65 JEFFERSON AVENUE - ZBA (2) D p JEFFERSON AVENUE i 1 Legal Notre CITY OF SALEM . BOARD OF APPEAL 745-9595 Ext.381 will hold a public hearing for all persons interested in the petition sub- mitted by CHARLES &RAYMOND JEFFERY requesting a Variance from the off-street parking require- ments of the Zoning Ordinance for the property located at 63 JEFFER- SON AVENUE URC. Said hearing to be on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20,2002 AT 6:30 P.M., 120 WASH- INGTON STREET, 3RD FLOOR,! ROOM 313. Nina Cohen,Chairman (11/6,13) —� CITY OF SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS �orvnT yCv�$ MQ�sss BOARD OF APPEAL _ �, ALCLrtAMA ro l` 120 WASHINGTON STREET, 3RD FLOOR CIA S O( r ICE SALEM, MA O 1970 TEL. (978) 745-9595 W FAX (978) 740-9846 STANLEY J. USOVICZ, JR. 1p02 OEC "u P 3 �, MAYOR DECISION OF THE PETITION OF CHARLES &RAYMOND JEFFREY REQUESTING A VARIANCE FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 65 JEFFERSON AVENUE I/RC A hearing on this petition was held November 20, 2002 with the following Board Members present: Nina Cohen, Chairman,Richard Dionne, Stephen Harris, Nicholas Helides and Joan Boudreau. Notice of the hearing was sent to abutters and others and notices of the hearing were properly published in the Salem Evening New in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40A. The petitioner is requesting a Variance from the off-street parking requirements of the Zoning Ordinance for the property located at 65 Jefferson Avenue located in an URC zone. The Variances, which have been requested, upon a finding Board that: a. Special conditions and circumstances exist which especially affect the land,building Or structure involved and which are not generally affecting other lands,buildings, and structure involve. b. Literal enforcement of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance would involve substantial hardship, financial or otherwise, to the petitioners.. c. Desirable relief may be granted without substantial detriment to the public good and Without nullifying or substantially derogating from the intent of this district of the purpose of the Ordinance The Board of Appeal, after careful consideration of the evidence presented at the hearing, and after viewing the plans, makes the following findings of fact: 1. Attorney Scott Grover of Essex Street in Salem represented the petitioners Jeffery Brothers Furniture, a retail store and warehouse that seeks to operate its business in a former furniture store at 65 Jefferson Avenue. 2. Petitioner seeks a variance from the parking requirements of the ordinance on the business would be met b grounds that the needs of the b Y the off street parking 58 cars and two loading docks. provided by the existing lot, which as capacity forg 3. Petitioner submitted plans for traffic flow on the site. At intervals, petitioner will park delivery trucks in an indicated area within the lot, while their cargo awaits CITY OF SALEM. MA DECISION OF THE PETITION CHARLES &RAYMOND JEFFREY REQUESERK'g OFFICE A VARIANCE FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 65 JEFFERSON AVENUE URC page two unloading when not used for this purpose, such spaces will be available for customellUs@EC -4 P 3, 0$. in addition to the 58 spaces provided. 