DERBY LOFTS-COS ISSUED - BUILDING INSPECTION tl ! I 74520 40% P4 �� �' k -, _.. \,� 201 X30/ yo/ sD1 601 202 302 502 hoz 303 yQ3 603 203 -�Jbs Soy NOH 3Dy ZOy 305 yam 5 S- ZO�� 304 606 z®¢ 307 20yC, 5081 7 qoq so3 24L' 204 3/0 y(o slo b/® 2/0 311 511 Z(( 5 C.Q"ss�see lssvF� FowvrrveL s7eeE 9y�� A'NngJ�E. Srn� 'yz76 .— SFJ 56Z— ©y /2/J2/Zeo-5 Com. i1Sv� Certificate No: 601`42004 Building Permit No.: 601-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the --------C-OOMINIUM located at ----- - ---N--E------------------- ---- Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY-OF SALEM — - - - -- -------------- - - - - Address TowrJCity Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 UNIT#201 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires ...... ......E sooner suspended or oked. Exprtation Date Issued On:Tue Nov 22,2005 t ------ - GeoTMS®2005 Des t.auriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. ---- - --------------- --f-------- -- -------------------------- ----- CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT 1 ,0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 601-2004 !GIS# rIJ62 -� 2222_--� COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map CITY OF SALEM Block: j ILot - - 0485 Category 102 New Single family, ' mir0t 004 - i eeBUILDING PERMIT lProlectIt JS-2004-0969 tEsC Cost Fee: $0.00 IConst Class: j PERMISSION IS HEREB Y GRANTED TO: ;Use Group: I _� Contractor: License: Lot Size(sq. ft.): ,1107i2 iJames J. Welch & Co, Inc. General Contractor- CS 067486 .Zonings _._ 10wner: DERBY LOFTS LLC ,Units Gained: jApplicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC ,Units Lost - ;AT. 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 #�Q/ [Dig Safe#. ' ISSUED ON. 05-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON: EXPIRES ON. 05-Aug-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 601-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 1 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas Plumbing Buildin II nderground: Underground: Underground: Excavation: L cn Service: / eters N� Footings: liough:r�C3 ILuugh: ��� ,At`j Rough: f���� U,��l// Foundation: Final:�/ / ,� Fina itA�1$-s Final. \ D�{/' Rough Frame: F i r c p I a m/C"'h i m n i•y: U.P.W. Fire Health �11e1cr: Oil: Insulation ,4,4House# Smoke: Final: Tr a, ry: Water: Maim: Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAYBE REVOKED BY THE MY OF SALEM U ON VIOLATION OF AN ' [TS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Q . d Signature: Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING KF.(:-2'004-001026 05 Feb-04 006273 $0.00 - s -:.�.:..a....-:.� _._' GeoTNIS©2004 Des Laurier s Municipal Solutions,Inc. Call f0i to OCCUPY GVE AD CITY OF - SALEM BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS t' BUILDING DEPARTMENT 120 WASHINGTON STREET 31iD FLOOR TEL: 978-745-9595 KIMBERLEYDRISCOLL FAX' 978-740-9846 MAYOR . . • . THOMAS STPIERRE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROPERTIES/BUILDING COMMISSIONER October 22, 2012 RE: Certificate of Occupancy Pick Up To whom it may concern, It has come to this Department's attention that the Certificate of Occupancy associated with your property,business and or residential unit has not been paid($30.00 fee—Paid to the City of Salem) for; nor has it been retrieved from our office at 120 Washington Street, Salem, Massachusetts. As Per Massachusetts State Building Code Section 111 —Certificate of Occupancy,this document must be secured from our office to close out your Building Permit and legally allow use of your unit or building. You are hereby directed to contact this office immediately upon receipt of this letter or come to our office and pay for and receive the Certificate. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. If you have any question please feel free to contact the Building Inspector's Office. Respectfully, Michael Lutrzykowski Assistant Building Inspector Cc: file, Jason Silva, U- (AD+1'-- �°u C rf y J C7- rA r-- f s �VJApo/ 2 nA-/ .i 4L Gose M=Rd PIts P% 25 •I• J� @@ PITNEY BOWES $ 02 1P 000.40 e 0003961766 NOV 01 2012 i MAILED FROM 71Pr..ODF 7 1 n in yk sA-; z © T/--O/u 1 . Ji LILI.I,II I ,rllt�lU .I IIIIIihIIL111,IILIhIIIJ I v". Atii�JraNxi�. i ` x `; F' I - l : Certificate No: 261-13 Building Permit No.: 261-13 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at Dwelling Type 51 LAFAYETTE STREET in the CITY OF SALEM -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51 LAFAYETTE STREET UNIT 610 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date Issued On: Mon Oct 15, 2012 ---------------------- - -- -- -- - ------ -------------------- GeoTMS®2012 Des Landers Municipal Solutions,Inc. --------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------- 1 Certificate No: 261-13 Building Permit No.: 261-13 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at ----------------------------------------------------- Dwelling Type 51 LAFAYETTE STREET in the CITY OF SALEM Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51 LAFAYETTE STREET UNIT 610 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires - unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date Issued On: Mon Oct 15, 2012 GeoTMS®2012 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. Derby Lofts Condominium Trust C/o Harvest Properties, LLC 441 Main Street, Suite 206 Melrose,MA 02176 September 10, 2012 Michael Lutryzkowski C/o City of Salem Inspectional Services Dept. 120 Washington Street 3rd Floor Salem,MA 01970 Dear Mr. Lutryzkowski, We have reviewed the governing documents of the Derby Lofts, which are the Master Deed and Declaration of Trust with By-Laws, and note that there is no provision in the governing documents prohibiting a Unit Owner from installing a non-load bearing wall within the unit to convert the unit from a 1 to a 2 bedroom unit. Accordingly, no Board approval is necessary for an owner to convert a 1 bedroom to a 2 bedroom unit. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns. Thank you, R 2 mpbell,CMCA,AMS Harvest Properties,LLC On Behalf of the Board of Trustees Cc: Board of Trustees Francine D'Agostino (P) 781.979.9199 • (F) 781.979.0660 info@harvestprops.com • www.harvestprops.com ses pos). 49 z tfumest Propertim LLC J :n P1701110Y BOWES 441 Main Street,Suite 206 02 1P $ 000.450 MOrme,MA 02176 0003097343 SEP 11 2012 MAILED FROM ZIP CODE 02176 llillm i1fillillmillimillifill till IMA111111111),li till li I it H tl iil IIII Ili I i it it ill I II lilt S t if r QTY OF SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS BUILDING DEPARTMENT s _ 120 WASHINGTON STREET, 3RD FLOOR gBpry�° TEL: 978-745-9595 FAx: 978-740-9846 M BERLEYDRISCOLL MAYOR THOMAS ST.PIERRE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROPERTIES/BUILDING COMMISSIONER Re-Instatement of Certificate of Occupancy 51 Lafayette Street — Unit 610 September 13, 2012 Ronald and Francine D'Agostino 51 Lafayette Street—Unit 610 Manhasset,New York 11030 Mr. and Ms. D'Agostino, The ensuing communication shall serve as notice that as of September 13, 2012; your Contractor has filed the appropriate paperwork regarding work at 51 Lafayette Street—Unit 610. All requirements of this Department's September 6, 2012 letter have been met thus: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FOR UNIT 610, LOCATED AT 51 LAFAYETTE STREET IS HEREBY RE-INSTATED IMMEDIATLEY. Thank you for your cooperation. Respectfully, Michael E. Lutrzykowski Assistant Building Inspector Cc: file, Fire Prevention,Jason Silva,Harvest Properties 17 CITY OF SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS BUILDING DEPAR'T'MENT 120 WASHINGTON STREET,3RD FLOOR 9� "'^Mt TSL:978-745-9595 xtNmERLEY DRtSCOLL FAx: 978-740-9846 MAYOR THOMAS STYIERRE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROPERTIES/BUILDING COMMISSIONER Removal of Certificate of Occupancy 51 Lafayette Street — Unit 610 September 6, 2012 Ronald and Francine D'Agostino 25 Plymouth Road Manhasset,New York 11030 Mr. and Ms. D'Agostino, The ensuing communication shall serve as our follow-up to our September 6, 2012; telephone call regarding the unpermitted work at 51 Lafayette Street—Unit 610. Complaints were received by our Department the aforementioned property and upon inspection on Tuesday, September 4, 2012 the property was found to be in violation of the Massachusetts State Building Code. 1- Un permitted electrical and construction work. (Section 105.0 of 780 CMR Massachusetts State Building Code) —Building Permit Application Form,Permit Fee, Debris Disposal Affidavit, Worker's Compensation Affidavit and Stamped Drawings from a Registered Massachusetts Architect(with review from Salem Prevention prior to submittal to the Building Department) are required to be submitted during the filing. 2- Provide a signed and notarized affidavit from a Registered Massachusetts Architect stating the work completed is in compliance with the Massachusetts State Building Code. With standing this letter de-construction of the partition wall shall be required to review code compliance. 3- Electrical permit shall be applied for by a licensed Massachusetts Electrician, with disclosure to such department that work has been previously completed. 4- Code Review by a Registered Massachusetts Architect. 5- A signed letter from the Condominium Association approving said Architectural plans. CITY OF SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS BUILDING DEPARTMENT 120 WASHINGTON STREET, 3'FLOOR ' L: 978-745-9595 KBaERLEY DRiSCOLL FAx: 978-740-9846 MAYOR THOMAS STYIERRE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROPERTIES/BUILDING CONMSSIONER Until such time that all requirements of this letter and any and all further requirements are complete: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FOR UNIT 610, LOCATED AT 51 LAFAYETTE STREET IS HEREBY REVOKED IMMEDIATLEY. You are hereby ordered to begin to rectify these conditions immediately upon of receipt of this notice. Failure to do so may result in Municipal tickets and further actions being brought against you, up to and including the filing of criminal complaints at District Court. You have the right to appeal this order to the State Board of Building Regulations at One Ashburton Place, Boston, Ma. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact the Building Inspectors Office at (978) 745-9595, extension 5648. Respectfully, Michael E. Lutrzykowski Assistant Building Inspector Cc: file, Fire Prevention, Jason Silva,Harvest Properties Certificate No: 602-2004 Building Permit No.: 602-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts - City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at - --------- ---- --Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51-71 LAFAYETTE STREET UNIT#202 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires . ....... -_- _ _ unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date - Issued On:Thu Nov 17,2005 -- — -- - - GeoTMS®2005 Des Lauriers Municipal solutions,Inc. ------------ - --- --- CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT _ - �CHECK C.K_N_ 3710 of *a Kir4usps � .� 820.00 11r FIRE DEPARTMENT-FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Fee Paid O Fort Avenue Salem,Massachusetts .01970-5232 (978) 745-7777 11/16/05 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date) In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148, G.L. as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved . within residential occupancies as applicable . Owner: Derby Lofts LLC (FWI oame of anon,ram ar oorporttioo ilmmed Permit) Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING 0 One Family Dwelling - Type of Occupancy: 0 Two Family Dwelling MCondominium Unit k 9n7 at 51 Lafayette Street (Give lorwtian by street and onmber,or deaaibe m such a onaner m m pm//ideea�ade to i gyration of lontiod NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID,for sale or transfer L�I of real estate, 60 days after date of issueosis°° rRalal pantieg Parma) Fir Inspector (Title) Form N81A(Rev.6/99) - 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 602-2004 Ic%s a: 1362 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS iMap: —34----- CITY OF SALEM LBlock: Lot: 0485 Category: 102 New Single family Permit# 602-2004 BUILDING PERMIT [Project# —JS-2004-0970 IEst.Cost $0.00 jFee: $0.00 ---_ L onst Class: PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: I Use Group:_ l Contractor: License: 'Lot Slze(sq. ft.): 20752 y James J. Welch & Co. Inc. General Contractor-CS 067486 Zoning. IB5 l owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC Unns Gained: T JApplicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC [Units Lost: — — „- 'AT: 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 0`202— Rig Safe#: ISSUED ON: 05-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON: EXPIRES ON: 05-Au,--2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 602-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 2 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas Plumbin>? Buildin - Underground: Underground: (��j(J Underground: Excavation: ser,icc: / Moeiro Rough `��,jp —63 -�.✓ Rough: `\� /11 _ Rough: Foundation: FinFinal: nal: Rough Frame: Filial: _ � FiV` 111 � Fireplace/Chimney: D.P.W. Fire - I Ith Insulation: Meter: Oil: ,. .. House N Smoke: Final: JF g//� 0/t � e/w Tre ry: IAA alai- .Alai m. sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM VIOLATION OF AN , ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. / _ kt Signature: Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING REC-2004-001027 05-Feb-U4 ,,�v,406273' $0.00 �`�-- u�nn tas°rty>i�14:, I of«srh;, G1�cS2 cell Geo'FNIS©2004 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,hie. ucOc Call fog PEorroit to l/ PY •C 1lCYE M CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT Certificate No: 603-20d4- ` ' Building Permit No.: 603-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71in the CITY OF SALEM - - -- ---------------------------------------------- - - - Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51-71 LAFAYETTE STREET UNIT#203 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto, and expires -_Saturday Dec 17,2005 unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date Issued On:Thu Nov 17,2005 ---- GeoTMS®2005 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PER1VIIT -0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 603-2004 clS#. — 1362 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS IMap 34 CITY OF SALEM Block: 0485. Category: 1102 New Single family Perm,t# 603-2004 BUILDING PERMIT _ T Project # CJS-2004-0992 Est. Cost: $0.00 'Fee: $0.00 rConst. Class: '' PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: !Use Group: Contractor: License: Lot Size(sq. ft.T20752 James J. Welch & Co. Inc. General Contractor-CS 067486 Zr oning B5 Owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC 11 Units Gained. _ APPlicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Lost: Dig Safe# - _ —_—SAT: 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 -4!K20,--3 ISSUED ON. 17-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON.- EXPIRES ON. 17-Aug-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 603-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 3 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas Plumbine Buildin Underground: Underground: Underground: Excavation: Service: Nl eter: .� Footings: �- 4 ` i Rough:-2/b"a�i/� Rong (�tr F� / Raugh:o� '/��O � Foundation:. ''��trtr(( Final- / Final: Final: Rough Frame: 1r ((((((���/// wo W cJ}LLS Fireplace/Chimney: D.P.W. Fire Health Insulation: Meter: Oil: Final Ilouse H Smoke Treasury: Water: Alarm: -Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM U OLA'ITON OF ANY Qk ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. mea. w � fr Sign i ' — Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING REC-2004-001054 18-Feb-04 _6273 $0.00 upC,i; c:,t.;..--- `:crl r „v,,;, c,e4se cwll 745--'3',5 Ext.385 GeoTMSm?004 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. S r v_ Gall fir , � �,� t O�Ccu� �N YSCYE AO CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT C of&a+mL UDCLW CHECK# - .00 FIRE DEPARTMENT-FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION $2020Fee Paid 29 Fort Avenue Salem,Massachusetts 01970-5232 (998)745 7777 11/16/05 CERTIFICATE OF COWLIANCE (Date) Is.accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148,G.L.as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved within residential occupancies as applicable Owner• Derby Lofts LLC ff Wt Deme d pvmm,fum m tau mooted Vy�U Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING 0 One Family Dwelling Type of Occupancy: D Two Family Dowelling Wondinamium Unit#--2M at 51 Lafayette Street (rn lamLeII by aReet and ®64 m deembe m ouch a mamar es b peonde edegome.l d latlN ) NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer of real estate, 60 days after date of issue - op«maI Fire Insnprknr naw Form 981A(Rev.6/99) Certificate No: 604 2604 Building Permit No.: 604-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM - -- ------------------------------ - - - - -- ,..-,`- --- -------------------- - Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51-71 LAFAYETTE STREET UNIT#204 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto, and expires unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date -. -- - ----------- Issued On:Thu Nov 17,2005 --- -- --- -- -- ----- - - -- - ------------- -- GeoTMS®2005 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. -_- C,lrl Y OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT v y r '�aa++NN �Watiaw of y*al Mwaar4 tr &s CHECK# 3 7/0 ++ $ _ , n $20.00 R FIRE DEPARTMENT-FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Fee Paid 1�. 29 Fort Avenue Pegy�g Salem,Massachusetts 01970-5232 (978)745-7777 11/16/05 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date) In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148, G.L. as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved within residential occupanciesas applicable. . Owner: Derby Lofts LLC (FWl varve of penin,fvm or eorpvntian granted permit) Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING ❑One Family Dwelling. Type of Occupancy: 0 Two Family Dwelling fkCondominium Unit # 904 at 51 Lafayette Street (Give lined.by eueet end numbm or deecibe in such a mercer ae m oiavtdo adequate i nation of loatim) NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer of real estate, 60 days after date of issue 'signe or eft dal o.nt pe m t) Fire/Inspector (Title) Form 481A(Rev.6/99) 0.051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 604-2004 GIs# 1362 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map: 34 — CITY OF SALEM ,Block:`- —0---48-5— ----= — Lot: Category: 102 New Single family, ,Permit# 604-2004 BUILDING PERMIT Project# JS-2004-0993 .Fee $0.00 Const. Class: PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Use Group: Contractor: License: !Lot Size(sq. ft.): 20752 _i James J. Welch& Co. Inc. General Contractor-CS 067486 Zoning BS (Owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Gained: ,a_,__--------.. !Applicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC ,Units Lost: _ —SAT: 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 Z07 Dig Safe#: ISSUED ON: 17-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON: EXPIRES ON: 17-Aug-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 604-2004 CONSTUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 4 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas Plumbing /Building Underground: Underground: ( Underground: ;[( Excavation: . . --.'Service: :Meter: /f Footings: Roughugh: Rough: ,r / Foundation:A14" Final: Final: {'�{� Final: /J Rough Fran 'ie �S'lz0.1— // � Ili 4F—,— G✓-fez f Fireplace/Chimney: D.P.W. Fire Hea h Meter: Oil: Ills u?ry: i House# Smoke: Fin Tre Wmer: Alarm: Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM PON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. it . e!mermpgn -r y fv r ' g Fee Type. Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING REC=?004=0U10i2"s"�'1 H-Feti-04" - --62'3 $0.00 jIti_P NI: An irslJe vtcon is—P''= Uifi� upon cc.s. tie `Gn of t',oll,, PEsese call 745-9595 Ext. 385 GeoTMS©2004 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. a� far � me} to coup 40 nevE AD CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT Certificate No: 605-2004 Building Permit No.: 605-2004 y Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at ------------------------------------------------- Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM -------------- -- - - -- - — - - - ------------------ ----- Address TowrVCity Name - IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51-71 LAFAYETTE STREET UNIT#205 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires _--_-_ unless soonersusocnded or revoked. Eviration Date f//^ `�Y - ---. Issued On: Thu Nov 17,2005 -_-.- --- GeoTMS®2005Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. --._ — - - - -- - ----------------------------------------------------------- t H W ted'*CIV of tem SFIC*ft CHECK# -57/0 $20.00 to FIRE DEPARTMENT -FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Fee Paid b: 29 Fort Avenue '$q Salem,Massachusetts .01970-5232 - 11/16/05 (978) 745-7777 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date) In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148,G.L. as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved within residential occupancies as applicable " Owner: Derby Lofts LLC TU11 name d p.,r=w mrpomNaa gmnud Pt) Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MA=NANCE AND CLEANING ❑One Family Dwelling Type of Occupancy: O Two Family Dwelling- - x2 Condominium Unit # 905 51 Lafayette Street (Gm Io M.by street aad number,ar deecibe m such a mercer m m provide adequate iden tmuan d lomtim) NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer /L of real estate, 60 days after date of issue tg-- tit P=mg P..mit) Fire nspector tnw) Form#SIA(Rev.6/99) 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 605-2004 ;GIs# 1362COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Ma — 34 CITY OF SALEM (Block: Lot: 0485 !Category: 102 New Single family BUILDING T lPermit# 605-2004 B LJ_ ) ILDING PERMIT Project# JS-2004-0994 (Est. Cost: $0.00 IFee. _ $0.00 ,'Const. Class: PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Use Group: Contractor: License: . IL Size(sq. ft.): 20752 ' ` James J. Welch& Co. Inc. General Contractor- CS 067486 Zoning: B5 _Owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC jUnitsGained:' Applicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Lost: AT. ,Dig Safe# 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 20,5 : ISSUED ON: 17-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON. EXPIRES ON: 17-Aug-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 605-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 5 REFER TO PERMIT.582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas Plumbing ppr��s Buildin Underground: - Underground: -ppp �� Underground: �I )� Excavation: Service: Meter: 1 f,l /v Footings: ought VC/� Ruugh:' �! Foundation: Final: Final: O� Final: D Rough Fram `8/Pam Fireplace/Chimney: D.Y.W. Fire Health Insulation: Meter: Oil: House# Smoke: Treasury:. u Water: Alarm: ' Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Sign t e i Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No. AmounC BUILDING REC-2004-001053 I8-Fcb-04 6273. $0.00 745.25,95 Fid.335 GcoTMS©2004 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. Call for Permit t® OCCUPY CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT G2rtificate No: 606-2004 Building Permit No.: 606-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at - ----------- - - Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51-71 LAFAYETTE. STREET IJNIT#206 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires ........__ unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date - ---- Issued On:Thu Nov 17,2005 --- - -- GeoTMS02005 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc — ------- - ------ - -- Ll"1' Y OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT v�c �^lA of to � sttx4use� CHECK# -37/0 �+� �' $20.00 i f�a FIRE DEPARTMENT-FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Fee Paid 29 Fort Avenue >r � Salem,Massachusetts 01970-5232 (978) 745-7777 11/16/05 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date) In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148,G.L. as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved within residential occupancies as applicable. Owner: Derby Lofts LLC Tull name of person,firm or corporation granted perorit) Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING ❑ One Family Dwelling Type of Occupancy: ❑Two Family Dwelling xR Condominium Unit # 2n6 51 Lafayette Street (Giw loratian by street and nomber,or describe in such a tnsmer as to provide adequate i ntJation of location) NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer of real estate, 60 days after date of issue s+gra. eBroial gr.nnne perm t) Fire Inspector (Title) Form#81A(Rev.6/99) _ 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 606-2004 GIS a: 1362 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map 34 CITY OF SALEM Block: Lot: 10485 — Category_ 1102 New Single fain Permit# --1606-2004 BUILDING PERMIT Project# JS 2004-0995 Est. Cost: $0.00_ IFee: $0.00 !Const. Class: PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: IUse Group: _ Contractor: License: Lot Size(sq.'ft.): 20752 James J. Welch&Co. Inc. General Contractor-CS 067486 Zoning: B5 T Owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC Uni�st-. JApplicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Lost: ' �" IDig Safe# µ AT: 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 249(0 ISSUED ON.- 18-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON: EXPIRES ON: 18-Aug-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 606-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 6 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas \S Plumbin¢ Building Illadcrground: Underground: //� J underground: ( 6) Excavation: Service: Meter:Meter: �(,� f\/i Footings: Rough)—/`-er.✓r„� Rough: L1 ��// RougFoundation: Final: Final: Final;)V Rough Frame, e' ��6'u-s 5— ey n��o F/ -� Firepiace/Cco `y/: D.P.W. Fire Health Insulation: Meter: Oil: p/ House N Smoke: Final: j 6K /Su/// Water: Alarm: Tre ry: Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM 1N OT,, ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. SigwnrJure: Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING RL"C-2004-001055 18-Feb-04 6273 $0.00 I PPOBTANT: An inspection is RFQtJRED Call � J GeoTMS@ 2004 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. ft's" CD V30YE AD CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT Certificate No: 607-2004 Building Permit No.: 607-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71in the CITY OF SALEM - ------------------------------------------------------------- ------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51-71 LAFAYETTE STREET 1,MT#207 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto, and expires ._ ........... unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date -.._. ------------ - - - _ .-- Issued On: Thu Nov 17,2005 ------------ - ---- ----- -- ------ GeoTMS®2005 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT ev of m .4fiaaac4tw&9 CHECK N 7/ 3 iLAi►� U �v $20.00 ' FIRE DEPARTMENT -FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Fee Paid 1 Fo 29 Fort Avenue '$Gg Salem,Massachusetts 01970-5232 (978)745-7777 11/16/05 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date) In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148,G.L. as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved within residential occupancies as applicable. Owner: Derby Lofts LLC k\dl mme d pereoe,firm m emwntion greeted per O _ Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING ❑ One Family Dwelling Type of Occupancy: ❑Two Family Dwelling - - xR Condominium Unit 8 907 of 51 Lafayette Street (Give lemtivv by erect aed vvmber.or deacibe iv nch a mercer m m prmnde ede4"u identifwtiov of IvntWM NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer ZL of real estate, 60 days after date of issue (SiguRbA arofficial g<.nteg vetm;o Fire Inspector rntv) Form NSIA(Rev.6/99) 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 607-2004 itis# ' 1362 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map: 34 CITY OF SALEM Block: ILot 0485 �Category: 102 New Single family ,Pern�it# 607-2004 ° - BUILDING PERMIT Project# JS-2004-0996^ Est. Cost. $0.00 I-- Fee: $0.0� 0 Const. Class: PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Use Group: Contractor: License: -- — 1 Lot Size(sq. h.): 20752 ,James J Welch & Co. Inc. General Contractor- CS 067486 Zoning: BS (Owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC 'Units Gained: lApplicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC (Units Lost: ]AT: 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 —,4r ,y 7©7 Dig Safe#: ISSUED ON. 18-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON. EXPIRES ON. 18-Aug-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 607-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 7 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric uraa� Plumbint yBuildin Undergrond: Underground: Underground: Excavation: Service: eters �� `5` -b'ootmgs ' ,1�,ppl' i.11 Rough��l,--s3 hough: �l t�/l /R'P Rough:/�I r ,t''y't/A1\ Foundation:Final: l final: 1\t �I Final: vlM1 l0 Rough Frame: (p��//n/j�•0% �— // ?� i I/ ma !✓ Fireplace/Chimney: D.P.W. Fir Healt Insulation: Meter: Oil: Q�D Ilousek Smoky: 'FFinal: q �:(' reasu ry: u) Water: Alarm: Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. ghat e: Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: / Check No: Amount: BUILDING REE 2004-001056 18-Feb-04m 6273 $0.00 LPORTAi 'I: An inspection is REQUIRED Upon CGi ; i s Yr o-': IC: rjiease call '7-7-95--33 .:i. 385 Geti FMS®2004 Des La uriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. Oall for Permit to Occupy :CD � as A fl � c M CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT Certificate No: 608-2004 Building Permit No.: 608-2004 i Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical permits This is to Certify that the located at ----------------------CONDOMINIUM----------------------------- Dwelling Type 0051LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM - -------------------------- - -------- --- - - - ---------------- - Address Town/CityName IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51-71 LAFAYETTE STREET UNIT#208 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto, and r expires .......... unless sooner suspended or revo ed. Expiration Date Issued On:Thu Nov 17,2005 - - - -- GeoTMS®2005 Des Launers Municipal Solutions,Inc. - ----- --------------------------------- -- ----------------- CITYY Ur SALEM BUILDING PERMIT it �- � - - _ • �^-_' ..t. a" °0 o $ CH C n 3 7/O /f?l FIRE DEPARTMENT-FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Fee Paid - 29 Fort Avenue - $q Salem,Massachusetts 01970-5232 11/16/05 (978)745-7777 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date) In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148, G.L. as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved. within residential occupancies as applicable. Owner: Derby Lofts LLC TWI came of pmon.firm or mr,,on&tio. ,inW permit) Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING ❑ One Family Dwelling _ Type of Occupancy: O Two Family Dwelling 9bCondominium Unit p 909 51 Lafayette Street (Giw location br street and nomber.or deatribe in ouch a menner as to provide adegmue identifiucim of location) NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer of real estate, 60 days after date of issue - Sigr a dr—I panting Pernik)i r Insnector Mtle) Form H81 (Rev.6/99) - 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 608-2004 61ii: -- '36? - COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ----- 'Map 134 _ CITY OF SALEM Block: { Lot: 0485 — lCategory: �102NewSinglefamily ermit#� 608-2004 BUILDING PERMIT 'Project# JS-2004-0997 !Est. Cost:�I$0.00 jFee $0.00 Const Class v PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Use Group: _ Contractor: license: Lot Size(sq. ft.):120752 . !James J. Welch&Co. Inc. General Contractor-CS 067486 ,Zoning: IB5 'Owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units L: — Applicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Lost: AT_ 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 �© Dig Safe#: . „ IS.SCED ON: 18-17eb-2004 JAMENDED ON: EXPIRES ON. 18-Aug-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 608-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 8 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas Plumbing C7 Buildin Underground: Underground: Underground: O Excavation: / c Service: Meter: t ,( Footings: Rough:,p/�eji�}/1f✓� ought1` Rough: `` Foundation: /p�0 Final: Final Final: �/ (, Rough Frame:J Glg7���— (((/// Nd 4/Er..� �✓.t-cif Fireplace/Chimuey: D.P.W. Fire Healt Insulation: Meter: Oil: ////////////��O��O f i (Douse H Smoke; Final Jy,,PPVV,,�- Water: Alarm: Treasury: Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THF. CITY OF SALEM N IOLAT7OF TS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Signature: Fee Type. Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING REC-2004-001057 18-Feb-04 6273 $0.00 MP T : fn inspacCion is R_ IR upon corrl;3ietloil or *�ctk, please call Geol NIS©2004 Des lauriers Municipal Solutions.Inc. Call fcf llpy �,�Oli1DtT �N r 4. V30VE AU CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT Certificate No: 609-2004 Building Permit No.: 609-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits - This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM ------------------------- - -- - - ----- -------------------------------------------------------- Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51-71 LAFAYETTE ,STREET L iNIIT#209 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires _ - unless sooner suspended or revoked. Eviration Date l ' A— Issued On: Thu Nov 17,2005 -_--- - - - GeoTMS®2005 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. - - - .--- -- ------ CITYY OF SALEM . r BUILDING PERMIT of %I= adquo CHECK# $20.00 lfrFIRE DEPARTMENT-FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Fee Paid a 29 Fort Avenue �wns� Salem,Massachusetts 01970-5232 (978) 745-7777- - 11/16/05 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date) In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148, G.L. as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved .within residential occupancies as applicable. Owner: Derby Lofts LLC &W1 came of person,firm or corporation t,renwd permit) Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING ❑One Family Dwelling - Type of Occupancy: ❑Two Family Dwelling $XCondominium Unit d 20q at 51 Lafayette Street (Give lantioo by street end number.or deeciln in each a maover u to Provide adequate idogimeation of location) NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer Z�J- of real estate, 60 days after date of issue ,(s;en. msti.l vantine pt) Fire' Inspector (Title) Form 481A(Rev.6/99) - 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 609-2004 Gls#: Isbz COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS M p 34 — I CITY OF SALEM lock: Category: 102 New Single famil�l Permit# 609-2004 I BUILDING PERMIT Project # JS-2004-0998 —' Est. Cost: $0.00 wee $0.00 :Const. Class: PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: 4 se Group: Contractor: License: Lot Size(sy. ft) ,20752 .lames.l. Welch &- Co. Inc. General Contractor- CS 067486 Zoning: : IB5 ]Owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Gained: IApplicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Lost: �AT. 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 Z© Die Safe #: I� _- ISSUED ON: 18-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON. EXPIRES ON. 18-Aug-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 609-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 9 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas \f( Plumbin¢ Buildin Underground: Underground: C/ Underground: �� Excavation: +_ .....Y Service: Meter: V j (r�( v Footings: 1 .c \ Itoagh3 ugh: `,! \ Rough: Foundation: Final: inal: V 1 Final: rU"�-\ Rough Frame: i 44r't��ccs Fireplace/Chimuey: D.P.W. Fire Health Mcicr: Oil: Insulatio///���///JJJ// Fina House H Smoke: UUUUUU UUU Water; Alarm: Treasury: Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Sigar m,.,, ,. 7a3 {? [ Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING REC-2004-001058 18-Feb-04 6273 $0.00 C)RTA 'T Q\i 41vh• .i'119Pi IS PyE /1i�fiE9J �� NI-3ase C20 r45 r3�5 Lxt. 3&5 GeoTMS®2004 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions, Inc. Call fns ;+ fry nvcuPy V30VIE to CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT Certificate No: 610-2004 Building Permit No.: 610-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City oS�,�3alem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at -- --------- - - Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 r in the CITY OF SALEM ----------------------------------------- - - -- -. - - -- - - - Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51-71 LAFAYETTE.STREET IJNIT#210 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto, and expires ------------------------------- unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date Issued On:Thu Nov 17,2005 --- ----- GeoTMS®2005 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. - - --'---- '---'- ------------- - ------------------------- i egg i W rO' I V • p1YR1S� S l# CIV o �+.+4aH dil assar4. stftU CHECK q $20.00 llrc FIRE DEPARTMENT-FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Fee Paid . 29 Fort Avenue 'Idly Salem,Massachusetts .01970-5232 (978)745-7777 11/16/05 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date) In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148, G.L. as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved within residential occupancies as applicable. Owner: Derby Lofts LLC (FWl.sane d peteov,r.m mrpomtinn panted permit) Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING O One Family Dwelling Type of Occupancy: ❑Two Family Dwelling _ - =Condominium Unit # 210 at 51 Lafayette Street - (Giw l.ntiv.by street and.amber,or deeeribe in each a mvvner es to provide adeq a iden mom of loation) NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer of real estate, 60 days after date of issue l(slg..tureaf Qfimi panting permit) Fire/Inspector Mile) Form 081A(Rev.6/99) - 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 610-2004 # IS � --- ...-,11362 G —._—_---- — _-_- J COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ap '4 (Block CITY OF SALEM Lot 0485 !Category_ 102 New Single family iPermit# 1610-2004 BUILDING PERMIT !Project# JS-2004-1000' Est Cost. $0 00 Fee $0 00 Const. Class I PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Use Group: Contractor: License: ILof Size(sq. ft.): 20752 James J. Welch &Co. Inc. General Contractor-CS 067486 Zoning_ '.1B5 Owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Gained: _ Applicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC ;Units Lost: I T. 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 � ,2 10 !Dig Safe#: ISSUED ON. 18-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON. EXPIRES ON: 18-Aug-2004. TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 610-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 10 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas / PlumbinH (( Buildm Underground: Underground: �( Underground. !r\�1 Excavation: V 1 V T/ L Rough. B� R ugh: tC(� T1 Rough Foundation: Final. Fuial: 1 Final. \ Rough Frame: . . ae 7 , Fireplau/Chinuiey. / D.P.W. Fire Health ,NlLm: Oil: Insula[io/Ip�JQ Final:}j/ �/C P/1 7/.& House ft Smoke VVV////// Water: Alarm: Treasury: Sewer: Sprinklers: pilb THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALE N°VIOLATION OFA OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Signature: Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING REC-_uu4-uu u I8-Feb-04 6273 - $0.00 'rAn irs? ctio t is R U R IM—PP��AN_' i .0'i G4 ur 0It�i��se Ci ii upon cCMI:, CcoTMS&20'44 Des i.a'a riers Municipal Solutions, Inc. CA for Permit alccup .�0 n gg :u Vsavg AD CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT Certificate No: 611-2004 Building Permit No.: 611-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at -_.....-_._.- Dwelling Type ________ 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the- CITY OF SALEM --------------------------------------- - ..- --------------- - - -- - -- ------ Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51-71 LAFAYETTE STREET UNIT#211 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and orJinances relating thereto,and expiresunless sooner suspended or revoked. -- ---------------------- Expiration Date Issued On: Thu Nov 17,2005 �GeoTMS®2005 Des Launers Municipal Solutions,Inc. - - ---- - --- - --- s W �j II *CIV1T wgtt0 o tm s*uS Jrt7 CHECKk -3 -7 �� n $20.00 fr 51 FIRE DEPARTMENT-FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Fee Paid . 29 Fort Avenue aBGg Salem,Massachusetts 01970.5232 (978)745-7777 11/16/05 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date) In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148, G.L. as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved within residential occupancies as applicable. Owner: Derby Lofts LLC (FW1 varve of person,f.o mrpmab.greeted Perve o Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING O One Family Dwelling Type of Occupancy: 0 Two Family Dwelling ticCondominium Unit #_211 at 51 Lafayette Street (Gine/outim by street and number,or deettibe in each a mercer u m Pt d.adepbate iden tutim d ton ) NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer of real estate, 60 days after date of issue ( tgmtme d tul gmtmg PC--w Fire Inspector Mae) Form k81A(Rev.6/99) 0051'LAFAYETTE STREET 71 611-2004 (cis#: 1362 iCOMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map 34 CITY OF SALEM Block: Lot: 0485 (Category_ 102 New Single family] iPermit# 611-2004 BUILDING PERMIT Project# JS-2004-1001 'Est. Cast: 50.00 IFee: S0.00 IConst. Class: PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Use Group Contractor: License: Lot Slze(sq. ft.): 20752 � 1-Dames J. Welch& Co. Inc. General Contractor-CS 067486 r— Zoning: , ' B5 ]Owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Gained: I,__ "IApplicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC funds Lost: IAT. 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 Z�� ,Dig Safe#: - <?_ s ISSUED ON.- 18-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON.- EXPIRES ON.- 18-Aug-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK- 611-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT I I REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas Plumbing Building Underground: Underground: ` �� Underground: / ,r Excavation: r (Service: / Meter: 'I ( , (� Footings: d ( 1 �I Rough: �O u4gh:�jff A� Rang (1� �( Foundation: Final, v /� Final: 91� le Final: UI Rough Framr. el- J v Fireplace/Chimney: /a/Js' -7I la— D.P.W. Fire Health UUU Insulation: Meter: Oil: Fina ////7/Or— Rouse# Smoke: J Treasury: Water: Maim: Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALE ,VPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS a,r,„, RULES AND REGULATIONS. Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING REC-2004-001060 18-Feb-04. —���� 6273 $0.00 upon cot 745{,9595Ext(3E5e2�e call GeoTMS@ 2004 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions, A 9-- 11 I na nrgtr•�^^!�' ” u p� •C nQvc AD CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT Certrificate No: 613-2004 Building Permit No.: 613-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at - --------------------------- ----------------------- Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM - - - - ----- -- - - ------------ - - -- - Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY V. . 51 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 UNIT#302 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires _-------------------"._ unless sooner suspended or re oked. Expiration Date J//� -----__ """""--- __ _Y "" Issued On:Tue Nov 29,2005 ----------------- -- -- GeoTMS®2005 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. ----------------------- --------- """"-"----------------."-"""" """ CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 613-2004 GIS# _. 11362 — COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map a _ CITY OF SALEM [Block �- ,Lot. _-J0485, -i !Category: 1102 New Single family, Peri_-1613-2004 - BUILDING PERMIT Project# CJS-2004-1003 jEst. Cost: ISO.00 - I Fee: -- x$0.00---------------- iConst Class: I PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Use Group: :Contractor: License: Lot Size(sq.ft.): 120752 (James J. Welch & Co. Inc. General Contractor- CS 067486 nmg �BS iOwner: DERBY LOFTS LLC iUnits Gained: _ Applicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC iUnits Lost: 1 — AT. 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 30Z [Dig Sale# ISSUED ON: I8-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON. EXPIRES ON. 18-Aug-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 613-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 13 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas Plumbinit Buildin Underground: underground: - Underground: Excavation: Service: 'Wer: qq - ,rt e/ rh /n£.�(Footings: Ruugh: J o�G:1' Rough:Cl��(�I�pQ� IV'J,(prl c Rnugh,�/9r Foundatimr Fina �£ Final:�(�� (.�v ,t Final: ` /��(/ /,�rl� Rough Frame: FirepincdChimncy: D.P.W. Fire Health Insula [ia.: Metcr: oil: DL ((� Zg/Os; Final: douse# Smoke: Trea ev Water: Alarm: Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM U ON VIOLATION OF AN ap'Il[TS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Signaltuurre: Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING -- - REC-2004-001062 18 Feb-04 -- 623 $0.00 !'