30 Pleasant St_ Violation Ticket 10-23-24 env S CITY OF SALEM �I,!• I t ;' t 1--MO-NTH DAY YEAR TWE I LOCATION NAME OF OFFENDER STATE ZIP ADDRESS 1 hereby acknowledge receipt of the foregoing citation X Date: — — — [ }Unable to obtain signature of offender [ }Date Mailed— —— (]Posting Advertisements.Notices on City Property SCO 4.2 (]illegal Signs []Violation of State Building Code SCO 121 SCO 4-39 and 4-47 (}Removal of Unsightly Conditions []Violation of BOCA Nat,Fire Prev.Code SCO 12-56 SCO 20111 [}Keeping of Trailers,Comm.and Rec.Vehicles,etc. SCO 2421.1 [}Removal of Snow/ice from Sidewalks SCO 38-13 and 38-14 i [}Zoning Ordinance SZO§ (}Other Citation: Signature of Enforcing Person Department $SOAO Amount of Fine: E l warning [ }$26.00 [ l [ 1$100.00 [ ]$150.00 [ I$300.00 [ ]Other You have the following alternatives in this matter within 21 days of the date of i this notice: I j choose to pay the fine within 21 days of the date of this notice. Enclose a check or money order payable to the City of Salem and return it in this envelope or by delivering in hand to the City Clerk's Office.City Hall,93 Washington Street,Salem, MA 01970.If delivering in hand,please note the hours of City Hail operation,Monday through Wednesday from 8:00 a.m.to 4:00 p.m..Thursday from 8:00 a.m.to 7:00 p.m.and Friday from 8:00 a.m.to 12:00 p.m. (}choose to contest this matter within 21 days of the data of this notice and request in writing a noncriminal hearing. Enclose a copy of this citation and mail it to the Clerk Magistrate,Salem District Gourt,5 Federal Street,Salem,MA01970.The Court will schedule a hearing. FAILURE TO OBEY THIS NOTICE WITHIN 21 DAYS OF THE DATE OF THIS NOTICE WILL RESULT IN THE CITY OF SALEM APPLYING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A CRIMINAL SALEM PERMI AGAINST ORS LICENSES YOU APPLY FOR OR THAT YOU HAVEBEEN GRANTEDCATION OF ANY CITY , INCLUDING BUILDING PERMITS. City of Salem.City Clerk's Office,93 Washington Street,Salem,MA 01970 (978)745-9595,ext.5610. SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS ENCLOSE PAYMENT IN THIS ENVELOPE,PEEL AND SEAL