207 HIGHLAND AVENUE - CHEVROLET, HALLMAN - ZBA 207 Highland Ave. B-2 Hallman Chevrolet, Inc. (Pet) Salt Family Realty Tr. (Own). 1 J i \_ 17� Architects ongre & treatAssociated Designers efts A&AD 286 Congress Street Boston,Massachusetts 02210 r - Telephone 617 482 17502 Cwip 1200 T__ interior Arcli Space PlanningFac — Graphic esigngation' Graphic Design Historic Preservation Lantlscape Architecture r P � p e1 Ctu of Salem, C tt tt> I�usE s ?� Poarb ,af Appeal ` S DECISION ON THE PETITION OF HALLMAN CHEVROLET (PETITIONER) SALTZ FAMILY REALTY TRUST (OWNER) FOR A SPECIAL PERMIT FOR 207 HIGH] D CgE19 SP91t.' A hearing on this petition was held on November 30, 1983 with the Mlp�ring Board Members present: James Hacker, Chairman; Messrs. , ChaDbTas; -FIOppzr .-L6` -tnski and Associate Member Bencal. Notice of the hearing was sent $6•`aliutter5' and others and notices of the hearing were properly published in the Salem Evening News in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40A. Petitioner requests a Special Per:-, it to allow it to expand the present noncon foraning use in this B-2 district. Th 4 provision of the Salem Zoning Ordinance which is applicable to this request r W C J MJ oro a Special Permit is Section V B 10, which provides as follows: Notwithstanding anything to the contrary appearing n o o in this Ordinance, the Board of Appeal may,. in o :P _ w T accordance with the procedure and conditions set < 3 forth in Section VIII F and IX D, grant Special Permits for alterations and reconstruction of nonconforming Y a 3 ti W structures, and for changes, enlargement, extension or. expansion of nonconforming lots, land, .structures, and uses, provided, however, that such change, extension, enlargement or expansion.shall _not-be substantially more detrimental than the existing nonconforming use to the r , , - M �, o neighborhood. w Z _ LL H �Tn more general terms, this Board is, when reviewing Special Permit requests, o w E J W guided by the rule that a Special Permit request may be granted upon a finding n ai � d < = $y the Board that the grant of the Special Permit will promote the public health, o i - —2 -: P safety, convenience and welfare of the City's inhabitants. ` - Whe Board of Appeal, after hearing the evidence presented at the hearing, makes the following findings of fact: � W.1 < t a 1 . No opposition to petitioner's plan was raised by neighbors; 2. Petitioner's plan will be an asset to the buisiness community of the City. On the basis of the above findings of fact and on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Board of Appeal concludes as follows: 1 . The relief requested is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance; 2. The relief requested will not be substantially detrimental to the public good. Therefore; the Board of Appeal voted unanimously to grant the petitioner's request, to expand the present nonconforming use as described in plans presented to the. Board. Scott