2A RUSSELL DR - BUILDING INSPECTION —_ C=OF3ALEM PUBLIC PROPERTY DEPARTMEINT 1 �� "M.04 NAtuasst-rrs 01970 'Rai 97S-74S-9S"*FNc 976-740-95" APPLICATION FOR THE REPAIR. RENOVATION, CONSTRUCTION. DEMOLITION. OR CHANGE OF USE OR OCCUPANCY, FOR ANY EXISTING STRUCTURE OR BUILDING 1.0 SITE INFORMATION Location Name: %cam Gn c� Building: -- sa,(e .-, 011k. mcoo Property Is located in a; Conservation Area YIN Historic District YIN 2.0 OWNERSHIP INFORMATION 2.1 Owner of Land _ Name: Address: M Telephone: - crZk-'14 i - a't 41 C— 50$-43a- a14 i 3.0 COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR WORK IN FYIIIIIN = BUILDINGS ONLY Addition Existing Renovation Number of Stories Renovated Change in Use New Demolition Existing 1 Approximate year of Area per floor (sn Renovated construction or renovation of existing building I I New Brief Desccrip�tion of Proposed Work: �( ` � t pet(acp w� l- vtnox hoc -�b inJ0 C— cS\��e SJcroigls Woo fYlante) Mail Permit to: Myt M�, What is the current use of the Building? Material of Building? LO eo If dwelling, how many units? Will the Building Conform to Law? Asbestos? Architect's Name Address and Phone / Mechanic's Name O21&}O Address and Phone C) �x 5 3 ll r' Construction Supervisors License# HIC Registration# Estimated Cost of Pla,t,ed��$ ate'0, ao Permit Fee Calculation Permit Fee tr Estimated Cost X$71$1000 Residential -- -- - _- --- Estimated Cost X$1141000 Commercial AnAdditional $5.00 is added as an Administrable charge. Make sure that all fields are property and legibly written to avoid delays In processing. The undersigned does hereby apply for a Building Permit to build to the above state specifications. Signed under penalty of perjury Date i CIO I� y� \\11vv\\ n CITY OF SALEM PUBLIC PROPRERTY DEPARTMENT rtaaaEatsY natsca L MAYOR IM WAS OCTONSTRW a SALEK MASSACHUST1s01970 TEL 9A-745-9595 a FAX-972-740.9W Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit. BnildeWContmtorgMect idansgq mbm Applicant Print ^\ _ 1Name(BusireaslOrgatairadottlhtdivithtai): � �li5 �9C:��1 �YJPC�Q, '�S 1 9'1 C Address:. d city/state/zip:C+gym, Yh C -1 g Ph..a: 7 a(- G to 10 Are yam an employer?Check the appropriate be= Type of pro]set(required): 1.® I am a employer with 9 4. ❑ 12019 Smell contractor and I 6 (�New construction (1611 and/or part time).• have hired the subcontractor 2.❑ 1 am a sole proprietor at partner- listed on the attachad sheet t 7. Remodeling ship and have no empktyeas Theca aubeontracsor have S. ❑Demolition working for me in any capacity, workers'comp.instance. 9 Building addition [No worker'comp.insurance 5. ❑ We are a corporation and its required.] Other have exercised their 10•0 Electrical repair are additions 3.❑ I am a homeowner doing all work right of exemption per MGL 11.[I Plumbing repairs or additions myself.[No workers'comp. c. 152.41(4).and we have no 12.0 Roof insurance required]t employees.[No workers' insurance require j 13.00 Other QcP t C `c�ce� *Any Wpliosr dui dreb lose el a0nt seen as cut the mcdm tutor dosing ado wedca'eoetpaaadm Itameovea who ch check unitNo ban affAnowt nit a they a dahq all radt and due hbs otmide Maaemn tart saiait a am alRdeek hdlutb�ned, rCoeesebsa that died[tlde hoe map attacked an odditlmd done shoving the sane of the ntbeoeenesn"and unk voeka'cusp.pdisy hegmaadm /am an ewrployer that 4 providing workers'cosrpenrodow Wwance for cry empbsyeas Below lr tha policy ead job she iwforaadkra Insurance Company Name: Policy s or Self-ins.Lie.N_ w C O!