494 LORING AVENUE - BUILDING INSPECTION NOTICE OF CITY ORDINANCE CITY OF SALEM SALEM CITY ORDINANCE Citation: -- 998 oiup -irq Date: Time: i, �4a//�� 02/01/2015 Location: 494 LORING AVENUE - Badge Number: •,� ,;:.:. ` � , �:. j Officer: THOMAS ST PIERRE, BUILDING Fine: 02/01/2015 $ 25 . 00 Violation: 05 REMOVAL OF SNOW/ICE FROM SIDEWALK (SCO 38-13 & 38-14) Payments : Other: $ -25 . 00 Docket : Verdict: TOTAL DUE: 02/24/2015 $ ` 0. 00 ABATEMENT RECEIPT CITY OF SALEM NA-037-Co-2015-00-998 CITY OF SALEM PARKING CLERK 02/24/2015 PO sox 203 TOTAL DUE : 0 . 00 MILFORD,MA 01757 (508)473-9660 ABATEMENT INFORMATION CARLSON,AMY 02/24/2015 $25.00 OTHER 494 LORING AVENUE SALEM,MA 01970-0000 1�110(31? y � 11G Z 6�� iW) IV- L .53S ca,,,v� tVCj-- We are writing to contest the citation that was written on 2/1/15 and received via mail on 2/3/15. This citation was written an error as our sidewalks were consistently shoveled and walkable within 6 hours of the city snow emergency lights being turned off. What probably happened is the inspector failed to look behind the curbside snowbank or exit their vehicle. That would also explain why our ticket was delivered via mail,instead of being hand delivered (we were home that morning). We have pictures and a video,taken from a neighbor's security system;time stamped 24 hours before the citation was issued,showing my husband shoveling a useable/clear sidewalk. I reached out to Mayor Driscoll,via email and Facebook,and she agreed that our sidewalks looked"pretty clear". She advised us to send in our citation with a brief note and advised us that the situation could be handled without a hearing. I'm including the FB conversation for the record: c February 7 at 7:07am•Like o i'iKim Driscoll, Emily Hussa Froeschl Thanks for tagging me on this post.While Edward Nolan and I communicated earlier this week about a similar circumstance, I didn't realize Amy also had an issue regarding snow enforcement in the same area. As I noted to Ed in my response to him,I'm sorry that you received a ticket,especially if you received it in error,as your walk looks pretty clear from the pictures posted. Our enforcement personnel for snow removal on sidewalks consist primarily of our building inspectors and/or police officers, and they generally try to use good discretion in issuing any tickets for snow removal. I'll follow up with them to sort through the disconnect with respect to this matter. From a city perspective, we'd prefer not to ticket anyone at all for snow removal. We know how hard it can be to remove snow from sidewalks and struggle to keep up with all the public walkways that are our responsibility. The main motivation is simply to have safe walkways. We do hear from folks who express concern about sidewalks in front of homes not being shoveled,which can pose a hardship for school kids and others walking on foot. Our inspectors are not zealots about this issue and generally try to work with property owners,especially residential homeowners,who may not have the equipment necessary to tackle the huge piles of snow that can accumulate on corners and walkways off main roads. Again,I'm not sure how the disconnect arose with respect to your walkway,as it looks pretty clear,but I'd suggest you send the ticket to the City Solicitor/Law Department with a brief note explaining that you believe it was issued in error.This is the same advice I gave to Ed. We don't want anyone to lose a day of work,nor are we anxious to collect$25 from a homeowner who shoveled his/her walk. I'm sorry this has caused the level of frustration that it has,but we aren't unreasonable and will work with you to resolve the situation.....just in time for more snow to arrive this weekend. February 7 at 