52-60 DOW STREET - ZONING y Decision
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Wireless Special Permit Decision F1 fc
For The Petition of CLEAR WIRELESS, LLC, an affillib�etof�SPRtIN_TISP) ;CTRUM, L.P.
For The Property Located At 52-60 DOW STREET
A Public Hearing on this petition was held on September 30, 2010. The following Planning Board
members were present: Chuck Puleo (Chair), John Moustakis,Randy Clarke, Nadine Hanscom, Mark
George, Tim Kavanaugh, Tim Ready, Christine Sullivan, and Helen Sides. Notice of this meeting was
sent to abutters and notice of the hearing was properly published in the Salem News.
The petitioner is requesting a Wireless Communication Facility Special Permit under Section 6.6,
Wireless Communications Facilities (WCF) of the City of Salem Zoning Ordinance, to allow for the
installation of three (3) WiMAX antennas, and three (3)backhaul dish antennas to be mounted on the
existing chimneys on the rooftop of the multifamily residential building at 52-60 Dow Street (Map 34,
Lot 211), Salem, MA.
The Planning Board reviewed the application and plans submitted and found that the petitioner addressed
the requirements of this section for the issuance of a Special Permit.
On September 30, 2010, the Board closed the Public Hearing and the Planning Board voted by a vote of
nine (9) in favor, none (0) opposed, to grant the Wireless Communication Facility Special Permit for the
location stated above, in accordance with the applications dated August 11, 2010 and site plan last dated
June 25, 2010, titled "Site Name: 52-60 Dow Street; Site Number: MA-BOS7546-B," sheets T-1,
GN-1, C-1, A-L A-2, D-1,D2, G-1, G-2, and E-1, and drawn by Aerial Spectrum Inc. submitted and now
part of the file.
The Special Permit was approved with the following conditions:
1. The equipment that extends beyond the rootline shall be painted black; equipment mounted
below the roofline shall be painted the same color as the roof
2. The applicant, his successors or assigns shall maintain the appearance of the equipment.
This endorsement shall not take effect until a copy of the decision bearing certification of the City Clerk
that twenty(20) days have elapsed and no appeal has been filed or that if such appeal has been filed that
it has been dismissed or denied, is recorded in the Essex South Registry of Deeds and is indexed in the
grantor index under the name of the owner of record or is recorded and noted on the owner's certificate
of title. The fee for recording or registering shall be paid by the owner or applicant.
I hereby certify that a copy of this decision is on file with the City Clerk and that a copy of the decision
and plans is on file with the Planning Board n�
Charles Puleo, Chair
120 WASHINGTON STREET, SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS 01970 • TEL: 978.745.9595 FAx: 978.740.0404 ♦ WWW.SALEM.COM