207 HIGHLAND AVENUE - SIGN PERMIT (2) 207 Highland Ave Davita Kidney Care Commonwealth of Massachusetts Y � i City of Salem 120 Washington St,3rd Floor Salem.MA 01070(978)745-9595 x5641 Return card to Building Division for Certificate of Occupancy P Y Permit B-16-1249 PERMIT TO BUILD FEE PAID:: $0$0.00 DATE ISSUED: 10/27/2016 This certifies that ACME SIGN CORP. has permission to erect, alter, or demolish a building 207 HIGHLAND AVENUE Map/Lot: 130002-0 as follows: Signs SIGN PERMIT AS APPROVED FOR: DAVITA KIDNEY CARE Contractor Name: DBA: Contractor License No: 10127/2016 Building Official Date This permit shall be deemed abandoned and invalid unless the work authorized by this permit is commenced within six months after issuance.The Building Official may grant one or more extensions not to exceed six months each upon written request. All work authorized by this permit shall conform to the approved application and the approved construction documents for which this permit has been granted. All construction,alterations and changes of use of any building and structures shall be in compliance with the local zoning by-laws and codes. This permit shall be displayed in a location clearly visible from access street or road and shall be maintained open for public inspection for the entire duration of the work until the completion of the same. The Certificate of Occupancy will not be issued until all applicable signatures by the Building and Fire Officials are provided on this permit. HIC#: "Persons contracting with unregistered contractors do not have access to the guaranty fund-(as set forth in MGL c.142A). Restrictions: Building plans are to be available on site. All Permit Cards are the property of the PROPERTY OWNER. City of Salem Sign Permit Application Worksheet V��n.n e rIYD WEPT ONA 11-Oct-16 Davita Kidney CafA' 207 Hi hland Av.,&b OCT 4b (� Zoning(res/non-res) B2 Entrance Corridor(Y/N) Y Lot frontage 377 feet n Building or tenant frontage 141 feet --1f #of businesses on site 1 Bldng dist from street center <100 feet Multiplier 1 Building and Blade Signs maximum area permitted 141.00 sq ft total proposed sign area 4.73 sq ft sign 1 Sign length 0.00 inches height 0.00 inches sign 2 Sign length 25.00 inches height 13.63 inches sign 3 length 25.00 inches height 13.63 inches sign 4 length 0.00 inches height 0.00 inches sign 5 length 0.00 inches height 0.00 inches Freestanding SlIgm maximum area permitted 0.00 sq ft(per side) maximum#of signs permitted 0 signs maximum height permitted 0.00 ft tall sign 1 proposed sign area 0.00 sq ft length 0.00 inches height 0.00 inches proposed sign height 0.00 ft(approx) sign 2 proposed sign area 0.00 sq ft length 0.00 inches height 0.00 inches proposed sign height ft Application meets guidelines set forth in the Salem Sign Ordinance Yes Recommend approval Yes Primary sign Will be halo(reverse)-lit. Permit Number APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ERECT A SIGN NOTE:BUILDING PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE SIGN IS ERECTED Location, Ownership and Detail Must Be Correct, Complete, and Legible Salem, Massachusetts 402- 0 2Ib Date To the Building Inspector: The undersigned hereby applies for a permit to /Erect, ❑Alter, ❑Repair a sign on the following described buildings: Street Address Zoning District 207 Hi hland Ave �( o Urban Renewal Area ntrance Corridor 9 V 2 ❑Historic District ❑None Use of Building Telephone 1 floor • DaVita 2 floor Address 207 Highland Ave Salem,MA 3 floor Telephone 4 floor E-mail How many businesses are in the building? If a corporate body, name Frontage of responsible officer Acme Sign Corporation Building linear feet Construction Sup's License No Applicant's Space(if multi-tenant) linear feet Address 3 Lakeland Park Peabody,MA Property linear feet Telephone 978-535-6600 Mail Sign Permit to E-mail brian@acmesigncorp.com c Sign Owner ign Erector in Other: posed Signs (If more than three signs are proposed attach additional sheets) Si•n 1 Sign 2 Sign 3 ❑ urface ❑Surface ❑Surface ❑Right Angle to Building ❑ Right Angle to Building ❑Right Angle to Building in Free Standing ❑ Free Standing ❑Free Standing ❑Awning ❑Awning ❑Awning ❑ Portable(A-Frame) ❑Portable(A-Frame) . ❑Portable(A-Frame) ❑Other(specify) VOther(specify) ❑Other(specify) Sign Materials Sign Materials Sign Materials Aluminum l plastic \/VI Sign Dimensions Sign im nsions Sign Dimensions 91.3"x51.2" pL2 27 K I.