331 JEFFERSON AVENUE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT PROOF OF SERVICE 10-1-2024 Essex County Sheritrs Department,PO BOX 2019,Salem, MA 01970
October 1,2024
1 hereby certify and return that on 9/25/2024 at 10:07 AM 1 served a true and attested copy of the trash violation letter,
exhibits in this action in the following manner: To wit,by leaving at the last and usual place of abode of Meaghan
Elizabeth Geary, 331 Jefferson Avenue Salem, MA 01970, and by mailing 1'`class to the above address on 9/26/2024.
Attestation fee($10.00)Basic Service Fee($20.00) Conveyance($1,50)Postage and Handling($3.00)Travel($3.20)-
Total: $37.70
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