.aid RTAnsI_ £ r ,,. _ i>1J113tiD upan cotlnpiEiiail oa wark, please csll 745-9595 Ext. 385 GeoT.MS©'--004 Des Lamiers Municipal Solutions,Inc. �ppq, �"a�! I�f M V1 .e•i4 id VV �� YSY■YE�Ap CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT + �».. __ '. .. •v• ... '. s"4" aM rR'14i'w' �, Y'.' ... +ad -' � ♦ 'Mw ' W ,!6`T ���oaolr jll of " t= yyuTal c4usi�� CHECK k. $20.00 frc FIRE DEPARTMENT-FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION - Fee Paid -�_ 29 Fort Avenue - s�-+ Salem,Massachusetts .01970-5232 �� (978)745-7777 11/16/05 _ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date) In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148, G.L.as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved within residential occupancies as applicable. . Owner. Derby Lofts LLC QWI name of perm.,firm or.mrporetian granted permit) Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING ❑One Family Dwelling - Type of Occupancy: ❑Two Family Dwelling 242 Condominium Unit N_302 51 Lafayette Street (Give lobonen by etrent and number,or describe in such a manner as to pmride adequate i tion of locetimn) NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer of real estate, 60 days after date of issue e"'LtQe gra°°Oe perm t) Fire Ihispector cruel Form 481A(Rev.6/99) } Certificate No: 612-2004 Building Permit No.: 612-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at Dwelling Type - 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM - - ------------ -- - -- .... - ... - Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 UNIT#301 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statues and ordinances relating thereto,and expires _ _ -._._-- _ --____, unless sooner suspendedor r yoked. Expiration Date Issued On:Tue Nov 22,2005 ------- -. - -- ------------- GeoTMS®2005 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. - ---- --.----- - • ---- ----------------------------- ------- CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT 0,051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 612-2004 GIS# 1362 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map 34 CITY OF SALEM Block. 'Lot 0485 C tegory 102 New Single family !Permit# -- 1612_2004 __ BUILDING PERMIT iProject# CJS-2004.1002 'Est. Cost: $0.00 _a so Lost Class_ PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: jUse Group. !Contractor: License: '--- -- lLot Size- (sq.—ft----:): 20752--------�James J. Welch&Co. Inc. General Contractor-CS 067486 Zoning._ B5 !Owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC Un is Gamed:_ _ _-.,-Applicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC �Units Lost -h' 3©1 Di Safe# ,ATt 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 ISSUED ON: I8-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON: EXPIRES ON: 18-Aug-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 612-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 12 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas Plumbing Buildin Underground: Underground: Underground: r Excavation: Service: Meter: � t Footings: Rough vZ3—DS'/J✓ Rough 12ough: Foundation: �/ Final: Final: \� f rd•' kal' Rough'in \ '> ough F'ram^ /y/'.CiL' 3/YS/CS/ ol..11////lIV; r Fireplace/Chimney: - D.P.W. Fire Health Meter: Oil. 'ns u la[ioi Final �/ : House q Smoke: Q�/ Tress ry: Water: Alarm: Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM VIOLATION FA FITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. """r" O yfy � Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING RLC-2004-001061 1840-04 6273 $0.00 Lp�TANT: An inspection is R� °�., o.t::rt(, please CCI1 Umn CC'" 33 wY r GeoTMS©2004 Des Law iers Municipal Solutions,Inc. � Cal( f^r Durmit tt OCCUPY co GVE CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT Certificate No: 614-2004 Building Permit No.: 614-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM _____________-__---------------------------_________ .--------------_—___________Y__ Address Town/Cit Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 UNIT#303 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires ------------------------_ --- unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date --. _ _._ _ __ __. ___ .- -- Issued On:Tue Nov 22,2005 �c V GeoTMS®2005 Des Laurens Municipal Solutions,Inc. '---- --- --" --- 7 Y` �� YS�RYE�AIO 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 614-2004 GLS# (362 �apT 34 _ COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS CITY OF SALEM 'Block: Lot: 0485 Category: 102 New Single fanlilyi Permit 614-2004 BUILDING PERMIT Project# JS-2004-1004 ' ,Est. Cost $0.00 ;Fee: $0.00 Cost class: PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: ,Use Group: Contractor: License: ;Lot Size(sq. ft.): 20752 lames J. Welch& Co. Inc. General Contractor-CS 067486 Zoning: B5 lOwner: DERBY LOFTS LLC 'Units Gained: ... (Applicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC ru—nits Lost: ----�`9 T. 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 3©.3 Dig Safe#: ISSUED ON: [--8---Feb-2-0--04--- - AMENDED ON.- EXPIRES ON. 18-Au,--2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 614-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 14 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas Plumbing Building Underground: Underground: Underground: /Excavation: Service: Meter: a( I/V Footings: Ruugh:,.?_/.2 -atm Rough: ,t[(lt Rough: Foundation: Final: Final � r 4or,- Final: / Rough Frame: �j -f r //�-off JJJ Fireplace/Chimney. D.P.W. Fire Health l Meter: Oil: Final:: 1 00-11 FinaJ House# Smoke: �X e O Water: Alarm: Tr s ry: Sever: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEl PO LATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. R Signature: Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING REC-2004-001063 18-Feb-04 6273 $0.00 lMpQRTAN-f_: An inspection is B E . UI upon completion of work, pleaSe call 745-9595 Ext. 385 GeoTMS9 2004 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. tr) Call fw� eI� Q�CCU� .C© T a 4 V30VE AO CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT rCeriificate No: 615-2004 Building Permit No.: 615-2004 i Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem " Building Electrical:Mechanical Permits: This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at --------- - ----- DwellingType 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM - - `- ------ -------------------- ----- ----------------------- --------- -- - Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED,A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51-71 LAFAYETTE STREET UNIT#304 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires .............. unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date Issued On: Thu Nov 17,2005 - -' - ---------- --------------- ----- - ---------- GeoTMS®2005 Des Lauders Municipal Solutions,Inc. -------- --------------- ---"----------------------- ----------------------- S �SIll/a0 4�� • I CO, e o y t •Id36:•t Tooaatr \I I]Tfi of *at= films*uat s CHECK# 3��� $20.00 1 f�c FIRE DEPARTMENT-FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION - Fee Paid ��RT29 Fort Avenue dp" Salem,Massachusetts _01970-5232 (978)745-7777 11/16/05 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date) In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148, G.L.as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved within residential occupancies as applicable. Owner: Derby Lofts LLC (fW1 name d perm.,r.m mmrpontimv pm4d permit) Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING ❑ One Family Dwelling Type of Occupancy: ❑Two Family Dwelling x®Condominium Unit #=301, at 51 Lafayette Street (Give lamtimv by street mad number,or describe in each a memv m to provide adegmme identiae ttimn d loutim) NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer it of real estate, 60 days after date of issue �� gid(v�+ng pyo Fire ifnsi)Zor (Title) Form N81(Rev.6/99) - - 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 615-2004 eIS# 1362 I COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS lMap: 34 __ ) CITY OF SALEM IBlock:� Lot: 0485 ` Category: 102 New Single family P� ezmit# 6152004 _ ; BUILDING PERMIT !Project# JS-2004-1005 Est. Cost: $0.00 Fee: '$0.00 Const. Class: PERMISSION IS HEREB Y GRANTED TO: Use Group: Contractor: License: Loth Size(sq. fr.): 120752 - .James J. Welch & Co. Inc. General Contractor-CS 067486 b -- zoning IB5 ___Owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC jUnits Gained: lA [tcant: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Lost — AT. 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 (Dig.Safe 4: 30 ISSUED ON: 18-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON: EXPIRES ON: 18-Aug-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 615-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 15 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas Plumbing Buildin Underground: Underground: Underground: A< Excavation: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough—,2_�—G� Rough: f �I Bough: Foundation: Final: / FinaL Final: U Rough FrameZ y�L/f/./. CK ^� a/O� Fireplace/Chimney: D.P.W. Fire Health Meter: Oil: [as uWtio,t/�t�/'//may/�Jy/�//� Final:or, House N Smoke: IIYY// Tre Bury. Water: Alarm: Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALF,M' ON-U,I(��ATION 0f, FITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. J �h Si nature: Fee Type: Receipt No: Date I'aiA: �heck No: Amount BUILDING lY1P TAN : Anlnspectio,l 1� �`� . 73 $0-00 upon comple':lon o�va®��, Meese csll 7�+5-95951=x?. 385 GeoTMS©2004 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions.Inc. Py I Call ,, 10 V3QVE AD CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT Certificate No: 616-2004 Building Permit No.: 616-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM ----- ------ - ------------ --- -- Address Town/City- -Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 UNFIT#305 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto, and expires unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date Issued On: Tue Nov 22,2005 GeoTMS®2005 Des Launers Municipal Solutions,Inc. --" ------------'-------- ----------------------------------------------- . ,. ss:'9��j� i W rr '' V� II p�YiflS� ,�� civtT 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 616-2004 16154_ __- 1362 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS INtap --- —_ �34 -- -- --_—' CITY OF SALEM 'Block Lot — 0485 iategory: 102 New Single family !Permit t 616-2004 -1 BUILDING PERMIT r(Project# JS-2004-1006 Est Cost $0.00 Fee: $0.00 - —� Const. Class: I PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Use Group _ Contractor: License: iot S12e(sq ft.) 20752^ James J. Welch & Co. Inc. General Contractor-CS 067486 !Zoning - B5 "(Owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Gained r Applicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC rUnits Lost -IAT: 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 30 j � � e DiSaf #. ' ISSUED ON: 18-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON: EXPIRES ON: 18-Aug-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 616-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 16 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas Plumbing Building Undergi mind: Underground: Underground: Excavation: Service: Meter: ice/ Footings: Rough-7—,2J'vu Roughs � I�al�/�'� 12uugh: Foundation: qf� Final: mal: Final: Rough Fram"My—6& 3/2 P/u3 Fireplace/Chimney: /Ifo W4.9— Alf4zS D.P.W. Fire Health Insulation: p )icter: Oil: Final: j Hmue# Smoke: 6KTreasu Water: Alarm: Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SAL UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. " �� W '"^I � I 1 a Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING REC-2004-001065 18-Feb-04 6273 $000 is EFQWRM 7UP complEtion of v40A, please cull 745-9595 Ext.385 GeoTMS©2004 Des lauriers Municipal Solutions, Inc. '+ Callfir ?efm1� �ICi Q:ccuPY T �� rsore �o CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT Certificate'No: 617-2004 Building Permit No.: 617-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUMlocated at ----------------------------------- -- - Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM - ------------------------------- - - - ----- ------------ - ---------------- -- Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51-71 LAFAYETTE STREET UNIT#306 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date On: Thu Nov 17,2005 - A— Issued - --- --------- ------------ ------- GeoTMS@2005 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. ------- ------------------------------------------------- t w _ e y a �la360' 0 of %im fitass*ustfts CHECK# 3 �� $20.00 1 Irc FIRE DEPARTMENT -FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Fee Paid 29 Fort Avenue Salem,Massachusetts .01970-5232 (978)745-7777 . -11/16/05 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date) In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148, G.L. as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved within residential occupancies as applicable Owner: Derby Lofts LLC I MW came of per .firm or oorpontm minted permit) Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING ❑ One Family Dwelling Type of Occupancy: O Two Family Dwelling xR Condominium Unit # '1O at 51 Lafayette Street (Give location by weft and numhfn or deembe in ffua a mavnar m to pmvide adepome iden0ntion,of location) NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer of real estate, 60 days after date of issue igo.nnf m )gntivg permit) Fire Imsnector MOO) Form 981A(Rev.6P)9) - , 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 617-2004 1362 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS (Map: 34 CITY OF SALEM Block: Lot: 0485 -- 'Category: 102 New Single family LPermrt# _ 617-2004 BUILDING PERMIT (Project 42004-1007 (Est. Cost: $0.00 ipee: $_0_.00 IConst.class_ PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Use Group: {Contractor: License: Lot Size(sq. ft.): 20752 ^James J. Welch & Co. Inc. General Contractor-CS 067486 IZoning�B5 —]Owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC 'Units Gained: _ _-jApplicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC Dig Safe# ��AT' 0051 LAFAYGTTE STREET 71 3e2& i : ISSUED ON. 18-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON. EXPIRES ON: 18-Aug-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 617-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 17 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas Plumbing / Buildin Underground: Underground: Underground: `�t Excavation: Service: �+ Meter: t I ('�� (( �o Footings: Rough ;��-0"/ Rough: 1 /1 Rough: / q Foundation: . Final / Final: \ Final ( Rough Frame: gyp 3/2P/a 5� � Fireplace/ imney,: D.P.W. Fire Health Meter: Oil: Insulatio y� House Smoke. Fina /t f : Water: Alarm: Trea ury Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALENG ' N VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Q SbM1Urte'r:'Q -1✓ Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount:' BUILDING REC-2004-001066—�l8-Feb--0-4 6273 $0.00 IMPORTANT: An inspection is P .. U R; upon compietion of work, please call 745-9595 Ext. 385 GeoTMS®2004 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. �� ��� ®�.CCuPT ,Call for Perm f/)' 0 4' Y3QYE AO ci11A CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT Certificate No: 618-2004 Building Permit No.: 618-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at Dwelling Type - 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM -------- -- - ----------------- - --- -------------------- - - -------------- -- --------------------- Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51-71 LAFAYETTE STREET U111NI '#307 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires __------------- unless sooner suspended orrevo d. Eviration Date --------- ------ ---- - -- ---Y - - __ - Issued On: Thu Nov 17,2005 --- - - - - - ----------- ------ LG11TM72005 Des Launers Municipal Solutions,Inc. - -- -- - - - ---- --- -- ���yyyIN��F o < e y of +eN � .�wus CHECK# 3 7l $20.00 r FIRE DEPARTMENT-FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Fee Paid 29 Fort Avenue Salem,Massachusetts .01970-5232 - (978)745-777711/16/05 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date) In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148, G.L.as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved within residential occupancies as applicable. Owner: Derby Lofts LLC 011 Dame d person,Fv or w mtion ported per 0 Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING ❑ One Family Dwelling Type of Occupancy: 0 Two Family Dwelling, IMCondominium Unit # 4()7 51 Lafayette Street (Give latation by street and numbers or deacibe in such a memar u to provide adeg w ide limas Of lontioe) NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer of real estate, 60 days after date of issue `�tsign.tnm m)emastrs permit) Fire Inspector rntm Form 481A(Rev.6/99) - - 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 618-2004 GIs#: -=1 Block: 362 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map. 34 CITY OF SALEM _ Lot 0485 Category: 102 New Single family Permit# 618-2004 BUILDING PERMIT Project#- JS-2004-1008 Est. Cost: $0.00 Fee: —$0.00 Const. Class: PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Use Group: Contractor: License: Lot Size(sq.ft.): 20752 James J. Welch& Co. Inc. General Contractor-CS 067486 Zoning: BS Owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Gained: Applicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC (Units Lost: 2© SAT: 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 J Dig Safe# _ — ISSUED ON: 18-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON: EXPIRES ON: 18-Aug-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 618-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 18 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas Plumbing Buildin Underground: Underground: �Cr Underground: Excavation: Meter Service: (\. Rough:—,0,?-6oughRough: "--� FFoouutniidiagsti:o-n: (` K • Dt` Final- FinaFinalOlo—GCRough Fram /f Fireplamey:nJ s3r 1t r7 �9U 7 D.P.W. Fire Health Insulation: Meter: Oil: House# Smoke: - Fi�taC/%� e'< //�/7�� Treasury: Water: Alarm: Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. '°'_ Sign• Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING REC-2004-001067 I8-Feb-04 _ n„j6273 $0.00 A GeoTMS®2004 Des I,auriers Municipal Solutions.Inc. uI fnY pprmRt to �..�- nQVE CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT Certificate No: 619-2004 Building Permit No.: 619-2004 commonwealth &f Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits 'This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at --- --- ------ --- ------- Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM - ----- - -- - -- — Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51-71 LAFAYETTE STREET UNIT#308 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires ---------------------------- unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date Issued On: Thu Nov 17,2005 e; . ------------- 5 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. -- -' -'- ' - ---' ---' -- ---- -- --- CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT Sv��CO of 11143afil ssu4usft CHECK# -S7 $20.00 " 1Ir FIRE DEPARTMENT-FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Fee Paid . 4 it 29 Fort Avenue $qs Salem,Massachusetts 01970-5232 (978)745-7777 11/16/05 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date) In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148,G.L. as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved within residential occupancies as applicable Owner: Derby Lofts LLC mal name of person,rum nr wrpontian,,noted permit) Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING ❑One Family Dwelling Type of Occupancy: Cl Two Family Dwelling ARCondominium Unit N_3p$ 51 Lafayette Street (Give]araban by etreet and aumbm or deeuibe in such a roamer se to pxaviddee adequate ide tiruation of bntiw) NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer of real estate, 60 days after date of issue /si,vnen a rot panting permit) Fire Inspector (Title) Form#81A(Rev.6/99) - 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 . 619-2004 GIs 11362 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS B Map: 34 CITY OF SALEM (Lot: 10485 (Category: 102 New Single family lPermlt 9 619-2004-- BUILDING PERMIT lProject# JS-2004-1009 lEst. Cost: $0.00 (Fee. r x$0.00 �— :Const. Class: PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Use Group:. Contractor: License: ILot Size(sgrft.): 20752 ,. James J. Welch& Co. Inc. General Contractor-CS 067486 Zoning: BS _Owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC - Units Gamed:' - -�— Applicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Lost ;AT: 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 300 lbigSafe# !,, 1 „� ay m ISSUED ON: 18-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON: EXPIRES ON: 18-Au.-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 619-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 19 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas r Plumbing Buildin Underground: Underground: OC Underground: p\ Excavation: ,ling s: �A Rough:��✓t.��G) Hong': �� RoughFoundation: (l 61( i Final Final � Final: � Rough Frame: .�cl. l��G X05 wo y I S Fireplace/Chimney: D.P.W. Fire Health Insulation, Meter: Oil: Final: 5-- House p Smoke: ur Ire so Water: Alarm: Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM UPiOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. n1lw!pil� + ��h' Signat Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount BUILDING REC-2004-001068 18-Feb-04 - -- 6273.¢. $0.00 GeoTMS®2004 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions.Inc. Carlor p����!11to$O. �IcjCU Y!' I” At loavE AD CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT Certificate No: 620-2004 Building Permit No.: 620-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM--------- located at ------------------------------------- ---- Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM Address TowrVCity Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51-71 LAFAYETTE STREET UNIT#309 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires __.... ... __ _ unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date Issued On:Thu Nov 17,2005 /c- - V l - -- --- GeoTMS®2005 Des Launers Municipal Solutions,Inc. -- — - -- -_- -__— ------------- -----------_-..-.--._-.___,_ _ _.--.____._--.--------__.------- S O �7 f 7 caxwt'~g - o � :I lass 1Wfus CHECK# $20.00 5 Ir?1 FIRE DEPARTMENT-FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Fee Paid 4 / 29 Fort Avenue d11 Salem,Massachusetts 01970-5232 (978)745-7777 11/16/05 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date) In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148, G.L. as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved within residential occupancies as applicable. Owner; Derby Lofts LLC (Adl..of person.firm or oorpomtioo grmtad pmmit) Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING 0 One Family Dwelling Type of Occupancy: ❑Two Family Dwelling x2 Condominium Unit # 409 51 Lafayette Street (Give location by street and number,or deocribe in each a meaner no in provide adequate [Sudan of loation) NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer of real estate, 60 days after date of issue (sigaa dst.l g as ing prom o Fire Inspector Mu.) Form 081A(Rev.6/99) - - r '0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 620-2004 1362 _ COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS + Map:- - --34_ YT` CITY OF SALEM !Block: { ILot: 0485 'Category 102 New Single family -� - lPermR# .620-2004 BUILDING PERMIT Project# JS-2004-1010 IEst. L Cost: $0.00 - [Fee:— $0.00 j Const Class: _; PERMISSION IS HEREB Y GRANTED TO: ruse Group asContractor: License: Lot Slze(sq. ft.). 