E. Charnas, Actino Secretary OFTHT,7 ECISION_fiAS BEEN FILED tdITH THE PLANNING BOARD AND CITY CLERK jim Hawthorne Square Man I1, 1— r -,; �I kk i I -f.v4+fW.lee fill I 1 m � � a' go IF I ' I I 1 t - T _ r r { I � _ rr,.APs ur --- – — - -. .. First Street _.. .. .,... .. - I . Ts+ra . ' ., WE PLAN Architects 286 Con & Associated Desi _._---- – gtts 02210 IncJA&AD Congress Street Boston Massachusetts fY - �^—� Telephone 617,482-7502 OWP1200 Telex 951311 - 207 Fkjtar)d Avenue Leader Chevd t NEW SERVICE��� Site Plan . (RL 107)-Salert\Ms.01970 AIS ADDITION TO DMTM FACtIfY ae. w nwwl . . wm� _. : . . . ._� ..`• -. . . . ,... :.:.._ r,, .,.. . ... . _ ' ::��..::a:.i;,vas.:'.r*,:::ya,l.�:.u.�-,o 'sc'��..:.. r • II " : II .. N. Ils«Yk.a.r.(a) ---------------'�- �dut CA✓Jr R tY5(bw 4EK'T/[q�. IILL =� U � I i6W M TRe LT d .. Service Department _Kars � Sarvlc� . k New Service San(2) I j J'� -Pt wT6- =ec.wrty Tfzft. !t r I p r--- ---;--� - Pmts Department .a.,..)ome.�. Showroom i " Reconditioning- Architects & Associated Designers hCJA&AD 286 Congress Street Boston Massachusetts 02210 - 207 Fkghland Avenue Leader Chevrolet NEW SERVICE 8=14G Fluor Plan r Telephone 617-482-7502 QWF1200 Telex 951311 (Rt 107) Salem,Ma 01970 AFD ADOPTION TO D(ISTPIG �.s, Proposed Addition - FACILITY To Showroom 4 A nart.y ^^ Fin=Ow Gaquc oe faro:A�.ArtY.. auav, _ % . ti r::+ -""' S�i'" '^' -sr'- _m-.-r'-�s••-. '*'. -nom,.,_4 +ea _-x r-•c �-'.. : ^s- .-_.:. .e.. g.r., ;.,..._..,: _ �+.-n-.t-® .ak a i a R , - 9fYC• 1 - - - > ,_ v..D DP•Y Doom - _ �� _. � a �:__ _ _ .. a d i MW _.- - - - - o � - T , E � IDrn • ` FLOCR RAN .,tz, Propose 307ice_ .. . =j . —._ I 4J a� '' • Architects & Associated Designers hcJA&AD �^^—a c•--= 286 CaVess Street Boston Massadxmetts 02210 207 FEgfia d Avarua Leader Chevrolet NEW SERVICE BLZJ)MFloor Plan Telephone 617-482:-7502 0WP1200 Telex 951311 (Rt 107) Satem,Ma O19M AM ADDITION TO DOSRNG i`,y Proposed Service 9 , r.l - - FACILITY A3 MUMern� Mvv NWI}-en 9J n FW^ F•olltln l�� D--1w I+,mc�e Hme Hemwom G l !.Yn: % N 6 .y ASN L Y Y y K J,F' i ':. j4 .. z.. ..i M xT^".... �^T'.wq�rnM'�'xm+•rst .i-.wpy.m.n m<-grnn.,m.++++a.*Z^' .. ..-. .._.... ... a _ ) L li. X. 4: ELEVATION ;A Proposed Add w To Showroom - a I t - ELEVATION Proposed Service Buldng Architects & Associated Designers Inc./A&AD mar--." „ 286 Congress Street Boston Massaclxisetts 02210 207 Fijiard Averue Leader Chevrolet NEW SERVICE BLALOM rr* .-Elevations Telephone 617-482-7502 O W W 1200 Telex 951311 _ (RL 107) Salem Ma 01970 AND ADDITION TO D(1STNGFACLrrY e-,-� A4 1 NUVbcan Yeav NTitecOaa Spee Rertf9 FadYtlaa hamlytlon Gvpic� Ia4,cye.Vva1 eve wabc Rawwom - h .,::• 77, ',—, "9 ---FT'T— ^aT ym' .+ yr^'Hr +: .v .npmu+n. .. ^, amm.m'm...w.:.,..,..y...:r.rww...,,.e ,o-.• -»,,.r..y,... ..� ,..,,. ,. - �'C'ic"C„?a£ 4 �5�.f. T'�..-: .. ,Y} ! . .'�f``` ..c�Yu. .. s +�S y:. cn'..� �1.. .'x�{4,�c""'"'k ,'nrwr x^a� r;•yc' ,�;.Sq �X'"."^_..:..�1'-+�'ep;.5`'�remt^ --:f ��'•�z... f - - -. - -