`� (02-5 Sign Area Sign Area �y �� Sign Area 32.46 s it 1 sq ft sq ft Sign Height(if free standing) Sign Height(if free standing) Sign Height(if free standing) Estimated Cost of Net Work $ 2000 Existing Signs Type Sign Area To Be Removed? Sign Owner ❑Surface sq ft ❑yes o no ❑Right Angle to Building sq ft ❑yes ❑no ❑Free Standing sq ft ❑yes ❑no Sign Owner's Authorized Representative ❑Awning sq ft o yes o no Nriv &-iH et J ❑Other(specify) sq ft ❑yes ❑no Property Owner d- (ov.Zlo2 A Prt-jK( trcL 8•.l Internal Review Planning&Community Development Department 7 Historical Commission Building Inspector 4erzam m CITY OF SALEM �a` p DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVF.,LOPMENT '�nmcvf'� lUnmERi.EY Uwscou. 120 WASHWGTON STREEr♦SALEm,MAssAciiusmns 01970 MAYOR TEL;978 619-5685♦FAX:978-740-0404 CITY OF SALEM SIGN PERMIT PROCESS All exterior signs, awnings, and interior signs that can be seen from the exterior are required to have a City of Salem Sign Permit before a sign can be fabricated and installed. Please be aware that in some areas of the city,review by a governing board must take place before a City permit can be issued. These areas include the Urban Renewal Area(governed by the Salem Redevelopment Authority) and Local Historic Districts(governed by the Salem Historic Commission). Please note that it takes roughly three weeks to receive a sign permit and in areas governed by a review board it may take longer. Before any sign application can be reviewed,the following material must be submitted with the application: • Scaled Drawing of Sign(including dimensions) ■ Method of Lighting ■ Color Scheme ■ Building Frontage(width of building on public ■ Letter Style(font) way) ■ Letter Size ■ Photograph of Building(current conditions) ■ Method of Attachment ■ Photograph of Building(with proposed signage) The Building Inspector may require additional pertinent information to insure compliance with the City of Salem Sign Ordinance and any other applicable laws. Sign Application Fees There is a twenty-dollar($20) minimum permit fee for each application. If the estimated cost of fabrication and installation is $2,000 or more, a fee of$10 per$1,000 plus a$5 application fee will be charged. For example, a $12,000 sign project would have a$125 fee. Electrical Permit A licensed electrician must install any sign with ancillary lighting and sign boxes must be UL listed. An Electrical Permit must be obtained from the City of Salem Electrical Department,48 Lafayette Street, and be submitted with the sign application before a sign permit will be issued. Surety Bonds for Signs or Awnings Hung over a Public Way Any sign or awning hung over a public way or sidewalk shall require a surety bond in the sum of one thousand dollars($1,000.00)conditioned to save harmless the City from any claims. This bond must be placed on file in the City Clerk's office.A copy of such bond must be submitted with the sign application before a sign permit will be issued. Contact your insurance provider to obtain the surety bond. Liability Insurance for Portable(A-Frame) Signs Proof of adequate liability insurance with a minimum limit of$1,000,000.00 for each occurrence must be provided to the City Clerk and remain in effect for as long as the portable sign is used. The portable sign must be indicated as being included in the liability coverage. The City, and in the Urban Renewal Areas,the Salem Redevelopment Authority, must be listed as additional insured(s). A copy of the insurance certificate