1979-PLANNING BOARD ;`� '"� lLi��J 1T1 �Ii�Pttl� ��cCnS2IC�1i8E��v
(• 3 '�""':� a �jilllllili� �IIai'1
Re"m`a Mup Fvatp It (tern
Members attending: John Brown, Ted Sadoski, Walter Power, Don Hunt,
Paul D'Amour, Peter DiGangi
Members absent: Richard Lutts , William Wheaton, Abby Burns
City Councillors present: Joseph Centorino, Brian O'Keefe, Stanley Usovicz,
Steve Lovely
Planning Department present: Susan Madison, Cheri Cooper, David Lash
Chairman, Walter Power opened the meeting with . :qu:or:umresent'
at 7: 40 p.m.
The chairman outlined for those present what the board hoped to
accomplish by this joint meeting ie. to set up a schedule of meetings
with the Community Development Committee; to set a date for the public
hearings; to discussthe format and presentation at such; and to review
areas of disagreement in the Master Plan.
Brian O'Keefe mentioned that Steve Lovely and Jim Daly needed
copies of the previous notes taken on the plan. Members of the Community
Development Committee stated that they would prefer to read the final
draft of the whole master plan before they meet with the planning board
Minutes of 2/26/79 Page 2
• Meeting Dates
After much discussion on dates and meeting nights, the
following was decided:
Monday, March 26 - Joint meeting of planning board and
community development committee.
Monday, April 2, - Joint meeting
Monday, April 9, - Joint meeting
Monday, April 16 - Joint meeting
Monday, May 7 - First Public Hearing
Monday, May 14 Second Public Hearing
Thursday,May 17 - Third Public Hearing (if needed)
Thursday,May 24 - Proposed date for presentation o the
whole council.
Public Hearing Format
Next followed a discussion on how to inform the .public and how
to structure the format of the public hearings. Some ideas that were.
suggested included having plans available at the libraries and in the
planning department. It was also suggested that Walter Power and Brian
O'Keefe contact the Salem News directly for coverage. Old Town Hall was
chosen as the site for the public hearings and Walter and Brian will get
together on the graphics needed. Posters of each element were suggested.
Dave Lash suggested as a procedure of the hearing, to divide the
plan into sections, to see where peoples interest lies. ie. to have the
first hearing as an overview with. general statements only and prepare a
• list of areas of interest or points for clarification.
Cheri asked that the members think about what kind of input
they will accept. Dave Lash suggested that it be limited to refinements.
y Minutes of 2/26/79 Page 3
• Areas of Disagreement Re: Memo of February 23, 1979
1. Wording was changed to include "improve and maintain" water improvements
Ted Sadoski supported this action by suggesting that this statement
focuses. attention to the problem and the council is the body to adopt
and draft legislation.
The board agreed on items 2, 3,4, 5,6.
7.There was discussion on item seven re: the tidal gates. The wording will
be changed to include "until such time as a stable state and natural
habitat arerestored. " �
8. On the consolidation of the park and recreation departments, there has
been no :action,.
The Waterfront
2. There was a great deal of discussion on the continued use of the
Shetland properties as a place, for incubator industries. . The board
agreed on the value of its use but some members would prefer a use
more compatible with the waterfront. Cheri will work on the wording of
this to reflect the discussion.
The board agreed on item #3.
The meeting was adjourned at 9: 50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
of �$aleni, Aassac4use##s
Manning Puarb
` Otte Oulem (green
Members attending: Walter Power, Paul D'Amour, Richard Lutts, Abby
Burns, Ted Sadoski, Don Hunt, Peter DiGangi
Members absent: John Brown, Bill Wheaton
Chairman Walter Power called the meeting to order at 7: 30 p.m. with
a quorum present.
Salem Yacht Club
Atty. Bob Ledoux presented the plans of the Salem Yacht Club,
Salem Willows, in which they propose to repair their pier and clubhouse.
• Structures Engineering of Marshfield who are going to do the work,
would like a public hearing as soon as possible so that the yacht
club will be ready for this season.
Atty. Ledoux said that he would file his plan at the latest on
Tuesday. The problem that was pointed out is that the Board of Health
which meets only once a month has to provide comment. It was suggested
that perhaps the planning board could have a hearing prior to the
board of health meeting and conditionally approve the plan.
Ted Sadoski mentioned that the sewerage holding tank should
also be part of the plan to be submitted.
After discussion, it was decided that the public hearing will
be held on April 5, 1979 and that the planning board would meet again
• as soon as possible after the board of health meeting in the second
week of April. Susan Madison will call the health agent, Mr. Blenkhorn.
t `^
Minutes of 3/15/79 Page 2.
• South River Waterfront Project
Mike Moniz from the Planning Dept. presented to the board,
the status of the plans for the Nathanial Bowditch Park. There will
be 3-6 alternative schemes and after a ptiiblic meeting at the end of
the month, one design will be chosen. There was feedback and discussion
`from- the bmard members on parking and loss of some of the retail
stores. It was noted that the public meeting will be on March 27.
A motion was made by Paul D'Amour and seconded by Ted Sadoski
to accept the minutes of February 15, 1979. They were approved unanimousl.
A motion was made by Paul D'Amonr and seconded by Ted Sadoski
• to accept the minutes of February 26, 1979. They were approved unani-
A motion was made by Paul 8'Amour and seconded by Ted Sadoski
to accept the minutes of March l as corrected. They were approved
Planning Board Aide Report
Susan Madison explained to the board members that Kernwood Marina,
owned by the City of Salem wanted to repair their pier. The question
being whether they had to file under the wetlands flood hazard zoning
ordinance. .
It was suggested after some , discussion that the City of Salem :` j
should file and that the Planning Board authorize the Planning Dept.
• and the city soloicitor to make suggestions for expedient procedure in
small short term projects. Sue will write such letter.
Minutes of 3/15/79 Page 3.
• Planning Boa d ide Report (cont. )
Sue next explained that on April 5, 1979 there will be a public hearing
on the proposal of U-Haul Inc. , 43 Jefferson Ave. to store underground
gas tanks. The comments by the city engineer were : that if the blocks
were not pre-cast concrete, he wants them parged (thin layer of concrete
over them) . Sue will call U-Haul so they can make the appropriate
changes in their plans.
Board of Appeals Agenda
The agenda was reviewed and no letters will go out.
Correspondence and Communications were noted.
Richard Lutts made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Peter DiGangi.
The motion was approved unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at
• 10: 00 P.M.
Respect/n�fully submitted,
/n�Ntl &&1 6h
Cleti Cervoni
of S.-%ttlent, Aassac4use##s
JAN. 4, 1979
of �,$ttlent, Aassac4use##s
• � � `,,,�`�� �lctttltins �Darl
(011e Outem (grun
Members Present: Ted Sadoski, William Wheaton, Donald Hunt, Walter Power,
Abby Burns, Peter DiGangi, John Brown, Paul D'Amour
Member Absent: Richard Lutts
Chairman Walter Power called the meeting to order with a quorum present
at 7:45 P:M.
It was the consensus of the Board to defer voting on the minutes of
December 21, 1978 until the next regular Planning Board Meeting.
Michael Moniz introduced Mr. Robert Andrews to the Board. Mr. Andrews
wants to build an addition to his car wash on Franklin St. He stated that
• construction would be minimal and for that reason he questioned whether he
would be required to obtain a Flood Hazard Special Permit from the Board.
The Board advised him that the work planned is subject to the Wetlands/
Flood Hazard Special Permit Process and that he would have to apply.
Form A's
A Form A was submitted by Barbara Bartlett relevant to land located
on Ravenna Avenue. What is proposed is to combine three existing lots to
form two new lots. After a brief discussion, a motion was made by William
Wheaton and seconded by John Brown to endorse the Form A as not requiring
approval under the Subdivision regulations. The vote was unanimous and the
Chairman declared the motion carried.
The next Form A discussed was submitted by Raymond Lavoie relevant
to the rear lot of 140 Boston St. After a brief discussion a motion was
• made by John Brown and seconded by Peter DiGangi to endorse the Form A
as not requiring approval under the Subdivision Regulations. The vote was
unanimous and the Chairman declared the motion carried.
Minutes, of 1/4/79 Page 2
• The Board next considered a Form A submitted by Frank Romano relevant
to land located at 14-20 Verona St. The lots as combined and shown on the
plan will have frontage on .an existing way in excess of 100 feet. After
a brief discussion, a motion was made by John Brown and seconded by Ted
Sadoski to endorse the Form A as not requiring approval under the subdivision
regulations. The vote .was unanimous and the Chairman declared the motion
City Planner, Greg Senko, was present at the Board's request to discuss
current and future plans for downtown housing in Salem. Greg stated that as
of now Stern-Tice is building eight condominiums and that they will be in the
$75,000 - $85,000 range. It was pointed out that these are the only definite
downtown housing plans as of now. Greg stated that he thinks rent subsidy
programs will be cut by the Carter Administration and that very little money
• will be available for housing in the Small Cities Grant.
The Board next discussed the possibility of sharing a CETA aide with
the Conservation Commission.
Respectfully submitted,
Ctv of '$a1enl, ' MEmmc4usrttB
` � � �lctttltittg �partl
G Our Output (green
Members Attending: Walter Power, Peter DiGangi, Paul D'Amour, Ted Sadoski,
Abby Burns
Members Absent: Richard Lutts, Don Hunt, William Wheaton, John Brown
Chairman Walter Power opened the meeting with a quorum present at
7:30 P.M.
A motion was made by Ted Sadoski and seconded by Abby Burns to approve
the minutes of tDecember•21, 1978 as •corrected. The vote was unanimous and
the Chairman declared the motion carried.
Form A - Herbert and Grace Hill (22� Buffum St.)
• Attorney Robert McCam was present to explain what was intended. He
stated that the lots labeled 1 and 2 on the plan are currently not divided.
He further stated that his clients wish to sell the lots separately and
that a building is located on each of the two lots and that these buildings
existed when the Subdivision Control Law went into effect in the City of
After a brief discussion, a motion was made by Ted Sadoski and seconded
by Paul D'Amour to endorse the Form A as not requiring approval under the
Subdivision Regulations.
Board of Appeal Agenda
The Board of Appeal agenda for January 24, 1979 was next considered
by the Board. After a brief discussion it was the consensus of the Board
that no action be taken relevant to the Board of Appeal agenda.
Minutes of 1/18/79 Page 2
Master Plan
Cheri Cooper informed the Board that the Council Committee-.on Municipal
Services is currently evaluating the following two proposals:
1. A proposal to transfer the responsibilities for traffic signs and pave-
ment markings from the Traffic Division of the Police Department to
Public Works.
2. A proposal to allow right hand turns after a full stop at various
intersections in the City.
After a discussion of these two proposals, it was the consensus of the
Board that a letter be written to Steven Lovely, Chairman of the Council
Committee on Municipal Services supporting the proposal to transfer the
responsibilities for traffic signs and pavement markings from the Traffic
• Division of the Police Department to Public Works as being in conformance
with action strategies being developed for the Community Development Master
The Board next considered written comments received from various
City Departments relevant to the Public Sector Economy element of the
Master Plan. After a review of the comments by Mary Swift, Purchasing
Agent, Ted Sadoski made the suggestion that possibly a subcommittee
could be established to investigate the feasibility of implementing her
suggestions .
The Board also reviewed the comments submitted by the City Engineer
and the Treasurer. It was noted that the City Treasurer is in favor
of Citizen Bonds. He pointed out, however, that "state enabling legis-
. �
lation would be needed as would established procedures and forms."
• The City Treasurer also commented that although quarterly or monthlyttax
payments may be possible, the paperwork involved may render it not
t ,
Minutes of 1/18/79 Page 3
cost effective. He further suggested that "scheduled purchases of office
supplies twice a year would improve cash flow."
Cheri noted that in speaking to Charles Passales ,he was not in favor of a
establishing a $20,00-$25,000 position for overseeing the budget.
Janis Simard writing relative to the City of Salem Trust Funds
enclosed a copy of the Annual Report of the Trust Funds for the year ending
December 31, 1977. After a brief discussion it was the opinion of the Board
that Cheri Cooper try to ascertain whether any City Services are being sup-
ported by a trust fund that is becoming depleted.
The Board next discussed the work remaining before the Master Plan
can be adopted by the City. It was the consus of the Board that Walter
Power meet with City Planner Greg Senko relative to various items discussed.
• The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
�. � ' q �l�ttutittg 'marl
(One Oatem Green
Planning Board Agenda
February 1, 1979
1. Chris Olney - Heritage Plaza West (Planning Board Resolution)
2. Nancy Kepes - Community Development
3. Scott Webster - Discussion of Sign Program at Vinnin Square
4. Minutes of December 7, 1978, January 4, 1979, January 18, 1979
5. Kernwood Country Club storm damage
6. Board of Appeal Agenda
• 7. Master Plan
a. Vote on summary for the printer
b. Review CD Committee Comments on downtown transportation
° 9 �[Lit1 Df2I1EI11� �I�StIC�LI$ES
Planning Poarb
(One .0alem preen
Members Present: Walter Power, Richard Lutts, Abby Burns, John Brown,
Paul D'Amour, Ted Sadoski, Donald Hunt
Members Absent: William Wheaton, Peter DiGangi
Chairman Walter Power opened the meeting with a quorum present at
7:30 P.M.
A motion was made by Abby Burns and seconded by Richard Lutts to
approve the Minutes of December 7, 1978, January 4, 1979 and January
18, 1979 as written. The vote was unanimous and the Chairman declared
• the motion carried.
Board of Appeal Agenda \
In discussing the Board of Appeal agenda for February 14, 1979,
it was the consensus of the Board that the variance requested by Russell
Kiernan for property located at 335 Bridge St. be denied. During the
discussion it was the feeling of the Board that it was not desirable for
the area to permit additional violations of the current zoning unless
and until the area was rezoned.
Master Plan
City Planner Greg Senko was present to discuss the steps necessary
to complete the City's Master Plan. Greg explained that he has offered
Cheri Cooper a six month extension to her present contract in order to
complete the Master Plan as well as suggesting changes in the zoning for
• Heritage Plaza West and reviewing the current Subdivision Regulations.
Minutes of 2/1/79 Page 2
• Greg added that the extension of her contract would be funded through
Heritage Plaza West and would be in the amount of $10,000. Walter
Power pointed out all that will be necessary to adequately complete
the Master Plan and have it adopted by the City Council.
A motion was made by Richard Lutts and seconded by Paul D'Amour
to extend Cheri Cooper's contract for six months. The vote was five
in favor, one nay, and one abstain. The Chairman declared the motion
The Board next discussed the possibility of meeting with the City
Council Community Development Committee for a general meeting on the
Master Plan. It was the consensus of the Board that the Chairman
establish a time for this meeting.
Heritage Plaza West
• Chris Olney of the Salem Redevelopment Authority (SRA) next spoke
to the Board regarding Heritage Plaza West. Chris explained that he was
seeking a resolution from the Board stating that the pins for Heritage
Plaza West were in conformance with the overall plans for the City.
In giving approximate figures for the breakdown of monies allocated
from the Small Cities grant, Chris stated the following: $370,000 for
public improvements, $350,000 for facade improvements, and $240,000 for
the creation of 60 units of new housing.
A brief discussion was held relevant to the Salem YMCA. . Chris
explained that presently $5,000 from the grant and $5,000 from the
YMCA is being utilized to fund a feasibility study to ascertain•what can
Minutes of 2/1/79 Page 3
be done to the inside and outside of the building.
In discussing the plans for Heritage Plaza West, the Board considered
the possible results of waiving the parking requirements for the area.
Chris Olney stated that it was impossible in some areas of the proposed
project to provide the amount of parking required by the Zoning. The
Board next discussed the wording in the Urban Renewal project which
establishes the City as being ultimately responsible for adequate parking
for the area. It was suggested that the wording be changed to read that
if adequate parking cannot be provided, than the parking requirements
may be waived by the SRA.
A motion was made by Richard Lutts and seconded by Abby Burns that
whereas the Salem Planning Board has examined the documentation pertaining
• to the Heritage Plaza West Urban Renewal Project, now, therefore resolves
that the Salem Planning Board finds that the Urban Renewal Plan, as amended
regarding parking,for the Heritage Plaza West Urban Renewal Project is
based upon a local survey and conforms to comprehensive plans for the
locality as a whole. The vote was six in favor, one abstain. The
Chairman declared the motion carried.
Sign Program at Vinnin Square
Scott Webster of University-Brink Sign Company was present to
explain to the Board a non-conforming sign system that is being planned
in the Stop and Shop shopping center in Vinnin Square. It was explained
to the Board that the shops in this center have flat roofs with awnings.
For this reason the type of sign utilized could not conform to the sign
ordinance. The sign proposed for "Ruth Ann's" (a shop in the center)
• 1
Minutes of 2/1/79 Page 4
• would be similar to what was done for the Stop & Shop building and would
consist of barn board with a steel frame in the back. Mr. Webster
also stated that in the future the rest of the stores in the center will
have similar signs. Kristin Swinarski of the Planning Department
explained that the Salem Sign Ordinance requires Planning Board approval
if a proposed sign is non-conforming.
A motion.was made by Abby Burns and seconded by John Brown to approve
the non-conforming sign proposal presented for "Ruth Anns" located in
Vinnin Square. The vote was six in favor, one nay. The Chairman declared
the motion carried.
Community Development
Nancy Kepes of the Planning Department explained that a public
hearing evaluating the first four years of the Community Development
program has just been completed. She stated that this public hearing to
evaluate the Community Development program resulted from a new require-
ment of HUD and that the regular format of Community Development public
hearings will begin on March 1st. She further stated that Salem will be
receiving $327,000 for the next fiscal year and that this is the last
year of this particular program. Nancy will be contacting the Board
in the future relevant to the outcome of the future.Community Development
public hearings.
Kernwood Country Club
The Board was informed that Kernwood Country Club which suffered
storm damage during the February blizzard last year has suffered
some further damage during the heavy rain storms we have had recently.
Minutes of 2/1/79 Page 5
The dyke, used as a cart path road, which is located near Peter's Point
has suffered critical damage and the Country Club is requesting approval
in order to do some emergency work so that the dyke will not collapse
completely. This emergency work would consist of four or five truck-
loads of stone to be placed under the dyke to prevent it from collapsing
until the necessary permits have been obtained from the ConCom and the
Planning Board to do more extensive, permanent repairs.
It was the consensus of the Board Members present that the Planning
Board has no jurisdiction under the zoning relevant to temporary action
taken in an emergency.
Master Plan
The draft of the fold out containing summary material for all
• elements of the Master Plan was reviewed by the Board. Changes in wording
and punctuation were made.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ctv lif ttlem, Aassac4use##s
One Oalem (Srren
Members Present: Paul D'Amour, William Wheaton, Abby Burns, Richard Lutts,
Ted Sadoski, Walter Power
Members Absent: John Brown, Peter DiGangi, Don Hunt v
Form A - Andrew 6 Mary Mitchell (12-16 Barcellona)
Attorney Michael O'Brien was present to explain what was intended. He
explained that presently the Mitchells owned three lots, each of which \
has 50 feet of frontage. Attorney O'Brien explained that his clients wish 4
to combine the three lots into two lots, each having a 75 foot frontage.
• It was noted that current zoning requires 100 feet frontage. Attorney
O'Brien informed the Board that the Mitchells have obtained a variance
from the Board of Appeal relative to the frontage requirement. For this
reason, the 75 ft. frontage is of "such distance as is currently required
by zoning or other ordinance of the City. . ."
A motion was made by Ted Sadoski and seconded by Abby Burns to
endorse the Form A as not requiring approval under the subdivision
control regulations. The vote was unanimous and the Chairman declared
the motion carried.
During the discussion of this Form A the Board also discussed the
implications of the section of the zoning ordinance dealing with nonconforming
lots. It was the consensus of the members present that a letter be sent to the
Minutes of 2/15/79 Page 2
• City Solicitor questioning the rationale behind subsections 112 and 113 under
"Nonconforming Lot".
Sign Permit
The Board next reviewed a sign permit application submitted by Matthew
Rillovick for Essex Office Associates. A letter to the Board from City
Planner , Greg Senko, explained that according to the Signs 6 Billboards Ordinance,
December 31, 1973, Section 3-23 DESIGN REVIEW, if the total area of proposed
signs exceeds the amount allowed by the schedules in the ordinance, the
Planning Department and the Planning Board must certify that the signs
design is part of a comprehensive design and complementary and harmonious with
the building, and thereby allow for the excess footage. Greg also stated
in this letter that the "Planning Department feels the proposed signs are
• complementary and harmonious with the building."
Abby asked why the signs couldn't be smaller. Mr. Rillovick replied
that the signs were on the building when it was purchased and it was unknown
where they were anchored. For this reason it would be impossible to ascertain
where they could be reduced. Abby pointed out that the present size of the sign
detracts from the facade of the building.
