2005-04-06 SRA Special Meeting MinutesSRA Minutes April 6, 2005 Page 1 of 3 MINUTES OF THE BOARD MEETING OF THE SALEM REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY HELD ON APRIL 6, 2005 A Special Meeting of the Salem Redevelopment Authority (SRA) Board was held in the third floor conference room at the City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street, on Wednesday, April 6, 2005 at 6:00pm. Chairman Michael Brennan called the meeting to order and on roll call, the following members were present: Michael Brennan, Michael Connelly, and Russell Vickers. Lynn Duncan, Executive Director, Valerie Gingrich, Staff Planner, and Debra Tucker, Clerk, were also present. LAPPIN PARK: TV LAND STATUE PROPOSAL Review of Plans Robert Paluzzi and Chris Sabin appeared before the Redevelopment Authority in order to present the proposed plans for the TV Land sponsored statue of Bewitched for Lappin Park. Mr. Paluzzi gave a presentation on other TV Land statues: Ralph Kramden in New York, Mary Tyler Moore in Minneapolis, Andy and Opie of the Andy Griffith Show in Raleigh, and Bob Newhart in Chicago. This would be their fifth statue. TV Land is paying for the statue and will maintain it. Mr. Paluzzi added that the statue would be a draw for people and an emotional connection with the characters. Studio Ice of Brooklyn is creating the statue. They have produced national portraits. The dedication is expected to draw national media attention from the major news outlets. They have proposed a 9 foot bronze statue of varying patinas of Elizabeth Montgomery as Samantha from the television show “Bewitched” for Lappin Park in Salem. There will be a plaque at the base of the statue embedded in the ground and they are envisioning a gold swirl to give the statue a magical flourish. A fence is proposed to replace the brick wall. Mr. Brennan asked if Mr. Lappin was aware of the plan and if he were comfortable with the proposal. Ellen Talkowski stated that the park is owned by the SRA and under its jurisdiction. She has spoken with Tom Kent, Mr. Lappin’s representative, who had no objection to it. She did say that he has not seen the latest redesign. The park would remain Lappin Park and the dedication plaque will be moved. The physical changes will be the removal of the brick wall. Ms. Talkowski stated that this would change the feel of the park and draw people and make it more welcoming. There will be different fencing installed. Mr. Paluzzi added that one small ornamental fruit tree would have to be moved. Mr. Vickers agreed that this would open up the park and make it more attractive. Mr. Brennan also agreed and noted that that side of Washington St. has been dead. SRA Minutes April 6, 2005 Page 2 of 3 Ms. Talkowski commented that this would be a great economic development tool for the City and would draw people down to the businesses on Essex St. towards the Witch House. She said that TV Land is gifting this to the City. City Councilor Pelletier asked if anyone had gotten approval from Mr. Lappin. He suggested that the City get his approval in writing. After discussion, Mr. Brennan directed Ms. Talkowski agreed to obtain Lappin family approval. Councilor Pelletier said that he thought the statue was a good thing for the park and a great idea. Ms. Duncan stated that TV Land had met with the Design Review Board and taken their suggestions into consideration. They will be going back before that Board with the final design. She suggested that the SRA approve the proposal subject to the Design Review Board’s approval and to written confirmation from the Lappin family. Mr. Vickers asked if TV Land and the Design Review Board were working cooperatively. Mr. Paluzzi answered that they are working with them and are incorporating their ideas. Ms. Duncan added that the Design Review Board is willing to hold a special meeting to review the plan. Kate Sullivan of the Mayor’s office spoke on behalf of the plan and said that they were pleased with TV Land’s approach. She said that they were working with Michael Blier, a local landscape architect. Ms. Sullivan said that the location is visible from the pedestrian mall and would encourage tourists to cross Washington St. She added that the granite Lappin plaque would be moved to an upright granite piece. Mr. Brennan said that it was a win-win for everyone. Mr. Vickers asked that the board be kept apprised. Mr. Vickers moved that the Salem Redevelopment Authority authorize the use of Lappin Park for the placement of the Bewitched statue subject to the approval of the Lappin family and the recommendation from the Design Review Board. Mr. Connelly seconded the motion and the motion passed (3-0). Josselyn Jarist of Landworks Studio stated that the changes to the park plan were based on recommendations by the Design Review Board. Kate Sullivan said that the Design Review Board had been worried that the statue would be too popular and the grass would suffer, so they added the low fence. Ms. Gingrich said that the Design Review Board was willing to have a meeting next Wednesday night. Mr. Paluzzi said that the sooner the better and wanted to have the plan done right. He hoped to hold the dedication in mid-June. Councilor Pelletier asked if Ms. Duncan could send a summary of the proposal to the City Council. Ms. Duncan told Councilor Pelletier that she would do so. OLD SALEM JAIL REDEVELOPMENT Cecil Group Service Agreements: SRA Minutes April 6, 2005 Page 3 of 3 The Cecil Group submitted service agreements for additional compensation concerning redevelopment of the Old Salem Jail. Ms. Duncan reviewed the agreements with the board. Mr. Vickers moved that the service agreement for additional work on historic coordination, not to exceed $3,000.00 be approved as presented. Mr. Connelly seconded the motion, and the motion passed (3-0). The second agreement for additional services concerning the preparation of the RFP was reviewed and discussed. The terms and price were unclear to the board. Ms. Duncan will contact Steve Cecil for clarification. JAIL LAND SURVEY Ms. Duncan presented a proposal by Hancock Survey to supply a survey of the Old Salem Jail property. The original survey was done 3-4 years ago. At that time there was a proposal to separate the property into three parcels and that is how the survey is drawn. Ms. Duncan explained that Hancock would redraw the lines to show the entire parcel for the rezoning proposal. Mr. Vickers moved to authorized that Hancock Survey complete the Old Salem Jail survey for $700.00. Mr. Connelly seconded the motion, and the motion passed (3-0). Councilor Sosnowski asked if the 30-foot driveway was part of the jail property. Ms. Duncan replied that the Hancock survey shows that it is. She added that she will be looking into whether the Urban Renewal Plan has to be amended. Adjournment There being no further business, Mr. Connelly motioned to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Vickers seconded, and the motion passed (3-0). Meeting stands adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Debra Tucker Clerk