40R Highland Avenue #416 CITE' OF SALEM NLASSACHUSETTS lu
TEL. (978) 741-1800
KIMBERLEY DRISCOLL healthasalem.com
MAYOR I-Ii;-\i i i A(,,vNT
November 23,2022
Fairweather Apartments
40R Highland Avenue
VIA CERTIFIED MAIL: 7021 2720 0000 5483 5354
Dear Sir/Madam
In accordance with Chapter 111,Sections 127A and 127B of the Massachusetts General Laws, 105 CMR 400.000;
State Sanitary Code,Chapter 1: General Administrative Procedures and 105 CMR 410.000: State Sanitary Code,
Chapter 11:Minimum Standards of Fitness for Human Habitation,an inspection was conducted of the property 4011
Highland Avenue#416 permitted by occupant Claire Lewis conducted by Janice Duhaime,Sanitarian on
November 23,2022 at 10:00 am.
Notice: if this rental unit is occupied by a child or children under the age of 6 years,it is the property owner's
responsibility to notify tenants of lead related reports and tests,and to ensure that this unit complies fully with 105
CMR 460:000:Regulations for Lead Poisoning Prevention and Control. For further information or to request an
inspection,contact the Salem Board of Health at 978-741-1800.
You are hereby ORDERED to make a good-faith effort to correct the violations listed on the enclosed inspection
report and to take all positive action to prevent these violations from occurring again in the future.
Failure on your part to comply within the time specified on the enclosed inspection report will result in a complaint
being sought against you in Trial Court. Time for compliance begins with receipt of this Order.
Should you be aggrieved by this Order,you have the right to request a hearing before the Board of Health. A
request for said hearing must be received in writing in the office of the Board of Health within 7 days of receipt of
this Order. At said hearing,you will be given an opportunity to be heard and to present witness and documentary
evidence as to why this Order should be modified or withdrawn.You may be represented by an attorney. Please
also be informed that you have the right to inspect and obtain copies of all relevant inspection in investigation
reports,orders and other documentary information in the possession of this Board,and that any adverse party has the
right to be present at the hearing.
Please be advised that the conditions noted may enable the occupant(s)to use one or more of the statutory remedies
available to the s outlined in the enclosed inspection report form.
r tl oard Health T044�e -
David Greenbaum Janice Duhaime
Health Agent Sanitarian
cc: Tenant
TEL. (978) 741-1800
KIAIBERLEY DRISCOLL health@salem.com
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State Sanitary Code, Chapter II: 105 CM 410.000
Minimum Standards of Fitness for Human Habitation
Occupant: Claire Lewis Occupant Phone:(781) 584- 9322
Occupant Address: 40R Highland Avenue
Salem, MA. 01970
Owner Address: 40R Highland Avenue Owner/Manager: Fairweather Apartments
Salem, MA. 01970
Inspection Date: November 23, 2022 Inspection Time: 10:00 am
Conducted By: Janice Duhaime Accompanied By: Occupant ()
Specified Time Reg. #410. Violation(s)
Based upon a tenant complaint a permitted inspection was conducted in
accordance with Article II of the State Sanitary Code, 105 CMR 410.000. Upon
Inspection the following were noted:
24 Hours 550 (B) Bed bugs found inside unit. Owner is to exterminate unit. Owner must send
extermination report to the Salem Board of Health after the extermination has
taken place. Exterminator is to return as often as needed to rid the building
of oest. Owner has 24 hours to correct violation.
N/A N/A Owner has 30 DAYS to correct all violations listed in this report. Owner must
start making good-faith effort(reporting to the Salem Board of Health what
actions will be taken in writing, hiring contractors that may be needed, or starting
necessary work on his/her own)within the time frame noted beside each
violation and within each violations' description.
One or more of the above violations may endanger or materially impair the health, safety and well-being of the
Code Enforcement Inspector
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