2005-11-14 SRA Special Meeting MinutesSRA Minutes
November 14, 2005
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A Special Meeting of the Salem Redevelopment Authority (SRA) Board was held in the third floor
conference room at the City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street, on Monday, November 14, 2005
immediately following the Annual Meeting held at 6:00 pm.
Roll Call
Chairman Michael Brennan called the meeting to order, and on roll call the following members were
present: Michael Brennan, Conrad Baldini, Michael Connelly, Christine Sullivan, and Russell Vickers.
Also present were Lynn Duncan, Executive Director, Tania Hartford, Economic Development
Planner, and Debra Tucker, Clerk.
New Business
1. Executive Director’s Report
Lynn Duncan reported that The Cecil Group was reviewing the Old Salem Jail Redevelopment
finalist proposals, specifically the proposed parking garages and the renovations of the Jail building.
She will report to the board with the results and comments when they are available.
Ms. Duncan stated that Councilor Sosnowski asked her to distribute comments from abutters to the
Jail Complex concerning the proposed redevelopment. Neighbors at the elderly housing
developments across the street requested that the project be residential and also requested additional
parking for their use. She noted that two very public meetings were held and comment was taken.
As a result the board had decided to pursue a mixed-use concept. Mr. Vickers said that the
comments would be duly noted.
Ms. Duncan reviewed that the board had requested that the consultants quantify the cost of doing a
mixed-use development. Peter Smith composed a memo concerning the cost to the developer of
mixed use versus residential use. Ms. Duncan reviewed the memo with Peter Smith’s findings.
Ms. Duncan suggested coordinating site visits to view the work of the developers. After discussion
that this would not be feasible, Ms. Hartford stated that she would email a list with the necessary
information so that members would be able to make visits at their own convenience.
2. Old Salem Jail
Ms. Duncan will schedule a special meeting for Monday, November 28, 2005 at 6:30 p.m. for the
purpose of discussing and voting to designate a developer for the redevelopment of the Old Salem
Jail Complex.
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November 14, 2005
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3. 18 Crombie Street (Habitat for Humanity)
Bunnie Pasternak made a request on behalf of Habitat for Humanity for an extension of time to
complete the project. She reported that the work is going well but not as fast as they would like.
The exterior clapboard work is complete and the first coat of paint has been applied. The plumbing
work will be next. The interior demolition work is done. A new electrician is working on the
project. Work is performed only a few days a week due to many of the workers providing volunteer
services. The family is also performing their “sweat equity” work.
The request was for an extension until June 30, 2006. A construction schedule was provided and
reviewed. Mr. Connelly asked if this was the longest possible projection with a comfort zone built
into the schedule. Mr. Baldini followed up by asking how many days per week the work was being
performed and if the board was welcome to stop by. Ms. Pasternak answered that the schedule was
current and that 6 or 7 people perform the work on Wednesdays and Saturdays. She stated that Ms.
Hartford makes site visits on Wednesdays and the board members were welcome to do the same.
She added that they are proud of the work that they have done and that the neighbors have
commented that the project looks good. Ms. Hartford added that the building looked good now
that the tarp was removed and the clapboards were installed and painted. She encouraged members
to stop by to review the progress.
Mr. Baldini moved that an extension until June 30, 2006 be granted to Habitat for Humanity on the
18 Crombie Street project. Mr. Vickers seconded the motion. Motion passed (5-0).
Project Approval
1. Lappin Park Benches
The matter of the proposed bench change for Lappin Park was postponed until the next meeting.
Project Approval
2. 2 East India Square (Pheonix (sic) Rising)
Ms. Hartford reported that the Design Review Board recommended approval for the proposed
signage for Pheonix (sic) Rising, purposely misspelled, located at 2 East India Square.
Mr. Connelly moved to approve the signage for Pheonix (sic) Rising at 2 East India Square as
recommended by the DRB. Ms. Sullivan seconded the motion. Motion passed (5-0).
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November 14, 2005
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3. 142 Washington Street (Tobie’s Jewelry)
Ms. Hartford stated that the Design Review Board recommended approval for the proposed signage
for Tobie’s Jewelry located at 142 Washington Street. The new signage will coordinate with that of
the other businesses on the block and will have gold lettering.
Mr. Baldini moved to approve the signage for Tobie’s Jewelry at 142 Washington Street as
recommended by the DRB Mr. Vickers seconded the motion. Motion passed (5-0).
There being no further business, Mr. Vickers moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Connelly
seconded the motion, and the motion passed (5-0).
Meeting stands adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Debra Tucker