After some additional discussion, a motion was made by Paul D'Amour and
seconded by Richard Lutts that the sign design submitted for Essex Office
Associates is part of a comprehensive design and complementary and
harmonious with the building and that the excess footage is allowable.
The vote was three yeas, one nay and one abstain. The Chairman declared
the motion carried.
Preliminary Discussion of Possible Form A
is A discussion was held relative to a plan of land located on Orne St.
relative to a possible endorsement of a plan as not requiring approval under the
Subdivision Regulations. In the ensuing discussion it was stated by Richard
Minutes of 2/15/79 Page 3
• Lutts Jr. that the access to the property is "a way in existence when the
Subdivision Control Law•.:became�,effective in the City of Salem." In reviewing
the subdivision control regulations it was noted that a Form A could be
endorsed if, in the opinion of the Planning Board, the way has sufficient
width, suitable grades and adequate construction to provide for the needs of
vehicular traffic in relation to the proposed use of the land.
Mr. Lutts is to present the Form A at the next regular Planning Board
A motion was made by Paul D'Amour and seconded by Ted Sadoski to approve
the minutes of Feb. 1, 1979 as written. The vote was unanimous and the
chairman declared the motion carried.
• Position of Clerk
A brief discussion was held on the position of Planning Board Clerk.
A motion was made by Abby Burns and seconded by Ted Sadoski that the Board
regretfully accepts the resignation of Susan Madison as Planning Board Clerk
and appoints Cleti Cervoni as Planning Board Clerk. The vote was five yeas and
one abstain. The Chairman declared the motion carried.
Master Plan - Transportation
The Board first discussed the meeting with the City Council'snCommunity
Development Subcommittee members which will be held on Feb. 26th. The
purpose of this meeting will be to establish future meeting dates with the
Comunity Development committee members to discuss portions of the Master Plan
where there is disagreement. Also at this meeting the overall scheduling
of public hearings and eventual submittal of the Master Plan to the full
• City Council for adoption will be discussed. Initial discussion of areas of
disagreement will also be conducted.
Cheri noted that the format of the Master Plan may be changed.
Minutes of 2/15/79 Page 4
The Board next discussed several alternatives for the phrazing of the
action strategy dealing with tax exempt property. After some dialogue
concerning the governing authorities for tax exempt property, it was the
consensus of the Board Members that the following wording be utilized:
"To encourage charitible and other tax exempt property owners to help defray costs
of municipal services thru donations or payments to the City in lieu of taxes."
Cheri noted that the City of Framingham has initiated "citizen bonds" and that
she has written them for further information. Bill Wheaton noted that Citizen bonds
have a limited use and that the possible saving of 14% in interest could very
well be eliminated in the administrative costs for these bonds.
Heritage Plaza West
Councillors Lovely, Centerino and O'Keefe as well as Chris Olney from
SRA were present to discuss the parking situation relevant to Heritage Plaza
Councilor Centerino explained that the councillors present wanted to
discuss the change made to the Urban Renewal Plan by the Planning Board at their
last meeting. This change in the plan removed the City from being ultimately
responsible for adequate parking for the area and granted the SRA the power to
waive the parking requirements when necessary.
Councilor O'Keefe stated that it-was not in SRA's purvue to waive the
parking requirements, that that responsibility rested with the Board of
Ted Sadoski stated that the intent of the change requested by the Planning
Board was not to waive the City's responsibility in a limited way but to
help to insure that the City would not be forced into major expenditures in
• order to provide adequate parking.
Minutes of 2/15/79 Page 5
• Chris Olney stated that zoning changes were being considered for that area
Bill Wheaton stated that he did not think that the wording in an urban
renewal plan could circumvent the zoning.
After further discussion it was the consensus of those present that
the change in wording in the Heritage Plaza West Urban Renewal Plan that
was made by the Planning Board at their last meeting remain and that Bill
Tinti be contacted to confirm that this change in wording does not result
in a circumvention of the current provedures established by the zoning ordinance.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 P.M.
• Respectfully submitted,
(One Outipm (grren
Members attending: John Brown, Ted Sadoski, Walter Power, Don 'Hunt,
Paul D'Amour, Peter DiGangi
Members absent: Richard Lutts, William Wheaton, Abby Burns
City Councillors present: Joseph Centorino, Brian O'Keefe, Stanley Usovicz,
Steve Lovely
Planning Department present: Susan Madison, Cheri Cooper, David Lash
Chairman,PWal.terpP.owertbpenedtthe meetingwith..a,-quorum present- ,_ _
at 7:40 p.m.
The chairman outlined for those present what the board hoped to
accomplish by this joint meeting ie. to set up a schedule of meetings
with the Community Development Committee; to set a date for the public
hearings; to discuss the format and presentation at such; and to review
areas of disagreement in the Master Plan.
Brian O'Keefe mentioned that Steve Lovely and Jim Daly needed
copies of the previous notes taken on the plan. Members of the Community
Development Committee stated that they would prefer to read the final
draft of the whole master plan before they meet with the planning board
`�-Minutes of 2/26/79 Page 2
• Meetinq. Dates '
After much discussion on dates and meeting nights, the
following was decided: ,
Monday, March 26 - Joint meeting of planning board and
community development committee.
Monday, April 2, - Joint meeting
Monday, April 9, - Joint meeting
Monday, April 16 - Joint meeting
Monday, May 7 - First Public Hearing
Monday, May 14 - Second Public Hearing
Thursday,May 17 - Third Public Hearing (if needed)
Thursday,May 24 - Proposed date for presentation to the
whole council.
Public Hearing Format
Next followed a discussion on how to inform the public and how
to structure the format of the public hearings. Some ideas that were
suggested included having plans available at the libraries and in the
planning department. It was also suggested that Walter Power and Brian
O'Keefe contact the Salem News directly for coverage. Old Town Hall was
chosen as the site for the public hearings and Walter and Brian will get
together on the graphics needed. Posters of each element were suggested.
Dave Lash suggested as a procedure of the hearing, to divide the
plan into sections, to see where peoples interest lies. ie. to have the
first hearing as an overview with general statements only and prepare a
• list of areas of interest or points for clarification.
Cheri asked that the members think about what kind of input
they will accept. Dave Lash suggested that it be limited to refinements._
• 'v
Minutes of 2/26/79 Page 3
Areas of Disagreement Re: Memo of February 23, 1979
1. Wording was changed to include "improve and maintain" water improvements.
Ted Sadoski supported this action by suggesting that this statement
focuses attention to the problem and the council is the body to adopt
and draft legislation.
_.:,The board_agreed onr;i tems22;3¢41,;59,;6._
7.There was discussion on item seven re: the tidal gates. The wording will
be changed to include "until such time as a stable state and natural
habitat are restored. "
8. On the consolidation of the park and recreation departments, there has
• been no :action,and cosh boards endorse the policy.
The Waterfront
2. There was a great deal of discussion on the continued use of the
Shetland properties as a place for incubator industries. , The board
agreed on the value of its use but some members would prefer a use
more compatible with the waterfront. Cheri will work on the wording of
this to reflect the discussion.
The board agreed on item #3.
The meeting was adjourned at 9: 50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
TIty 11f2IlPIlt� �C85MCiISE �
One 0alem (Arm
Members attending : Paul D'Amour, Walter Power, Abby Burns, John
Brown, Ted Sadoski,. Bill Wheaton, Peter DiGangi.
Members absent: Richard Lutts, Don Hunt
Chairman Walter Power opened the meeting with a quorum present
at 7:00 p.m.
Master Plan
Cheri Cooper reviewed with the board, the Housing element.
• HMA Car Wash - Wetlands Hearing
Atty. John Serafini presented the plan of HMA car wash, which
is to convert the fast food restaurant into four more car wash bays.
The location is 72 North Street and the owner is Mr. Harry Andrews.
Walter Power reviewed for the board the comments made by the Board
of Health, Conservation Commission, and the Engineering Department.
After 6omesdiscussion -!a^motion-:was made_by;Ted_Sadoski and
seconded by Abby Burns that the work be approved subject to the
conditions outlined by the city engineer and that the city engineer
insure in writing to the board, that the construction details meet
the floodplain requirements. The motion carried.
The permit will be issued as soon as a letter is received from
• the city engineer. Susan will contact Richard Swenson for such letter.
Minutes of 3/1/79 Page 2.
• Form A - Richard Lutts Jr.
Mr. Lutts presented to the board, a notarized document that
states the access to his property was a right of way, before the
subdivision control act came >iato effect. He added that his deed
mentioned the right of way and would be coming from his uncle shortly.
After a brief discussion, a motion was made by Paul D'Amour
and seconded by Abby Burns to endorse the Form A as not requiring
approval under the subdivision regulations.
Planning Board Aide Report
Susan Madison, as a point of information, explained that
North Shore Recycled Fibers had been asked by the Conservation
Commission, after thedzfact, to apply for a determination. The
building permit had been issued already but the Con Com felt that
since the work was being done in a floodplain zone and subject to
the Wetlands Protection Act. The Building Inspector explained in
a letter that he did not feel they had to file under the zoning of
the Wetland Flood Hazard Zone.
Communication and Correspondence were noted.
,-A,-motion for adjournment was made by Paul D'Amour and seconded by
Abby Burns. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Cleti Cervoni
+ MAY 3, 1979, 7:30 P.M. , THIRD FLOOR
MEMBERS PRESENT: Walter Power, Abby Burns, Paul D'Amour, Richard Lutts,
Donald Hunt, Ted Sadoski
MEMBERS ABSENT: William Wheaton, John Brown, Peter DiGangi
Chairman Walter Power opened the meeting with a quorum present at 7:30 P.M.
The Board of Appeals Agenda for May 17, 1979 was reviewed. Regarding the
petition of Salem Redevelopment Authority and Pasquanna Developers, Inc. to erect
a building containing 34 dwelling units at 20-24 Central Street, it was felt that
. by waiving parking requirements, they may be a precedent for similar
situations. A motion was made by Donald Hunt and seconded by Abby Burns:
• "MOVE to request a meeting with the Salem Redevelopment Authority and
Salem Off-Street Parking Authority to discuss the establishment of
guidelines in this and similar situations."
A letter is being. sent, copy to the Board of Appeals, saying the Board is particu-
larly concerned with the arrangements being made for 20-24 Central Street. The
motion was passed unanimously.
Regarding the petition of K. Frank Konkel for a Special Permit to change the
non-conforming use at 56 Winthrop Street from the storage of food products to the
storage of painter's rigging, ladders, and equipment, the members thought it was
a neighborhood problem and the neighbors should handle it.
Susan Madison reviewed what has been happening with Pickman Park. She stated
they were back in Court but the appeal was filed two days late. Pickman Park is
• under four separate permits. They are under the Subdivision Plan, Wetlands Flood
Hazard Special Permit, Order of Conditions from the Conservation Commission, and
Meeting of May 3,1979 Page 2
Cluster Residential Permit from the Planning Board.
The Certificate of Action was issued on January 6, 1978. There
are some "nuts and bolts" things left to be done. Susan Madison will write a
Tetter to Peter Beatrice regarding the things that have to be done.
At the last meeting it was decided to have the requirement for a Clerk
of the- Works added to the Subdivision Regulations. Susan Madison met with Bill
Tinti and he said "all systems go". Everything is fine. He okayed the language.
It was discussed whether it would apply to Pickman Park. Susan said that Bill
Tinti had informed her that you cannot change subdivision regulations after they
• have already applied and have been granted a Certificate of Action. The date set
for the public hearing was June 21, 1979.
Susan presented a few ideas. One suggestion was that the Planning Board
"get out of the water". The Wetlands Protection Act has recently been strengthened .
making the lengthy process of the Planning Board in some cases redundant. The intent
of the flood hazard zoning is to protect the City. It was decided to clarify the
language with Bill Tinti.
Another suggestion was to shorten the time span for the process. As
it is now it takes about a month and a half. For less than substantial repair
(50%) , they would come in and the Planning Board would see what was being proposed,
similar to a Form A, rather than go months and months. The Planning Board would
determine whether or not they would have to go through the formal process.
Meeting of May 3, 1979 Page 3
• Mrs. Baharrells seawall case at 57 Osgood Street was discussed next.
Susan recommended that it be covered under Permitted Uses, Section VII of the
Supplemental Regulations, Sub-section 3h. Ted Sadoski felt this section would
pertain to. structures. Susan described the erosion she saw and explained how
the wall would be rebuilt. A motion was made by Richard Lutts and seconded by
Ted Sadoski:
"MOVE to designate Don Hunt to go down and inspect the .
property at 57 Osgood Street and report back to the
Planning Board."
The motion passed unanimously.
Mr. McKinnon is coming in at the next meeting for approval to construct
a duplex at 18-20 Kosciusko Street in the Wetlands Zoning. The plans were looked
over. It was noted that it is going to the Board of Appeals but it is before the
Planning Board now because it is in the Wetlands Flood Hazard District. It was
• decided to get information from Tony Fletcher that it meets requirements on flood
hazards. Ted Sadoski asked for detailed plans of the foundation and structure.
Susan Madison said she would call Jim Ballou and Attorney Donaldson on that.
In reviewing Salem Oil and Grease, Susan Madison explained that the problem
here was that the building had to be redesigned because the cost of cement had
gone up so since the plan was approved. They would like to start work. The
Planning Board cannot have a public hearing until all the comments come in from
the different boards. It was suggested that the City Engineer should look at the
plans. The date for the public hearing was set for June 21, 1979.
There was discussion on Bill Tinti's opinion regarding the automatic granting
of a Form A once a matter has been before the Board of Appeals. Walter Power
• suggested that we write a letter to the Board of Appeals informing them that once
r '
Meeting of May 3, 1979 Page 4
• they grant a variance on frontage that we have to .grant a Form A. Ted Sadoski
suggested that we get the proper wording from the City Solicitor to send along
to the Board of Appeals. Susan will draft a letter on that and bring it to the
next meeting.
Susan Madison mentioned a possible problem with a Form A which may be
submitted. The Form A would result in one lot not in conformance with the
zoning although it would have more frontage than it had before. The City
Solicitor said to remember that when dealing with subdivisions with respect
to Form A, that there are areas where subjective reasoning has to apply.
Walter Power suggested that we draw up guidelines on this and some files should
be kept on opinions that could be referred to -- perhaps a notebook on 'interpre-
tation of Form'A's.
Don Hunt made a motion to adjourn. It .was seconded by Richard Lutts and passed
unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Jacquelyn Rybicki
° MAY 3, 1979, 7:30 P.M. , THIRD FLOOR
MEMBERS PRESENT: Walter Power, .Abby Burns, Paul D'Amour, Richard Lutts,
Donald Hunt, Ted Sadoski
MEMBERS ABSENT: William Wheaton, John Brown, Peter DiGangi
Chairman Walter Power opened the meeting with a quorum present at 7:30 P.M.
The Board of Appeals Agenda for May 17, 1979 was reviewed. Regarding the
petition of Salem Redevelopment Authority and Pasquanna Developers, Inc, to erect
a building containing 34 dwelling units at 20-24 Central Street, it was felt that
by waiving parking requirements, they may be setting a precedent for similar
situations. A motion was made by Donald Hunt and seconded by Abby Burns:
• "MOVE to request a meeting with the Salem Redevelopment Authority and
Salem Off-Street Parking Authority to discuss the establishment of
guidelines in this and similar situations."
A letter is being sent, copy to the Board of Appeals, saying the Board is particu-
larly concerned with the arrangements being made for 20-24 Central Street. The
motion was passed unanimously.
Regarding the petition of K. Frank Konkel for a Special Permit to change the
non-conforming use at 56 Winthrop Street from the storage of food products to the
storage .of painter's rigging, ladders, and equipment, the members thought it was
a meighborhood problem and the neighbors should handle it.
Susan Madison reviewed what has been happening with Pickman Park. She stated
they were back in Court but the appeal was filed two days late. Pickman Park is
• under four separate permits. They are under the Subdivision Plan, Wetlands Flood
Hazard Special Permit, Order of Conditions from the Conservation Commission, and
Meeting of May 3, 1979 _ Page 2
Cluster.Residential Permit from the Planning Board.
The Certificate of Action was. issued on January 6, 1978. There are some
"nuts and bolts" things left to be done. Susan Madison will write a letter
.to Peter Beatrice regarding the things that have to be done.
At the last meeting it was decided to have a Clerk of the Works. Susan
Madison met with Bill Tinti and he said "all systems go". Everything is fine.
He okayed the language. It was discussed whether it would apply to Pickman Park.
Susan sais that Bill Tinti had informed her that you cannot change subdivision
regulations after they have already applied and have been granted a Certificate
of Action. The date set for the public hearing was June 21, 1979.
Susan presented a few ideas. One suggestion was that the Planning Board
"get out of the water". The Wetlands Flood Act has recently been strengthened,
making the lengthy process of the Planning Board redundant. The intent of the
flood hazard zoning is to protect the City. It was decided to clarify the
language with Bill Tinti.
Another suggestion was to shorten the time span for the process. As it is now,
it takes about a month and a half. For less than substantial repair or building
(50%) , they would come in and the Planning Board would see what was being proposed,
similar to a Form A, rather than go months and months. The Planning Board would
determine whether or not they would have to have the long process.
Meeting of May 3, 19791 Page 3
Mrs. Baharrells case at 43 Osgood Street was discussed next. .Susan
recommended that it be covered under Permitted Uses, Section VII of the
Supplemental Regulations, Sub-section 3h. Ted Sadoski felt this section would
only pertain to structures. Susan described the erosion she saw and explained
how the wall would be rebuilt. A motion was made by Richard Lutts and seconded
by Ted Sadoski:
"MOVE to designate Don Hunt to go down and inspect the property
at 43 Osgood Street and report back to the Planning Board."
The motion passed unanimously.
Mr. McKinnon is coming in at the next meeting, The plans were looked over.
It was noted that it is going to the Board of Appeals but it is before the Planning
Board now because it is in the Wetlands Flood Hazard District. It was decided to
• get information from Tony Fletcher that. it meets requirement's on flood hazards.
Ted Sadoski asked for detailed plans of the foundation and structure. Susan
Madison said she would call Jim Ballou and Attorney Donaldson on that.
In reviewing Salem Oil and Grease, Susan Madison explained that the problem
here was that the building had to be redesigned because the cost of cement had
gone up so since the plan was approved. They would like to .start work. The
Planning Board cannot have a public hearing until all the comments come in from
the different boards. It was suggested that the City Engineer should look at the
plans. The date for the public hearing was set for June 21, 1979..
There was discussion on Bill Tinti's opinion regarding the automatic granting
of a Form A once a matter has been before the Board of Appeals. Walter Power
suggested that we write a letter to the Board of Appeals informing them that once
Meeting of May 3, 1979 Page 4
they grant a variance on frontage that we have to grant a Form A. Ted Saddski
suggested that we get the proper wording from the City Solicitor to ,send along
to the Board of Appeals. Susan will draft a letter on that and bring it to the
next meeting.
.Susan Madison mentioned a possible problem with a Form A which may be submitted.
The Form A would result in one lot not in conformance with the zoning although it
would have more frontage than it had before. The City Solicitor said to consider
what is a subdivision so that there is some fine lines for intent to use judgment
on Form A's. Walter Power suggested that we draw up guidelines on this and some
files should be kept on opinions that could be referred to -- perhaps a notebook
on interpretation of Form A's.
Don Hunt made a motion to adjourn. It was seconded by Richard Lutts and passed
• unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
J cqulC yn rRybicki
MAY 17, 1979, 7:30 P.M. , THIRD FLOOR
MEMBERS PRESENT: Walter Power, Abby Burns, Paul D'Amour, Richard Lutts,
Donald Hunt, Ted Sadoski, William Wheaton and John Brown.
Planning Board Chairman Walter Power opened a public hearing at 7:36 P.M.
He read the notice of the public hearing regarding 18-20 Kosciusko Street in the
Wetlands Flood Hazard District. Attorney William Donaldson explained the proposal.
The plan indicated that the first floor was 16.5 feet above mean low water. The
requirement is 15.36 feet. The plan for waterproofing the cellar was explained,
• with Mr. Donaldson referring to the plan. He stated there was a house there for
many years with a basement comparable in depth to this house and the owner never
had any problem.
Walter Power asked where the sump pump would drain to. He wanted that specified
on the plans. Mr. Donaldson said he didn't know actually what the architect had in
The City Engineer concurs with the proposal. Walter Power read a communica-
tion from him that states the proposal requires site, drain and sewer plan for
final building permit -- otherwise complies with department requirements. He
further said the proposal meets with all requirements of the Wetlands Flood Hazard
Zoning. The Building Inspector concurs without comment;^ The Health Department
stated they need more information -- 1) plans do not show type of sewerage or type
of tie-in, 2) no contours to show grade, and 3) McKinnon is requested to come to
• the next Board of Health meeting.
May 17, 1979
Planning Board Minutes Page 2
Susan Madison said the Board of Health requested that Mr. McKinnon consult'
with the Historic Commission. Mr. Donaldson said he has done that.