20752 w James J. Welch & Co. Inc. General Contractor-CS 067486 ricnmg:- . B5 Owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Gained:' Applicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Lost: AT. 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 3© !Dig Safe it: ISSUED ON: 18-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON: EXPIRES ON: 18-Au.--2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 620-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 20 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Flectric Gas C Plumbing ` Building Underground: Underground: J Underground: J Excavation: Service: _ 7e[er f �r 1 \� Footings: Rough. /a�o� .Rough: VL Rough: r Foundation: Final 7 Final: FinalRough Frame:.(�//,f Fireplace/Chimney:: D.P.W. Fire Health Meer: Oil: Insulatio)., qFin House# Smoke: Water: Alarm: Treasury: Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. ticilljl 1,.+;vnPF 1pj, Signutu fel* - Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING REG2004-001069 I8-Feb-04 6273 p TNT: An inspection upon comp^ lon of v O"". t.lease call oti, 745-9595 Ext. 385 GeoTMS®2004 Des Laurier:Municipal Solutions,Inc. Gall for Permit to Occupy, C� V34VE AO CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT Certificate No: 623-2004 Building Permit No.: 623-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM Address - - -- -- - - --- --- -- Town/City Name - -- IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 UNIT#401 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto, and expires unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date Issued On: Wed Jan 25,2006 _.. - .-. - ------ - -- -- --- -- -- ...-.... _--- GeoTMS®2009 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. _.—___.....- ------ --- _..__.-.-_.___---..-_. f Gortificate No: 624-2004 Building Permit No.: 624-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at ---- -- - - ---......:.. ..... Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM --- ----------------------------------------------- - - - - ---- -. ...---- Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 UNIT#402 This permit is granted in conformity with[hr,Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and. expires --- ._..- unless sooner suspe ed or revoked. Expiration Date iIssued On: Tue Nov 22,2005 ; GeoTMS®2005 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. - - - :. - s. W s OWM S 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 624-2004 -, COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS cis# _ 1362 Map B1ock CITY OF SALEM !Lot: 1485 Category: 102 New Single family Permit# 624-2004 — BUILDING PERMIT Project# JS-2004-1032 lEst. Cost: $0.00 Cee. $0.00. IConst:Class: I PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: jUse Group: Contractor: License: jLot Size(sq. ft.): 20752 games J. Welch &Co. Inc. General Contractor-CS 067486 Zoning: B5 _Owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Gained:`iw' y,'lApplicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Lost: IDig Safe#: —'AT. 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 ISSUED ON.- 23-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON: EXPIRES ON. 23-Aug-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 624-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 24 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas Plumbing / Buildin Underground: Underground: / Undergron:d: / Excavation: Service: e[er: J I/ �V�F/-J Footings: i 1 Rnugh:,V_2,, ought �� Ruugh: ` IFou udation: / a�( bl4 p ?m,) Final• Final: Fil: Rough FramU/` N/Z�/0�Fireplace/CI N D.P.W. Fire Health Meter: Oil: Insu latio : Z House Smoke: Final: �j o�11 Hh - Oil/ � Tres O rv: Water: Alarm: Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. „ Sigl rtre. Fee"type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING REC-2004-0011192 23-Fob-04 6273 S0-00 M�©RSAtIT: Ar inspectois BSC t&LPM LlcTrn c� .. GeoTMS©2004 Drs Louriers Municipal Solutions,,Inc. e Call fnr Dnrmif fn 11mr%fi v v3QvE AD CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT �' - . w-.: - - • - � .--.-,-_�...q � :..n�` � :'w�"�T`^S'R'K wro5.e.:er"-+wwr tix:-+w:. y.'-.,.wr^+^'�—+. to raII of iili{� sac4useft - CHECK#I -7 au Yr, 3 $20.00 1 !� FIRE DEPARTMENT-FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Fee Paid . O 29 Fort Avenue Salem,Massachusetts 01970-5232 (978)745-7777 11/17/05 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date). In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148, G.L. as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved within residential occupancies as applicable Owner: Derby Lofts LLC 6\dl came of person,rum or mrpontion panted permit) Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING -❑One Family Dwelling - Type of Occupancy: ❑Two Family Dwelling 9bCondominium Unit # 4 51 Lafayette Street (Give location by street end number,or describe in such a manner m to provide adequate idi ntirimtion of location, NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer of real estate, 60 days after date of issue (s gnatme er ed scenting perm t) Fire Inspector (Title) Form#8tA(Rev.6/99) - - Certificate No: 635-2004 Building Permit No.: 625-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the ---CONDOMINIUM-- ---------- located at ----------- ---N----------------- - Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM ---- -- - - ----------------- - - - - 'To - -- -- Address wNCity Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 UNIT#403 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto, and expires _ unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date -_.-_-_----_- ---- ------------- - -__ -. --_-- - Issued On: Tue Nov 29,2005 - -- 111 -V-- GeoTMS®2005 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. -- ------------------------------------------------_------------__-____ Ll1 Y Ur NALr;M BUILDING PERMIT 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 625-2004 GIS 4: 1362 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map: 34 CITY OF SALEM Block. —° Lot -- 0485 Category: -]102 New Single family Permit# - 625-2004 _ BUILDING PERMIT Project,# JS-2004-1033 Est. Cost: _ x$_0.00 [Fee. - {$0.00 (Const Class: j PERMISSION IS HEREBY GR.4NTED TO: jUse.Group: _ Contractor: License: �LotSize(sq. ft.A0752 games J. Welch & Co. Inc. General Contractor- CS 067486 [Zoning. . lB5 . _ !Owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Gamed: _ _ _ _ _ Applicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC (Units Lost�- I 2 -SAT: 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 �0,7 iDig Safe 9: 1. , c' ISSUED ON: 23-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON: EXPIRES ON: 23-Aug-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 625-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 25 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas Plumbing Builtlin Underground: Underground: el, IInd ergrou ad: (� 5� Excavation: Service: Meter: � Oh/ �t� Footings: Ruugh:3-30^O'S 40 1 ugh: 'Ih,1 12uugA Ix/1 (J� Foundation: n Final: / final: PJ Final: t/ Rough Frame: //'� Vie V/f1A V7/O�> / —G, Fireplace/Chimney: D.P.W. Fire Health Meter. Oil: Insnlati n: �,Ol�- ll z 4 Final: / /7. O "Ouse ft Smoke: UJ//{ppJ l 'I're.s ij: Water: Alarm: Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. IV1!Iril ,^",:,,,,:.,I• Sy'ig at� f7 F444 Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING RLC-2004-001093 23-Feb-04 73 $0.00 on IFI I~1 IMPORTANT 1nsp wo k,tQ call tense �� ietion 01 upon COMP 5 g585 Ext.385 GeoTMSOa 2004 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. call for Permit to Occupy CITY OF SALEM . . BUILDING PERMIT � .ay.�+a' - - ti. . ar'�'-._„'—„�� . `�—•'�tee^4$^.w.F7'-iw+r•-*ter--�r+.- ,....,.v."+,. .,tS el.%M ir au of *a1= a*' US&s �I CHECK# $20.00 R?� FIRE DEPARTMENT-FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Fee Paid . 29 Fort Avenue @hG Salem,Massachusetts 01970-5232 (978) 745-7777 11/17/05 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date). In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148, G.L. as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved within residential occupancies as applicable. Owner Derby Lofts. LLC (FW1 oame of penia.Cum or eorpontlon gmud permit) Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING ❑ One Family Dwelling Type of Occupancy: 0 Two Family Dwelling )gCondominium Unit # 403- at 51 Lafayette Street (Give location by areet and number.or describe m such a manner m to pmvide ed""w iden$9 tion of location) NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer of real estate, 60 days after date of issue (.9i¢°°me of t l Venting Pt) Fire IM / rnue) Form#StA(Rev.6/99) Certificate No: 626-2004 Building Permit No.: 626-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at - - - - ---------------- Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET in the CITY OF SALEM ------------------------------------------------------71------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY r 51 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 UNIT#404 g. This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires ----------------- ---- unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date Issued On:Tue Nov 22,2005 ----- - - GeoTMS®2005 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. ---------'----------'----------- ------'"---------------"-------"------""""-"-- ...-,r _-.__-"--"--""'"- -----------------------"----- -r r i W s .0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 626-2004 GIS#: ` -1362' COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map: 34 CITY OF SALEM Block: Ca ot: 0485 Category: _102 New Single family 'Permit# 626-2004 BUILDING PERMIT Project# JS-2004-1034 Est Cost: $0.00 j ,Fee $0.00 Const. Class PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Use Group: Contractor: License: ILot Size(sq ft.): 20752' •- ]James J. Welch& Co. Inc. General Contractor-CS 067486 Zoning: B5 _ Owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC Untts Gamed: —Applicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Lost: . a©� j #: AT: 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 Dig Safe ISSUED ON: 23-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON: EXPIRES ON: 23-Aug-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 626-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 26 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas Plumbing Buildin Underground: Underground: / Underground: Excavation: Service: Meter: /C)� 64 Footings: Run gh (./ 6 3 ,70 —U/ ugh L\ / Rung Foundation: Final: F Rough Frame:D�i Fireplace/Chimney: D.P.W. Fire Health Meter: Oil: Final. Finalati House 4 Smoke: -�.�L, l/•Q. Trea u y: V! Water: Alarm: Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM UPON'VIOLATION OF AN fiYFi,JTS RULES AND REGULATIONS. G Ott®n x. Signature: !/ Fee Type: Receipt No: (late Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING REC-2004-001094 23-Feb-04 6273 $0.00 An insaceticsn PO N lease call M upon c745 9595 etto Ex1r 385 GeoTMSO 2004 Des t.auriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. call for Permit to Occupy w VSQVIE AD CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT :.. � .� - ca+.�. s-_ ��., t''; ams � .,ea«.'. ��w 'nn..w-.•n •• - .r-:.irns�.+ �- .e-r_. r'agvv�""'!+. +Wrs'vL. � i. •asvgpr - .yam c� of SttC 1t P CHECKk $20.00 a t R 5S FIRE DEPARTMENT-FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Fee Paid 29 Fort Avenue _ '$per 'Salem,Massachusetts .01970-5232 (978)745-7777 11/17/05 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date) In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148,G.L. as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved within residential occupancies.asapplicable. Owner: Derby Lofts LLC @LII verve d pneov,rvm or mcporatiov g ted permit) Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING -❑One Family Dwelling Type of Occupancy: ❑Two Family Dwelling QlCondominium Unit q4( 4 at 51 Lafayette Street (Ciw lacatiav by etroat and vumber.or do ibe iv each a roamer m to provide edeq"W leevtifbeti"m d Io da l NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer Z-1{'- of real estate, 60 days after date of issue s n a d dr prom u Fire In pect )r (Title) Form MA(Rev.6/99) - e Certificate No: 627-2004 Building Permit No.: 627-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanica]Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at --------- -------------------------------------- Dwelling Type - 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM -- - - --- ---------------- - - - ----------------- - -- -------.._- ---------------- Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 UNIT#405 1. This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires ........... unless sooner cusp dedor•revoked. Expiration Date Issued On: Sat Nov 22,2200 - GeoTMS®2005 Des Launers Municipal Solutions,Inc. .----- ------------------ - -------------- ---------------- ----- ---- CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT 0051, LAFAYETTE STREET 71 627-2004 1GIS 1362 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS rap _34 _ CITY OF SALEM Block: ' Lot: 0485 Category: 102 New Single family ipermit4 — '627-2004 BUILDING PERMIT 'Project 9 JS-2004-1035 l Est. Cost $0.00 Fee: $0.00 Const. Class PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Use Group: � Contractor: License: Lot Size(sq. ft.): 20752 iJames J. Welch & Co. Inc. General Contractor- CS 067486 'Zoning: B5 'Owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC jUnns Gained: !Applicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC IUmts Lost: ig Safe AT. 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 iD #: e ISSUED ON. 23-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON: EXPIRES ON: 23-Aug-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 627-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 27 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas Plumbin>s Building Underground: Underground: Underground: r Excavation: Service: Meter: ( /�� Footings: p / Rough: :TO_O r ought `( Rough: �`!� Foundation: A Final: incl: �� V r Final "� - Rough Frame: /7/9 Fireplace/Chimnev: D.P.W. Fire Health Insulation: Meter: Oil: House# Smoke: Filial L) (C 9I 7%jed Water: Alarm: Trea : Sewer. Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM 1 1'OE X I IQN OF' " TS RULES AND REGULATIONS. 4fJ Signature: Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING REC-2004-001095 23-Feb-04 6273 $0.00 FLMpDTAN An inspection is R Upon couple°ion o3 work, pleese call 745-9595 `✓nl. 385 GeoTMSO 2004 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. a�Cup� Gall for Permit to ,Cp 10 CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT -.� ...�,. - - ,. _ .,yx,• ... .sy,�. ���.pp+��b�v.w�.,AMIMt�-�a�.. •,swrra��r*'�b?.���+.!%�'...e�r^'wti•.. of '%b H M W5*LWLI{:L7 CHECKH $20.00 t� FIRE DEPARTMENT-FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Fee Paid . _ ! 29 Fort Avenue '�pMSVB Salem,Massachusetts .01970-5232 (978)745-7777 11/17/05 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date) In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148, G.L. as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved within residential occupancies as applicable Owner: Derby Lofts .LLC ' WWI name d person,rum or rnrpomt ®voted permit) Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING ❑ One Family Dwelling Type of Occupancy: ❑Two Family Dwelling xm Condominium Unit d 405 at 51 Lafayette Street (Give tomes.by e d sad number,or deeuibe in w,h a mevmr m m provide adequate i J' retina of Imdon) _ NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer b— of real estate,.60 days after date of issue isigmmre of yraotiuq p.rmie) . Fire 12spector . / 115th) . Form 981A(Rev.6/99) y - Certificate No: 628-2004 Building Permit No.: 628-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM Address i;TowNCi Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT rERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY it 51 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 UNrL#496 fy• t This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires . - - - unless sodner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date ...- Issued On:Tue Nov 22,2005 --- - -- --lex - . .. --- -- -- ------- ---------- ------- ...-- GeoTMS®2005 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. CITY OF SALEM , BUILDING PERMIT 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 628-2004 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS (Map 34 CITY OF SALEM Block Lot: 0485 Category: — 102 New Single family Permit# 628-2004 BUILDING PERMIT !Project# 1S-2004-1036 lEst. Cost: $0.00 -- - Fee: $0.00 LConst. Class: PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: !Use Group:iContractor: License: lLot Size(sq. ft.): 20752 jJames J. Welch &Co. Inc. General Contractor-CS 067486 KZoning: . B5 IOwner: DERBY LOFTS LLC its Gained .-]Applicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC [Units Lost. yD` 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 (P Dig Safe#. ISSUED ON. 23-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON. EXPIRES ON: 23-Aug-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 628-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 28 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas Plumbing Building Underground: Underground: Underground: Excavation: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough:x—a./._,p} ugh: thy Rough: �tFoundation: i Final: final: I Jµt' \ Final: d 0� Rough Frame: o e Gf 11111 ?/D Fireplace/Chimndy: D.P.W. Fire Health Meter: Oil: Insulafi op (7K yr/22�o House k Smoke: Final: Water: Alarm: T1 ry: Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALE i1'PON\I&ATION OF iljOF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Slgnature. Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING REC-2004-001096 _ 23-Feb-04 6273 $0.00 jMpQgTAnuupon T: An iDaPeC;..n is BE II ED mpietioD of telod:, Please call 745-9595 Ext- 385 GeoTMS(D 2004 Des Liuriers Municipal Solutions,Inc ®ICCu„�/ ,Call for Perrot to OCCUPY CD 10 CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT � ..:,ryy.+.a,�._ r - �. - �:' . �� �_� -=-+r.: -«."` e4^`:F`*.w�`+a.�.i"�1*at:�++'T*�-„w..,:. ... -�,,.,�. . ..,.-` �^,,..�c-y✓,� :..�.� PtLS CHECK# $20.00 R?i FIRE DEPARTMENT -FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Fee Paid 29 Fort Avenue Salem,Massachusetts .01970-5232 (978)745-7777 11/17/05 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date) In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148;G.L. as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved within residential occupancies as applicable Owner: Derby Lofts LLC Mill mss d Verson,rrrm m mrpontioni ported permit) _ Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING ❑ One Family Dwelling Type of Occupancy: ❑Two Family Dwelling )Condominium Unit # 406 at 51 Lafayette Street (Give loeatim by save[and.umber,or deembe in such a mama,m s provide adequatne i'ddantiri imanzt� NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer [il - / of real estate, 60 days after date of issue sigmtuw or aces) poem t) Fire Inect MW) ♦— Form 981A(Rev.6/99) Certificate No: 629-2004 Building Permit No.: 629-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM --- - - - - -- - - - - - ----- ----------- - --- -------- --------------------- -- -- - ---------------------------- Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 UNIT#407 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires ________ unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date --------------------------------------.. ....._. .. .. _--- ---- ------- Issued On: Tue Nov 29,2005 - .-. - - '- GeoTMS®2005 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. -------------------------'----- ------------------------------------=--------- slv��a ��Q�In� W�'TFIC .�(� J� . T .T:� 0051- LAFAYETTE STREET 71 629-2004 ;cis#: - 1362. "— _� COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Bloc11 k __ 34 "i CITY OF SALEM -- — 'Lot: _ 0485 Category: — 102 New Single family BUILDING [Permit#- — 629-2004 B L.l ILDING PERMIT ProjectJS-2004-1037 [Est Cost $0.00 Fee $0.00 Const Class: PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: !Use-GrouP: Contractor: License:. iLot Size(sq. ft.):120752 James J. Welch& Co. Inc. General Contractor-CS 067486 IZonmg Owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC [Units Gained_; —1App1icant: DERBY LOFTS LLC !Units Lost: I O 7 (Dig Safe IAT' 0051LAFFlYET"fESIREET7i ISSUED ON 23-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON: EXPIRES ON. 23-Aug-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK. 629-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 29 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas Plumbing Buildin Underground: Underground: 7 Underground: Excavation: Service: ter: 2(f 07 Footings: Rough:3—.30 -65 Rough f�\\ 1'ytl Rot 1- Foundation: Final: incl: (n' Final: 711"• (tough Frame: Fireplace/Chimney: D.P.W. Fire Health Inwlatio Meter: Oil: ��../�// Final: (��'-- t�/Z.g House# Smoke: Tr as ry: C Water: Alarm: Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM UPOIN',..,VIOLATION OF ANY OF, ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. �IqI, ��' Signatlrt Lx/24/ " , �+ Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING REC-2004-00109723-F`eF=lid— 6273 $0.00 An inspection is IFi IMFO ,j1etiCTl Cf work, please cull upon Com. c° wxt. 3�5 Gro-FNIS@ 2004 Des Luuriers Municipal Solutions.Inc. Call for Permit to O'ccupy �•C41it1NT 10 v�suve�Ao �'�U1rly CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT J UU Yl ry� ,w�ez�lY �it;co ft ARMS ILL< CHECK# '! $20.00 l (r R FIRE DEPARTMENT-FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Fee Paid . 