2023-03-08 Meeting MinutesSRA
March 8, 2023
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City of Salem Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board or Committee: Redevelopment Authority, Regular Meeting
Date and Time: Wednesday, March 8, 2023, at 6:00 pm
Meeting Location: Virtual Zoom Meeting
SRA Members Present: Chair Grace Napolitano, David Guarino, Dean Rubin,
Christine Madore
SRA Members Absent: Cynthia Nina-Soto
Others Present: Tom Daniel – Director of Planning and Community
Recorder: Colleen Brewster
Executive Director’s Report
Mr. Daniel stated:
1. Charlotte Forten Park: The advisory committee is looking for a sculptor and Ms. Newhall-
Smith is working on an RFP.
2. Old Town Hall: Had their black diaspora cultural event in February and the City is issuing an
RFP to program the building during October and will also outreach to previous users the
3. SRA Financials: They will investigate administrative functions and processes of SRA
financials and resources. They will meet with the city’s finance team later in March.
Mr. Rubin stated:
4. Charlotte Forten Park: As an SRA participant, he joined the advisory committee several
meetings late. He presented a brief slideshow of their recent activity at the park, their
meeting goals, project values, update on a Call for Artists, and the 3–4-month timeline for
selecting a sculptor. The committee wants the project to reflect values of the community,
they are taking a wholistic approach with a variety of participants, they are committed to
inclusivity and are seeking the perspective of city residents. His first meeting went well, he
felt welcome, and he noted the SRA’s interest as the owner. The next meeting will be held at
Old Town Hall, and he will provide future updates. He added that he brought up Ms.
Madore’s comment on whether the statue would be ground level vs. on a platform to allow
for interaction. Their initial jury vote was split, some felt that as the first statue for a woman
of color in the city, it should receive the same treatment as Salem’s other statues.
Ms. Newhall-Smith stated:
5. She continues to host a monthly recruitment meeting with Salem Main Streets about
attracting new businesses to the downtown and helping existing businesses grow. Kylie
Sullivan (Salem Main Street) has updated her downtown statistics for their annual meeting on
Tuesday, March 14, 2023, at 6PM at Cinema Salem. The downtown vacancies are
approximately 4%. When including businesses with leases that haven’t opened yet reduces
the vacancy to approximately 2%, which are healthy numbers.
March 8, 2023
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Projects in the Urban Renewal Area
1. 152 Washington Street: Small Project Review – Review DRB Recommendation for façade
improvements including painting, removal of existing fabric canopies, and installation of new
canopies for Dunkin’.
Tyler Rosa (JTE Construction) and Bill Gavigan (Poyant Signs) were present to discuss the
Ms. Newhall-Smith stated that the applicant went before the DRB in February.
Mr. Gavigan stated that the plan is to apply minimal changes, repainting existing and updating the
signage, including the new national rebrand in the new grey tone color scheme which
compliments downtown Salem. All new signage is externally illuminated and will be less square
footage. The façade and accent trim will be painted the new brand colors to modernize it with ¾-
inch-thick PVC applied letters, while keeping but reducing the number of gooseneck lights. Two
new canopies, a small one over the pick-up window and a larger one over the entrance are
proposed. Directional signs on the site will be reflective but not illuminated. The proposed will
be in improvement over what exists.
Mr. Madore raised concerns with traffic circulation at the pick-up windows. Mr. Gavigan replied
that the pick-up window is currently in place and requires no new traffic circulation pattern.
Mr. Rubin noted that the DRB made requests regarding the trash area, and he asked if those
changes would be implemented. Mr. Gavigan replied that the franchisee agreed to implement
the DRB recommendations at the trash enclosure.
Public Comment:
No one in the assembly wished to speak.
VOTE: Madore made a motion to approve as amended by the DRB regarding the trash enclosure
on Washington Street. Seconded by: Guarino.
Roll Call: Guarino, Madore, Rubin, and Napolitano. 4-0 in favor.
2. 27 Charter Street: Small Project Review – Removal of existing and installation of new rooftop
telecommunications infrastructure for AT&T.
Allison Conwell (Centerline Communications) was present to discuss the project.
Ms. Conwell stated that AT&T will replace six antennas with three similarly sized sub-stack
antennas within three sub-sectors. Of the three sectors, one will be the same size, a second will
be two smaller antennas stacked, and a third set will be adjusted and made evenly space at the
northeast corner. All antennas will be painted to match the existing.
Public Comment:
No one in the assembly wished to speak.
March 8, 2023
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VOTE: Rubin made a motion to approve as presented.
Rubin amended the motion to include a referral to the DRB for review and approval, and for SRA
approval of any DRB recommendations. Seconded by: Guarino.
Roll Call: Guarino, Madore, Rubin, and Napolitano. 4-0 in favor.
New / Old Business
Courthouse Projects and Crescent Lot:
Mr. Daniel stated that they are working with the MBTA to close on the parcel. The Courthouse projects
have begun applying for tax credits, MHC had comments that required Winn to return to the buildings
and Winn’s responses were submitted to MHC. The city is working with them to receiving grant funding
from MassDevelopment. A meeting will be held in a couple weeks regarding their commercial partner
and the structure of their agreement. The initial structure was for Winn to have a partner focused on the
non-residential uses and to create a condominium association that Winn would oversee.
They still meet regularly with DCAMM and have a license agreement for access to the site and easement
rights details need to be determined. They should begin permit process in the next couple of months for
changes to the connector and locating mechanical equipment. Ms. Newhall-Smith added that Winn
continues to pursue funding to close the funding gap and the city is supporting them in their efforts.
There are many ongoing behind the scenes tasks. Mr. Daniel stated that the grant from MassDevelopment
for Underutilized Properties Program and they will submit another round on that.
SRA Financials: Received and filed.
Other: Mr. Daniel stated that on Thursday, March 9, 2023 there will be a senate meeting to discuss
continuing remote meetings through March 2025. Mr. Rubin asked about the need for hybrid meetings
with a quorum in the meeting room. Mr. Daniel replied that when the extension was expiring the chair or
vice-chair must have needed to be present along with a quorum in the meeting room and other
participating remotely.
Approval of Minutes
1. Review of February 8, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes
Continued to the next regular meeting.
VOTE: Rubin made a motion to adjourn the regular meeting. Seconded by: Guarino.
Roll Call: Guarino, Madore, Rubin, and Napolitano. 4-0 in favor.
The meeting adjourned at 6:45PM.
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