1988-PLANNING BOARD Sabi Salem Planning Board Minutes of Hoard Meeting December 1 , 1988 A regular meetinq of the Salem Planning Board was held on Thursday, December 1 , 1988 at 7: 00 P. M. in the second floor conference room at One Salem Green, Those in attendance were Bob Ledoux , David Stuchiner , Kosta Prentakis, Dick Williams, Abby Burns, Chuck Puleo, and Chairman Walter B. Power. Also present. were Beth Debski , Staff Advisor and Eileen Sacco, Clerk:. Absent were Linda Vaughan and John Butler . Bob Ledoux. called the meeting to order at 7: 15 P. M. EQQ_A. - HIGHLANDAVENUE Wendy Thayer from the Law Offices of John Serafini addre=ssed the planning board concerning property on Highland Avenue owned by Messina Deschamps. She noted that they had been to land court to have the plan approved and needed to do more survey work: and set the bounds for the property. She stated that the plan had been previously approved by the board in April of 1987 and was revised in October of 1988. She also showed the board PLANS of the property showing the boundaries that they want approved. s There being no further questions a motion was made by David Stuchiner to endorse the plan , seconded by Abby burns and approved unanimously. Chairman Walter Power assumed the chair, FAPARD_DiSQSSTQfd_-_PIAT'I"_GAfiRE;fT_S_FES TAUF;AIVI" Chairman Power informed the board members that this proposal involved the construction of a 8,500 square foot Matt Garrett ' s Restaurant at the intersection of Highland Avenue and Traders Way. This development is one component of the Fafard POD approval of 1985 which involves the development of approximately 1.85,000 square feet of commercial space and 210,000 square feet of industrial space. This project is less than 101000 square feet , so it is not under the requirement=_ of the Site Plan Review Ordinance. According to the approved PUD, though , all developments shall go through an informal site plan review process, with the planning board. Attorney John Serafini addressed the board on behalf of the Fafard Companies. He stated that the purpose of the meeting was to present an informal review of the plan=_ for Matt Garrett ' s Restaurant. Also present were Ron Killian and Don Seabera. They showed plans to the board for their review and discussion. They also noted that the plans call for utilizing existing services on Traders Way for the utilities and that there would be 111 Parking spaces provided rather than the 68 that would be required by ordinance. They also noted that these parkinq spaces May be used in future developments of the area. Dick: Williams asked if the elevations would remain the same for- the area. they replied that: the elevation would be about 3 or 4 feet above Highland Avenue. Mr. Williams also asked if there would be a landscaping screen facing Highland Avenue. They replied yes. Chairman Power expressed his concern that the plans do not call for a deceleration lane. He noted that previous discussions with the developer indicated that they would be agreeable to providing land for a deceleration lane and he said that he would like to see the plans show that. John Serafini stated that the plans for Swampscott Road have been submitted to the County. Walter Rower stated that it has been five years and there*is still no road out of the back: of the shopping center. • David Stuchiner suggested that they could eliminate some parking spaces or planting to show the 11 or 12 feet of land that would be needed for the deceleration lane. John Serafini stated that the plans for the deceleration lane should be determined by the state. He noted that they are willing to cooperate with the city bort that he does not think that they should have to show the deceleration lane on these plana. Walter Power stated that he does not think: that the parcel should be approved until provisions are made for the road. John Serafini stated that he felt that they would be at an unfair disadvantage if the state does not approve the deceleration lane they would lose parking. He further noted that they are providing 1 1/2 times the required parking and if in the future the state approved the deceleration lane that they would be willing to provide the land at that time. Chuck Puleo asked how far the site was from the street. They replied 50 or 60 feet. Walter Power stated that he wants to plan for a deceleration lane up front and then proceed with the plans. Abby Burns asked if they would be willing to give up spaces for the deceleration lane if they have enough room. Bob Ledoux suggested that the developer agree to sign a covenant and if the state approved the deceleration lane it would be on record at the Registry of Deeds that they have to provide the land to do that. Dick Williams asked if the proposed access and egress was on the lot line and suggested that they move the driveway more towards the edge of the parking area. Walter Power expressed his disappointment that due to previous discussions the deceleration lane is not provided for by the developer. John Serafini stated that the city should be the one to initiate the traffic plans to the state and that they are willing to cooperate with the city in providing the land for the deceleration lane. He further stated that they are willing_ to Put it in writing that the land is available when and if the state decides on the deceleration lane. Walter Power restated his position that he wants the plan=_ to • reflect the commitment for a deceleration lane. Abby Burns suggested that Fafard prepare a sketch showing the deceleration lane so that the board can see that there would be enough room for the lane. It was suggested that the developer give some thought as to the use of the rest of the parcel , and report to the board with some of their ideas. 0(_D__BUS f MESS Beth Debski reported to the board that David Colpitts has done quite a bit of work on his 7 lot subdivision and is requesting a release of some of the monies under his agreement. She stated that under the terms of his tri--partite agreement , money is to be released periodically. He is asking for the release of $80025. 00. She stated also that the remaining $35,000. 0o is enough money to cover the cost of the work remaining on the pr-o.j ec t. Notion made by David Stuchiner to approve the release of $80.525. 00 to David Colpitts, seconded by Abby Burns and approved unanimously. Walter Power- announced to the Board that his annual Christmas • Party would be on Sunday, December 11 , 1988 from 4: 00 - 6:30 P. M. Walter Power asked that the approval of the minutes for the previous meeting be postponed until the next meeting since he had not had a chance to go over them. 4 There being no further business_ to come before the board , a moti Orl Was made by David Stuchiner to adjourn the meeting , seconded by Abby Tjurns and approved unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6- 45 F. Ni. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED BY; EII EEV I`t. SHCCCI CLERK. • • SALEM PLANNING BOARD Minutes of Meeting November 3, 1988 A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on Thursday, November 3, 1988 at 7:00 p.m., One Salem Green, Second Floor Conference Room. Those in attendance were Chairman Walter Power, David Stuchiner, Robert Ledoux, Chuck Puleo, Kosta Prentakis, John Butler and Linda Vaughan. Also present was Beth Debski, Staff Advisor. Abby Burns and Dick Williams were absent. Chairman Power called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. 45-49 Clark Street Discussion Edward and Jim Connick came before the Board to ask for reconsideration of the granting of waivers for their 4 lot subdivision at 45-49 Clark Street. On August 31, 1987, the Planninbg Board approved this subdivision. At that time, the Connick's had requested waivers from sidewalks, granite curbing and underground utilities. The Board voted to deny the requested waivers. Mr. Jim Connick told the Board that Ralph Salvo's subdivision which abutts his project was approved with waivers for sidewalks, granite curbing, planting strips and underground utilities. Mr. Connick asked the Board to consider the same waivers for his project because his lots would be the only ones on Clark Street with sidewalks and granite curbing. • Board members expressed many concerns about these requests and told Mr. Cormick that the Subdivision Regulations and Right-of-Way Policies were adopted in 1987 to ensure consistency among subdivision approvals. Mr. Connick then asked the Board to reconsider the requirement of cement concrete sidewalks and asked the Board to allow him to install bituminous concrete sidewalks. Linda Vaughan made a motion to allow bituminous concrete sidewalks, seconded by Dave Stuchiner and approved unanimously. Mr. Connick then asked the Board to reconsider the requirement for vertical granite curbing and allow him to install sloped vertical curbing. Walter Power told the Board that sloped curbing has been allowed in areas with low traffic volumes and that the City Engineer could delineate the slope of the curbing. Chuck Puleo made a motion to allow sloped curbing, seconded by Bob Ledoux. Kosta Prentakis told the Board that he was against approving any changes to this subdivision. John Butler told the Board that he thought vertical curbing should be installed for safety reasons. The vote was one in favor, six opposed to allow sloped curbing, therefore vertical granite curbing shall be installed. The Board requested that Beth Debski send a letter to George Whittie requesting that he required the developers of the lots across from the Connick subdivision be required to install sidewalks and vertical granite curbing. The Board asked Beth Debski to present information to them at the next meeting regarding the issue of sloped vs. vertical curbing. The Board then agreed that they would fully adhere to the Subdivision Regulations and Policies when considering all subdivisions in the future. • Berrywood Land Subdivision Discussion Beth Debski told the Board that the developers of the Berryw000d Lane Subdivision had agreed to construct stairs to provide access to the top of the dedicated open space parcel. The developers have asked the Board to allow them to eliminate the construction of a retaining wall at the bottom of the slope because it is unnecessary. Beth Debski told the Board members that Wilfred Beaulieu, the Clerk of the Works had agreed that the retaining wall was not needed. Walter Power told the Board that when the approval was granted the Board didn't ask for the construction of stairs and we are now getting an added amenity to the project. Walter Power requested that the stairs be at least two step widths wide. Mr. Power also suggested that the steps be constructed of granite. Beth Debski told the Board that this would be very expensive and it would take a long time for the developer to get the granite. Beth Debski suggested the steps be constructed of concrete with a railing on each side. Walter Power asked Beth Debski to have Wil Beaulieu check the concrete when it is being installed. Dave Stuchiner made a motion to allow the developer to construct a set of stairs in place of the retaining wall and to require the developer to dress the slope, seconded by Bob Ledoux and approved unanimously. Linda Vaughan abstained from voting. Old/New Business • Beth Debski told the Board that representatives of Fafard would be present at the next meeting to present plans for Matt Garrett's restaurant. Walter Power told the Board that a deceleration lane should be required on Highland Avenue before any further approvals take place. Mr. Power also suggested that the Board require Fafard to widen Highland Avenue from Traders Way to the entrance of the Hawthorne Square Shopping Center. John Butler asked Beth Debski to give a status report of city-wide developments at the next meeting. The Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of September 29, 1988, as amended and to approve the October 20, 1988 minutes. There being no further business, Dave Stuchiner made a motion to adjourn at 8:15 p.m., seconded by John Butler and approved unanimously. Respectfully ubmiit�ted, ' Beth Debski Staff Advisor M43WP :'1. ' • SALEM PLANNING BOARD Minutes of Meeting October 20, 1988 A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on Thursday, October 20, 1988 at 7:00 p.m., One Salem Green, Second Floor Conference Room. Present were Acting Chairman Robert Ledoux, David Stuchiner, Chuck Puleo, Dick Williams, Kosta Prentakis and Abby Burns. Also present was Beth Debski, Staff Advisor. Walter Power, Linda Vaughan and John Butler were absent. Mr. Ledoux called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Public Hearing - Wetlands Special Permit - 9 March Street Court Mr. Richard Mailhoit addressed the Board on behalf of the applicants, Jeff Morris and Mark Petit, for this proposal involving the construction of two single family homes and associated trenches for utilities at 9 March Street Court, located in the buffer zone adjacent to the North River. Mr. Mailhot told the Board that the Conservation Commission had issued an Order of Conditions for the project. Also, the Board of Appeal had granted the necessary Variance for the project. Mr. Ledoux read the comments from the City Department heads and then opened the hearing for comments from the audience and the Board. Hearing none, Mr. Ledoux closed the public hearing. Beth Debski told the Board that she had not prepared proposed conditions for the approval of this project, but because no concerns were raised tonight, Ms. Debski asked if the Board would entertain a motion to approve the project subject to the standard conditions of approval. David Stuchiner made a motion to issue a Wetlands Special Permit with standard conditions, seconded by Dick Williams and approved unanimously. Form A - 9 March Street Court Beth Debski told the Board members that the applicants had revised their plan to provide a 20 foot right-of-way to access the property and that the Fire Department had approved the proposed plan. Abby Burns made a motion to endorse the Form A, seconded by David Stuchiner, and approved unanimously by the.Board. 26 P.ead Street - Form C - Wetlands Special Permit Bob Ledoux recused himself from this discussion. Earle Townsend of T & M Engineering reviewed the proposed plans involving the construction of a single family home, roadway and associated utilities at the intersection of Champlain Road and Read Street, located within the buffer zone. Abby Burns asked if Board members had any questions for Mr. Townsend. There was no discussion. Beth Debski then went through the proposed conditions for the Wetlands Special Permit. Dave Stuchiner made a motion to issue a Wetlands Special Permit with the conditions drafted by the Planning Department, seconded by Dick Williams, and approved unanimously. Beth Debski then went through the list of request waivers and the proposed conditions for the Form C approval. All of the requested waivers were granted by the Board. Dave Stuchiner then made a motion to approve the Form C plan with the proposed conditions, seconded by Kosta Prentakis and approved unanimously by the Roard. Determination of Substantial Change - 19 Becket Street Attorney John Serafini was present to present plans to the Board for this determination of substantial change for 19 Becket Street. On May 27, 1987, the Board of Appeal denied the petition of Michael Spector for a Variance to allow a single family residence which does not meet density and setback requirements to be converted into a two family residence at 19 Becket Street. According to State law, once a petition is denied by the Board of Appeal, it cannot be head again for two years unless a "substantial change" has been made to the plan and unless the Planning Board and the Board of Appeal determine that such a change has been made. Mr. Serafini told the Board that Dr. Spector has purchased property adjacent to his property so that he can accommodate a 12 foot wide driveway and provide the number of parking spaces required by the City of Salem Zoning Ordinance. • Dave Stuchiner made a motion for a substantial change, seconded by Abby Burns and approved unanimously. Abby Burns made a motion to adjourn at 7:35 p.m., seconded by Chuck Puleo and approved unanimously. Respectfully /1submiitted,, Beth Debski Staff Advisor M43 WP • ti SALEM PLANNING BOARD MINUTES OF BOARD MEETING SEPTEMBER 15, 1988 A Regular Meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on Thursday, September 15, 1988 at 7 :30 P.M. in the Second Floor Conference room at One Salem Green. In attendance were Robert Ledoux, Linda Vaughan, Chuck Puleo,John Butler Dick Williams , and David Stuchiner . Also present were Beth Debski and Eileen Sacco, Clerk. Walter Power, Abby Burns and Kosta Prentakis were absent . The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Acting Chairman Robert Ledoux. PUBLIC HEARING - FORM C - 26 READ STREET Robert Ledoux asked that he be allowed to recuse himself from this matter as he has represented Mr. Buonfiglio in the past . At the request of Attorney John Serafini , the public hearing was continued until. the next meeting. EXTENSION OF COVENANT Attorney John Vallis addressed the Board and requested that Charles Brett , the new owner of the property located on Greenlawn, Cloverdale and Glenn Avenue be allowed to proceed and build according to the • approved plans of the previous owner Donald Emmerton. He noted that the plans had been approved by the Planning Board in 1982 and are on file in the planning department . John Butler asked what the size of the lots are and Mr. Vallis replied that the size of the lots are 10,170 s.f. , 11 ,500 s.f. , and 11 ,970 s.f. and are located 26 feet from the street . Dick Williams suggested that the Planning Board should go over these . .plans again since four years have lapsed since the expiration of the approval . John Butler moved to deny the request and that a new proposal be submitted to the Planning Board. Bob Ledoux asked for discussion from the Board on the matter. Dick Williams stated that without more complete information the project should be presented to the Planning Board to insure that they are in compliance with existing ordinances and by-laws. Bob Ledoux sugguested that the matter be referred to the Planning Department staff for their review, and have them make a report to the Board. John Butler withdrew his request to deny the request and made a motion to send the matter to the Planning Department for their review seconded • by Dick Williams and approved unanimously. Page 2 • SITE PLAN REVIEW SPECIAL PERMIT —90 WASHINGTON STREET Robert Ledoux advised the Board that on September 8, 1988 a public hearing was held for this proposal involving the rehabilitation of a 45,688 square foot commercial building with the addition of two floors at 234 Essex Street , the former T. R. Kerr Building, and the new construction of a 94,685 square foot building containing 69 residential units with onsite parking at 90 Washington Street . He stated that at that time the Board voted to approve the plans for the commercial portion of the project(the former Kerr Building) , but requested additional time to review and discuss the plans for the residential portion of the project . Attorney George Atkins representing the developer Donald Burnham addressed the Board and discussed the issues of concern to the Planning Board, particularly parking. He reported that the Board of Appeal had approved 69 