3RD PARTY SALE (002) x
7887 Safeguard Circle
Valley View,OH 44125
800 852.8306
W/O#201449050 216 739.2900
216 739.2700
City of Salem Building Department
120 Washington Street, 3rd Floor
Salem, MA 01970
Date: 8/6/2018
To Whom It May Concern:
We are writing to inform you on behalf of our client: JB Nutter&Company, the previous
registrant for the property located at:
Address: 414 LORING AVENUE, SALEM, MA, 01970
Please be advised that this mortgage/property has: sold to a third party.
Please know that during our research, we have found no process in which to formally de-register
this property with your jurisdiction. Please contact us directly at 800-852-8306 or
vpr.orders(&safeguardproperties.com if in fact you have a process in which we are not yet aware
of. Otherwise, please consider this notice as a formal de-registration of the property on behalf of
the client mentioned above.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us, directly.