Walter Power read a letter from Anthony Fletcher advising that there is an
eight inch sewer line under Kosciusko Street to which the proposed residents can
be tied in. The Owner may connect to this sewer line.
Mr. Power asked if anyone attending the meeting was opposed to the duplex
being built, and Mr. Anthony Pucko, whose sister resides at 12 Kosciusko Street,
spoke about the horrendous parking problem on Kosciusko Street. Walter Power
explained to Mr. Pucko that the Board of Appeals handles parking and such matters
should be taken up before them next Wednesday, May 23. Walter stated that the
Planning Board is very concerned about parking and that Mr. McKinnon should be
prepared to go before the Board of Appeals showing ample parking spaces.
• Paul D'Amour asked if the property was ever under water. Mrs. Lussier (who
. lives across the street) said the cellar there was always flooded. The water goes
as high as the peak on the other side and hits the grass.
Superintendent Hazeltine of the Salem Maritime National Historic Site Commission
spoke, saying the Burton Bill places Nos. 20 and 22 within the boundaries of Salem
Maritime National Historic sites. It is the intent of the park to acquire these
properties. A request for reprogramming of funds was sent' to Congress on the 22nd
of April. That request was denied. He stated they cannot negotiate on that property
again until October of 1981, but wanted the Planning Board to be aware of this
Walter Power said that before the Planning Board takes a vote, we should
hear again from the Board of Health and get their concurrence.
The public hearing was closed at 8:10 P.M.
May 17, 1979
Planning Board Minutes Page 3
Susan Madison cited Section VII of the Zoning Ordinance, Sub-section 4 (i)
which states the floor of the basement, .or if none, the lowest floor of new
construction or substantial improvement of structures for residential uses shall
be at or above the 100 year flood level. Walter Power said that as a Board we
have to take the City Engineer's statements that it meets the requirements.
Attorney Donaldson was called in again and read the section that pertains
to the basement being above flood level. John Brown asked if Attorney Donaldson
thought going to the Board of Appeals for a variance would interfere with their
plans. Attorney Donaldson thought it would but didn't know if it would affect it
to an altering degree. Susan Madison is going to do some research regarding the
HUD requirements to see if any kind of basement level in a residential home with
utilities can exist within a flood hazard zone.
It was discussed that a folder system should be implemented to set up a format
for procedures to be followed so examples could be found quickly and easily.
Changes were discussed and made in the minutes. Abby Burns then moved to
approve the Minutes of May 3, 1979 as amended. The motion passed unanimously.
The Board of Appeals agenda was discussed at length. Regarding the petition
of M & L Realty Trust and J &' S Auto Body to sell Class II used cars at 250 Jefferson
Avenue, it was decided to write a letter to the Board of Appeals urging them to
deny this request because the Planning Board is opposed to the expansion of existing
M8y 17, 1979
Planning Board Minutes Page 4
• non-conforming uses or the introduction or expansion of new non-conforming uses,
particularly those that are specifically excluded from the Zoning Ordinance.
There has been a lot of damage from the February 1978 snow storn that has not
been repaired yet. There is seawall damage. John Smedile, Civil Defense Director,
was in charge of going after the money to repair these. All that came in was $5,000.00.
The money must be expended by August 15. Discussion followed on whether it was
necessary for the work being proposed to go through the special permit process. Susan
read Section VII of the Zoning Ordinance, Sub-section 4, Special Permit Uses. Since
the work consists basically of rearranging the existing stones and there will be no
filling, it doesn't appear that a special permit will be necessary.
MOTION by Abby Burns: Move that the repair work being
proposed on the City seawalls at Winter Island, Columbus
Avenue, Shore Avenue, Willow Avenue, Crow II Club, and
• Collins Cove, does not constitute substantial improvement
and so a special permit is not necessary.
The motion passed unanimously.
If the Board of Appeals votes to reconsider it, they will be writing a letter
to the Planning Board. Susan has a copy of the changes being proposed. Susan read
a letter from Richard Swanson saying the concrete blocks will not affect the Public
Works comments. Susan wanted to know if H & M would require an additional public
hearing. The thrust of the change is nothing to do with anything except structural
components and now they comply with the law. Ted Sadoski said the Planning Board
should have a letter saying it meets the engineering requirements of flood hazard zoning.
Walter Power said that by looking at the plans, we still do not know what they are
actually doing. John Brown suggested that we designate someone to see if there are
substantial changes or not. This property is going to be appropriated by the State. Walter
May 17, 1979
Planning Board Minutes Page 5
Power asked that the City Engineer make a determination as to whether or not it
was substantially changed. If it comes back with an opinion that there are substantial
changes, then he will have to go through the public hearing process. John Brown
expressed concern over the long process we would be subjecting the man to. It was
decided the Planning Board will get a full set of plans and H & M will red pencil
any changes and then the Board can see what changes are being proposed. Susan will
take' the plans and go to the Engineer to get his opinion on procedure and see if
everything is red lined. When the plans are back here, then a decision will be
Susan Madison wrote a letter to Chris Olney regarding off-street parking down
town. She read the answer received. John Brown suggested that we give him a call
and ask for a meeting. Susan will request that Chris Olney and James Shatswell
• come to the first meeting in July.
Don Hunt requested that a list be sent to Board members regarding the public
hearings coming up on June 21. Susan said she would do that.
Regarding Mrs. Baharrels' seawall at 57 Osgood Street, Susan said Mrs.
Baharrells came to Conservation. The Commission decided that Susan will meet with
Mr. Yates and stake it out. Don Hunt talked with Brian French who said there might
be a boundary suit there. The Board feels that the Conservation Commission should
have control over what is being done. Don Hunt didn't see any purpose in having
her come before the Planning Board. She is not building any structures. We are
relying on the Conservation Commission that she is not going to expand that land.
Susan talked to Mr. Beatrice. She gave him the information on things that he
• still has to do before being granted approval by the Planning Board. He went down
May 17, 1979
Planning Board Minutes Page 6
to the Registry to register special permits. Nothing will be done until he is
out of Court. A letter came to Conservation asking that one person be assigned
who is available for some of the approvals that they are looking for. She imagines
that the Planning Board will get a similar letter.
Walter Power read a letter from Mr. O'Connor to attend a meeting on Solar
Hea.ting with the Salem Housing Authority. Paul D'Amour said he would go to
represent the Planning Board.
A communication was read requesting the secretary for the Planning Board
attend the Master Plan public hearings of May 29, June 4 and 7.
MOTION by Abby Burns: Move that the Planning Board
secretary attend the Master Plan public hearings to
• take minutes, and that she be compensated by the
Planning Department.
The motion passed unanimously.
There was a motion to adjourn and having passed unanimously, the meeting was
declared adjourned at 10:15 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
0 ) Lko
?Jicq 16 yn A'. Ry'bicki
MEMBERSPRESENT: Walter Power, Abby Burns, Paul D'Amour, Richard Lutts,
Donald Hunt, Ted Sadoski, William Wheaton, John Brown,
and Peter DiGangi
ALSO PRESENT: Mr. W. Gregory Senko, City Planner
Ms. Cheryl Cooper, Planner-in-Charge
Ms. Josephine Fusco, City Clerk
COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Councillors O'Keefe, Cawley, Rochna, Grace, Centorino,
and Usovicz
Community Development Chairman Brian O'Keefe called the joint public hearing of
the City Council and the Planning Board to order. He stated it was for the purpose
of discussing the Master Plan. Councillor O'Keefe introduced the members of the
Council, Walter Power introduced members of the Planning Board, and Councillor
O'Keefe informed the audience of the rules and regulations of the meeting.
• He stated tonight's meeting was for the purpose of general introduction and an
overview of the plan. A special consultant will be at the second public hearing
to talk about changes in the down town traffic pattern.
Councillor O'Keefe introduced W. Gregory Senko, City Planner. Mr. Senko stated
that the Master Plan is a long range plan for the City. There are three major
parts to it: 1) The inventory or statistical and information data base. 2) The
policy statements or goals used to guide officials in making decisions. 3) The
action strategies or implementation methods used to reach the City's goals.
Mr. Senko said it is most important that we hear from the public. That is why we
are here. He said the plan before us now is an evolutionary one. It is appropriate
for Salem in the 1980s. He thanked the Planning Board, the City Council, members
of the Planning Department, and Mrs. Cooper for all the work that has been done.
Walter Power, in his introductory remarks, gave a history of the first Plans
Commission. In 1963, the Blair Associates made a master plan for the City. Their
major contribution was that a planning department be established. That was done
in 1972. They stressed revitalization rather than renewal. This is the plan that
carried us up to the 1970s. The Planning Board at that time found that the City
was expanding into many different areas. They hired a Planner two years ago.
The Planning Board did not intend to have someone come in and simply write a plan
to be followed. They established brainstorming committees made up of people in the
community. The Planning Board then hashed everything over and came up with the six
. areas you can see in the plan now. The document here has rather a long time span.
There are action strategies which are the now goals, and also long term goals. The
original function was to make the City a place where people can work and play
Joint Public Hearing - May 29, 1979 Page 2
Councillor O'Keefe spoke on how the Plan will be used. In March 1978, the City
Council Committee of Community Development was asked to be involved in the process
of evolving this Master Plan. Since that time, the Committee has worked hard to
follow along and make recommendations. It has been a long, involved process.
It comes now to the point where we are waiting to hear from the public. There
are two functions involved. One is a general guideline as to where we are going
in the future. It gives us a framework. It also serves as a basic tool from
which we can participate in future federal and state funding. It is necessary
by statute to have a Master Plan.
Councillor O'Keefe asked Cheryl Cooper to give an overview of the six elements of
the Master Plan. Cheryl Cooper said the Planning Department made only three copies
of the Plan. They are available at the Planning Department, Main Library, and the
City Clerk's Office. They did this because they are waiting for input from the
public before it goes to the printer.
Ms. Cooper explained that the six different areas in the Master Plan are the
Environment, the Economy, Housing, Neighborhoods & Community Appearance, The
Waterfront, Transportation & Communications and Community Facilities and Services.
The first priority, although the Plan does not have set priorities, is for the
construction of the Salem-Peabody Connector Road. An additional push should be
placed on finishing the road. The major proposals the Plan encompasses are
1) Connector Road, 2) North River Industrial Park, 3) Winter Island Recreation
• Area, 4) Intermodal Facility, 5) Comprehensive Street, Water and Sewer Improvement
Program, 6) Forest River Conservation Area, Phase II, 7) Rezoning of City to protect
Resources and Amenities and to guide and encourage development and rehabilitation;
Shoreland Zoning, 8) Capital Improvements Programming, Citywide, 9) Continued and
expanded use of private contractors, where cost-effective, 10) Comprehensive Noise
and Air Pollution Control Programs, and Energy and Water Conservation, 11) Use of Public
Improvements to stimulate Private Reinvestment in the City, 12) Housing Rehabilitation
Programs, 13) Consolidation of City Departments in which efficiencies and economies
will result, 14) Emphasis on programs which are preventative, and which are not
offered by other Public or Private Agencies, 15) Economies of City Services,
16) Comprehensive plan for schools, 17) Comprehensive Parking and Traffic
Circulation Program for the downtown, including construction of addition off-street
parking facilities.
Ms. Cooper asked the audience if there were any specific areas they would like to
hear about. Councillor O'Keefe noted that at the back of the hall there was a land
use map.
Mrs. Pancini
3 Riverway Road, Salem
Mrs. Pancini asked about Forest River tidal gates and estuary. Cheryl Cooper
said that it was the feeling that the tidal basin should be allowed to flush freely
until it is flushed clean. Councillor O'Keefe said there are three sub-sections
involved on that in the Plan. He read them.
• Councillor Usovicz addressed Mrs. Pancini on legislation that is now pending. The
bill puts in the Mayor's control the flood gates; when they would be opened and
closed. This would be done in consultation with the Conservation Commission.
Joint Public Hearing - May 29, 1979 Page 3
Mr. Tremblay
13 Linden Avenue, Salem
Mr. Tremblay wanted to know what sort of public building would be allowed in the
Linden Avenue area in the vacant area. Mr. Senko said the map was not presented
by zones but rather by land use. The vacant lands there are under the ownership
of the Town of Marblehead. They do not want to release rights on this land.
There are no buildings planned for that land.
Mr. Bruce Shatswell
24 Andrew Street, Salem
Mr. Shatswell wanted to know who would be handling the Winter Island development
and how it would be used.
Councillor O'Keefe said there is a proposal coming up for a public hearing to use
the area for active recreation. This doesn't mean it would be in use that way
forever. He hoped to have it in use for this summer, however. The future use of
Winter Island is not clear. The City doesn't have clear title to it. Councillor
Centorino has been working with the Plummer Farm on that.
Walter Power said the Master Plan addresses Winter Island on a broad basis, leaving
specifics to the City Council.
• Mr. Shatswell also asked about Collins Cove and the philosophy of the parks. Mr.
Senko said back in 1964 a rather elaborate plan was drawn up to include many parks
connecting the waterfront. The Collins Cove area will be a start on these walkways
and parks. Mr. Senko stated they were trying to make Salem as pedestrian as
possible. They hope to get this started this year.
Councillor Usovicz said the old pipe is to be taken out shortly. The B & M is in
receivership and we are trying to get an easement from them so that we can start
construction. The New England Power Company is involved in this too but they said
there would be no problem.
Mr. James Michaud
140 Bayview Avenue, Salem
Mr. Michaud is Vice-President of Michaud Bus Lines. His company takes people on
bus trips to places outside of Salem. There is not one place that they take people
to that has such poor hotel facilities as in Salem. Salem has only one hotel.
It cannot possibly handle all the business. There is nobody that is going to come
to Salem and spend a lot of money without staying overnight.
Mr. Michaud asked if anyone had thought to develop Winter Island similar to Newport,
Rhode Island. He also asked who came up with the traffic light system in Salem.
He said there is an ungodly abortion of lights on Highland Avenue and it is hard
to move.
Joint Public Hearing - May 29, 1979 Page 4
Walter Power responded that in respect to hotels, they have three areas set aside
for this purpose. They realize the need for hotels and motels in Salem.
Councillor O'Keefe said hotels and motel chains are not interested in Salem now
because we do not have a connector road. They want to set up hotels near major
highways. Cheryl Cooper said the traffic lights will be discussed next Monday
with the consultants. She explained there was a package deal.
Councillor Cawley thinks it is naive of us to set aside land for hotels and expect
them to come in and just pick the spot we have set aside. He feels it is up to us
to sell Salem to these motels. He urges more rethinking on the hotel situation by
the Planning Board.
Councillor Centorino said as far as Winter Island being developed into something
like Newport, that Salem doesn'!t own Winter Island. The City has to agree not
to use it for anything but park and recreational purposes before any agreement
at all can be made.
Greg Senko said he was one of the people instrumental in getting the lights along
Highland Avenue. The trick is to go from Lynn to Salem at 35 miles per hour.
They are progressively timed. Councillor Grace said she was opposed to the lights.
However, the City will have them, and maintain them, or lose any more Federal
• Mr. William Long
9 Granite Street, Salem
Mr. Long said we have to deal with our own people in the City rather than just the
business people in the City. We have to take care of the City.
Mr. James Fleming
47 Buffum Street, Salem
Mr. Fleming stated he practices law in Salem. He had three questions: 1) What
generated the need of a new Master Plan in 1979 when we had one in 1963? 2) Where
do they differ greatly? 3) What does it cost? A particular area of concern to
him was expanding the industrial park at the gateway to Ward 6. This is a beautiful
neighborhood and he felt the river could be utilized in some other way rather than
a base for an industrial park.
Mr. Greg Senko said as far as the need for a Master Plan goes, it was felt by
several members of the Planning Board that it was needed. The old plan was mostly
for urban renewal. Urban renewal is no longer considered a sole mechanism for
doing things in the community. This Master Plan tries to look realistically on
how things should be done today. Mr. Senko said he didn't have a dollar figure on
this. It is tremendous, however. He said the water system alone could go six,
eight or ten million dollars.
Cheryl Cooper pointed out that this was a 10 - 20 year plan. By using this Plan,
• the City will save a great deal of money because of coordinated efforts.
Joint Public Hearing - May 29, 1979 Page 5
Ted Sadoski said he is strongly in favor of the Master Plan. There was a time span
of 15 years between the Master Plans and it needed updating. Also, about Ward 6,
he takes questions in that area very seriously. He would like to hear if anyone
has strong objections about putting an industrial park there, but he feels there
is a strong need to get a good industrial base in the City. There has been much
consideration made for traffic flow and truck routes. The river provides us with
a natural base for industry. The area has all the requirements needed to bring
industry in. Other areas in the City do not have the train access or other things
needed. Councillor Cawley said there will not be any river there anymore. It
will be in a sub-surface culvert.
Mr. Paul Cote
33 Briggs Street, Salem
Mr. Cote wanted to know if it was true that the bulk of this Master Plan rests on
the fact that there will be a connector road in Salem. Walter Power said the
connector road affects the very vitality of the City. He feels the City may
stagnate without"',it. Councillor O'Keefe said it was a prime necessity. The Master
Plan encourages it.
Mr. Cote asked when it would be here, or is it still up in the air? Mr. Greg Senko
said since he has been here he has been working on the connector road. It is about
2-3 years away from actual construction.
• Ms. Marie Whitmore
4 Auburn Road, Salem
Ms. Whitmore asked if the people who made input into the Plan could be identified.
Cheryl Cooper said the Planning Board established different lists for each different
section. On the Environmental section, it consisted of the Conservation Commission,
the Recreation Department, the Park Department,. the Harbormaster, and several groups
of people living in different areas. When an article was in the paper, people would
call the Planning Department with their comments. People went into the neighborhoods.
Ms. Cooper said there is a very lengthy list of everyone who participated available
at', the Planning Department, the Main Library, and the City Clerk's Office.
Ms. Whitmore wanted to know what effect the Master Plan would have on zoning. Cheryl
said after adopting the Master Plan, the City Council would go through the Zoning' Ordin-
ance. section by section to see where rezoning would apply. Ted Sadoski said the
Planning Board, City Solicitor's Office, and City Council met for 15-20 weeks to
study the potential of rezoning the entire City. After this time, this group
decided it was wiser to wait until after this Master Plan to see what areas should
be rezoned. This is a second priority.
Mr. John Condon
City Electrician
Mr. Condon asked about the consolidation of inspections. Cheryl Cooper explained a
• proposal to have students or volunteer groups available to make recommendations.
Mr. Condon respectfully requested that the Planning Board consult with the City
Departments before making decisions in this area.
Joint Public Hearing - May 29, 1979 Page 6
There being no further questions from the audience, Councillor O'Keefe and Walter
Power declared the joint public hearing closed at 9:10 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
/acq7uelyn . Rybicki
Clerk, Planning Board
MAY 29, 1979
E.J. Brown Beverly Times
Paul W. Cote
Rita L. Pitcoff 38 Dearborn St. , Salem
Donald Derflinger 26 Hardy St. , Salem
Helen Derflinger 26 Hardy St. , Salem
Donald G. Gleason 9 Moffatt Road, Salem
Gary R. Daniels 7 Boardman St. , Salem
John A. Condon City Electrician
David Pelletier 5 Jacobs Ave. , Beverly
Ralph E. Hobbs Harbormaster
John J. Whitehead 8 Derby Street, Salem
• Jane S. Hobbs 7 Larchmont Rd. , Salem
Helene Gauthier 20 Loring Avenue, Salem
Bruce Shatswell 24 Andrew Street, Salem
Edward J. Sweeney 22 Silver Street, Salem .
Robert G. Dufour 7 Belleau Rd. , Salem (Veteran's Agent)
Carole Wagan 55 Harbor Street, Salem
Christine Sullivan 22 Chestnut Street, Salem
Frederick French, 28 Briggs Street, Salem
Atty. James M. Fleming 47 Buffum Street, Salem
Phyllis Olbrych 6 Patton Road, Salem
Marie Whitmore 4 Auburn Road, Salem
Bruce A. Erikson Shetland Properties
Roberto G. Tassinari 10 White Street, Salem
Stanley J. Burba 10 White Street, Salem
Mary Jennings Peabody Street, Salem
Ora A. Michaud 3 Sumner Road, Salem
James R. Michaud 140 Bay View Avenue, Salem
James F. Brennan 3 Mansell Pkwy. , Salem (Fire Chief)
David J. Goggin 9 Wisteria St. , Salem (Fire Lieutenant)
PLANNING BOARD Walter Power, Peter DiGangi, Paul D'Amour, Donald Hunt,
MEMBERS PRESENT: Abby Burns, Ted Sadoski and John Brown
ALSO PRESENT: Councillor Daly
Ms. Cheryl Cooper, Planner-in-Charge
Councillor Daly and Walter Power, Chairman of the Planning Board, opened the
joint public hearing of the City Council and the Planning Board at 7:45 P.M.