29 Fort Avenue - - J�p ,� Salem,Massachusetts .01970-5232 11/17/05 (978)745-7777 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date) J In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148, G.L. as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved within residential occupancies as applicable. Owner; Derby Lofts LLC GU name of penin,firm ar enManitioe muted permit) Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date- SMOKE ateSMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING ❑ One Family Dwelling Type of Occupancy: ❑Two Family Dwelling xg Condominium Unit # 407 at 51 Lafayette Street (Give).satin.by street and.umber,or deemibe in Bath a roamer as m provide adequate idwtifin of loatim) ' NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer of real estate, 60 days after date of issue san.ta c a amoil 42tpa u Fire ,inspector fnw) Form OtA(Rev.6/99) _ Certificate No: 630-2004 Building Permit No.: 630-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at --------------- Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM ---------------------- ` ----------------------- - ----------------------------------- -- Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 UNrF#408 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and,ordinances relating thereto,and expires - - ------_-- ------------------ unless sooner suspended or,revo d. Expiration Date --------------------------- Issued _-. .----Issued On:Tue Nov 22,2005 - --- GeoTMS®2005 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. ------------------------- __-_....._--------_----.-----_------_.-- . __-_.-_---'------- - _-_---'-'--------------------------------- ------ CITYY Ur SALEM BUILDING PERMIT 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 630-2004 css# - �;136z-- COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map 34 _ CITY OF SALEM Block. Lot: 0485 ;Category: 102 New Single family ;Permit# 630-2004 BUILDING PERMIT ;Project# JS-2004-1038 Est. Cost• $0.00 !Fee: _ $0.00 Cost Class PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO.- Use O.Use Group. _ Contractor: License: Lot S¢e(sq. ft.) 20752 James J. Welch& Co. Inc. General Contractor-CS 067486 �Zoningi_ 135 - Owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Gamed:} Applicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Lost . 'AT. 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 y© Dig Safe#: - J ISSUED ON. 23-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON. EXPIRES ON: 23-Au,--2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 630-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 30 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas Plumbin¢ Buildin Underground: Underground: Underground: Excavation: Service. / er: ( (�y r�//�t1L'!U� Footings: Rough: -Jo —i i o—ug h. \'� �/ Rough: 642" `� Foundation: s,/, (/n� // Final: Final: t/" Final: L y!y Rough Frame: �C� V L C 7/x!0 Fireplace/Chimney: D.P.W. Fire Health Insula[' n: Meter: Oil: Final: 17�G I t ZZa House# Smoke: V Water: Alarm: Ti - Sewer: Sprinklers: ,t THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM UP fV,VIOLA, I,ON OF ANY �. RULES AND REGULATIONS. Signat e: Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING IZEC 2004-001098 23-Feb-04 6273 $0-00 T^MT Ar insn action is�SL.tliR�p LM.F_9-fl-1, upon completion oI work, please call 7A5-9595,Ext. 385 ti..A.---i-------._ GcoTMS@ 2004 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. W1 #or Pe,�i to O'ccup� CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT �a t=�pQciciFw�`+y.x•.w��rey���+rQQp,,.._...t�yfpPPt-� ��.�*.;M��-r'.�M�`{eIP}",Q,.�Mk"y v��CO ft of tH Mai; � r4usi;W CHECK# $20.00 . l g FIRE DEPARTMENT-FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Fee Paid I Ro 29 Fort Avenue Salem,Massachusetts .01970-5232 11/17/05 (978)745-7777 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date) In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148, G.L.as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved within residential occupancies as applicable. Owner. Derby Lofts.LLC Gldl mme of person,Cum or arpontion psnted permit) Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING C One Family Dwelling Type of Occupancy: C Two Family Dwelling 30 Condominium Unit # 408 51 Lafayette Street (Giw loation by atwet and number,or de be in such a mmner as to pwnde ade9uau identif1 'm.ef location) �1 NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer of real estate, 60 days after date of issue (Si ems d dr panting parmio - Fire Ingpector (ztiw) Form#81A(Rev.6/99) CerrificateNo: 631-2004 Building Permit No.: 631-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at - ---------- -- - Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE-STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 UNIT#409 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires unless sooner suspended or revoked. E>pIration Date Issued On: Tue Nov 22,2005 --------------- ------ - -- �y-------------- --- - GeoTMS®2005 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. ----------------------- -------------------------------------------_------_- CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 631-2004 cls# 111362 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS IMap _ 34 CITY OF SALEM Block: Lot 0485 Category_ 102 New Single familyi 'iPermit9 631-2004 'I BUILDING PERMIT Pro t# JS-2004-1039 0 Est Costt�$0.00 " IFee $0.00 -f r iConst. Class: PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Use Group: Contractor: License: ,Lot Size(sq. ft.): 20752 o jJames J. Welch& Co. Inc. General Contractor-CS 067486 IZoning: .. ;B5 .,Owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC ,,Units Gained:_ _ iApplieant: DERBY LOFTS LLC jUmts Lost —!AT. 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 ,j` 70 D(g Safe#: ISSUED ON: 23-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON: EXPIRES ON: 23-Aug 2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 631-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 31 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas Plumbin¢ / Building Underground: Under d: (�/ Underground: �/ Excavation: Service: eter: -V /�( fV� Footings: �j'c- rs 1UiJ t� Rough: yia/GS' R ugh: 1F...1'.' ` Foundation: Final: final: b II`` f1/ �/L Rough Frame: c ,�,12GY FircplacN ney: D.P.W. Fir Health Insulation: Meter: Oil: l I Final: House# Smoke: Water: Alarm: Treas ry: Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM UP �LAfit'ONspF RULES AND REGULATIONS. ddttr�„ Oy Signature: Fee Type: Receipt:No: Dale Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING --RE;C-2004-001099 23-Fah-04 6273 upon complct101n of Work, pease call 745-9595 Ext. 385 upyCeoTMS©2004 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc�all for Permit to p_cc a CITY OF SALEM- BUILDING PERMIT vct' -a..�g sjp�,&/�+.✓'4"slF`•�Fs9+".�,�1`Y,`RirW`+.L.;Ylpvl++Z�7 ...+.. .. .eCvH. ECK_#T *i � (•(/�s '? $20.00 Ir R FIRE DEPARTMENT-FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Fee Paid 4- J 29 Fort Avenue S Salem,Massachusetts .01970-5232 11/17/05 (978) 745-7777 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date) In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148, G.L. as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved within residential occupancies as applicable. - - Owner: Derby Lofts LLC (Full mme of person,firm or mrp.n a grmted permit) _ Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING 0 One Family Dwelling Type of Occupancy: 0 Two Family Dwelling nCondominium Unit #---9-9 at 51 Lafayette Street (Give lamtim by street and ..ber.or deevibe m such a mmner m to provide sde4tu4 ids union d)nation) NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer / 1 of real estate, 60 days after date of issue A rm.l gr.ntitre perm er Fire IAspector ; rntm _ Form 981A(Rev.6/99) Certificate No: 632-2004 Building Permit No.: 632-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at - --------------------------------------------------- Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM --------------------- - - ------------------- - - ------------- - - --- ---------------- Address - Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 UNIT#410 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires _ - ------------------__- unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date _ ----- -------------- _---- - ... ._ ..... ._. Issued On:Tue Nov 29,2005 ------------------- ----- - GeoTMS82005 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. --------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- CITYY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 632-2004 E_I.S_#: 1362 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS [Map: -—134 — CITY OF SALEM Block: iLot: 10485 !Category: 102 Single family � # PermR# 632-2004 BUILDING PERMIT !Project#; 1S-2004-1040 Est Cost: $0.00 Fee: $0.00 Const Class: PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Use Group: Contractor: License: 1Lot Size(sq. ft.): 12_0752 James J. Welch& Co. Inc. General Contractor-CS 067486 [Zoning: �B5 10wner: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Gained: ' _,_JAppiicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Lost i IAT: 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 y/0 Dig Safe#:- ISSUED ON: 23-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON: EXPIRES ON: 23-Aug-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 632-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 32 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas PlumbinE Building Underground: Underground: r Underground: Excavation: Service: 1 eter: Y� Footings: Rough: ya-�"�J ugh: \� Rangh:^(/) �`( Foundation: Final: — / Final: WWW Final: /� Rough Frame: SDy/zZ UC Fireplace/C D.P.W. Fire Health Meer: Oil: Insulation: House# Smoke: Final lilt „/Zf110 C-8 Trc Bury: \N'alel': M.,in: Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. �Ii11P14'Isi"q@prrrau,o+,., ���k`!I, Si ggn•1[ure - ,Ieve= Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING 12!!9 1100 23-Feb-04'1 6273 $0.00 F odlc;n ._�,,,__�.BE o`work, please call 5 Ext.385 GeoTMS©2004 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. Call for Permit to NCupy CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT lel Kliy �assar4LWLLW CHECK# ++++++++HH _ $20.00 1 R R FIRE DEPARTMENT-FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Fee Paid 29 Fort Avenue Salem,Massachusetts .01970-5232 (978) 745-7777 11/17/05 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date) In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148, G.L.as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved within residential occupancies as applicable Owner: Derby Lofts LLC (Full m e of person,firm or corporation pentad permit) Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING ❑ One Family Dwelling Type of Occupancy: ❑Two Family Dwelling Mgt Condominium Unit #41 at 51 Lafayette Street (Giw lomtim by ease[and number,or deaaibe in such a mercer m to provide sdeg u ideotifil on of lo=be) NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer of real estate, 60 days after date of issue _ (Sifiutnte or penHog pmmit) Fire Irfspector MOO) Form#81A(Rev.6/99) Certificate-No: 633-2004 Building Permit No.: 633-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM -------- -- -- ---- - -- ---- ---- ------------------------------------ Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 UNIT#411 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires _ unless sooner suspended or'revoked. Expiration Date ---------------------- - ------- -'-- - __ _- - - - - Issued On:Tue Nov 22,2005 ---------------- ----- --- - - ----- -- -- GeoTMS®2005 Des Lauders Municipal Solutions,Inc. -------------- - -------------- U'1' Y OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT fs 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 633-2004 cis 7------ 1362 _l COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS !Map --- 4 - Blocl _ CITY OF SALEM _0485 jCaregory: 102 New Single family ,Permit#___633-2004 BUILDING PERMIT !Project# JS-2004-10 Est. Cost: $0.00 Fee $0.00._ .. Const Class: PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Use_Group: !Contractor: License: Lot Size(sq. ft.): 20752' T James J. Welch &Co. Inc. General Contractor- CS 067486 rZonmg: IB5 !owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC !Units Gained: ! (Applicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Lost — — AT; 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 (Dig Safe#: .a ISSUED ON: 23-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON: EXPIRES ON: 23-Aug-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK 633-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 33 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas Plumbing Buildin U ndergi on nd: Underground: Underground: Excavation: Service: eter: .IC //� �/{� Footings: Rough! S '��-'� f elfRou),� /�Q Rough: �( /t/ Foundation: Final'.. a, l 1 I 1 Bough Frame: Fireplace/Chimney: D.P.W. Fire Health Insula!! n: Meter: Oil: - Fina House# Smoke: Tr ury: Water: Alarm: Sewer: Sprinklers: - e ifit3l t ncs.,�,...... ,.,. ,, THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM IOL 11T � O TS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Signature: Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Pai�l_ Check No: Amount: BUILDING r_<�$EG2004-001,101 r23-Feb;;04 6273 $0.00 iUF�P�`-}: Ar ".'nE�`°on ''lease call upon compieLon of work, p 745-9595 Ext. 385 GeoTMS©2004 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. Call for Permit t0 ON* o 4 • YSQYE AO CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT i - � - ... _- ve. +..w h y.~x,-,p.: "�'W`� :Vv--.r w-"ap..-..✓`.ir_�'so. ..:ia -'�'�.. of %tem fit4ttssarusft .5�co r CHECK# $20.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT-FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Fee Paid 29 Fort Avenue sPB Salem,Massachusetts 01970-5232 (978)745-7777 11/17/05 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date) In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148, G.L.as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved within residential occupancies as applicable. Owner: Derby -Lofts LLC 0Wl Dame of person.firm nor corporation imitated permit) Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING 'C.One Family Dwelling - - Type of Occupancy: C Two Family Dwelling xJE Condominium Unit # 411 , 51 Lafayette Street (Give location br meet and number,or deavibe in such a manner as to pravide adequate ids-103 n.of location) NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer of real estate, 60 days after date of issue i�igmtnra 1 vantins perm t) Fire Pnspector rntm Form#8IA(Rev.6/99) RCG LLC ATE INVOICE NO COMMENT AMOUNT DISCOUNT NET AMOUNT 05/232006 5.23.06 9 Cert of Occupancy Fee 270.00 0.00 270.00 BWLWtkG DEPT. RE.f•E��a1. M� CHECK: 023739 06/21/2006 City of Salem CHECK TOTAL: 270.00 rH!S PORTION iS ". a 1 — b -,I - [;' , , c ; k ,"', f;J.,T t 1,EK F - IHIt; DOPTiON ��- NON NEGOTABLE - THS _' _P " li'i _', �:;� - -4_i R,"O'N IS NON NEG07ABL E IHIS PORFION IS NON �jt&.-'Ah - , o� 1, , z 7. F - THIS PORFION :,-) NON-NEGOTABLE - 1 ITS &W f y 01 N 1- no 1 viv _iR7 tON 16 NON NFGOT ABL E T, 1-41 PORPON IS INOP,: op, i k ; - - 1 , r , .p'n. q, 11"' x,)PAB:_E - THIS PCRTICIP S 4 _)W ,, A,� �,7 ;I R,7'1('N IS NON-NEGO FABLt_ NON NEGOTABLE - TKS , � -'O� THIS PDRTION IS N'K ?IF A VT.,Qdi s - 1, 5 A hw,,, , ,,CrIABLF - THIS PCR710f4 NIONMEGUFABLE - TNI~. OTIRT )A: #-=._z 1' Q: WX FORMON IS NON-NEGtJ:`ABL E I-FflS PORI004 it; NCAMAWINAE , w P! 5 ow, �;!_C C FABI. E - THIS PORTION IS Nf U14e-IN F GOTIABL E . IF, poy r& vo :4�&, �VIV ' :-IS rVATION ;S NOM NEG(TI IABx, Trj),�:, IS I- A NON-NE.'GOTIABLE MY KWILA MA Vl.--,oi iIn MWON ::, II UN N1FGCff1I48I_E Ain CITY OF S-U,&N12 iN'LiSSACHUSETTS • &:BDING DEP ARTNILNT • 130 WASHINGTON STREET, 3� FLOOR TEL (978) 745-9595 FAX(978) 740-9846 KI\[BERLEY DRISCOLL MAYOR THObiAs ST.PIERRB DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROPERTY/BUILDING CMWISSIONER May 23, 2006 Mr. Russell Tanzer RCG 17 Ivaloo Street Suite 100 Somerville, Ma. 02143 As of this day your Company owes $270.00 for (9) Certificates Of Occupancy for the Residential Units at Derby ]Lofts. To .,as St. erre vi C,.•j Building Commissioner c cf� a r r-< M rn -D c s m D Cr k Certificate No: 654-2004 Building Permit No.: 654-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 UNIT#610 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and I expires unless sooner suspended or revoked. - Expiration Date Issued On: Tue Jan 10,2006 ----------- --- GeoTMS®2006 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. ------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------"' J CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT 1_ crtificate No: 621-2004 — iisil1ing,Permit No.: 621-2004 Commonwealth of Massr�rfii,setts I City of SMern Building Flectrical M:echanic,0 PcT:nits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM sated at ` ---.Dwo ing lyp.. - - f 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM Address 7 ownJCitJ Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERIMANF.NT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51-71 : AFAIT I'E STREET UT-ffl'#31.0 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and relating thereto,and expiresunless soon r sus -r!ded or revoked.'- Expiration Date -4-1 Issued On: Thu Nov 17,2005 - GeoTMS®2005 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions.Inc. . . __--. _.. ___ ____ y A o y � L...nt Of iWtLL1.T.7 , CHECK# �v $20.00 l Ir?l FIRE DEPARTMENT-FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Fee Paid �- 29 Fort Avenue 'E4q Salem,Massachusetts 01970-5232 (978)745-7777 11/16/05 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date) In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148, G.L. as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved within residential occupancies as applicable. Owner: Derby Lofts LLC Tull Dame of pawn.rum m wrp tion g=ted permit) Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING ❑One Family Dwelling Type of Occupancy: ❑Two Family Dwelling XS Condominium Unit # 'A 10 51 Lafayette Street (Giw location by meet end.umbar,or de ibe in such a manner u u prwide adequau i nti iration of lontiod NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer L.- of real estate, 60 days after date of issue /�sign. rm.a granting p.rmio Fire/InsZtor Md.) Form M81 (Rev.6/99) ' 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 621-2004 Isis#� j136r I COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map: 34 CITY OF SALEM Block Lot: 0485 [Category102 New Pe�mSingle family lt# 621-2004 BUILDING PERMIT lProject# JS-2004-1011 E t Cost: $0.00 Fee: - $0.00 ___ const -Class: ,a 1 PERMISSION M HEREBY GRANTED TO: Use Group: 4 Contractor: License: Lot Sizes q ft.) 20752 ' "games J. Welch& Co. Inc. General Contractor- CS 067486 Zoning � ]B5 Owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC CUnits Gained: �__ _IAPPlieant: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Lost IDig Safe# �AT: OOS I LAFAYETTE STREET 71 3 10 ISSUED ON: 18-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON: EXPIRES ON: 18-Au.-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 621-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 21 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas Plumbing Building Underground: Underground: �` Underground: �:� Excavation: Service: — eters _ - _-p�/ 1 / Footings: r /t`t r Rough:yam/ps Rough: �f`�\ Rough ��h'\. /�,�1 - Foundation: Final: / Final: I Final: Rough Framjri d kL.-714el S /�d d-/ a Fireplace/Chimney: D.P.W. Fire Health I nsulatiot Meter: Oil: Final: &e y/T' House p Smoke: Treasury: Water: Alarm: Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Signa ores� A w I Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING RFC-240.4-001.0?0 '.S=Fob=04 b_73 $0.00 IMPORTANT: /fin inspection is REQUIBE upon ccmr.;: ; . t o"tr,,^rk, o," aFe csll i��-55 :5 c,Cf. x£35 fall fAr Permit $�� O'vcp�I CcoTMSm 2004 Des Landers Municipal Solutions,Inc. t y W34VE AD CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT e - t Certificate No: 622-2004 Building Permit No.: 622-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUMlocated at ------------- -- Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51-71 LAFAYETTE STREET UNIT#311 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto, and expires -- -- ---------------,--- _ unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date Issued On: Thu Nov 17,2005 - - -- GeoTMS®2005 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. -----.-- - - -----------------------------------------------------'---- Ll" 1 ' Y Ur' SALEM BUILDING PERMIT o of 'Aba Lii�f films iWILlIT.7 CHECK# 7�U $20.00 1 fro FIRE DEPARTMENT-FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Fee Paid 29 Fort Avenue ��muerp" Salem,Massachusetts 01970-5232 (978)745-7777 11/16/05 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date) In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148,G.L. as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved within residential occupancies as applicable. Owner: Derby Lofts LLC (Full m e of pe=a.rum or mrportiw purred pe t) Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING 0 One Family Dwelling Type of Occupancy: ❑Two Family Dwelling McCondominium Unit # 311 at 51 Lafayette. Street (Give lavation by street end number,or deevibe in eueh a mercer m m pm de wisp U i utiruation of W dw) NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer of real estate, 60 days after date of issue /sieo. -fain g—ting permit) Fire Inspector MOO Form 081A(Rev.6/99) 0051' LAFAYETTE STREET 71 622-2004 IGIs#: u6z" COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS IMap: 34 CITY OF SALEM (Block: _ [Lot: 0485 l iCategory` 1102 New Single family 'Permit#1 - 6622-2004 - BUILDING PERMIT (ProjectTJS-2004-1012- Est Cost $0.00 T Fee $0.00 Const. Class PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: UI se Group: _ Contractor: License: Lot Size(sq. ft.): 20752 James J. Welch& Co. Inc. General Contractor-CS 067486 Zoning. BS _,Owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Gained:. n ` Applicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC !Units Lost: SAT. 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 (Dig Sate#: ISSUED ON: 18-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON: EXPIRES ON: 18-Au.--2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK. 622-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 22 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas / Plumbing rBuildinUnderground: Underground: I Underground: avation: yService R 1eter: Footings: Roukh���'3 Rog : Rougrn,l�f \�l Foundation: Fina �Final: Final: lion Rough Frame: Fireplace /Chimney: D.P.W. Fire Health Inystjrv: Meter: Oil: Fi Houxe q Smoke: T Water: Alarm: Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM UP VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. . NI Sign r Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING REC-2004-001071 18-Feb.04 6273 $0.00 iv1F 7pyT. �tlon of work,pec;on 1pleasg lCall ease upon Go 745.9595 Ext. 385 GcoTMS®2004 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. fnr Por"If stn i1 A. .. V3QVE AO n� CITY OF SALEM BUILDING - PERMIT Certificate No: 116-08 Building Permit No.: 116-08 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the BUSINESS located at Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM -------- -- -- --- -- ----------------------------------------------- -- --------------------------------- - -- - -- -- -- -------------- Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY OCCUPANCY PERMIT FOR HAIR SALON (316 DERBY STREET) This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date Issued On:Tue Oct 23,2007 --------------- - -- -------- ------------------------------ GeoTMS®2007 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. ---------- - ---------------------------==----------------------------------- t.11 1 V1 ' ►,7riLL' lVl BUILDING PERMIT I ft"� 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 116-08 GIS#: 1362 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map: 34 1 C Block: ITX OF SALEM r •r M Lot: 0485 r Category: - TENANT FIT-OUT Permit# 116-08 BUILDING PERMIT Project# JS-2008-000124 Est. Cost: $80;000.00 Fee Charged: $885.00 Balance Due: $.