44 WINTHROP STREET - BUILDING INSPECTION % 44 Winthrop street �, �h � - PPS _ . ,�. .<. Certificate No: 506-05 Building Permit No.: 506-05 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem Building Electrical Mechanical Permits This is to Certify that the_____ RESIDENCE located at Dwelling Type 0044 WINTHROP STREET in the CITY OF SALEM ----- ------------ ............ — — -- Address TowrVCjty Name IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY PERMANENT OCCUPANCY ON UNIT# 2 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto, and expires unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date Issued On: Thu Apr 26,2007 -- — — — — GeoTMS®2007 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. --------------- -------- --------------------------------------------------"--- F. CITY OF SALEM, MASSACHUSET*S: uF 5:LEI, MA BOARD OF APPEAL CLERK'S OFFICE 120 WASHINGTON STREET, 3RD FLOOR SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS 01970 SEP STANLEY J. USOVICZ, JR. TELEPHONE: 978-745-9595 2M SE• 30 A cI: I q MAYOR FAX: 978-740-9846 DECISION ON THE PETITION OF CLISSOLD, LLC REQUESTING A VARIANCE FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 44-46 WINTHROP STREET R-2 A hearing on this petition was held on September 21, 2005 with the following Board Members present;Richard Dionne,Nicholas Helides,Nina Cohen, Bonnie Belair and Robin Stein. Notice of the hearing was sent to abutters and others and notices of the hearing were properly published in the Salem Evening News in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40A. The petitioner is requesting Variances from parking requirements to allow a second curb cut and from the parking requirements of Article 7-3 for the property located at 44-46 Winthrop Street in an R-2 zone. The Variances,which have been requested,may be granted upon a finding by this Board that: a. Special conditions and circumstances exist which especially affect the land, building or structure involved and which are not generally affecting other lands, buildings and structures involve. b. Literal enforcement of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance would involve substantial hardship, financial or otherwise,to the petitioners. c. Desirable relief may be granted without substantial detriment to the public good and without nullifying or substantially derogating from the intent of the district of the purpose of the Ordinance. The Board of Appeal,after careful consideration of the evidence presented at the hearing, and after viewing the plane, makes the following findings of fact: 1. Petitioner Clissold LLC, a real estate trust whose trustee is Andrew Oliver of Marblehead, seeks a variance from the Zoning Ordinance to allow two curb cuts and two off-street parking places for the property located at 44-46 Winthrop Street. The two-family house is undergoing renovation into two condos, each of which will be allowed one off-street parking place. 2. As grounds for the curb cut request,petitioner through his Attorney Scott Grover states that with only one curb cut,residents would have to use the area behind the house to park their vehicles. Allowing the second curb cut would permit residents to preserve open spaces for a garden at the rear of the house while parking at the front. o vrr iut y 1005 SEP 30 A q: 19 DECISION OF THE PETITION OF CLISSOLD LLC REQUESTING A VARIANCE FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 44-46 WINTHROP STREET page two 3. As grounds for the parking variance request,petitioner states that most of the surrounding homes have two off-street parking spaces. 4. There was no opposition to the proposed request. On the basis of the above findings of fact, and on,the evidence presented the Board of Appeals finds as follows; 1. Special conditions exist when especially affect the subject property but not he District. 2. Literal enforcement of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance would involve substantial hardship to the petitioner. 