256 JEFFERSON AVENUE - BUILDING INSPECTION UU// � 1 A. Finaties { �:a 4 256 JEFFERSON AVENUE a CITY OF SALEM PUBLIC PROPERTY a DEPARTMENT KIMBERLEY DRISCOLL MAYOR 120 WASHINGTON STREET*SALEM,MASSACHUSETTS 01970 TEL:978-745-9595 ♦ FAX:978-740-9846 VIOLATION NOTICE PROPERTY LOCATION 256 Jefferson Avenue July 26th, 2007 John Ellis 178 Lowell Street Peabody Ma.01960 . Dear Mr. Ellis The above listed property has been found to be in violation of the following State Codes and/or City Ordinances: 24-21 Unregistered vehicles. Per this ordinance, a property owner cannot keep an unregistered ,uninspected vehicle for more than 15 days. There is an old Mercedes that has been at your property for about a year. Said violations must begin to be corrected, repaired, and/or brought into compliance within 15 days of your receipt of this notice. Failure to do so may result in further actions being brought against you, up to and including, daily fines and the filing of complaints at District Court. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact the Building Inspectors Office at (978) 745-9595, extension 5640. Sin rely, Thomas J. St. Pierre Director of Inspectional Services/Building Commissioner Zoning Enforcement Officer CC: file,Councillor Pellitier Citp of *alem, j ag!5arbu!5ett!5 aPublic Propertp Mepartment 9Builbing Mepartment ®ne¢&alem Oreen (975) 745-9593 (Ext. 3SO Peter Strout Director of Public Property Inspector of Buildings Zoning Enforcement Officer April 23, 1999 Jack Ellis 178 Lowell Street Peabody, Ma. 01960 RE: 256 Jefferson Avenue Dear Mr. Ellis: A complaint has been received by this department regarding your property located at 256 Jefferson Avenue as being used as a four (4) family. Please contact this office within ten (10) days upon receipt of this letter to arrange an inspection of this property. Also, please forward a list of your tenants to this department. Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, Thomas St. Pierre Assistant Building Inspector cc: Al Viselli Councillor Lovely Conrad Prosniewski JOB SITE COPY lv6 �ONDIT� BUILDING 0 aT � CITY OF SALEM BU 1 LD1 N G SALEM MASSACHUSETTS 01970 PERMIT '�'°4ymE cP DATE OCTOBER 02 19 `jE PERMIT NO. 57F,-1 G9F ) ?LICANT OWNER/JOHN ELLIS, JR ADDRESS 176 LOWELL ST(NfIWNFR OT (STREET) (CONTR9LICENSE) 1 Y PEABODY STATE MA ZIP CODE 019F0 TEL.NO. 5516-532-4695 ALTERATION NUMBER OF IM IT TO (_) STORY TWO OR MORE FAMILY DWELLING UNITS (TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT) NQ (PROPOSED USF) I 025E JEFFERSON AVENUE ZONING (LOCATION) (N0.) (STREET) DISTRICT TWEEN AND (CROSS STREET) (CROSS STREET) LOT BDIVISION MAF' 23 LOT-0-0133 BLOCKSIZE 7 01 SO FT r ;ILDING IS TO BE FT.WIDE BV FT.LONG BY FT,IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION I! )TYPE USE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDATION , (TYPE) MARKS. EXPAND 1ST FL APT- 2 MORE BDRMS " DOOR WAYS & CLOSET AS PER PIANS Call for PSN V Occupy -AOR PERMIT Q _UME S A S �. QIIZI IZI FEE W v QIIZI (CUBIGSOUARE FEET) - ((( NER ELLIS JOHN H JR BUILDING DEPT. )RESS 176 LOWELL STREET By L. E. T i PERMIT CONVEYS NO RIGHT TO OCCUPY ANY STREET,ALLEY OR SIDEWALK OR ANY PART THEREOF,EITHER TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY,ENCROACHMENTS PUBLIC PROPERTY,NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED UNDER THE BUILDING CODE,MUST BE APPROVED BY THE JURISDICTION,STREET OR ALLEY GRADES AS WELL )EPTH AND LOCATION OF PUBLIC SEWERS MAYBE OBTAINED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS.THE ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT RELEASE THE 'LICANT FROM THE CONDITIONS OF ANY APPLICABLE SUBDIVISION