� 6 to a 6 (, Oy TT-3 0 /� Expiration Date:_ Job Site Address: � R-v5:;C1 D r' - awstaterzip.3&6—m LM 01q,7,0 Attach a copy of the workers'compensation policy declaration pave(showing the policy number and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage As required under Section 25A of MGL a. 152 can lead to the'mom �' truss of criminal fine up to 31,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment, penalties a i Y prisonment,as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a ine of up to$250.00 a day against the violator. Be advised that a copy of this statement may be forwarded to this Offte of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. /do hereby earri under''Ae and penalties o rJwwlgqr that riot inforswdow provided above L trot an/corrsd Sinature• l� Q Dl�' �i` �i)l()I nn Date! 0-2 Phone 4: F 66 Do not writs iw tb6 area,to be conepistsd by chy or towno,(Jlcinj Permlouccuserity(circle one):ealth 2. Building Department 3.Ciryfrown Clerk 4. Electrical Inspector S.Plumbing Inspector Caatact Person: Phone q: information and instructions Massachuscus General Laws chapter 152 requires all employers to provide workers' compensation for their employees, pursuant to this statute,an employee is defined an"..'every pin in the service of another under any contract of hits, express or implied.oral or wnttm•" or other legal entity.or any two of more An enupfoye►is defined as"an individual,Partnership.association.corporation veer of a deceased employer,or the of the foregoing engaged in a joint eoserpriae.and mchdmg the legal representatives However the association or other legal entity.employing emp Y owner of a dwelling boom� �00qmtescats and who resides therein.or the oaupad of the dwelling souse of aaothar to do maintenance.eonst<+w�a r worh on arch dw ham elling who employs thereto shall not because of such employment he deemed to be an empbyar" or on the grounds or building appurtenant that"every state w local geensing agency shag withhold tb•Italian"or MGL al Of 152.$25C(6)sasses mate a business or to construct buildings in the eommoaw*&"for&W acceptable evWw*of esmPgaaes with the huuranes oovoraga requ�" renewal o[•Ilcemt or permit apptkant who here not produced 152.d estate«Neither the commonwealth not any of its political aubdiviaions shall Additionally.MGL chapter e p $25C(7) le avidenee of compliance with the insurance enter intoreq any centiact for the performance of Public work until acceptable uiremmb of the chapter have been Presented to the contracting authe"ryw Appueana affidavit completely,by eheciting the boxes that apply to Your situation and,if Please fill out the workers'cot on addteaa(es)and Phone number(s)along with that certificate(e)of necessary.supply sub-conuactor(a)name(°), with no employees other than the surancLimited Liability Companies(LLQ or Limited Liability Partnerships(If an LLC or LLP does have mmbers' equired to carry waken m coma istion insurance. members at partners,are not & Beadvised that this affidavit may be submitted to the Department of Iadudsvit employtrid a pow u coverer Abe be sure to sign and date the aflidsviL The affidavit should Accidents for eonfirmation of i °an fce the permit oc license is being requested,not the DOP��Of be returned to the city or the law a if you are required to obtain a workers' l dustrial Accidents. Should you have any que�a regarding theenter their cempenaa a policy,ptesse call the Department at the fo number listed below. Self-insured companies self- mm"license number on the City or Town Oteelab the affidavit is complete and printed legibly. The Department has provided a space at the bottom Please be sue that ns has to contact you regarding the applicant• of the affidavit for you to fill out is the event the Office of Investigations o Please be sure to fill in the permit/licrose number which will be used a,a reference number. In addition,ic applicant that must submit multiple Permighcenes appltcanoos in any given year.need only submit one affidavit indicating currant policy information(if necessary)and under"Job Site Address"the applicant should write'all locations ----(Cityor or marked by the city or town may be provided townca t copy of the of valiidiffld has hem officially stamped or licenses. A new af"-&vu must be filled out each applicant as proof that a valid afRdsn. u to file for aliaeaae a mits�t not related to any business a commercial venture yea.Where a home owner at citizen is obtaining this affidavit (i.e. a dog license or permit to bum leaves etc.)said person is NOT required ro completeI` The Office o[investigations would like to thank you in advance for your cooperation and should you have any questions. please do not hesitate to give us a call. The ghparmaent's address.telephone and fax numbee Thu Commonwealth of MmWIRMas D"a uum of lnthlsirial Accidents Ofiiee of Iavatlpflona 600 Wa bin(M Sftd Boston,MA 02111 Tel. #617-7274900 ext 406 cc 1-877-MASSAFE Fax#617-727-7749 Revised 5-26-05 www. um&ov/dia Crry OP SALE►m PUBLIC PROPERLY DEPAR1MFNT 1M 97&7464M&fats 97►74NW — Consbvedos Debris Dblmd AMult tEer ees dsaoQdos sod nasvades is moidma week dw sisof sdidos a[d*st ft OWMI09 CWk 7M C!I,,loch 111.5 lodmik d dr p wAdow dMOL 444 s SM lsbndvft do s1W1 disposd otbs a pe b>fe.snd M�aoedod due dN ds so d it i s digoul dedggt s dsQad by!�.� 1 u.s 1lAA. �debris wiu b.tr.dpaoea bye U�1 IU debia will be disposed of in:JJ COos6 the yp . oak C . tmeJ24pp , f�ranrse! � p21?lo ewwr GG7 li'r_,h In Pfun S/,cc! r 11'oi l:c rr corti�+::u�ll,n Construction... ,t,, I —Pe ox i3 I c�lion oC Hot.ci tc: MA. 02180 __ I ir., t:oauos�arcr�rforaring ill r�otk myxlf. I an, so!: proprietor ind hiovc no onc Hotl_ing in any car city. c:nploycrpro•,�ding NNotkCcs' comp:tv.ation for r.:y unyloytu ,cotl_ing on t'ilzj-!c, corn;any runic: Phone !nn=ncc company: Policy: 1 a:n so!c propri:lor, gcnual contractor, or homeo�.ncr (circle one) and h_zve hired the con��aaoa li;;cd U-low ticho h„'c ncC folloMng wo[kcrz' cord,action policy: Company name: Phonc cc::.pany add:c-Ss. —aty: Sta(c: s com many: ----- _--- Poliq: ---- .--- Cc:i�pany a,mc: Construction Specialties Phon: �F-< -6 s —mot a ��: • ._sP.O. Box 93stow, M eliam --- -- aty: Sta, i M& 02180 — ---- In:urancc Policy: i ^.tta ch addiuottil shcc is i(nccusary'. P+ilic to s-cure covcragc as rc,uircd under Scclion 25A of MGL 152 can Icad to the implcmu::atioa of cri:niral p-rnaltics of a fmc up to 51,5w.00 and / or onc years' imprisonment as wC11 as civil p-nelucs in C,c fora a 'STOP 1VORK ORDER- ard a fin: of 5100.00 a ny agai" m:. '1 undrlsland tlut a copy of hL state r.,ent nuy tx fot�.ardcd to the O?icc of Invutigalion or the DIA for coverage vcrifi�- iJoa ccr6�51 VIlder the pninr and perm!lies Sirrv-:_urc of application: �c�, ,w,.�„ _ Datc: �INL F( N_w Phone ?fir_& 0^_i._!,l Ucc Or''ti" rIi(: in tlu: Pi:-a — to t.- co;,plctc.! by city or lo',v:I Ci'y or "1'b..�r __--_.__—_____— __ ._ Pcn •Jt M: — _I>'-"?C __--