7:16am-Unlike-7 ii o . Amy Carlson-Pallazola Kim Driscoll,Thank you for your response! I have to admit, that the citation did cause me an unusual amount of frustration. But only because,Anthony and neighbors like Ed, did the right thing. Even this morning,before Anthony left for work, he was sprinkling more ice melt on our sidewalks. When we got cited,it was like a slap in the face. Then to hear from my councilor, "don't fight it, you'll lose"was additionally hard to swallow. I will take your advice and send a note back pleading our case.I will also be sure to keep on documenting our snow removal efforts,as having documentation was invaluable in this case. May I suggest that before issuing citations,the inspector,police, etc. be required to take a photograph?That action may help from further misunderstandings. In the meantime, let's hope the upcoming weather forecast is wrong... Febrtmrc 7 at 7:59am-Like-5 w o _AAmy Carlson-Pallazola Kim Driscoll,does your comment imply that we can contest the citation,WITHOUT going to court?Anthony has already utilized one vacation day shoveling and another one to stay home with our girls...I would hate him to have to take even more time off to fight a citation that was given in error.,. February 7 at 9:25am-Like o R Kim Driscoll Yep February 7 at 11:29am•Unlike- 1 Hopefully this matter can be resolved ASAPI The video and/or photos mentioned before,can be provided upon request,if needed. Please let us know. Thank you, Anthony Pallazola&Amy Carlson-Pallazola (Strangely,the citation was written to Amy Carlson only) 7 CITY OF SALEM t I t ♦. MOMH MY YEAR TME co NO. LOCAJ10N N EOF OFFENDER i ADDRESS - STPTE 7JP i I hereby acknowledge receipt of the maegm[19 c1tation I i X Date: j i ['-]Unable to obtain signature of offender 01bate Mailed []Posting AdwaisemeftNotices s, on City Property SC04-2 i [J Illegal Sig as l]Vml,uon of Stale Building Gods SC04-39and4A7 SCO 12-1 []Removal of UnsightlyConddhals []Vmlation of BOCA Nat.Foe Pres Code SCO12-56 SCO20-111 ;s I I SCO 24211�1ers,Comm.and Haid.eIC []REMOVW of and from Sldev lks SCO 38-13 []SZ05 Ordnance (]Other Chadors j Signature of Enforcing Person i� department Amount of Fine: []Warning ,F'1$25Ad (]$50.00 [ ]$10D.00 []$200.00 I 1$300.00 []Other- You ther You have the following alternatives In this matter within 21 days of the date of this notice: I choose to pay the fine within 21 days of the dale of this notice. Enclose a check Or money order payable to the Cily of Salem and return it in this envelope i or by dMi ering in hand to the City Clerk's Office,Clty Hall,93 Washmgum Street,Salem. MA 01970.II delivering in hand,please note the hours of CRY Hall operation;Monday through Wednesday from 8:00 am.to 4:00 P.m.,Thursday from 0:00 a.m.to 7:00 p.m.and � /Friday from 81.00 am.to 129D P.M. y(I choose to contest this matter within 21 days of the date of this noticeand request in waiting �a noncriminal hearing. i Enclose a copy of 8ius citation and mail it to the Clens Magistrate,Salem District Court,65 Washington Street,Salem,MA 01970.The Court will schedule a having. FAILURE TO OBEY HIS NOTICE WITHIN 21 DAYS OF HE DATE OF HIS NOTICE WILL I RESULT IN THE CITY OF SALEM APPLYING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A CRIMINAL i OF ANY CITY OF SALEM PERM TSPLAINT AGAOR INLICENSES YOU APPLY YOU AND THENIAL FOR OR HATOR Y OUTION AVE BEEN GRANTED, i INCLUDING BUILDING PERMITS. City of Salem.City Clerk's Office,93 Washington Street,Salem,MA 01970 (978)745-9595,Md.5610. SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS 'I ENCLOSE PAYMENT IN THIS ENVELOPE,PEEL AND SEAL j i1 TG E::F'CSE/.,,,ESIVE.REl4CVE tWEfi tl3Nil 3AOY:3N•3AI53H0\' [,RECCvE UNER E2ml 3ACVJ3H•3AlS3NCe 3SCGX3 01 TO EXPCSE/.