207 HIGHLAND AVENUE - SIGN PERMIT (3) c 207 Highland Ave 207 Medical Office Building Commonwealth of Massachusetts C-\ Citv of Salem - 120 Washington St.3rd Floor Salem,MA 01970(978)745-9595 x5641 Return card to Building Division for Certificate of Occupancy Permit NO. 8-17-13 FEE PAID: $0.00 PERMIT TO BUILD DATE ISSUED: 1/6/2017 This certifies that ED SPINNEY/SIGN ART, INC has permission to erect, alter, or demolish a building 207 HIGHLAND AVENUE Map/Lot: 130002-0 as follows: Signs SIGN PERMIT AS APPROVED FOR 207 MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING Contractor Name: DBA: Contractor License No: Ylw 1/6/2017 Building Off i ial ! Date This permit shall be deemed abandoned and invalid unless the work authorized by this permit is commenced within six months after issuance.The Building Official may grant one or more extensions not to exceed six months each upon written request. All work authorized by this permit shall conform to the approved application and the approved construction documents for which this permit has been granted. All construction,alterations and changes of use of any building and structures shall be in compliance with the local zoning by-laws and codes. This permit shall be displayed in a location clearly visible from access street or road and shall be maintained open for public inspection for the entire duration of the work until the completion of the same. The Certificate of Occupancy will not be issued until all applicable signatures by the Building and Fire Officials are provided on this permit. _ HIC#: 'Persons contracting with unregistered contractors do not have access to the guaranty fund'(as set forth In MGL c.142A). Restrictions: Building plans are to be available on site. All Permit Cards are the property of the PROPERTY OWNER. City of Salem Sign Permit Application Worksheet 5-Jan-17 207 Medical Office Building Ob 207 Highland Avenue 40 Zoning(res/non-res) B2 Entrance Corridor(Y/N) Y Lot frontage 377 feet I -- Building or tenant frontage 141 feet ---- #of businesses on site 1 Bldng dist from street center X100 feet Multiplier 1 ( Building and Blade Signs maximum area permitted 141.00 sq ft total proposed sign area 54.39 sq ft sign 1 Sign length 113.00 inches height 20.00 inches sign 2 CG IC V6Q66VL- jc?'f Sign length 113.00 inches height 20.00 inches r l sign 3 length 69.00 inches height 16.00 inches sign 4 length 69.00 inches height 16.00 inches sign 5 length 69.00 inches height 16.00 inches Freestanding Signs maximum area permitted 62.50 sq ft(per side) maximum#of signs permitted 2 signs maximum height permitted 15.00 ft tall sign 1 proposed sign area 54.15 sq ft length 113.00 inches height 69.00 inches proposed sign height 14.00 ft(approx) sign 2 proposed sign area 0.00 sq ft length 0.00 inches height 0.00 inches proposed sign height ft Application meets guidelines set forth in the Salem Sign Ordinance Yes Recommend approval Yes Address(above tenant panels)to be halo lit;tenant panels to have opaque faces with translucent internally lit lettering and graphics. Permft Number APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ERECT A SIGN NOTE:BUILDING PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE SIGN Is ERECTED Location, Ownership and Detail Must Be Correct, Complete, and Legible Salem.Messachuseft To the Building Inspector. Date The undersigned hereby applies for a permit to.dEract, o Alter, o Repalr a sign on the following described bulldings: 207 Highland Ave. Salem, MA a Urban Renewal Area Entrance Corridor o Historic District o None _° SPa1Qn y