14A RUSSELL DR - BUILDING INSPECTION What is tM rxxrent use of the SuiidhV? Matwial a su�dirgT ItdweNirq.how ed un&sT va Iha a dWV Conform to Law? AebptosT The Chimney Guys ArchNmt*Name ox t AddrNs and PhwW ♦ n �Ln LAeddes Noma 78-97 -9900 +w Address and Phone HIC PAQWVSdon supervisorsConabuelionsupervisors Estimated Cost a Pro1" Perna Fee Caladatloo Penn&Fee= Estimated Coat X:7/:1000 Reaidwdlsl Edbu tad Coet X:11l:1000 Commercial An AddNWW$5.00 is added as an Administrative dwgs. — Make sure that all flelds are properly and Isobly wttten to avoid delays In Proeeaslnp. . The und.Wned does hereby apply for a Buildup Permit to to the a atatad speclllogd na, sW wd under PwMft of 138" oats ft � , .i2z-- EPTY"Orl ingm 4 PUBLIC PROPERTY ,a DEPARTMENT w.as �3D'e�NNu+L.,l7M s,.�r•sK,w�ws�.oai.,,s ot9'►o s»a sss00.FAe m7+04M A_ppLCATION FOR THE RB_pA_UL RE_rIOVATiAN_ CnrrMUCTjQ DuNIOLMON,OR CHANGE OF U3E OR OCC PANc'v Fog .NV F.YiRMG `ter $TRQCI'U — OR BUII.DINQ 1.0 SM INFORMATION Load= Name: BuNdlna h Addreswjq—_A- _ . sue// r. Property k/bcabd M a;Carenati0n Anw YM�L Hkgoris Olstld YM 2.0 OWNERWIP INFORMATION L1 Owner of Laird Nam4K Addresc TOM~.. gr 77� 96� O.000MPLETE THIS SECTION FOR WORK IN Ex!>fllNp 9(ALMNGs ONLY Addition Existing Renovation Number of Stories Renovated F se New Existing e year of Area per floor (sf) Renovated or renovation uilding New ption of Proposed Work: --- -- ---Mail Permit to: - - -