2005-11-03 SRA Special Meeting MinutesSRA Minutes November 3, 2005 Page 1 of 2 MINUTES OF THE BOARD MEETING OF THE SALEM REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY HELD ON NOVEMBER 3, 2005 A Special Meeting of the Salem Redevelopment Authority (SRA) Board was held in the third floor conference room at the City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street, on Thursday, November 3, 2005 immediately following the Annual Meeting held at 6:00 pm. Roll Call Chairman Michael Brennan called the meeting to order, and on roll call the following members were present: Michael Brennan, Michael Connelly, Christine Sullivan, and Russell Vickers. Also present were Lynn Duncan, Executive Director, and Tania Hartford, Staff Planner. New Business REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY PROJECTS Open Session 1. Old Salem Jail – Review and discussion of comments submitted by The Cecil Group on design issues on the proposals submitted by the finalists for the redevelopment of the Old Salem Jail Complex. Ms. Duncan explained that the SRA hired The Cecil Group to provide a technical review of the architectural and site plans for the proposals submitted by the finalists for the redevelopment of the Old Salem Jail Complex. She read the memo submitted by The Cecil Group that outlined those issues (attached and hereby made a part of these Minutes). She stated that each of the finalist development teams were provided with these design questions and were given approximately one week to respond. Once we receive their response, The Cecil Group will review them again to see if the developer’s assumptions are feasible. Ms. Sullivan stated that it is important to know whether the development teams would be able to build the number of parking spaces they said they would be able to build. Ms. Duncan stated that she also wanted to make sure that the cost assumptions were appropriate and fit within the cost assumptions laid out in the proposals. Ms. Duncan went on to explain that due to the timing necessary for the consultant to review the developer’s response to the design questions raised, she felt we would need to push back the timeframe for developer designation from the November 14 date. Ms. Sullivan stated that there was nothing “magic” about the November 14 date and if the board needed to push it back to make an informed decision that was fine with her. Mr. Brennan stated that the board should not set the meeting date tonight. Ms. Duncan concurred and stated that the board would still need to hold its regular meeting on November 14, along with the Annual Meeting. SRA Minutes November 3, 2005 Page 2 of 2 Ms. Sullivan stated that the perspective from the historical community was very positive for all of the finalist development teams. Mr. Brennan asked if the developers were all contacted regarding this information and Ms. Duncan said they had contacted all the developers. Mr. Vickers asked if The Cecil Group memo was forwarded and Ms. Duncan stated that each group was given the comments and questions specific to their proposal. Mr. Brennan stated that the board would be entering into Executive Session for the following purpose, as stated by Ms. Duncan: “To consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property, if such discussions may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the governmental body and a person, firm, or corporation.” Ms. Sullivan made a motion that the Board enter into Executive Session for the purposes stated by Ms. Duncan. Mr. Vickers seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and was as follows: Yeas Christine Sullivan Russell Vickers Michael Connelly Michael Brennan The motion passed (4-0). Mr. Brennan stated that the Board would not be reconvening after the executive session. Adjournment Mr. Connelly made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Vickers seconded the motion. Motion passed (4-0). Respectfully submitted, Tania Hartford Economic Development Planner