Walter Power explained what the last two public hearings covered and said tonight
would be a continuation of any questions.
Mr. Bob Caruso
Salem State College
Mr. Caruso said he was interested on time limitations on various action strategies.
Walter Power explained that was not set out. He explained the Master Plan and
said the various Boards could take the action strategies and make a plan from them.
Mrs. Phyllis Turner
202 Loring Avenue
Mrs. \Turner said she was against the Master Plan. Her comments concerned Pickman
Park. It was explained that Pickman Park was not part of the Master Plan.
Walter Power asked if there were any more questions. Hearing none, he and Councillor
Daly declared the third joint public hearing closed at 8:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted
ja/cq� yn A. Rybicki
Clerk, Planning Board
1 �}
MEMBERS PRESENT: Walter Power, Peter DiGangi; Paul D'Amour, Donald Hunt,
Abby Burns, Ted Sadoski and John Brown
MEMBERS ABSENT: Richard Lutts, William Wheaton
Cheryl Cooper presented a memorandum to the members of the Planning Board (attached
hereto and made a part hereof) . She explained the revisions requested by Bill Tinti.
A motion was made by Paul D'Amour and seconded by Abby Burns to adopt Nos. 1, 2 and
3 under Prior to Hearings in the memorandum. The motion passed unanimously.
The Planning Board members went through. the six elements of the Master Plan one by
one in order to discuss all points brought up at the three public hearings.
• 1. Forest River Park Tidal Gates. After much discussion on the tidal gates, it
was decided by a motion from Paul D'Amour and seconded by Peter DiGangi, that No. 9
under Pioneer Terrace to the Marblehead Line, Page 10, would read as follows :
"To encourage the continued use of Pickman paxkn as a beach and recreation area".
The motion passed unanimously. Numbers 7, 8 and 9 were reread. Ted Sadoski said
he feels the way No. 7 reads the gates will be open all the time. Walter Power said
there can still be continuous flushing while closing the gates on weekends. Ted
Sadoski disagreed. Peter DiGangi suggested the word "satisfactory" instead of
"continuous". A motion was made by Paul D'Amour and seconded by Abby Burns to retain
the wording as is, minus the dredging. The motion passed 4 - 2, with Ted Sadoski
and Peter DiGangi opposed.
2. The Islands. Cheryl Cooper read the proposed changes about the islands. There
followed a discussion on the pros and cons of conservation easements. A motion was
made by Peter DiGangi to modify the wording on Section (a) of The Islands, Page 10.
The motion passed 6 - 1, Ted Sadoski voting as opposed.
A motion was made by Peter DiGangi and seconded by Paul D'Amour that Section (a)
under The Islands shall read "to encourage private land owners to grant conservation
easements". The motion passed 6-1, Ted Sadoski opposed.
A motion was made by Paul D'Amour and seconded by Peter DiGangi to adopt the rest of
the segments proposed under Islands. The motion passed unanimously.
y' ti
June 7, 1979 Page 2
3. Winter Island. A motion was made by John Brown and seconded by Abby Burns
to confirm the Winter Island sections as presently in the Master Plan. The
motion passed unanimously.
4. Salem Common Restrictions. A motion was made by Abby Burns and seconded by
Peter DiGangi to adopt Salem Common, Lower Essex Street, Page 8, as amended by
Bill Tinti. The motion passed unanimously.
5. Collins Cove Park_. A motion was made by Donald Hunt and seconded by Abby
Burns to adopt the Collins Cove section as is. The motion passed unanimously.
6. Cat Cove Marine Laboratory. Under Salem Neck/Salem Willows/Winter Island/White
Street, Page 7, No. 5, the following wording was decided on: "5. To determine the
future use of the Cat Cove Marine Laboratory should the State divest itself of the
property. " Section (a) will remain as is. Donald Hunt made a motion, seconded by
Abby Burns, to adopt that wording. The motion passed unanimously.
7. Vest Pocket Parks - Ward 5. Under the "Point" Neighborhood, Page 9, Section 3,
John Brown made a motion, seconded by Abby Burns, to adopt the wording as is.
The motion passed unanimously.
• A motion was made by Ted Sadoski and seconded by Peter DiGangi that all changes
adopted in the Environment section shall be incorporated into the Waterfront section.
The motion passed 6-1 with Ted Sadoski abstaining.
Under the North River Channel Area, Page 1 and 2, it was decided to add a new
Section 1. (a) to read: "To examine the establishment of a park in the event that
industrial development proves infeasible. " The following sections will become (b) ,
(c) , (d) and (e) . A motion was made by Ted Sadoski and seconded by Donald Hunt to
adopt this added 'action strategy. The motion passed unanimously.
Regarding traffic lights, a motion was made by John Brown and seconded by Peter
DiGangi to leave the wording as written. The motion passed unanimously.
Regarding maintenance of the system, a motion was made by John Brown and seconded by
Peter DiGangi to adopt the wording as is written. The motion passed unanimously.
The suggestion of traffic lights at Jefferson Avenue and Jackson Streets was discussed
and a motion was made by Paul D'Amour and seconded by Abby Burns to adopt the wording
as is in the Master Plan. The motion passed unanimously.
Regarding the permit parking at Salem State College area, a motion was made by
Peter Di Gangi and seconded by John'Brown to adcept the statements as written in
the Master Plan. The motion passed unanimously.
• A motion was made by Ted Sadoski and seconded by Paul D'Amour that all changes adopted
in the Environment and Waterfront sections shall be incorporated in the Transportation
and Communications section. The motion passed unanimously.
June 7, 1979 Page 3
A motion was made by John Brown and seconded by Abby Burns that all changes adopted
in the Environment, Waterfront and Transportation and Communications sections shall
be incorporated in the Economy section. The motion passed unanimously.
Regarding Hotel/Motel sites, a motion was made by Ted Sadoski and seconded by
Peter DiGangi to leave the wording as is. The motion passed unanimously.
Regarding Civil Service, a motion was made by Paul D'Amour and seconded by Ted
Sadoski to leave the language as is. The motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by John Brown and seconded by Abby Burns that all changes adopted
in the other sections be incorporated .into the Community Facilities and Services
section. The motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Ted Sadoski and seconded by John Brown to change "all" to
"most" in No. 1 under Inspections, Page 3, so that the section will read "To
investigate the feasibility and problem resolution of consolidating most city
agencies. . . ." The motion passed unanimously. Ted Sadoski then made a motion,
seconded by John Brown, to adopt the section as amended. The motion passed unani-
Regarding Civil Defense, a motion was made by John.Brown and seconded by Peter
DiGangi to leave the wording as is. The motion passed unanimously.
Public Works services, Section (f) , was discussed and a motion was made by Paul
D'Amour and seconded by Abby Burns to keep the language as is. The motion passed
A memorandum presented by Mr. Jon Hardie, Director of the Council on Aging, was
reviewed and Mr. Hardie's suggestions regarding human services agency was discussed.
A motion was made by Peter DiGangi and seconded by Paul D'Amour to adopt the wording
as is in the Master Plan. The motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by John Brown and seconded by Abby Burns that all changes adopted
in other sections be incorporated into this section. The motion passed unanimously.
The Planning Board's position on rent control was reviewed and Walter Power made
a motion, seconded by Peter DiGangi, to accept No. 5 under Housing as is. The motion
passed unanimously.
June 7, 1979 Page 4
• A motion was made by Paul D'Amour and seconded by Abby Burns to adopt the Master
Plan. The motion passed unanimously (7-0) by the Planning Board members present
at 9:40 P.M. on June 7, 1979.
Cheryl Cooper asked each member of the Planning Board to go over the Zoning Ordinance
and Subdivision Regulations at the next meeting possible.
A motion was made to adjourn, and having passed unanimously, the meeting adjourned
at 9:50 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
acquelyn A. Rybicki
. y
r "
CITY PLANNER �,, ,R 01970
To: Members of the Salem Planning Board
From: Cheryl Cooper, Planner
Re: Citizen Comments and Questions
Items for Discussion, Potential Changes to Plan
Prior- to Board Adoption June 7
Date: June 6, 1979
The following items should be considered by the Board
prior to adoption of the Community Development Master Plan
Thursday, June 7 , 1979 .
1. Request for revisions by Bill Tinti (see my Memo dated
May 17 ) .
2 . Correction to page 24, Environment, Our Water Resources,
by Tony Fletcher clarifying Bill Tinti ' s question on
3 . Changes to text on the Salem Public Library, page 21 of
Community Facilities and Services , to further clarify
information about the Library.
? NOTE.. I. have instructed the typists to make the above
corrections as they are legitimate and clarify
confusing information.
The' Environment
*% l. Forest River Tidal Gates
2 . The Islands
3 . Winter Island
4. Salem Common Restrictions
• . .�L, S_. Collins Cove Park
6. Cat Cove Marine Lab
7 . Vest Pocket Parks - Ward 5 - Nathaniel Bowditch Park
. 8.. Leggs Hill Marsh
Page 2
•' The Waterfront
1. as in Environment, as above
2 . North River as a scenic river, not an industrial park.
Transportation and Communications
1. Traffic lights
2. Maintenance of system
3 . Jefferson Avenue/Jackson Street
4. Salem State College - permit parking
5. Bus routes - public/private system
6 . Speed control - Loring Avenue volumes
The Economy
1. Need for North River Industrial Park vs. scenic river
2 . North River Industrial Park Neighborhood Intrusion
3. Hotel/Motel sites
4. Forget everything else but business
5 . Tourism
6 . Connector Road
. 7 . Civil Service
® "Community Facilities and Services
1. Electrical Department objects to inclusion in group
recommended for further study re consolidation and
requests that all concerned agencies be consulted first.
2. Electrical Department requests meeting with concerned
parties to discuss relocation of Civil Defense and
MGL re wiring. (NOTE: Bill Tinti ' s recommendation
to include the phrase)
3. Civil Service
4. Young vs . Old - re Public Works tact of phrasing
5. Market Area Management Commission
6. Council on Aging Memo
j Housing
1. Rent Control
MEMBERS PRESENT: Walter Power, Paul D'Amour, Peter DiGangi, Ted Sadoski,
Donald Hunt, Abby Burns, William Wheaton
MEMBERS ABSENT: John Brown, Richard Lutts
Planning Board Chairman Walter Power called the meeting to order at 7:40 P.M.
MOTION by Paul D'Amour and seconded by Donald Hunt: Move to approve the Master
Plan public hearings minutes of May 29 and June 4, 1979. The motion passed
MOTION by Paul D'Amour and seconded by Peter DiGangi: Move to approve the Master
Plan public hearing minutes of June 7, 1979. The motion passed unanimously.
• MOTION by Paul D'Amour and seconded by Ted Sadoski: Move to approve the minutes
of June 21, 1979. The motion passed unanimously.
There was a general discussion on a Form A application of Henry and Ruth Winters
regarding property at Charles Street adjacent to 1133 Charles Street. A motion
was made by Peter DiGangi and seconded by Donald Hunt to approve the Form A,
approval under subdivision control law not required. The motion passed unanimously.
Susan Madison related a telephone conversation she had with the Massachusetts State
Building Code office. They cannot accept the proposal. The floodproofing guidelines
only applies to non-residential uses. Susan gave a book on alternative methods of
floodproofing to Attorney Donaldson. Paul D'Amour suggested a letter by written
to Mr. McKinnon to inform him of these regulations and tell him we would accept
a revision that would meet State requirements. Susan will write that.
Nicholas Decoules, owner of Wellington Park lots, appeared before the Planning
Board. He proposed releasing Lot 4. for sale and substituting Lot 5 instead. He
requested a figure to put up for bond. Ted Sadoski asked if there was any problem
with Lot 5 and Mr. Decoules said no. Donald Hunt pointed out that the Conservation
Commission stopped work there because of illegal dumping. Mr. Decoules said he
knew nothing about that.
July 5, 1979 Page 2
Walter Power asked why the items were not completed. Mr. Decoules said they
just didn't get around to it. The Board members reviewed the correspondence
from the Engineering Department.
Ted Sadoski asked about the drainage easement. Mr. Decoules said he didn't
think there was a request for a drainage easement. He stated the letters from
the Engineering Department are subsequent to the agreement, and the City has
been adding items not in the original agreement. Susan Madison read the minutes
of the meeting of December 18, 1975 stating the conditions for the release of
lots. Mr. Decoules said that was not the agreement and it is his right to have
a bond so that they can sell it, get the cash, and finish the work. William
Wheaton suggested that a bond be given for the value of the lot. Mr. Decoules
said he didn't think that was reasonable in light of the small amount of work
to be done. He is willing to pay $5,000.00 for the bond.
Ted Sadoski mentioned that Mr. Swenson's last correspondence did not include the
drainage pipe. Susan will call him regarding that.
Mr. Decoulas said he doesn't think the sidewalk by Lots 1 and 2 are included in
the original agreement. He said they were released "Subdivision approval not
required" and he doesn't feel he is responsible for that. William Wheaton
suggested that he get two prices for the bond from the Engineering Department,
one for Lot 4 and one for the sidewalk in front of Lots 1 and 2.
• Ted Sadoski suggested that we write to the City Solicitor keeping him informed.
Paul D'Amour suggested that we ask Bill Tinti if we can hold Lot 4 and still
demand the work be completed.
Jim Scanlon called from his new office at MBTA. There will be a public hearing
next Tuesday, July 9, and he requested a member of the Planning Board to come and
speak in favor of the proposal. Walter Power suggested sending a letter from
the Planning Board and asking Cheri Cooper to go through the Master Plan and pull
out the areas in the introduction and transportation sections and read it at the
public hearing.
The agenda for the July 13, 1979 meeting of the Board of Appeals was discussed.
Regarding the petition of Paul and Denise A. Richardson to change the existing
third floor rooms into a third apartment at 6 Pearl Street, William Wheaton suggested
a letter be written to the Board of Appeal saying we are opposed to the granting
of a Special Permit. The area is extremely dense and the proposed plan would not
meet the present requirements for density and furthermore, they would need five
parking spaces.
July 5, 1979 Page 3
Regarding the Petition of Harry M. Andrews, Trustee requesting a Special Permit
for the. property at 72 North Street and R-4 Franklin Street to integrate two
structures into one continuous structure to be used as a car wash and accessory
uses, it was suggested a letter be written to the Building Inspector informing
them of possible zoning infractions. A discussion followed and concern was
expressed regarding storage of cars or having a used car lot there. Susan will
follow progress on this.
Susan Madison suggested that Jacki Rybicki be made an Associate Member of the
Planning Board and that Susan resign from that position. A motion was made to
that effect by Abby Burns and seconded by Peter DiGangi and it passed unanimously.
A motion was made to adjourn, and having 'passed unanimously, the meeting was
adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mel" yn Rybicki
• Clerk
MEMBERS PRESENT: Walter Power, Paul D'Amour, Abby Burns, John Brown,
Richard Lutts, Peter DiGangi, Don Hunt
MEMBERS ABSENT: William Wheaton, Ted Sadoski
Planning Board Chairman Walter Power called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M.
Walter Power read the notice and opened the public hearing regarding
Subdivision Control Regulations. Susan Madison explained the changes in
the regulations regarding the Clerk of the Works and changes in the unit
• pricing rates (see attached) . Staley McDermet, 30 Dearborn Street, suggested
the Clerk of the Works be terminated from a job when substantial work was
completed, rather than all the work. The reason for this is that the
constractor could conceivably be forced to keep the Clerk of the Works on the
payroll many extra weeks while waiting for minor parts to be delivered. A
discussion followed regarding who would determine what "substantial" was.
Walter Power asked for additional comments for or against the additions, and
hearing none, declared the public hearing closed at 7:45 P.M.
MOTION by Donald Hunt and seconded by Peter DiGangi: Move to add a new
Section VII to the existing Subdivision Regulations. This section will read:
"Clerk of the Works
The Planning Board may require the services of a consultant to serve
as a Clerk of the Works to ensure that proper construction practices
have beem implemented according to the approved subdivision plans and
specifications and according to any additional standards or procedures
set forth in the covenant between the Planning Board and the Developer.
The Clerk of the Works shall be selected by the Planning Board and the
City Engineer and shall be directly responsible to the City Engineer.
The City shall be reimbursed on a monthly basis by the Developer for
the full cost of the inspection including the cost of insurance for
liability and accidents. The amount of payment shall be in accordance
with trade practices and shall be determined by the Planning Board and
City Engineer.
The Developer shall notify the Planning Board in writing eight weeks
• prior to commencing construction. The Clerk of the Works' term shall
begin eight weeks after the receipt of the letter from the Developer
by the Planning Board. The Clerk of the Works' term shall end when the
Planning Board receives written notice from the City Engineer stating
July 19, 1979 Page 2
that construction has been substantially completed according to the
approved subdivision plans and specifications and according to any
additional standards and procedures set forth in the covenant between
the Planning Board and the Developer."
In addition, to be deleted is a part of the present Section III B 5a on
Page 14 as follows:
The amount of the bond shall be determined by applying the actual surveyed
quantities multiplied by the following unit prices:
Unit Prices
1. Water mains, connections and related equipment, $10.00 per linear
foot and $400.00 per hydrant.
2. Sanitary sewer construction, $10.00 per linear foot and $350.00
per manhole.
3. Storm sewer construction, $7.00 per linear foot of drainage pipe,
$350.00 per catch basin.
4. Roadways - $15.00 per linear foot.
5. Sidewalks - $2.50 per linear foot.
. 6. Monuments - $30.00 per bound.
7. Trees - $20.00 per tree.
8. Curbing - Granite, $9.00 per linear foot; bituminous berm, $2.00
per linear foot.
9. Retaining walls, as determined by estimate - $60.00 per cubic yard.
10. Guard rails - $5.00 per linear foot.
11. Earth excavation (Maching) Excavated and removed from site - Add
$2.50 per cubic yard.
12. Earth excavation (Hand) Excavated and removed from site - Add $10.00
per cubic yard.
13. Backfill - Due to extra excavation - Add $4.00 per cubic yard.
14. Rock excavation - In open excavation removed from site. Earth rock
must be in excess of � Cubic yard - $15.00.
15. Rock excavation in Trenches - 3 feet wide or less (removed from site)
Earth rock must be in excess of ' cu. yd. - $20.00 per cu. yd.
16. Credit for each excavation omitted under rock and ledge excavation
- $0.60 per cu. yd. '
and added in its place, the words:
Unit Pricing for Bonds or Sureties
• The amount of the bond shall be determined by applying the actual surveyed
quantifies multiplied by the unit prices listed in the latest building
construction cost data manual used by the Engineering and Planning Depart-
July 19, 1979 Page
The motion passed unanimously.
The Board of Appeals granted Mr. Andrews a Special Permit. Susan Madison
then requested a determination of the' plan by the City Engineer. The City
Engineer determined that the plan was not significantly different from that
originally submitted relevant to the Wetlands/Flood Hazard Zoning.
MOTION by Richard Lutts and seconded by John Brown: Move that the changes
presented are not significantly different and do not require a new public
The motion passed unanimously.
Beverly McSwiggen, Real Estate Broker, explained that Mr. Litwin is selling
his house on Lot A (402 Essex Street)., and wants Lot B to be included with his
garage on Lot D. John Brown noted that the Planning Board cannot establish
a new lot and so it was stipulated that the designated lot line between Lot B
and D be eliminated. The conditions were noted on the plan.
• MOTION by Paul D'Amour and seconded by Richard Lutts: Move to approve the
Form A, approval under Subdivision ConErol Law not required, subject to the
condition that the designated lot line between Lot B and D be eliminated.
The motion passed unanimously, with Donald Hunt abstaining due to a conflict
of interest.
Wellington Park - Susan wrote to Bill Tinti asking about the Planning Board's
options regarding Wellington Park. Attorney Decoules will be at the next
meeting. The Engineering Department will present the Planning Board with the
cost estimate for the remaining work.
Fantoni - Mr. Fantoni is removing the fill from upper Highland Avenue.
Commuter Rail - At a public hearing scheduled July 10, 1979, Susan read the
letter prepared by Cheri Cooper.
The minutes of the joint public hearing of June 4, 1979 were reviewed and
changes made.
MOTION by Abby Burns and seconded by Paul D'Amour to approve the minutes of
• June 4, 1979 as amended. The motion passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted, JJ��
RybickiCler (�
�� Cnit of 'Salvill, C���ssttcl�usetts
3 '•,;'���-r' = � latutitt ' narl
Onr 2palrm (Breen
CLERK OF THE WORKS (New Section (Sect. VII of Subdivision Regulations)
The Planning Board may require the services of a consultant to serve
as a Clerk of the Works to ensure that proper construction practices have
been implemented according to the approved subdivision plans and speci-
fications and according to any additional standards or procedures set forth
in the covenant between the Planning Board and the Developer. The Clerk
of the Works shall be selected by the Planning Board and the City Engineer
and shall be directly responsible to the City Engineer.
