30 PLEASANT STREET - BUILDING INSPECTION J _ . , CITY OF SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS h BUILDING DEPARTMENT �- 120 WASHINGTON STREET,3a FLOOR $ TEL. (978) 745-9595 FAX(978) 740-9846 KIMBERLEY DRISCOLL MAYOR THOMAS ST.PIERRE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROPERTY/BUILDING COMMISSIONER November 19, 2009 Patrick and Danielle Foley 30 Pleasant Street Salem Ma. 01970 R,E Coyne Construction Dear Owners, This issue has come up in the past but this office continues to receive complaints regarding Coyne Construction running his businesses from your property. Workers are meeting there in the morning and departing for various jobs leaving behind their vehicles. Your property and neighborhood is zoned for residential uses only. You are directed to cease and desist the business activities immediately upon receipt of this notice. Failure to comply will result in a zoning violation(section 5-2 Salem Zoning Ordinance)and will result in daily fines . If you have any questions,please contact me directly. Tho s St.Pierre 4" M� Building Commissioner/Zoning Officer cc. Jason Silva, Councilor Sosnowski CITY OF SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS PUBLIC PROPERTY DEPARTMENT 9 q �s 120 WASHINGTON STREET, 3RD FLOOR ' ���MINE SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS .01970 STANLEY J. USOVICZ, JR. TELEPHONE: 978-745-9595 EXT. 380 MAYOR FAX: 978-740-9846 December 3, 200 Patrick Foley qopy 30 Pleasant Street Salem, Ma. 01970 RE: 30 Pleasant Street Dear Mr. Foley: This Department is again receiving complaints about your tenant Coyne Construction, running a business out of the property. There are also two unregistered and uninspected vehicles in violation of City Ordinance 24-21. You were notified previously of the zoning violations about 2 years ago in January of 2002. Your property is located in a R-2 Zone, which does not allow the commercial use. You are directed to cease.and desist the commercial uses at this property within 30 days upon receipt of this letter. You are further ordered to remove the unregistered vehicles within 15 days upon receipt of this letter. Failure to comply with these orders will result in a complaint being filed in Salem District Court. If you have a question about these orders, contact me directly. Sincerely, Thomas St. Pierre Acting Building Commissioner cc: Mayors Office Tom Phillbin Councillor Flynn r� CITY OF SALEM9 MASSACHUSETTS PUBLIC PROPERTY DEPARTMENT Ail 120 WASHINGTON STREET, 3RD FLOOR SALEM, MA 01970 TEL. (978) 745-9595 EXT. 380 FAX (978) 740-9846 STANLEY J. USOVICZ, JR. PETER STROUT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROPERTY MAYOR January 3, 2002 Patrick D. Foley 30 Pleasant Street Salem,Ma.01970 RE: 30 Pleasant Street Dear Owners: This department has received several complaints about the commercial activity at your above mentioned property. Your property is located in an R-2 district. The complaint we have been receiving is the contractor business being run out of the property and work being performed on trucks. Salem Zoning Ordinance Section 5-2 does not allow commercial uses such as contracting in this area. Also, there is no Special Permit use shown in Section 5-3 that would allow this use either. Therefore you are directed to cease the commercial activity within 30 days. Failure to comply will result in municipal code tickets being issued and a complaint issued and a complaint being filed in Salem District Court. Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. /Sincerely, Thomas St. Pierre Local Building Inspector cc: Mayors Office Councillor Flynn Salem Police Traffic Division of �tticm, massarllusEtts Publie Propertu Department +luilbing Department (One calem (5reen 508-745-9595 Ext. 380 Leo E. Tremblay Director of Public Property Inspector of Building Zoning Enforcement Officer October 20 , 1995 Patrick Foley 98 Broadway Salem, Mass . 01970 RE : 30 Pleasant Street Dear Mr . Foley: Thank you very much for your response to the letter dated on September 29 , 1995 regarding the above mentioned • property. An inspection was conducted and found all violations corrected. This office will notify all the appropriate departments and the Ward Councillor that this situation has been brought to a satisfactory conclusion. Sincerely, 7 Leo E . Tremblay Inspector of Building LET: scm cc: David Shea Tom Keough Councillor Harvey, Ward 2 • Cfitu of Salem, fassar4loetts Ilublic 'Propertn Department ° Nuilbing Department (One t3alem preen 500-745-9595 Ext. 300 Leo E. Tremblay Director of Public Property Inspector of Building Zoning Enforcement Officer September 29 , 1995 Patrick Foley 98 Broadway Salem, Mass . 