spaces on the site of the project with an additional 35 to be purchased in the city lots through the sticker program. This meets the requirement of 1 112 spaces per unit He also noted that there is a potential for a second level of parking underground but that needs to be reviewed further by the engineers. Dick Williams asked how possible the second level of parking was and Mr. Atkins replied that test borings had been done and determined that the • land liquifies about 10 feet down. Donald Burnham addressed the Board and stated that originally he did not want parking on the bottom floor of the building and that he wanted that space for retail space, however he explored the possibility of a second tier of underground parking as an alternative but found that it was cost prohibitive. He also stated that it requires further engineering studies to be able to give an exact cost estimate . A suggestion was made by David Pelletier to possibly continue the underground parking on the Sewall Street lot . Bob Ledoux stated that it would be interesting to pursue the idea of underground parking as a soulution to some of the parking problems the city encounters with every project downtown. Donald Burnham stated that at this stage of his project he cannot wait the amount of time for the approval process for this underground parking to get his project underway. Bob Ledoux stated that the parking problem is one of the two biggest problems the City has and if we allow people to come in and build they should be required to help with the parking situation. He also said that because the Sewall Street lot is City owned property the City would have to issue a Request for Proposals for the project . he suggested that the Planning Department look into the possibility. He • also stated that the loss of parking spaces to the city is 15 spaces and that perhaps they should purchase more sticker spaces. Mr. Atkins Page 3 stated that the Condo Association will be responsible for purchasing the • stickers annually as the fee will be included in the Condo Fees. Bob Ledoux read reports from other City Departments concerning this project . The City Engineer concurred with the project.The Board of Health approved the project . The Conservation Commission concurred with the project . The Fire Deparment required further information and review of the plans to be done in conjunction with development. Attorney Atkins stated that he will work on the language for the Special Permit with Gerard Kavanaugh and come before the Board at their next meeting. OLD BUSINESS EXTENSION OF PERMIT - MOOSE LODGE Bob Ledoux stated that the Moose Lodge was seeking an extension on their project approved in 1983, but has been held up because the state has taken five years to complete their project on Highland Avenue. John Butler expressed concern that there is a potential there for problemns should the culvert collapse . Bob Ledoux stated that the approval for the project had been granted and that the delay is not the fault of the Moose Lodge. • John Butler stated that he felt that the Board could justify not granting the extension based on the fact that the culvert might collapse. Dick Williams suggested that the Moose come before the Planning Board and review thier plans with the Board, since most of the members were not on the board when the plans were approved. Bob Ledoux asked Beth Debski to get the plans for the Board to review. Motion made by David Stuchiner to approve the extension for one year, seconded by Linda Vaughan and approved 5-1 with John Butler opposed to the motion. BERRYWOOD LANE Linda Vaughan requested that the developers of the Berrywood Lane subdivision be called in to discuss some questions about the project . Page 4 NEXT MEETING OF THE PLANNING BOARD • Bob Ledoux addressed the Board concerning the next meeting of the Planning Board scheduled for October 6, 1988. He stated that some members have indicated that they are unable to attend the meeting and suggested that due to the importance of the items on the agenda, that the meeting be cancelled and a Special Meeting of the Planning Board be held on September 29, 1988. The members unanimoulsy agreed to change the starting time of the meetings to 7:00 p.m. There being no further matters to come before the Planning Board at this time the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P. M. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED BY EILEEN M. SACCO CLERK • Salem Planning Board • Minutes of Meeting September 8, 1988 A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on Thursday, September 8, 1988, at 7:30 p.m., One Salem Green, Second Floor Conference Room. Chairman Walter B. Power, III, David Stuchiner, Linda Vaughan, Richard Williams, Chuck Puleo, Kosta Prentakis, Robert Ledoux and John Butler were present. Abby Burns was absent. City Planner Gerard Kavanaugh and Staff Advisor Beth Debski were also present. Chairman Power called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Form A - 23 Turner Street Attorney Harry Christianson presented an Approval Not Required Plan to the Board for 23 Turner Street for the clarification of a lot line between 23 and 27 Turner Street. Mr. Christianson told the Board that there are separate deeds for each parcel but a lot line had never been depicted on a plan. Bob Ledoux made a motion to endorse the plan. Linda Vaughan seconded the motion, with a unanimous vote by the Board. Form A - 16 and 18 Cherry Hill Avenue Attorney John Serafini, Sr. presented an Approval Not Required plan to the Board • for 16 and 18 Cherry Hill Avenue. This proposal involves the conveyance of a 1,931 square foot parcel to a 9,110 square foot parcel to form one contiguous parcel of 11,041 square feet at 16 Cherry Hill Avenue. The applicant received a Variance from lot area requirements from the Board of Appeal. Bob Ledoux made a motion to endorse the plan. John Butler seconded the motion with a unanimous vote by the Board. Public Hearing - Wetlands and Flood Hazard District Special Permit - 26 Read Street Bob Ledoux recused himself from this public hearing and discussion. Chairman Power read the public hearing notice. Attorney John Serafini, Sr., representing the applicant John Buonfiglio, presented plans to the Board. This proposal involves the construction of a single family home, roadway and associated utilities at 26 Read Street, located in the Buffer Zone. Attorney Serafini told the Board that the applicant had filed a Notice of Intent with the Salem Conservation Commission and was before the Commission for a public hearing this evening also. The applicant received a Variance from frontage requirements by the Board of Appeal. • Mr. Power read the comments from the Fire Department, Health Department, City • Engineer and the Conservation Commission. Mr. Power also read a letter from a group of abutters to the proposed project. Mr. Power then opened the hearing for comments from the audience. Hearing none, Mr. Power closed the hearing and referred the proposal back to the Planning Department for their review. Public Hearing - Wetlands and Flood Hazard Districts Special Permit - 73 North Street Attorney George Atkins, representing the applicant Gabriel Rossi, Jr., presented plans to the Board for this proposal involving the construction of a 1,500 square foot addition to the existing O'Rourke Brothers Memorial building at 73 North Street, located in a Flood Hazard District. Mr. Atkins told the Board that Mr. Rossi had a building and land taken from him by the State Department of Public Works in conjunction with the proposed Bridge Street By-Pass Project. Mr. Atkins also informed the Board that the Salem Conservation Commission had reviewed the proposed plan at their July 28, 1988 meeting and issued a Negative Determination on the basis that the proposed work would have no effects on the adjacent North River. Mr. Atkins told the Board that the proposed addition would be a shell built on a concrete slab. No new sewer or other utilities would be installed. • Chairman Power asked Mr. Atkins if the first floor elevation of the proposed addition would be above 14.36, as required by the City of Salem's Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Atkins assured the Board that a Building Permit would not be granted unless this requirement were adhered to or proper water proofing precautions were taken in the building. Mr. Power then read the comments from the various Department heads. Mr. Power opened the hearing for comments from the audience. Hearing none, Mr. Power closed the public hearing and asked Mr. Kavanaugh to review the proposed conditions with the Board. Bob Ledoux made a motion to issue a Wetlands and Flood Hazard Districts Special Permit, with the conditions prepared by the Planning Department. Dave Stuchiner seconded the motion, with a unanimous vote by the Board. Public Hearing - Site Plan Review Special Permit - 234 Essex Street and 90 Washington Street Kosta Prentakis recused himself from this public hearing and discussion. Attorney George Atkins, representing the applicant, Donald Burnham, gave the Board a brief history of the proposed project located at 234 Essex Street and 90 Washington Street. Mr. Atkins told the Board that in July, 1986, the Board of Appeal granted a Variance for this project which included residential and commercial development in each of the two buildings. 90 Washington Street, the former Foodland building was to be saved and therefore no • parking could be provided on site. The applicant revised plans for the project during 1987. On December 2, 1987, the • applicant appeared before the Board of Appeal with the new plans for an all commercial building at 234 Essex Street (the former T.R. Kerr Building) and an all residential building at 90 Washington street, (the former Foodland building). The existing building at 90 Washington Street would be demolished and parking would be provided on-site. Mr. John Savaster, architect for the project, reviewed the site plans with the Board. Mr. Savaster told the Board that the architecture of the proposed project is compatible with existing buildings in downtown Salem. Mr. Savaster indicated that extensive landscaping and lighting would be provided in the pedestrian walkway. Mr. Atkins stressed the importance of the commercial use of 234 Essex Street which would increase the economic vitality of downtown. Mr. Kavanaugh told the Board that Mr. Burnham was seeking approval for both the residential and commercial phases of the project. However, the residential phase would continue to be reviewed by the Planning Board, Design Review Board, and the Salem Redevelopment Authority. Mr. Atkins explained to the Board that the reason why Site Plan Review approval for the entire project was needed at this meeting was to secure financing for the project. Mr. Burnham told the Board that he would be very willing to meet with them on a continual basis to review plans for the residential phase. Mr. Burnham also told the Board that he would be happy to work with them on the parking concerns but would not know if more parking could be provided on site until construction commences. • Mr. Power told Mr. Burnham that many questions relating to parking and the housing units had been raised at the breakfast meeting held on August 25th with Mr. Burnham. Mr. Power told Mr. Burnham and those present that he wanted more time to review the plans for the residential phase with the Planning Department. Mr. Atkins told the Board that he felt there were two options for the Board to take: 1. Approve the entire project with a condition that Mr. Burnham return on a regular basis to review the plans for the residential phase with the Board. Z. Approve only the commercial building tonight. Mr. Atkins then presented the Board with an Approval Not Required Plan which separates Lot 1, or Z34 Essex Street from 90 Washington Street. Dick Williams recused himself from voting on this matter. Bob Ledoux made a motion to endorse the Form A plan for lot.1 as submitted. Linda Vaughan seconded the motion and the Board voted in favor. Bob Ledoux then made a motion to issue a Site Plan Review Special Permit, with the conditions drafted by the Planning Department, for 234 Essex Street (Lot 1). David Stuchiner seconded the motion and the Board voted six in favor, two abstentions, to approve the Site Plan Review Special Permit for 234 Essex Street (Lot 1). • Determination of Substantial Change - 111 Highland Avenue • Linda Vaughan and Bob Ledoux recused themselves from this discussion. Attorney George Vallis, representing the applicant, Jiffy Lube, told the Board that his client was under agreement to purchase the property at 111 Highland Avenue. On January 21, 1987, the Board of Appeal denied a petition for a Variance and a Special Permit at this site. Mr. Vallis told the Board that he was seeking a Determination of Substantial Change from the Planning Board so that his client could return to the Board of Appeal. Mr. Greg Reynolds of Jiffy Lube showed the Board pictures of a typical Jiffy Lube site. He also told the Board that the hours of operation would be 8:00 am. - 6:00 p.m., Monday - Friday and 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturday. Dave Stuchiner made a motion approving the substantial change. Dick Williams seconded the motion and the Board voted six in favor, two abstentions. Stanley Poirier of 8 Cottage Street told the Board that Jiffy Lube was a "public safety problem" and would be better suited to a non-residential neighborhood site. Matthew Giunta, an abutter, also expressed deep concern over the traffic a Jiffy Lube would generate. Shetland Parking Garage • Jim Norris of Tinti, Quinn and Savoy presented an amended plan to the Board for the Shetland Parking Garage which would add one story to the previously approved two story garage. Mr. Norris told the Board that this additional floor would provide 175 additional parking spaces. Bruce Erickson and Peter Kronenberg of Shetland Properties, Inc. were also present to answer any questions the Board might have. Linda Vaughan asked Mr. Erickson if additional handicapped spaces would be added. Mr. Erickson told Ms. Vaughan that as many as are needed would be provided. Walter Power questioned Mr. Erickson and Mr. Kronenberg on the top floor lighting. They assured him that the lights would not reflect on the neighborhood, but shine downward and inward. Dick Williams asked about the height of the trees along Lynch Street and if they would be adequate to screenthe additional floor from the neighborhood. Mr. Erickson and Mr. Kronenberg showed the Board the proposed trees and their height which would adequately screen the proposed structure. Dave Stuchiner made a motion to approve the amended plan as submitted with the added condition that all lighting fixtures shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Department. John Butler seconded the motion and the Board voted unanimously to approve the amended plan. • Old/New Business • The Board endorsed the Definitive Plan for 31 Cedarview Street which was approved by the Board in July. Walter Power amended the minutes of July 21, 1988. Linda Vaughan made a motion to approve the minutes as amended. Dave Stuchiner seconded the motion and the Board voted unanimously in favor. There being no further business, Linda Vaughan made a motion to adjourn. Dave Stuchiner seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous to adjourn at 9:40 P.M. Respectfully submitted. Beth Debski Staff Advisor M41 WP • Toga • • �L���'�C'i�G(/1�� �'�� SALEM PLANNING BOARD MINUTES OF THE MEETING • July 21 , 1988 A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on July 21 , 1988 at 7:30 p.m. , One Salem Green, second floor conference room. Those in attendance were : Chairman Walter Power, Kosta Prentakis , Linda Vaughan, John Butler, Dick Williams, Bob Ledoux, and David Stuchiner. Staff Advisor Beth Debski and City Planner Gerry Kavanaugh were also present. Chuck Puleo and Abby Burns were absent . Mr. Power called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Form C - Clark Avenue Extension On July 7, 1988, a public hearing was held for this proposal involving the subdivision of four lots on Clark Avenue. Attorney John Vallis , representing the petitioner, informed the Board that the subdivision plan had been altered to include the Board's suggestions . A sidewalk has been added to the southern portion of the lot with 6" vertical granite curbing, trees , and grass strips on both sides . Lot ownership has also been deliniated on the plan. Mr. Colpitts has been working cooperatively with an abutter, Mr. Fiore, on drainage plans , which have been approved by the City Engineer. The Board reviewed the proposed Covenant . • Mr. Vallis requested the waiver of an Environmental Impact Statement . Mr. Ledoux made a motion to waive the issuance of an Environmental Impact Statement . Mr. Prentakis seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Mr. Vallis requested that the Board approve a Tripartite Agreement between the City, Mr. Colpitts and the financial institution issuing the construction loan rather than a Performance Guarantee. Mr. Ledoux made a motion to waive the Performance Guarantee in place of a Tripartied Agreement . Mr. Stuchiner seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Mr. Vallis requested that the Board waive the restriction on the length of a dead-end street. Mr. Williams made a motion to waive the length restriction on a dead-end street . Mr. Butler seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Mr. Vallis requested that the Board waive the monument requirement . Mr. Ledoux made a motion to waive the monument requirement . Mr. Williams seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Page 2 Mr. Ledoux made a motion to approve the conditions as amended. Ms. ' Vaughan seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Mr. Stuchiner made a motion to approve the subdivision plan as amended. Mr. Ledoux seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Mr. Ledoux made a motion to authorize the Chairman to execute the Tripartite Agreement , subject to the approval of the City Solicitor. Mr. Stuchiner seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Public Hearing - Site Plan Review Special Permits - Pickering Wharf Suites Hotel This proposal involves the construction of a 77,629 square foot building containing 45 two bedroom suites at the corner of Derby and Congress Streets . The proposed development would also contain retail space on the first floor. Seventy parking spaces are proposed on-site. Mr. Serafini , representing the petitioner the Development Group, informed the Board that the development has been designed in conjunction with the City's Urban Renewal Plans, and that they have been working with both the Salem Redevelopment Authority and Design Review Board on the proposed plan. Victor Vitols, the architect for the project , stated that the project is designed to be an extension of Pickering Wharf, and with the future • development of the South River in mind. Mr. Vitols reviewed the proposed plans which include one level. of parking beneath the building and one level at grade, access from Congress and New Derby, and a cast stone and and metal fence along New Derby Street . The structure will be precast stone on the lower level , brick on the upper level , with rod iron work and gas light fixtures . The structure would be built within a B-5 Zone, and be below the height limitations. Mr. Power