The City shall be reimbursed on a monthly basis by the Developer for the
full cost of the inspection including the cost of insurance for liability and
• accidents. The amount of payment shall be in accordance with trade practices
and shall be determined by the Planning Board and City Engineer.
The Developer shall .notify the Planning Board in writing eight weeks
prior to commencing construction. The Clerk of the Works term shall begin
eight weeks after the receipt of the letter from the Developer by the
Planning Board. The Clerk of the Works' term shall end when the Planning
Board receives w itten notice from the City Engineer stating that construction
�S�sC `
has been completaccording to the approved subdivision plans and speci-
fications and according to any additional standards and procedures set forth
Yn the covenant between the Planning Board and the Developer.
Unit Pricing for Bonds or Sureties
The amount of the bond shall be determined by applying the actual sur-
veyed quantities multiplied by the unit prices listed in the latest
building construction cost data manual used by the Engineering and
Planning Departments.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Walter Power, Paul D'Amour, Peter DiGangi, Abby Burns,
John Brown and Donald Hunt
PRESENT: Councillors O'Keefe, Centorino, Rochna, Lovely, Daly and
ALSO PRESENT: Mr. W. Gregory Senko, City Planner
Ms. Cheryl Cooper, Planner-In-Charge
Mr. Bill Roache, Traffic Consultant
Mr. John Kennedy, Traffic Consultant
Community Development Chairman Brian O'Keefe called the joint public hearing of
the City Council and the Planning Board to order. He read the notice of the
meeting and introduced members of the City Council present. Mr. Walter Power,
Chairman of the Planning Board, introduced members of the Planning Board.
Councillor O'Keefe explained the rules of a public hearing. He said this was
• th_e second public hearing on the Master Plan. The first meeting was a general
introduction to the Plan. Tonight we will be having remarks by two traffic
consultants hired by the City, Mr. John Kennedy and Mr. Bill Roache. After that,
there will be questions and comments.
Councillor O'Keefe introduced Mr. Walter Power to explain the development of the
Master Plan. Mr. Power said the Master Plan has been two years in the making.
They tried for as broad a participation as they could get and hence the six areas
of the Plan. The policies in the Plan are undated and to .be used as a guide. There
are no priorities. They use action strategies.
Councillor O'Keefe thanked the Salem News for the series of articles they wrote and
the help they gave in getting the information to the public.
Councillor O'Keefe introduced Mr. Bill Roache and Mr. John Kennedy from Vanasse-Hangen
Design. They designed the study of traffic control for downtown. Mr. Roache said
he was the principal author of. the study. The study itself consists of four basic
elements. The primary goal was to enhance the transportation system. They wanted
to improve the access to the downtown area. Further goals were to insure ample
parking in the downtown area. Specific traffic problems are the North Street -
Summer Street area, Washington Street at Essex Street, the front of the Post Office
where there is a problem in terms of double parking. They also anticipated growth
in the City in their study. The existing parking system in the City is used very
efficiently. However, because of new land use, by 1983 there would be a space
deficiency of about 583 spaces.
June 4, 1979
.Public Hearing - Master Plan Page 2
• The recommendations covered two areas, the traffic area and the parking area.
They took into consideration circulation, traffic control, geometric modifications
and safety. In terms of traffic circulation, they recommended five minor modifica-
tions. They recommend reversal of traffic flow on Essex Street to the mall area.
The flow of Crombie Street will also be reversed to provide circulation to parking
spaces. The Lynde Street', Federal Street system shall be maintained. We have
also suggested that the -'off-ramp proposed to the connector road be maintained.
There are also some left hand turn prohibitions recommended.
They have suggested a traffic control improvement in the downtown area. North Street
at Federal and North Street at Essex were of special concern. Also Washington Street
at Canal, New Derby and Canal and others. There are ten streets which will be
They also suggested a minor widening of Summer Street to provide additional lane
capacity. This would require the removing of trees.
Parking improvements involved mostly providing off-street parking. Councillor
O'Keefe asked for questions and comments from the audience.
Mr. Donald Gleason
9 Moffatt Road
Mr. Gleason asked how are you going to lessen congestion from Canal Street to
• Federal. He thought we could do without a few traffic lights.
Mr. Kennedy responded that the plans they are suggesting project to 1983 and 1988.
The 1Fghts he is talking about wouldn't go in until 1982. The idea of coordinated
traffic systems can be handled in a series of ways. First, there is a 90 second
wait system. This would promote a movement of 10 or 12 cars. This will work at a
speed of 20 miles per hour. Signals are also designed for pedestrians. They will
provide some order by using progressively timed signals. Using this system, you
can channel traffic where you want it. You can control speed. It is an added
safety measure. Mr. Gleason said the distance is so short between those two sections
that it seems a shame to keep halting with traffic lights. Mr. Roache said he feels
there will be adequate control of flow. There are advances in technology that can
be applied to this type of street system.
Mr. Gleason asked who maintains the traffic signals now. Mr. Condon (City Electrician,
responding from the audience) stated that the City Electrician's office handles
maintenance. Mr. Gleason then asked why we have to hire a contractor. Mr. Roache
said this was a complicated job. It would require
specially trained men. This maintenance program would allow for someone trained
in these machines to get there right away in case of breakdown. The City Electrician
might have other priorities.
Councillor Centorino asked if the City could choose to adopt some suggestions in
the Master Plan and not others. Would that piecemeal decision be worse than not
doing anything? Mr. Roache said he would concur with that. They proposed these
. improvements with the idea of a total system. If you do not reverse the flow of
traffic on Essex Street and yet put a traffic signal there, you are going to end
up worse off than now. The proposals are interdependant. With the idea of a
coordinated system, they are spreading out the area of congestion. Mr. Roache
would rather see them implemented in total.
June'4, 1979
-Public Hearing - Master Plan Page 3
Ms. Annie Harris
131 Federal Street
Ms. Harris had four questions. 1) Is it possible to get a copy of the study?
2) What is the mechanism involved to respond to the study? 3) Summer and
Hawthorne Streets -- she would like more details on the reason behind it.
4) She would like some discussion on the connector and an update on that.
Councillor O'Keefe said copies of the Plan could be had at the Planning Department,
City Clerk's Office and the Salem Public Library.
Mr. Kennedy said there will be a lot of chances for the public to know when some-
thing was coming up. Abutters will be notified, notices will be in the paper,
etc. Mr. Roache said the widening of Summer and North Streets is minor, about
two feet on each side. The reason for this is that that corridor is overburdened.
On Hawthorne Boulevard, widening and removing parking would allow for freer
Mr. Senko said they are continuing work on the connector road. The construction
of the road would be another two years away.
Ms. Harris suggested three lanes on Summer Street instead of four. With the flow
on Essex Street reversed, perhaps that would take some of the burden off Summer
Street and the need would not be as great. Mr. Roache said the predominant movement
• on that part of the street comes from North Street. The reversal on Essex Street
would not affect it that greatly.
Ms. Marie Whitmore
4 Auborn Road
Ms. Whitmore commented on what a marvelous job was done on Riley Plaza 'traffic
when an officer had that area. That was the only effective control they have ever
had on Riley Plaza.
Mr. John Condon
City Electrician
Mr. Condon said he would rather discuss the maintenance of the traffic lights after
the meeting with Mr. Roache rather than on the floor, and asked to speak with him
Councillor O'Keefe asked for other questions on the traffic area that do not concern
Mr. John Giardi
9 Circle Hill Road
Mr. Giardi asked if any thought was given to traffic lights by Jefferson Avenue and
Jackson Street by the Public Garage. There is a lot of speeding there. Cheryl
• Cooper said she thought that speeding problem would be corrected by other methods
than lights -- through signs and street improvements, etc.
June 41 1979
Public Hearing - Master Plan Page 4
• Mr. Donald Gleason '
9 Moffatt Road
Mr. Gleason asked about parking at the south campus of Salem State. How would
a residential parking permit work? What about if you had company? Cheryl
Cooper said they are recommending that that be studied further. There are a
couple of parking permit systems that seem to be working well. Cambridge has
a system where a resident gets visitor stickers. Councillor Daly said the problem
with this system would be that it would be done throughout the City and not just
one area.
Mr. Paul W. Cote
33 Briggs Street
Mr. Cote is a candidate for Councillor-At-Large. Mr. Cote's question was about the
reduction of the MBTA bus routes in the City. Would we reduce what we pay to the
State? ' Cheryl Cooper said when the bus route is lessened, we will still pay, but
we would pay less. It is not in proportion however.
Mr. Cote asked about the statement that the City would develop its own bus system.
Mr. Cote said if this is going to be contracted out, please give it to a Salem
company and not an outsider who might charge less but not be as effective. Donald
Hunt said under State bidding law, he didn't think that could be done.
• Mr. Andy Lippman
131 Federal Street
Mr. Lippman wanted to know if there was some way of controlling the speed on
Federal Street so the residents can have some peace. Councillor O'Keefe said
there was some reference to a flashing yellow light at the intersection of
Federal and Flint Streets. Mr. Senko said we have problems with bumps because of
our plow drivers in a storm.
Mr. Lippman said he was -looking for a completely different approach to the problem
rather than lights. Perhaps angling stop signs differently or something.
Ms. Phyllis Olbrych
6 Patton Road
She is not in favor of a new Master Plan at this time. She asked what is the traffic
flow on Loring Avenue from Vinnon Square. 20,000 cars a day travel that road. Why
add 1,800 more cars on that road when there isa traffic problem already?
Councillor O'Keefe said there is a traffic flow summary at the back of the room.
Walter Power said regardless of what development is made in the future, there is
going to be added traffic. Ms. Olbrych said there would be a lot, less traffic if
there were 120 residential homes there rather than 300 duplex or quadruplex
apartments. She would like figures on that. Mr. Senko said the street can easily
take 1,800 more cars with no problem. He believes they can get figures she requested
• to her.
June 4, 1979
Public Hearing - Master Plan Page 5
Councillor O'Keefe asked that we gear ourselves toward the Waterfront Section
of the Master Plan. He read a communication from Mr. A. Russell Cuervels,
Chief of Laboratory, Cat Cove Marine Laboratory asking for reconsideration of
Section 5. (attached hereto and made a part hereof) .
Mr. Phillip Moran
415 Lafayette Street
Mr. Moran is an attorney and a member of the Waterways Advisory Committee. He
is taking strong exception to Items 7, 8 and 9 of the Pioneer Terrace to the
Marblehead Line Section on Pages 4 and 5. This could possibly get to a litigated
point: The neighbors have taken a strong position about the tidal gates. The
Waterways Advisory Board has gone on record as being in support of the neighbors.
From 1934 to 1978 the gates were closed almost every summer for the enjoyment of
the people. The people are genuinely concerned about this. For you to go on record
as being in favor of the flushing of the tidal basin is in direct conflict with
their view and pending litigation. Also, Nos. 6, 7 and 8 are in contradiction to
No. 9. He asked that these words be deleted from the Master Plan.
. Walter Power said this wording was the recommendation of the study committee. This
is part of the Conservation Commission's input from that area. Councillor O'Keefe
said there is a list available with the names of people who had input into this.
Walter Power said this is also part of the Environmental Section.
Councillor Centorino said some changes were made in the Master Plan. No. 9 was
added. That was not in the original draft. His impression was that the neighbors
were not opposed to the flushing, but their question was when the gates would be
opened and closed. Mr. Moran said his group is asking for the gates to be closed
only for summer weekends, 10 weeks in the year. Walter Power said they changed
the wording specifically so that there could be no conflict.
Mr. Moran spoke on the section entitled Islands, .Page 10. The Conservation
Commission came before the Waterways Advisory Board in order to ask Waterway's
approval of what he felt amounted to a take over by the Conservation Commission of 31 or
33 islands. The Waterways Advisory Board went on record as being opposed to a
take over. Their concern was based on what happened on Great Misery Island.
• Subsequently, they had another meeting to place the islands under the Coastal
Zoning Management. This looked really good but also turned out to be a take over.
Now he reads the same thing again in the Master Plan. The Conservation Commission
should not have control of these islands. He feels they are doing very well
without the Conservation Commission.
It also concerns him when he reads they want to put a wildlife sanctuary on one
of the islands and they do not say which one. The birds are doing just fine.
June 4, 1979
public Hearing - Master Plan Page 6
Mr. Donald Gleason
9 Moffatt Road
Mr. Gleason stated he thought the City of Salem owned the Common. Councillor
O'Keefe said the Commonwealth of Massachusetts owned the Salem Common. There
is zoning in the City which restricts activity in the area to recreation. We
are trying to address the problem of ownership and get clear title to the
place. Mr. Senko said. the fence is up for a national historic grant to be
repaired, Mr. Gleason suggested a change in the zoning to prevent development,
and Mr. Senko said he would be agreeable to that.
Ms. Linda Pacheco
Ward 5 Area
In the "Point" Neighborhood Area, Page 9, it talks about the development of a
park and marina. Where is the park going to be developed and when? Mr. Senko
said this is part of the South River District Plan, This is a gateway type of
pocket park. Right now there is no funding to do this under any existing grants
we are going for. The Nathaniel Bowditch Park is the overall park area we are
talking about. If we can get funding, the best guesstimate on actual work would
be two-three years away.
Ms. Annie Harris
• 131 Federal Street
What about the status of Winter Island? Councillor O'Keefe said it is in doubt.
Councillor Centorino said there is some dispute. The Plummer Home for Boys probably has
a legitimate claim to some part of Winter Island. We are now pretty close to
an agreement whereby the Plummer Home would deed its rights to the City if we would
make some provisions, Ms. Harris asked if Winter Island was protected against
private development. Councillor Centorino said it is not under protection now, but.
he doubts a private developer would go in there with all the trouble on ownership.
Mr. John McManus
Mr. McManus said he believed that Commons throughout the State were protected .
by State law for any other use other than recreation and enjoyment. Councillor
O'Keefe said he believes he is absolutely correct. There is some difficulty at
times however, determining what uses can be a recreational use. That is our
Ms. Diane Gates
12 Hancock Street
Ms. Gates asked about rent control. She feels it is a pity. Salem does not have it.
It is badly needed. Why was it rejected? Councillor O'Keefe said last year it was
• defeated and there has been nothing before the Council this year. Cheryl Cooper
said rent control does not necessarily improve the quality of housing. Landlords
are often discouraged from improving their property under rent control. Ms. Gates
June-4, 1979
"Public Hearing - Master Plan Page 7
asked if there was a possibility of bringing that up to the Council again.
Councillor O'Keefe said yes it could be brought up in any given year.
Mr. Gleason had a question on the Public Sector section. He is not in favor of
abolishing Civil Service. What will you proposed in its place? Councillor O'Keefe
said it is up for studying and not abolishing it. Councillor Centorino said a
Commission was formed in the City Council because of the Mayor's proposal to
withdraw from the Civil Service System. That Commission is now defunct. There
would be another system in effect before the City would ever withdraw.
Mr. Gleason expressed grave concern about the business of transferring old men to
make room for the young men. He thinks that is a slap in the face and that section
should be withdrawn. Councillor O'Keefe said he doesn't see that as a slap against
anyone. It would mean men performing jobs that they are qualified for and able to
do. Mr. Gleason felt that language could be handled a bit more tactfully.
On the question of the market, Mr. Gleason asked if we will ever get fresh
vegetables back. Councillor O'Keefe said we have an open market commission. One
of the difficulties is that there has not been full utilization. There will be
a Co-op there this summer. Walter Power said Page 6 of the Private Sector, letter
(d) addresses itself to that problem.
Mr. Paul Cote
33 Briggs Street
Mr. Cote said he has found that tourists are complaining about the lack of public
rest room facilities. Cheryl Cooper said that is being dealt with in a number of
sections. It is covered.
Mr. Jon Hardie submitted a communication from Salem Council on Aging to be included
in the record, (attached hereto and made a part hereof) .
There being no further questions from the audience, the joint public hearing was
declared closed by Councillor O'Keefe and Walter Power at 10:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
acqu'elyn A. Rybicki
JUNE 4, 1979
Mr, & Mrs.. John'E. Davidson 17 Pickman Road
Geraldine Cullen 27 Piclanan Road
Phyllis Turner 202 Loring Avenue
Robert Turner
Donald Gleason 9 Moffatt Road
Gerard Rocheleau 7 Pickman Road
Thelma LaBassiere 7 Pickman Road
John.A. Condon City Electrician
John J. Giardi 9 Circle .Hill Road
• Robert .P. Alexander 233 Lafayette Street
Jon .H, Hardie Council on Aging, 5 Broad Street
John ,J, Whitehead 8 Derby Street
Edna Panzini• 3 Riverway Road
Ron Gauthier (for .Sen, John King) School Street, Danvers
Natalea' Skvir 117 Columbus Avenue
W. .K. Everett 117 Columbus Avenue
Edite .Pedrpsa, 55 Harbor Street (Salem Housing Alliance)
• } c e!/e/La��irLerL� �J' "d/Le-e4 �ld�� aced
al ore ,�,ycam�� l�L2e��ppoGd.GO/�CL�O/�/L
Vae sae, Ja�irG 079700
May 21 , 1979
Mr. Brian O'Keefe, Chairman
Council Committee on Community Development
City Hall
93 Washington Street
Salem, MA 01970
Dear Mr. O'Keefe:
I have reviewed your Waterfront Strategies for the Community Development Master
Plan and consider the overall plan quite good. However, I must once again
• express my very strong objections to the wording in the Salem Neck Section,
Items 5 and 5a--11To determine the future disposition of the Cat Cove Marine
Laboratory." This site was properly deeded to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,
and the Department of Natural Resources has spent considerable sums of money
developing' this facility. It seems to me presumptuous to consider how ,to ;'.
dispose of someone else's property.
Under Section 5a, the wording appears more reasonable, "To investigate the
feasibility of City or private acquisition of Smith Pool and the Marine Lab
property for use as a marina if the Lab closes." My strongest objections here
would be that this site is totally inappropriate for a marina. It goes completely
dry at low tide and would require extensive dredging and maintenance to be used
for a marina. In addition, the Division of Marine Fisheries has no plans to
close the laboratory in the foreseeable future. This laboratory is also our _
North Shore field headquarters and as such, provides office space and clerical
facilities for nineteen people.
I hope you will reconsider the appropriateness of Salem Neck Section 5 in your
Very truly yours,
A. u sell4u .1s
Chief of Laboratory
• :mg
cc: Arthur P. Chesmore, Division of Marine Fisheries _
Cheryl Cooper, Planner-in-Charge
Walter Power III , Chairman of the Salem Planning Board
Carron W.Talbot II
• C V > Claire T.Ahern
Vice Chairperson
+ Cho9sle F.Kowalski
Jon H.Hardie
SALEM COUNCIL ON AGING • 744-0924 Olector of Elder Alfaira
Testimony on behalf of the Salem Council on Aging in response to the
Community Development Master Plan Action Strategies developed by the
Salem Planning Board.
Testimony given before the Salem Planning Board and City Council on
Monday evening, June 4,1979;by Jon H. Hardie, Director of Elder Affairs
I'd like to congratulate the Planning Board and staff on a comprehensive
and well-thought-out master plan as reflected in the action strategies.
And, I would like to briefly respond to several of the action strategies
formulated in the plan as they impact on both the elderlyiand human
services planning for the city.
1. The annual plan for service of the SCOA speaks to five of the major
areas of service identified in the community facilities and services action
strategies and these areas are:
la. The development of an elderly services task force to
coordinate the non-duplicated,cost effective and needs ,
based delivery of needed services to Salem's 8000 elderly.
lb. This group of thirty agencies has been meeting since January
and the results have been very positive and dramatic.
As a result, I would strongly support the development of
a city-wide human services task force,to meet monthly to
coordinate the delivery of all .human' services to residents
of the city;as identified in HSA 1&2,CFA 2, Pers 7a.
2a. The development of a comprehensive human services , demographic,
needs, services/resources data base by census block to permit
ongoing planning, long range planning, program evaluation
coordination,cost control, reduction in duplication and
ease of access to available services through a small micro-processor
based system.
2b. SCOA has received a grant to develop such a system, in part
from local CD funds and anticipates an additional grant from
the State DEA;to complete this year,the development of such a
system linked to the city Data Processing Center with the
resources available to all city agencies ,and human servces
agencies serving the city elderly; as identified in HSA l,b,c,d,e
and 2, CFA 2 & 3 and Pers 7a.
3a. The development of an emergency services task force to identify
and coordinate the delivery of emergency services to the elderly
• in the city.
3b . This group consisting of fire,police, Civil Defense, Red Cross,
[National Guard, and our own staff has been meeting since january
on a monthly basis to develop an emergency services plan and
to identify needs and communicate existing available services.