RESTRICTIONS. IMUM OF THREE CALL INSPECTIONS APPROVED PLANS MUST BE RETAINED ON J08 AND THIS CARD KEPTFPERMITS APPLICABLE SEPARATE 7UIRED FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION WORK: POSTED UNTIL FINAL INSPECTION HAS BEEN MADE. WHERE AE REQUIRED FOR OUNDATIONSOR FOOTINGS. ,PLUMBING AND RIOR TO COVERING STRUCTURAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS REQUIRED,SUCH BUILDING SHALLL INSTALLATIONS. ;EMBERS(READY TO LATH). NOT BE OCCUPIED UNTIL FINAL INSPECTION HAS BEEN MADE. MAL INSPECTION BEFORE OCCUPANCY. i' POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM STREET BUILDING INSPECTION APPROVALS PLUMBING INSPECTION APPROVALS ELECTRICAL INSPECTION APPROVALS ',RD Or H4ATH GAS INSPECTION APPROVALS FIRE DEPT.INSPECTING APPROVALS I 1 ER CITY ENGINEER 2 2 aK SHALL NOT PROCEED UNTIL THE PERMIT WILL BECOME NULL AND VOID IF CONSTRUCTION WORK IS INSPECTIONS INDICATED ON THIS CARD 'ECTOR HAS APPROVED THE VARIOUS NOT STARTED WITHIN SIX MONTHS OF DATE THE PERMIT IS ISSUED CAN BE ARRANGED FOR BY TELEPHONE 3ES OF CONSTRUCTION. AS NOTED ABOVE. ' OR WRITTEN NOTIFICATION. DATE OF PERMIT PERMIT No. OWNER LOCATION 23/83 2/1/-78C. I #317 `_ John Brooks I 256 Jefferson Avenue =92- STRUCTURE MATERIAL DIMENSIONS No.OFSTORIES NO.OFFAMIUES WARD COST t7 Dwelling ( 3 I 1 I $ 1,960 BUILDER- Sterling Modernizing Vinyl Siding - Partial BOARD OF APPEAL -GRANTED- 5/15/56 variance to ell at the rear of the dwelling and to convert into a store - BOARD OF APPEAL: 1/31/90 - DENIED - Variances to allow four residenial apartrrents - recorded at the City Clerk on 2/6/90 3/1/90 078-90 Remove & replace lath & plaster fran walls & ceiling D.H. Est. 30,000.feel85 18/29/90 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED on permit #78-90. D.H. i 0/20/93 #419-93 Remove window and install door Est . Cost $200 . Fee$20 . CO (owner Jack Ellis ) 531-3529 J . J . J . 10/2/96 #575-96 Renovations to expand 1st fl. apt. : 2 additional bedrms, 2 doorways, 1 closel & misc. general repairs. est. 5000. fee 35. L.E.T. i 4/6/98 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED ON PERMIT #575-96. no fee J.J.J./V of ✓ Jrm, C�assar4u6jtfj �nttrd of '�tVrral E .r i Yr DECISION_ON THE PETITION OF JOHN ELLIS JR. FOR VARIANCES AT � JEFFERSON AVE`(B-1 ) A hearing on this petition was held January 31 , 1990 with the following Board Members present: James M. Fleming, Chairman; Richard A. Bencal , Vice Chairman ; Edward Luzinski , Richard Febonio and Associate Member Peter Dore. Notice of the hearing was sent to abutters and others and notices of the hearing were properly published in the Salem Evening News in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40A. Petitioner, owner of the property, represented by Attorney John Keilty, Peabody, is requesting a Variance from lot area, lot width, lot coverage, front yard depth, side and rear yard setbacks as well as parking, to allow four apartment units in this B-1 zone. The Variances which have been requested may be granted upon a finding by the Board that: a. special conditions and circumstances exist which especially affect the land, building, or structure involved and which are not generally affecting other lands, buildings and structures in the same district; b. literal enforcement of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance would involve substantial hardship, financial or otherwise, to the petitioner; C. desirable relief may be granted without substantial detriment to the public good and without nullifying or substantially derogating from the intent of the district or the purpose of the Ordinance. The Board of Appeal , after careful consideration of the evidence presented at the hearing and after viewing the plans, makes the following findings of fact: 1 . To external changes are to be made to the property. 