CERTIFICATE OF NON - 92 Derby Street - trim repairs and inkind painting Salem Historical Commission 120 WASHINGTON STREET, SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS 01970 (978) 619-5685 FAX (978) 740-0404 CERTIFICATE OF NON-APPLICABILITY It is hereby certified that the Salem Historical Commission has determined that the proposed:  Construction  Moving ✓ Reconstruction  Alteration  Demolition ✓ Painting  Signage  Other Work as described below does not involve an exterior architectural feature or involves a feature covered by the exemptions or limitations set forth in the Historic District's Act (M.G.L. Ch. 40C) and the Salem Historic Districts Ordinance. District: Derby Address of Property: 92 Derby Street Name of Record Owner: David O’Sullivan/ Luke St. Germaine/ Benjamin Merrithew and Lisa Ainsworth Description of Work Proposed: ▪ In-kind repair and/or replacement of deteriorated building trim, window trim and fascia boards. Replacement to be in wood to match existing details and dimensions. Paint to match existing color. There will be no changes in color, material, design, location or outward appearance. Non-applicable due to being in-kind repairs. Upon completion of above work, please notify Historical Commission staff as final sign-off is required to document compliance with this Certificate and approved plans. Dated: October 6, 2020 SALEM HISTORICAL COMMISSION By: The homeowner has the option not to commence the work (unless it relates to resolving an outstanding violation). All work commenced must be completed within one year from this date unless otherwise indicated. THIS IS NOT A BUILDING PERMIT. Please be sure to obtain the appropriate permits from the Inspector of Buildings (or any other necessary permits or approvals) prior to commencing work.