01970 RE ; 30 Pleasant Street Dear Mr . Foley: The building department has once again received complaints of business activities being conducted from 30 Pleasant Street . You must cease and desist utilizing said property from business purposes at once . Failure to do so will result in legal court action being taken against you. Being the property owner it is your responsibility to assure this office that all illegal use of the property will cease, whether the activities are being conducted by you or your tenants . Please contact this office upon receipt of this letter to informus as of your course of action in this matter . Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter . Sincerely , Leo E . Tremblay) Inspector of Buildings LET: scm cc : Councillor Harvey, Ward 2 Certified Mail # P 921 991 839 of *n1Em, Masottr4usetto Public Prn}tertg i3epartment Nuilding Ilepartment (Pne Salem Green 506-795-9595 Ext. 300 Leo E. Tremblay Director of Public Property Inspector of Building Zoning Enforcement Officer July 26, 1993 Pat Foley 30 Pleasant Street Salem, MA 01970 RE: 30 Pleasant St. Dear Mr. Foley: On July 22, 1993 I conducted an inspection of the above referenced property with regard to whether a building permit under Massachusetts State Building Code Article 2, Section 201 .00 was required for the repairs done to the rear egress. It has been concluded that as the pad they stairs were sitting on was pre-existing and all that was done was repair to the stairs that a permit was not required. If I can be of any further assistance, do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, 'IT Ahn J. lni gs, III Assistant Building Inspector JJJ:bms cc: Councillor Harvey \30plsnt2\ Tito of A.7ttlem, Massarllusetts !: r'a Public Propertg Department �p Nuilbing Uepnrtment (One 6alem (Breen 500-745-9595 Ext. 300 Leo E. Tremblay Director of Public Property Inspector of Building Zoning Enforcement Officer June 10, 1993 Patrick Foley 30 Pleasant Street Salem, MA 01970 Dear Mr. Foley, I want to thank you for responding to our request, and letting us conduct an inspection of your garage at 30 Pleasant Street. Mr. LaPointe of the Salem Fire Prevention Department and I were pleased to notice that there were no combustible materials stored in the garage. We will notify your concerned neighbor of our in- spection to assure them that combustible materials do not exist in said garage. sincer y"V Leo E. Tremblay Inspector of Buil lay cc: Task Force Councillors Titu of Avtt1Pm, Mass ar4u.setts Ilublic Propertp Department Nuilbing Department (One Salem green 508-745-9595 ext. 380 Leo E. Tremblay Director of Public Property Inspector of Building Zoning Enforcement Officer June 2, 1993 Patrick Foley 98 Broadway Salem, MA 01970 RE: 30 Pleasant St. (R-2) Dear Mr. Foley: The City of Salem Task Force Committee received a complaint regarding the possible illegal use of the above referenced property. I conducted an inspection and observed a roofing truck, some scaffolding, and a snow blower on said property. It was also alleged that there was storage of material, possibly combustible, in the garage. This area is zoned Residential Two Family (R-2) and business uses are not permitted without action of the Zoning Board of Appeal. The Building Department, along with the Fire Marshal, would like to make arrangements to inspect the garage. If there are no dangerous chemicals being stored there, we could put the minds of the neighbors at ease. Please contact this office within five (5) days of receipt of this notice. I thank you in advance for your prompt and courteous attention in this matter. Sincerely, Leo E. Tremblay Inspector of Buildings LET:bms cc: Inspector LaPointe Task Force Committee Members Certified Mail IIP 091 156 312 /30plsnt/ Cfttu of *Ulem, Massar4usetts Public PropertU Upartment tiguilaing Department (One #Wcm (6reen 508-745-9595 Ext. 380 Leo E. Tremblay Director of Public Property Inspector of Building Zoning Enforcement Officer May 25, 1993 Patrick Foley 30 Pleasant Street Salem, MA 01970 RE: 30 Pleasant St. (R-2) Dear