2. Property is located in a business zone (B-1 ) 3. The property was purchased by the petitioner in 1980 as a four family and has been used as such on and off since at least then as a four family. 4. The area in question is a highly congested area and borders on a high traffic intersection. 5. Property is assessed by the City of Salem for three units only. 6. Opposition was presented in letter form by Ward 3 City Councillor Vincent Furfaro and opposition by abutters and others was voiced at the hearing. 7. No support, other than from the petitioner, was expressed in any form. r DECISION ON THE PETITION OF JOHN ELLIS JR. FOR VARIANCES AT 256 JEFFERSON AVE. , SALEM page two On the basis of the above findings of fact, and on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Board of Appeal concludes as follows : 1 . Special conditions do not exist which especially affect the subject property but not the district in general ; 2. Literal enforcement of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance would not involve substantial hardship to the petitioner; 3. Desirable relief can not be granted without substantial detriment to the public good or without nullifying and substantially derogating from the intent of the district or the purpose of the Ordinance. Therefore, the Zoning Board of Appeal voted 0 to 5 against the granting the requested Variances. Variances are therefore denied. DENIED R'Tchard Vice Chairman A COPY OF THIS DECISION HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE PLANNING BOARD AND THE CITY CLERK Mneal from this decision. if any, shad be mice pursuant to Section 17 of the Mass. General L i,'+s. Chanter POS, and sh-.11 he head v,thin 20 days .a 1:r CIo rLrta of hl;,,l of phi., dr_u;nn In (tic olf:co of the City Clcrk. >: •')3. Sc^tion I I. the V ria nce c' : '.:I:'.' r:r. •.;n J n,:: t:iko elt_•ct until a copy of the _-.".io❑. : •..r. •.I^. oer. I ..':n e• City C.'ork. ❑¢d 20 drys hive le,ll r", Iv"C1! i. id ;r L':.:f, I .:ucn anneal has heen •..'.i, L: I :; bee❑ :'.:;n'.'.-:c:,; ar •...:•o•l i; n:cordrd in the South E<sex R C^Ghv ill ind Inl!ov'd Ln6,.r Iii^ n.un' or 19c owner of record or. Is recordad and noted on the owner's Certificate of fltla. .. _.___._._.. 80ARR OF APP Cite of Salem, f aggarbugettg s •, 3publir 3propertp Department 3guilbing Department ®ne gpalem Oreen (976) 745-9595 ext. 360 /,� Peter Strout copy Director of Public Property ��JJ Inspector of Buildings Zoning Enforcement Officer December 8, 1998 I John Ellis Jr. 178 Lowell Street Peabody, Mass. 01960 RE: 256 Jefferson Avenue Dear Mr. Ellis; Due to a complaint received by the Neighborhood Improvement Task Force, I conducted an inspection of the above mentioned property and found the following violations : 1 . The boat in the driveway, violates Section 7 . 1 of the City of Salem Zoning Ordinance. This ordinance pertains to the use and storage of trailers. It states; Trailers stored in side or rear yard shall not be placed closer than 10 feet from a lot line or within 5 feet of any building. Please notify this department within fifteen (15) days upon receipt of this letter, to inform us as to what course of action you will take to rectify these violations . Failure to do so will result in legal action being taken against you. Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, C _- Thomas St. Pierre Assistant Building Inspector TJS: scm cc: Pat Carney Councillor Lovely, Ward 3 F-i-r4r/C. O. CUPY �CONDIT�,! „ CERTIFIC TE OF OCCUPANCY CITY OF SALEM Issued. A Permit #: ,59v-RG SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS 01970 City of Salem Building Dept. a 9�D�MINE�� DATE DCTOHER 021 1g ` E PERMIT NO. `575--199f- APPLICANT OWNER/JOHN EL_LIS, JR ADDRESS 178 L.OWELL ST OWNER (NO.) (STREET) (CONTE'S LICENSE) CITY PEABODY STATE YIA ZIP CODE 01960 TEL.NO. .308- 5 3c"4895 PERMIT TO ALTERATION sToav TWO OR ORE FAMILY NUDWELLING ( 1 (PMBEROF UNITS (TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT) NO. (PROPOSED USE) ZONING r(LO CATION) 0='56 JEFFERSON AVENUE DISTRICT (NO.) (STREET) BETWEEN AND (CROSS STREET) (CROSS STREET) LOT SUBDIVISION MAP c' LOT 008 BLOCK SIZE 17021 351 qC1 FT BUILDING IS TO BE FT.WIDE BV FT.LONG BV FT.IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION TOTVPE USE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDATION (TYPE) REMARKSEXPAND IST FL RPT^ MORE DEDRMS, 2 DOOR WAYS; & 79 ((SFT A, PFR FSI ANS; I . E. - AREA ORPERMIT Q@ VOLUME ESTIMATED COST@ 5, QIQI L71 $ I FEE 171171 (CUBICISOUARE FEET) OWNER ELL IS TOHN H TR BUILDING DEPT. ADDRESS 178 LOWELL GTR =T BY 1 _ F T 3� `� �,� (MU of �$ah= Mass ar4us eats �, 'r'�a VOW Propertg Department 4ecrrw Nudbing Bepartment (Put 6alem (6reen 500-745-9595 fid. 300 Leo E. Tremblay Director of Public Property Inspector of Building Zoning Enforcement Officer May 6, 1994 Jack Ellis 178 Lowell Street Peabody, MA 01960 RE: 256 Jefferson Avenue, Salem Dear Mr. Ellis: Thank you very much for your prompt response to the notice dated March 29, 1994 regarding several violations at the above referenced property. I conducted an inspection of the property on May 5, 1994 and found all violations had been repair. I appreciate your taking immediate action to correct said violations. This office will notify all the appropriate departments and the Ward Councillor that this situation has been brought to a satisfactory conclusion. Sincerely, Leo E. Tremblay Inspector of Buildings Zoning Enforcement Officer LET:bms cc: Councillor Donahue, Ward 3 April 8 , 1994 Leo E. Tremblay Inspector of Buildings City of Salem One Salem Green Salem, MA 01970 Dear Leo: As per our recent phone conversation regarding your letter dated March 29, 1994 , pertaining to 256 Jefferson Ave. , all items have been addressed with the exception of the last one which will be completed in the near future . I will contact you when this last repair has been completed. Regarding the confusion of the inspector from the Board of Health as to whether the property is a three or four family dwelling, following is a brief explanation. I bought the property as a four family dwelling in 1980 . In 1989 when I began to renovate the apartments and went to the Building Inspector for the necessary permits , I was informed the property was listed as a three family and commercial space. Since that time, the property has been rented as a three family with the commercial area remaining vacant . If you need additional information, please feel free to call me at 532-4895 . Sincerely, o��'`'�` Ja kais Gifu of %034 ttlem, Massar4usetts Public Prnpertp Department gyp^ iguilbing i3epartment (One t3ntem Green 508-745-9595 1Ext. 3 00 Leo E. Tremblay Director of Public Property Inspector of Building March 29, 1994 Zoning Enforcement Officer John Ellis, Jr. 178 Lowell Street Peabody, MA 01960 RE: 256 Jefferson Ave. Dear Mr. Ellis: I, in conjunction with the Health Department, conducted an inspection of the above referenced property. The following is a list of violations that come under the jurisdiction of the Building Department, you will receive separate notice from the Health Dept. 1. Unregistered vehicle must either be removed or registered. 