3. Desirable relief can be granted without substantial detriment to the public good and without nullifying or substantially derogating from the intent of the district or the purpose of the Ordinance. Therefore, the Zoning Board of Appeal voted 5 in favor and 0 in opposition to grant the Variances requested, subject to the following conditions: 1. Petitioner shall comply with all city and state stature, ordinance, codes and regulations. 2. Petitioner shall obtain approval from any City Board or Commission having jurisdiction, including but not limited to the Planning Board. 3. All requirements of the Salem Fire Department relative to smoke and fire safety shall be strictly adhered to. 4. Petitioner shall obtain a building permit prior to beginning any construction. VARIANCE GRANTED SEPTEMBER 21, 2005 /,`/4L Nina Cohen, Chairm Board of Appeal ` y A COPY OF THIS DECISION HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE PLANNING BOARD AND THE CITY CLERK Appeal from this decision, if any, shall be made pursuant to Section 17 of the Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40A, and shall be filed within 20 days date of filing of this decision in the office of the City Clerk Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40A, Section 11, the Variance or Special Permit granted herein shall not take effect until a copy of the decision bearing the certificate of the City Clerk that 20 days have elapsed and no appeal has been filed,or that,if such appeal has been filed,that is has been dismissed or denied is recorded in the South Essex Registry of Deeds and indexed under the name of the owner of record or is recorded and noted on the owner's Certificate of Title. Board of Appeal Cli"Y OF SALEM.. MA CLEWS OFFICE Petition of Edward Plecinoga for Variance to allow a second dwelling unit for the property located at 107 Columbus Ave (R-1) 2805 SEP 30 A 9: 1,9 1. Petitioner Edward G. Plecinoga of 166A Ocean Avenue sought a use variance to allow a second dwelling unit to be created in the house he grew up in on Columbus Ave. in Salem. As grounds for his request, Mr. Plecinoga states that real estate taxes and other expenses have gone up, and he and his wife would like to move in with his sister to share expenses. 2. With his application, Mr. Plecinoga submitted a computerized image showing how alterations to the rear of the dwelling would enable him to install a second, interior staircase without substantially changing the existing roofline. Wherefore, oxo CITY OF SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS ,5 33 PUBLIC PROPERTY DEPARTMENT 9 T� 120 WASHINGTON STREET, 3RD FLOOR- �ff�/MINE SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS.01970 STANLEY J. USOVICZ, JR. TELEPHONE: 978-745-9595 EXT. 380 MAYOR FAX: 978-740-9846 November 17, 2003 Carolyn Hafey 758 Solita Court Los Gatos, California 95030 RE: 44-46 Winthrop Street Dear Mr. Hafey: This Department has received complaints about possible life safety issues relating to the occupant of#46 Winthrop Street. Per the authority of Massachusetts State Building Code 780 CMR, Section 106-4 you are required to arrange for an inspection of the building within 15 days upon receipt of this letter. This inspection will include representatives from Health, Fire, Electrical, Plumbing and this Department. Failure to comply will result in a complaint being filed in Salem District Court. Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, Thomas St. Pierre Acting Building Commissioner cc: Tom Phillbin, Mayors Office Jeff Vaughn, Health Dept Fire Prevention Electrical Department t w .CON T CITY OF SALEM9 MASSACHUSETTS s < PUBLIC PROPERTY DEPARTMENT i o 120 WASHINGTON STREET, 3RD FLOOR SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS 01970 - STANLEY J. USOVICZ, JR. TELEPHONE: 978-745-9595 EXT. 380 MAYOR FAX: 978-740-9846 December 29, 2003 112'lilopy Carolyn Hafey 758 Solita Court Los Gatos, California 95030 RE: 44-46 Winthrop Street Dear Owner: Your Attorney, Neil Tobin, arranged an