read the comments from the various City departments and boards . The Building Inspector requires more information. The City Engineer requires new sidewalks on Congress Street as well as water and sewer plans. The Fire Marshall concurs with the project , and the Board of Health will discuss the project at their next meeting. Mr. Williams voiced concern over the flow of traffic into the parking area. Mr. Power voiced concern over security of the parked vehicles , and requested that the developer prepare floor plans showing entrance to second fl.or of parking garage afrom parking garage . The structure would be within a 100 year flood plain. Mr. Power suggested the use of granite rather than concrete on the lower level. , a slate roof, store front insert panels along the Congress Street • facade , and decorative flags to enhance the building' s appearance. Page 3 • Mr. Power further suggested an indentation on the sidewalk infront of Congress Street hotel entrance be considered to ease the parking for registration. There being no further comments from the Board, Mr. Power opened the public hearing for comments from the audience. There were no public comments. The public hearing was closed, and the Planning Department was asked to review the project . Site Plan Review Sepcial Permit - Hawthorne Place Board member Kosta Prentakis excused himself from participating and acting on this proposal . On June 16, 1988, a public hearing was held for this proposal involving the exterior rehabilitation of the approximately 20,000 square foot Hawthorne Block (191-215 Washington Street) and the construction of a 34,000 square foot retail/office building on the immediate adjacent parcel to the east (29 New Derby Street) . The two buildings will have retail uses on the first floor and office space above. The applicant has entered into a long-term lease with the Walgreen Drug Company for • the entire first floor. Attorney Bill Quinn, representing the petitioner, stated that the applicant has been working with the Planning Department to address the concern relative to the establishment of a one-way street on Dodge Street Court , which was raised by the Board at the last meeting. Mr. Quinn noted that they have been working with the Design Review Board on altering the facade to include windows, but have not yet received the Board' s approval . Sixteen parking spaces will be provided on-site, and there is space for fifty cars in the rear parking lot . The area between the two structures will be covered with a roof , and an elevator will be installed. Mr. Kavanaugh informed the Board the the City has been awarded a Community Development Action Grant from the State which will allow for sidewalk, lighting and landscape improvements from the corner of Washington and New Derby Streets down to Congress and Derby Street. Mr. Kavanaugh discussed traffic flow alternatives with the Board, and noted that the Traffic Department concurs with the the plan to make Dodge Street Court one-way from New Derby Street to Dodge Street and one-way to Lafayatte Street . Mr. Kavanaugh stated that the Design Review Board and Salem Redevelopment Authority will be reviewing the design plans . • Mr. Kavanaugh reviewed the proposed conditions for the development . Page 4 • Ms . Vaughan made a motion to approve the plan as amended. Mr. Stuchiner seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. O1dlNew Business Almeda Street A 2-lot subdivision on Almeda Street had been approved by the Board on September 18, 1986. The construction of a cul-de-sac had been required. According to an immediate abutter, Mr. Schroeder, during the Board of Appeal hearings, the applicant , Mr. Tremblay, verbally agreed to allow Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder of 6 Almeda Street use of a portion of Mr. Tremblay's parcel. Since that time, Mr. Tremblay constructed a driveway along this portion of the property, and removed the shrubs the Schroeders had installed. Mr. and Mrs . Schroeder came before the Board requesting a resolution to this disbute . Councillor O' Leary informed the Board that , in his opinion, Mr. Tremblay would not have received a Variance from the Board of Appeal if he hadn' t committed to allowing the Schroeder's use of the parcel . He noted that the position of the driveway invades on the Schroeder's privacy. Attorney Michael McMahon, representing Mr. Tremblay, informed the Board that the Schroeders had been asked to purchase the parcel prior to Mr. . Tremblay purchasing it . Mr. McMahon stated that the driveway plan had been altered to meet the Fire Department 's requirements. He added that the plans had been approved by the City Engineer. Two abutters, Ms . Alyce Alain and Ms. DiVirgilio, spoke in favor of Mr. Tremblay's development . Mr. Tremblay stated that he would be willing to landscape the area in an attempt to provide privacy for the Schroeders. Mr. Power stated that if the Board had been aware of the location of the driveway, the plan may not have been approved. Nevertheless, the Board had approved the plan. Mr. Power suggested that the parties involved negotiate a compromise , return to the Board of Appeal where the Variance was granted, or file a complaint with Superior Court . Mr. Kavanaugh stated the he is willing to work cooperatively with all involved to resolve this issue. Ms . Vaughan made a motion to adjourn at 9: 50 p.m. Mr. Ledoux seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Newton • KL109 Acting Clerk SALEM PLANNING BOARD MINUTES OF MEETING JULY, 7, 1988 • A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on Thursday, July 7, 1988, at 7 :30 P.M. in the second floor conference room at One Salem Green. In attendance were Chairman Walter B. Power, Linda Vaughan, Chuck Puleo, Konstantinos Prentakis, Abby Burns and David S:uchiner. Also present was Beth Debski and Eileen Sacco. Absent were John Butler, Robert Ledoux and Dick Williams . Chairman Walter Power called the meeting to order at 7: 30 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING FORM C—CLARK AVENUE Attorney John Vallis addressed the Board concerning the proposal of David Colpitts to construct a 24 foot roadway, a five foot sidewalk and a 3 foot planting strip and granite curbing on one side of the roadway. He reported that his client is the owner of four lots that he plans to develop and as part of his agreement with the City for one lot he and his family will live on the property for five years . He also said that they wished to extend Clark Avenue 420 feet and presented a list of waivers that they would like the Board to approve. There were 10 items total and Mr. Vallis addressed each one with the Board. The first item addressed was a proposal to have a one foot sidewalk with a 3 foot grass strip on one side of the road only. Beth Debski informed the board that the City Engineer has requested sidewalks and granite curbing on both sides of the street . Chuck Puleo expressed concern about the storm • drains . He noted that presently there are none on the street and asked where the drainage would be going . Mr. Vallis stated Lhat an easement would be granted and that based on the low calculations of drainage for the area he did not expect a problem. Beth Debski informed the Board that the the City Engineer also wanted drains in Zhe road. Mr. Power asked Beth Debski ;o have the City Engineer check the roadways and the dispersement of water on the site. He also requested that the City Engineer check the sewer for the ability to connect future lots up there. Mr. Power then read a list of comments from various City Department Heads concerning the project . The Fire Department said that they would require a flow test . The temporary turnaround will meet their needs and requested that a fire box be installed at Clark Avenue. The Board of Health concurred with the proposal . Mr. Power then opened the meeting to discussion for or against the project from those in attendance. Mr. Thaddeus Wl.odyka, of 137 Derby Street , addressed the Board and said that he was involved in the sale of the property to Mr. Colpitts and that he thought that he deserves a great deal of credit for taking on a project like this . He said that he would like to recommend that the Board approve the project . Ward Four Councillor Lenny O'Leary addressed the Board and Mr. Colpitts and asked about the fire box. He said that the fire box at the corner • of Highland Avenue and Clark Street would be used and that the subdivision is 400 feet and that should take care of it. Beth Debski. also stated that the City has plans to install a new cable from Coopers Garage along Highland to the Lynn Line . • Abby Burns asked if the project would have underground utilities and Mr. Power stated that it has been the Planning Board's intention in the past to have the utilities be put in place under ground in the event that there could be future development in the area . He also recommended a site visit and the board agreed to meet at the site at 9:00 A.M. on Saturday, July 16, 1988. There being no further discussion Mr. Power declared the Public Hearing closed. He also stated that the Planning Department would review the request and make a recomendation. ALMEDA STREET DISCUSSION Ward Four Councillor Lenny O'Leary addressed the Board concerning a project on Almeda Street being done by Mr. Tremblay. He stated that when the project was in the beginning stages the neighbors who abutt the property wished to buy a parcel of the land from Mr. Tremblay and that at the time Mr. Tremblay said that they did not have to buy the strip of land and that they could use the land as they wanted to. In return the Schroders spoke in favor of the project at the Board of Appeals hearing and now Mr. Tremblay has put an additional road in and has taken the strip of land in question and removed flowers and bushes that the Schroders has planted there . Councillor O' Leary asked the Planning Board to see if there was anything that could be done to control this • situation since had it not been for the verbal agreement between the Tremblays and the Schroders , the Schroders and himself would have been against the project . Mr. Power said that he would have the Planning Department look into the matter and see if any agreements with the City had been violated and get back to them on it Beth Debski will look into the matter and report on the matter at the next meeting. FORM C-31 CEDARVIEW STREET This proposal involves the construction of a single-family home on a 15,354 sqaure foot lot with 108 feet of frontage. The lost meets all. requirements for an R--1 zoning district but fronts on an unimproved street . The applicant proposes to construct a 24 foot wide roadway and reserve land on each side of the street for a 5 foot sidewalk and 3 foot planting strip as required by City's Subdivision Regulations and Policies . The applicants stated that the buyer that they have for the land has no plans to build right now. They said that the legal address of the property will be Kelley Road. They also stated that the utilities would come in from Cedarcrest Road. Beth Debski stated that George Whittie has reviewed the plans and is pleased with the proposal . A Motion was made by Linda Vaughn to approve the project and to approvel • the conditions submitted to the Planning Board seconded by Abby Burns Abby Burns and approved unanimously. A Motion was made by Linda Vaughan to approve the plan and the co,nditons • as noted seconded by Abby Burns , amd approved unanimously by the board. OLD BUSINESS Lee Anton representing the Farfard Companies appeared before the Board to have an amendment to the original plans approved for the project . He noted that building #23 was 14.13 feet back from the street and the original plan indicated that it would be 17 feet from the street which would make it 3 feet closer than the plan that was approved. He asked for approval of the amendment . Mr. Power indicated that the Board could approve the amendment and have ' the Planning Department make a recommendation regarding the front of the building and the closeness of it to the street and the noise factors. A motion was made by Abby Burns to approve the ammendment seconded by Chuck Puleo and approved unanimously by the board. Mr. Power asked the members if the wanted to have a Planning Board party during the month of August . Linda Vaughan offered to have the party at her house and they set a date for August 25. Mr. Power asked the members to nofity Beth Debski if they are unable to attend the meetings. • APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Linda Vaughan made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of June 16,. 1988, seconded by Konstantinos Prentakis , and approved unanimously. Motion made by Chuck Puleo to adjourn the meeting seconded by Linda Vaughan and approved unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 8: 50 P.M. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED BY EILEEN M SACCO • June 16, 1988, Page 1 - r SALEM PLANNING BOARD MINUTES OF MEETING JUNE 16, 1988 A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on Thursday June 16, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. in the second floor conference room, One Salem Green. In attendance were: Robert Ledoux, Linda Vaughan, John Butler, Chuck Puleo, Konstantinos Prentakis, and Abby Burns. Absent was Walter B. Power. Also present were Gerard Kavanaugh and Beth Debski. Acting Chairman Bob Ledoux called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. Form A - Highland Avenue and Crosby Street Attorney John Serafini addressed the Board on behalf of Mrs. Deschamps who requested approval of the Form A Plan for lot number 709 located at Highland Avenue and Crosby Street. Bob Ledoux asked the members if they had any questions concerning the plan. Mr. Williams asked the Acting Chairman to recuse himself from discussions of this matter since he is related to the applicant. Linda Vaughn made a motion to endorse the Form A plan. John Butler seconded the motion. The Board voted to endorse the plan. Form A - Bertini ' s -Canal Street Attorney John Serafini addressed the Board on behalf of Frank and John Bertini concerning the subdivision of a lot on Canal Street that was originally approved as a four-lot subdivision and they would now like to . make it three lots. Bob Ledoux requested to see the original plan. Beth Debski said that she did not have the plan available at this time. John Butler asked if the proposed drainage would be the same as the original plan that was approved. Attorney Serafini stated that it was the same and had been approved by the Conservation Commission. Mr. Will made a motion to endorse the Form A plan. Linda Vaughn seconded the motion. The board unanimously voted to endorse the Form A plan. Form A- Boston Street Attorney John Serafini addressed the Board on behalf of Robert Gauthier concerning property on Boston Street that he wished to build a duplex house on. The address of the house would be 41 Beaver Street. Attorney Serafini informed the board that the proposal. had been presented to and .approved 5-0 by the Board of Appeals on the condition that there be a minimum of 15 parking spaces. John Butler made a motion to endorse the Form A plan. Linda Vaughn -' seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously to endorse the plan. June 16, 1988, Page 2 Form A - Marlborough Road Joseph Furnari addressed the Board and requested to subdivide his lot on Marlborough Road for his son Anthony Furnari, who wished to put a home on it. John Butler made a motion to approve the Form A plan. Chuck Puleo seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously to endorse the Form A plan. Public Hearing Site Plan Review - Special Permit Konstantinos Prentakis asked to recuse himself from discussion of this matter since he works for the developer, Nondas Langonakis. Bob Ledoux declared the Public Hearing open. This proposal involves the exterior rehabilitaion of the approximately 20,000 square foot Hawthorne Block (191-215 Washington Street) and the construction of a 38,400 square foot retail/office building on the immediately adjacent parcel to the east (29 New Derby Street - the former Mr. Grocer Parcel) The two buildings will serve retail users on the first floor and office users above. The applicant has entered into a lease with the Walgreen Drug Company for the use of the entire first floor of the new building Scott Grover presented plans to the Board for their review and discussion. He explained that they are at present going through the permit process and that they have received a variance from the Board of Appeals. He also noted that the project has the support of the SRA and • several of the City Councillors. Abby Burns asked about the parking spaces that were indicated on the plan presented. Mr. Grover noted that they were for the use of Walgreens customers. Bob Ledoux referred to a drawing showing the New Derby elevation of the building. Robin Wunderlich from Scagliotti Associates stated that the front of the building would be brick with the capability of being able to put windows in on the first floor if there ever were a need to do so. Mr. Williams suggested that since the traffice flow in the area would be increased that maybe Dodge Street should be made a one way. Mr. Grover explained that the project will be developed piece by piece as economics allow and that no definite plans for the Dexter Building have been agreed upon at this time. He also showed a drawing showing some of the improvements that are planned with a CDAG Grant that has been obtained . Abby Burns- asked why the parking lot on Dodge Street was not included in the plan. Gerry Kavanaugh said that there is no parking requirement for projects in the downtown business zone and the 16 parking spaces that are in the plan are there as a result of Walgreens requiring them as • part of the project. June 16, 1988, Page 3 John Butler questioned the angle of the parking as it was presented because it would force the traffic in from New Derby Street. Robin Wunderlich stated that the angle of the parking could be either way but they felt it would have less of an impact the way it was shown. Mr. Williams asked if the building would have a trash room in the building . Mr. Grover, responded that there would be no trash room and that a management service would remove the trash. Bob Ledoux read a list of comments from various departments. He noted that the Board of Health would discuss it at there next meeting, and declared the public hearing closed. OLD BUSINESS Beth Debski presented a subdivision plan for Parlee Street to the members that had been approved and needed to be signed in order to be recorded at Land Court. Those present signed. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Williams asked about the new wall constucted in the front of the Witch House and Gerry Kavanaugh said that it must have been something that the park department had done. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Linda Vaughan made a motion to approve the minutes of the previous '. meeting seconded by John Butler and approved unanimously. Abby Burns made a motion to adjourn the meeting seconded by John Butler and approved unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 8: 20 P.M. Respectfully submitted by Eileen M. Sacco Clerk ES1/ES0101 • f , ' SALEM PLANNING BOARD MINUTES OF MEETING JUNE 2, 1988 A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on Thursday, June 2, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. in the second floor conference room. In attendance were: Chairman Walter B. Power, Linda Vaughan, Dick Williams, Chuck Puleo, and John Butler. Abby Burns and Bob Ledoux were absent. Also present were City Planner Gerard Kavanaugh and Beth Debski. Mr. Power called the meeting to order at 7:40 P.M. Form A - Barnes Road This plan involving the subdivision of a 38,980 square foot parcel into three parcels was endorsed by the Planning Board on April 21, 1988. Beth Debski told the Board that the applicant has requested that the Board endorse a second original plan so that the land could be registered with the Land Court. Linda Vaughan made a motion to endorse the Form A plan. Chuck Puleo seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously to endorse the plan. Form A - Rockdale Avenue Beth Debski told the Board that this proposal located on Rockdale Avenue involved joining Lot 1 and Lot B to form one contiguous lot having an area of 16,688 square feet and joining lots • A, C, and 2 to form one contiguous lot having an area of 15,105 square feet. Linda Vaughan made a motion to endorse the Form A plan. Mr. Puleo seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously to endorse the plan. Form C - Public Hearing - 31 Cedarview Street This proposal involves the construction of a single family home on a 15,354 square foot lot. The lot meets all requirements for an R-1 zoning district, but fronts on an unimproved street which could possibly be extended for further development in the future. Peter Gilmour, representing the applicants, Rosemary and Harold Broadbent, presented plans to the Board for review and discussion. Mr. Gilmour told the Board that Mr. and Mrs. Broadbent plan to extend Kelley Road approximately 100 feet to provide frontage for their lot. The existing sewer and water lines on Cedarview Street would be replaced and extended to their lot. Mr. Gilmour explained that some filling would take place at the end of the proposed roadway but a rip rap slope would be installed. Dick Williams questioned the adequacy of the proposed water and sewer lines and asked that the Planning Department have the City Engineer review them. Mr. Williams also suggested that the water line should have a bleed off. Walter Power asked if water and sewer are available on Kelley Road. An abutter, Mr. • Mansen, told the Board that all of the houses on Kelley Road are tied into Cedarview Street. • -2 Dick Williams asked how much blasting is anticipated. Mr. Gilmour told the Board that there is some ledge and blasting would be minimal, if any. Walter Power asked if the utilities would be underground. Mr. Gilmour told the board that they would not be underground. John Butler asked if there would be a sewerage pump. Mr. Gilmour told the Board that there would be, but no other services will necessitate a pump. There being no other questions, Mr. Power read the comments received to date from other City departments. The Building Inspector concurs with the project. The City Engineer concurs with the proposal, with comments. The Board of Health will meet on June 14, 1988 to discuss the proposal. Mr. Power opened the hearing to comments from the audience. Susan Teheen of 9% Intervale Road expressed concern about the close proximity of her house to the area where blasting would occur. Mr. Power explained to the audience that a pre-blast survey would be conducted at homes within 350 feet of the blasting site. Mr. Mansen of 4 Kelley Road asked if there would be all new sewer and water lines installed. Mr. Gilmour told him that they would be new. Mr. Mansen also expressed concern • about the water pressure in the area. Mr. Mansen also asked the Board if it would be possible to install a fire hydrant at the corner of Kelley Road and Cedarview Street. Mr. Power requested that the Planning Department ask the Fire Department to review the proposal and make a recommendation to the Board. There being no further comments, Mr. Power declared the public hearing closed. Form B - Clark Avenue David Colpitts, the applicant, presented preliminary plans to the Board for review and discussion. Mr. Colpitts is proposing to extend Clark Avenue 420 feet, ending in a 50 foot diameter cul-de-sac, and provide a 24 foot roadway, 5 foot sidewalk, 3 foot planting and granite curbing on one side of the roadway. Mr. Colpitts is proposing to extend an 8" sewer and 6" water line. He is also proposing to install a hydrant at the end of the roadway. Mr. Power asked what property the proposed turn around is located on. Mr. Colpitts told the Board that it would be on his property. John Butler asked where the sewer would be dead-ended. Mr. Colpitts told the Board that it would be dead-ended at lot 4. Dick Williams suggested that Mr. Colpitts extend the utilities to his property line. Walter Power asked that the Planning Department have George Whittie review the • drainage plan. ,f . -3- Dick Williams asked if the utilities would be underground. Mr. Colpitts told the Board that they would be. Walter Power suggested that the Board make a site visit to the proposed project. Linda Vaughan requested that the Fire Department review the proposal and submit their recommendations to the Board. Site Plan Review Special Permit - Salem Shoe John Serafini, representing the applicant, reviewed the project for the Board. He told the Board that this project had the support of the Ward 2 Councillor, as well as the neighborhood. Mr. Serafini told the Board that the Historical Commission approved the demolition of the factory building and that the Fire Department was anxious for the project to proceed. Gerard Kavanaugh told the Board that this was a good project for the neighborhood which would eliminate an industrial use in a residential area. Mr. Kavanaugh reviewed the proposed conditions with the Board. Mr. Kavanaugh suggested that a condition be added specifying that sloped granite curbing be installed in the parking area in locations to be determined by the Planning Department. • Mr. John Butler suggested that a condition be added stating that no truck traffic associated with the project begin before 7:00 a.m. Mr. Power asked if cedar siding would be used. Mr. Vars told the Board that he was planning on it, as long as it is available. Mr. Power suggested that a condition be added regarding the lighting plan being reviewed by the City Planner. Mr. Williams told the Board that he liked Mr. Vars idea for using wooden planters along Saunders Street. The additional landscaping on Saunders Street will be reviewed by the Planning Department. Dick Williams made a motion to grant the Site Plan Review Special Permit. Linda Vaughan seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously to grant the Site Plan Review Special Permit. Informal Discussion - Hawthorne Place Attorney William Quinn presented preliminary plans to the Board for review and discussion of his proposal for the exterior rehabilitation of the Hawthorne Block and the construction of a 3 - story commercial/retail building at the former Mr. Grocer site. Mr. Quinn told the Board that 90% of the Hawthorne Block is occupied. He also told the Board that Eaton's would be leaving this summer. Bay Banks will be replacing Eaton's. • Mr. Quinn explained to the Board that his development group has secured a 20 year lease with the Walgreen's chain for 11,000 square feet, the entire first floor of the proposed building. Mr. Quinn told the Board that Walgreen's is requiring 14 on-site parking spaces. e • -4- Mr. Quinn explained to the Board that there were difficulties in dealing with a national chain because they have specific requirements for their stores. Mr. Quinn told the Board that he would be before the Board of Appeals on June 15, 1988 and before the SRA and DRB over the next few months. A Site Plan Review Special Permit application has been filed and a public hearing will be held on June 16, 1988 with the Planning Board. Mr. Quinn told the Board that he hoped to commence construction in September. The proposed building would be red brick and 3 feet taller than the Hawthorne Block. A full historic restoration of the exterior of the Hawthorne Block is planned. Between the two buildings, a 20 foot wide glass atrium is proposed. Mr. Quinn told the Board about the CDAG funds awarded to the City for public improvements in the area. Mr. Quinn explained that diagonal parking would be provided on Dodge Street Court. Mr. Power asked if Dodge Street Court was a one way. Mr. Quinn responded that it was two way but he would be open to the suggestion of making it one way. The Planning Board expressed concern over the bus stop on New Derby Street. Mr. Quinn will look at that. • Mr. Quinn told the Board that all of the signage in the Hawthorne Block will be redone. Mr. Quinn also told the Board that he is working with Walgreen's on the entryway. Mr. Quinn will present further plans to the Board at the June 16, 1988 public hearing. Old Business Fafard John Serafini told the Board that building #23 in Fafard's Phase II was 3 feet closer to the line that it should be. He requested that the Planning Department review the situation and make a recommendation before the next Planning Board meeting. 11 Summer Street Mr. Serafini informed the Board that the applicant, Frederick Small, no longer owned the property. Mr. Williams made a motion that the Board vote to withdraw the petition. Linda Vaughan seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously to allow leave to withdraw the petition. New Business Mr. Power asked Board members to contact Beth Debski by Thursday morning if they • cannot attend a meeting. . -s- Mr. Power asked the Board how they felt about having a Planning Board dinner. Members will discuss a date at the next meeting. Curbing The Board requested that George Whittie review and make a recommendation to the Board on the angle of curbing. There being no further business, Linda Vaughan made a motion to adjourn at 9:20 P.M. Mr. Williams seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously to adjourn at 9:20 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Beth Debski Acting Clerk • M38 WP • SALEM PLANNING BOARD MINUTES OF MEETING MAY 19, 1988 • A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on May 19, 1988 at 7:30• p.m. in the second floor conference room, One Salem Green. In attendance were: Acting Chairman Bob Ledoux, Linda Vaughan, Dick Williams, Abby Burns, and Chuck Puleo. Walter Power and John Butler were absent. Also present were Student Intern Roy Landry and Beth Debski. Mr. Ledoux called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Form C - 31 Cedarview Street- Harold and Rosemary Broadbent, the applicant's, requested that the Planning Board continue their public hearing until June 2, 1988 because their lawyer could not be present. Linda Vaughan made a motion to continue the hearing, Dick Williams seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously to approve the request. Site Plan Review Special Permit - Salem Shoe A public hearing was held for this proposal which involves the construction of sixty (60) residential units at the Salem Shoe building site, located at the terminus of Saunders and Pearl Streets. The present Salem Shoe building would be demolished and replaced by two (2) buildings with 24 units each and one (1) building with 12 units. . The applicant received necessary variances from the Board of Appeal on February 17, 1988. John Serafini, representing the applicant, gave a history of the Salem Shoe building as background information for' the benefit of the Board and the audience. The developer, Harborview Associates, investigated alternatives for the use of the Salem Shoe building. One alternative was utilizing the existing building for industiral condominiums. Engineers determined that this was not a feasible alternative. The developer decided to demolish the existing building and construct new condominiums. This would be a more expensive alternative, but would be a more attractive product for the developer and the City. Mr. Serafini told the Board that this project would increase the property values in the neighborhood and limit the potential for any further industrial development on the site. Mr. Charlie Vacs, the developer, told the Board that the total footprint of the proposed buildings is less than the existing building and the height of the proposed buildings is lower than the existing building. Mr. Vats also told the Board that presently there is no view of the • water from the ends of Saunders and Pearl Street. The proposed May 19, 1988, Page 2 buildings would open up the view for the neighborhood. • Mr. Serafini told the Board that this development would set an example for development along the entire riverfront. Mr. Serafini also told the Board that the developer has met with the City Council and the neighborhood and has addressed the concerns raised by the neighborhood. Mr. Vars showed the Board a model of his proposal and explained that the entrance and egress for the project would be on Saunders Street. Mr. Vars also told the Board that there would be walkways in front of each building. Mr. Vats has had long discussions with the Fire Department and has addressed their concerns. Utilities would be placed underground. Lighting would provided by 10 period lighting fixtures around the parking areas. There would be extensive landscaping around the entire site. Mr. Vars told the Board that the buildings would be constructed of brick and wood clapboards. If possible, he will use bricks from the existing building for the chimneys in the proposed buildings in an attempt to save a piece of history. The buildings would have both one and two bedroom units and sell between $107,000 and $140,000. • Mr. Ledoux read the comments from the City Department heads. The Building Inspector concurs with the proposal. The City Engineer had two concerns regarding the water main. The Fire Department concurs with the proposal, with conditions. The Board of Health will discuss the proposal at its June 14, 1988 meeting. Mr. Ledoux opened the hearing for comments from the Board and audience. Dick Williams asked what the roof construction would be. Mr. Vars told the Board that the roof would be trussed with plywood decking and a rubber roof would be placed on the flat roof. The pitched areas would be asphalt shingles. There will be no gutters or drains. Mr. Williams also asked if the widows walk would be used for recreational purposes. Mr. Vats said that the roof would be accessible but it would be difficult to get to. Mr. Ledoux asked what type of wood clapboards would be used. Mr. Vars told the Board that he was planning to use cedar. Mr. Ledoux asked if the trash compactor pads would be fenced. Mr. Vats said they would be. Mr. Ledoux also asked about snow storage areas and Mr. Vats showed the Board where they would be located on the site. • Linda Vaughan asked what type of fencing would be used around the pool. May 19, 1988, Page 3 Mr. Vars told the Board that there would be a 4 foot high chain link . fence with a gate. Linda Vaughan asked if there would be lighting around the pool. Mr. Vars told the Board that there would not be. Chuck Puleo asked if there would be enough light provided by the proposed lighting fixtures. Mr. Vars said the proposed lights would provide adequate lighting. Linda Vaughan asked what the height of the pool building would be. Mr. Vars told the Board that it would be approximately 13 feet high with a pitched roof. It would contain changing rooms and a room for the pool equipment. Abby Burns questioned the adequacy of the landscaping along the train tracks. Mr. Vars told the Board that he thought there was enough landscaping. The Planning Department will review the landscaping plans in detail. Ward 2 City Councillor Kevin Harvey spoke in favor of the proposal stating that it would be in the best interest of the neighborhood and the entire City to eliminate the industrial use on this site and provide sixty affordable housing units in the city. Councillor Harvey asked if the developer might be willing to plant some • trees along Saunders Street which would benefit the neighborhood. Mr. Vars agreed to work with the Planning Department on this matter. Joseph Jones, an abutter, spoke in favor of the proposal, stating that it would be a dramatic improvement. There being no further comments, Mr. Ledoux closed the public hearing. Abby Burns made a motion to adjourn at 8:20 p.m. . Linda Vaughan seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Respectfully Submitted, Beth Debski Acting Clerk • 11 SALEM PLANNING BOARD MINUTES OF MEETING f MAY 5, 1988 • A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on May 5, 1988 at 7 :30 p.m. in the second floor conference room, One Salem Green. Those in attendance were: Chairman Walter Power, Abby Burns, John Butler, Linda Vaughan, Dick Williams, Charles Puleo and Bob Ledoux. Also present were Gerard Kavanaugh and Beth Debski. Form A - 31 Cedarview Street The applicant, Mr. Broadbent, proposed to subdivide his property at 31 Cedarview Street to create two buildable lots. Both lots have adequate frontage and lot area. Mr. Ledoux made a motion to endorse the plan. Ms. Burns seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Wetlands Special Permit On April 21 , 1988, a public hearing was held for this proposal involving the construction of a 81x10' deck and the placement of a 40' aluminum ramp onto a float. The major concern raised at the public hearing related to the lighting of the ramp and deck. Presently, the applicant does not plan to install lighting, but has agreed to have future lighting plans reviewed and • approved by the City Planner. Mr. Kavanaugh reviewed the proposed set of conditions drafted by the Planning Department. Ms. Burns made a motion to approve the plan with the conditions set forth by the Planning Department. Mr. Williams seconded the motion. Mr. Ledoux abstained from voting. The motion carried. Form C - Station Road Extension \ On March 24, 1988, a public hearing was held for this proposal involving l the subdivision of a 4.18 acre parcel of land into 12 single family house lots. The petitioner is proposing to extend a 24 foot roadway and to install a 5 foot sidewalk, a three foot planting strip and granite curbing on both sides of the street. Charles Weir of Carter and Towers Engineering reviewed the alterations to the plan which included the addition of trees, a fire box at the corner of Bradley Road, and a hydrant between lots 9 and 10. The petitioner is still working with the City Engineer to resolve the drainage concerns. Mr. Weir reviewed the plans for the Board. • Page 2 Mr. Williams asked how long of a warranty would be provided on the • insulated pipes if they are installed. Mr. Weir responded that a 10 year warranty would be provided. Mr. Ledoux asked if the culvert would be cleaned regularly, and the petitioner agreed to do so. Mr. Ledoux suggested that this condition be added to the conditions drafted by the Planning Department. Mr. Ledoux suggested that a condition of approval state that the abutter, Mr. Oulette, be allowed to tie into the new drainage system. Mr. Kavanaugh reviewed the proposed set of conditions drafted by the Planning Department. Attorney Beatrice asked how the culvert would be cleaned if it' s on private property. Mr. Ledoux stated that an easement could be granted over the property. Ms. Burns made a motion to approve the subdivision with the conditions as amended. Mr. Ledoux seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Collins Cove Condominiums On March 24, 1988, a representative of McNeil Associates, developer of the Collins Cove Condominium Project, appeared before the Planning Board • to discuss the issue of the construction of a small public park on the land where a clubhouse was to be built. Tom Southworth of McNeil Associates reviewed the history of the project for the Board pointing out that since the Crow II Club disbanded, the burden of constructing a clubhouse would fall on the condominium owners. If the clubhouse is built, the condominium fees will be increased $70.00 per month. As a result, Mr. Southworth proposes to sell the parcel to the condominium association for $1 . He added that the parcel will remain open space Mr. Ledoux noted that when the condominium owners purchased their units, they thought a clubhouse would be built. He suggested that the City Solicitor render an opinion regarding what effect an amended plan deeding the land to the condominium association might have. Mr. Ledoux stated that if the clubhouse is not built, the City Council will have to approve the proposal. Mr. Power suggested that the City look into the possibility of developing the parcel as a park or marina. Mr. Butler added that the City Solicitor should look into the option of the City owning the parcel. Mr. Kavanaugh noted that the City does have a 5' walking path easement on the property. • Page 3 i Mr. Power suggested that an easement along the pier be deeded to the City. Ms. Burns made a motion to approve the modified plan with the condition that a strip of land approximately 25' x 90' be deeded to the City of Salem for public access to the pier. The parcel should contain a strip of land on either side of the pier and along the tip of the pier. Mr. Ledoux seconded the motion. The motion carried, 5 in favor and 2 opposed. Mr. Butler made a motion to request that the City Solicitor look into the possibility of the City owning the pier. Ms. Burns seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Old/New Business Mr. Williams informed the Board that he, Ms. Vaughan, and Mr. Power visited the Pierce Road site, and that they are not in favor of the subdivision plan. Mr. Butler asked Mr. Kavanaugh to investigate whether or not Pumel Construction Company is storing trucks within a wetland area on Canal Street behind Bertini' s. Mr. Kavanaugh was asked to forward copies of the zoning report submitted to the City Council to the members of the Planning Board. • Mr. Ledoux made a motion to adjourn at 9:45 p.m. Ms. Burns seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. . Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Newton BN12/BN1147 e l`l SALEM PLANNING BOARD • MINUTES OF MEETING APRIL 21 , 1988 A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on April 21 , 1988 at 7:30 p.m. in the second floor conference room, One Salem Green. In attendance were: Chairman Walter Power, Bob Ledoux, Linda Vaughan, Dick Williams, and John Butler. Abby 'Burns was absent. Also present were City Planner Gerard Kavanaugh and Beth Debski. Mr. Power called the meeting to order at 7 :35 p.m. Form A - Parallel Street The petitioner, Mr. Napoleon LeBlanc, is requesting the subdivision of one lot into two lots. Mr. LeBlanc has received a variance from lot size, density, and frontage requirements from the Board of Appeal . Mr. Ledoux made a motion to approve the plan. Mr. Butler seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Form A - Barnes Road This proposal involves the subdivision of a 38,980 square foot parcel into three parcels. The applicant, Mi. Madsen, has received a variance from Lot size and frontage requirements from the Board of Appeal. The twenty day • appeal period has since passed, with no appeals filed. Mr. Ledoux made a motion to approve the plan. Ms. Vaughan seconded the motion. The vote was uanaimously in favor. Determination of Substantial Change - Read Street On December 12, 1986 , a petition for a Special Permit and Variance to subdivide an existing lot into two Lots at 26 Read Street was denied by the Board of Appeal . The petitioner has altered the plan by the conveyance of a portion of the lot to one of the abutters. This conveyance resolves a concern raised at the Board of Appeal hearing. In addition, a written agreement has been entered into between the two parties regarding rights in connection to the proposed roadway. After reviewing the proposed plans, Mr. Butler moved that the plan does show a substantial change. Mr. Williams seconded the motion. Mr. Ledoux excused himself from the discussion and action relative to this petition. The motion passed. Wetlands Special Permit - Kimball Road Mr. Kavanaugh reviewed the plans for the construction of new storm drainage on Kimball Road which the Board held a public hearing for on April 7, 1988. •' Mr. Kavanaugh reviewed the proposed conditions drafted by the Planning Department. The Conservation Commission has approved the plans and issued an Order of Conditions. April 21 , 1988, Page 2 Mr. Ledoux asked whether the construction companies to the rear of • Bertini's had a permit to store vehicles within 100' of a wetland. Mr. Kavanaugh agreed to look into the matter. Mr. Power asked that a condition stating that no trees be cut without the Planning Department ' s permission be added to the conditions set forth by the Planning Department. Mr. Ledoux made a motion to approve the plan with the amended conditions set forth by the Planning Department. Mr. Williams seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Form C/Wetlands Special Permit - 27 Pierce Road Martha Driscoll, representing the petitioner Clayton Smith, reviewed this proposal which involves the subdivision of a 24,520 square foot parcel into two parcels. Lot A, on which exists a single family home, will contain 9 ,400 square feet and lot B, on which a single family home is proposed to be constructed, will contain 15, 120 square feet and 100 feet of frontage. The applicant is proposing to construct a 20 foot wide roadway constructed of lynn pac to the second dwelling, as requested by the Fire Department. The applicant is also proposing to construct a 20' x 35' hammerhead turnaround at the end of the roadway, and to extend the utilities to the second dwelling . The applicant is requesting a waiver from sidewalks, granite curbing and planting strips. • Mr. Power noted that the original conditions placed on this parcel by the Board of Appeal in 1981 stipulate that only one dwelling be constructed. Mr. Smith responded that he was unaware of such a stipulation. Mr. Power read the comments prepared by the City Engineer who concured with the project with the following conditions 1 ) that the waterline be extended 8" , 2) granite curbing and sidewalks be installed on east side of roadway, and 3) the road be elevated 2% to allow for drainage. The Board of Health concurred with the project. The Fire Department concurred with the project with conditions relative to a 20' roadway, a hammerhead turnaround, and fire hydrant installation. The Conservation Commission did not concur with the project , voting to defer action until the petitioner submitted revised plans to them. Councillor Blair voiced concern over the run-oEf into the wetlands, and noted that in 1981 , the Board of Appeal granted a variance for this parcel allowing only one dwelling unit to be constructed. A letter from the Pickman Park Condominium Association was read into the minutes stating the Association' s opposition to the construction due to its affect on the wetlands. Ms. Vaughan noted that the Fire Department has requested a 20' roadway while the Conservation Commission has required a 17 ' roadway. Mr. Kavanaugh believes that this issue can be resolved. • There being no further comments from the Board, Mr. Power opened the public hearing. April 21 , 1988, Page 3 Harvey Berg, representing an abutter Randall Wieting, stated that • convincing testimony had been presented to the Conservation Commission that this parcel was one of the City' s last wildlife refuges. He also stated that the approval granted for the construction of one dwelling by the Board of Appeal was on the basis of economic hardship. Ellen Gallagher of 22 Cleveland Road spoke in opposition to the plans due to its affects on the wildlife. Gene McCarthy of 10 Buchanan Road and Georgette Stafford spoke in opposition to the proposed plans. Martha Driscoll, representing the petitioner, stated that when the Board of Appeal granted a variance for this parcel, the petitioner had no intention of developing further. She further stated that the language of this approval does not restrict further development. She added that the petitioner has tried to meet the requirements of the Fire Department and Conservation Commission. There being no further comments, Mr. Power closed the public hearing. The Planning Department was asked to review the plans and make a recommendation to the Planning Board. Public Hearing - Wetland Special Permit 441 Lafayette Street This proposal involves the placement of a 8' x 10' wood deck and 40' • aluminum ramp onto a 12 ' x 20' float at 441 Lafayette Street. The Conservation Commission has approved the plans and issued an Order of Conditions. Mr. Power asked if lighting would be installed, and the engineer Mr. Falstick repsonded that the lighting issue had not been discussed. There being no further comment from the Board, Mr. Power opened the public hearing. Roland Gauthier of 1 Fairview Road spoke in opposition to any proposed lighting and filling. Mr. Peter Merry, representing the petitioner, responded that there would be no filling conducted, and any Lighting would be reviewed by the Planning Department. There being no further comments, the public hearing was closed. The Planning Department was asked to review the plans and make its recommendation to the Board. Form C - Parlee Street On April 17 , 1986, the Planning Board approved a four (4) lot subdivision • on Parlee Street. The plan was never endorsed by the the Board. The applicant is requesting that the Board endorse the plan as well as a Covenant in place of a Performance Bond ensuring that no tots be sold or constructed upon until road improvements have been completed. April 21 , 1988, Page 4 The Planning Board endorsed the plan and the Covenant . • Zoning Bill Luster of the Planning Department reviewed the concerns relative to the proposed zoning changes which were raised at the joint public hearing of the Board and City Council. 1 ) The Recreational Open Space district line in the Collins Cove area have been moved to eliminate the inclusion of some 2—family dwellings. 2) The Entrance Corridor Overlay Zone will allow the City control over development on Boston Street and Highland Avenue. 3) The concern relative to R1 districts has been resolved through the creation of 2 residential districts, one with 15,000 square foot lot area requirements and the other with 10,000 square foot lot area requirements. Some areas which have lot size requirements of 15,000 square feet are Barnes Road, Wyman Avenue, Dell Avenue, Parlee Street, Crowdis Street, and Valley Street. 4) The Waterfront Overlay Zone has been amended to include a statement that uses must be compatible to the surrounding area. 5) Wetlands Special Permit approval had been changed to within 200' of a Wetland, but the consensus of the Board and City Council was to return it to 100' . • 6) A definition of open space has been included in the proposed zoning ordinance. 7) In the event of fire or other catastrophe, the ordinance will allow for a building to be reconstructed in the same foot print within one year of its destruction. Mr. Ledoux suggested that the city make every nonconforming parcel legal with the new ordinance, and any proposed change must receive a variance from the Board of Appeal. He also questioned whether a developer would need Site Plan Review approval when renovating a structure over 10,000 square feet. Mr. Kavanaugh stated that he would review that item and make the necessary provisions. Mr. Ledoux questioned the size of the Medical District, and Mr. Kavanaugh responded that Salem Hospital may be giving up the parcel near Andy' s Pond in return for permission to build a parking facility on Old Road. Mr. Kavanaugh added that the hospital is concerned with the height restrictions of the proposed district, which Mr. Kavanaugh is reviewing. Mr. Ledoux questioned the Elderly District since it would allow a high rise in a residential district. Mr. Kavanaugh stated that the City Council and Mayor would have to approve any proposed site. Mr. Power questioned the status of the Franklin Street parcels, and Mr. Kavanaugh responded that he will be working with the parcel owners for an appropriate B5 use. April 21 , 1988, Page 5 Mr. Zarojian of EJZ Motors at 111 Highland Avenue stated that his parcel is i� zoned R1 , but has been a business for over 50 years. He would like the Board to look at the possibility of rezoning to business. Mr. Gunther asked if Winter Island was all ROS, and Mr. Kavanaugh reponded that there were residential sections also. A site visit to Pierce Road was scheduled for Tuesday, April 26, 1988 at 6:30 p.m. Mr. Ledoux made a motion to adjourn at 10:00. Ms. Burns seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Newton BN1143 • •` � SALEM PLANNING BOARD MINUTES OF MEETING r� APRIL 7, 1988 • A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on April 7, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. in the second floor conference room, One Salem Green. Those in attendance were: Chairman Walter Power, Robert Ledoux, Dick Williams , Abby Burns, John Butler, Linda Vaughan, and student intern Roy Landry. Also present were City Planner Gerard Kavanaugh and Beth Debski . Public Hearing - Wetland Special Permit - Kimball Road This proposal involves the construction of new storm drainage on Kimball Road, located within a buffer zone. The new drainage system is being proposed in cooperation with a proposed retail. development on Canal Street , the first building which is now being constructed. Subsequent construction will necessitate a Site Plan Review Special Permit . Mr. Earl Townsend of T and M Engineering reviewed the plans to install storm drainage which will empty into Rosies Pond. Mr. Townsend noted that they have received approval from the Conservation Commission, but have not received the Order of Conditions to date. He explained that the site is aligned with hay bales , and that as few trees as possible will be removed. As required by the Conservation Commission, an existing walking trail will be reconstructed when the digging is complete. • Mr. Power asked if any other streets drain into the site , and Mr. Townsend responded that drainage from Jefferson Avenue and Adams Road drain into the site. Mr. Power asked if the Conservation Commission had placed a condition on salting, and Mr. Townsend responded that there would be no salting allowed and the catch basins would have grease and oil traps and cleaned twice a year. Mr. Williams asked what type of businesses would be occupying the site, and Mr. Townsend responded that retail stores are proposed. Mr. Townsend added that the proposed drainage is for the parking area which will be sloped to feed the catch basins more effectively. Mr. Power asked the Planning Department to review the drainage plan with the City Engineer. Mr. Williams asked if catch basins would be placed on Kimball Road, and Mr. Townsend responded that they would not . Mr. Williams questioned whether the principle would be interested in developing the roadway and if the City would tie in at some time. Mr. Townsend responded that they have reviewed roadway plans with the City Engineer. Mr. Kavanaugh responded that he would check into whether or not the City would be tying in. Mr. Townsend added that he felt the grade would be too high to be developed. Page 2 • Mr. Williams asked what the flow capacity was, and Mr. Townsend responded that according to their calculations , the area does not trap much water so the proposed 18" pipe would be adequate. Mr. Power asked if the pipe would be adequate in the winter, and Mr. Townsend responded that the system was designed for a 10 year storm with a run off for a 100 year storm. He noted that the pipe comes out into a vegetated area . Mr. Williams asked if test borings had been conducted, and Mr. Townsend responded that they had not. Mr. Williams felt that the area might have a peat bog, and asked the City Planner to check the test borings when conducted. Mr. Townsend added that if that were the case, crushed rock would be used. Mr. Williams suggested that a condition be added to an approval requiring that if the developer comes across a soft area, it must be stablized and approved by the City Engineer. Mr. Power informed the Board that the City Engineer concurs with the project; the Building Inspector requires more information relative to parking; the Conservation Commission has not yet filed their Order of Conditions; and the Board of Health will discuss the project at their next meeting. There being no further comment from the Board, Mr. Power asked if there • was anyone present who would like to speak either in favor or in opposition to the project . Mr. Roger Pelletier of Kimball Road asked if the drainage pipe would be placed behind his house, and Mr. Townsend responded in the affirmative. Mrs. Ellis Pelletier of Kimball Road voiced concern over the removal of the walking path and trees and whether they would be replaced. Mr. Serafini , representing the petitioner, responded that the trail will be reconstructed, and the least amount of trees possible will be removed and replaced. Mr. Serafini informed the Board that this was a part of the Conservation Commission' s Order of Conditions . Leo Pelletier of Kimball Road informed the Board that Pumel Enterprises , located to the rear of Kimball Road had been cutting down trees, and was concerned that the trees fencing their rear yard would be cut . Mr. Power suggested moving the pipe, and Mr. Townsend responded that there is a 15' easement within which they can place the pipe. Mr. Williams questioned whether there were existing utilities on the site, and Mr. Townsend responded that he found no record of any utilities . Mrs . Pelletier asked if any blasting would occur, and Mr. Townsend felt that there would not be any in the vacinity of her property. He added • that construction will begin within 6-8 weeks. Page 3 ' There being no further comments, Mr. Power closed the public hearing. • Essex House Condominiums— Site Plan Review Special Permit On January 7, 1988, a public hearing was held for this proposal involving the construction of a 41 unit , 5 story building at 289 Essex Street . At that time, the Board requested that the developer, Elaine Finbury, prepare a plan showing the development in relation to surrounding buildings. Ms . Finbury presented the proposed plan to the Board pointing out the projected bays, standard seam roof, varying types of brick, wood and vinyl clad windows, and decorative panels . The proposed decorative panels will be reviewed by the Planning Department . Mr. Butler noted that one of the abutters may be developing, and questioned the possibility of an easement through that property. Ms. Finbury replied that she will be working with the Planning Department on issues of