65 JEFFERSON AVENUE - PROPERTY CARD (4) DATE OF PERMIT PERMIT NO. OYlN ER LOCATION #65 DWELLING, MATERIAL. DIMENSIONS NO.OF STORIES NO.OF FAN 1ILIES WARD /BL/tL dER - COST - OTH BLDGS. MATERIAL DIMENSIONS NO.OF STORIES BUILDER (J( o U 0 POCKET FOLDER PLAN I NO.SHEENS 6/17/80 #218 - Erect 40' x 80' temporary tent $300.00 6/22/81 #241 Erect W x 80 temporary tent � N,4' , 6/30/82 #242 Erect temporary tent for furniture display 10/31/85 #729 Repairs to foundation and replacement of rotted sill and corner post. Replace missing metal siding with 16 Gauge`sheet metal. Replace wood trim to match existing, $500,00 8/4/86 #619 Remove and replace all area damage by fire. Est. Cost $8,000. Fee ck. 53.00 6/2/88 #310-88 Erect 4O'X4O White tent from 6/2/88 to 6/6/88 in parking lot ,cost $640. fee $20.00 (owner Titus Furniture) 7/ 18/88 #41O-88 Erect '4O'X4O' tent from 7/ 12/88 to 7/24/88, cost $640. fee $20-00 11/20/02 BOARD OF APPEAL: GRANTED - Variance from the off-street parking requirements Petitioner Jeffrey Brothers _ . 8/30/99 11595-99 PERMIT FOR PILES ONLY PER bRAWTNGS' SUBMITTED.> est. 40,000.00 fee 400:00 PS 9/23/99 #666-99 PERMIT FOR FOUNDATION ONLY, est. 85,000.00 fee 850.00.T.J.S. 11/1/99 0724-99 Permit to construct warehouse as per board of appeals Est. 294,000 F23 2945700' T.J.S. 12/22/99 #903-99 CONSTRUCT SIGN PER DRAWING SUBMITTED. "E.M.R. DRYWALL, INC" est. 1,500.00 fee 20.00 P.S. 5/5/00 #1154900 SMALL TENNANT FIT OUT PER DRAWING SUBMITTED. cest 10,000.00 fee 105.00 T.J.S. 9/7/00 111154-00 CERTIFIECATE OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED. 30.00 FEE T.J.S. ij