Five Broad Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970
_ 1
Page 2
Testimony before the Salem Planning Board and City Council
Re: Community Dev. Master Plan Community 'Facilities and Services
action strategies
by: Jon H. Hardie, Director of Elder Affairs
3b. The positive response of the participants and the
movement toward a comprehensive emergency/disaster
plan is a direct acknowledgement of the issues raised
'under Emergency Services 1,2 b,d,e,i and Police 2b ,
The cooperation and active participation and valuable
information,planning and problem solving has made this
and other task forces,positive,productive;and,we all
believe, will(and does each day)improve the delivery of
needed services through improved communication,cooperation,
understanding,appropriate referral and use of service
and the daily interagency problem solving.
4a. The development of an accurate,city-wide data base management
system for program audit/cost analysis, needs based
planning for all human services agencies.'. .and this is
made even more critical in the light of reduced dollars.
4b. The implementation of the previously mentioned data base
management system,this year,has tremendous potential for
• being a model for the kind of inter-agency city-wide
needs and services planning,program audit and cost control V
identified in the Fiscal Agencies 2,3. It is important
the fiscal and managerial audits alone are not sufficient;
and program/services audits are critical and essential:
who,what,when,where,at what cost, per unit-per person is
as important as management and fiscal audit.
5a The effective utilization of existing facilities,staff
and resources for the provision of coordinated,non-duplicated
and cost effective services,to respond to priority needs:
and not simply expend all resources based upon who ever
walks in the door. f
5b. 3 out of four persons needing human services never do get
connected to the right person at the right agency. The city
human services represent only a fraction of all human services
agencies available to city residents. It is simplistic to
believe that lumping them all together, physicallylbetter
meets the needs of those needing services. It is an example of
a systems-based rather than a needs-based system. A small
micro-computer,terminal and city data processing network,
linking human services agencies,can reduce data entry, result
in more responsive information and appropriate referral while
maintaining services in the neighborhoods where people
feel comfortable,secure and familiar.
In short,l_es to coordinated planning, computer based data base management and
• cooperation coordination to reduce duplication and cost. . .but no to putting
everyone in the same physical plant. What we need to plan and coordinate
services as human services professionals: ie to run the system. . .is not at
all what people in the community need to access services in their own
neighborhoods. . .and we need to be very careful not
ttoogeget the two confused.
Thank you for the opportunity to respond.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Walter Power, Paul D'Amour, John Brown, Ted Sadoski,
William Wheaton, Don Hunt
MEMBERS ABSENT: Abby Burns, Peter DiGangi, Richard Lutts
ALSO PRESENT: Greg Senko, City Planner
Michael Moniz, Planning Department
Planning Board Chairman Walter Power called the public hearing to order_at 7:30 P.M.
Walter Power read the notice for the public hearing. He introduced Michael
Moniz from the Planning Department to the audience present and Michael explained
the walkway project. Construction is anticipated in late fall or early next
spring. The project will cost $150,000.00; $60,000.00 of that is lighting.
There followed a lengthy discussion on various ways to protect the bituminous
concrete walkway against storm damage. It was suggested the rip rap be raised
two feet higher. Michael felt a retaining wall could easily trap the waves and
create a problem. Mr. Edmond Sicotte, 35 Andrew Street, said there are stones
there now and they could act as a stopper for the water. He said there was a
pipe down there which has been taken out. Now the water flows back in and
could create problems.
Mr. Bruce Shatswell, 24 Andrews Street, asked what ground covers would be used
and if there were any future plans for the further development of Collins Cove.
Mr. Moniz explained the ground covers planned were chosen because of their
ability to withstand seawater. Walter Power referred Mr. Shatswell to the
Master Plan, and explained the City's general direction as to Collins Cove.
Mr. Joseph Hedio, 17 Boardman Street, said the neighborhood is overrun with dogs
and he felt people would use the area to walk dogs and make a mess of it.
Mrs. Elizabeth Pydynkowski, 54 Boardman Street, expressed concern over gangs
hanging about there causing destruction. Michael Moniz said lighting should
help that area. The lighting to be installed will withstand stone throwing.
Ted Sadoski asked if the underground wiring will be able to withstand seawater
and Mr. Moniz said there were designed with that in mind.
. Mr. Joseph Collers, 78 Webb Street, said he would like to see something done
before this winter to protect the area against the water backing up. Since the
pipe has been removed, he fears a lot of cellar damage. Ted Sadoski asked if
Salem Planning Board
August 2, 1979 Page 2
they could use gravel fill to bank out from the riprap to the sidewalk to give
the neighbors some protection against the water. Mr. Moniz said the Planning
Department would need written easements before doing anything, but barring
this, the idea could be considered and he will look into it.
Walter Power read the comments from the other boards. The Conservation Commission
needed further information. They were concerned about possible flooding.
Walter Power declared the public hearing closed at 8:15 P.M. It was agreed that
action would be taken at the next meeting.
Attorney William Donaldson, 6 Lynne Street, explained that the blueprints now
have a slab foundation. The furnace will go in the attic. The City Engineer
wrote a letter concurring with the plan (attached hereto and made a part hereof) .
A motion was made by John Brown and seconded by Ted Sadoski to write a letter to
the Building Inspector saying the flood hazard zoning is not applicable under
Section VII B of the Supplementary Regulations. The motion passed unanimously.
. Susan Madison met with Bill Tinti. She explained to Attorney Decoules and the
Board that Rich Swenson's letter is binding regarding the sidewalks to be
constructed in front of Lots 1 and 2. Attorney Decoules said he has no problems
putting in the sidewalks but the area is so beautifully landscaped now he hates
to see it ruined. He suggested as the homeowners involved whether they want
to pull up their shrubbery or not. Ted Sadoski said, in his opinion, the Planning
Board could not give approval to abandoning the sidewalks there because the
Planning Board has a responsibility if anyone were to be hurt. Attorney Decoules
said he would do as the Board pleases.
Susan said Rich Swenson checked the drainage pipe there and it has been constructed
as shown on the plan. Walter Power read Mr. Swenson's letter (attached hereto and
made a part hereof) .
Ted Sadoski asked about the drain easements. Susan found Lots 4 & 5 and 7 & 8
were recorded at the Registry.
As a citizen of that area, Ted Sadoski expressed concern about the beach easement.
Attorney Decoules pointed out in the agreement that the right of way can be
moved and placed anywhere at his discretion. Ted Sadoski asked that when Attorney
Decoules decided where to put the right of way, that he notify the Planning
Board of this. Attorney Decoules said he would do that.
A motion was made by Ted Sadoski and seconded by John Brown to request the
City Solicitor to prepare with Attorney Decoules a bond covenant based on the
• letter from the City Eningeer's Department; and that the City Solicitor put
in the covenant a reasonable time limit on complying with the requirements.
The motion passed unanimously.
Salem Planning Board
• August 2, 1979 Page 3
Greg Senko introduced Ms. Robin Campbell, Assistant City Planner, to the Board
(resume attached hereto) . Mr. Senko said Ms. Campbell has been working with
'the Planning Department for seven weeks and he requested the Planning Board's
A motion was made by John Brown and seconded by William Wheaton to concur with
Mr. Senko's recommendations under Chapter 19 of the City Ordinance. The motion
passed unanimously.
Mr. Senko then introduced Willa Small, who will be an assistant to Robin.
Mr. Senko met with bank officials who asked for his suggestions in developing the
land. Greg suggested they work with the various boards in the City to get a good
developer. They have come back with a site plan which Mr. Senko presented. The
basic question is whether or not the Planning Board should entertain a motion to
rescind its approval from the agreements. After much discussion, it was decided
that the Planning Board needed more input. Greg will come in again at the first
• meeting in September.
Cheri is coming in at the next meeting to talk about zoning. If anyone is not
going to be present, she requested they submit any ideas they may have in writing
to her before then.
Susan reported that the City Council cut $250.00 from the Planning Board budget
for the telephone.
William Wheaton presented the Historical Commission's report regarding the
removal of 2 Blaney Street from the Derby Street Historic District. It was
decided to write a letter to the Historical Commission supporting their position.
A motion was made by William Wheaton and seconded by Donald Hunt that the
following letter be sent to the Historical Commission: "Irrespective of the
merits of the particular case at hand, the Planning Board supports the Salem
Historical Commission and agrees that the correct avenue for an aggrieved property
onwer is appeal to the Superior Court rather than making particular changes in
zoning law to suit individuals. Such a process constitutes 'spot zoning' in our
opinion and circumvents the zoning law and the planning process." The motion
passed unanimously, with Paul D'Amour voting present.
A motion was made to adjourn, and having passed unanimously,, the meeting adjourned
at 10:30 P.M.
• Respe tfull/y submitted,
aequelyn A. Rybicki
• a
(9itV of jMem, f ttssar4usetfs
Department of public Rlorks
(one alem (green
DIRECTOR of PUBLIC SERVICES Assistant Civil Engineer
July 27, 1979
Mr. Walter Power, Chairman
Salem Planning Board
One Salem Green
Salem, MA. 01970
RE: William & Adele McKennan
18-20 Koscuisko Street, Salem
• Dear Mr. Power:
I have reviewed the resubmission of the construction plans for this dwelling
and have determined that the elimination of the basement does not significantly differ
from the original plan presented to the Board. The first floor elevation is in con-
formance with the Wetlands Flood Hazard Zoning Laws, and all other siting and construc-
tion has not been altered.
Very truly yours,
A. V. Fletcher, P.E.
City Engineer
Director of Public Services
Copy: Building Department
Salem Conservation Commission
Board of Health
Attorney Donaldson
,f.l wig
?ry i
� W�y
CCU of 'Salem, 'Massadjusetts
pepartu ent of Public Porlm
(One �alrm 03rrrn
DIRECTOR of PUBLIC SERVICES Assistant Civil Engineer
August 2, 1979
Mr. Walter Power
Chairman, Planning Board
One Salem Green
Salem, MA 01970
Dear Mr. Power:
After field inspection and rechecking all records of this Department, I
• _. have determined the following:
A. The storm drain on lots 4 and 5 has been constructed as shown on
"Plan of Drain & Easement in Salem, Mass. , July 5, 1974 by Bay State Survey
Service" which is recorded at the Registry of Deeds with easements in Book
6215 page 598. .
B. The high water line was revised by the Engineer on the final subdivision
C. * Dearborn Lane is pitched down to the east. The subdivision plan shows the
centerline profile rising to the east. Therefore a revised centerline
profile should be submitted along with the sideline profiles mentioned
in earlier correspondence.
D. The nearest street light is located at the intersection of Larch
Avenue and Dearborn Lane. Arrangements for additional lighting on the
street should be made by the owner with Massachusetts Electric Company.
I have estimated the cost of the construction of bituminous berm, bituminous
sidewalk and the installation of stone bounds, as well as engineering and
drafting costs as approximately $3500.
I am also including a copy of the deed and plan of Willis Ropes et al to
North Shore Babies Hospital which outlines rights retained by the grantors
• to a beach on what is now part of Lot 4 of the subdivision.
Richard Swenson
Assistant Civil. Engineer.
38 Ellery St.
Cambridge, MA 02138
(617) 661-9724
Candidate for Master's Degree in City and Regional Planning, June 1979.
Joint specialization in Social Policy and Economic Development.
B.A. in Sociology, January 1975, accelerated program.
Semester at Syracuse University, Program in Social Services, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands.
1978 Community Development Planner. Developed program to combine rehabilitation
of South End/Lower Roxbury housing for low-income residents, with training
and employment of low-income neighborhood youth. Researched public and
private funding sources and implemented unique cross-cutting approach to
funding. Prepared grant applications, and solicited local government and
community support.
01976.1 1977 LOUIS, INC. CAMBRIDGE, MA
Assistant Store Manager, Harvard Square. Assisted in managing operations,
sales, personnel, and bookkeeping.
Assistant Buyer of Cosmetics. Purchased $2 million worth of goods per year
for 17 stores in the Baltimore-Washington area. Managed financial accounts.
Adjusted inventories through interstore transfers, management of warehouse
activities and purchase decisions. Jointly supervised 17 department managers
and approximately 100 salespeople.
Assistant to the Director of Information and Education. Established Planned
Parenthood branch on the campus of Goucher College. Organized and implemented
lecture series. Assisted in providing information and educational services
to communities throughout Maryland.
Worked as general office employee and jointly set up the first Newport Jazz
,' Festival ticket office in New York City.
FERENCES References available on request.
• V 'O T E
WHEREAS, . the Salem Planning Board , in accordance with the
powers and duties vested in it entered into certain agreements
between. the Salem Planning Board (hereinafter S.P.B. ) and the
Trustees of : Loring Hills Developers Trust, (hereinafter Loring)
relative to the proposed development of approximately eighty (80)
acres of land owned by said Loring off Loring Avenue, pursuant
to a preliminary subdivision plan. filed January 30 , 1975 and the
definitive subdivision plans filed by Loring thereafter , and
WHEREAS, . the particular instruments and agreements which
the S .P..B. authorized are. the following:
1. "Agreement, in Principal" between the
TRUST, Charles Quigley, Herman Brettman,
. Trustees,
Effectuating. the "Agreement in Principle" were the following
further_ instruments and agreements:
2. Stipulation and Release 'of Charles Quigley
and Herman Brettman, Trustees of the Loring
Hills Developers Trust,
3 . Conditions of Approval; .
4. Release and Covenant not to sue; and
5. Agreement relating to taxes; and,
WHEREAS, the S.P.B. signed each of these documents and forwarded
them to the Trustees of Loring Hills Developers Trust for signatures
by all of the Trustees, and ,
WHEREAS, the Trustees of Loring Hills Developers Trust failed
• to return to- the Planning Board the Agreements duly signed by all
of the Trustees, and,
WHEREAS, a substantial period of time has elapsed since each
instrument and all of the instruments were forwarded. for all
of the Trustees signatures, and ,
WHEREAS, the Trustees of' Loring no longer own the. •land which
is the subject of those agreements., and
NOW THEREFORE, the S.P.B. hereby rescinds, revokes and
withdraws its approval from these Agreements and terminates its
offer to agree to. the terms and conditions set forth in those
instruments on. the basis that Loring has failed to, and cannot now,
accept the terms and conditions of those agreements.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Walter Power, Paul D'Amour, Peter DiGangi, Abby Burns,
John Brown, Richard Lutts, Ted Sadoski
MEMBERS ABSENT: William Wheaton, Donald Hunt
ALSO PRESENT: Ms. Cheri Cooper, Asst. City Planner
Mr. Nicholas Decoules
Planning Board Chairman Walter Power opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. He
remarked that the meetings of late have been disorganized and requested the
cooperation of all board members to set new rules of decorum. Mr. Power
requested board members to direct all questions through the Chair.
A motion was made by Paul D'Amour and seconded by Peter DiGangi to approve the
minutes of June 7, 1979 as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
• A motion was made by Paul D'Amour and seconded by Peter DiGangi to approve the
minutes of July 5, 1979 as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Richard Lutts and seconded by Abby Burns to approve the
minutes of July 19, 1979 as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
Corrections were made in the minutes of August 2, 1979, and a motion was made
by Ted Sadoski and seconded by John Brown to approve the minutes of August 2,
1979 as amended. The motion passed unanimously.
DEARBORN LANE -- New Performance Guarantee
Susan Madison reported that the time limit set by City Solicitor Bill Tinti for
the completion of the work is si# months. Attorney Decoules wrote a letter to
the abutters telling ,them to remove all landscaping so the sidewalks can be
installed (attached hereto and made a part hereof) . The neighbors are objecting
and have been calling Susan Madison and Richard Stafford. Ted Sadoski requested
that Susan ask Bill Tinti what the Board's liability is for the sidewalks. Ted
Sadoski felt that taking out ground cover and grass is a small price to pay
compared to the safety of children in the area. Susan told the neighbors she
was going to the City Solicitor to see what options are open and she would notify
them. Walter Power suggested we put off the decision on the sidewalks until';
Bill Tinti lets us know if we have any options. Walter Power mentioned it was
his understanding that the Planning Board could take action on the Covenant and
Salem Planning Board
August 16, 1979 Page 2
if changes needed to be made regarding the sidewalks, the Board could do
that later. The Chairman suggested board members go through the area to
familiarize themselves with it. Susan Madison will take pictures of the
area. Attorney Decoules requested a quick decision.
Ms. Madison reported that the Covenant incorporates the points in Mr. Swenson's
letters of June 22, July 5, and August 2, 1979. The Bond is for $3,500.00. The
Board members reviewed the Bond Covenant sent by Attorney Decoulos and approved
by Bill Tinti. Walter Power executed the Security Deposit. Attorney Decoulos
submitted the Assignment. The money has been deposited in the Colonial Bank.
Attorney Decoulos signed the Security Deposit.
A motion was made by Peter DiGangi and seconded by Paul D'Amour that the
Planning Board accept and execute the Release of Conditions pertaining to
the agreement entered into by the original Trustees and the Planning Board
and extended to the Trustees, heirs and assigns pertinent to Lot 4 as recorded
in Book 5997, Page 382, at the Essex South District Registry of Deeds; and
accept in lieu thereof the Security Deposit of $3,500.00 with the understanding
of all parties that said conditions be complied with by December 31, 1979 or
said security deposit will be forfeited. The motion passed unanimously.
The Release of Conditions was signed and notarized.
Susan Madison invited members of the Planning Board and their families to walk
the new nature trail on Monday, August 27, 1979 at 6:00 P.M. The Mayor will be
there and the families of the workers.
Susan also invited Board members to a farewell dinner for Cheri Cooper on
August 22, 1979. The Board decided to present Ms. Cooper at that time with a
Revere bowl inscribed in appreciation from the Salem Planning Board. The Clerk
will make the purchase.
Ted Sadoski suggested the Board write letters to David Lash and Nancy Kepes
thanking them for their help. Susan will write the letters.
Ted Sadoski reported that he looked over the area and it is his opinion that
from the riprap line to the seaweed line that is there (45 feet approximately)
and then to the property lines beyond the beach toward the Willows (about 25
feet) , he saw no survey stakes. He raised three issues. He questioned the long
term stability of the gravel to be put in there, Secondly, he doesn't see
anything being done to protect the properties abutting on Webb Street. Thirdly,
he wants the crushed stone be' put in place as soon as possible to build up the
slope. He questioned what engineering has been done to assure us that this
• will last more than a couple of years. Discussion followed on ways of putting
in the crushed stone as soon as possible. Michael Moniz said anything to be
Salem Planning Board
August 16, 1979 Page 3
added on to the plan could be in the form of a recommendation. He felt that
would be the best way to add protection for abutters. T The Planning
Department still doesn't have permission to go in there.It was agreed that
the riprap should be built up. The crushed gravel would have to be increased
in depth. Mr. Moniz said that it was possible to get that done under the
present plan. Mr. Moniz pointed out that if we raise the riprap two feet, it
doesn't mean the gravel will have to be raised two feet. Plans are adjusted
in the field.
A motion was made by Ted Sadoski and seconded by John Brown that a Wetlands/Flood
Hazard Special Permit be issued to Mr. Michael Moniz, City of Salem Planning
Department, for the Collins Cove Walkway. The motion passed unanimously.
Ted Sadoski requested a letter be sent to Mr. Moniz in the Planning Department
setting forth the Board's recommendations. A motion was made by John Brown
and seconded by Peter DiGangi to write such a letter (attached hereto and made
a part hereof) . The motion passed unanimously.
To keep the Board up to date, Michael Moniz reported that New England Power has
requested the City secure $5,000,000.00 worth of insurance. This is presently
being negotiated.
• PICKMAN PARK - Subdivision
Susan Madison met with John Carter regarding Pickman Park. There is a
problem with the proposed sewer. There is talk of some kind of agreement
in the form of an easement between Pickman Park and Loring Hills. We are
changing the original plan that was laid out because of the Loring Hills
development. Since that has not come, the' sewerage layout was eliminated.
The sewer is designed to be 25 feet down'. This would be costly to the
developer with high. maintenance in the future. There may be a chance this
can be raised. This recommendation' is coming from the Engineering Department.
Another problem is that the Planning Board, in a Special Permit, assured a 75 foot
buffer zone. Ted Sadoski said he was pretty sure there were exceptions made to
this and Susan will look that up. There are other minor clerical things. Susan
is hoping the Pickman Park subdivision plan will be ready to sign at the next
meeting. The City very much wants and needs the deed to the conservation land
parcel. Mr. Dibiase is not giving us this plan. The subdivision plan has been
approved with conditions but not signed. Paul D'Amour recommended that the City
Engineer come in before the Planning Board to explain future sewer extensions in
that area.
Ms. Cooper reported the bid for the printing of the Master Plan will go out this
week and it should be printed by mid September.
Salem Planning Board
August 16, 1979 Page 4
Ms. Cooper said she came before the Board for input on zoning. The only
input she has received to date is a paragraph on B-5. She said the industrial
section doesn't state what kind of industry is wanted in the City. She was
in favor of making it easy for a company to expand providing it is not directly
abutting a single residence.
The present ordinance states that tool sheds, pools or other small structures
be set back substantially from the lot line. Ms. Cooper felt this could be
modified. She felt these could be moved closer to the lot lines. She thought
of an intent preamble saying we are looking for consistency in the neighborhoods.
