8D RUSSELL DRIVE - ABAND./FORCLOS. PROP REG FORM 6/2020 CITY OF SALEM BUILDING DEPARTMENT 120 Washington Street, 3`d Floor, Salem, MA 01970 ABANDONED AND FORCLOSED PROPERTIES REGISTRATION FORM PROPERTY INFORMATION Address: 8 D RUSSELL DR SALEM. MA 01970 Parcel ID # SALEM:22L:01825:836 Square Footage of Building: Number of Stories: Sprinkler System: Yes_ No_ (Operational yes/no) Pipe System: Yes_ No _ (Operational yes/no) Fire Detection System: Yes _ No (Operational yes/no) OWNER(S) * OF RECORD (*attach additional sheets if necessary) Owner: New Residential Mortgage, LLC Address:3637 Sentara Way Virginia Beach VA 23452 Tel. No.: 757-955-8014 E-mail: PropRegRequest@loancare.net CONTACT PERSON/REGISTERED PROPERTY MANAGER Name: First Allegiance Primary Address (No P.O. Box) 473 Broadway 5th Floor, Bayonne NJ 07002 Business Tel. #: 888-727-6303 Non-Business Tel. #: E-Mail Address: code©firstallegiance.com Emergency Telephone # - 24hr/day 888-727-6303 IS THE PROPERTY LISTED FOR SALE? Yes No If yes, Real Estate Agency Address: Tel. No. VACANT BUILDING PLAN: Please check which applies. JUL 20 Pm :.1 1. _ The building is to be demolished. JUL 2. _The building is to remain vacant. 3. _ The building is to be returned to appropriate occupancy or use. SIGNATURE OF OWNER(S)/OWNERS AGEI<F DATE: l r L 2 ( 70-t_70 REGISTRATION FEE $300 Cash/Money Order/Cert. Bank Check