must be submitted with the sign application before a sign permit will be issued. M4110 m D *v I@ a t Kidney Care Date Kovieed: 10/10/2016 Davita 5a1em Dialy5i5 207 Highland Ave. 5a1em, MA 01970 GE%SLER7- J.L. Geisler Corp. 28750 Lorna Ave. Warren, MI 48092-3930 5861574-1800 Fax 5861574-1805 E-Mail:tammy@jlgeisler.com Z Certified 5outh Elevation Davita Salem Dialysis 207 Highland Ave. Salem,VIA 01970 L 40. r ' ,5- R 60" Scale: 3/16"=1' T� 25" Doo-1'icyl(E.mple Door Only) NT5 WdaeyCaire QTY. 1 1 10/10/16 angcd Lego RJ MATERIAL:White Premium Vinyl LETTER STYLE: Davita Logo, Lato Semibold zR�so Lomea a. DATE:9/22/2016 MOUNTING First Surface 66SLER Warten,Ml83093-3930 PROJECT: DaVita Dialy6i6 SBM57¢1800 TITLE:Door Vinyl J.L Geisler Corp. Faz 538�57a-1305 E41eR:tammy®dgeslercan SCALE:See Notes FILE:Na Ma Salem Ea mor Drswingz.cdr 0 j.l.geisler carp.2015 ® Certified DRAWING BY: RJ SIGN PROJECTS-7016\0avita\Davi a Salem-Judy Lynn\Davlta Salem Ea nor Dravdnga.edr West Elevation Davita Salem Dialysis 207 Highland Ave. Salem, MA 01970 1 r + fr .. If r 4 ' r . .r 7 j' Tl F 60" 13.7" 2'g Te a m m a t e PoorVinyl(Example Door Only) 2" Entrance NT5 Scale: 1:8 QTY. 1 MATERIAL: White Premium Vinyl LETTER STYLE:Whitney 5cmiBold 287M Lams Ave. DATE:9/22/2016 MOUNTING: First Surface GEISIER War ren.A114g182.0930 PROJECT: Davita Dialysis 58615741800W92-3930 J.L Geisler Corp. Eax588W4-l841805 TITLE:Door Vinyl E-Mvl:Tammy®Ilge5ler,com SCALE:See Notes FILE:Davita 5alem Exoenor PraMngs.cdr B j.1.geisler corp.2015 ® Certified DRAWING BY: PJ SIGN PR0JECr5-2016\Davita\Davita Salem-Judy Lynn\Dsvita Salem Exterior Dramngs.cdr South Elevation Davita Salem Dlalysis 207 Highland Ave. Salem, MA 01970 91.3" D1a ilia, 5111 •> —1 I ri`rom 5iArr ___i —1 � V �a-adel Sca le: 1/16"=1' x J-box oy 6C Channel Letters V Itage�r " C 1 1Oi'JAE angcd Logo RJ Qc�r pi on 26750 L"Ave. DATE:9/22/2016 GEISLER Wenen,MI 4M.3930 PROJECT: Davita Dialysis 5861574-1800 TITLE: Elwation J.L Goisler Corp. FU5BN574.1605 Seale: 1/4"=1' EMeil amm®a9ede.�n SCALE:5ee Notes FILE:Pwv a Salem Ex Hor Drawingasdr ©j.l.geisler corp.201b ® Certified DRAWING BY: RJ 516N PROJECT5-2616\Davita\Davita 5,elem-Judy Lynn\Davita Salem Ez Hor Onewinga.cdr Pavita Salem Dialysis 207 Highland Ave. Salem,MA 01970 91.3" 30.4" t 21.3 a1T' 2" T"r ansform,er Box AV 12 51.2" wau Ita . LKidney Care �.BT' 3/8 Alum Cut out letters 3/16"Acrylic T" scale 5c1 Ft 32.46 Side View Qty. ( 1 ) Reverse-illuminated Letters and 3/8 Alum cut out letters Scale 1:16 Material: Aluminum Text 5ty le: Logo \ Lato semibold 1 10/10/16 hanged Logo RJ i Text Color: Letters = PM5 2196 C Star = PM5 7409 C 28750 Loma Ave. DATE:9/2222016 " 7x° 330 PROJECT: DaVita Dialysis Mounting: 2"5pacer% Studs GEW ER J.L Gaislor Corp. Faa5*74-1WS TITLE:Channel Letters E. .® 5CALE:See Notes FILE:Davna Salem Exterior Drawingscar 0 j.l.geisler corp.2015 ® Certified DRAWING BY: RJ ENEMA 516N PROJELI5-2016\DavRa\Dav1ta Salem-Judy Lynn\Davita Salem Ex nor Drawings.cdr Davita Salem Dialysio 207 Highland Ave. Salem, MA 01970 FF E � I s I`�I MAP 15 LOT 2 3^ --,J- AREA-].A t ACRES CLINIC ® s. Channel Letters m P1 -_ f4 I 1211 Door vinyls_ j I l III W I"--- HIGHLAND AVENUE Rev. oat& 28759 Lama Ave. DATE:7/26/2016 rG 'SIER Wsmen,MI 48092-3930 PROJECT: DaVita Oialy5i5 536157atgWTITLE. Site Plan Far 58074ae05 SCALE5itcE-Mail:lammy@jlgeisler.comslerco 2015 O Certified FILE:Davit.Salem E tenor Prawingecdr DRAWING BY: RJ SIGN PROJECT5-2016\0avits\Oav1ta Salem-Judy LynnTavlta Salem Eeoerior Drawingo.cdr 6 N1 A MOP Custom Sign 30ft Advertising 3 Lakeland Park Peabody, MA 01960 30" (978) 535-6600 DFax(978) 536-5051 �allda R\ � 12" Frame Split Mid Point 66 CLIENT , DDAita Kidney Care pKE: October 14,2016 r oaaur 7-CLIP LOCATED ON EVERY 5TREEf 207 Highland Ave. a t INTERIOR TRUSS-TOP&BOTTOM TOWN: Salem,MA 48'MAX.SPACING REP. Brian B — ALUM.FRAME SCALE: None #1YT" Frame in T square aluminum. o FASTENER APPROPRIATE TO MEMBER Sunbrella Fabric Color TBD "" ��WALLTYPE.DETERMINEDBY 