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const. Class: Contractor: License: Expires Use Group: ;Groom Construction CONSTRUCTIO SUPERVISOR-060887 Lot Size(sq. ft.): 20752 Owner: RERAI Corp Zoning: >. B5 . Units Gained: Applicant: RERAI Corp Units Lost: A T: 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 Dig Safe#: r ISSUED ON. 01-Aug-2007 AMENDED ON. EXPIRES ON. 03-Jan-2007 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK. TENANT FIT UP FOR HAIR SALON(316 DERBY ST) POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas - Plumbing Building Underground: Underground: -..� UUnndergrouncl'ZrK 5-/-6 aExcatatioll: Service: /J��/w l' �er: Footings:: Rough: f� �/� _Rough I YRough:�'(��'a�'U��'" Foundation: / I Fina Cci[i C�✓1•- Final: V�(. I AC Fina1B o/// i (� A-- tJ/l I I Rough Fra Fireplac IC nmey: D.P.W. Fire Health Meter: i-. oilE--� / Insulatio House# o e.dip/1 (J ' Final: Water: ar Ll+Z� ' Teas Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM UPON VOQLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. ti Signature: Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING REC-2008-000148 01-Aug-07 1162 $885.00 Call for Permit to Occupy GeoTMS®2007 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. t • :co W34VE AD CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT Certificate No: 910-06 Building Permit No.: 910-06 r, Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the BUSINESS located at --------------------BUSINESS-------------------------- Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY A&J King Artisan Bakers This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires , - -- -- -- -- --- - -_ unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date ----------------------- - ----------------------------_----------------------- Issued On: Thu Aug 3,2006 ........ ---------- - - - GeoTMS®2006 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. e ra-'v .-- CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 910-06 GIs# 1362 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map: 34 Block: CITY OF SALEM Lot: 0485 Category: Permit# 910-06 BUILDING PERMIT Project# JS-2006-1799 Est. Cost: $72,000.00 Fee Charged: $797.00 Balance Due: $.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const.Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: D.Roland Construction Co. Lot Size(sq. ft.): 20752 Owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC Zoning: BS Units Gained: Applicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Lost: AT: 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 Dig Safe#: ISSUED ON: 09-May-2006 AMENDED ON. EXPIRES ON: 09-Oct-2006 ORK.MTO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK.- Metal etal stud wall, S.R. Elect.Plumb. Paint. &Hvac POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas Plumbing Building Underground: Underground: Underground: Excavation: Service: Meter. _ - - - - Footings -- Rough: Rough: Rough: Foundation: Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Fireplace/Chimney: D.P.W. Fire Health Insulation: Meter: Oil: Final: House# Smoke: Treasury: Water: Alarm: Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Signature: Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING REC-2006-002436 09-May-06 1019 $797.00 GeoTMS®2006 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. Certificate No: 487-06 Building Permit No.: 487-06 Commonwealth of Massachusetts , City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the BUSINESS located at ---------------- --------------------------- Dwelling Type - 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM ----------- -- - - - - ----------------------------- ---- Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 BOOKSTORE This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date _-._------- - Issued On: Fri Dec 16,2005 -------I------------ - GeoTMS®2005 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. - --------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- CITY OF . SALEM BUILDING PERMIT Certificate No: 910-06 Building Permit No.: 910-06 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the. . BUSINESS located at -------------- --- ------------------- Dwelling Type ' 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 inthe CITY OF SALEM Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A .TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY AM King Artisan Bakers This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and - expires Friday _ Jul 28,_2006 unless sooner suspend rrevoked. Expiration Date `J�./J Issued On: Wed Jun 28,2006 - --------- - -- -- -- --- --- GeoTMS®2006 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- yt�tLL o � .laas Certificate No: 861-06 Building Permit No.: 861-06 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the BUSINESS located at Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET in the CITY OF SALEM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - ---------- - -- --------- Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Tennant Fit Up (Temp.Occupancy expires (8/6/06) This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires Sunday_ Aug 6,_2006 unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date • Issued On: Thu Jul 6,2006 ------------------------ ---- ---------------------- ' ---------------- - ----- ----- - GeoTMS®2006 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. --------------- ------------------------------- E. W 0 �v� �m'� �� enrt� Certificate No: 861-06 Building Permit No.: 861-06 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the BUSINESS located at Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET in the CITY OF SALEM --------------- - - -------------------------------------------- ---- -------------------------------- --- - -- - ----- -- -----------...- Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Tennant Fit Up (Temp.Occupancy expires (8/6/06) This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires Sunday Aug 6,2006_ unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date ---------------------- - -------- --- - -_ Issued On:Thu Jul 6,2006 ----------------- GeoTMS®2006 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Certificate No: 861-06 Building Permit No.: 861-06 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the BUSINESS located at Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET in the CITY OF SALEM --- - -------------- -------------------------- -- -- -- - ----- ----------------- - - ------------- --- Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Tennant Fit Up (Temp.Occupancy expires (8/6/06) This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires Sunday Aug 6,2006 unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date I Issued On: Thu Jul 6,2006 - -------- - - - GeoTMS®2006 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. ---------------_-_______------------_------_.- 3 L0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 861-06 GIS#: io224 COMMONWEALTH[ OF MASSACHUSETTS ,Block 34 CITY OF SALEM Block: Lot: 0485 Category:. R616 REPLACE . BUILDING PERMIT Permit# 861 Project# JS-2006-1738 Est Cost: $32,500.00 Fee Charged:" $368.00 Balance Due:' $.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const.Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: D.Roland Const/-- tion Co. Lot Siie(sq.tL): Owner: New Civilitea Holdings LLc Zoningr Units Gained: Applicant: New Civilitea Holdings LLc Units Lost: -A T.• 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET Dig Safe#: ISSUED ON: 27-Apr-2006 AMENDED ON: EXPIRES ON: 27-Oct-2006 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK- Interior Tenne[Fit Up POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas Plumbing Buildin Underground: Underground: Underground: Excavation: Service: Meter. Footings: "� Rough: Ron*.- f i - i J ! ` Foundation:Rough.r Rough Frame: Final: Final: Final: � Fireplacely ' ey: D.P.W. Fire Health / Insulali Meter: OB: ,`•' Final, ` Nouse# Smoke: �F T a. ,ry: Water: Alarm: Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM UPON V LA I(� A F ITS RULES AND<REGULATIONS. h Signator Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING REC-2006-002369 27-Apr-06 114 $368.00 n__•r..nc+Anne n__r.,.._...-.sn....:..:.....C..6.Nnne Inr. Certificate No: 861-06 Building Permit No.: 861-06 Commonwealth of;Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the BUSINESS located at Dwelling Type 005 1 LAFAYETTE STREET in the CITY OF SALEM Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED'A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY New Civilitea Holdings LLC ~ This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto, and expires __ ...____-""""""""""""""""_""" unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date - Issued On:Thu Aug 3,2006 ------------- --------------- GeoTMS®2006 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. ---------- - ---- -----------------"""""""" """"""--"-----------------"-""""" W d V� II �� p1yRIS��C� V �ClV1t'� 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 861-06 GIs#: 110224 COMMONWEALTH: OF MASSACHUSETTS Map: 34 Block: CITY OF SALEM Lot: 0485 Category: REPAIR/REPLACE Permit# 861-06 BUILDING PERMIT Project# JS-2006-1738 Est. Cost: $32,500.00 Fee Charged: $368.00 Balance Due: $.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const.Class: Contractor., License: Use Group: D.Roland Construction Co. Lot Size(sq. ft.): Owner., New Civilitea Holdings LLc Zoning: Units Gained: Applicant: New Civilitea Holdings LLc Units Lost: !AT: 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET Dig Safe#: ISSUED ON: 27-Apr-2006 AMENDED ON. EXPIRES ON: 27-Oct-2006 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK.- Interior ORK.Interior Tennet Fit Up POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric 1GS aPlumbing Building Underground: Underground: Underground: Excavation: Service: Meter: _ Footings: Rough: Rough: Rough: Foundation: Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Fireplace/Chimney: D.P.W. Fire Health Insulation: Meter: Oil: Final: House# Smoke: Treasury: Water: Alarm: Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Signature: Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING REC-2006-002369 27-Apr-06 114 $368.00 GeoTMS®2006 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. v Certificate No: 83-08 Building Permit No.: 83-08 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the BUSINESS located at Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET in theCITY OF SALEM —------------------------------------------------ - - --------------------------------------- Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ROUGE COSMETICS This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto, and expires ............................ unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date J'/f I Issued On: Wed Oct 10,2007 -- t f GeoTMS®2007 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. --------------- -------------- -- -- --- -- - - -- - --- -- O 1 , t.l 1 1 tll ►JALL' lVl BUILDING PERMIT i v 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 83-08 GIS#: 10224 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map: 34 Block: CITY OF SALEM Lot 0485 Category: TENANT FIT-OUT Permit# 83-08 BUILDING PERMIT Project# JS-2008-000088 Est.Cost: $20,000.00 Fee Charged: $225.00 Balance Due: $:00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const.Class: Contractor: License: Expires Use Group: MASSEY CONSTRUCTION Lot Size(sq. ft.): Owner: RERAI Corp Zoning: 'Units Gained. - 'A;.+plicant: REP,AI Corp Units Lost: AT: 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET Dig Safe#: ISSUED ON: 23-Jul-2007 AMENDED ON. EXPIRES ON: 08-Jan-2007 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK. TENANT FIT UP IST FLOOR DERBY LOFTS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas Plumbing /I `A/ Building Underground: Underground: UndergrounddC f-,)4 V Excavation: Service: Meter: ,` �!,.J / (((/// """ "Footings: Rough:ji�p)� ugh: I Raught�I Wl 9�,,qo t, Foundation: Final: J al: Final:OO�i✓✓% / /Q� Rough Frame: ®� yiso� � q 51 Fireplace/Chi ey:� D.P.W. Fire Health Insulation //G Meter: Oil: � 07- . Fival: �� House# Smoke: Water: Alarm: T ry: Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM UPON VIOLA 10 F ANY S RULES AND REGULATIONS.. Signature: Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount BUILDING REC-2008-000108 23-Jul-07 0 $225.00 Call for Permit to Occup GeoTMS®2007 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. �.coA T .., rseve Au CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT Certificate No: 634-2004 Building Permit No.: 634-2004 " }- Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify.that the CONDOMINIUM located at ----------------------------------------------- Dwelling Type 0051LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM - - - ------------------------------- ------- -----._...-- Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF I OCCUPANCY 51 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 UNIT#501 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires _ -------------- ......... unless sooner suspendyl or revoked. 01 Expiration Date f/J ___ ___- -- ---- ---_ 14 I Issued On:Tue Nov 22,2005 — - - --------------------- GeoTMS®2005 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. ------------- ----------------- --------------------------------------------- __ _..._-----------------_._--_---_--____-- CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 634-2004 1362 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS IMap - 134 CITY OF SALEM Block _ ILof 0485 _ 'Category_ 102 New Single family] (Permit# '634--2004 - BUILDING PERMIT Project# 1S-2004-1042 Es_t Cost: $0.00 Fee ._" '1$0.00 Const Class: PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: —_— 1U§6 Group: Contractor: License: Lot S1ze(sq. ft.)) 20752; James J. Welch& Co. Inc. General Contractor-CS 067486 iZoning. "r 135 _ _Owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC ;Units Gained, Applicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Lost AT: 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 ��L iDig Safe#. ISSUED ON: 23-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON: EXPIRES ON: 23-Aug-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK- 634-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 34 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas Plumbing Buildin Underground: Underground: Underground: Excavation: Service: J Meter: Footings: UA- (1/�OL1 Rough yyJr � Rough: f�I 12nngh: Q�/'" Foundation: p2 I1 Final: �/ Final: r I Fival: Rough Frani, 411v ��CZ��S11-vz/-�J ��"' l f/ w T rcL Fireplace/Chihmey: S,Ph 3.EF�/✓c U.N.W. Fire Health Meter: Oil: Insulation: q� I House# Smoke:- Final: �'/tn�/1,�'1D yt��Il�� '(I ZL(0� Trevi ry: V ,(�Y� Water: Alarm: Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Signallar uo V Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check 1;0: vru.zF. BUILDING REC-2004-001102 23-Feb-04 6273 $0.00 LptgTANT: An in�oection is�4�113�P upon comPl vdork, _pse c II 745 Ext. 385 GcoTMS®2004 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions, htc. fall for Per-1. to_�Cw •C n � WWIpipVSQVE AD CITY OF . SALEM BUILDING PERMIT `',,Certificate No: 635-2004 Building Permit No.: 635-2004 Commonwealth of.Wassachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at --------------------- - Dwelling Type . 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM • Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 UNIT#502 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires -- -_ __ unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date -----------------'-----'-,__.- - __. - _47- -_- Issued On:Tue Nov 29,2005 ------------- - - ---- -- - - --------------- - - - ----------------- ,. GeoTMS®2005 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. "'r ,:�4"- CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT va'�CG JIlr<iili8t :r•YKK� �WLLi,L� CHECK# ( I $20.00 l fr FIRE DEPARTMENT-FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Fee Paid . 29 Fort Avenue d Salem,Massachusetts 01970-5232 (978)745-7777 11/17/05 . CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date) In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148, G.L. as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved within residential occupancies as applicable. Owner- Derby Lofts LLC QWI came of wrmn,firm or corpontun granted permit) Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING 0 One Family Dwelling - Type of Occupancy: 0 Two Family Dwelling xR Condominium Unit # 5(17 at 51 Lafayette Street (Give location by street ecd cumber,or describe in rich a manner as m provide adequate i aseatcn of location) NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer of real estate, 60 days after date of issue (SignatuA aw official craning parmit) Fir. Inspector � crawl Form#81A(Rev.6/99) _ 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71. 635-2004 GIS a: 1362_ i COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 'Map: 34 CITY OF SALEM ;Block: ILot 0485 (Category: New N 102 NSingle family Permi� t# —'102 ew BUILDING PERMIT Project# JS-2004-1044 Est Cost: _$0 00 ;Const. Class: I _ PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: ,Use Group «. . Contractor: License: i-- �L� of Siz6(sq. ft.) 20752 'James J. Welch & Co. Inc. General Contractor- CS 067486 Zoning. B5 _ ;Owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units GainedL _ Applicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Lost_ 1 A T: 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 Dig Safe#:_ ISSUED ON: 23-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON: EXPIRES ON. 23-Aug-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 635-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 35 REFER TO PERMIT ,82 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARDS IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric ItaS pp Plumbing Buildin l!uticrgi annd: ndergrom!d: ly. l:ndegp'ound: _/ �8zc,rva[imr.., �I Service: Ieter _ Footings: Rough: aJ_ ugh: p a` Rough: �� ly Foundation: Final: - Final: nh Final: �� Rough Frame::/lyJ Jp Qlc 3 2d/aS mney: pt"saEi'i &It D.P.W. Fire Health Fireplace/Chi Meter: Oil: Insula[i n: ^ n House Smoke: Nater. Alarm: Tica'u'): C.DL Sewer: Sprinklers: . THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM -�� MVlth ATION OF ;,,',pOF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Signature: Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount BUILDING REC-2004-001104 23-Fcb-04 6273 $0.00 An inspec.icn is Rte-U R FL-7—upon A ,rk I��se call corrtpls;iori 745 X585 cY. GeoTMS©2004 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. Call fir er" . Ltq ni�V�s�l nQVE AG CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT Cart;ficate No: 636-2004 Building Permit No.: 636-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM ----- -- - -- --- -- - -------------------- --- - - -- - ------------ -------- Address ` TowNCity Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY r 51 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 UNIT#503 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires _ unless sooner suspended or revoked.. E)piration Date d 3 Issued On:Tue Nov 22,2005 - - - - - - - -- -- --------------------- GeoTMS9)2005 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. - ----------------------- - ---- ------------------------V----_------- CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT • 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 636-2004 GIS#: 11362 -- COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map: - ,— 34 CITY OF SALEM Bock: 'Lot:, _ 0485 Category: 102 New Single family !Perin it#6 6-2004 BUILDING PERMIT iProject# JS-2004-1045 Est Cost $0.00 Fee: $0.00 jConst. Class: PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Use Group: Contractor: License: --- — - 'Lot Slze(sq. ft.): 20752 James J. Welch &Co. Inc. General Contractor- CS 067486 [Zoning , B5. •� ":Owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC jUnits Gained_ _ __ 1Appiicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC jUnitnit s Lost: SAT; 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 SQ3 Lost: - ,Dig Safe#: " ISSUED ON. 23-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON: EXPIRES ON: 23-Au.--2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 636-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 36 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas Plumbing Buildin Underground: Underground: Underground: � Excavation: Service: Meter: / 1� Footings: Rough�y_G,- -onglr l( c hough: �/ 'n' I+uunda[ion: Final: / inul: \ 1 Final Rough Frame: C ' y �s 111 0"41,",61 ate$ Fireplace/Chinmey: F+G� JAFJ Gti D.P.W. Fire Health Meter:. Oil: FinInsuchlatio r. House# Smoke: Tre try: Water: Alarm: Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Signa Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: ' Amount: BUILDING �. —�12FG2004-1101 t05�"-- 21 Feb-U4 6273 $0.00 ul'Ton cortiplefian of vtork, pBease cua 745-9555 Ert. 385 GcoTMSOO 2004 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions.loc. Call IOI Permit to Occupy V3QVE AS CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT •^*�fF'..- . �r-..r a4 _ _ v.-o fir.._` s,- ..._ y. ^. u w•w � -u pii've'•n3i:^' =ies+.e•. w.wav-._w.