2005-03-09 SRA MinutesSRA Minutes
March 9, 2005
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A Regular Meeting of the Salem Redevelopment Authority (SRA) Board was held in the third floor
conference room at the City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street, on Wednesday, March 9, 2005 at 6:00pm.
Chairman Michael Brennan called the meeting to order and on roll call, the following members were present:
Conrad Baldini, Michael Brennan, Christine Sullivan, and Russell Vickers. Lynn Duncan, Executive Director,
Valerie Gingrich, Staff Planner, and Debra Tucker, Clerk, were also present.
Minutes from meetings held December 7, 2004, February 8, 2005, and February 9, 2005 were presented for
Mr. Connelly moved that the minutes from the Special Meeting held on December 7, 2004 be approved. Mr.
Baldini seconded the motion. The motion passed (5-0).
Mr. Vickers moved that the minutes from the Special Meeting held on February 8, 2005 be approved. Mr.
Connelly seconded the motion. The motion passed (5-0).
Mr. Baldini moved that the minutes from the Regular Meeting held on February 9, 2005 be approved. Mr.
Vickers seconded the motion. The motion passed (5-0).
New Business
The April meeting will be changed to April 20, 2005.
18 Crombie Street-- Review of the proposed amendment to the approved Final Design Plans. The
amendment reconfigures the floor plans to add an additional bedroom.
Paul Durand of Winter Street Architects appeared before the board in order to present changes to the floor
plan at 18 Crombie St. He stated that his job is to ensure that the construction work be done as approved.
The changes were as follows:
A new window will be added in the kitchen where a dummy window previously was. Another bedro om will
be added on the second floor by reducing the size of the bathroom in order to accommodate a family of 4 -5
persons. Minor modifications concerning closet doors were made. A bedroom has been added on the third
floor and a closet was changed in order to add a half bath, which will have access from each bedroom.
Ms. Sullivan moved to approve the changes as presented. Mr. Baldini seconded the motion. The motion
passed (5-0).
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March 9, 2005
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7 Crombie Street—Review of the proposed Schematic Design Plans for the redevelopment of the Mission at
7 Crombie Street.
Mark Meche, Paul Durand, and Troy Scott of Winter River Realty appeared before the board to present their
preliminary plans for 7 Crombie St., which they have under agreement. They are proposing residential units
with a live/work concept marketed towards artists. They stated that they are planning a gentle renovation of
the property and hoped to aim for 800-1,200 square foot affordable units. They are on a fast track and hope
to start work in May or June. They presented plans to the board.
The building occupies most of the space on site. The front of the building will be left as is to preserve the
historic look of the building, although the building is not in the historic district. The doors in the front will
be the second egress. Mr. Durand stated that the hope is to keep the units affordable. They have met with
neighbors. There will be a secure gated courtyard.
The price point will be in the $200,000 area, and they hope to hit a market not really addressed. Exterior
changes may occur in the back of the building in order to accommodate air conditioner units. There is a
small basement that will house the mechanical features.
In order to address the lack of parking on the site, Mr. Durand said that the units will be marketed to urban
dwellers, who may not have that need. Mr. Meche said that there is no requirement for on site parking since
it is a B5 district. Residential areas call for one space per unit. They are estim ating 12-16 units with flexible
planning that may be able to be joined later. They referred to Riley plaza and are looking to other options.
Mr. Meche also said that the parking problem is during the day and not at night.
Ms. Sullivan said that she thought it was a wonderful idea for people who are otherwise not able to afford to
buy in Salem.
Mr. Baldini moved to refer the plans to the Design Review Board. Mr. Vickers seconded the motion. The
motion passed (5-0).
60 Washington Street (Ben & Jerry’s) – Review of proposed signage and lighting at 60 Washington Street.
Ms. Gingrich presented the proposed signage for Ben and Jerry’s. There are two wall signs on the exterior
and two neon signs proposed for the inside windows. The exterior wall signs will be aligned vertically with
the Boston Hot Dog signs. Gooseneck lamps will illuminate them and no exposed conduit will be showing.
The Design Review Board thought the signs were well done and recommended approval.
The board discussed the proposal. Mr. Baldini stated that he thought that it was good that Ben and Jerry’s
was coming to Salem and since the Design Review Board approved the signage that the SRA should approve
Mr. Vickers moved that the board approve the exterior signs as recommended by the Design Review Board
and that the two interior window neon signs be tabled for consideration until the next meeting. Mr. Baldini
seconded the motion. The motion passed (5-0).
140 Washington Street (New England Soup Kitchen)—Review of proposed signage and lighting at 140
Washington Street.
Ms. Gingrich presented that proposed signage for the New England Soup Factory for 140 Washington St.
The Design Review Board recommended approval. The size lettering on the façade was r educed in size and
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March 9, 2005
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more space was added between the two lines. She stated that the proposal also includes an oval hanging sign.
The board discussed the proposal.
Mr. Connelly moved that the board accept the Design Review Board recommendation and approve the
signage as proposed for 140 Washington St. Mr. Vickers seconded the motion. The motion passed (5-0).
There being no further business, Ms. Sullivan motioned to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Baldini seconded the
motion. The motion passed (5-0).
The meeting stands adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Debra Tucker