The pros and cons of dormers, condominiums, and flea markets were discussed and
ways of fostering inovative ideas on land use. Paul D'Amour suggested we check
into the rights of people who have solar heating.
Regarding parking, Ms. Cooper asked if we should push the burden on the
developer to provide parking, or should the City take it over. As it presently
is now, the City has said they would be responsible but they have not done so.
Cheri is recommending that the sign ordinance be a part of the zoning ordinance.
Ted Sadoski mentioned that the sign ordinance was at one time a part of the zoning
ordinance and he thought there were strong arguments given to take it out. Cheri
• will look into that.
The Islands at the present time are zoned R-C for use. There are two kinds
of regulations -- use regulations and density regulations. They have no
density regulations on the islands.
A motion was made to adjourn, and having passed unanimously, the meeting adjourned
at 10:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ja lyn Rybicki
AREA CODE 817 PEABODY 532-1020
BOSTON 284-1200
RESIDENCE 532-0018
August 3 , 1979 ,
Mr . Robert M. St . Pierre
9 Larch Avenue
Salem, MAt' 97OE
Dear Mr . $t, Pierre.; ` !s
Please be advised that ot4n the remaining lots of land
on Dearborn Lane , and one of the,. obli�atipns of that ownership
0 is to.compkcthe installation of the-, utilities as was agreed
by the spriol-eje r ,ornet., wh.1ch', incliideg the initallation of side-
• On August 2 , 1979 , I viewer the area which is to be side-
walked and , much to my surprise , I found that you have com-
pletely landscaped it . I reyuestec the Planning Board to waive
the Rules and ReLulations as it applies to the installation of
the sidewalks where you have landscaped . Several members of
the Planning Board insisted that I 'install the sidewalks , which
leaves me no alternative than to ask you to remove the land-
scaping which you have placed on the areas where the sidewalks
are to be .located , in order that I may fully perf.oru the agree-
ment between the City of balem and me .
Will you )lease contact me upon receipt of this letter so
that we may mae the necessary arrangements . Thank you.
Very truly yours ,
NJU: aw
cc : City of Salem Planning Board
AREA CODE e17 PEASODY 532-1020
BOSTON 284-1200 '
RESIDENCE 532-001e
August .3, 1979
Mrs . Regina Westard
7 Larch Avenue
Saler, MA 01970
Dear Mrs . Ylestard:
Please be advised that I own the remaining lots of land
on Dearborn Lane , and one of the obli4ations of that ownership
0 is to complete the installation of the utilities as was agreed
by the prior owner , which includes the installation of side-
walks .
• On August 2, 1979 , I viewed the area which is to be side-
walked and , iuuch to Q iAy`,sLqIrrise . 'I fbunc hist; you have con-
pletely landscapce it . " I requbst66 *Ma eYl3nning hoard to waive
the Rules anu Regulations as it ap 7,�1os. to the installation of
the sidewalks where .you havp l nus ,YVvod.; $ vmfal t:eLbers of
the Planning board insisted thdt I ltistall the sidewalks , which
leaves >ia no alternative than to ask you to .rewove the land-
scaping which you have pkaeed on ;t#e• dmksI twhei�a the sidewalks
are to be located , in oruer that T t ayil ptsrfofl -the agree-
ment between the City of 5al6b and� te .
Will youpplease contact me upon receipt of this letter so
that we may make the necessary arrangements . Thank you.
Very truly yours ,
cc : City of Salem Planning Board
AREA CODE 617 PEABODY 532-1020 -
BOSTON 284-1200
August - 3 , 1979
Mr .' Frederick M. Piecewicz
14 Bayview Circle
Salem, MA 01970
Dear Mr. Piecewicz:
Please be advised that I own the remaining lots of land
on Dearborn Lane , and one of the oblitations of that ownership
0 is to complete the installation of the utilities as was agreed
by the prior owner , which includes the installation of side-
walks .
On August 2 , 1979 , I viewed the area which is to be side-
walked and, r,uch to my surprise , I found that you have com-
pletely landscape4 it . I requested the Planning, board to waive
the Rules and het,ulations as it applies to the installation of
the sidewalks where you have landscaped. Several members of
the Planninj Board insisted that I install the sidewalks , which
leaves Tae no alternative than to ask you to rer,;ove the land-
scaping; waich you have placed on tho areas where the sidewalks
are to be located , in order that I may fully perform the agree-
ment between the City of Saler:, and me .
Will you please contact me upon receipt of this letter so
that we may make the necessary arrangements . Thank you.
Very truly yours ,
cc : City of Salem Planning Board
r I
• I
The Planning Board of the City of Salem hereby releases
Robert R. Wall Trustee of the Larch Realty Trust , and his suc-
cessors and assigns , and, in particular , Nicholas J . Decoulos
as he is Trustee of the Dearborn Lane Realty Trust , from the
conditions of an agreement entered into between the Planning
Board of the City of Salem and said Robert R. Wall Trustee of
the Larch Realty Trust , dated May 3, 1973, and recorded at the
Essex South District Registry of Deeds , Book 5997 , Page 382 ,
as provided in paragraph four thereof, Lot /4 as shown on the
plan entitled, "Subdivision Plan Wellington Park" and recorded
at said Deeds , Plan Book 12 -7 , Plan / U 1rM" V)". 4 /2a;I'4.••
Signed and sealed this /(r-A day of August , 1979 .
6j f
ESSEX, SS. 1979
Then personally appeared /IF !54Xw
and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be the free act
and deed of the Planning Board of the City of ale before me,
Notary Public
My commission expires : /43
In accordance with Chapter 41 , Section 81U(1) of
the General Laws of Massachusetts , the undersigned hereby
deposits with the City of Salem, acting through its Planning
Board, the sum of three thousand five hundred ($3 ,500 .00)
dollars to secure the performance of the construction of ways ,
the installation of municipal services required for the lots
in the subdivision shown on a plan entitled, "Subdivision Plan
Wellington Park , Owner : Larch Realty Trust , Registered Land
Surveyor : R. J . Sotiros , dated October 16 , 1972" , which plan
LIA � F�! is recorded,at he Essex South District Registry of Deeds ,
10 Plan Book �1?, Plan and to further secure the agreements
entered into between said Planning Board and Robert R. Nall
Trustee of the Larch Realty Trust dated May 3 , 1973 and recorded
at said Deeds , Book 5997 , Page 382 , and to further secure the
providing to the Planning Board of a revised centerline profile
together with sideline profiles of Dearborn Lane as installed,
and to further secure the undersigned making arrangements for
additional lighting on Dearborn Lane .
Said sum is to be held by the said Planning Board in
accordance with the provisions of Chapter 41 , Section 81U, and
is to be returned to the undersigned upon the performance of
the aforementioned covenants .
The undersigned further agrees to complete the per-
formance of all covenants on or before December 31 , 1979 .
1-41", —
Dated: /� // Nicholas J . Decoulos Trustee of
'r /H Dearborn Lane Realty Trust
Massachusetts , being the owner of two parcels of land shown as
Lots 4 and 5 on a plan entitled, "Subdivision Plan Wellington
Park, Owner: Larch Realty Trust , Registered Land,�*Purveyor:
R. J . Sotiros , dated October 16 , 1972", which plan is recorded
at the Essex South District Registry of Deeds , Plan Book 128,
Plan 6 , do hereby relocate the easement, if said easement is
still in existence , which is described in a deed from Willis
H . Ropes , et al . to the North Shore Babies Hospital , Inc. ,
dated November 5 , 1909 , and recorded at said Deeds , Book 2027 ,
Page 287 .
The easement is described on Page 288 and was reserved
by the grantors of said deed to bathe in common at' the sandy
bathing beach on the Northeasterly shore line of the premises
granted in said deed , together with the right to construct
and. maintain in the Danvers River, between said beach and the A
Northwesterly boundary of 'the granted premises ,• a wharf and
float as a private landing place . Said reservation grants
to the grantees and its successors and assigns the right to
relocate the way and determine its width .
In accordance with the rights granted under that
easement , I hereby relocate the right to obtain access for
the purposes of bathing and erecting a private wharf to the
following location: At the Northwesterly boundary of lot i5
as it abuts lot A4 , and it shall have a width of three (3) feel .
IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand this
day of August , 1979 .
Nicholas J . Decoulos Trustee
Then personally appeared the above named Nicholas J .
Decoulos as Trustee of the Dearborn Lane Realty Trust and
acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his free act and
deed, before me ,
" Notary Public
My commission expires :
Cni#g of �c�ll�tu, r��M�sttcl#�z�e##s
rte" T Alp t5alem (greed
August 22, 1979
Mr. Michael Moniz
City of Salem Planning Department
One Salem Green
Salem, Massachusetts 01970
Dear Mr. Moniz:
Regarding the Collins Cove walkway and park area, the Planning
Board recommends that the crushed stone embankment be placed as soon
as practical in the hope that this may help stem erosion. Secondly,
we recommend that the City Engineer be requested to review the present .
condition of the site and the presently proposed plan to see if
increasing the height of the riprap and crushed stone level should be
considered in the Webb Street area.
Please inform the Board of your progress on these recommendations.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Walter Power, Abby Burns, Paul D'Amour, Richard Lutts,
Ted Sadoski, Donald Hunt
ABSENT: Peter DiGangi, William Wheaton, John Brown
Planning Board Chairman Walter Power called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
FORM A - 3 Winter Island Road
Mr. Philip Cahill and his attorney, Mr. Johnson, appeared before the Board and
presented their proposal. The plan is to divide the parcel of land to separate
the dwelling house from the boat business. There is proper frontage.
A motion was made by Abby Burns and seconded by Richard Lutts to approve Form A,
approval under Subdivision Control law not required. The motion passed
. unanimously.
The minutes of the meeting of August 2, 1979 were reviewed and changes made.
A motion was made by Ted Sadoski and seconded by Donald Hunt to approve the
minutes of August 2, 1979 as amended. The motionpassed unanimously.
NATHANIEL BOWDITCH PARK -- Preliminary proposal
Mr. Michael Moniz, Salem Planning Department, appeared before the Board to
submit preliminary 7 plans for the South River Waterfront Project. Over the next
two months, for the first phase of acquisition, the Planning Department will
have two appraisals,done. They will be conducting a market study. They are
currently going around to owners in that area and also banks in Salem to get ideas
on what owners feel is going to happen in that area and how it will affect down
town. Proposals will go out to market consultants within the next few weeks.
The application is for $800,000.00 for acquisition and $200,000.00 for relocation.
The completion date is next April,for Phase I. r
The intent is to go after the south side for recreation and parking. The
Planning Department is also looking for $200,000.00 in dredging funds. In
the second phase, they will go for guaranteed funds.
Ted Sadoski pointed out that the Planning Board in the past had recommended
. that consideration be given to on-going businesses in that area. Also, some
plans were recommended for the use of the Sumner Paint building. He expressed
concern for Sumner Paint and Early Television. Mr. Moniz said these particular
businesses do not depend on that location.
• September 6, 1979 Page 2
Paul D'Amour inquired about parking. Mr. Moniz said the Planning Department
is exploring all possible ways now. Xhere is land further up (Jimmy's Marine
Building) that could be adaptable to parking. There is plenty of parking
available within a five minute walk according to Mr. Moniz.
Abby Burns asked if there was any incentive being offered to relocated businesses
to stay in Salem. Mr. Moniz said relocating costs are refunded 100%, right
down to the cost of printing new letterhead. Donald Hunt commented that he
doesn't want to sacrifice viable businesses that have been a part of Salem
for a long time . Walter Power thought the plan for taking the buildings was
~ good in the long run for the City, but he felt very strongly that special care
should be taken to relocate the businesses.
Donald Hunt asked that Mr. Moniz come back to the Planning Board with an
economic impact study for relocating the businesses. Ted Sadoski said he would
like to hear the reaction of the business owners. The Planning Board members
didn't feel they could give their endorsement to the project at this point.
The members expressed a desire to arrange a meeting with the owners after Mr:-Moniz
had made his presentation to them.
C -
• Regarding the petition of Donald J. Michaud, Owner, and Mary Hyland, for
Pickering Wharf, Petitioner, to erect an oversized directional display sign
(20' x 22') on the exterior brick wall at 222-224 Derby Street on the side facing
the intersections of Hawthorne Blvd. , Derby and Congress Streets, it is the
consensus of the Board to write a letter to inform the Appeals Board that they
are strongly opposed to the petition because they feel the dimensions are
incompatable with the Salem Sign Ordinance.
Susan Madison reported that the Engineering Department has not finished their
review on Pickman Park. In addition, tied to the Certificate of Action is the
Deed which forms the matching grant for Phase I for Forest River. The linen has
not come in from the developer. Peter Beatrice, attorney for Salem Acres, has
requested the Board have a special meeting on the proposed plan. Greg is coming
to the next meeting to give Cheri Cooper's final report and this can be discussed
further at that time.
Ms. Madison talked with the City Solicitor and Mr. Tinti reported that Mr. Decoulos
has the option of contacting the Board to waive the sidewalk requirement. A
public hearing will be held and abutters notified. This procedure would take care
of any personal liability.
It was decided that Susan will inform Mr. Decoulos that he has a right to request
• a public hearing but there is no guarantee that the Planning Board will change its
present position. Susan will contact the abutters who had called her and tell
September 6, 1979 Page 3
them that the subdivision plan has been approved requiring sidewalks. The
City Solicitor has informed us that Mr. Decoulos will have to go through a
formal procedure if he wishes to eliminate the sidewalk.
Walter Power met with Greg Senko regarding the publishing of the Master Plan.
Ms. Cooper mentioned at that time some things she didn't complete before she
left. Greg will review what she has done and he will come in to discuss it.
Ms. Cooper is available to come back in for anything that has to be done.
Walter Power made a list of the course of action the Board should follow regarding
the Master Plan. He feels the Board should set up a prioritized list of capital
improvements as it pertains to the Master Plan so that the City can act on that
list. The Board should establish a project action list on the Master Plan which
can be taken in order. Walter Power suggested that the Board should project its
. activities for more than one year and establish a long range budget outline in
order to make our yearly projects better reflect our yearly needs.
Another area to be considered is to look into the possibility of getting a person
as a business and industrial coordinator. If the industrial zones are going to
• be developed, someone is going to be needed for this.
Ted Sadoski felt a first priority item should be a review of the Sign Ordinance.
Paul D'Amour suggested that developing industry be a high priority. Walter Power
felt there were a lot of disjointed operations going on in the city and he would
like to see the Planning Board oversee things orderly.
A motion was made to adojourn, and having passed unanimously, the meeting adjourned
at 9:50 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
y c -
MEMBERS PRESENT: Walter Power, Donald Hunt, Ted Sadoski, Abby Burns,
William Wheaton, Peter DiGangi
MEMBERS ABSENT: Richard Lutts, John Brown, Paul D'Amour
ALSO PRESENT: Mr. Michael Moniz, Planning Department
Ms. Christine Sullivan, Consultant
Mr. Christopher Olney, Project Administrator, SRA
Planning Board Chairman Walter Power called the Special Meeting of the Planning
Board to order at 7:35 P.M.
PICKMAN PARK - Signing Subdivision Plan
• Walter Power asked Susan Madison to bring the Planning Board up to date regarding
Pickman Park. Ms. Madison reported that the Subdivision Plan was ready to sign.
She read the Certificate of Action dated January 6, 1978 (attached hereto and
made a part hereof) . Ms. Madis6n reviewed the Performance Guarantee and said
that also was ready to go. She,'read a letter from Richard Swenson which was
approved and countersigned by Anthony Fletcher (attached hereto and made a part
hereof) .
Walter Power asked if there was any discussion with the Engineering Department
regarding adequate sewerage in case another development came in. Susan Madison
said this plan as is could accomodate another development if they should come
A motion was made by Ted Sadoski and seconded by Donald Hunt to modify the
Special Permit conditions originally granted on September 23, 1977 based upon
receipt of a letter from the City Engineer dated September 27, 1979 that
Condition 1116 on Page 5 under Site subsection be modified to state "The.
developer shall provide-an adequate (10") sewer extension from the City lines,
along the railroad tracks to the property. An eighteen (18") inch line
shall be provided if required by the City, and the City shall pay the
difference between the 10" line and the 18" line." The motion passed
The Subdivision Plan was signed by all members present.
Salem Planning Board
September 27, 1979 Page 2
FORM A -- Central Street and Derby Square
Mr. Christopher Olney, Salem Redevelopment Authority, presented the plan for
the vacant parcel of land situated on Central Street and Derby Square. For
the purpose of public access, two smaller parcels of land will be transferred
to the owners of "As You Like It" and "Big L" to open up the rear of their
properties for commercial purposes.
Walter Power asked about on-site parking. Mr. Olney said all zoning requirements
for parking shall be met. There are still about 500 parking spaces available
in the City garage on a daily basis. The capacity is 1,000.
A motion was made by Ted Sadoski and seconded by William Wheaton to approve the
Form A, approval under the Subdivision Control Rules and Regulations is not
required. The motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Michael Moniz introduced Christine Sullivan, a consultant on this project.
Mr. Moniz stated that since the last meeting, the Planning Department has
done additional research regarding relocation and the plan in general. Ted
Sadoski again said he would like to meet with the store owners who are scheduled
to be relocated to hear their thoughts about moving. Donald Hunt felt this
• should be done before the Planning Department got into Phase I. Ms. Sullivan
didn't feel this should be done prior to the grant being approved. The grant
approval will give the Planning Department something concrete to talk about.
Mr. Moniz is meeting with the business owners nect week to get descriptions
of business needs and start identifying all commercial space available in the
City in order to relocate them. It was decided that the Planning Board would
meet with the community business owners and get their feelings first hand.
Christine Sullivan suggested a second approach to the development of Nathaniel
Bowditch Park would be to take a more piecemeal path to acquiring property; i.e. ,
taking the gas stations and spots that would be easy to get and then if the
momentum began to pick up, we could take the others. Mr. Moniz said the
Planning Department is working with Massachusetts Electric and S.S.I. on a
land gift. Ms. Sullivan pointed out that there is a lot of flexibility in this
plan. What is presented in the printed brochure is not a concrete proposal.
In summary, Mr. Moniz said the Planning Department will be meeting with the
owners and then coming back to the Board some time late November or December
with the owners.
Ms. Sullivan asked for ideas from the Planning Board members as to how they
would like to see the park developed. Donald Hunt suggested a hotel and a
discussion followed on access problems and the expense of building that close
to the water.
Salem Planning Board
• September 27, 1979 Page 3
Walter Power thanked both Mr. Moniz and Ms. Sullivan for coming and expressed
the Planning Board's appreciation for the wonderful job they have been doing.
A.motion was made to adjourn, and having passed unanimously, the meeting
adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted, l L
5 A. CEIVEO1 �1 1T1t
n i
•. �j, ? 43 P11 '78
?a`.. LUft- 'S OFFICE (�np �c�(PIIT (PiLPPIl
I, Walter Power, Chairman of the Planning Board of the City of Salem,
in accordance with Subdivision Regulations of the Planning Board and
Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 41 , Section 81-U, hereby certify
that at a Regular Meeting of the Planning Board, duly called and held
on January 5, 1978, and by a unanimous vote of seven members of the
Planning Board, the submission of a Definitive Subdivision Plan, filed
March 17, 1977 and revised June 13, 1977, December 14, 1977, December 28,
1977, and January 5, 1977 by Salem Acres, Inc. , was approved with the
following modifications and conditions:
• 1 . Change note on two parcels marked "Available for Tennis Courts" to:
2. Add this note on Sheet 1 :
"The intent of this provision is that these two parcels of land so
noted are available for development by the property owners for
recreational purposes only. Such development may be, but is not
necessarily limited to, construction of courts for games (tennis,
basketball , etc.) picnic shelters, a swimming pool , a community
building such as a clubhouse, dressing rooms, or toilets, or other
appropriate recreational construction. (Only minimal parking will
be allowed if necessary, and only .on the Fillmore Road parcel .)
Any use of this land for recreational development must be compatible
with the conditions and intent of the Special Permit dated December
23, 1977, and be compatible with the natural use of the land. Any
recreational development must meet with the approval of the Salem
Planning Board before construction can begin."
Page 2
• 3. On part'?){ 'i' change the note "Recreation Use Only" to "Conservation
JAN bRe ricted Area."
C411 "`•'pp►0& of land designated "Recreational Use Only, (Available for
STennis Courts)" located at the end of Eisenhower Drive is to be
redesignated as follows:
a. The area between lot 95 and the parcel shown as Joseph A & Camile
A. O'Keefe to the existing buffer zone is to be designated "75' .
b. The remainder of the parcel is to be designated "RESTRICTED
i. Conditions:
1 . The validity of the Subdivision Plan is contingent upon the Special \
Permit and conditions of the Special Permit.