-•w.;.irv*m�+e•'.w t •,r..w.l�Fi'+�'4m�a' 'p'�' ._,. _ ag otLent, rsscl�lisE#ts v�to� fCHECK# �S $20.00 r 51 FIRE DEPARTMENT-FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Fee Paid 41 . RT29 Fort Avenue �GtY� Salem,Massachusetts 01970-5232 (978) 745-7777 11/17/05 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date) In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148, G.L. as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved within residential occupancies as applicable. Owner. Derby Lofts LLC (Fhll oame of person,firm or oorpontim granted permit Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING ❑ One Family Dwelling Type of Occupancy: ❑Two Family Dwelling _ xg Condominium Unit #_503_ 51 Lafayette Street 9 (Giw Ionto.by street and number.or describe in onto a mercer,w m provide d""W iden rition of lomdon) NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer of real estate, 60 days after date of issue (sg mems o g mt vg perm d Fire Irispector Form#81A(Rev.6/99) e Certificate No: 637-2004 Building Permit No.: 637-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is'to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at - ------ Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM - -- -- -- - -------- ----------- ---- ------ -------- - -- - -------------------------- Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 UNIT#504 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires ................. unless sooner suspended or revoked. E)prtation Date Issued On: Tue Nov 22,2005 - - e - GeoTMS®2005 Des Lauders Municipal Solutions,Inc. --------------------------- - ---- ------------ ----------C71- --------- CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 637-2004 GIS# 1362 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map: 34 CITY OF SALEM �Block: —— -j ILO-7.0485 --- _ ---� r Per it 102 New Single family! BUILDING PERMIT Pert mit 637-2004 Project# — JS-2004-1046 frEst Cost. $0.00 ee: T $0.00 Const Class _,V PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: !Use Group: Contractor: License: ,Lot Size(sq. ft.): 20752 James J. Welch& Co. Inc. General contractor-CS 067486 Zoning: E5 Owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Gamed: lApplieant: DERBY LOFTS LLC "Dins Lost"Dig Sate# -!AT: 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 J� — ' ISSUED ON: 23-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON. EXPIRES ON: 23-Aug-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 637-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 37 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas rPIumbing BuildinUnderground: Underground: dergrouoa: O� Excavation: Service: Meter. 'V+ Poolings: Rang h: 'G� ought I ( Roughs �/ v Foundation: Final / Final: ` Final: Rough Frame: j Fireplace/Chimney: C"aL sAfi CPL- D.P.W. Fire Health ✓ Insulation: Meter: Oil: Final: (� '�l�]/J I ol.. VIJ ZZ O House N Smoke: qIL Water: Alarm: V Trea. )'' 6v tl.a� ex, Sewer. Sprinklers: -'ualg4y+, qI THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM Ll(P T S RULES AND REGULATIONS. Signature: „ Fee Type: Receipt No: Dale Paid: CheckNo: Amount: BUILDING _ _ Itl C 2004-001IOC23 I eb-U4_ 6-273 $0.00 A- upon completion of work, please call 745-9595 Ext.385 GeoTMS©2004 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions.Inc call for Permit to occupy ii�xaa �rua�ina WRIVS 30 AID �—,. -._ ��r _. .-d`. _ �-c ,�`.. .. d,+nsw.fv+rr-. w,,.rn."�""' "Q"w•9ry""""` "W""'^""'"'y-•ye,!'F�""('w" "r.. AJL of %imt, Jw5l-a— c4ustUB CHECK# $20.00 1 I } lro FIRE DEPARTMENT- FIRE PREVENTION DIIVISION Fee Paid s 29 Fort Avenue $ � Salem,Massachusetts .01970-5232 (978)745-7777. 11/17/05 - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date) In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148,G.L. as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved within residential occupancies as applicable. Owner. Derby Lofts LLC (FWI vatae d penia,faro m mrporetion granted permit) Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING ❑One Family Dwelling - - Type of Occupancy: O Two Family Dwelling XN Condominium Unit # 504 at 51 Lafayette Street (Gies to bo by s .t end number,or deeaih io.6 a memar m m provide edeq u ids ti.d 1.tioe) NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer LT- of real estate, 60 days after date of issue P-UW permit) Fire Ldspector mm) Form 481A(Rev.6/99) f Certificate rNo: 638-2004 Building Permit No.: 638-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located.at Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM -------------------- -------------------- --------------- - - - - ----------------- Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY UNIT 505 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and a. expires - ---------------______- unless sooner suspended or.revoked. Expiration Date ` �e44 ------------- Issued On: Tue Nov 22,2005 -------------- - - GeoTMS®2005 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. ------ - - ------------ - - ------------ - - - - -- -----.---- ---- CITY OF SALEM . BUILDING PERMIT 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 638-2004 lets#__, .;: 136z - COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS IMap 34 CITY OF SALEM (Block. Lot: 0485 Category: 102 New Single family ,Pe°nil t# 638-2004 — — - =�1 BUILDING PERMIT (Project# JS-2004-1047 Est Cost: $0.00 Fe $0 00 Const. PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: i - Use Group: Contractor: License: Lot Size(sq. ft.). 20752KJames J. Welch& Co. Inc. General Contractor-CS 067486 Ronin.-. _B5 __jOwner: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Gained: _ _ _..1Applicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC bilits Lost: AT: 0051LAFAYETTESFREET?i Dig Safe#: ISSUED ON. 23-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON. EXPIRES ON.- 23-Au,--2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 638-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 38 RFFER'IO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES US POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas Plumbing Buildin Underground: Underground: Underground: Excavation: `r Service: leter: � JI Footings: i Rough: _y_ vim Rough �� /�,//IL Ruughli �r� V Foundation: Final: nal: dt` I''IL(�//1AlyI L Foug Rough Frame: ak !412.T/V /rtJ —Ol ✓ MO Fireplace/Chimney: �2L �aF�S OCG. D.P.W. Fire Health Insulation: Meter: Oil: K ,14 0 House# Smoke: Final: o`, �e 'O Treas it Water: Alarm: Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Irlr,,,� _z '11Ar ' I Signa u e: Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING a-_REC-2004-001107 - -23-Feb-1)4" �111 `273 $0.00 IiyiPDHIANI: An ',�Q,M E upon ccrzpEe':lon of wcrk, please cell 745-9595 Ext. 385 GeoTMS@ 2004 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. 11 for Permit /,IrcuYy Vile nOVE AD CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT ryxP�;�•+"s��r�'.rpY�� ,p,�{���P"�•_�i`Fg•K .'�*..,�p...,�.�-.,t}1�.•,1��y'lyn.�,.r YL �++�4+H filass*uPL11T.7 - CHECK# Q1LG� $20.00 V�O lfrc FIRE DEPARTMENT-FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Fee Paid 29 For[Avenue '�mms Salem,Massachusetts .01970-5232 (978)745-7777 11/17/05 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date) In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148, G.L. as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved within residential occupancies as applicable. Owner: Derby Lofts LLC '(Full nerve of plreon.(n91 or corporation jRnted permit) F Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING ❑One Family Dwelling Type of Occupancy: ❑Two Family Dwelling XRCondominium Unit # 505 51 Lafayette Street (Giw location by et ea and number.or davibe in such a manner u to provide adequate identif tion d locatim) . NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer /�/ .- of real estate, 60 days after date of issue //taigmtnre t panting permiu Fire /inspector Form#81A(Rev.6/99) �i Certificate No,639-2004 Building Permit No.: 639-2004 a Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that thelotted at ------ -- - --------------° - -- - ------- Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM - - ------------- ----- - - ----------- ---------- ------------- -,z- Address ` Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY UNIT 506 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires _-_--_----_- unless sooner suspended of ,revoked. Expiration Date Issued On: Tue Nov 22,2005 GeoTMS®2005 Des t.auners Municipal Solutions,Inc. - - ... ---- --- -""- ---- - ' W s> i I c�vt� 005 1.LAFAYETTE STREET 71 639-2004 GIs# 1362 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map ' Block. 4 CITY OF SALEM Lot: 0485 ICategory: 102 New Single family] Permit# 639-2004 -- BUILDING PERMIT ;project# JS-2004-1048 ---- ----- -- �Est Cost: $0.00_ Fee 00 � nst Class`_ # PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Use Group: ]Contractor: License.: Lot Slze(sq.'ft:): 20752 " games J. Welch &Co. Inc. General Contractor-CS 067486 Zoning: 135 ___T owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC Untts Gamed: —.---!Applicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC r Units Lost: . Dig Safe#> — AT: 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 -5 Q ISSUED ON: 23-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON: "EXPIRES ON: 23-Aug-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 639-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 39 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM T HE STREET Electric Gas Plumbing Building Underground: Underground: Underground: Excavation: Service: / i er. n` \, �O(� Footings: Rough:�-J/-G� Rough:. /(I/ Ifj /Vt� ! Rough: tom,( (/ J Foundation: Final: / Finale\l p` I/�'�^ 1� Final: UA(`• G, 'Rough Frame:�L/��. Jq/Z j�Z4�S �� of Fire dace/Chimney: �,� ��. D.P.W. Fire Health Meter: Oil: htsulat 1 �/� a/� r t J�z fo-S Smoke: io Pmol. House ft U 0 q Cx 'fres ry: Water: Alarm: Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALE SON Nj%ATION OF V;i0F ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Signature: Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING_ _ -- REC-2004-001108 - 23-Feb-O4 6273 $0.00 upon cornpio;;on of work, please call 745-9595 Ext.385 GcoTMSe 2004 Iles Landers Municipal Solutions,Inc. Call for Permit to Qlccupy Vmwr An CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT a.'^trp�a��r��w..��ayyr��. �t�ytr��.w.���**..��`. ��',a���trr)grrF.ep.+4'+nid eco r L of * fit assar4A srft 1 CHECK N ��D $20.00 1 fro FIRE DEPARTMENT-FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Fee Paid 29 Fort Avenue d Salem,Massachusetts 01970-5232 (978)745-7777 11/17/05 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date) In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148, G.L. as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved within residential occupancies as applicable. Owner: Derby Lofts LLC (Fall—me of pveo.,firm or mrpontion panted permit) Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING ❑One Family Dwelling _ Type of Occupancy: ❑Two Family Dwelling r )MCondominium Unit N 506 at 51 Lafayette Street (Giw lontnon by stmet and number,or describe in such a notate,ee m ptwidee adepoete identification of loattion) NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer 1f. "-1 of real estate, 60 days after date of issue �fsnanne d*.'panties p.ry at) Fire ns ector (Tile) Form 481A(Rev.6/99) - Certificate No: 640-2004 Building Permit No.: 640-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM ---------------------------------------- - Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 UNIT#507 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and - expires ....................... ...- unless sooner suspended or revoked. - _-. E)piration Date Issued On: Tue Nov 29,2005 V GeoTMS®2005 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. --------------------------------•---------------------------------------------- Ul l Y Ur NALLM BUILDING PERMIT 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 640-2004 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS i p Ma 1 34 CITY OF SALEM LBlock ILot — 10485 (Category: 1112Newl,ngLle la. ly !Permit# 1640-2004�y� WILDL\1G PERMIT ,Project# ,JS-2004-1049 !Est Cost $0.00 ^ T ,Fee r $0.00 Const. Class: r j PERMISSION IS HEREB Y GRANTED TO: iUse Group Contractor: License: Lot Slze(sq ft) 20752 ��- James J. Welch & Co. Inc. General Contractor-CS 067486 Zoning B5 ^ UOwner: DERBY LOFTS LLC In — —� �Units Gamed_ _ _- _iAPP1icant: DERBY LOFTS LLC Unl[s Lost A T. 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 s 5_0 7 !Dig Sate#. ISSUED ON: 23-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON. .EXPIRES ON. 23-Aug-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 640-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 40 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Cas Plumbing Building Underground: Underground: / Un ierkruumi: f Escaration: Service: Me[er: � (//v" Footings: Rough: 3— : on ht(/ Rough: `,1! XU � Foundation: Final: Final: \\ Final: hough F'ramej7C 1,2 UJ Fi replace/Chinumy: D.P.W. Fire Health Ins'ulat, n: Meter: Oil: Fit House 1f Smoke: .. sury: D� Water: Alarm: Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM UN \1OLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Of �F Sig � Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING REC-2004-001 i 09 233--Pcb-0I 0273 $0-00 upon ccr,��ae��on of�^Joric, pease call 745-9595 ext. 385 (;all for Permit to OCCUPY Gm97 TSO 2004 Des Lauriers Mm ¢ ticipal Solutions,h . - VE CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT � . � -.. .P-wr*"-. :•i=tir,`�1+vya"'. r-.- +r•+r y-,s.=�M1.,..asrs-fie,.: y.-�-.r.ti--w qe- ,.n.. ....y.- WON $20.00 1ff c FIRE DEPARTMENT -FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Fee Paid 29 Fort Avenue vvvTTT_ Salem,Massachusetts .01970.5232 (978) 745-7777 -11/17/05 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date) In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148, G.L. as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved within residential occupancies as applicable. Owner: Derby Lofts LLC T.11 Dame d person,firm or mrpontm granted permit) Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location am per current codes as of this date. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING 0 One Family Dwelling Type of Occupancy: ❑Two Family Dwelling - %XCondominium Unit M 507 51 Lafayette Street a (Gm loran.by e a and-amber,or deavibe in each a meaner m m provide adequate ideatifi idn d I don) - / NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer of real estate, 60 days after date of issue (sign.tm.d ' t vg perm u Fire Inspector v craw) Form 481A(Rev.6199) Certificate No:641-2004 Building Permit No.: 641-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY UNIT 508 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires _ unless sooner suspended or revoked. ----------------------------- Expiration Date i Issued On:Tue Nov 22,2005 GeoTMS®2005 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. -----------A------------ --------------------- ------ _— _ _ W ii Y pW�ms` ' *CN 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 641-2004 cis a=— Ji36z iCOMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 34 _ CITY OF SALEM Block: . — �-- --- ---, Lot: 0485 Category102 New Single family lPermit4 6412004 BUILDING PERMIT Project# JS-2004-1052 (Est Cost _$0.00 ;Fee: $0.00 lconst. Class: " '' PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: iUse Group: Contractor: License: Lot Size(sq. ft.): 20752 —_James J.Welch & Co. Inc. General contractor- CS 067486 ;Zoning:- B5 _{Owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC IUtnts Gained: LT �_ ?Appiicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC (Units Lost� �� 1 1AT. 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 ®g ,Dig Safe# ISSUED ON: 24-Feb-2004 �JAMENDED ON: i<EXPIRES ON. 24-Aug-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 641-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 41 REFER 10 PERMIT58'2 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM T HE STREET Electric Gas Plumbin¢ Building Underground: Underground: Underrgi,wrd: � Excavation: Service: Meter: (/o`r �(/d Footings: Rough:7-Y-4, Rough: /J �[ ��` J Rough' 1 ///�����, Foundation: /\ C /�y�1glp9� og�j/y�1'�It 3/ig�p5 Final: Final: 1 Y n' FinO�al �� VVV Rough FrameY VVVn/ k1lc� .:t/4LGJ .—_-_ Fireplace/C'.hinmcv: ,,Se-3XPO/ D.P.W. Fire Health J Insulation: Mcter: Oil: House# Smoke: Final: B �� Tres Y: Water: Alarm: Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEAD V IOLAT�ONL Y410 .ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. �9 Qy Signsturc: Fee Type: Receipt No: Date I'aid:-.—" Check No: Amount: BUILDING ""'"` RLC-2004-001I '.2 Gb," b (i'l� o2;3 $0.00 L+F� upon cornpio-ytio,1 of-rrork, please call 745-9595 Ext. 385 GeoTMs®2004 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions, Inc. dor Permit to U'ccupy 4,46 W30VE AD CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT of �^ ,�wN�Ker:.RF��.r..�,..i,�.*��..a�,}...�.r,�,.. J4KWliLLLWL.IJ.0 - CHECK# $20.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT-FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Fee Paid 29 Fort Avenue Salem,Massachusetts .01970-5232 (978)745-7777 ' 11/17/05 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date) In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148, G.L. as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved within residential occupancies as applicable. Owner: Derby Lofts LLC (FWII mme of Vemon.rum m mrpontion granted permit) Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING ❑One Family Dwelling - - Type of Occupancy: O Two Family Dwelling x:E Condominium Unit # 508 at 51 Lafayette Street (Giw lantien by ournt end number.or desmibe in ouch a me—,m to pmride edaquete identirm do of looidon) , ! NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer of real estate, 60 days after date of issue (signenve of o8;eia permit) Fire Inspector ! dale) Form N81A(Rev.6/99) Certificate No: 642-2004 Building Permit No.: 642-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits - This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at Dwelling Type r 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM . - - --- -- --------` ----------------------- Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY UNIT 509 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinancesrelating thereto,and expires ......._.............. ........._ unless sooner suspendedor rev ked. Expiration Date ' �'/f- -- --_ `L .- Issued On: Tue Nov 22,2005 --- ---- -- --- - -- GeoTMS®2005 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. ------------------------------=--<------------------------------------------- CITYY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 642-2004 ictis 3462 3 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS jMap — CITY OF SALEM (Block: !Lot: 0485 . f,Category: 102 New Single family, Permit 642-200_4 -_ _ BUILDING PERMIT (Project# JS-2004-1053 jEst. Cost. ' $0:00 ,Fee $0.00 Const. Class: PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Use Group: Contractor: License: LotSize(sq. ft.): 20752 ��James J. Welch & Co. Inc. General Contractor- CS 067486 Zoning: B5 Owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Gained: — APPlicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC !Units Lost: -- AT. 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 g 9 LDig Safe#: ISSUED ON: 24-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON: EXPIRES ON: 24-Aug-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 642-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 42 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT [S VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas Plumbing Buildin Underground: Underground: Underground: Excavation: Service: Meter: /M ��� Footings: 2� l Rough:2 Y-0l" Ruugh: t r( �O Rough: � Foundation: Final: / teal: Final: Ruugh Frame: y77�i1.(!�•� ��os �� Ok Fireplace/C'huuney: F/4Pi D.P.W. Fire Health :Vletcr: Oil: Insulation:�J r House 0 Smoke: Final: c.� B/L zzf Water; Alarm: V Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Ji Si n rt Fee Type: Receipt-No:—Date-11aid:-11 Check No: Amount: DUD,Dwh 11ViPOHTAiNT: An R'cc-2'003=ivIll,t�iEREQUw-"U4 6273 - $0.00 upon completion of work, please call 745-9555 Ext:385 GcoTMS©2004 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions. Inc.Call for Permit to ®INUP a V30YE A0 CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT }'�.•,Zw,�a�G.w•1.• -w - ..s-.-. --, i�,;.�4T-.. . ��...- qee*�� -`'-+fA�}b�wyw9M�f•�s.{'�}�.s� s•.s a ...f•eM�wa'a�v+�,,,.-AM""fi{.c•4s+t s ��6 ' Klly SIiS CHECK# S If $20.00 1. fr FIRE DEPARTMENT -FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Fee Paid 29 Fort Avenue reGy�y Salem,Massachusetts 01970-5232 11/17/05 (978)745-7777 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date) In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148, G.L. as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved within residential occupancies as applicable. Owner: Derby Lofts LLC (FWI tame d permv,rum or mrporetiov greeted permit) r Smoke detectors have been installed and are,approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date- SMOKE ateSMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING ❑One Family Dwelling - Type of Occupancy: ❑Two Family Dwelling 5Condominium Unit # 502 I at 51 Lafayette Street }y. (five Imatrot by street end number,or deembe m each a mavmr m m pride adequate id.v'uetion d 1 abet) NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer of real estate, 60 days after date of issue (s'g rme d A 1 gnvtmg permit) Fire Inspector Mile) Form#81A(Rev.6/99) - - Certificate-No: 643-2004 Building Permit No.: 643-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM - - --------------- - - -- ------- ------------------ - ` - ----------------------------- Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 UNIT#510 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires ...._..... .....______________- unless sooner suspended or revoked. - Expiration Date Issued On:Tue Nov 29,2005 -- GeoTMS®2005 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. -------------- ------------- ---------------------------------------------- CITY QVISALEM BUILDING PERMIT k: G. t 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 643-2004 �cisa- - 1362__= COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ----- Map: — 34 — CITY OF SALEM Block "'� Lot. 0485 Category: 102 New Single family E- - _ (Permit# 643-2004 BUILDING PERMIT Project# a JS-2004-1054 Est Cost: $0.00 Fee $0.00 r ~ Const Class_: PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Use Group. ,. l Contractor: Licerese: Lot Size(sq ft.) 20752 T liames J. Welch & Co. Inc. Oenerst Contractor- CS 067486 izonmg B5 __ _ Owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC Umts Gained: 1 __ _ Applicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC _ (Units Lost I Dig Safe#. - JA T. 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 7I E/ Is—su]- ON: 24-Feb-2004 JAMENDED ON: EXPIRES ON: 24-Aug-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 643-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 43 REFER TO PERNIIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas Plumbing Building Underground: Underground: Underground; r Excavation: Service: Meter: pFootings: Rough:-? 'Y Gi /�^p Ra eit Rough: pyI �lI Foundation:, ��(J({� I Final: Final: 6' Final: "` (tough Frame.�(ORor -. _-- Fireplace/C'hinmcy: i`fQ2.r:A r13 Ok- D.P.W. Fire Health Meter: Oil: Insula[: r / Final: AK 11 I Z.q�BJ House N Smoke: T'e'sury: e.a. Water: Alarm: Sewer: Sprinkler: - `Y THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM U N IOLATI OF IXTS RULES AND REGULATIONS. " Signature: Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount BUILDING REC-3004-00111114 '4-1ch-11a 5273 $0.0D IMPORTANT: A.3 inspection is FFQ IRED upon Complefon of work, please call 745-9595 Ext. 365 GeoTiMS0 2004 Des l.auriers Municipal Solutions, Inc.�'g CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT wltsbr ..cs _ ,.F ,..,f. _..,r�'�'^ — • ..-.. �.