egress. Mr. Butler voiced conern over the possibility that the disposal company would have to back down Crombie Street into the Crombie Street lot . Ms . Finbury agreed to work with the disposal company to coordinate pick up before the City lot opens . Mr. Power asked if copper would be used on the roof, and Ms. Finbury responded that the material would be green in color, but not copper. • Mr. Butler asked if landscaping would be provided, and Ms . Finbury responded that landscaping would be provided on the City lot , through CDAG funds. Mr. Butler asked if the Board of Appeal had granted a variance to allow an increase in the number of units , and Ms. Finbury responded that they had been denied the variance. Mr. Kavanaugh reviewed the proposed conditions of approval which included the amendment of condition #5 requiring that an easement be granted to the owner of 11 Summer Street should that project be developed. Mr. Power requested that a condition stating that any window panels be compatible and reviewed by the City Planner. Mr. Butler noted that construction machinery is now parked on the City lot , and Ms. Finbury added that the Parking Board has allowed them to park there temporarily, but that they will not be using as much of the lot after Monday, April 11 , 1988. Ms. Vaughan made a motion to endorse the plan with the amended conditions set forth by the Planning Department. Ms. Burns seconded the motion. Mr. Butler was opposed. The motion carried 5 to 1 . Page 4 Parlee Street iAtty. Jack Keilty, representing the petitioner, informed the Board that this plan had been approved by the Board, but was never endorsed. Mr. Keilty also requested that the Board endorse a Covenant, in place of a _ Performance Bond. Mr. Power suggested that bonds be issued rather than covenants in the future. Mr. Keilty will return to the Board on April 21 , 1988 to have the plan and Covenant signed. Old/New Business Mr. Kavanaugh informed the Board that the Planning Board must issue a report to the City Council by April 28th regarding the issues raised at the Zoning Public Hearing. The Planning Department will. review the concerns and prepare a prelimanry report for the Board's review. Two such issues which were raised related to the proposed Medical District and the Franklin Street zoning. Ms . Vaughan made a motion to approve the minutes of March 24, 1988. Mr. Ledoux seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Ms . Vaughan made a motion to adjourn at 9:15 p.m. Mr. Ledoux seconded • the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Newton Acting Clerk SALEM PLANNING BOARD MINUTES OF MEETING • MARCH 24, 1988 A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on March 24, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. in the second floor conference room, One Salem Green. Those in attendance were: Chairman Walter Power, Bob Ledoux, Dick Williams, Abby Burns, John Butler, and Linda Vaughan. Gerard Kavanaugh and Beth Debski were also present. y .r Form A - Clark Avenue Attorney John Vallis, representing the petitioner, presented a plan which involves the subdivision of 7 lots on Clarke Avenue into 4 lots. In 1987, the Board of Appeal granted a variance for one lot which did not meet frontage or lot size requirements. All other lots conform to zoning requirements. Ms. Burns made a motion to endorse the plan. Mr. Butler seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Form A - Stearns Place This proposal involves the subdivision of a Lot on Stearns Place into 2 lots. A. variance has been granted by the Board of Appeal allowing 50' of frontage. All other zoning requirements for a B-2 zone have been met. Four parking spaces will be provided. • Mr. Ledoux made a motion to endorse the plan. Mr. Williams seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Form A - Crescent Drive Mr. Richard Watkins reviewed his proposal which involves the subdivision of one Lot into two lots. A variance was granted by the Board of Appeal allowing non-conforming lot sizes. This decision was appealed to the Superior Court, but has since been withdrawn. Mr. Ledoux read a letter from the City Solicitor, Michael O'Brien, which stated that this appeal had been withdrawn. Ms. Vaughan noted that the plan labeled the roadway "Crescent Street" rather than "Crescent Drive". Ms. Vaughan made a motion to approve the plan with the corrected street name. Ms. Burns seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Form A - Barnes Road David Madsen presented this proposal which involves the subdivision of four lots on Barnes Road into three lots. Lot 1 would have 16,500 square feet, Lot 2 would have 12,400 square feet, and Lot 3 would have . 10,080 square feet. The Board of Appeal has granted a variance allowing two undersized lots with inadequate frontage. This decision has not been filed yet. Page 2 • Mr. Butler asked why the petitioner was not subdividing the parcel into two conforming lots, and Mr. Madsen responded that the cost of installing sewer lines would not be economically feasible for just two lots. Mr. Butler made a motion to defer approval on this subdivision until the Board of Appeal decision is filed and the twenty day appeal period has passed. Ms. Burns seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Form A - Essex Street Mr. Kavanaugh reviewed this proposal to divide a parcel on Essex Street into two parcels. Access to Lot 2 will be provided through Lot 1 . At a previous meeting, it was determined that since the structures were standing prior to the establishment of the Subdivision Control Laws, this proposal did not constitute a subdivision. Mr. Kavanaugh added that approval of this plan would create non-conforming lot. Mr. Williams made a motion to endorse the plan with the condition that a stamp stating that "this approval does not establish compliance with the existing zoning" be placed on the plan. Ms. Vaughan seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Form A - Vista Avenue • Mr. Joseph Tauraso presented this proposal which involves the subdivision of a parcel on Vista Avenue into three conforming lots. Lots 1 and 3 are to front on Vista Avenue and Lot 2 on Scenic Avenue. Mr. Williams asked how the parcels would be accessed, and Mr. Tauraso responded that access would be provided through driveways. Ms. Burns made a motion to' endorse the plan. Mr. Butler seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Public Hearing - Station Road - Form C This proposal involves the subdivision of a 4.18 acre parcel of land into 12 single family lots. The petitioner, Paul DiBiase, is proposing to extend the twenty foot roadway and to install a 5 foot sidewalk, a 3 foot planting strip and granite curbing on both sides of the street. This is a revised proposal of the Station Road Extension Subdivision Plan which was submitted to the Board on October 15, 1987, withdrawn on January 14, 1988, and which involved the creation of 11 lots. With the addition of one lot, the plan has been altered through the reduction in width of the roadway from 32 ' to 24' , and clarification of the drainage and wetland concerns. • Mr. Peter Beatrice and Joseph Carter of Carter and Towers Engineering, Page 3 • representing the petitioner, reviewed the proposal. The structures have been realigned along the roadway, sewer services will be provided through an easement, and drainage will run off into catch basins and down into a wetland. Mr. Carter noted that there will not be an increase in run off. Mr. Williams raised a concern over the adequacy of the drainage pipe to carry the flow since there are presently drainage problems at the site. Mr. Charles Weir of Carter and Towers responded that previous drainage calculations were taken without the knowledge that the site had been stripped of top soil. With the installation of top soil, a great deal of the run off will be absorbed. Ms. Vaughan questioned whether the proposed use of insulated pipes had been resolved with the City Engineer. Mr. Carter responded that they are providing the City Engineer with documentation, but had not received approval to date. Mr. Williams asked how the road surface would be reinforced, and Mr. Carter responded that the insulated pipe would be encased in concrete. Mr. Williams asked if the blasted material would be used on the site, and Mr. Tower responded that some of it would be. Mr. Ledoux noted that there exists a flooding problem at the bottom of Station Road. Mr. Carter responded that the area has to be regraded. • Mr. Williams asked if Mr. DiBiase would be willing to clean the storm drain, and Mr. Beatrice agreed to approach him. Mr. Ledoux read the comment from City Councillor Mark Blair who was concerned with the adequacy of drainage and the amount of blasting to take place. The Building Inspector noted that Lots 11 and 12 abutt wetlands. The City Engineer stated that the proposed insulated piping would cause an unnecessary risk for the City and that he was concerned about the site run off. The Board of Health will review the proposal at its next meeting on April 12, 1988. The Conservation Commission is still reviewing the proposal. The Fire Department stated that a fire alarm box must be installed at the intersection of Station Road and Bradley Road prior to occupancy, and that a fire hydrant must be repositioned between lots 8 and 10. Mr. Ledoux opened the public hearing. Mr. Beaulieu of Station Road voiced concern about drainage problems, and Mr. Charles Weir responded that the run-off will be decreased when top soil is installed and the wetland is increased. It was noted that the City is responsible for cleaning out the existing drainage pipes. Mr. Lucienne Oullette of Bradley Road voiced concern that the two drainage pipes and ejector pump which he installed to control excess • run-off might be damaged. Mr. Williams noted that Mr. Oullette may want to tie into the newly constructed sewer, thereby eliminating the ejector Page 4 pump. There being no further comment, Mr. Ledoux declared the public hearing closed. Determination of Substantial Change — 32 Hancock Street On February 17, 1988, a petition for a variance to allow the conversion of a two family dwelling into a three family dwelling at 32 .Hancock Street was denied by the Board of Appeal. Mr. John Serafini Jr. , representing Mr. Andrew Wood, reviewed the plan which had bee altered by adding an additional parking space and relocating the parking area. There will be six parking spaces with adequate turning radius provided. Mr. Butler asked the height of the building, and Mr. Wood responded that the building was approximately 30' high. Mr. Butler asked if the bathroom had adequate ventillation, and Mr. Wood responded that ventillation would be provided through a skylight. Ms. Burns made a motion that the plan contained a substantial change. Ms. Vaughan seconded the motion. Mr. Williams was opposed. The motion carried 4 to 1. • . Wetlands Special Permit — New England Telephone Company On February 18, 1988, a public hearing was held for this proposal involving the installation of two armored conduits for submarine cables crossing Beverly Harbor, within coastal property and flats east of the Beverly/Salem Bridge. John Davis of New England Telephone informed the Board that in order to satisfy a concern of Mr. Kastrinakis of Stromberg's Restaurant, 'they will begin digging the trench across Bridge Street on a Monday when the restaurant is closed. The digging will take approximately two days to complete. Mr. Williams asked if the digging could be completed within 24 hours, and Mr. Davis responded that it would be hazardous to work during the night. Mr. Butler made a motion to grant the Wetland Special Permit. Mr. Williams seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Revised Site Plan — Collins Cove Condominium On October 15, 1987, TomISouthworth representing McNeil Associates, developers of the Collins Cove Condominium Project, appeared before the Planning Board to discuss the issue of the construction of a clubhouse • on the site. Mr. Southworth informed Board members that the owners of the condominiums did not want the clubhouse to be built. J Page 5 The plan approved by the Planning Board included a clubhouse. The Planning Board requested that the Planning Department evaluate the City's options with regard to the land on which the club would have been built. Mr. Southworth has met with the Planning Department to discuss the potential use of the land. Mr. Peter Celona of McNeil Associates reviewed a landscape plan for the construction of a small public park. Mr. Butler asked if cookouts would be allowed on the park, and Mr. CelanQ responded that they would be prohibited. Several Board members voiced concern over liability and policing of the area. Mr. Butler asked if the land could be transferred to the Park Department, and Mr. Kavanaugh responded that it probably could be and that he would investigate that possibility. Mr. Power added that the City could benefit by having a small marina on the site. Form A - Village at Vinnin Square - Phase II On February 5, 1987, the Planning Board endorsed a Form A plan for Phase II of the Village at Vinnin Square. Since that time, a 46 square foot surveying error was detected, and on October 15, 1987, an amended Form A plan was submitted. • The Board voted to disapprove the amended plan because it did not show a right-of-way on the Zieff property for the proposed roadway between Swampscott Road and Loring Avenue. Mr. Zieff has committed, in writing, to the right-of-way. Mr. Williams asked if the right-of-way would be binding on the next owner, and Mr. Ledoux responded that it would not. Mr. Ledoux added that the land would have to be granted to the City and recorded in the Registry of Deeds. Mr. Kavanaugh informed the Board that Mr. Zieff is undertaking a survey of his land and Loring Towers' land and will grant the easement to the City. He added that the National Housing Partnership, owners of Loring Towers, will also grant an easement to the City. Mr. Power made a motion to endorse the plan. Mr. Ledoux seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Old/New Business Mr. Kavanaugh informed the Board that a recommendation on a proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance relative to non-conforming structures must be sent back to the City Council. • Ir Page 6 Mr. L'edoux made a motion to endorse the proposed amendment. .Ms. Burns seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Mr. Kavanaugh informed the Board that Rich's Department Stores is proposing to construct its distribution facility on Swamspcott Road. Mr. May's Farewell Party was scheduled for April 10, 1988 from 5 to 8 p.m. at Walter Power' s house. On April 6, 1988 at 6:30 p.m. , a joint public hearing will be held regarding the proposed Zoning Ordinance. Ms. Vaughan made a motion to adjourn at 9:45 p.m. Ms. Burns seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. BN1049 Page 1 • SALEM PLANING BOARD MINUTES OF MEETING • FEBRUARY 18, 1988 A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on February 18, 1988, in the second floor conference room, One Salem Green at 7 :30 p.m. In attendance were: Chairman Walter Power, Abby Burns, John Butler, Robert Ledoux, and Linda Vaughan. Also present were: City Planner Gerard Kavanaugh, Beth Debski and Roy Landry. Form A - 370-380 Highland Avenue This proposal involves the subdivision of a 73 ,702 square foot lot into three lots. Lot 1 , on which sits a one story brick building, will contain 36,278 square feet, with 201 feet of frontage. Lot 2 will contain 18,581 square feet, with 101 feet of frontage, and lot 3 will contain 18,843 square feet, with 100 feet of frontage. The plan meets all requriements for a B-2 zone. Ms. Burns made a motion to endorse the plan. Mr. Ledoux seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Public Hearing - Rich's Distribution Center - Site Plan Review Special Permit This proposal involves the construction of a 301 ,500 square foot distribution center for Rich's, located at the intersection of Traders • Way and First Street. The warehouse is to be used as a central distribution center and office headquarters for the company' s twenty Rich's Department Stores. The building will be constructed by the Fafard Companies on a 20 acre parcel which is part of Fafard's Planned Unit Development Special Permit , dated February 7 , 1986. Attorney John Serafini , representing the petitioner, stated that over the past several years , the developer has worked with the City on potential uses for this parcel which has always been zoned for _ industrial use. He added that this particular use would be low intensity, save area jobs, and increase the City' s tax revenue. Mr. Ron Killian of the Fafard Companies introduced the proposal which calls for trucks to enter and exit the site through Traders Way and �zx Highland Avenue. The driveway will be 18' wide. 326 spaces will be provided for employee parking. Cut-off luminar lighting will be used in the dock area. A 50' embankment along First Street will be planted with vines and a 3 ' berm with 10-12 ' junipers. Maple, Linden, and Hawthone trees will be planted in front of the building. Approximately 71 trucks will visit the site daily. It is estimated that 1 ,340 trips per day will be generated from the site. A fenced detension basin will be constructed drawing drainage from the site. Mr. Larry Mahoney of Rich' s reviewed the proposal which involves the • construction of a 36' high structure, 8' of masonry and 28' of metal panels. There are no windows proposed for the First Street facade. He Page 2 added that the maximum number of employees would be 354. The building will be occupied in two phases, the first being the distribution center • and second a clothing ticketing center on the second floor. Mr. Power asked what .percentage of the employees are Salem residents. Mr. Mahoney responded that 80% of the distribution center' s employees are Salem residents. Mr. Power asked that detailed lighting plans and specifications be submitted to the Planning Department for review. Mr. Power questioned the location of snow storage areas. Mr. Mahoney responded that the snow would be stored in the rear. Mr. Power requested that a detailed snow storage plan be presented to the Planning Department for review. Ms. Vaughan asked who would be responsible for maintaining the landscaping. Mr. Mahoney responded that Rich' s would maintain the area. Mr. Power informed the Board that the City Engineer concurs with the project, but had stipulated that granite curbing and sidewalks be installed around the perimeter of the site. Mr. Killian stated that the granite curbing had been installed on First Street, but that they were waiting to put curbing on Swampscott Road until it was widened. Mr. Power noted that the Conservation Commission will review the proposal at their February 26, 1988 meeting. • There being no further comment from the Board, Mr. Power opened the public hearing. Ward 3 Councillor Vincent Furfaro spoke for the residents of Ward 3 who are concerned about the number of vehicles utilizing the site, the type of lighting to be used, and the amount of blasting to be conducted. Pat McCowan of 25 Flying Cloud Lane asked the time of day when the heaviest traffic would occur, and Mr. Mahoney responded that it would occur between the hours of 8 and 9 a.m. and 5 and 6 p.m. He added that vehicular traffic to the site would occur between the hours of 