2005-07-13 SRA MinutesSRA Minutes
July 13, 2005
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HELD ON JULY 13, 2005
A Regular Meeting of the Salem Redevelopment Authority (SRA) Board was held in the third floor
conference room at the City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street, on Wednesday, July 13, 2005 at 6:00pm.
Chairman Michael Brennan called the meeting to order and on roll call, the following members were present:
Conrad Baldini, Michael Brennan, Michael Connelly, Christine Sullivan, and Russell Vickers. Also present
were Lynn Duncan, Executive Director, Tania Hartfod, Staff Planner, and Debra Tucker, Clerk.
Minutes from the Regular Meeting held June 8, 2005 were presented for approval.
Mr. Vickers moved that the minutes from the Special Meeting held on June 8, 2005 be approved. Mr. Baldini
seconded the motion. The motion passed (5-0).
1. Executive Director’s Report
Project Approval
2. 155 Washington Street (Edgewater Café )
Dennis Moustakis of the Edgewater Café appeared before the SRA to request approval of a 45’ x 45’ Lynpac
parking area behind his restaurant located at 155 Washington Street. Mr. Moustakis stated that it would be
leveled, the drainage improved, and Lynpac would be used for this temporary parking area. Ms. Hartford
recommended that the matter be referred to the DRB in order to review the Lynpac specifications.
Ms. Sullivan asked about the clapboards that were supposed to be installed on the back building to match the
existing building. Ms. Hartford added that this work was mandated in 2003. Mr. Moustakis answered that he
didn’t think a decision had been made. He said that the work had slipped his mind and that during the winter
he couldn’t do the work.
Mr. Brennan said that the SRA wanted the work done. He recommended that the SRA vote to send this
request to the DRB and to have Mr. Moustakis return after the clapboard work was finished. Mr. Moustakis
estimated the work to be $2,00 to $3,000 and said that he will do it himself. Mr. Brennan reminded him that
he would need a building permit. Ms. Hartford told Mr. Moustakis that he should check that his permit is
still valid. Mr. Brennan asked if Mr. Moustakis would have the work done within the next 30 days.
Mr. Baldini moved that the Edgewater Café be directed to complete the work to cover the hood system and
to send the parking proposal for 155 Washington Street to the Design Review Board, who would return the
matter to the SRA within 30 days. Mr. Connelly seconded the motion. The motion passed (5-0).
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July 13, 2005
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Project Approval
3. 143 Washington Street (ReMax)
Terry Sullivan of ReMax appeared before the SRA concerning the signage and lighting for 143 Washington
Ms. Hartford said that the matter did not go before the DRB since they did not meet but that staff
recommendations were made. There will be vinyl window lettering, a 120” sign attached to the brick, and
gooseneck lighting similar to the lighting approved for Ben and Jerry’s. Ms. Duncan asked if there would be
much pedestrian traffic in and out of the building. Mr. Sullivan said that most of his agents meet customers
at other properties. Mr. Baldini said that he liked the plan and thought the business is good for Salem.
Mr. Connelly moved that the signage and lighting proposal by ReMax for 143 Washington Street be approved
as presented. Ms. Sullivan seconded the motion. The motion passed (5-0).
Old Business
4. 247 Essex Street (Elite Physical Therapy)
Ms. Hartford said that the SRA would be sending Elite Physical Therapy of 247 Essex Street a letter
concerning their noncompliance with regard to their sign. They would be given 30 days to comply or the
Building Inspector would be directed to remove the current sign. Ms. Sullivan recommended that the
deadline be 15 days. Ms. Duncan said that the letter would be sent giving them 15 days from the date of the
5. Old Salem Jail- Update
Ms. Duncan reported that she would be attending the City Council meeting on Thursday night for the 1st
vote for passage concerning the zoning change to B5 for the Salem Jail property. There has already been a
public hearing on the matter and the Planning Board approved the plan 8-1 with 1 abstention. Ms. Duncan
reported that the second passage would probably be at a September meeting.
On Tuesday at 9 a.m. there will be a pre-bid meeting and a tour of the jail immediately following. On
Wednesday, the Jail would be open for pre-registered bidders to tour. Ms. Duncan stated that the department
has been very busy since the RFP was put out. The interested bidder’s list was reviewed. The advertising has
gone well and has been picked up by various on-line sites.
Ms. Sullivan said that the ad ran in the Salem News on July 4th. She asked reporter Tom Dalton, who was in
attendance, if the Salem News would write a story on the matter. He replied that the Salem news can’t
market the project for the City but if there was a news story they would cover it.
Ms. Duncan said that 14 developer’s kits had been distributed at $200 apiece and there were 22 additional
interested parties requesting general information. Mr. Baldini said that there hadn’t been this much interest 5
years ago. Ms. Hartford added that there had been 95 hits in a week on city feed website on Boston.com.
Ms. Duncan said that the proposals were due on August 19th. If this time frame does not seem sufficient,
then the SRA can consider extending it. She will be having discussions with legal counsel regarding the
confidentiality of the proposals in terms of evaluation. Depending upon the number of proposals,
presentations could be made at a public meeting. Ms. Sullivan spoke of her small business plan competition
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July 13, 2005
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and said that this might be helpful. Mr. Connelly said that a similar process was used for the old Salem Police
station project.
Ms. Duncan said that at the Tuesday meeting there will be an overview and they will take questions from the
developers as well as review the criteria. All questions from developers will be recorded and responses will be
sent to all. Mr. Brennan requested that Historic Salem Inc. be at the meeting in order to address questions
specific to historic preservation. Mr. Vickers asked that their role be clear so that no off the cuff remar ks or
misrepresentations be made.
There being no further business, Mr. Baldini motioned to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Sullivan seconded the
motion, and the motion passed (5-0).
Meeting stands adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Debra Tucker