14B RUSSELL DR - BUILDING INSPECTION What is the Current use of the Building? Material of Building? It dwe&t%how many units? WO the BuO&p Conkm to law? Asbestos? The Chimney Guys ArohROWS Name Address and Phony � ni n6S1 Mecharoes Nar w 978-977-9900 Address and Phone Oxwo ction Supervises Ucw"• C Registration Estirnded Cod of Project:/'� ' Pon*Fes Caleulatlon Permit Fee= Estlnated Cad X i7/s1000 Residential Esiknded Cost X:41/:1000 Cownsmial, - -An Additionsi Slim is added as an Administrative charge. Make sun that aU nelds are properly and legibly`""men to avoid delays in Woc"W ng. The undersigned does heroby apply for a Building Pennit to build to the above stated spec&Auone• Signed under penalty of perjury X N yam\ s At\ r CrrroFaSAA1.r.1 PUBLIC PROPERTY DEPARTMENT ,:�..a18.rsvosatauu MAWS 130 wAfWNG"STRM.sAwrL wrAAocsrrs 0ts7o APPLICATION FOR TSB REPAIR. RENOYATIAN. CANSTgucnoN_ DEMOLITION.OR CSANGB OF USB OR OCCUPANCY. FOR ANY EXISTRVG STRUCTURE OR BUILDING 1.0 SITE INFORMATION .. Location Name: ,t3 --- Property Addross:----- /--46 12ccP// D2 Property Is located in a;Conservation Ame YM Hislaft Diablot YIN 2.0 OWNERSHIP INFORMATION 1.1 Owner of Land Name: Leon/ Address: Telephone: g78- 7S/l 3.0 COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR WORK IN E UBMING BUILDINGS ONLY Addition Existing Renovation �� Number of Stories Renovated Change in Use New Demolition Existing Approximate year of Area per Raw (sf) Renovated construction or renovation of existing building New Brie[Description of Proposed Work: /i-lee P/fre The Chimney Guys -- — - --Peabody,MA-01960 - ------ ---Mail Permit,to: 978-977-9900 - - -