190 FORT AVENUE - BUILDING INSPECTION i 190 FORT, AVENUE ' I LAW OFFICES OF MICHAEL E. McMAHON ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW - 85 NAHANT STREET LYNN,MASSACHUSETTS 01902 (617)581-1010 Faaimile)617)581-3010 September 20, 1996 Office of the Building Inspector City of Salem 1 Salem Green Salem, MA 01970 RE : Salem Willows Yacht Club, Inc . Notice of Chapter 91 M.G.L. Amnesty Permit Application Dear Sir/Madam: Please find enclosed a copy of the Waterways (Amnesty) Permit Application as is being submitted by the Salem Willows Yacht Club, Inc. to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection - Waterways Division. As you are aware, page 4 (four) of the application requires a verification that the existing structure is not in violation of local zoning ordinances and by-laws . I will present the original of this application to your office for your verification. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Very truly your3, Michael E . McMahon MEM/pb Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection—Waterways Program Trans; rtr i BRP WW 01 Waterways License or Permit: Non Amnesty BRP WW 02 Waterways Amnesty License or Interim Approval BRP WW 03 Waterways Amendment to license or Permit . General Waterways Application See Instrpage 1 bens fore on Project information page completing sections A-D of 1. Which permit category are you applying for? 7. Project description: this term ❑ BRPWWOt ❑ BRPWW03 Continue existin use an .......... ._...............................................................q..... ❑ BRP WW 02(Amnesty) maintenance-._of-_._a-._buil.d.a,x>.q........._ ........................ . 2. Applicant: and pier wi_th---_f_loats...-kno.wa......._ Salem Willows Yacht Club 3++c.. as the Salem Willows•-.Y,ac.b.t........ 190 Fort Avenue _..................._..__..._....._.------_------..._..._._�..--- -- - Club. Ma'IlnpAAOress Salem Massachusetts 8. Description of existing and proposeduse(s): Gb/ram srxe _Cantinve....existing...u-se....a-nit--- rdeorone(ham) fw i maintenance of abuilding_and 3. Authorized agent(if any): pier with floats known as Michael....E......McMahon.e....Esq- the Salem Willows Yacht Club. Nam - ..........—.. 8.5....Nahant....S.tr ae.t............................................... Addreas - 9. Is this application for an Amnesty Interim Approval? Lynn...........Massichu.se.tt.s..................................... ❑ Yes K No cryo Stere H'Yes",submit plans prepared in accordance with 6..._....... _ .....) _5.8.1-1010 APpend'ocA. .. . ....................................... .... . rtleprroee 4. Property owner: 10. What is the approximate total cost of the project(including materials&labor)? City of Salem _ None - exists presently — --— Bu i 1 t..._ .Tl..._]..9.7..8_...1.9.2D......................_..._. Nartr(9Weennrlmm�rVlant) .....'-- OrNofsf BW soyecun 11. List the name and complete mailing address of each abutter (attach additional sheets,8 necessary): 1MAW rsr;1—sirtso City of Salem Salem Massachusetts cryaow+ coons Salem City Hall 5. Name of the water body: Salem, Massachusetts ......................................................................................................_... 12. h have attached project plans in accordance with the 6. The water body at the project site is: instructions contained in.-•: (check 1 or more of both a&b) ❑ Appendix A(for Interim Approval applications) a. :61 Tidal ❑ Filled Tidelands ❑ Great Pond ❑ Appendix B(for Permit applications) ❑ River/Stream ❑ Uncertain ❑ Appendix C(tor License applications) b. n Natural ❑ Man-Made ❑ Uncertain Appendices A-C begin on page 7 of this Application Package: Rev.2193 Page 2 0l 8 Massachusetts Department o/Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection— Waterways Program Transmittal! BRP WW 01 Waterways License or Permit: Non Amnesty BRP WW 02 Waterways Amnesty license or Interim Approval BRP WW 03 Waterways Amendment to License or Permit General Waterways Application 13 Certification Please type or print Geary all All applicants, property owners and authorized agents must sign this page.All future application correspondence may be Information on this provided signed by the authorized agent alone. pr form. n I hereby make application for a permit or license to � '•�-�— - - -- ""' authorize the activities I have described herein.Upon my Ap#kjnslpnarure'5-tom--` signature, I agree to allow the duly authorized representatives -...—✓••�� 9F..............................-...---._..................................... of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Dere and the Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management Program to enter upon the premises of the project site at reasonable times _ __.____•,•••.,_•,•,•,.•,...._..._._.._.__:—__..—�� for the purpose of inspection. Rupe�ypweltsyreareplMeerenrtlu rogmq I hereby certify that the information submitted in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.' pyre ......................................................................................_...__.........._.... AgetrsslpAgn la+ppnC&e) . ......—_...............:.........._......................._.............-...........—-----"--- we Waterways Dredging Addendum 1. Provide a description of the dredging project. NONE ....................:................................................................................................................................................................................................_.........-.