6B RUSSELL DR - BUILDING INSPECTION EI`I -OFSALEN -- • PUBLIC PROPERTY DEPARTMENT Ki%rjFXLEY ONS:OLL MAYOR 120 WASMN= a h-MEEi 'kM!-1 ;NAAAcHtsLj-m 01970 '147]08-74S-959S*FAX:979-740-9846 0 i APPLICATION FOR THE REPAIR. RENOVATION CONSTRUCTION, DEMOLITION OR CHANGE OF USE OR OCCUPANCY FOR ANY EXISTING STRUCTURE OR BUILDING FPro- SITE INFORMATION �A.,) eA e L ation Name:. Building: - (� perty Address: S - r3 Rc sell (JrL roperty is located in a:Conservatbn Area Y/N Historic District YIN A2_ 2.0 OWNERSHIP INFORMATION 2.1 Owner of Land _ Name: O Fl .J H A / 5 Address: R L,65 e) D IZ - 13 Telephone: 9 7 ( O 3.0 COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR WORK IN FYisTiNG BUILDINGS ONLY Addition Existing Renovation C/ Number of stories Renovated Change in Use New Demolition Existing Approximate year of Area per floor (sn Renovated construction or renovation New of existing building Brief Description of Proposed Work: o/d l�� �i i� p/ice 5� �Te.,-� � sy✓ �.�// .ue �5'G�.•-�o ue �w R 5CeeCc 42 Sy5rc��n � �ev� .45� coVeA? The Chimney Guys P.O. Box 4074 --- --------- -------Peabody,MAr01960-- -- Mail Permit to: What is the current use of the Building? Material of Building? If dwelling. how many units? Will the Building Conform to Law`fhe Chimney_Cryc Asbestos? Architect's Name P.O. Box 4074 Address and Phone Peabody,MA UPPOU 9/9-9/1-9900 Mechanic's Name Address and Phone Construction Supervisors License# HIC Registration# Estimated Cost of Project$1 SG>] Permit Fee Calculation Permit Fee$(aI6-� Estimated Cost X$7/$1000 Residential Estimated Cost X$11/$1000 Commercial An Additional$5.00 is added as an Administrative charge. Make sure that all fields are properly and legibly written to avoid delays in processing. The undersigned does hereby apply for a Building Permit to build to the above stated specifications. Signed under penalty of perjury i w �1 L Cui