inspection of your property and it occurred on December 16, at 2:45 p.m. With me on inspection were the Representatives of Fire Prevention, 2 Health Agents and the Plumbing Inspector. I have enclosed a copy of the Health Department's report. Fire Prevention is requiring the smoke detectors to be brought up to current codes and reinspected within 30 days. The only Building Code violation that was obvious was the bulkhead and cellar stairs that are in serious disrepair. The bulkhead is allowing weather infiltration into the basement and needs to be repaired. You are directed to contact this office within 15 days upon receipt of this letter to discuss your plans for compliance. Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, Thomas St. Pierre Acting Building Commissioner cc: Mayor's Office Tom Phillbin Councillor Lovely Fire Prevention Health Department Neil Tobin Citp of 6alpm, Aluorbagettg; Office of Oe CO Council Co NaCl COUNCILLORS-AT-LARGE KEVIN R. HARVEY WARD COUNCILLORS 2000 PRESIDENT 2000 LAURAADeTOMA DEBORAH E. BURKINSHAW SCOTT A. LaCAVA THOMAS H. FUREY CITY CLERK REGINA R. FLYNN KEVIN R.HARVEY JOAN B.LOVELY ARTHUR C.SARGENT III LEONARD F.O'LEARY November 22, 2000 KIMBERLEY L. DRISCOLL SARAH M. HAYES JOSEPH A.O'KEEFE,SR. Peter Strout Building Inspector City of Salem One Salem Green Salem, MA 01970 Re: 44-46 Winthrop Street Dear Peter: Please be advised.that I.have been contacted by the Greater High Street Neighborhood Association relative to the above-captioned property. The property appears to be in disrepair and the neighbors are quite concerned about how the condition of this property may affect the values of their property, but more importantly, the neighborhood is unhappy with having to be subjected to living near a property in this condition. Please also be advised that the Board of Health has contacted the tenants requesting them to clean up the porches and the front and side yards. The owner of the property is a Caroline Hafey and her address is 758 Solita Court, Los Gatos, CA, 95030. Would you kindly conduct an inspection of the property to determine if there are any hazards and/or code violations. Thank you for your assistance and attention to this matter. Very truly yours, 91V� 4 . �4 Joan B. Lovely City Councillor Ward Three Cc:- Greater High Street Neighborhood Association Caroline Hafey CITY OF SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH 21 120 WASHINGTON STREET, 4TH FLOOR SALEM, MA 01970 rnN6 TEL. 978-741-1800 FAX 978-745-0343 STANLEY J. USOVICZ, JR. JOANNE SCOTT, MPH, RS, CHO MAYOR HEALTH AGENT Walk thru at 44-46 Winthrop St. on December 16, 2003 at 2:45 p.m. with Building Inspector Tom St. Pierre, Fire Prevention Inspector Kathy Deschene, Plumbing/Gas Inspector Dennis Ross and Health Inspectors David Greenbaum and Ginny Moustakis. This walk-thru was the result of tenant at 1146 Mr. Van Etten complaining about tenant at 1144 Mr. Aziz Tasil. 1144 - apartment was not cold there were some beaters that were okay according to Fire Prevention. The tenant had a large lampshade frame only covered by a large red cloth while lamp was on. The fireplace was somewhat boarded up and did not appear to be used. Tenant 8 years - no record of a Certificate of Fitness being issued for this apartment. The cTartment was extremely cluttered and disorganized and in need of thorough cleaning and painting, patching of holes, etc. 1146 - this apartment had a ceiling in disrepair as well and was both cluttered and dispogar;.zed as well. This apartment needs thorough cleaning and painting and patching. Tenant stated he is selling on E-Bay but could not determine at walk-thru what was being sold. The basement was cluttered, had some standing water and was missing smoke detector(s) . Agaii1v this apartment did not have a Certificate of Fitness inspection commencing in the late eighties. This tenant has been in this apartment for approximately 14 years. Neither apartment would be eligible for a Certificate of Fitness uLless extensive repairwork