73R LAWRENCE STREET - ZBA (2) �- 73R LAWRENCE STREET \_ ENRICO TASSINARRI 4� V V 1 X3 ofttlem, CttsSttrltusetts `aQ�' �nttra IIf �u{ienl , f iG � e1:f DECISIGS OF THE P__ITION OF "rATROWIC_ =AND ENG iNEERiNG REQUESTING VARIANCE FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 73 R LAWRENCE STREET (R-2) A hearing on this petition was held :.ugust 21.1996 with the following Board members present: Gary Barrett, Chairman, Albert Hili, Arthur Lebreque, Richard Dionne and Paul Valaskatgis . Notice of the hearing was sent to abutters and others and notices of the hearing were properly published in the Salem Evening News in accordance with Yassachusetts General Laws Chapter 40A. Petitioner, requests a Variance from lot size and lot frontage to allow the property to be sold as a single family building lot for the property located at 73R Lawrence Street. The Variance which has been requested may be granted upon a finding of this Board that: 1 . Special conditions and circumstances exist which especially affect the land, building or structure involved and which are not generally affecting other ' and, buildings, or structures in the same district. 2. Literal enforcement of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance would involve substantial hardship, financiel or otherwise, to the petitioner. 3. Desirable relief may be granted without substantial detriment to the public good and without nullifying or substantially derogation from the intent of the district or the purpose of the Ordinance. The Board of Appeal, after careful considerations the evidence presented at the hearing, makes the following findings of fact: 1 . Petitioner was bringing the petit'-on on behalf on the owners of the property Enrico Tassinari, 72 Valley St. , Salem and Liliana Tassinari, 22 3'unroe St. . : vnn. Scott Patrowicz. Patrowicz Land Engineering, 65 Eastern Ave. Lynn, appeared on behalf of the petitioner. 3. The owners of the property purchased in ":av 1983. 4. Petitioner represented that the d_'_apidated structures existing on the property will be removed. 5. Petitioner represented that the c--cntemplated structure to be constructed will have a footprint of 2100 sq. ft. ;a 15 foot front- yard setback: 10 foot sidevard setbacks; a 30 foot rearyard setback; and would have a height of 35 feet or less - conforming to all such requirements in the R-2 District. 6. The lot size of the subject property is 6050 sq. ft. which is consistent with the surrounding neighborhood. 7. The frontage of approximately 60 feet is also consistent with the lot size in the surrounding neighborhood. 8. Gerard Tardiff, 8 Juniper Valley Road, Beverly, nephew of the owners spoke in favor of the petition. 9. The requested variance had been previously granted by the Board of Appeals in September 1994 . 10. Neil and Mary i'etz, 69 Lawrence St. , spoke in opposition to the petition expressing concerns that the proposed house lot would further crowd the neighborhood and that it would obstruct the views from their J DECISION OF THE 777ITTON C^ FATROWICZ LA".ND ENGI?JEERING REQUESTING A VARIANCE FOR TK: PROPERTY LOCATED AT 73R LAWRENCE STREET (R-2) page two On the basis of t`e above findings of fact, and on the evidence presented at the hearings, :he Board of Appeal concludes as follows: 1 . Special condi='_ons exist which especially affect the subject property and not the district in general. 2. Literal enforcement of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance would involve substation hardship to the petitioner. 3. Desirable relief can be granted without substantial, detriment to public good and without nullifying and substantially derogating from the intent of the district or purpose of the Ordinance. On the basis of the above findings of fact, and on the evidence presented at the hearing, tte Zoning Board of Appeal voted unanimously, 5-0 to grant the variance requested, subject to the following conditions: 1. Petitioner shall comply with all city and state statures, ordinances, codes and regulations. 2. All construct:^n shall be done as per plans and dimensions which are to be certified. submitted to and approved by the Building Inspector. 3. All requirements of the Salem Fire Department relative to smoke and fire safety stall be strictly adhered to. 4. Petitioner shall obtain building permit prier to beginning any construction. 5. Exterior fin'_sces of the new construction shall be in harmony with the surrounding r.aighborhood. 6. A Certificate ^f Occupancy is to be obtained. Variance Granted August 21 , 1996 �S C Gary Barrett, Chairman Board of Appeal A COPY OF THIS DECISION HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE PLANNING BOARD AND THE CITY CLERK Appeal from this decision, -f any, shall be made pursuant to Section 17 of the Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40A, and shall be filed within 20 days after the date of filing of this decision -n the office of the City Clerk. Pursuant t_ Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40A. Section 11, the Variance or Special Permit granted herein shall not take effect until a copy of the decision hearing the certification of the City Clerk that 20 _ days have elapsed and no appeal has been filed, or that, is such appeal has been filed, that it has been dismissed or denied is recorded in the SOUTH Essex Registry of Deeds and indexed under the name of the owner of record or is recorded and noted on the owner's Certificate of Title. 402 Amherst Street-Suite 300 Nashua,NH 03063-4228 r 603 595 1614 603 595 2414 FAX GUILFORDfRANSPCRTAT(61N—INDUSTRIES, INC-. August 13, 1996 City of Salem Board of Appeal One Salem Green Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Dear Sir: Enclosed is a copy of a notice I recently received pertaining to a proposed land use in the City of Salem. Please be advised that Guilford Transportation Industries, Inc. manages real estate matters for several corporations. This response is sent on behalf of the following corporations in reply to your notice: ° Boston and Maine Corporation; • Maine Central Railroad Company; • Springfield Terminal Railway Company; • Hudson River Estates, Inc.; ° Delaware River Estates, Inc.; or • DH Estates, Inc. (formerly Delaware and Hudson Railroad). As you may well be aware, the railroads listed above receive numerous notices on a daily basis. Based upon the limited time frame existing between the date on which the notice is received and the scheduled hearing date, I respectfully request your cooperation regarding this matter. Although the railroads are concerned with each and every notice, there are certain instances which are of particular concern to the railroads. You may be able to advise me if the petition involves land plans showing a crossing of railroad property. Specifically the railroads' concern exists even in the event that your petitioner indicates that it is the holder of a valid railroad crossing. Also, the railroads must be advised if the petition proposes any development within 25' from the centerline of an existing railroad track, even if such development occurs on non-railroad property. As such, petitions for variances from set back requirements can be particularly troublesome. w City of Salem Board of Appeal August 13, 1996 Page Two Please be advised that this letter should not be construed as a waiver of any other objections which the railroads may have to a proponent's plan. However, the railroads respectfully request your assistance in bringing their attention to any such matters. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this regard. Sincerely, Kellie A. Dunn Vice President, Real Estate KAD:img c: Stephen F. Nevero Vice President-Engineering (above w/enc.) i •. 11'gal Noiw n' � CITY OF SA 1.1:111 BOARD OF API'l.,'AI, I 745.9595 Ext. •381 Willhold a public hearing for all j Persons s interested in the petition sub fi mitted by PATROWICZ LAND ENGI- NEERING req uestinga Variance\ Special Permit❑'ont gut size and lot 1 frontage to allow the proprrtp to be i sold as a single family building: lot for the property located at 73 It LA W7{ 'NCh, STREET (It 2). S;iid hcaring to be held WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 21, 1996 AT 6:00 P.111., ONE SALEM GREEN,2nd Boor. ' Gary Barrett,Chairman (8 7.8;1:1196) +(` 1 l i q 4� 4