� - „+/-.. ..s"�"a'+in�'. Ya5['e i.' '=k";+,'""F=� _ ''"'� of �f asc usCHECK# J 4� �+++ss $20.00 l 0 1 R R FIRE DEPARTMENT-FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Fee Paid 1 29 Fort Avenue Gro Salem,Massachusetts 01970-5232 (978)745-7777 - .11/17/05 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date) I In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148,G.L. as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved cif within residential occupancies as applicable. - Owner: Derby Lofts LLC QWII Dame of penia,firm or w tion grated permit) Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING ❑ One Family Dwelling Type of Occupancy: ❑Two Family Dwelling ZZ Condominium Unit # 51 at 51 Lafayette Street (Give to ntioo by street and number.or deecibe in such a Danner as to prvv de adequate ids ti<ution of Ieratiow NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer a/ of real estate, 60 days after date of issue {s,gnatme er firicial vwtiw parmie) Fire Inspector mtm Form#81A(Rev.6/99) Certificate No:_644-2004 Building Permit No.: 644-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at - --------------- Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM ----------------------------------------- --- - --- - ---- ----- -- -- - ----- ------------------------------------------ Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY UNIT 511 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires unless sooner suspended or'revo d. Expiration Date Issued On: Tue Nov 22,2005 --- ----- ----- - --- ------------------ -- -- ---------- GeoTMS®2005 Des Launers Municipal Solutions,Inc. -------------------------------.---------------------------------------------- y+ } 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 644-2004 GIs -- 362 _ w COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map _134 _ CITY OF SALEM Block: Lo_t _ 0485 — — - -j jCategory: 102 New Single family) [Permit# .644-2004- �- BUILDING PERMIT Project# JS-2004-1055 Est. Cost. $0.00_ Fee. $0.00 COfiSt. Class:.-' "--- PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: U_Group: Contractor: License: Lot Size(sq. ft.). 20752 James J. Welch&Co. Inc. General Contractor-CS 067486 Izonmg____B5 ' 10wner: DERBY LOFTS LLC. Units Gained: I _ __,jApp[icant: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Lost 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 Dig Safe#: ISSUED ON: 24-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON: EXPIRES ON. 24-Aug-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 644-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL. CONDOS UNIT 44 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas Plumbing 113uildin Underground: Underground: Underground: h� Excavation: Service: Meter: 6� �N Footings: Rough:2"—Y-US_Ixl�)<0 ugh: ���✓ Ruugia: G Foundation Final: Final �� p/' Final IJ/ Rough Frame: 7TK Fireplace/Chinutey: ` G6A/O�If!°� D.P.W. Fire Health 7 ,11e[er: Oil: Insulation.�,(/y�!-�/� F'ival: House# Smoke: (, C•Q Wafer: Alarm: Sewer: Sprinklers: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. � rauyuap,evrp N Y Sig I r Fee Type: Receipt No: —�� hate Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING REC-2004-00i115 24-Feb-04 6273 $0.00 IMPORTANT: An ins4_c`Ivp is REQUIRED upon completion of work, please call 745-9595 Ext. 385 GeoTY1S0 2004 Des Lnuriet s Municipal Solutions.Inc. '� 11 fnr Pto n1irvi v 10 Qvt CITY OF SALEM BUILDING PERMIT �coRnr ii4+H JYKI�T.>tFIC�iWI . LLIS7 CHECK# $20.00 " 'l FIRE DEPARTMENT-FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Fee Paid 29 Fort Avenue dq Salem,Massachusetts 01970-5232 (978)745-7777 11/17/05 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Date) In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148, G.L. as provided in Section 26E and/or 26F smoke detectors have been approved within residential occupancies as applicable Owner: Derby Lofts LLC (foal name of pereon,r.or nmporetion graotad permit) Smoke detectors have been installed and are approved for type and location as per current codes as of this date SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING ❑One Family Dwelling Type of Occupancy: ❑Two Family Dwelling Q Condominium Unit # 511 at 51 Lafayette. Street (Give location by etreet end number.or desaibe in such a mower as to provide adequate identification of location) NOTICE: Certificate is NOT VALID, for sale or transfer of real estate, 60 days after date of issue (signature or allielel granting permit) Fire Inspector (Title) Form 981A(Rev.6/99) _ • ,�,�/oL l� �� � �� ��� ,\��� '� ��� Certificate fflagsacbm5ettg Type: New ❑ enewal, no change ❑ Renewal with change ndred and ten, Section five of the Massachusetts General ;) that a business is conducted under the title of: 7,4 Tel .# J7 e name and title if corporate officer) �,// —Residence Tel .# tn MASSACHUSETTS rY DEPARTMENT TREET, 3RD FLOOR iU5ETT5 01,970 45-9595 EXT. 380 740-9846 if Structures old must have approval of the al Society CTIONS REQUIRED zed Agent Date of Disconnection .. CITY OF SALEM9 MASSACHUSETTS m PUBLIC PROPERTY DEPARTMENT 120 WASHINGTON STREET. 3RD FLOOR 1 �� , SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS 01970 STANLEY J. USOVICZ, JR. TELEPHONE: 978-745-9595 EXT. 380 1 MAYOR FAX: 978-740-9846 �' y November 29,2005 To Whom It May Concern: Allow this to act as a bill for 44 Certificate of Occupancies,at a cost of$30.00 each for The Derby Loft Condominiums, as of today,Tuesday,November 29,2005. The total amount owed to date is$1320.00. DERBY LOFTS —OCCUPANCY PERMITS $30.00 EACH Unit# 304 issued' 306 issued 307 issued, 308 issued 309 issue& 310 issued, 311 issued, 202 issued 204 issue& 205 issued/ 206 issued' 207 issued 208issuee 209 issued' 210 issued' 211 issued, 203- issued temporary,- 504 emporary504 issued 501 issued- 405 issued 503 issued 409 issued 509 issued- 411 issued- 406 issued- 408 ssued408 issued- 511 issued- 402 ssued511issued- 402 issued- 508 issued 404 issued 303 issued 305 issued 506 issued 201 issued" 505 issued, 301issuedr 302 issued 403 ISSUED 407 ISSUED , 410 ISSUED 410 ISSUED' 502ISSUED- 507ISSUED 510 ISSUED- '�Z C ° e Certificate No: 623-2004 _ _ Building Permit No.: 623-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDO'MINIDM located at Dwelling Type 0051 LA.FAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51 LAFAYETT:E STREET 71 UNIT #401 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto, and exp - ires unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date Issued On: Wed Jan 25, 2006 ---- --- _._ - - - -- .---- -- -------- -- GeoTMS02009Des LauriersMunicipalSclutions.Inc. ------- --------------------------------- -- ----- ----- --- ------ --- Certificate No: 646-2004 Building Permit No.: 646-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 UNIT#602 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto, and expires _ unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date Issued On:Tue Jan 10,2006 ---------------- --- - ------------- GeoTMS®2009 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Certificate No: 647-2004 Building Permit No.: 647-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - -- - - - - - - - - ---- --------------------------- Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 UNIT#603 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date _-_- --------------------------------------_ Issued On: Wed Dec 14, 2005 ------------------------- ---- GeoTMS®2009 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. Certificate No: 604-2004 Building Permit No.: 648-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at ------- ------------------------------ Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY unit 604 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date -_--------------------------------_ Issued On:Tue Feb 28, 2006 -- ------------------------------- --------- ----------------------- GeoTMS®2009 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------- Certificate No: 649-2004 Building Permit No.: 649-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM - - --------------------------------------------------------- ---- - - - - - - - - - - Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY UNIT 605 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date _------------------- Issued On:Tue Feb 28, 2006 GeoTMS®2009 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. Certificate No: 650-2004 Building Permit No.: 650-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at --- ---- --- - Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM - - - --- - ---- --- ---- -- Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 UNIT 4606 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto, and expires unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date __---__--__---__------------------------------------------------------- Issued On: Thu Jan 12,2006 GeoTMS®2009 Des Landers Municipal Solutions,Inc. Certificate No: 651-2004 Building Permit No.: 651-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at -------------- Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 UNIT#607 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date _---------------------------- Issued On: Tue Jan 10,2006 GeoTMS®2009 Des Launers Municipal Solutions,Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Certificate No: 652-2004 Building Permit No.: 652-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONS located at ---------------------------------------------------- Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM ------------ - Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY UNIT 608 This permit is granted in confomuty with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto, and expires unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date Issued On: Tue Feb 28,2006 GeoTMS®2009 Des Launers Municipal Solutions,Inc. Certificate No: 653-2004 Building Permit No.: 653-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at ----------------------------------------------------- Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71in the CITY OF SALEM --------------------------------- ----- - - - - - - - Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY UNIT 609 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto, and expires unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date Issued On: Tue Feb 28,2006 - - - - - - GeoTMS®2009 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. Certificate No: 654-2004 Building Permit No.: 654-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at ----------------------------------------------------- Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM ----------- ------ ---- -- --- -- ----------------------- ------ --- ------------------------------ Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 UNIT 4610 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires ___ unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Issued On:Tue Jan 10, 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------- ------ - GeoTMS®2009 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. Certificate No: 645-2004 Building Permit No.: 645-2004 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the CONDOMINIUM located at Dwelling Type 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 in the CITY OF SALEM Address Town/City Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 51 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 UNIT #601 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto, and expires _ unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Issued On:Tue Jan 10, 2006 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeoTMS®2009 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. - ---- --- ----- A WINTER STREET ARCHITECTS, INC: --_-- DATE: 9/19rmos Thomas St, Pierre CC: City of Salem Buildling Department Fax(978)709846 SENT BY: John Gately PROJECT: 0135.001 - FnJ3PEC: Transa Pierre 9-19-06.doc Derby Lofts Condominiums 0 URGENT 0 FOR REVIEW 0 PLEASE COMMENT 0 PLEASE REPLY 0 PLEASE RECYCLE DOCUMENTS ENCLOSED: DATE PAGES DESCUPTION 1 ULWormation COMMENTS: Tom, Attached is tha info on to through-penetration steel collar assembly used at Derby Lofts. I double-checked with the engineer and this system is designed to dose off the opening in the event of a fire to maintain the Boor/ceiling rating. A rated shaftwall should not be needed. Please call with any questions. Thanks, John Gately 206 CM SRK SJlE300 SMSA,M.4,$gCR&-TwS01070 RIJt1E978.744.T378 FA%978.741.0240 1nw+.YJar4ehite�:seom udiidicuuV fun 10:�i rax y�uuG:uV9 ti System No.C-AJ-2001 continued W1iaW1-1,!(13to3B) ipe MfnWallorFlaor Wrap Strip 1411aWrap TRating . .. plPa'Pype--..... Dim Is.(nam) _,. .Tl+imafa.(mm) Widtb ln.(mm) Strip Lagers . . . Ifr .. PVC,ra:PVC orCPVp,_ . (13 to3S) 2-1R(64) 1(25) 7 .._...0....�.. —.__... ABS,ccABScrFRPP(a) - (13to38). 2-12(64) 1(25) 1'-- --1 PVC,=w<orCPVC WSI) 2-12(64) 2(51) 1 0 PVC,aPVCorCPVC1) 2-12(64) 1(25) 2 0 ABS,ccABSmFRPP(a)-.-., 1)- 2.12(64) 1(25) -_ 2, 1 PVC,ccPVC4CPVC 64 76) 2-1/2.(64) 2(sI) 2 0 pVC,ccPVCorCPVC'--- 3-1/2m4(896702) 2-1/2(64) 2(51). .....3. _. 0 PVC'"PVCorCPVC,. 12tol-W(13toll 4-12(114)' 1(25) 1 2` ' ABS ccPVC WFRPP(I_"_. PVCccPVC,CPVC,ABS, 2(51) - 4.12(114) 1(25) 2 2 ABS,ceABS orFRPP(a) PVC,ccPVC,CPVC 2-12w3(64tc76) . 4.12(114) 1(25) 3 2 ABS,crABS w FRPP(a) - PVC,cePVC,CPVC,ADS, 2'L2w3(64to76)- 4.12(114) 2(51) 2 2. ccABS,1'8'w FRPP(a) .. PVC,ocYVCorcpvc 3.1/2ro4(89m 102) 4-12(1114) 2.(51) 2 1.12 .PVC,ccpvcC CPUC. 3.12Io4(89to102) 4.1/2(114) 2(51) 3 2 ABS,ccAl3Sor ) . PVC 6(c)(152) 4-12(:14) 3(76) (a)-RegoiteBoaeotalnmimntape detaffed artem3E, .(b)-rlqukc umofpipecweaingdetm7edialtm3D. - (c)-Foraom 6 in.(152mm)diam pipg l W2 in.(25 and51 tnm),widewrep ships are"Stacked"toatmia nom; 3 in.(76mm)wapshipwidth. .. Faehlgyaofwnptaripwbehremlledwithbound seem widrbuhedseamsinsnaessiveloyersstaggered.Wrap s+iTlayers . temporarily heW inpositioasrsiug elismtrmm foil irk steel wur te,or equivalem la wall asaanbhm,the wrap ship is to be installed intlic samemmaausod for floor assemblies,butit sban beinetalled symmeaically onborh sides ofthe wall assembly. . 3MCOM1iltANY-PS-195+ a MvOidwCwrityMaterial s*-CaWk or Putty(Not Slunwit)-Gencrowbead ofcw&or puWta be applied toomer pesimehxefwrap strip suits mterfaeewith float orwaR guffaw(s). . 3M COMPANY-C P 25WB+,IC ISWB carrlk wMP+Stix puhy (Note:LR4duV apply only whm CP25WB+caa11cis nand.) . C. Real Coag-NomI in.,2ir ora im(25 mn,51 nffi w76 mm)deep collar,dependeetvpon wrap ship width,with l-1/4 in. (32 area vA&by2 in.(51 ruts)bog anchor tabs and min 1,2 in(13 mm)long tabs to retain Map ship layca.Cris of precut 0.016 is(0.41 atm)$dck(28 gauge)galy sheet steel available from wrap stripmaniWaa .As an alternate,collar may be - flcid-fibrieated fiommin 0,016 in.(0.41 mm)lhick(23 gauge)galy erred steel in accadaao WM inetuctian shed sapplied by wapshipmanufaattuer.Steel Idler,with ambortabs bent outward 90 deg,wmppedtgbilyamnmdwmp strip layers with min I in.(25mm)werlspat seam.Am hor tabs tobepcased tightlyagainstfloo-or wall surface(s),and cdUar tobe compressed srotrndwrap strip layersmmil amen 12 in.(13 m a)wideby 0.028 in.(0.71 mm)thick stainless steel band clamp attic collaratidheight.lbmband clamps werequired for 3 in.(76 trim)bigh collar on nom 6 in.(152mm)diem pipe.As an altdmate to the bard c)arrrps,lin.andzin:(2smm andsimm)deep collars maybe seuvredbyameansxo.10 by 12 tet ' (13 am)ismg sheetmemi strews iaeroBed in Poe vertical axis azthe caster ofine I m.(25 mm)overlap along,heperimetet' join ofrbe oolleeAmin oftm and threesaewsare required for l in.and 2 in.(25 man and 51 mm)deep collars,respectively Collatobe secaradto flow orwall surto ^ (s)with 1A in.(6nmr)diaw bymin 7-li2 in.(39 rmn)long 9x01 awsmimt bolt,w . eqtuvale14incagjuncCumwithsteel masandrain 1-1/4in.(32mm)dim steelleaderwashers.Anchorboltstobcusedwith every other aaalmrtab or ssdeacrrlredin the fogowingwhieh ever isgroater.Ion eachorbolts,symmetrically located,tegrured fornom l/2 in:(13 mm)to mm 2 is(Sl mm)diampipea Three anclm:bolts,symmetiealty'.omted,mquirtd fwnom . 2-1"2 h tri 3 i4(64mmto 76 mm)6=pipeo.Fowmciarbob,.*mmwtridlyiocakd,required fa nom 3-1/2 ice,ead4 a (89 rani to lWmm)diam pipes.Pw6 is(152 mm)disco pipes,anchor baits to be used with each anchor tah Retaineatabs to bebam 90 deg tosmrd pipe toloekvM stip larars in position. . D. Pipe Cowewe(NotShosm)-NomIin.(25nw)tluckhoUtsvcyiindricalhwycla sibglassfiberwisjacketedonthe . outside wiih a t all service jacket.Whanregnfired(see table),mm 6 in.(152 mm)length installed around pipe stun egress from the steel wllar(Item C)on the underside offloor won bwh sides ofwall.Pipe cnvermg secured to pipe withsteelwlie ties spaced max4In,(102 mm)OC.Edge ofpipe cweringaouning steel collar m be sealed with a min I/4 in. (6 min)dism'head ofmi3kw.putty(Item B). See Pipe and Equipment Covering-Materials(BR("category in BuildingMatmials Directory for i mmes of aanefacasreta.Any pipe covering material meeting the abosm spedticatiear and bearing the UL Classification Marlueg w dt Flame Spreadlndea of25 or less and a Stuck:DweEped?Ddex of 50 orless maybe usod. This malaria wm extruded and cruet by N fie Protection ho&dsfrom fi,:2002 edition of the 91 fire Resistance Directory. WS i M-n "'yea' )a C'•- rv. a F11Q [bbC�C5, 41itOdA '' tdhofAxitl :rramac.f90a49a9s6a' .31h.COBl1`iCeffOP - .78.. Cusbmerierrrce:l8arto�odo:1.800.326-76dI D/i LUVu 1VL ♦u../L •n.- 4FJ UVJ/ VV�. h u f� System No.C-AJ-2001 101y09,2003 ..---` a (FmwlySyatemNo.64-A) - 0 FRattng-2Iir .... -C...:. . TRatings-0 I-rl and2llr(Seeltenn3)- - - . . LRatingatAmbiem-7 CFPNsq B(Sdeltem 3B) _..__ ._..._..... N --_ -- LRatingat400E-ICFWsgft(See It=38) - C ' S e - j SECTION A-A 1. Fleoror WaD Amtrrd$r-LightwcigM arrmrmitwetght(100•UOpefor 1600-2400kglm�eohcrefe.Evcxpt as footnmed for Poor assemd' yintalemder)tem3,miathickamofsobdconcrekfoeraaaltassembiyic4•ihia.(114mm).F:oorassetablyW,also heeonsoaodofaitymio6in.(152=n)thick ULClessifiedkollowcorep,mew Cana**Utdm•.Walimeyaisobecomtrectedof y anyULCkssifiedConereteBlocks.DiamofopeningdxoughiloororwaD tobe0m.tot/kin.tOm-oto6tma)largerd=the 0 outtidediamofnom2 m.(51tam)dimaandsmellarpipesorconduits.Diem ofopening to be0in.to lit in.(Orrenm 13mn)large, Un theeuWAc diem ofnom2.12 in.(64 tat)diam and largerpipw or c8rdr'rts.Mex diem ofopening is 7 in.(,I' rsrm). to See Genders Blocte(CAZ-1)ar«Iprecaat CoabrdeUni4(CF'Mca[egaries in F¢e ResiatanceDirectery fixrames g ofmamtfacotrom. O - 2 ThrougliPmerrante-One nowneWhepipe orcondtut tobe centaedm the thraoghopening.pipe orcoodmrrobe rigid.y CV supported on both sides ofdmilpuror wall assembly.The.followingtypes and sizes ofnomtetaliic pipes or maduiis may be used A. Pot)-Aug Chloride(PVC)Pipe-Nom 6 is(152an)diem(or ernallx)Schedulc40sohd-core PVC 7.pefnr use in ckssed (process a,up*)arvented(dram,Waste oryeat)piping system . B. CeBalar-Cole Polyvinyl Chloride(=PVC)Pipe-Nom4uL(lo2mm)diam((rsmaua)Sci4eade4oceuvinrcom PVC i pipe for ase in closed(process or supply)or tmtod(drait;waste or vent)piping systmr, C. Chloitnated Potyviml Chloride(CPVC)Pipe-Nom6im(152 mm)dium(or smaller)SM13.5 CPVCpipe for uqn closed(process or supply)piping Mems. r D. AcrylooitrOe Butadiene Styreas(AM Pipe-Mom 4uL(1O2 mm)diaznlor Smaller)Sche"e 40 sclid-core ABS peps for use in closed(process or sulkily)or vented(drain,waste or vent)piping systems. E. Cellular CoreAcrylonitrBe Batadieae Stynnse(ccABS)Plpe-Non 47n.(102 and)dim(a srmaller)w.:sic 40 oeltuix coreABS pipe for use in closed(Process""pply)orvoided(drain,Rene or vert)pipingsyst-rm. V F Polybatykae(PB)Pipe-Nom 3in.(76 mm)diam(or arnaller)SDRI I(or heavier)PB pipe for zea in-losed(proc=or wpply)or Vented(dram,waste orvcnt)'pipingryatems. 4 Q RigidNonatetNIkCmdoit++-Nom4in.(102min)diem(orsmaller)(Scbeduie40or80)PVCcoaduitinstaliodin V ae or/dancewithArticle 347 oftheNatioaal Ei6etric Code(NFPA No.701. H. Plame Retardatrt Polyprop)feae(PRPP)Pipe-Nom 4 im(102 mot)diam(os smaller)Scbedule40(or heavie=)FRPPpipe forusein closed(process orseppiv)or vented r,'drain, or vee) PWag system:. SeeRigld Nonmetal&Condi dt(DZKT)category in ULEractricat Censwcron.`&tcrials Directory for ranee of rnmry acrurets. 3. Firestop System-The details ofthe firemop sysem chall be os follows: A. F111,Void or Cavity lNaterialt"-Wrap Strip-Nee 1/4 in.(6 min)thick innunescrnt elaswrr:e:ie raa:enal facedon one side withaiurftnx mfoil,suppliedinlia.end2m.(25remand5ltam),videsttips.Strips tightlywreppedarotmdnonmeralhcpipe (fog side expowd),Mth the edges butted against theuriderside ofthe concrete floor orboth sides ofwalI.surface.Sufficient - I%=of wrap strip sha rie;instAW to lap amts of 3/16 is(c mm)on the conerew aromrd the entire nerimetrr ofthe.thmgvp opening.The nein wrap shipwid8i ao'L"the min number of layers of wrap required is d gicmL^m upon the pipe iyM.diemm Pipe diam,the wall of floor Otielaessand lhehourly T Rating required,as shown in the following male. This rpeormlwm taituded and dton by 3M Fre Protedion Products hell the 21p3 edieon ohhe U(Hre Resistance Diredsry. 3NI Di'.1reBztitect�tinrPro�actgr�L�f - " (UYfOFA1I:D5¢Canidrct$00-448�5b3 17NM.80T.000I�nrefl0p i77 (ussorner Ser4e:USer Comer 1-800-328.1687 r .a3atL , >s s r �iT bJ f:is r{ l,ly 'F iep' iEH¢}�Jrt e�E E Inl:::� tca�•i4sS�:) ar t o NI! Qui 11• 1 P r n�a �� 1 { .' Iii r114��'n�•: 1 1� I • 1 1 � •�I I r� u r o.i;trt i e(_d�?a eir • � 1� � 1 , I 1,y ,a r;, If vlHfl lakE.� ttl -,:elIYI L �e�3 iiii�: 1 � 1 i • i•I I I'Ile 1)6J11 Y F "fPAy 1 1 i, 1 111 4[ ' 1 - tl q ali .. r � 11'1 • st ❑ tr,l rll r t rxil�i' 1 1 .. - r ;:. .'. r . �i f , fil Ilrh l)Igo/ o 1 I' � 1 1 I ��CI ��i�y Ir 1�1 r1 h: 1 1 ♦ � � • _ l Fy At') 5 1 1 1 DI sr rt IIS 999:kr , s Y t r SI rstir 5 a: I r y .. ! k ! M AY It uI :EIIG e) illlr 'I t 1 a'N � 1 r( tEIF t IYv � �`, v 11 •! A t I 1' 11 . i ti v Ilk 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 623-2004 GIS#: 10224 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map: 34 Block: , CITY OF SALEM Lot: 0485 ; ; Category: 102 New Attached Co 6 PertrrltF _- 623-zao4 BUILDING PERMIT Project# JS-2004-0010137' 4, Est:Cost: -c $0.00 Fee Charged: $0.00 Balance Due: S.00 'PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const.Class: Contractor: License: Expires Use Gro6p: James J.Welch&Co.Inc. General Contractor-CS 067486 Lot Size(sq. Zonin Owner: DERBY LOFTS LLC Units Gamed: Applicant: DERBY LOFTS LLC �1 Units Lost: AT: 0051 LAFAYETTE STREET 71 Dig Safe#: ISSUED ON. 18-Feb-2004 AMENDED ON. EXPIRES ON. 18-Aug-2004 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 623-2004 CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL CONDOS UNIT 23 REFER TO PERMIT 582 FOR ALL FEES TJS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Electric Gas Plumbing Building Underground: Underground: Underground: Excavation: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: Rough: Foundation: Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Fireplace/Chimney: D.P.W. Fire Health Insulation: Meter: Oil: Final: House N Smoke: Treasury: Water: Alarm: Assessor Sewer: Sprinklers: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SALEM UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Signature: Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING REC-2004-001072 18-Feb-04 6273 $0.00 GeoTMS@ 2010 Des Landers Municipal Solutions,Inc.