is performed. David Greenbaum/Ginny Moustakis Sanitarians NEIL T. TOBIN Attorney-At-Law 19 North Street Salem, MA 01970 Phone (978) 744-2924 Fax (978) 744-6660 December 8, 2003 Mr. Isaac Tajili 44 Winthrop Street Salem, MA 01970 Re: City of Salem- Building Inspector inspection Dear Ms. Blanchard and Mr. Van Etten: This letter is intended to inform you that the City of Salem Building inspector, Thomas St. Pierre, in response to a complaint relative to health and safety issues concerning property located at 44-46 Winthrop Street, Salem, Massachusetts will conduct an inspection of the premises at 2:00 P.M. on December 16, 2003. As the attorney for the landlord/owner, Caroline Hafey, I have given permission to Mr. St. Pierreto enter the premises to conduct the inspection. This letter is intended as notice to you that you are to co-operate with this inspection as required by law. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, Neil T. Tobin cc. Thomas St. Pierre NEIL T. TOBIN Attorney-At-Law 19 North Street Salem, MA 01970 Phone (978) 744-2924 Fax(978) 744-6660 December 8, 2003 Anne Blanchard Gregory Van Etten 46 Winthrop Street Salem, MA 01970 Re: City of Salem-Building Inspector inspection Dear Ms. Blanchard and Mr. Van Etten: This letter is intended to inform you that the City of Salem Building inspector, Thomas St. Pierre, in response to a complaint relative to health and safety issues concerning property located at 44-46 Winthrop Street, Salem, Massachusetts will conduct an inspection of the premises at 2:00 P.M_ on December 16, 2003. As the attorney for the landlord/owner, Caroline Hafey, l have given permission to Mr. St. Pierreto enter the premises to conduct the inspection. This letter is intended as notice to you that you to co-operate with this inspection as required by law_ If you have any questions, please contact me. Siincer�ely, C� 1 7 Neil T. Tobin cc. Thomas St. Pierre Titu of tmirm, Massar4usctts Public Propertg Department Iluilbing 13epartment (One dalem Qireen 508-715-9595 Ext. 380 Leo E. Tremblay Director of Public Property Inspector of Building Zoning Enforcement Officer December 12, 1996 Caroline Hafey 44 Winthrop Street Salem, Mass . 01970 RE : 44 Winthrop Street Dear Ms . Hafey: Thank you very much for your response to the letter dated on August 15 , 1996 regarding the above mentioned property. An inspection was conducted and found all the violations have been corrected . This office will notify all the appropriate departments and the Ward Councillor that this situation has been brought to a satisfactory conclusion. Sincere l�y,� ,�y Leo E . Tremblay Inspector of B lding LET: scm cc : Jane Guy Councillor Donahue, Ward 3 of tt1Pfl1t, :ffiaaaar4usEtta I Public rrapertg Department iguilding Department lone Salem Green 508-745-9595 Ext. 380 Leo E. Tremblay Director of Public Property Inspector of Building August 15, 1996 Zoning Enforcement Officer Caroline Hafey 44 Winthrop Street Salem, Mass. 01970 RE: 44 Winthrop Street Dear Ms. Hafey: Due to a complaint received through the Neighborhood improvement Committee hot line, I conducted an inspection of the above mentioned property and found the following violations: 1. Handrails are missing at exterior stairs. 2. Remove trash from side and rear yards. 3. Remove overgrowth of weeds and grass. Please notify this department within fifteen (15 ) days upon receipt of this letter as to what course of action you will take to rectify_ these violations. Failure to do so will result in legal action being taken against you. Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, Leo H. Tremblay Inspector of Buildinis LET: scm cc: Jane Guy Councillor Donahue, Ward 3 y CITY OF SALE31 NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT TASK FORCE Jurisdiction Hist. Comm. Yes ❑ NOX REFERRAL FORA Cons. Comm. Yes ❑ No SRA Yes ❑ No ❑ Date: Address: --7/k Complaint: �� fi��'<' �na�/.�c� i ✓v✓iy�� Ove ,��i %may �.