6 - 6 1-2 ROSLYN ST - BUILDING INSPECTION IMAM 1AUSY19E fIlLer V* AwP ROVED 8Y T+IE .WMPECTDB PFWR TD A PERMIT BENG GRANTED CITY OF SALEM L��No. Date �n Ward Zoning District Is Property Located In Location of G — (o r�2 the Historic District? Yes No_ Buildingf- Is Property Located in the Conservation Area? Yes No Permit to: BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: (Circle whichever apply) Roof, Reroof, Install Siding, Construct Deck, Shed, Pool, Repair/Replace, Other: PLEASE FILL OUT LEGIBLY& COMPLETELY TO AVOID DELAYS IN PROCESSING TO THE INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS: The undersigned hereby applies for a permit to build according to the following specifications: Owner's Name Address & Phone (9 — G f�Z Kos f�,� Sf f � S 3 2— Architect's Name Address & Phone Mechanics Name f Urn 4-p�JO -14- �W? Address & Phone 3�/j �j—/-P,Qt70 J gj (' 3^ 7067 war Ce 3 A,- What is the purpose of building? Material of building? If a dwelling, for how many famities? Will building conform to law? Asbestos? Estimated co.,e> /z-, GO C) City License k state License k � Aec. Inproveraent ��, DD Lic. III Signature of Applicaivr SIGNED UNDER THE PENALTY OF PERJURY DESCRIPTION OF WORK TO BE DONE 1 MAIL PERMIT TO: / / l 43�20 2 y f�elh�rn st 6 i&66 51 .t. No.v� APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO LOC ON�� � C PE bwffGRANTED ) APPROV�D INSPECTOR BUILDINGS F O