2. Approval is conditional upon receipt by the Salem Planning Board
of a description of metes and bounds of the areas in Phase III
under Conservation Restrictions.
3. Approval is conditional upon receipt by the Salem Planning Board of
a plan of the 28.3 acre conservation parcel to be deeded to the City
of Salem, including the metes and. bounds of the line between the.
conservation parcel and the land to be developed.
4. Approval is conditional on the concurrence or statutory limitation
relevant to the Board of Health's comments to the Environmental Impact
Statement for the Salem Planning Board, by Alan M. Voorhees &
Associates, Inc. , entitled "Environmental Impact Statement Pickman
Park Salem, Massachusetts" , September 1977.
5. Approval is conditional upon receipt of a performance guarantee as
specified in Section III.B.5. of the "Salem, Massachusetts Subdivision
Regulations" . . _.
Walter Power III
• �fl,.co�vr,. ,
CUM of S'ttlem, f ttssar4itsetts
1lrpttrfutent of Publir Morks
(guc Aalcm (Breen
September 27, 1979
Walter B. Power, Chairman
Salem Planning Board
One Salem Green
Salem, MA. 01970
Dear Mr. Power:
We have completed our review of the Pickman Park Subdivision plans. All requested
plan revisions have been made by the Engineer. The plans now conform to the subdivision
control regulations with the exception of items previously approved by the Planning Board
• (concrete curb, roadway width, etc. ) .
Because of the maintenance and repair problems possible with the sewers thirty to
forty feet deep in some locations, we requested that the Engineer decrease the depth of
the pipe. This was accomplished by increasing the slope of the interceptor from Fillmore
Road to Griswold Drive. The elevation of the pipe was raised by up to twelve feet. Due
to greater capacities at the increased slope, the pipe size was reduced to ten inch di-
ameter which is still more than adequate to serve the subdivision.
Very truly yours,
Richard P. Swenson
Asst. Civil Engineer
APPROVED: G�%G/�2`2ffiL�
Anthony V. Fletcher, P.E.
City Engineer
MEMBERS PRESENT: Walter Power, Paul D'Amour, Abby Burns, Richard Lutts, Donald
Hunt, John Brown, Ted Sadoski, Peter DiGangi, and William
PUBLIC HEARING -- Allied Builders Supplies
Planning Board Chairman Walter Power opened the public hearing at 7:30 P.M.
Mr. Fred Bougos was present to represent Allied Builders Supplies. They would
like to increase their storage capacity by building shelters to house supplies
that are presently housed outside. It comes to the Planning Board because it
is in the wetlands/flood hazard zone. Walter Power read the concurring comments
submitted from other boards in the City. There are no utilities in the buildings.
Hearing no further comments, the Chairman declared the public hearing closed.
• A motion was made by John Brown and seconded by Peter DiGangi to issue a
wetlands/flood hazard special permit to Allied Builders Supplies. The motion
passed unanimously.
PUBLIC HEARING -- Kernwood Country Club
Walter Power called the public hearing for Kernwood Country Club to order at
7:40 P.M. The public hearing concerns cleaning out the pond area where it is
silted in. They submitted stability calculations for overturning the seawall
that was damaged during the storms. The City Engineer reviewed and concurs with
the stability calculations. Walter Power read the concurring comments from other
City boards. Hearing no further comments, the Chairman declared the public hearing
A motion was made by Peter DiGangi and seconded by Paul D'Amour to issue a
wetlands/flood hazard special permit to Kernwood Country Club. The motion passed
The minutes of the meeting of September 6, 1979 were reviewed and changes made.
A motion was made by Ted Sadoski and seconded by Abby Burns to approve the minutes
of the September 6, 1979 meeting as amended. The motion passed unanimously.
October 4,. 1979 Page 2
FORM A CORRECTION -- Heritage Plaza East.
This correction affects the placement of the easement. It has nothing to do
with frontage. There was a miscalculation and it is being corrected now by
Essex Survey. Other than noting in the minutes that there has been a slight
-change, there is nothing further to be done. Paul D'Amour felt the correction
should be initialed. After discussion, it was felt there should be a new .linen
to sign and the matter is to come back in again. Peter DiGangi suggested that
since substantial changes are not made, a corrected copy should come in and that
will be treated as an addendum to the original which will be placed on file with
the City Clerk's office.
The Board members reviewed the Board of Appeals agenda for October 17, 1979/
Susan Madison reminded the Board members that next meeting there is a public hearing
regarding Dearborn Lane. Attorney Decoulos requested the hearing to waive the
sidewalk requirements. Ms. Madison asked that Board members drive by the area to
familarize themselves with the location.
• Regarding the Collins Cove walkway, Ms. Madison read a letter from Anthony Fletcher
to Michael Moniz (copy attached hereto and made a part hereof) .
There is still a problem of illegal filling on Franklin Street being done by
Gifford Russell. They have been served with a cease and desist from the Conservation
Commission and the Army Corps of Engineers. Also, Susan is writing a letter from
the Building Inspector.
GREG SENKO -- Nathaniel Bowditch Park
Mr. Senko reported that the Planning Department is still working on the final drafts
and photographs for the Master Plan. It will be going out for printing within
the next three weeks.
Mr. Senko is presently going through Cheri Cooper's recommendations on the zoning
and subdivision changes and he hopes to get that in the mail to the Board members
some time before the next meeting.
There are new people in the Planning Department. They are in the process of setting
up a project program for the Planning Board members. At the next meeting, Mr. Senko
would like to show Board members what is going on project by project and who in the
department is handling these things. The purpose is to show what the Planning
Department will be doing in the next year and perhaps in the next two years.
October 4, 19.79 Page 3
Regarding Nathaniel Bowditch Park, the Planning Department would like to get the
Planning Board's approval on this project. Mr. Senko felt this was the last
puzzle piece to connect the waterfront and down town. Walter Power agreed but
said the Board members wanted an opportunity to meet with the businessmen first
hand and talk with then. Mr. Senko was in agreement with that proposal. Donald
Hunt felt it was important to know where these businesses would be relocated.
Mr. Senko said there was no way of knowing that now but these problems will have
to be solved following specific guidelines that must be met.
Mr. Senko said he is getting the Historic Sites people together to see if this is
a good side for people to centralize in a hotel/boatel. Mr. Senkoasked the
Planning Board to wait and he will being information to them on this. For the
application, Mr. Senko asked a motion lie structured so that he could send it into
the granting agencies.
A motion was made by William Wheaton and seconded by John Brown to move that the
redevelopment of the South River Area is of critical importance to the redevelopment
of the downtown area. The Board strongly agrees with the general idea and will
address the specifics of particular plans as they are proposed. The motion passed
with a vote of 6 - 3, Ted Sadoski, Paul D'Amour and Donald Hunt voting opposed.
Regarding the 20'x22' sign being proposed at Derby Square by Pickering Wharf,
Mr. Senko explained that the sign would be painted on the brick wall at the artists'
• exhibit: The sign would be a map for motorists telling them where they are and
showing parking and historical sites in the neighborhood. William Wheaton suggested
a drawing be made of the sign and presented to the Board.
A motion was made by Abby Burns and seconded by John Brown to write a letter to the
Mayor and Engineering Department stating that the City either remove or repaint
the bicentenniel logo signs immediately. The motion passed unanimously.
The Massachusetts Federation of Planning Boards is having an annual meeting on
the 27th of October. Paul D'Amour said he is going to attend.
A motion was made to adjourn, and having passed unanimously, the meeting was
adjourned at 9:50 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
)cq7uy A. ybicki
Cita of ���,.2Iterr., ,fflMssachit SOS
lrpartutrnt of 13ublir Oohs
(Due �nlrm (Preen
DIRECTOR of PUBLIC SERVICES Assistant Civil Engineer
September 27, 1979
Mr. Michael Moniz
Planning Department
One Salem Green
Salem, MA. 01970
RE: Collins Cove
Dear Mike:
Your letter regarding rip-rap be placed on "an embankment" puzzles me. Visual
examination of the site does not reveal an "embankment" but rather a slope in the order
of 1:10. A slope of this nature is ideal in preventing erosion of beach areas, particu-
larly given the shelter that the cove enjoys.
There is no history that the cove suffered more than minor damage in the hurricanes
of 1953, winter storms of 1969 and 1978.
Rip-rap was placed on each side of the SESD 60" line as ballast to resist hydraulic
uplift, not as erosion control , or flood control . I 'm not aware, even .after the extra-
ordinary flood tides of 78-79 that there is a problem.
Strictly considering "flood" , a wall of. similar height as the adjacent Collins Cove
wall would have to be constructed, at tremendous expense. I have viewed the site at
Walter's request and I cannot justify placement of such "rip-rap" . Were the rip-rap de-
termined necessary,DPW does not have stone available.
Hope this helps.
Very truly yours,
A. V. Fletcher, P.E.
• City Engineer
Director of Public Services
Copy: Walter Powers, Chairman, Planning Board
MEMBERS PRESENT: Walter Power, Paul D'Amour, Abby Burns, Donald Hunt,
Richard Lutts, Ted Sadoski, Peter DiGangi
MEMBERS ABSENT: John Brown, William Wheaton
PUBLIC HEARING -- Dearborn Lane Sidewalks
Planning Board Chairman Walter Power called the public hearing to order
at 7:30 P.M. and read the notice. Susan Madison reviewed the background
of the development. Attorney Nicholas Decoulos stated that he doesn't
want to destroy the beautiful landscaping put in there, but he will comply
with the plan to install sidewalks if no action is taken by the Planning
Board by November 1. Mr. Power asked if there was anyone in the audience
who would like to speak in favor of the sidewalks. There being no response,
Mr. Power asked for comments from those opposed to the sidewalks.
• Dr. Raymond Michaud, 16 Bayview Circle, expressed concern over all the
macadam out there now. He stated it is a speed strip, drag track, lovers'
lane, and a drinking place. He felt 116' in diameter of hot top is a shame
in such a beautiful neighborhood.
Mr. David DeVoe;to Dearborn Lane, said he originally owner 10,200 square feet
of land; 400 square feet of his land has since disappeared. He has a side-
walk up to the front of his house.
Ms. Patricia Donahue, 12 Dearborn Lane, said that none of the other streets
in the area have sidewalks. She' has put in lawn and flowers. No one ever
walks on the sidewalks that are there. The sidewalks will go nowhere. She
said the original plans called for a center island in the circle that was
to ' e landscaped. Also, a street light is needed at the end of the circle.
Ms. Donahue felt the neighbors have added to the area and would appreciate
the City's cooperation. in this regard.
Dr. Michaud said there are many trees that will have to be demolished if
sidewalks were to go in. Ms. Donahue will lose two trees.
Mr. Norman Houle, owner of. lots 6 and 7 of Dearborn Lane, asked why the
Planning Board would insist the sidewalks be installed when no one wants
them. Walter Power expressed the Board's. concern about personal liability.
Salem Planning Board
October 18, 1979 l f Page 2
Mr. Robert St. Pierre, 9 Larch Lane, said before he landscaped, he called
the City and was told he should conform with the area. Consequently, he
landscaped. He has a 100 year old Hawthorne tree that would have to
be cut down. He will end up with two pieces of hot top going nowhere.
Mr. De yoe said the City has yet to successfully plow that street. Rather
than put the money into sidewalks, he would like to see the curbs repaired,
badly needed drains put in, and a street light at the end of the circle.
Mr. Houle added that there is flooding there now because of the lack of a
drain. Walter Power explained that the Planning Board cannot force the
developer to do that.
Dr. Michaud asked if he could have a copy of the right of way to the beach.
Mr. Decoulos said it is presently his intention to put in on Lot 5. This
information will be on file at the Registry of Deeds. He further stated
that the right of way is there in theory but it is nothing you can see with
the eye. People will have to develop it themselves.
Walter Power closed the public hearing at 8:30 P.M. telling the neighbors
that the Planning Board was very concerned with the situation and would take
all comments into consideration. Attorney Decoulos said he would like some
indication from the Board very shortly. The Board members asked Ms. Madison
to get Bill Tinti to give his opinion in writing.
• Susan Madison asked if the Board would consider a flagstone path being put in
for a sidewalk which could go around the trees. Also, Ms. Madison said the
Board should get a legal opinion on who is going to eventually own this
strip of land if we do not have sidewalks. Walter Power asked Susan to
research the sibdivision regulations to see if the sidewalks should be deeded
to the City and whether or not we should request a deed at the time the
subdivision is approved.
A motion was made by Donald Hunt and seconded by Abby Burns to get a legal
opinion in writing on the legality of waiving curbs and sidewalks in the
subdivision in terms of liability should future suit arise; and move to
get a legal opinion on the ownership of Dearborn Lane and the sidewalk area
of Lots 1 and 2 on Larch Avenue, as shown on the plan. The motion passed
6 - 0, with Ted Sadoski abstaining.
The right of way to the beach was discussed. Ms. Madison will write a letter
to Bill Tinti saying we are concerned with the developer's ability to erase
the right of way to the beach easement so that in fact when the development
is fully developed, the easement will be estinguished with the sale of the
land. Also, the Board would like to know what is there responsibility in this
case to the neighbors.
Salem Planning Board
• October 18, 1979 Page 3
Walter Power asked if Greg Senko had finished the project by project list
he referred to at the last meeting. Susan said he was still reviewing that
and the subdivision regulations recommendations.
The minutes of October 4, 1979 were discussed, revised, and in a motion by
Abby Burns and seconded by Peter DiGangi, were approved as amended. The
motion passed unanimously.
Regarding the Franklin Street illegal filling, the Army Corps of Engineers
came down with Ms. Madison. The next step is Court if he doesn't take the
fill out of there. We are, however, hoping he will come into the system.
Mr. Russell has retained Mr. Crooks of Marblehead as counsel. They are
presently getting an engineer. He is required to come before the Planning
A motion was made to adjourn, and having passed unanimously, the meeting was
adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted, / J
nA. Rybicki
MEMBERS PRESENT: John Brown, Abby Burns, Paul D'Amour, William Wheaton,
Peter DiGangi, and Ted Sadoski
MEMBERS ABSENT: Walter Power, Donald Hunt, Richard Lutts
Acting Planning Board Chairman John Brown called the meeting to order at 7:30
TAYLOR RENTAL -- Special Permit Change.
Mr. Marvin Sterman of Taylor Rental and his representative, Mr. Fusco of Geotechnical
Engineering, were present to explain the proposed change to the Board. There is
a slight change in the footing. Everything is reinforced. Mr. Brown read a
statement from Tony Fletcher stating in his opinion, there is no substantial change
(copy attached and made a part hereof) .
PLUMMER HOME =- Public Hearing.
• John Brown opened the public hearing at 7:45 P.M. and read the notice. Mr. John
Hayes was there representing Plummer Home with the designer of the plan, Mr.
Francis Mortelliti. This public hearing concerns the riprap wall. Mr. Hayes
explained that during the blizzard of February 1978 there was a good bit of
erosion. They are able to get a small sum of federal money to stop the erosion
from coming to the roadway and the house. They had a structural engineer design
a riprap wall. The original plan designed called for 900 feet of wall.- However,
Plummer Home felt this was too expensive so the plan was revised to 450 feet
of riprap to protect the house. In the future, there probably will have to be
more work done. The plans were examined. It was noted that the natural rock
there now will stay there and they will add to it. Mr. Brown read the concurring
comments from the City boards. The comment sheet was not returned from the Board
of Health, but Mr. Blenkhorn assured the Clerk by telephone that they concurred
with the proposal totally.
Mr. Hayes mentioned there is a septic system project coming up. This will be
taken care of at the same time as the riprap wall. Hearing no further comments
for or against the proposed plan, John Brown declared the public hearing closed
at 8:00 P.M.
A motion was made by Abby Burns and seconded by Paul D'Amour to accept the plans
of the Plummer Home for Boys contingent upon the acceptance of the plans by the
Conservation Commission. The motion passed 5 - 0.
Salem Planning Board
November 15, 1979 Page 2
DEARBORN LANE -- Letter to Mr. Decoulos
Mr. Brown read Ms. Madison's letter of November 12, 1979 to Mr. Decoulos,
regarding the sidewalks (copy attached and made a part hereof)'.
A motion was made by Peter DiGangi and seconded by William Wheaton that the
work being proposed by Taylor Rental does not constitute substantial change
and so a Special Permit is not necessary. The motion passed 5 — 0 with one
A motion was made to adjourn, and having passed unanimously, the meeting was
adjourned at 8:10 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
cq lyn Rybicki
• 1
` A
El of �IPm, c�58FICIIIISPttB
department of Public PoAs
dinenlrm (Erern
DIRECTOR of PUBLIC SERVICES Assistant Civil Engineer
TO: Planning Board
FROM: A. V. Fletcher
City Engineer
RE: , Taylor Rental
DATE: November 15, 1979
• It is my opinion that the changes made in the proposed building of
Taylor Rental do not constitute substantial changes.
A. V. Fletcher
City Engineer
Chit2 1f �(jleni, Cfija5SUChu5Ett9j
s �
(Our 15alrm Orm
. November 12, 1979
Mr. Nicholas Decoulos
248 Andover Street at Willowdale Lane
Peabody, Massachusetts 01970
Dear Mr. Decoulos:
At the regular meeting of the Planning Board of November 1, 1979,
the Board voted five in favor, none opposed and one abstention,
"that the developer be required to finish all sidewalks and berms
as required by the Subdivision Regulations except when given a
written statement to the developer and the City by the owners that
they do not want a sidewalk. No present sidewalks are to be removed.."
The Planning Board also voted "that the developer bring all existing
sidewalks up to the standards established by the Subdivision Regulations
including the extension of berms." For example, the sidewalk in front
of Mr. Houle's house (1 Dearborn Lane) is in a severe state of disrepair,
and the berm on Mr. DeVoe's property (10 Dearborn Lane) ends about ten
(10) feet before his driveway. .
If I can be of any further assistance, please call me at 744-4580.
Sincerely, .
Susan Madison
Planning Board Aide
CC: Richard Swenson
. � L ' J)
MEMBERS PRESENT: Walter Power, Paul D'Amour, John Brown, Richard Lutts ,
Ted Sadoski, Abby Burns, and Donald Hunt
MEMBERS ABSENT: Peter DiGangi, William .vheaton
PALMER COVE SEAvvALL -- Public Hearin
Planning Board Chairman vvalter Power opened the public hearing at 7:40 P.M.
Mr. Robert Levesque, member of the Board of Directors of Palmers Cove,
Introduced the seawall project. They propose to build a 9' high seawall to meet
an existing wall. They will backfill the area, drive pilings and install a travel
lift. They will be filling 2,300 square feet. They presently have a bill before
the Legislature to dredge the whole chanel.
• There was a design question in the wall (see attached comments) and also
a question of land ownership. The Petitioner will meet with the City
Engineer to resolve the design problem. They will also clear the question.
of the land ownership and the Planning Board is waiting for the resolution
.of these questions before taking action.
The comments from the Conservation Commission stated they needed further
,information. The Board of Health concurs with the proposal as'does the Building
Mr. Ralph'Hobbs spoke as a member of the Waterways Advisory Board. He Is In
favor of the wall.—He-stated the wall will not be buffeted by the waves. He
feels-it-is an added factor of safety in hauling boats and it is a tremendous
addition to the Club.
Mra Jack Marr, Vice Commodore of Palmers Cove, said there are over 200 boats
there now and the-travel lift would be an.asset to the City.
\i.. Pom;er close the_public hear_n? a B:00 a.,M.
• DECEMBER 20, 1979 PAGE 2
S.S.I. -- Land Donation
Walter Power read a letter from Mark B. Glovsky.withdrawing a Form A application.
This matter-has been tabled by the,City Council now, and will appropriately come
before the Planning Board after Council approval.
TOE CENTORINO -- iunk Yard Ordinance
Councillor Centorino passed out copies of an Ordinance dealing with regulating
and licensing junk dealers. This Ordinance presently has been tabled by the City
Council. However, Councillor Centorino is hopeful he will have a chance to go
over this again with some councillors and pass it in the first part of the new year.
He asked members of the Planning Board to review the Ordinance and submit any
changes or additions to him.
Walter Power reviewed changes in this year's budget with Board members. The
• Planning Board Aide salary will now be split between the Conservation Commission
and a federal grant.
Walter Power suggested the Planning Board establish a five year priorities list
so that a long range budget can be better planned.
A motion was made by Richard Lutts and seconded by Paul D'Amour to approve the
Planning Board budget as presented by the Chairman, Walter Power. The motion
passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Ted Sadoski and seconded by Paul D'Amour to approve the
minutes of the meeting of December 6, 1979. The motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made to adjourn, and having passed unanimously, the meeting
adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitte ,
z LL
jy�c ,
qu lyn AVRybicki, C12
- 79
PRo6LEM s .
(SHEET 3 ) y ._.__1F No, GRouTED MA`( CAUSE
(y ) SECTION vtEwS of wALL ow PLANS Do . NoT
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