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. Mr. Robert Shell of Celestial Way asked who would be responsible for plowing Traders Way, and what time of day would the heaviest truck traffic occur. Mr. Killian responded that Traders Way will be an approved City street, and therefore, plowed by the City. He added that the heaviest truck traffic would occur between 10 and 11 a .m. Bruce Urlich of 24 Flying Cloud Lane noted that the truck exit was very close to the residential neighborhood, and voiced concern over the amount of noise to be generated. Ms. Mitrakis of Aurora Lane voiced concern over damage due to blasting, and Mr. Power informed her that pre-blast inspections are mandatory. • Mr. Killian added that a representative from the Fire Department would be present during blasting. Page 3 Rose Spathanas of 2 Aurora Lane questioned the building size • restrictions on a lot, and Mr. Killian responded that the maximum lot coverage allowed was 45%, and that this proposed building would only cover 30% of the lot. John Lees of 11 Hibernia Lane asked if comments from the public had any bearing on the Board's decision, and Mr. Power responded that each comment would be taken into consideration when the Board makes its final decision. Ms. Mitrakis of Aurora Lane asked if the exit for the trucks could be relocated, and Mr. Power stated that the Planning Department will investigate that possibility. Everett Phillips of 12 Whalers Lane voiced concern over the proposed truck route through Traders Way and onto Highland Avenue. Mr. Power responded thatrthe City has determined that the traffic should travel through the signalized intersection. Annette Leavitt of 55 Aurora Lane stated that she felt the area' s property value would decrease as a result of this development. Ward 4 Councillor Leonard O' Leary voiced concern over the amount of traffic traveling through Ward 4, and felt that this particular use was not light industry. Mr. Killian responded that under the PUD, this use is allowed. • Mr. Sal Spinale of DiPietro Avenue asked if a fence or trees would be installed on the northerly side, and Mr. Killian responded that trees would be planted. Mr. Spinate asked when the buiding would be completed, and Mr. Killian responded that it may be complete in June, 1989. Anne Fredericks of 76 Celestial Way asked if the facade of the building could be improved, and the architect, Mr. Glassman, responded that the surface of the panels would be flat and an earth tone color. There being no further comments, Mr. Power closed the public hearing and asked that a spokesman from the neighborhood be selected. This representative will be invited to attend a meeting between Fafard representatives, Councillors O'Leary and Furfaro, and the Planning Department. The Planning Department was asked to furnish the Board with tax base information for the site. Public Hearing - Wetlands Special Permit - New England Telephone Cable Paul McManus, representing New England Telephone, presented a proposal which involves the installation of two 4" telephone cables crossing Beverly Harbor, within coastal property and flats east of the Beverly/Salem Bridge. • The cables will be placed on a barge, drawn across the harbor, and ' Page 4 anchored to the bedrock. Along the shore, the cable will be placed in a l ' trench. The construction will take approximately one week. It was noted that this installation is not expected to disturb mussel beds. • The petitioner is also seeking DEQE, Army Corp of Engineers , and Chapter 91 approval. Mr. Power informed the Board that the Health Inspector, City Engineer, and Building Inspector concur with the project. There being no further comment from the Board, Mr. Power opened the public hearing. George Kastrinakis of Stromberg' s Restaurant asked how Long the process of digging the trench to the manhole on Bridge Street would take, and Mr. McManus responded one day. Mr. Kastrinakis also asked if the cable would be buried, and Mr. McManus responded in the affirmative. There being no further comments, Mr. Power declared the public hearing closed. The Planning Department was asked to review the proposal. Form B - Station Road This proposal involves a twelve lot subdivision on Station Road. This is a revised proposal of the Station Road Extension Subdivision Plan which was submitted to the Planning Board on October 15, 1987 , withdrawn on January 14, 1988, and which involved the creation of eleven lots. • With the addition of one lot, the plan has also been revised through the reduction in width of the roadway from 32' to 24' , and clarifiaction of the drainage and wetland concerns raised at the last meeting. Ms. Burns asked the elevation of the project . Mr. Joseph Carter of Carter and Towers Engineering responded that the maximum elevation would be 95' . Mr. Carter told the Board that he would like to build a small planting island in the center of the cul-de-sac. The Board thought this was a good idea and asked Mr. Carter to explore this with the Fire Department. Ms. Vaughan questioned the status of the Bouchard property, and Mr. Carter responded that Mr. Bouchard is satisfied with the proposal which calls for the excavation of 1 ,800 square feet of Land to increase the wetland, and the filling of 1 ,000 square feet of land. This proposal will be reviewed by the Conservation Commission. Mr. Power asked that any changes in slope be reviewed by the Planning Department. The City Engineer will be reviewing data on the proposed sewerage pipes over the next few weeks. Councillor Blair spoke in favor of the development, and noted that the abutters will attend the public hearing. • The Planning Department was asked to review the proposal. Page 5 Moose Lodge - Extension • Mr. Joseph Falzone, agent for the Moose Lodge, was present seeking the extension of a permit to construct a culvert at 319 Highland Avenue. Construction has been delayed until the State Department of Public Works repairs the the main culvert. Mr. John Butler voiced concern over the construction of the culvert. Mr. Power noted that the plan had been approved by the Board, and since the applicant had complied with the conditions set forth, an extension would be appropriate. Ms. Burns made a motion to grant the extension of the permit to coincide with the dates set forth by the Conservation Commission. Ms. Vaughan seconded the motion. Mr. Butler voted in opposition. The motion carried four to one. 441 Highland Avenue - Site Plan Review Mr. John Serafini, representing the petitioner Extra Space Associates, informed the Board that the petitioner had worked with the Planning Department to resolve the issues raised at the public hearing. Mr. Kavanaugh reviewed the proposed conditions set forth by the Planning Department which stipulates the caliper of trees, type of fencing, snow • storage areas, entranceways, and sidewalks and curbings. Ms. Burns suggested the use of carniverous trees. Ms. Burns made a motion to approve the plan with the conditions set forth by the Planning Department. Mr. Ledoux seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Shetland Parking Garage Mr. Jim Norris of Tinti , Quinn and Savoy, representing the petitioner, reviewed the proposal which has been revised based on concerns raised at the last meeting. The revised plan calls for additional landscaping along Pingree Street. Mr. Kavanaugh reviewed the conditions proposed by the Planning Department. Ms. Burns made a motion to endorse the plan with the conditions set forth by the Planning Department. Mr. Ledoux seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Salem State College Mr. Ledoux asked to be excused from voting on this issue since he felt that there could be a conflict of interest. • Page 6 Mr. Kavanaugh informed the Board that what is being proposed is the deletion of the following statement from Section VI , Table 1 , • Residential Density Regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. "Denisty regulations in R-1 Districts will not apply to dormitories built by the Salem Hospital or the Commonwealth of Massachusetts State College at Salem." Councillor Blair noted that there was no opposition to the deletion. Ms. Burns made a motion to endorse the proposal. Ms. Vaughan seconded the motion. Mr. Ledoux abstained from voting. The motion carried. Blaney Street Mr. Bill Quinn, representing the Newport Group, informed the Board that he had been working with the Planning Department to resolve several issues raised at the previous meeting. The petitioner has also contracted the services of C.E. Maguire and IEP Assoicates who prepared a detailed inventory of commercial waterfront uses throughout the City. The revised plan tails for marine and commercial space, 90 slips, open space, and 18 public parking spaces. Mr. Quinn proposes to split the proposal into two phases, reserving the number of slips and commercial space for a later date. Mr. Quinn noted that there is a lengthy permitting process which must be undertaken, i.e. , Armory Corp of Engineers. Mr. Power asked if the oil tanks would be screened, and Mr. Quinn stated • that it will be visible from a distance since the building's height was decreased. Parking for the 96 units is proposed beneath the structure with landscaping to be used for screening. The proposed structure will be brick veneer and wood clapboards. The petitioner has met with the neighborhood residents to meet their concerns, and plans to have subsequent meetings also. Mr. Ledoux asked if the slips would be condoed, and Mr.Quinn responded that that had not been determined yet. Ms. Burns noted that the development was very dense, and Mr. Quinn responded that fewer units would not be economically feasible. Ms. Burns asked the number of units on White Street, and Mr. Quinn responded that there would be between 6 and 8 units. The Planning Department will review the proposal and the waterfront Study. BertiniIs Robin Wunderlich, representing the petitioner, reviewed a preliminary proposal to develop the four lots of land at Canal Street. The proposal calls for the construction of 4 buildings, one of which is a 15,600 square foot building requiring Site Plan Review approval. a Page 7 Landscaping will be provided in planting islands, parking will be provided along the side of the structure, and sidewalks will be constructed. Mr. Power felt that the design did not compliment the architecture in Salem, and that this development would add to the traffic congestion in the area. Mr. Wunderlich responded that the entranceway was moved onto Canal Street, with a secondary egress on Kimball Street to alleviate congestion. The Planning Department will review the proposal. Ms. Burns made a motion to adjourn at 11 : 15 p.m. Mr. Butler seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Newton Acting Clerk BN1032 • • SALEM PLANNING BOARD MINUTES OF MEETING JANUARY 21, 1988 A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on January 21, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. in the second floor conference room, One Salem Green. In attendance were: Chairman Walter Power, Linda Vaughan, John Butler, Dick Williams, and Abby Burns. Also Present were: City Planner Gerard Kavanaugh, Beth Debski, and municipal intern Roy Landry. Mr. Ledoux was absent. Mr. Power called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Form A — 25 Osgood Street This proposal involves the conveyance of a 1,461 square foot strip of land by the owners of 25 Osgood Street to the owner of 33 Osgood Street. The petitioner was granted a variance by the Board of Appeal to allow the building of a house to the rear of 33 Osgood Street. Vehicular access has been provided for, as required by the Board of Appeal. Ms. Vaughan made a motion to endorse the plan. Ms Burns seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Berrywood Lane Subdivision — Discussion Upon the request of the Planning Board, Messrs. Nino and Tony Antonellis, developers of the Berrywood Lane Subdivision, came before the Board to discuss the status of the project. Mr. Nino Antonellis informed the Board that the water line was complete, that rough grading had been completed and that drainage was 95% complete. Drainage pipes would not be entirely complete until the spring. Mr. Power questioned whether the drainage is currently operational, and Mr. Antonellis responded that the drainage would not be fully operational until spring, but that a retaining wall had been constructed to prevent overflow. Mr. Butler questioned the location of the storm and water lines, but Mr. Antonellis was unsure which main was on top. Mr. Williams asked if the lines had been inspected, and Mr. Antonellis responded in the affirmative. Ms. Debski read a list of concerns from the Clerk of the Works' daily reports, most of which had been rectified. One concern raised by the Board at its meeting of January 7, 1988 • regarded the release of a parcel prior to complying with the convenant. Mr. Antonellis responded that the parcel had been sold by a broker without their knowledge or consent. Page 2 • Mr. David Schrader, who had been attempting to purchase the parcel, informed the Board that he had been misled by the real estate broker, and had been under the impression that he could buy the parcel. Mr. Power voiced his conern over liability if someone were to be injured on the site. He suggested that the building permit be held in obeyance until such time as the roadway is completed. Mr. Antonellis requested that Mr. Schrader sign a letter stating that building will not commence until the road way is completed. Mr. Schrader agreed to do so. Mr. Williams asked if the blasting was complete, and Mr. Antenellis responded that there was still some to be completed. Mr. Power stated that a covenant was placed on this subdivision prior to the Antonellis' purchase of the land, but that they were still responsible to meet the requirements of this covenant. Mr. Power requested that the developer be in contact with the subcontractor on a daily basis to assure that they are working cooperatively with neighbors and the City's Clerk of the Works. Mr. Antonellis agreed to do so. Mr. Williams noted that there have been complaints of rodents in the area, and Mr. Antonellis responded that he would look into the matter. • Form A — 8 Essex Street On January 7, 1988, the Planning Board reviewed a Form A plan for 8 Essex Street. The Board referred the Applicant to the Board of Appeal for a variance from lot area requirements before the plan would be endorsed by the Planning Board. After careful review of the City of Salem's Subdivision Regulations, specifically Section IIA, Page 3, which states that "the division of a tract of land on which two or more buildings were standing when the subdivision control law went into effect in the City of Salem in separate lots on each of which one of such such buildings remains standing shall not constitute subdivision", the Planning Department determined that this plan did not constitute a subdivision. Mr. Williams made a motion to endorse the plan. Ms. Vaughan seconded the motion. Mr. Power abstained from voting. The motion carried. Old/New Business A farewell party for Ken May was scheduled for Sunday, February 14, 1988, at 5:00 p.m. Mr. May will be presented with the City's seal. On Tuesday, February 9, 1988 at 6:30 p.m. , the Planning Board and City Council will hold a joint public hearing regarding a proposed amendment • to the zoning ordinance deleting the following from Section VI, Table I Residential Density Regulations: "Density Regulations in R-1 Districts Page 3 will not apply to dormitories built by the Salem Hospital of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts State College at Salem" Mr. Power reviewed the Board of Appeal agenda for January 27, 1988. Mr. Power requested that the Planning Department review item #6 on the agenda. Mr. Power suggested that Site Plan Review be required for developments over 7,500 square feet rather than 10,000 square feet. Item #7 involved a variance for parking at Salem Hospital, and Ms. Vaughan noted that the existing parking is inadequate and would not meet future needs. Mr. Butler added that the tennis court area was subject to severe flooding, and felt that drainage alteration should be required. Mr. Power questioned whether the new development was over 10,000 square feet and, if so, should be reviewed under Site Plan Review. The Planning Department will review the proposed plans. Ms. Burns made a motion to approve the minutes as amended. Ms. Vaughan seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. The minutes of the November 19 and December 3, 1987 meetings will be reviewed at the next meeting. Ms. Burns made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Butler seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, • Elizabeth Newton Acting Clerk BN10/jan21 • SALEM PLANNING BOARD MINUTES OF MEETING JANUARY 21 , 1988 A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on January 21 , 1988 at 7 :30 p.m. in the second floor conference room, One Salem Green. In attendance were: Chairman Walter Power, Linda Vaughan, John Butler, Dick Williams, and Abby Burns. Also Present were: City Planner Gerard Kavanaugh, Beth Debski, and municipal intern Roy Landry. Mr. Ledoux was absent Mr. Power called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Form A — 25 Osgood Street This proposal involves the conveyance of a 1 ,461 square foot strip of land by the owners of 25 Osgood Street to the owner of 33 Osgood Street. The petitioner was granted a variance by the Board of Appeal to allow the building of a house to the rear of 33 Osgood Street. Vehicular access has been provided for, as required by the Board of Appeal. Ms. Vaughan made a motion to endorse the plan. Ms Burns seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Berrywood Lane Subdivision — Discussion . Upon the request of the Planning Board, Messrs. Nino and Tony Antonellis, developers of the Berrywood Lane Subdivision, came before the Board to discuss the status of the project. Mr. Nino Antonellis informed the Board that the water line was complete, that rough grading had been completed and that drainage was 95% complete. Drainage pipes would not be entirely complete until the spring. Mr. Power questioned whether the drainage is currently operational, and Mr. Antonellis responded that the drainage would not be fully operational until spring, but that a retaining wall had been constructed to prevent overflow. Mr. Butler questioned the location of the storm and water lines, but Mr. Antonellis was unsure which main was on top. Mr. Williams asked if the lines had been inspected, and Mr. Antonellis responded in the affirmative. Ms. Debski read a list of concerns from the Clerk of the Works ' daily reports, most of which had been rectified. One concern raised by the Board at its meeting of January 7, 1988 regarded the release of a parcel prior to complying with the convenant. Mr. Antonellis responded that the parcel had been sold by a broker without their knowledge or consent. i Page 2 • Mr. David Schrader, who had been attempting to purchase the parcel, informed the Board that he had been misled by the real estate broker, and had been under the impression that he could buy the parcel. Mr. Power voiced his conern over liability if someone were to be injured on the site. He suggested that the building permit be held in obeyance until such time as the roadway is completed. Mr. Antonellis requested that Mr. Schrader sign a letter stating that