3/16'GALV.Z-CLI INSTALLER Lim SIAiaNCOUNEX rhb desyn is an orgmal week of authorship by ACME 5gn Corp. lio VOLTS REVIOED DATE CALMnAlch ew"esthe copjwhts protectlon Wthis desgn as prima Electrical To Sin UL Colors Represented In This Drawing Pae 1 of 1 pe„awyue uW.oftheunw5tataa(uceii lzdd Primary g Are For Presentation Pur oece Onl g nliny 1raaa�adbyACMEa"d,"�iiu,eeseofthled"r Is Is TobcProvidedByOthers. p y authanud ey ACME In w ng,ALME wnera the t Il ske rights 20 Amp Dedicated Circuit With They Will Not Match Your Finished Nfeywu No Shared Neutrals And A Ground X❑ PRELIMINARY 3)prepara de:M works basad m rhe dasgn; Product Perfectly Color Call-Outs C7 arotnbuta roxs or thedesign ty„¢w ethe,w,an,+er arm; Returning To The Panel 15 Required ❑ FINAL ACCEPTANCE 0)depey the desgn puWdy For All Installations. Are For A Match As Close As Possible. ! 1 0/1 81201 6 J.L Geisler Corp.Mail-Re:FW:Salem,MA NE03313_Relo_Facade Sign_LL APPROVAL REQUESTED GmP ll Tammy Kelly <tammy@jlgeisleccom> Re: FW:Salem, MA NE 03313_Relo_Facade Sign_LL APPROVAL REQUESTED 1 message Fred Massa (gmail)<fmassa68@gmail.com> Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 10:21 AM To: Judylynn Monaco<Judylynn.Monaco@davita.com> Cc: Tammy Kelly <tammy@jlgeisler.com>, Joanne O'Connell Foster<joanneo@nemd.com>, Ralph Parent <ralph.parent@gmail.com> This is approved. Have you finalized your signage on the external marquis? That is in production as we speak Regards, Fred Massa, Broker Industrial Concepts Brokers, LLC (ICB) 617 529-5586 C P 07-1 NgIY01�Be�L On Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 10:16 AM, Judylynn Monaco<Judylynn.Monaco@davita.com> wrote: Ht Fred I had sent this to you back on 09/15, but wanted to fallow up. Attached is the signage package for the building facade signs. Please approve at your earliest convenience so that we can get these ordered. Thanks. #I - ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL?' lCnli I'c% https://mNi.google.com/mail/?U=2&ik=58e3O3l2l6&view=pt&q=fmassa68%40gmail.com&qs=trLL- search=query&th=157901219deba9Ol&siml=157901219dc... 1/4 10/1812016 J.L Geisler Cap.Mail-Re:FW:Salem,MANE 03313_Relo_Facade Sign_LLAPPROVAL REQUESTED e 6 C',4yes to, Judylynn Monaco, CFM Project Manager-Team Genesis 118 Granite Street Medfield, MA 02052 617.817.9150 cell judylynn.monaco@davita.com Da'Vita. From:Tammy Kelly [mallto:tammy@jlgeisleccom] Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2016 9:15 AM To: Judylynn Monaco Cc: droger@timbedineconstruction.com; Joanne O'Connell Foster Subject: Re: DAVITA SALEM WALL SIGN WARNING: This email originated outside of DaVita. DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Good morning Judylynn. You submitted the drawings to Fred on 9/15 for his blessing, no reply When I talked to you on 9/25, 1 mentioned that Fred has not commented yet, also attached the new logo design, attached here for your approval Do you want me to get the ball rolling with new logo or still wait on Fred? Tammy Kelly J.L. Geisler Corporation 586-574-1800. ext. 101 Mips:/Imi il.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=58e3031216&view=pt&q=fmwsa68°/.40gmail.can&qs=true&search=query&th=157901219dcba901&siml=157901219dc... 2/4 10118r2016 J.L.Geisler Cap.Mail-Re:FW:Salem,MANE 03313 Relo Facade Sign_LL APPROVAL REQUESTED On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 5:40 PM, Judylynn Monaco<Judylynn.Monaco@davita.com> wrote: Tammy Has this been submitted to Fred for review and approval? 