2. Egresses at the second and third floors in the rear of the building must be kept free of debris. 3. No smoke detectors were found in the second or third floor hallways in the rear of the building. 4. Trash barrels were blocking egress on first floor. 5. Repairs to doors and windows are incomplete. 6. Downspouts missing on side & rear of building. 7. Smoke detectors at first floor stairway must be repaired. 8. Foundation needs minor repairs, mortar missing between granite stone. 9. Plaster at rear corner of building must be repaired. (Plaster missing causing decay) . Please contact this office upon receipt of this letter to inform us of your intent to correct these violations. Failure to comply could result in the appropriate legal action being taken. Sincerely, -CCec Leo E. Tremblay Inspector of Buil lags LET:bms cc: Councillor Donahue, Ward 3 \256jef\ of t$tt1em, Massar4usetts n Public Prnpertp Mepartment iguilbing Department (One 6alem I6reen 500-745-9595 iExt. 300 Leo E. Tremblay Director of Public Property Inspector of Building March 29, 1994 Zoning Enforcement Officer John Ellis, Jr. 178 Lowell Street Peabody, MA 01960 RE: 256 Jefferson Ave. Dear Mr. Ellis: I, in conjunction with the Health Department, conducted an inspection of the above referenced property. The following is a list of violations that come under the jurisdiction of the Building Department, you will receive separate notice from the Health Dept. 1. Unregistered vehicle must either be removed or registered. 2. Egresses at the second and third floors in the rear of the building must be kept free of debris. 3. No smoke detectors were found in the second or third floor hallways in the rear of the building. 4. Trash barrels were blocking egress on first floor. 5. Repairs to doors and windows are incomplete. 6. Downspouts missing on side & rear of building. 7. Smoke detectors at first floor stairway must be repaired. 8. Foundation needs minor repairs, mortar missing between granite stone. 9. Plaster at rear corner of building must be repaired. (Plaster missing causing decay) . Please contact this office upon receipt of this letter to inform us of your intent to correct these violations. Failure to comply could result in the appropriate legal action being taken. Sincerely, Leo E. Tremblay � Inspector of Buildings LET:bms cc: Councillor Donahue, Ward 3 \256jef\ Plans must be filed and approved by the Inspector before a permit will be granted. No. 419"93 City of Salem Ward H.ca+wt4a 3 IS PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE ; HISTORIC DISTRICT? Yes No s IF SIDING, HAS ELECTRICAL PERMIT BEEN OBTAINED? Yes No Home Phone # S'a6--5-5 -V 2J APPLICATION Bus. Phone # FOR PERMIT TO - Salem,Mass., TO THE INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS: The undersigned herebv applies for a permit to build according to the following specifications: Owner's name and address �'�Gs/his _ /o ?' Gn 117 h7 Ass d//6D Architect's name Mechanic's name and address %1N><�10:.Y �O dt�e: / ,Q %�. s k' as AI-A4,Jo e 'Oy'Os r O/r16o Location of building,No. Z-f6 What is the purpose of building? �.-rin,.r, YIU A•v� Z:s�r// _.Ow+G Material of building? Asbestos? f,o If a dwelling,for how many families' Will the building conform to the requirements of the law? ��rS Estimated cost 2-0� • o -6ontractors LL'c.Ny Signature of applicant d RE RKS SIGNED UNDER THE �/ PENALTY OF PERJURY. C",L No. / ' F-93 Ward _ APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ROOF REROOF OR INSTALL SIDING LocatioT 15 144Ld ate) _ PERMIT GRANTED ' C;) 6 199_? Approv ti �/QC.O,( 'Id7 Inspe or I lycjto�w 9 -oj