�� t lT��j rz=�� i� /��iz� G�� < �h h�oc� ✓'�i�ir�E' Complainant: 1 ./i)�r�h�� �i�i,tn%� Phone#: Address of Complainant: KEVIN HARVEY FT FCTRICAL DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT CITY SOLICITOR j i ANIMAL CONTROL SALEM HOUSING AUTHORITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT POT ICE DEPARTMENT V/ / FAS IRE / O TOR ASSESSOR C�Ae-� Zycie V WARD COUNCILLOR DPW SHADE TREE DAN GEARY PLEASE CHECK THE ABOVE REFERENCED COMPLAINT AND RESPOND TO DAVE SHEA WITHIN QU WEEK. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE. ACTION: "r " ) m Q, i3�cjro .�o CITY OF SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS .j A, BOARD OF HEALTH 120 WASHINGTON STREET, 4TH FLOOR SALEM, MA 01970 G TEL. 978-741-1800 FAX 978-745-0343 STANLEY J. USOVICZ, JR. JOANNE SCOTT, MPH, RS, CHO MAYOR HEALTH AGENT Walk thru at 44-46 Winthrop St. on December 16, 2003 at 2:45 p.m, with Building Inspector Tom St. Pierre, Fire Prevention Inspector Kathy Deschene, Plumbing/Gas Inspector Dennis Ross and Health Inspectors David Greenbaum and Ginny Moustakis. This walk-thru was the result of tenant at 1146 Mr. Van Etten complaining about tenant at 1144 Mr. Aziz Tasil. 1144 - apartment was not cold there were some beaters that were okay according to Fire Prevention. The tenant had a large lamp shade frame only covered by a large red cloth while lamp was on. The fireplace was somewhat boarded up and did not appear to be used. Tenant 8 years - no record of a Certificate of Fitness being issued for this apartment. The qpartment was extremely cluttered and disorganized and in need of thorough cleaning and painting, patching of holes, etc. 1146 - this apartment had a ceiling in disrepair as well and was both cluttered and dispogari.zed as well. This apartment needs thorough cleaning and painting and patching. Tenant stated he is selling on E-Bay but could not determine at walk-thru what was being sold. The basement was cluttered, had some standing water and was missing smoke detector(s) . Agaitty this apartment did not have a Certificate of Fitness inspection commencing in the late eighties. This tenant has been in this apartment for approximately 14 years. Neither apartment would be eligible for a Certificate of FitnesE ur-less extensive repairwork is performed. David Greenbaum/Ginny Moustakis Sanitarians r CtLi of �ttWet . Ansimchutietts Iluhlir 3ornpertg Department iguilbing i9epartment (One l�nlem (5rern 508-745-9595 Ext. 380 Leo E. Tremblay Director of Public Property Inspector of Building August 15, 1996 Zoning Enforcement Officer Caroline Hafey 44 Winthrop Street Salem, Mass. 01970 RE: 44 Winthrop Street Dear Ms. Hafev: Due to a complaint received through the Neighborhood Improvement Committee hot line, I conducted an inspection of the above mentioned property and found the following violations: 1 . Handrails are missing at exterior stairs. 2. Remove trash from side and rear yards. 3. Remove overgrowth of weeds and grass. Please notify this department within fifteen ( 15) days 'upon receipt of this letter as to what course of action you will take to rectify these violations . Failure to do so will result in legal action being taken against you. Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, Leo E. Tremblav Inspector of Buiidings LET: scm cc: Jane Guy Councillor Donahue, Ward 3 CITY OF SALE-M NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT TASK FORCE Jurisdiction Hist. Comm. Yes ❑ Nox REFERRAL FORA Cons. Comm. Yes ❑ No ❑ SRA Yes ❑ No Date: Address: �/ Zan Complaint: ��^ S�7E ��n//:P� /i�r✓iy � dV� �i�s%7y /l40/Tn' Complainant: i -1�)�r —/H�� ni!n% Phone#: Address of Complainant: Cr-) f-% 4MLD��� KEVIN HARVEY /I�ME PREVENTION FT FC'TRICAL DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENTALTH ( CITY SOLICITOR j ANIMAL CONTROL SALE HOUSING AUTHORITY 1 4 y/ PLANNING DEPARTMENT POI IC'F DEPARTMENT V/ ASSESSOR , WA O N I . OR MWE SHADE TREE DAN GEARY PLEASE CHECK THE ABOVE REFERENCED ,COMPLAINT AND RESPOND TO DAVE SHEA WITHIN QEE WEEK. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE. ACTION: e " �Q, in