieabquartrrs 48 TiiafnBrttr '�'6Irrrt r CC) 7 ROBERT J. CROWLEY +2' NChief �n January 6 ,1986 Mr. Roger Romanoff Re: Garage f7 Adams Street Unregistered Auto. Sal-em—, MA-01970 Sir: Based on a complaint and a follow-up inspection of the property listed above, and the conditions found as a result of this inspection, the following will be required: 1- The cutting of all excessive growth of vegetation on the property. Violation of Mass. General Laws-Chap. 148, Section 5. 2- The removal from the property the unregistered automobile. Violation of City of Salem 00rdinance. Massachusetts Board of Fire Prevention Regulations CMR 527 10. 11:(5)(a). 3- Boarding up of_thesgarage to�preyent_any-unauthori-zed entry_. 4- Contact the Building Inspector as to the intent you have fot the future use of this garage. This structure (garage) is a definite fire hazard to the neighboring properties. Please contact this office if you unable, to carry out this order within the next 30 days. Reinspection date from this office will be on Feb. 6, 1986. Failure to comply with this order:-will �,result in Superior Court action. Per Order, Orman P. LaPointe Fire Inspector cc: Building Inspector co:Tnu Cri of '�iafem, r �a5earf luie#ts Y \^..`_' ,� sire �1rp.+.rt mrnf ];�raii;iusri rrn l3 �L.aifntir.ir �lrrrt ��ium, jilu. L1141711 Jo����h P. Sullivan � n Chici June 28, 1986 0 Mr. Roger Romanoff ; c Al 7 Adams Street Salem, MA 01970 a rn Sir: On January 6, 1986 I hand delivered a letter to your house and left it in the mail box with the other mail I returned later that afternoon and the mail box was empty. It is therefor assumed that you did in fact receive my letter refering to the automobile, garage, and large accumulation of vegetation on and next to the neighbors on both sides of your property. Based on complaints and a many follow-up site inspections of your property, and the conditions found as a result of these inspections , the following is required immediately. 1- The cutting ok all excessive growth of vegetation on the property and up to the properNaChapter 148, Section 5. 2- .The removal fr e property the unregistered automobile. Violation of Th of Salem Ordinance. 3- Boarding up of th ga ge to prevent any unauthorized entry. 4- Contact the Buildiector as to the intent you have for the future use of this garage. This structure (garage) is a definite fire hazard to the neighborhood. Please contact this office within one week of receipt of this letter. Failure to comply with this order will result in court action. Pe rde r, NO �aPointe � Fire Inspector cc: Building Inspector Certified Mail #P-154-221-960