- 2. What is the purpose of the dredging? NOT APPLICABLE .................................................................. .............................................................................................._.................................................._.........._- 3. What is the volume(cubic yards)of material to be dredged? NOT APPLICABLE 4. What method will be used to dredge? NOTAPPLICABLE _..................................................._..._........_............._..... ..................................................................................................._......................._. 5. Describe the disposal method that will be used and give the disposal location(include a separate disposal site location map): NOT APPLICABLE ........................................................................................................................................................................................................._.........._................ Rev.2193 Page 3 of 8 ....... Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection— Waterways Program Tranemdtal i-- -_. BRP WW 01 Waterways License or Permit: Non Amnesty t BRP WW 02 Waterways Amnesty License or Interim Approval BRP WW 03 Waterways Amendment to License or Permit General Waterways Application ' Municipal Zoning Certificate Please type or Salem Willows Yacht Club print dearly all wrtedmplianr information provided on 190 Fort Avenue MIS form. Ro[cesrrtelalaress Salem, Massachusetts ........................__.........-...................__.........__..................-- -._...._._._ _. ..........-•----..._.............. __.. Gry/ram - - Coastal Shoreline aaremey ........._..........................__._._..__...................___.._—_...___—_._._....____.....—_._--...._____ awlpaon dpopoW use ardop in use Continued existing use of shoreline--,_dock_foci_lily-_........._---__-._............... _.. cons.is.tinq of _an exi_stirig..__bui_lding,:,_and.-_a-_pig, ,--- -kxlickure............. with attached floats. To be completed by municipal clerk or appropriate municipal official. 9 hereby certify that the project described above and more fully detailed in the applicant's waterways license application and plans is not in violation of local zoning ordinances and bylaws.' _.................._..........................-----.- .................. ---_.—._..- -- --•--.............- P&t Nam dMunbpaf anal S~dMunbpd anal - -----...----.—._._—._.�_------------- - _._---- ----- nae aryYraen ...........................................................—........ _ _ ..................... Dare qev.2t93 Page 4 of 8 ................................... Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection—Waterways Program Tran-�-.in.-'•- Y 9 Transmittal) BRP WW 01 Waterways License or Permit: Non Amnesty BRP WW 02 Waterways Amnesty License or Interim Approval BRP WW 03 Waterways Amendment to License.or Permit . General Waterways Application Please type or print Municipal Planning Board Notification dearly all informa- tion provided on this ......... Elub._ Z'nL------..---....-_......_------_.....___...._......__� _ ._......._._. form. Naned�pgant Notice to Applicant: 190 Fort Avenue This Municipal f ledsoeetald=5 Planning Bard Notification section must be submitted Salem, Massachusetts along with the Clry/fawn original application materials.itg annnnot _Coastal Shoreline be signed by Via appropriate Waterway municipal official at the time of delivery, . the applicant should _._....._......._...............................__...._..........._...__.._.... _...._--._...�------------------.._..__..-- .— waft until heorshe awpeondptopoW use oidoW in use recelvesthe Continued existinq use of shoreline dock facility consisting executedsigature - ---- before submitting the completed of an existinq building and a pier structure with attached application package to DEP. floats. +, ,.. .....o .. �. ,.<.a .... ..,.,..k,,,e fru._._.._...:.:..as ..f.. >. . . .................Sw._....,.� ..�.. To be completed by municipal clerk or appropriate municipal official. .'I hereby certify that a copy of the completed waterways license application and plans described above was submitted by the applicant to the municipal planning board.' . . ._......_..._._..._............................__._...----..._.._.._._.. PnnfKane Soiam dMunidpaf Anda) ntle citylTo" Are Rev.2W Page 5 of 8 M I CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN LA7 42'3Q� 204f HAS 1 CONFOREEN WITH THE IRULES LOCUS , '�' MI AND REGULATIONS OF THE REGISTERS OF DEEDS OF THE SAL EM NEGK COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSET •�y 7UNIP6R 1 POINT GI7Y Or SALEM £ ;� p�q Crrr {GALL Y ;f SALEM, MA O(970 :w PATE NAME 'O KEY MAP :0 1 TRACED FROM Q.!a.G.S. 7t1 SALEM QUADP,ANQaLMn �� 2083 1041.5 0 2083 50'Git2I' DECK 1 1 4 _ PIER ; o- WALKWAY FLOATS 5011 X 24' DOD FRAME 1 ( FL000 E:$B S'Aa�t4 .rl� PLAN SCALE CC FEET 30 Is O 30 PLAN ACCOMPANYING P;TITION OF SALEM WILLOWS YACHT CLUB, INC. TO M.AtNTAIN AS CQNSTRUCTI=O, �Oop �RAM6A SuiLoiNG AND DECKP(£R WALKWAY AND FLOATS IN SALEM SOUNDS � SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS cu HEcl'T I OF �, .S'CPEM81=Ft (L,(996 U I CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN HAS BEEN PREPARED IN CONFORMITY WITH THE RULES AND REOULATIONS OF THE REGISTERS OF DEEDS OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETV ® ® 6U 11 It It 11 DATE NAME 1dAL1 QJ WGOD (4) Iwo= 8x12 BEAM EUSTS .POS (�)O�ICRbTE CS) CONCRETE �+- - 12,---.}*-- 10 EAST ELEVATION hLLW. 4.25 SCALE 0P FEET l0 3' 4 to NORT'K 1=LEVA-n ,, SCALE OF F5>sT S' HEFT Z nF iZ 10 5 O 14