fro trC1 Telephone 9 (0 0154 ;r.0jP8 Address o n}rcet(O +-Mc4Telephone n t ii eFr cA eu r%r n any twaRteasea are hr uta Iwllddp9%a corporate body,name pwNfrN ao! onslble offer � r: �^ o n4e S ) Fyl ro~RSignArt Inc. g finear feet 55189 nra Space(IFmultl-lanant) linear feet Address 60 Sharon St. Malden MA 02148 y linear feet Telephone781-322-3785 E-mail Ed®sl nal'tboston.com Owner a Sign Erector a other. _Sly_ nZ s ns —_ ❑Surface o Surface D Sudecs o Right Angle to Building o Right Angle to Building o Right Angle to Building v(Frae Standing o Free Standing a Free Standing o Awning o Awning o Awning a Portable(A-Frame) o Portable(A-Frame) a Portable(A-Frame) o Other(specify) o Other(specify) o Other(specify) Sign Materials Sign MaterialsSign Materials L xanSteel, Aluminum, LED's Sign Dimensions Sign Dimensions Sign Dimensions 9' 8" WX14' 2"H 2Si n Area Sign Area Sign Area SL( so tt so it Is R ft 'Sign Height(R Ree standing) Sign Height(rf free standing) Sign eight(g free standing) sq Estimated Cost of Net Work $12,800.00 Type Sign Ares To Be Removed? Slgn OwnerlProperty Owner ❑Surface sq R a yes o no o Right Angle to Building sq R o yes a no o Free Standing —sq R o yes o no Sign Owner's Authorized Representatt" oAwning _sqR ayes ono o Other(specify) _sq ft o yes o no Properly Owner Htetorioal Commission Buokft impactor m Proposed Two Sided Pole Sign: 9' 8"Wide by 14'2" High including Pole Cover �— 6'0" Cut-Out Letters from a Brushed Aluminum Face. f 4'0" Push through Plexi Letters with Black Faces, Creating a Halo Lighting Effect �— Number Is 12"High O� Medical is B"High High MEDICAL - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - TENANT - - - -- - - - - -- - _d PANELS Aegl hql I Cohn lss 11371 BY 201" 0 Ove hqi vllh otl�ev,l lexalq d pnOhlks TENANT PANELS 11391 .•Y 291 {1 TENANT PANELS • • BY • 10,9„ 3/16"Lex an Faces with 3M Graphics ` PANELS 6911 BY 161) 14,2„ TENANT PANELS • • BY 16" Total 62 Sq. Ft. oaeq.eea Irmsa dNmMum W tltlN 1 'I 3'6" d COPYRIGHT 0 2014 SigrYN,Inc. SALESMAN DRAWN BV Ed Spinney EWS 9-22-16 This drowang Is Odginal artwork created and awned CUSTOMER by .Inc.Anyreproductionof wriBrowingor 207 Medical / Salem, MA conceptceptns by any mea ,without the tten pettNsslon SCALE from SignArt.Inc.Is shlcny prchundeci As Shown x ao•u.ow n.•sarnot rdona•minam APPROVED BY www.signartboston.com n A - 4 AL I � ' COPYRIGHT 020T45ignArl,Inc A Ed Spinney EWS9-28-16 This drawing Is original artwork created and owned CUSTOMER byncePt t.Inc Any reps,without h this droten ingper or 207 Medical / Salem, MA concept by any means.wrihout the written permission M--JL SCALEAwlimt from 51grWrt Inc.Is stnctiy prohibiters AS Shown www.signartboston.com APPRc By Proposed Sign Installation Location -/ ' r� )!t[EDIC.AL a a COPYRIGHT O 201 A SignArl,Inc SAUESIh DRAWN BY Ed Spinney EWS 9-28-16 Thk drawing is original adwork created and owned CUSTOMER co cept ,Inc.y m cies,ckictlonmthoLd of this drawing or 207 Medical / Salem, MA concept by any means,vnthout the wAHen permission SCALE from SlgnAd,Inc.Is strictly prohbfted As Shown u nuaoh n• xunN,W 021"•M422 au APPROVED BY x www.signartboston.com • r I"n- Ate. yS • ,� � � ! 1' S qA Iz- 4WO ��FF gg r fid` in R xqS W @e � gi a s yy W^OI91 $g 661 Dn pq9 _ e Id s} sso' Ov U� A U r Az is 3 .ei atxs N Irtzsr ru y tT •'+ p,y r lWc1G t sg n Rg t M : f Z nI 9flr_ �N ].1llGJPN i'� ]•10EN,IGM - ,0.9 1•L L{ y � +•IIIRIRN =\ A � ,;•,�a .w».rocGN N x 1 V I J.h.tY.[G H N�G,.IFIPf NI ,ao'ear 3 .9atz./9 N 8i6/{BI/v MVM v3`-1 AY.W?M MY/S SSW 3nN3Ab (Avmw,4 Alvis) QNYIH91H COPYRIGHT 020145ignM.IncA EdLESNIAN Spinney x DRAWN BY This cravAng is o ginol artwork created ono ovmeo CUSTOMER ,Inc, reproduction of this droving or 207 Highland Ave. Salem, MA concept W any y m moons,without the vnrtten permission SCBE from SignArt,Inc.Is strictly prohWed. As Shown x NWON n.•wuoor,W oxut•m-auaru x APPROVED BY www.signartboston.com The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents Office of Investigations 1 Congress Street, Suite 100 Boston,MA 02114-2017 www.massgov/dia Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: General Businesses Applicant Information Please Print Legibly Business/Organization Name: Sign Art lnc. Address: 60 Sharon St. City/State/zip: Malden, Ma 02148 Phone#: 781-322-3785 Are ou an employer?Check the appropriate box: Business Type(required): I. I am a employer with 10 employees(full and/ 5. ❑Retail or part-time).' 6. ❑RestaurantBar/Eating Establishment 2.❑ 1 am a sole proprietor or partnership and have no 7, ❑Office and/or Sales(incl.real estate,auto,etc.) employees working for me in any capacity. [No workers' comp. insurance required] 8. ❑ Non-profit 3.❑ We are a corporation and its officers have exercised 9. ❑,.. Entertainment their right of exemption per c. 152,§1(4),and we have I O.E,(Manufacturing no employees. [No workers' comp.insurance required)* 11 ❑ Health Care4.❑ We are a non-profit organization,staffed by volunteers, with no employees. [No workers'comp.insurance req.] 12.0 Other •sty applicant that checks box#I must also fill out the section below showing their workers'compensation policy information. --If the corporate officers have exempted themselves,but the corporation has other employees,a workers compensation policy is required and such an organization should check box M. I am an employer that is providing workers'compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy information Insurance Company Name: National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh PA Insurer's Address: 100 Executive Dr. Suite 200 City/State/zip: West Orange, NJ 07052 Policy#or Self-ins.Lic.# WC 1653354 Expiration Date: 3/27/2017 Attach a copy of the workers'compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy number and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under Section 25A of MGL c. 152 can lead to the imposition of criminal penalties of a fine up to$1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment,as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to$250.00 a day against the violator. Be advised that a copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hereby certify, under the p and penalties ofperjury that the information provided above is true and correct. Signs tore: Date: 7/14/2016 Phone#: 781-322-3785 x 3 1 Official use only. Do not write in thir area, to be completed by city or town official City or Town: Permit/License 4 Issuing Authority(circle one): 1.Board of Health 2.Building Department 3.City/Town Clerk 4.Licensing Board 5. Selectmen's Office 6.Other Contact Person: Phone#: www.mass.go. 'dla City of Salem Department of Planning & Community Development CHECK RECEIPT AND TRACKING FORM DATE 10 1< Ug BOARD L I G (S1'5±= STAFF G4 • S� cry;rb CLIENT: PROPERTY ADDRESS: CONTACT NUMBER: PURPOSEFOR APPLICATION: SIS CHECK # l R 7 2s AMOUNT RECEIVED: $ 1 -L'5 . Ck-A 18728 - - Wastem Bank kmm BO SHARON ST laoaus*ERn MALDEN,MA 02148-5915 53-179/113 (7BI)322-3785 I O I 1 NC. $ PAY TO THE IT 125 . ORDER OF C l ` \ fT" ©�IG O DOLLARS �ea tvxnt� - V OV)c � gUTHORIZEG GNATURE MEMO - ---- - .0i8728i'01 >, 30i798�: 06002531.0 S",