10D RUSSELL DR - BUILDING INSPECTION CITY-OF PUBLIC PROPERTY DEPARTMENT Y,..mW2usr ouscuu NwYol IM WASHiNGUM SMIE"•SV&K%A&%A04L3h1'M 01970 IVL•97&'?45-9S"•FAX M740.9M APPLICATION FOR THE REPAIR. RENOVATION CONSTRUCTION DEMOLITION,OR CHANGE OF USE OR OCCUPANCY FOR ANY EXISTING STRUCTURE OR WELDING 1.0 SITE INFORMATION Location Name: Building p ^0 --- -- ---- ------- Fropody In located In a:Conservalion Area Y/N Hisizift Dlsbict YJN 2.0 OWNERSHIP INFORMATION 2.1 Owner of Land I Name: Address: Telephone: 3.0 COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR WORK IN EXISTING BUILDINGS ONLY Addition ®Rno Renovation Ci Number of Stor C/ Change in Use Demolition Approximate year of Area per floor (sconstruction or renovation of existing building a&J Description of Proposed Work: -fin,e.,.e ale The Chimney Guys P.O. Box 4074 97ft_977_"00 - --- ---Mail Permit to: --- - -- What is the current use of the Building? Material of Building? if dwelling.tww many units? Will the Building Conform to Law?-ph,ea;wney Asbestos? Architect's Name 4074 Address and Phone 978-977-9900- Peabody, MA 01960 Mechanic's Name Address and Phone Construction Supervisors License# HIC Registration N Estimated Cost of Project i o200� Permit FeP Cakwlation Permit Fee: Estimated Cost X$7/$1000 Residential Estimated Cost X$1 V$1000 Commercial An Additional $5.00 is added as an Administrative charge. Make sure that all fields are properly and legibly written to avoid delays in processing. The undersigned does hereby apply for a Building Permit to build to the above stated specifications. Signed under penalty of perjury Date � N 0 y >b /rl y O � a 1