building will not commence until the road way is completed. Mr. Schrader agreed to do so. Mr. Williams asked if the blasting was complete, and Mr. Antenellis responded that there was still some to be completed. Mr. Power stated that a covenant was placed on this subdivision prior to the Antonellis' purchase of the land, but that they were still responsible to meet the requirements of this covenant. Mr. Power requested that the developer be in contact with the subcontractor on a daily basis to assure that they are working cooperatively with neighbors and the City's Clerk of the Works. Mr. Antonellis agreed to do so. Mr. Williams noted that there have been complaints of rodents in the area, and Mr. Antonellis responded that he would look into the matter. Form A - 8 Essex Street On January 7 , 1988, the Planning Board reviewed a Form A plan for 8 Essex Street. The Board referred the Applicant to the Board of Appeal for a variance from lot area requirements before the plan would be endorsed by the Planning Board. After careful review of the City of Salem's Subdivision Regulations, specifically Section IIA, Page 3, which states that "the division of a tract of land on which two or more buildings were standing when the subdivision control law went into effect in the City of Salem in separate lots on each of which one of such such buildings remains standing shall not constitute subdivision", the Planning Department determined that this plan did not constitute a subdivision. Mr. Williams made a motion to endorse the plan. Ms. Vaughan seconded the motion. Mr. Power abstained from voting. The motion carried. Old/New Business A farewell party for Ken May was scheduled for Sunday, February 14, 1988, at 5:00 p.m. Mr. May will be presented with the City's seal. On Tuesday, February 9, 1988 at 6:30 p.m. , the Planning Board and City Council will hold a joint public hearing regarding a proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance deleting the following from Section VI, Table I Residential Density Regulations: "Density Regulations in R-1 Districts Page 3 /will not apply to dormitories built by the Salem Hospital of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts State College at Salem" 1 Mr. Power reviewed the Board of Appeal agenda for January 27, 1988. Mr. Power requested that the Planning Department review item #6 on the agenda. Mr. Power suggested that Site Plan Review be required for developments over 7,500 square feet rather than 10,000 square feet. Item #7 involved a variance for parking at Salem Hospital, and Ms. Vaughan noted that the existing parking is inadequate and would not meet future needs. Mr. Butler added that the tennis court area was subject to severe flooding, and felt that drainage alteration should be required. Mr. Power questioned whether the new development was over 10,000 square feet and, if so, should be reviewed under Site Plan Review. The Planning Department will review the proposed plans. Ms. Burns made a motion to approve the minutes as amended. Ms. Vaughan seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. The minutes of the November 19 and December 3, 1987 meetings will be reviewed at the next meeting. Ms. Burns made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Butler seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Newton Acting Clerk BN10/jan21 SALEM PLANNING BOARD MINUTES OF MEETING • JANUARY 7, 1988 A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held in the second floor conference room, One Salem Green, at 7:30 p.m. In attendance were: Chairman Walter Power, Linda Vaughan, Dick Williams, Abby Burns, and John Butler. Also present were City Planner Gerard Kavanaugh and Beth Debski. Form A - Marlborough Road This Form A involves the subdivision of a lot at 163 Marlborough Road into two separate lots. The petitioner was granted a variance from the Board of Appeal on December 9, 1987. Mr. Ledoux made a motion to endorse the plan. Mr. Butler seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Form A - Canal Street This proposal involves the subdivision of two lots owned by Mr. Yakas of Alyce's Ice Cream into one lot for the purpose of constructing a refrigerator to be attached to the existing structure. Mr. Ledoux pointed out that the plan did not properly show the existing lot lines . • Mr. Kavanaugh informed the petitioner that the plans must properly reflect two lots being combined as one. Mr. Yaks requested that the petition be withdrawn prejudice. Form A - 12-14 Porter Street In 1987, the Planning Board endorsed a plan allowing a parcel at 12 Porter Street to be conveyed to a parcel at 1'4 Porter Street. At this time, the Applicant is asking that a more explicit plan be endorsed, as requested by his bank attorney. Mr. Ledoux made a motion to endorse the plan. Mr. Williams seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Form A - Fafard Phase II The petitioner is asking that the lot line separating Phases 2 and 3 be moved to the center line of Tybee Lane. This will allow the Condominium Association of Phases 2 and 3 access to th'e roadway without an easement. Mr. Ledoux made a motion to endorse the plan. Ms. Vaughan seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Page 2 • Public Hearing — Site Plan Review —Essex House Condominiums Mr. Power read the notice of public hearing. This proposal involves the construction of a 5 story building containing 41 residential units at 289 Essex Street, the former Salem Theatre site. The applicants, Elaine Finbury and Kenneth Landauer, had received a variance from density and parking requirements from the Board of Appeal on April 16, 1986. Access to the development would be from the rear on Crombie Street by way of a 20' easement through the municipal parking lot . The municipal lot will be redesigned with the same number of spaces, through a Community Development Action Grant . 32 parking spaces will be provided beneath the proposed building. Spaces will be alloted on a first come first serve basis. The Salem Redevelopment Authority and the Design Review Board have reviewed and approved the plans, and required entranceway alterations and red brick. Ms. Finbury informed the Board that the trash will be stored on—site in a 2 yard dumpster and trash compactor. • Mr. Power asked if the trash compactor would disturb abutters, and Ms. Finbury responded that the compactor is not commercial , and therefore, quiet . Vents for exhaust will be placed on the roof. Ms. Vaughan asked if the grating on the first floor would be decorative, and Ms . Finbury reponded that the grating would be decorative and able to obstruct the headlights in the parking area. Mr. Ledoux noted that area residents have objected to development in the area , and Ms. Finbury responded that she has been working with abutters in an attempt to meet their needs. Mr. Williams asked if the height of the garage would allow truck access , and Ms. Finbury responded that the waste disposal trucks would load the waste from the rear of the building rather than enter the garage. Mr. Williams noted that an abutting property on Crombie Street may have the same egress, and Mr. Kavanaugh agreed to review the egress and make recommendations. Mr. Power asked the differential in height between the Salem Theatre and the proposed structure. Ms. Finbury responded that the differential would be approximately 5 feet. Since forced to remove proposed first floor commercial space, Ms. • Finbury informed the Board of her intention to acquire the Board of Appeal approval to increase the number of units from 41 to 45. Page 3 There being no further comments from the Board, Mr. Power opened the • Public Hearing. There being no comment, Mr. Power declared the hearing colsed. Mr. Ledoux felt that a site plan should be prepared to include abutting lots and buildings so the Board could make determinations based on the entire area. Form A - 8 Essex Street Ray Guertin, and James Norman, representing the petitioners, came before the board seeking approval to split an existing lot into three parcels to allow for the sale of the parcel containing Lydia's Sub Shop. Mr. Ledoux noted that this type of plan must have Board of Appeal approval since the lots-are under 5,000 square feet . Mr. Ledoux made a motion that the plan be withdrawn until such time as the Board of Appeal has endorsed it. Ms. Vaughan seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Determination of Substantial Change - 19 Becket Street On May 27, 1987, a petition for a variance to allow a single family residence to be converted into a two family residence was denied by the Board of Appeal. The petitioner is seeking a determination of substantial change in order to return to the Board of Appeal. The plan has been altered by cutting three feet from the existing building in order to enlarge the driveway to conform to requirements of the Zoning Ordinance thus providing adequate access to the rear yard for parking. Six parking spaces will be provided. The entranceway will be 12-13' wide. Mr. Serafini, representing the petitioner, informed the Board that the plan calls for increased landscaping. Mr. Power noted that with the alterations, the plan does have a substantial change. Mr. Ledoux felt that a public hearing should be held so that interested parties could voice their concerns. Mr. Serafini felt that a public hearing should be held by the Board of Appeal . Mr. Serafini withdrew the plan until such time as Section 16 of Chapter 40A could be reviewed by Mr. Ledoux and the City Planner. • Page 4 Public Hearing/Site Plan Review Special Permit - Fafard Phases III & IV • This proposal involves the construction of Phases III and IV of the Fafard Development, located off of Whalers Lane. The petitioner is seeking approval on Phase III, but will present Phases III and IV together. Phase III involves the construction of 21 buildings containing 104 units. Phase IV involves the construction of 27 buildings containing 116 units. Phase III will be constructed on a 7% slope with driveways accessing onto Whalers Lane. Phase IV will contain circular driveways, and Vanguard Drive will be increased to a 24' width to allow for traffic. There will be sloped granited curbing, and drainage will be free falling down the drive into catch basins down to Phase III and II into retension basin and then into the wetland. The sewer lines will drain into the 2 main lines on Swampscott Road. Landscaping will include 4" caliper street trees along drives, roadways and open .spaces. A long line of evergreens and a sloped rip rap wall will be constructed between Phase III and Swampscott Road, approximately 20' from proposed buildings. Juniper, hemlock, and climbing vines will be planted along the rocky slope. The walking trail constructed in Phase II will be continued in Phase • III. 55% of the total area in Phase IV will remain open space, and 54% of in Phase III will be open space. Mr. Butler asked if the rip rap wall would be similar to the one on Highland Avenue, and Ms. Dale of the Fafard compaines responded that it would be constructed of blasted ledge with a slope of approximately 1 : 1. Mr. Williams asked if the retention basin would be large enough to handle Phases III and IV. Ms. Dale responded that the size of the pipe had been increased based on the City Engineer's calculations. Mr. Ledoux asked if the lots had been subdivided through the Form A process, and Ron Killian of the Fafard Compaines responded that Phases I and II had been subdivided, but that Phases III and IV were still one lot. Mr. Power asked where the walking trail was in relation to the wetland, and Ms. pale responded that the trail would run along the edge of the wetland. Mr. Power requested a copy of the trail plan for the Board to review. Mr. Power read the comments from the City Boards and Department heads. The City Engineer could not concur with the project because the pipe lines and catch basins were not constructed as proposed. Ms . Dale responded that the catch basins have been moved to the rear and man holes have been constructed so that debris won' t collect in the lines. Page 5 • The Fire Marshall cannot concur with the project since hydrant locations have not been defined in Phase IV, there should be a hydrant at the end of Whalers Lane, and Phases I and II don' t have fire alarm boxes. Ms. Dale responded that the City does not have enough capacity to handle the fire alarm boxes at this time. The City Electrician cannot concur with the project since Phase II lighting is incomplete and additional electrical work needs to be completed. The Health Department has approved Phase III , the building Inspector concurs with the project, and the Conservation Commission will review the project at its Jan 14th meeting. - Mr. Butler asked what the greatest height differential was between Swampscott road and the proposed buildings. Ms. Dale responded that the houses were at an elevation of 128' and Swampscott Road is at 81' . Mr. Power opended the public hearing. There being .no comments, the public hearing was closed. The Planning Department will review the proposed plans and make its recommendations to the Board. Public Hearing - Site Plan Review - 441-445 Highland Avenue Mr. Power read the notice of public hearing for this proposal which involves the construction of 450 self-storage units on a 79,682 square foot parcel. The parcel is located in a B-2 Zone, and the applicant received a variance from lot coverage, frontage, and use requirements from the Board of Appeal on November 23, 1987. Mr. John Serafini, representing the petitioner, informed the Board that this would be a low intensity use structure. Steve Fawcett of Extra Space Associates of Cambridge discussed the proposal to construct two 285 x 50 metal and concrete buildings. The proposal calls for one entranceway with a gate and control officer. They estimate vehicular traffic of 3-5 vehicles per hour. Perimeter landscaping will be installed utilizing 3-4" caliper linden and maple trees. Three islands will also be landscaped. A retaining wall and fence will be constructed along the rear. Drainage will run into several catch basins, along to a drainage ditch, and then into an adjacent wetland. Mr. Power read the comments from the City Boards and Departments. The Building Inspector commented that the side and setback requirements are not consistent with those on plans submitted to the Board of Appeal . The Board of Health and Conservation Commission will review the proposal at their next meeting. Ms. Vaughan asked if there would be a fence along Clarke Avenue, and Mr. Fawcett responded that there would be a fence with a fire gate, as • required by the Fire Department. Page 6 Mr. Ledoux asked if a 21E had been done, and Mr. Fawcett responded that the site was inspected, and will be cleaned. Mr. Serafini added that . Captain Turner has submitted a letter of approval. Mr. Williams noted that the existing site acts as a watershed, therefore, water will be increased and affect the abutters. Mr. Fawcett responded that the parking area will be gravel and the remaining water drains into a large marsh. Ms. Vaughan asked the size of the storage bays, and Mr. Faucett responded that the bays range from 5x5 to 30x10. Mr. Power and Mr. Williams raised concern over drainage issues, and felt that it should be reviewed by a civil engineer. Mr. Power opened the public hearing. Mr. Rudloph Guntz of 2 Clarke Avenue raised concern about the noise level and pest control. Mr. Fawcett stated that pest control will be conducted, and noise control fencing will be installed. Mr. Power asked the City Planner to work with the developer to assure privacy for abutters, and to notify Mr. Guntz of any future meetings. Mr. Fawcett stated that Sunday operations have been eliminated in response to Mr. Guntz' s concerns. • There being no further comment , the public hearing was closed. The Planning Department will review the proposal and make its recommendation to the Board. Wetlands Special Permit - Winter Island Pier On December 3, 1987, a public hearing was held for this proposal to construct a 180' public pier at Winter Island. There were no concerns raised at the hearing. Mr. Power had some concern over the pier's location, but Ms. Hilbert of the Planning Department informed him that the shallow water on the corner acts as a buffer, and that there is not much more protection in other locations. The cost of a longer pier has also limited its location to the proposed site. Mr. Power asked the specifics on the proposed hoist, and Ms. Hilbert responded that the hoist will be overseen by the Island manager, and a minimal fee will be charged. Mr. Power stated that a gate should be installed at the beginning of the pier to prevent vehicles from driving on to the pier. • Page 7 Mr. Ledoux made a motion to endorse the plan subject to the conditions set forth by the Planning Department. Mr. Williams seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Greenway Road Mr. Kavanaugh informed the Board that a couple presently seeking financing to purchase Lot #1 at Berrywood Lane is being refused financing unless the Planning Board releases the covenant on the lot. Mr. Kavanaugh added that this situation is singular in nature. Ms. Vaughan stated that the developer is never on the site, and would like to know why the lots are being sold before all conditions are met. Mr. Ledoux made a motion to release the lot from the covenant imposed by the Board, that a letter be sent to the developer requesting him to come before the Board to expalin why the covenant has not been complied with, and that the Board record in the Registry of Deeds that no other conveyances be allowed until Planning Board requirements have been met. Mr. Butler seconded the motion. Ms. Vaughan abstained. The motion carried. Informal Discussion — Rich's Distribution Center This proposal involves the construction of a warehouse with a building footprint of 261 ,955 square feet , located at the intersection of Traders • Way and First Street. The warehouse is to be used as a central distribution center and office headquarters for all twenty (20) Rich's Department Stores. The building will be constructed by The Fafard Companies, on a parcel which is part of Fafard's Planned Unit Development Special Permit, dated February 7, 1986. Mr. Howard Rich informed the Board that the business has outgrown its space at Shetland Industrial Park, and has conducted an intensive study on the kind of facility and its location. There are 200 Salem area residents who will be able to retain their positions if this building is constructed. Glassman Associates, architects for the project, presented the plans for the Board' s review. The structure will be built on a 20 acre site with a maximum of 300 employees. Vehicluar traffic will leave the site through Traders Way to the Highland Avenue and Marlborough Road signalized intersection. The petitioner will submit a formal plan for review in the near future. 01d/New Business Ms . Vaughan raised concern over the inadequate supervision on Greenway Road. Mr. Kavanaugh asked that a list of conerns be prepared for the • Planning Department to review. Page 8 It was the consensus of the Board that Mr. May be given the City of Salem seal for his years of service to the Board. Mr. Butler made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Ledoux seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. The meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Newton Acting Clerk •