38 HOWARD STREET - BUILDING INSPECTION 711F'[l4G ? UPC 10333 No. 153L-3 � HASTINGS, MN R. Lessard, Archited, NCARB Paul R.t= �d, Architect, 18 eavift Un' e— T%4�a n (978) 210-1960 paul@paularchitect.com .............. www.paularchitect.com Mr. Thomas St. Pierre, Dir. June 6, 2012 City of Salem Inspectional Services 120 Washington St. Salem, XM. 01970 RE: 48 Howard St. 2nd floor unit Dear Sir: 1, hereby, withdraw my Building Permit for the second floor apartment repairs at 48 Howard St., Salem, NM. The owners have indicated that they have no more money to pay for further construction so we have left the job site. Sincerely, Paul R. Lessard, Registered Architect Citp of '*aIPM' §ag!6aCbU.5Ctt5 t� Public Propertp Department jBuilbing Department One balem &reen (978) 745-9595 ext. 380 Peter Strout Director of Public Property Inspector of Buildings Zoning Enforcement Officer 7/31/01 Donna Caramello Re: 38 Howard St. Salem, Ma. This letter is in response to your inquiry as to whether the above mentioned structure can be increased from a one family to a two family. According to the R2 district this structure can be increased to a two family by right. You will have to provide three parking spaces for the two units. However, If such structure used for single or two family residential purposes can be enlarged or altered in conformity with the lot coverage, front yard, side yard, rear yard and distance requirements of Table 1 of Article VI, said enlargement or alteration shall not be deemed an increase in the nonconformity of the structure and permissible even though the lot area and lot width are nonconforming. Should such structure be destroyed by any means to an extent of more than fifty percent of its replacement cost or more than fifty percent of its floor area at the time of destruction, it shall not be reconstructed except in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance. Sincer Peter trout Zoning Enforcement Officer OP-2002-0102 Building Permit No.: 192-2001 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem BUILDING,ELECTRICAL&MECHANICAL PERMITS DEPARTMENT This is to Certify that the RESIDENCE: located at 6w lllnp Typo 0038 HOWARD S'I'REI`r in the CITY OF SALEM Ad0loao TOW Vchy Na"M IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY i 38 HOWARD STREET UNIT I This permit is granted in conformity with the Sumacs and ordinances relating thereto,and expires .,,.,. ........ . unless sooner suspended or revoked, Explro0on Dole .............. ..........................--.........................--- Issued On: Fri Apr 5,2002 --- #rx ------ _..... - y/y� GeoTMS®2002 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. ---------------------------------- ----- -------------------------------- - i a ,w a $ w^.3 � r W p '- is . 4'Y 0038 HOWARD STREET ! 192-2001`Y T1s# , 656, ' JI COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map _ �i35 �t " , CITY OF SALEM iBlock PC0141— iPermit -Building _ jUategory - 434 ResidenGal.additrBUILDING PERMIT � Permit# a 192-2001 Project#,. JS-2002=0386 Est.Cost:, $85,000:00 -� $5f5.00, PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const Class:, I Contractor: License: Use Group:' ' Circle C. Construction General Contractor-Salem#1986 Lot Size(sq.ft) I 2420 Owner: DEVOE ROBERT J ,�„ Zoning R2 Applicant: Circle C.Construction U nts GamedY z AT. 0038 HOWARD STREET ;--, Units Lost.r.t-� '� - - —`� ISSUED ON: 31 Aug [.0/ _ .EXPIRES ON: 31-Mar-2002 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORD" Renovate fire damaged structure per plans submitted. T.J.S.r POSE' THIS CARD SO IT IS;,j 'ISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P ftispc or of Buildings i 77 gs•. Underground: Service: metd` Foundation: Rough: Rough: r� yv"adv` House# Rough Frame:.�}1/ �4 w�7 i ..,. - IFinal:QKt{, O.}. Final:_� �/ k-" 't• Fireplace/Chimney: /— / lLi '/V � Iusulalion: IGas Fire Department Board of Health j, Final: 4 t�V Ro u g h:() , 4—,3— 01 Oil: Treasury: t00 Excavation:Final: fC ?` 6 01 S joke: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF SA.L:EMU7-jtv-7�—/VIOLATION OF;ANY QF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Signature: Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: BUILDING REC-2002-000403 30-Au.-01 1761 $515.00 h Call for Permit to Occupy 9�d �%3'9595 CeoTMS®2001 Des Laurie:s Municipal Solutions,Inc 1 F � r T t c V" V3QVE AD CITY OF SALEM BUILDING , PERMIT T a. ---- r OP-2002-0102 wilding Permit No.: 192-2001 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Salem BUILDING,ELECTRICAL&MECHANICAL PERMITS DEPARTMENT This is to Certify that the RESIDENCE located at -------------------------- --------------------------- Dwelling Type 0038 HOWARD STREET in the CITY OF SALEM - -------------------- ------------------------------------- Adtlress --------------------Town/City Name-------------- --- IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 38 HOWARD STREET UNIT 2 This permit is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and expires unless sooner suspended or revoked. Expiration Date -- - - -------- ---- Issued On:Fri Apr 5,2002 -- - ----------------------- GeoTMS®2002 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. x: