5 BARTON PLACE - PROPERTY CARD DATE OF PERMIT PERMIT No. OWNER V)CATION 6/4 / 1926 I 278 James F . Sullivan SBarton Place R-2 STRUCTURE MATERIAL DIMENSIONS No. OF STORIES I No.OF FAMILIES WARD COST 6 car GARAGI�S I 2 I $2 , 400 . garage concrete 54 'X25 ' BUILDER COPIED ALL INFO FROM ORIGINAL CARD 10/22/87A 1 /24/ 79 BOARD OF APPEAL - Special Permit to use the property as a storage shop for metals , ladders and tools of trade used in their air-conditioning business SPECIAL PERMIT DENIED ( Raymond B.Noyes, Jr. & Anthony Favara d/b/a Essex County Crafstmen-Petitioners/Owners)