4. There was no opposition to the proposed variance. On the basis of the above finding of fact, the evidence presented at the hearing, the Zoning Board of Appeal concludes as follows: 1. Special conditions exist which especially affect the subject property but not the district in general. 2. Literal enforcement of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance would involve substantial hardship to the petition. 3. Desirable relief can be granted without substantial detriment to the public good and Without nullifying or substantially derogating from the intent of the district or the purpose of the Ordinance. Therefore, the Zoning Board of Appeal voted 5-0, to grant the Variances requested, subject to the following conditions; 1. Petitioner shall comply with all city and state statures, ordinances, codes and regulations. 2. All requirements of the Salem Fire Department relative to smoke and fire safety shall be strictly adhered to. 3. Petitioner shall obtain a Certificate of Inspection. 4. Petitioner shall obtain proper street numbering from the City of Salem Assessors Office and shall display said numbers 5. Petitioner shall obtain a building permit prior to beginning any construction 6. All construction shall be done as per the plans and dimension submitted and approved approved by the Building Commissioner. 7. Petitioner is to obtain approval from any City Board or Commission having jurisdiction including, but not limited to, the planning Board. i CITY Of SALEM, MA DECISION (>r "111 I'h:.rITION OP ('I IARI. S X, RAYMO N[) .IIJ+RI:.Y CLERK'S OF'F'ICE REQUESTING i A VARIANCE FOR 'I'I II!: O (IN LOCA'I ED A"1' iii JEFFERSON AVFN(T' page three 1001 DEC —U p 3 08 8. Variance rcquosrcil is for the use ul this husincss only and shall C,epirc it'prolx.rty is subdiViLlCd Variance Granted November 20, 21N12 / �/N C I CW 1 Nina Cohen, Chairman Board of Appeal i A COPY OF THIS DECISION HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE PLANNING BOARD AND THE CIITy CLERK Appeal from this decision, if any, shall be made pursuant to Section 17 of the Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40A, and shall be filed within 20 day date of filing of this decision in the office of the City Clerk. Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40A, Section 11. The Variance or Special Permit granted herein shall not take effect until a copy of the decision bearing the certificate of the City Clerk that 20 days have elapsed and no appeal has been filed, or that, if such appeal has been filed, that is has been dismissed or denied is recorded in the South Essex Registry of Deeds and indexed under the name of the owner of record or is recorded and noted on the owner's Certificate of Title. Board of Appeal r t ELEVATION BENCH MARKS ADA7z/m.• N.G. vD. OF 1929 NO. DESCRIPTION ELEV. : . a 0 I. FIRE HYDRANT - BOLT ODER MAIN OUTLET 1,383 2. FIRE HYDRANT - BOLT OVER MAIN OUTLET 12.62 ASSESSORS: �b- ��' 6; �_ .• J MAP 24, LOT 115 ZON/NG• I - INDUSTRIAL F RC - RESIDENTIAL CONSERVA7708 ZONE LINE SHOWN HEREON IS SCALED FROM CITY OF SALEM ZONING MAP LOCUS SCALE. 