14 ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL?! �F,N Esus 4 Judylynn Monaco, CFM Project Manager-Team Genesis 118 Granite Street Medfield, MA 02052 617.817.9150 cell judylynn.monaco@davita.com D�zta. From: Tammy Kelly [mailto:taminy@jlgeisler com] Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2016 10:54 AM To: droger@timberlineconstruction.com Cc: Judylynn Monaco; Joanne O'Connell Foster Subject: DAVITA SALEM WALL SIGN httpsl/mail.google.canlmaiU?u=2&ik=58e3O3l2l6&viea=pt&q=fmassa68°/40gmail.can&qs=true&search=query&th=157901219dcba9Ol&siml=157901219dc... 3A 10/18/2016 J.L Geisler Corp.Mail-Re:FW:Salem,MANE 03313_Relo_Fwade Sign_LL APPROVAL REQUESTED WARNING This email originated outside of DaVita. DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Exterior wall sign drawing attached, we request 5/8" plywood behind EFTS. Each letter will require penetrations through the wall and access full length of sign. Sign will require one 120V, 20amp dedicated sign circuit Let us know if you have any questions. Tammy Kelly J.L. Geisler Corporation 586-574-1800, ext. 101 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: THIS MESSAGE IS CONFIDENTIAL, INTENDED FOR THE NAMED RECIPIENT(S) AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS (I) PROPRIETARY TO THE SENDER, AND/OR, (II) PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAL, AND/OR OTHERWISE EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE STATE AND FEDERAL LAW, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PRIVACY STANDARDS IMPOSED PURSUANT TO THE FEDERAL HEALTH INSURANCE PORTABILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT OF 1996 ("HIPAA"). IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, OR THE EMPLOYEE OR AGENT RESPONSIBLE FOR DELIVERING THE MESSAGE TO THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTION OR COPYING OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS TRANSMISSION IN ERROR, PLEASE (I) NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY BY REPLY E-MAIL OR BY TELEPHONE AT (855.472.9822), (ll) REMOVE IT FROM YOUR SYSTEM, AND (III) DESTROY THE ORIGINAL TRANSMISSION AND ITS ATTACHMENTS WITHOUT READING OR SAVING THEM. THANK YOU. -DaVita Healthcare Partners Inc.- This email was delivered using either TLS encryption between DaVita's Internet email gateway and with one of the host(s) listed as the Internet email exchanger(MX)for your email domain OR as a last resort, via Cisco envelope encryption if TLS encryption was not available with your Internet email MX. Please follow up with your organization's email administrator if you have further questions or reservations concerning the secure delivery of this email message. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: THIS MESSAGE IS CONFIDENTIAL, INTENDED FOR THE NAMED RECIPIENT(S) AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS (1) PROPRIETARY TO THE SENDER, AND/OR, (II) PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAL, AND/OR OTHERWISE EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE STATE AND FEDERAL LAW, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PRIVACY STANDARDS IMPOSED PURSUANT TO THE FEDERAL HEALTH INSURANCE PORTABILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT OF 1996 ("HIPAA"). IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, OR THE EMPLOYEE OR AGENT RESPONSIBLE FOR DELIVERING THE MESSAGE TO THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTION OR COPYING OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS TRANSMISSION IN ERROR, PLEASE (1) NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY BY REPLY E-MAIL OR BY TELEPHONE AT (855.472.9822), (II) REMOVE IT FROM YOUR SYSTEM, AND (III) DESTROY THE ORIGINAL TRANSMISSION AND ITS ATTACHMENTS WITHOUT READING OR SAVING THEM. THANK YOU. -DaVita Healthcare Partners Inc.- https//mail.google.com/maill9ui=2&ik=58e303121fi&viev=pt&q=fmassa68%40gmail.com&qs=true&searcl--query&th=157901219dcba9018siml=157901219dc... 414 City of Salem Department of Planning & Community Development CHECK RECEIPT AND TRACKING FORM DATE BOARD S. STAFF J. , 0 �' CLIENT: I )� PROPERTY ADDRESS: 266 fe'r1c�L � K CONTACT NUMBER: PURPOSE FOR APPLICATION: S✓4� vim'''`-#- CHECK # Y-L AMOUNT RECEIVED: $ ACME SIGN CORP. 7782 ACME 3AKELAND PARK DR � 5-7017/2110 h PFABODV,MA 01960 SGN (976)535.6600 DATE PAY qq 1 $ p5 ORTHE V DER OF DOLLARS CITIZENS BANK �a FORD( V'� n1007782III 1: 211070175l: i3i336766ii1'