Mr. Foley: The City of Salem Task Force Committee received a complaint regarding the possible illegal use of the above referenced property. I conducted an inspection and observed a roofing truck, some scaffolding, and a snow blower on said property. It was also alleged that there was storage of material, possibly combustible, in the garage. This area is zoned Residential Two Family (R-2) and business uses are not permitted without action of the Zoning Board of Appeal. The Building Department, along with the Fire Marshal, would like to make arrangements to inspect the garage. If there are no dangerous chemicals being stored there, we could put the minds of the neighbors at ease. Please contact this office within five (5) days of receipt of this notice. I thank you in advance for your prompt and courteous attention in this matter. Sincerely, Leo E. Tremblay Inspector of Buildings LET:bms cc: Inspector LaPointe Task Force Committee Members Certified Mail #P 091 156 302 /30plsnt/ IS, _ •�n.�...;rrv.�.404'N'`-,•ZF^t^'"�'t}.'r,+'�++ M- +}N'ri...1V4+..Mfrj�i,;�'..�..a"�.°.':.'(f`�"^s�.F'•FW��.,i1 � tr"*..!'Yb..°1:.,ETH.da....n.->. . ^�T,f,�.1',lwf/�T'.,Y4�`w.n FIELD COPY BUILDING SALEM. =^ CITY OF SALEM SALEM• MASSACHUSETTS 01970 PERMIT T� .. VALIDATION 4E� DATE September 2 1993 PERMIT No. 388-93 APPLICANT Parr;ck FOtev ADDRESS98 1/2, Broadway Salem,.Mass. _ IN0.1 (,IP[[TI (CON.9.5 .IIF x,LI PERMIT TO New roof i_� STORY Dwelling NUMBER RNGOF UNI?S 2 DWELLIILrRE 0• IMFR0Y[MCN11 N0. IRNOROSED US[I AT ELOCA1'ON I 30 Pleasant Street Ward 2 2ON1 NO R DISTRICT (NO.) IST.EETI BETWEEN AND (CROS. STR[[11 (CROSS STRE[TI LOT, SUBDIVISION - LOT�_BLOCK SIZE BUILDING IS.TO BE FT. WIDE 8. FT, LONG BY FT. IN HEIGHT AND SMALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE USE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDATION ITrPEI .REMARKS; New roof, gutters, facia boards, repair to cladboards inspected pprove ate p VOLUME ESTIMATED COST $ 400.00 FEE MIT S 20.00 '.C':8¢.10.1..[ FEnI DWNER Patrick FOley roadway diem, Mass. Leo E. Tremblay INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS INSPECTION RECORD DATE NOTE PROGRESS CRITICISMS AND REMARKS INSPECTOR Plans must be filed and approved by the Inspector before a permit will be granted. No.� City of Salem Ward_Z— IS PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE HISTORIC DISTRICT? Yes_NO K w s •., J 9 IF SIDING, HAS ELECTRICAL PERMIT BEEN OBTAINED? Yes_No Home Phone # �`�f- X103 APPLICATION Bus. Phone # FO PERMIT TO ROOF RERO OR INSTALL SIDING Salem,Mass., 00`70`70 TO THE INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS: The undersigned herebv ap lies for a permit to build according to the follo ng specifications Owner's name and address - Etat,I / S g Architect's name i�;nl�/L Mechanic's name and address IV&cJ/ j- Location of building,No. —-;�D .D S What is the purpose of building? Material of building? GdUU a Asbestos? b If a dwelling,for how many families?_ Will the building confonto th �eqirements of the la ? Estimaied cost H t onraAlsic. S . O /Lta Z Signature of applicant REMARKS 51 D UNDER THE XV--5TA&,'j; /Q Aote w O?o,4iT �� k$ PENALTY OF PERJURY. No00 Ward APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ROOF REROOF OR INSTALL SIDING Location,�6 p PERMIT GRANTED al is Approv:955, Building In$ fctor City of Salem Building Inspector, Zoning Violations One Salem Green Salem, MA 01970 December 1, 2003 Re: Coyne Construction Good Morning: I am the owner of 21 apartments in three buildings located at t7 Winter St., 2 Pickman St. and 3 Pickman St. These units are very close to the the property on the corner of Pickman St and Pleasant St presently housing Coyne Cinstruction. Be advised that for well over a year they have been operating a business with numerous trucks, employees and debris in this R2 residential area to the detriment of the neighborhood and in violation of zoning. The property is an eyesore with multiple unregistered vehicles and construction equipment stored on it. Further, early and late day truck traffic often blocks the street and disturbs my tenants rights to the peaceful and quiet enjoyment of their units. Please have this operation shut down immediately and if possible have the owner(s) remove the unregistered junk vehicles. 'ncerely, (� Jeffrey Barrows 14 Gregory St Marblehead, NIA 01945 781/631-1312