1"=2000' PARKING REQUIREMENTS INDUSTRIAL/WAREHOUSE PARKING REQUIREMENT=1 SPACE PER 1,000 S.F, OF FLOOR SPACE f 1 SPACE/COMPANY VEHICLE f 1 SPACE/2 EMPLOYEES = 19 SPACES REQUIRED RETAIL BUS/NESS PARKING REQUIREMENT=1 SPACE PER 150 S.F. OF FLOOR SPACE = 115 SPACES REQU/RED OFFICE PARKING REQUIREMENT==1 SPACE PER EMPLOYEE = 7 SPACES REOU/RED TOTAL = 141 SPACES REQUIRED 58 ON-SITE PARKING SPACES PROVIDED \ j'� I ► �:._ ._... SOUTH MILL P N LOWER _. \ BOO 96. PLAN6 \ _ I PLAN K I ' \ MERIDIAN FROM - ` j I 3.15 .x.. WFA22 ¢ OF WATER QUAL/TY SWALE *; 3.46 WFA19 PROPOSED WATER QUAL/T'Y l *WFA21 �A16 SWALE DISCHARGE NEIy DEN REALTY TRUST , s.se - "-3.55 -__ 2.4s NORMAN J. DUB£, TRUSTEE `:` WFA20 J _ - - WFA17 ,; bA. PCgN PLAN BOOK 314, PLAN 66 __ - l X 7,35 �- _. joys., R PLAN BOOK 96, PLAN 6 - "` of 19s/ Cp _ - $ _, 2.71 7.70 X- `. _� a.5 WFA16 3.02 3.13 1 c W.FA14 WFA13 .TS WFA75- --- ...-._ .�-.. 3.11 �\ � / \ H/GHPO/NT WATER OUALITY SWALE I ( \\ ~- / .w 9_ WFA11 �. __ 3.30 9.52 / 6:64 - '- WFA10 EX/S NG. T. C. SURFA E RES TOR D L°Rq�? �>RB > - 8 �� �- 9 g5 _ Ca ON Npp 6 `�g9 WITH TOP OUR \' \ ` 3.08 WFA9 ' SCALEO� 1620 \, B/TU /NOU COJV RE MEN g (2-1 CH A RA 10.10 >p. PROP. \ x PLAN 1N SF\I pN��ly 2p 16') RE/NF, CONC. PROPOSED i CURB-( / ONC RfOUiR£`E�yF 24 (TYP ) \4 LOT AREA = �` � DUMPS7FR PA0 DOCKS -� _ _i, 7 ' t 1.6� ACRE] 3 S8 ' 10 qg \ O7 (ASSESSORS) \�OtF \ "\ MAa 7 Ss PROPOSED / I I •._ � �`\� 3.19 ' \ LOAD/NG DOCKS _ _ � 6 \ A7 \. �.._ •�''� 1 18• (TYP• PROP. TANDEM 9 8; \ 36 T. .L�� 3.05 I 24' (TYP.) 150W FLOOD \ �\ �. \ \ ��` 4'� WFA6 I { LIGHTS (TYP) O \ -0 ry- •-EXIST, GS ` ("SEf_" NJTt \ �\ ti� A5 PROPOSED WATER QUALITY \ I 12X6O' STORAGE FOR 6 TRAILERS Q P,�OPOSED 9400± SF ADDITION Si-'T 2) \ \ 2.89 F (2 FLOORS) SS \ �� SWALE DISCHARGE ' PROP. B/T. CONC. Y \ 8.27 I CURB (TYP.) a `` 8.46 x \ \ \ \\,\\\. \` ��:�`\ \ 8.91 ® 9.05 H.P i1 P. H.P. q g- 3.13 1 I J ` � V v x 9.29 A4 A /fin/ 3 S 11. x _ D F Oilr1 11 / x - -- h� FAO'UTY 08R) 2.79 / \ M y R yam` ^ STORY Al UI/l,.,U9 cfc I DETAIL, sH�2 T ` \� WFA3 \ \ SEE EN w) 13.57 ! l�,C. E�i!JCr $UILt lAIG JI x 10. 3.20 10.75 WFA2 \ i 11.84 \` ` �� ' 4 �!+`n \� +' � `•� o �\\� 3.31 FXjSTINC SAU ScCc� TE.�..E80, PHGPdE � �t lq �. v v 1. . . TIONv CX]10.13 D F _ _ - - -- - - -- - - ' � PROP � :.`,A , AVV�. A A \ � L ..._ i\.��i•.->'� _ _ 11 END CURB f SIGN - w'����;�; ����`` �:. >.` �s _� � ::���. �_� __>r�� �:,_L � L _ _ �_ �s� pR x .. : .a. _. I >00 rt 7 PM 2 12.14 t - TT 84__.__ _ ._` .��ac G/,t, ;(�'. 'D_ ^f;' ., ✓f f'r'AL,K 43 �v(;C r10.77 j x 0 3 1 .12 "9.9 x SS T9 X12 2D- 1 x { ^ 12 y � M P �� -- „ _.. X - PM f ° < ' -..:�;__ PM._ '. SS _. _. PM 10.93 SS TBM t _ X ,_ x _ -- - S L.f. �. ;Nv c%F. , SAFL1, _ PM gyp 1 - 11.97x �y -_=- _ .- 1. C/ _ /L r _ x 11.06 11 '5 x 1 _ PM _._ � ,. nr ry' A I.;^Ji,'✓G' U G (TBR) (7BR)y �S I. '^'. � � ��. {ISI)+" -._^ ,PM e; 11.16 P _ y 3 _ _- -- I'p FHAfr, ``((C Yx.l _ _ . _ �l 6 -3 ND/CAP ;"T6R) y �r RAMP (T 1'PJ A VENUE R�CA7E�EXIS17NG G4 7F AL JEFFERSON (PUBLIC - 60' WIDE) PF PER CITY OF SALEM MUNICIPAL STANDARDS BITE PLAN SCALE. 1 " = 20' 0 20 40 80 HAN C O C K DESIGN. ✓RC PROPOSED BU/LD/NG ADDITION �N OF Meq DRAWN E 7 PERMIT S/TE PLAN SHEET v-:�• � Engineering Associates 1 OF: 1 � JAMESR. yGm DWG. 8472PS1 AND PLOT PLAN COMEAU "� A DIVISION OF H.S.A.. INC. avlL N CHECKED.- RFD i A Na 39056 a 235 NEWBURY STREET, DANVERS, MA. 01923 65 JEFFERSON AVENUE JOB VOICE (978) 777-3050, FAX (978) 774-7818 WM.HAN000KASSOCIATES.COM SCALE. AS SHOWNDATE RENO. Civil Engineers, Land Surveyors, SALEM N0. BY AP ] MASS. 8472 P. �/S/ON DESCRIPTION Environmental Consultants do Landscape Architects DA 10/01/02 PREPARED FOR. JEFFREY BR07HERS T---